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No Chem Sex
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    Poz, On Meds
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    from Singapore originally, I now live in Montreal.

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  1. BNWO - I live and learn..
  2. Knowing how twisted I am, it would add another dimension to the piss play. Imagine someone peeing blue all over me? Definitely a plus.
  3. what's BNWO? Bonking Nobody Without Orgasms? I know hardy har har...
  4. I was wondering how you were able to keep that progressive streak under control. Good on you. I got rid of X as soon as (F)elon took over.
  5. In November 2024, the app had 7.8 million uses. This was during the invite-only stage of the application. Now it has 33million users. There have been other ‘nice’ or progressive’ apps, and they’ve failed to launch. I would say it’s been an excellent rise. I don’t get paid by Bluesky, nor do I work for it. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have to schlepp my ass over to a massage spa in Chinatown to work as a massage therapist.
  6. It’s an alternative to X, the poisonous (F)elon app.
  7. Have never been, am not, nor will I ever be on Grindr. Is it because it’s so easy to have a smorgasbord of guys? No - it’s the way they treat non-white guys. BBRTS is okay, now that I state I don’t want PNP. Every other message was ‘wanna blow some clouds?’ ‘I have a friend who my meth dealer’ - no he ain’t your friend…he’s your dealer…. I’m kinda old fashioned. Love the decadence of saunas, but et then, after 11pm, it’s tweak city. Used to be on Silverdaddies, but it’s people who want to bla bla bla.
  8. Being in possession of my nature-given foreskin, my cock is sensitive enough that I can feel by the rapid-fire squeezes when I am making the guy I fuck spray like a geyser. When I play bottom, there have been often times when I wouldn’t have been able to tell, if not for the yelling, that my top had cum. Sometimes it’s the slippery squishiness afterwards. I have had a couple of times when there was a molten hot load in me. But not often.
  9. Why is the feel of ass seldom described in detail? Because for many, any sex that’s not prescribed by the Judeo-Christian culture is highly unorthodox. I think we’ve heard gays being called ‘cock suckers’, but in Taxi Zum Klo, we were also called arschfickers, or fudge packers. I think it’s something to be proud of, being an ass fucker? I have, to my knowledge, never fucked a virgin, untried and untested fuckhole. I would love to try out the feel of a tight hole, ready for the plunder. However, truthfully, love a well-experienced mankunt…and like any well-seasoned man ass, it’s capable of self-lubrification. All it takes is a helping hand in the shape of a tongue full of spit. Just get it up inside, and you can feel how warm and enveloping that man hole can be, if you can slowly lick and spit on that ring to get it to open. Hearing the appreciative moans and deep masculine growls is thanks enough.
  10. As far as I am aware, this is also how the RAMQ operates. Heavily subsidised meds, to which new formulations and prescriptions are added, and free after a threshold has been reached. Healthcare, being a provincial concern, I am not sure how the other provinces operate.
  11. Under the RAMQ ( Régie Assurance Maladie du Quebec) , there is a $100 cost that I pay every month for antiretroviral medication.
  12. I get the feeling it’s mighty difficult because so many people are on tritherapy or PREP. The one time I was detectable was because the blood tests now are so incredibly advanced in counting viral copies. It went from 50 or less copies to 20 or less per millilitre. Mine was about 40 copies….but that would have been considered undetectable in the past. But, it’s the so-called negative guys who haven’t tested in a while. I also tend to choose Poz guys as fuck buds…so, serosorting actually works.
  13. HIV bug chasing I understand. There’s a fatalistic or inevitable quality to wanting to wanting to be HIV Poz. Is there the same inevitability with other stds? They can largely be prevented by Doxyprep and cured with a strong dosage of antibiotics.
  14. Ok I reread it and they’re not the same scenarios. I was kinda taken aback by the responses, and they’re seemed a little bit much, but yeah I kinda understand the frustration.
  15. Like I said, the word should be ‘preferred’….but as for being entitled to someone else’s cock…. Very aware that I have to earn it. It’s just that I was exclusively a bottom in my 20s and 30s….discovered I loved and was good at fucking with hubs, and then am now a top because so many of my partners ask for it. Maybe it’s me not quite accepting that I top now more often. That’s all.
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