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About BigVers

  • Birthday 07/13/1967

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Hudson Valley, New York
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    muscular white
  • Porn Experience
    I was in one very infamous porn movie...I love topping a hot hungry ass and down explore my ass more...
  • Looking For
    hung twink to muscle heads...a tight hole and big cock go a long way...really like breeding and being bred. Gingers are my weakness

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  1. I never had a sign or symptom ... this added to the initial shock when I was diagnosed. I've met other friends who also never had "fuck flu" ... Just wondering on here who else never experienced this?
  2. Great body mate! :)

    1. BigVers


      Thanks... 😈


  3. Cheers for the follow m8y 😁

  4. please keep going...
  5. its wonderful news...the 5th proof of principle that it can be done. It is not something that can be done on a mass scale...the bone marrow transplant is very difficult and some what dangerous on its own, but it will guide research to the cure. Science keeps me alive with my ART and I have been very lucky to have a very strong immune system (CD4 1100+ and CD8 1000+) for 15 years... I hope its comes soon enough to stop taking the meds and save my liver and kidneys...I am thinking about moving to a 2 drug therapy from my current 3 drug Triumeq (single dose) therapy...just to remove an additional toxin, but even thats a scary process that I am working out with my doc...Hope you don't mind the longer reply...I am excited to hear the news...and understand its still al long way to go ... Thanks for posting this on here...
  6. Sweet ass...and in the area...love to breed that hole
  7. Good boy...letting young tops practice is a service...
  8. Is there any update on Dawson? Is he OK?
  9. Good boy, I want to hear more ...
  10. I'll get in 31 Oct and stay the week for PS Pride...any info on good fuck parties?
  11. I agree 100% - why on earth do bareback studios think the money shot is still an external cum bath...I want to see that cock twitch and the taint pumping followed by a slow pull out and load dripping from a well bred hole
  12. I got off Atripla 5 years ago (the Sustiva kidney issues) and went to Triumeq....not a blip in blood work nor any side effects...My doc and I are now looking at switching to Dovato, but I have reservations after read many weight gain issues...I really want to get off a 3 med to a 2 med for my livers sake ... Good Luck with your switch!
  13. Fucking hot man. I wish you breed me 

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