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Everything posted by Nude

  1. I like to have them fill my mouth so I can slowly drink them down. Too deep it's been known to flow through my nose. That's hot too! Just as long as I can get air from my mouth
  2. BB'ing earlier in life, say just take what is given because you know you want it, then bend myself over and fuck myself BB
  3. Heck yes! Tied in a sling taking everyones loads without seeing who they are. Pure pleasure!
  4. I've left many sites I've not been happy with. But never made a scene about it. I just closed my account so I'm not drawing attention to myself. Glad I don't have the need to be either an Overt Narcissist or a Covert Narcissist.
  5. I refused them. Yeah, I tried with them for a few years, but they hurt, cause health issues inside the butt, and no real feelings or connection. Besides, I love it when hot studs share their spunk with me, way better connection for all.
  6. The best entertainment of all this is watching both sides media. Many years ago media never took sides, like they do now. Their ratings are off the charts, the media companies make their money that way. Even more fun to watch Congress on YT, and see the real stuff there. Watching who can't answer easy yes or no questions and wonder why they don't? I wonder if they are hiding more than what we are told.
  7. Never stop chasing & sharing

  8. I love how a raw cock feels in me, The pleasures we both get from being connected RAW are amazing! What's in it for the bttm? We get every last drop of the guy's DNA in our bum! I love how slimy seed feels in me. I keep it all in to let my body absorb it for a true connection. Makes for the best lube if there are many cocks to feed my bum with their DNA.
  9. 😍 We are all humans, some have nicer tan and softer skin than others. Being a photographer working with RAW digital imagery also dated very dark tan men. If we look closely, all humans are a shade of orangish brown. Through many years of conditioning the human mind, there has been some kind of disconnect between the true colors of humans. Get two pieces of paper, one black and one white, not a single human will match either shade if we look closely and think. If we all embrace each other, stop the labels, and help others understand we are all human without violence. Many will say things I don't like, but I'm not going to blame them for my own personal emotions, because it's wrong. I will speak up and state I didn't like it without throwing a temper tantrum. Too many labels for too much control & conditioning! Run a few searches (is black a color?), and you find many of the answers are different. World Atlas: When speaking in more technical terms from a scientific perspective, black is defined simply as a lack of light. Since it's impossible to see anything without light, we can't describe black as a color. According to this approach, what we perceive as black is not the actual black, but just a very dark hue. Wikipedia: Black is a racialized classification of people, usually a political and skin color-based category for specific populations with a mid- to dark brown complexion. Not all people considered "black" have dark skin; in certain countries, often in socially based systems of racial classification in the Western world, the term "black" is used to describe persons who are perceived as dark-skinned compared to other populations. Talk about the bad education of the Western world!
  10. Guys are informed of my BB only and never pull-out policy! Most of the time I'm bottom. Sometimes I top.
  11. Swallowing everything that comes from within the cock is proper head!
  12. From what I've been hearing Gov. Newsom came up with all this because he's runny for the big office. Other states saw this and thought it was a great idea, so they started implementing it before 2024. It's all for too much power & control. Other countries are doing the same thing, with different means of gathering info. Computers and phones have all the person's info on them. Well most of them do.
  13. Mosquito netting is one I've never heard of. I love outdoor BB sex. Guessing I should hang key chain flippers off my belt because I love getting fucked in water too. Scuba sex is so hot!
  14. Newsom signs child internet privacy legislation into California law around September 16, 2022. The law will also require tech companies to incorporate technology to verify a user's age before allowing access. The law will go into effect on June 2024. [think before following links] https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/technology/gavin-newsom-child-privacy-internet-legislation
  15. The new law aims to hold adult websites accountable, not the parents. [think before following links] https://www.npr.org/2023/01/05/1146933317/louisiana-new-porn-law-government-id-restriction-privacy
  16. Go slow, and cum in me over and over
  17. They are playing with each other while the people suffer
  18. Bottoms want what tops have to share in them. Vers and bottoms, we know the need more than a top only could ever know or understand.
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