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About hornyguyindc

  • Birthday 01/09/1982

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  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
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  • Looking For
    anon, public, pump and dump, blindfold, videos (for online posting), felching, cum swapping, cum swallowing

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  • Website URL
    [think before following links] https://hornyguyindc.newtumbl.com/

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  1. @rawTOP I’d love to beta test too if you need more testers. I did of course post all of my details in that detailed CDNetwork thread that we had going but didn’t get too much response… a few texts. I’m in the DC area, so a good place to try it out I think… good scene.
  2. Cum and get it… going until 2am… northern Virginia… 395/duke if you missed the time window… it’s ok… just hit me up and we can arrange a time in near future
  3. I live in DC and would like to talk to you about your goal to spread you original strain.  I’m not ready right now… but planning on it in the next year or 2 which might align with your timeline/goal… let me know…

  4. That’s sooooo hot. I hope it slides down your chin 😉 I’ve basically eaten every load when I’m masturbating since I was 13 or 14… so about 25 years worth… and I’ve probably averaged 5 loads a week. So I’ve probably eaten 6000-7000 of my own loads. Doing some quick math… that’s about 5-6 gallons of my own cum… That’s pretty awesome when I think about it…. That’ll give me something to think about in the milk section next time I’m at the grocery store…
  5. Took my first load in an anon ass up scene last week… so I’m at 1… Trying to get to 10 by the end of the year… let’s gooooo!!!
  6. Love it… so hot and slutty….
  7. Stay firm on your needs as a top… let the bottom overcum their trepidations… well played
  8. I’ve been cautious with monkey pox… I don’t want that showing up for the world to see… I like keeping my piggy passion on the DL 😉… but I did get my first MP dose today. Once I get through the regimen, I will be back to my anon ass up ways….
  9. Well done… keep up the good work! 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦
  10. Another good strategy is to use to search for zip codes, city names, and sometimes area codes work… to find posts on this thread… a map would be sweet though
  11. Here’s my first time topping… ever… found an anon ass on Bbrts… face and all. I was nervous as fuck… trying to get more anon ass… videos… and post online for everyone’s pleasure… [think before following links] https://hornyguyindc.newtumbl.com/post/132949971
  12. Why did it go away? Any chance it comes back?
  13. Looking for anon loads from all that are interested… setting some goals for 2022. Looking to make fuck vids and post online (no face is fine… but showing faces is hot). Live in West End Alexandria… but will also be hosting some at Washington Plaza. hit me up if you want to drop your load in me Anon style… pump and dump…
  14. I’ve been swallowing every my own loads since I was around 14… my guess is 3,000-5,000 loads. It’s possibly even higher. Doing some math on that, it’s probably 4-5 gallons worth….. yummmm
  15. I’m just starting to take anon cock… and I’m really uncertain about being pozzed up. Personally, if I asked a Poz top to fuck me and even use a condom (which Im not sure I would do… don’t know yet)… if they stealthed me and then told me that they squirted their toxic load in my hole, I would find it incredibly hot!!! Not commenting on stealthing in general as I understand and kind of agree with everyone else… but I think it would be an incredible turn on for me. Because I think I’d be being a wuss for asking for protection… and I think the poz top would be teaching me a valuable lesson.
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