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Everything posted by Kurami

  1. I had a PA for years! It was fun. I was initially pierced at 12g, and it was not comfortable for sex until about 6g. But after the first stretch it stretches very easily. Took about two weeks before I could jerk off normally and it felt fully healed by a month. I got tired of guys asking "did that hurt?" Or having me take it out first. So I eventually stopped wearing it. But one thing to be careful of, if you heal it and stretch it to a big gauge, it'll never fully close. Which makes peeing weird. I ended up cutting it to a meatotomy, and that is pretty cool. Gets less attention and feels great. If you like the look, go on and get one!
  2. I'm a little late to the party. But I've suffered with this too. I find exercising my hole daily is super helpful. Even if it's not a huge dildo, getting it in for a few minutes a day will keep you limber. More important than that is your aftercare. All that water from cleaning out, then chemicals in lube, then friction from an eager top really can beat up your hole!! Personally, I make a home blend of jojoba oil, cacao butter, and beeswax just for this. I dab on a little after any play. But if you don't wanna go the Pinterest queen route, any light, unscented facial moisturizer with no alcohol should help a lot. Best of luck!! ❤️
  3. Cocksuckers, When it comes to practicing your craft, do you have a tried and true method, or do you switch it up for the occasion? Personally, I focus mostly on the head with tongue and lips, play gentle with the balls on the right hand, and squeeze the shaft with the left. Unless I'm directed otherwise, that's the usual standard. Interested to hear what your "style" might be.
  4. I'm surprised nobody's chimed in yet! I've had a few guys get up in me that deep, but it was always after some real extended fucking. Undoubtedly you've researched a certain amount of human gut anatomy by now, so you know after a few inches, your colon takes a pretty serious curve before continuing. The nice thing is your colon is pretty flexible, so you can work out the kink, so to speak. Most important thing is lube. Way too much lube, and deep. You might want to invest in a lube shooter. It's like a dedicated syringe for getting lube nice and deep. You may also be able to use a regular oral syringe. The kind without a cannula for injections. Be really sure you're not using a lube with glycerin or propylene glycol, because it will pull down every ounce of brown hiding up in your guts. And it'll be real gross. Also, those muscles will be tense and a little less pliable. Silicone is great. Or anything "natural/organic" that doesn't include those ingredients. Once you've got the grease covered, You've got to put some work in manually. If you have a dedicated and very patient top, that's great. Otherwise, invest in an average thick but really long dildo. Go for like fifteen inches worth if you can get one. That way there's plenty to work with. Honestly, even if you've got the top, go ahead and get one. From there it's mostly patience and persistence. With dildos, the best method I found is to get in a solid squatting position. Like feet flat on the ground, knees to chest full-on squat. Get your rubber buddy in, and push until you just feel that deep resistance. Don't force, but hold it there a good while. At least thirty seconds. Then back it out, and back in to the same spot. Little by little. Usually at a certain point, something will give, and you'll be pretty much home free to fuck as deep as you want. Iron the curve out for a good few minutes. Relube a little bit, and then, think about inviting your real live guy over to help try to get up in your newfound space. With him it's about the same. You can try in a bit of a riding squat first, to work him up there. Or if you're pretty confident, doggy is great. Your shoulders on the bed. Back arched and completely slack. Your guts will be fairly relaxed that way, and if you've done that deep dildo-ing earlier, he should be able to gently but persistently get in all the way, and really ream your guts straight. Hope it works out! Keep us posted, yeah? 😉 Cheers!
  5. Oh Twitter is an absolute delight for porn. Here's mine: https://twitter.com/extroaversion?s=09
  6. I always hold his load in as long as possible. No plug needed unless my hole is particularly sloppy that day.
  7. Jesus Christ. This is like all of my fantasies all smushed into one big story. Cheers to you, author!
  8. Currently I do have a guiche piercing. As far as I know, there's no "meaning" to it. Although, it's only really visible if you're presenting your ass. So really, you could see it as being pretty slutty. I used to have my nipples pierced as well. My fiance is wanting me to get them done again. May have to oblige before the year is out!
  9. Not that this happens all. But it does happen, and it's really frustrating. Surely I'm not the only one who's experienced it. Has anyone else found that some tops just give absolutely no feedback when getting blown? Like, they just lay there completely silent. Leaving you for an uncomfortable stretch of time wondering if you're going to ever get a load or not. Or if you're just going to go to bed with a sore jaw for no good reason. What would you do to combat this sort of thing when it comes up?
  10. This was a tricky one, and for a while I was of two minds on the subject! On one hand, I really wanted to just be a sleeve for guys to use. I just loved it so much. It was so dirty, and exciting. But after a certain point, it wasn't fulfilling me anymore. I really craved some kind of real connection with someone, and maybe some hope of sharing a calm future. Being a cumdump for everyone in town just didn't fit in with that. So I gave it up for one good fellow. And I've been much happier ever since.
  11. Ever since I got engaged, I've been a proud and pleased bottom! But when I periodically used to top, I absolutely loved to rim out a really hairy hole. Something about that musk was just sweet like dessert. Then when it came to do the deed, I liked a hole that wasn't tight, but wasn't loose either. Somewhere in between. I guess the best word would be "Accommodating".
  12. You can essentially log out by closing the application, not just minimizing. (On Windows phone at least.) And as for location. It only shows your distance relative to other users. For example, if you were checking out a profile that interests you, if that user has location turned on, it would show something like "566 ft/yds away." No specific location, just a distance. Give it a shot! Ya' never know.
  13. Clearwater checkin' in! Top guys younger or smaller than me, bottom for older and bigger.
  14. I've had my tongue pierced for about a year now, and I've been told it feels pretty nice for the guys I've sucked. Curious what everyone here thinks though. I know It's definitely more fun to give with one!
  15. I've yet to try it personally, but I've heard very good things about taking zinc, pygeum, soy lecithin and L-arganine supplements. If I had to pick just one, definitely zinc. It sounds like the most effective, on its own. As you can see from the replies here. Just be careful not to take more than the recommended amount. And stay hydrated obviously!
  16. Hair is fine with me, long or short. As long as there's no fuckin' STUBBLE! Ugh. I swear, getting fucked by someone with stubbly pubes is like backing up to a cactus.
  17. I've always found that when you want a guy to cum, don't go crazy trying a bunch of different fancy techniques. Just pick one good thing and stick to it. It's like when you're jerking yourself off, and you get real close, then suddenly change your technique. Throws everything off, and brings you back to square one! Great way to tease, though
  18. I'm a furry! Sort of felt alienated from the fandom for a little while with all the freakin' DRAMA, but I couldn't help but come back. Too many fun friends to be had there. Very cuddly folks
  19. I hear jogging and general health helps too. Don't quote me on that, though.
  20. I find actually, that using less water than you might think works well. You only need to rinse out the first few inches of your rectum, if any water gets further up your colon than that, it stimulates your shit response and you'll just have to wait until that calms down to try again. I can fuck for a good hour or two before any mess shows up with that method. Good luck! This friendly German fellow illustrates it pretty well: http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=IXBUv-G564-
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