I was creeping through my parents closet and found my dad’s box of porn vids. Usual stuff. Big titty bullshit. But I was in junior high and horny as fuck. So I kept sifting through the box of VHS’s and the. One stood out. I’ll never forget it. It was called “Switch hitters two” and it was baseball themed. An Asian woman with big valentines in the cover and two white guys showing their cocks. It was the only one like that in the box. I popped it in and was instantly hard. It wasn’t fully rewound and was on a scene with the two male porn actors making out while the Asian lady switched back and forth sucking their cocks. It was the male kissing that had me going and I couldn’t believe my machismo Puertorican DAD had this in his porn stash. And this was where it was the video had started. About mid way. The guys kept kissing and one of them eventually kneeled down and started sucking the other guy sharing the cock with the female porn actor. Well I lost my preteen load right there. I had never seen anything like that.
for the next month I snuck into my parents bedroom and kept watching that video in segments. Little by little. At some point the two men were sucking each other and the female actor was fingering herself moaning all stupidly. But I kept thinking about my dad. Did he stroke to this? This was bisexual porn! It really blew my mind. And I kept cumming to the idea of my dad getting of to this video.
I never mentioned it to him and I still think sometimes that my dad definitely had bisexual tendencies. He’s a fucking asshole but I always felt he just really wanted to suck a dick. Maybe it would have made him a more chill dude if he did. Sometimes I think he’d be proud of me sucking cock. But that’s another story.