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Everything posted by RachelRage

  1. First I'm hearing of it! I'd love to go message me if you want to take me
  2. I need an owner to collar leash me and lock me in chastity and train me to only cum from having my hole used
  3. Hosting west end of Toronto. Partyimg hosting any top that wants a dumb slut to use
  4. I'm a true slut so looks and stats don't matter to me. Anyone with a cock is welcome to use me antime anywhere
  5. I lick it off my hands but my only rule as a cundumpster is that everyone else's cum has to go in my ass
  6. I only wear underwear if I've been bred and need to keep my buttplug in
  7. No but soon after i always feel like i have to go to the bathroom
  8. Would you and your friends like to use me?
  9. I only use lube for fisting now. If i ever try double anal I'll probably use it then too. I love having a top just spit on my hole and force his cock in me ripping me open and not caring if it hurts me
  10. If you're a real slut it shouldn't even matter if it hurts. Most dom tops love to know that they're hurting you so you shouldn't even use lube. You should be crying and your pussy ripped and bleeding by the time your top is done. The only thing that matters is if they enjoy themselves. Your pleasure should only come from being of service to them
  11. This shouldn't even be a question. If you're a true slut it doesn't matter how big a cock is or how much it hurts. You're only purpose is to get your top to cum so you just shut up and offer up your holes.
  12. If my hole isn't ripped bleeding and I'm not begging you to stop it wasn't rough enough. Nothing better than being held down and havingna dry raw cock forced into me. If I'm a good slut they use my spit as lube but it's up to my top
  13. There are so many fakes on this site but I'm for real. I'm proud to be a slut. Anyone with a cock has the right to use me any time. My only rule us that cum always has to go in my ass pussy. I'll swallow anything else I'm told. I'm a crackwhore and love getting used when I'm high but its not essential. If you want to use me get in touch. Ideally looking for an owner and to be a live in slave long-term
  14. Just an fyi for anyone in Toronto. Both aidsbait and boystrangler are complete fakes. Don't waste your time talking to them or making plans with them
  15. I always clean my tops cock off
  16. Tops still tell me I'm tight but I just did double anal with my 6x8 butt plug and my 9x6 dildo with just spit
  17. Id love to see you get used so hard you cry and beg to have it stop
  18. If you fuck raw you know what your risking. I never stop taking loads
  19. Can i have your load and piss please?
  20. Want to breed me and feed me your piss?
  21. Where? You never say where you cruise or post pics of yourself. Probably because youre a fake
  22. Recently I've been going to the park near my old apt late at night naked except for a short jacket. When i get there i take it off and walk around naked. I've gotten fucked by so many guys doing that. Usually they're drunk since there's 2 bars nearby. Got gangbanged by 3 guys a few weeks ago there and after they were done they all fed me their piss. I walked home just wearing my short jacket with cum dripping out if my ass covered in piss
  23. You never give specifics about where you play. Probably because you're fake
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