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Everything posted by DallasPozzible

  1. I agree. Pre-PrEp, I was a condom nazi. But I always, always really wanted to be fucked raw. I remember discovering the iblastinside website and reading of his experiences stealthing. I was morally outraged that people would do that, but at the same time, it made me horny as hell. (Looking back, I must have been stealthed dozens of times.) Now I’m on PrEP, and I take all loads. And I don’t parTy. But I get off reading gifting and chemsex stories and watching videos of very verbal pozzing. I love the fantasy of being pozzed but don’t want that for my reality. That said, if I converted, it wouldn’t shatter my world.
  2. Is this really a thing? Is there a trick to this? How can you put wet popper balls in your nose without destroying nasal lining?
  3. I've had little sub experience. Have had a couple of guys flog me but itching for more. I first got turned on to it by it watching Sky Donovan in Induction. So hot! [think before following links] https://www.tlavideo.com/videos/2918857/induction [think before following links] https://www.ragingstallion.com/en/scene/Induction-Scene-02/42332
  4. Did you find anywhere interesting? I miss The Trestle, Midtown, and the early versions of TMC and Eagle. Club Dallas post renovation is a serious disappointment. Everything seems so sterile now.
  5. I feel the same way. Austin Wolf is incredibly hot and does awesome videos, but after a while they seem the same. I pick a model or two a month and then move along to others. My latest find is Nate Grimes. Worth checking out on OnlyFans or 4my.fans. His videos mostly feature fisting. I’d like to find someone whose work includes a lot of varieties of fetishes and situations.
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