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  1. On my back so I can make eye contact
  2. I buy it as an anti-malarial prevention treatment.
  3. Spit doesn’t always do the job properly - prefer cum or failing that water based lube
  4. Repeat fucks with the same guys are nice but a bit predictable so I really enjoy a new meet
  5. Last few hook ups got me have been more non white guys that guys that look like me - not by design but by who is around attractive and up for it . Things that put me off are shaved bodies, people taking drugs (can’t get hard and more interested in their chosen chemical than sex) and rude arrogant people.
  6. My PREP provider always checks kidney function at the same time as checking for HIV. Standard procedure in the UK. People with lower kidney function msy be offered Discovy which has been found to be more gentle on kidney function.
  7. I’m not an expert but I rather think that (partially due to costs) the tests you describe only detect the things they are designed to test for. My GP tests me for both of the things you list but has no knowledge of my taking PREP. I’ve seen the resulting report which only appears to relate to the aspects of kidney function and blood sugar. To satisfy your self fully it’s worth contacting the PREP prescriber.
  8. Happened mostly when I was younger - eye contact and guys following me. One guy told me I had a beautiful arse - I was well up for following through with him.
  9. Let us know how you got on - hope you got at least one load😈
  10. I left Twitter (refused to use Musks new name) a few weeks ago after a long period of not tweeting. Musk destroyed any value it had and I really don’t miss it. Exploring Bluesky now - seems kinder and more useful. Don’t care if it bothers Musk or not - I suspect he will self destruct in time anyway.
  11. I love body hair on a man so not interested in guys who shave off whatever nature gifted them. Pits pines chest hair stubble all get me extra hard.
  12. They are among the best at foreplay in my experience and seem more considerate and interested in giving as well as taking pleasure - possibly taught to be so by their wives. Not all of course
  13. Good respond to the are you clean question - I always say the same thing. With Grindr my profile is clear: neg on prep and last testing date so my next response is read it - so few ever do. TBH the clean question puts me off - mixture of ignorance and insult.
  14. My first act of defiance is to close down my Twitter account - had stopped tweeting once Musk had took over anyway. Not tweeting was such a liberation for me.
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