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  1. Skinny younger tops with some chest hair not tattoos or piercings - yum!
  2. Both overpriced with too much attitude for my taste - personally I prefer locker room Kennington. Small a bit basic, friendly, cheaper and lots of sex although admittedly an older crowd.
  3. I’m closer to 70 than 60. I do find I have acquired the super power of invisibility with many younger guys. Plenty of guys are still up to play however and confidence and friendliness helps. Rudeness is ugly and makes the rude person what ever their age very unattractive.
  4. Completely agree with all your points particularly when you say concentrate on those who want to play. Also reminded me of an old saying - ‘youth is wasted on the young’.
  5. There were some similarities here in the Uk with Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings (who was fairly crazy) it ended in acrimony
  6. They need educating about U=U
  7. I want a guy to cum deep inside me - not interested in him cumming anywhere else
  8. I think you are on the right track - we have always been innovative and creative in our campaigns. People who praise the Trump talk abut his unpredictability as a good thing - we can surprise everyone once we really get organised. I’m old enough to remember our communities response to Thatchers poisonous Section 28. So many different people who would never have campaigned before got on board. Each threat is different and we can tailor our response.
  9. Back in the day here in the UK we were worried about ‘the brain drain’ of skilled people moving to the US for better prospects. Now it looks like the flow will be in the other direction. Talented free thinking people may well move on as they are driven out or feel they can no longer stay. Very sad.
  10. Here in the uk when the Thatcher government introduced Section 28 back in the 1980s a direct attack on our community it had an energising effect on every part of the LGBT world which had never been seen before. Huge protests and all sorts of smaller initiatives got started. It took some time for the legislation to be rescinded formally but the government had a fight on their hands and they knew it.
  11. It’s true there are less saunas in London but they exist still and I prefer them to meeting people through apps where the anonymity facilitates rudeness from so many. Saunas have adapted with naked days and other more specialised events which draw bigger numbers. My favourite saunas are the more basic ones where I have found people are friendly and up for some fun. Also outdoor cruising still continues albeit with smaller numbers.
  12. These are the new regulations [think before following links] https://www.ofcom.org.uk/online-safety/protecting-children/age-checks-to-protect-children-online/#:~:text=Robust age checks are a,online safety regime over time.
  13. Got fucked a couple of times by this horny guy in a sauna - didn’t cum first time and was really slamming into me second time but at the crucial moment pulled out and came outside - so frustrating.
  14. On my back so I can make eye contact
  15. I buy it as an anti-malarial prevention treatment.
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