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  1. Just wanted to drop you a line.   I know you are probably busy but just wanted you to know I would love to see more stories written by you.   Love your style and just really  love the way you think and write.  Please when you get time give us more stories.   Raymond

  2. If using a apple product the private relay will allow access most of the time as well
  3. hey guys just found out if you are using an apple device you can go to settings go under your iCloud and click private relay and then click the country option and in some cases it will route your connection so you can get on the site
  4. so glad you are back with a new story. love your writing!!!!!!
  5. So do any of these guys have twitter accounts as well where you can see there posts like Jackson Stone, Christian Mitchell would love to find more of them on twitter as well.
  6. THANK YOU FOR THE HELP. its much appreciated.
  7. all valid but really mine JUST FUCK ME, AND BRED ME
  8. Hey guys I bought a butt plug the other days (one of the little metal ones with the crystals on the end of them) Love the way the metal feels and I really wanted to wear it thur out the days. but am finding that when I put it in I feel like it is going to slip all the way inside not sure what to do any ideas?? really was not wanting a larger one but that may be the only solution I can find Please let me know what you think. thanks
  9. hot story. can't wait for the next chapter !!!!!! love you writing in all your stories
  10. Hey Guys I have been on here for about 1 year. Love the site I don't post to much but do love all your stories !!!!!!! Would love to find some guys in my area of the country I am in Arkansas not much goes on here. 🙂
  11. what was the BBBH tattoo promo???????
  12. Love club Z. wish I was there now 🙂
  13. 3, 6, 18, and 25. love the way the first 2 fit and love the way the other 2 stretches and fills my hole. wish I had one here right now to ride 🙂
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