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About CumSlutSam

  • Birthday 09/15/1998

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  • Interests
    Big dicks, rough tops, share me around
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
  • Background
    Horny cumslut that can’t say no to a load

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  1. Hey keen to chat. Message me 

  2. So hot. I feel like it’s greedy of me to ask but will the next instalment be faster than two months? It’s just so fucking hot. Also, more of a minor change but you’ve called him Jeffrey and now Jeremy.. I can’t wait to see them together taking raw loads at the bathhouse 😈☣️
  3. Is this about to continue in the bug chasing and gift giving section? 👀 “you should really be asking me to wear one of the condoms in your drawer” ☣️
  4. I always refuse condoms. They’re entitled to have the preference of fucking with them just like how I have a preference for being filled to the brim with cum after a raw pounding
  5. 1, 5, or 6 for sure 😈
  6. @SammyCdb
  7. Neg here. Love getting loaded. Whether it’s by one or two guys or a gang bang. I take on demand but am due for a test soon. I don’t consider myself a bug chaser either, I consider myself a load chaser. After enough scares I’ve already accepted that it’s possible I’ll get pozzed eventually. I’m kind of numb to it at this point
  8. I’ve tried the monogamy thing but if my partner can’t give me what I need sexually then it’s not going to work out. I’ve been a cumslut for years taking raw loads from strangers. Once you’re a cumslut, it’s hard not to be one even when dating someone
  9. In an unused warehouse. Was still a good time though
  10. Back in 2017 (before PrEP in Australia) I was travelling in the UK. Ended up in London for a couple of nights, got a bit drunk on one of those nights. Hooked up with and topped this guy raw which wasn’t something I originally wanted to do. After I finished inside him, I was gonna leave but ended up getting fucked by his roommate who bred me and remember enjoying it way more than any other time I had bottomed even though I wanted him to wear a condom at first. He ended up waking me up in the morning and bred me again. I left the next morning instead with a cum filled hole by someone whose name I didn’t even know. I messaged the first guy the next morning asking what his roommate’s name was. He asked me why, I told him what happened. I then about their statuses, the first dude called me a slut instead and I got blocked. Couple of weeks later I started getting sick and was pretty sure I was converting, rationalising and accepting my new status while in a different country with very little I could do about it with no access to PEP. Tested neg after several months and ended up on PrEP getting fucked raw exclusively. The feeling afterwards isn’t the same because the risk is gone but I still get to enjoy being the cumslut I know I am
  11. Also on bbrt. CumDumpCody
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