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Everything posted by JamesMeTherson

  1. It is really cloudy on my newtumbl. [think before following links] https://jamesmetherson.newtumbl.com/
  2. I know right. It is all gibberish.
  3. I do all this on my phone Samsung S20+ with only the editing software built in Samsung's gallery app. Some are making this really complicated.
  4. I did 3 mL booty bump of Tina bong water about an hour ago and I am spun out of my fucking mind now.  20211018_074946.jpg.33c9dd5c992873e5ff1b00edea9a9de8.jpg

  5. I made iT To 100 followers.  Thanks guys!  Now could all 100 of you nuTT in my buTT please.20211017_055512.jpg.cfbf665fa610e0500510e3c98b2f3e32.jpg

    1. Bicycledude


      Yeah, but I want to eat it first 😈👅🐷💦

    2. Mammut


      Would love to! 😉


    3. ga97
  6. My cock so fucking hard to see that my pic is posted in the forum "Meth"  I love when I cum across others posting me looking like the meth whore faggot.  HSVideoCapture_20210810-063948.thumb.jpg.aeb56d076957e9457ce07ffb824c9719.jpg

    1. shinelover


      Fuck, I'd love to dive right into that ass and eat for hours!

  7. Most [banned word] tweaker barebackers say they have no limits. But I can't say that because there are things that I am not willing to do or find a waste of time. Safe sex/condom use is one of them. I find the sex completely boring and will turn a fuck down. Also, I find vaginas to be a huge turn off; they look gross, feel gross (tried one once when 19), and I can't even think about putting my face there. I don't enjoy shit either. That is my list of "limits"
  8. Thank you for reacting to my pics, I makes my fag cock feel all tingly 🐷🐷🐷

    1. MTWTFSS


      you are fuckin' hoT bud

  9. I'M.....SO.....HORNY20210829_155736.jpg.65f27e30e084ed2237f72b769d58529a.jpg

    1. ronnie4u


      I am very Submissive and Obeying - having FUN with others - you are so Fucking HOT looking !

  10. If I could only say how I'm feeling. 🤔   words thou shall not speak are sure speaking to my cock balls and asshole.  🤘🤘🤘☣☣☣20210815_172907.jpg.8819c8b4d46bc0df03dfcda4bf2198c9.jpg

    1. ronnie4u


      So Fucking HOT - Beautiful - wishing I knew you - living in your City - becoming your Brother - having FUN together !

  11. I have the worst time finding underwear that will hold my cock and large balls, it is a real problem!



    So....who would like to kick me in my balls now?  🤣🤣🤣20210815_004105.thumb.jpg.af051b2ea3c16430bbd60b80775f1541.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FUCKMEHARD7777899



    3. ronnie4u


      Oh Fucking HOT and Delicious !  I am very submissive - ready to Obeying you - Pleasing you - becoming your Favorite Party Cum dumpster - more - more - Sexy HOT Clothes !  Please !

    4. ronnie4u


      Oh Fucking HOT and Delicious !  I am very submissive - ready to Obeying you - Pleasing you - becoming your Favorite Party Cum dumpster - more - more - Sexy HOT Clothes !  Please !

  12. I love being pinned down in a sleeper hold while while the top has his way with me. The feeling of going dark and all you feel is his cock inside you. Then the slow come back and regaining your senses as the top is blowing his load in my cunt. Slightly confused but pure bliss.
  13. Sshhhh, I'm  IncogniTo.  LeT's geT inTo mischief.

    They will never caTch me

    1. ronnie4u


      Very HOT and Beautiful - ready here to Pleasing you - Obeying you - your Nipples are Extremely HOT !  more - more - Please !

  14. Taking exhibition pics while walking my dog is a favorite hobby.  A car turned the corner as I was setting up this picture.  They may have seen, not sure.  Sure was fun.


    1. ronnie4u


      Damn that is HOT !  Like I said ,"  Erection time - Raw Breeding  ! "

    2. JamesMeTherson


      Yes please, I love public fucking.

  15. Second nighT of no sleep.  Love being a Tweaker, hard on (he he) The body Though......now where did I puT Those VideoCapture_20210810-063948.thumb.jpg.aeb56d076957e9457ce07ffb824c9719.jpg*enhancemenTs*

    1. ronnie4u


        "  HOT  and Fantastic ! "   Let me join you in puffing !  HOT !

    2. DutchBBfucker


      so fucking hoT 😛


    3. ronnie4u


      I Love , also , public sex - having a bottom being taken advantage of male members forcing their hard cocks up the cracks of bottoms - pulling bottoms pants down - forcing of breeding and seeding - multi cock !

  16. I'm horny as fuck and need more drugs

    1. ronnie4u


      Yes !  Yes !  Totally agree with you - I am in with you - doing more drugs - Fucking HOT !

  17. High guys, I wanTed To leT any parTy ThaT is inTeresTed in conTacTing me should follow me and keep checking. I'm a newbie, and can send one message a day at this time. I am still researching the ins and outs, the don't do's, and my personal favoriTe ThaT has goTTen me kicked off or flaT ouT *Banned* from more Than a handful of "kink/p3rv/Tab" fuck sites.....whaT are The words I should NOT use?  (which are all The fun/expliciT/offensive words ThaT make my cock ragging hard and acTivaTes The lusT and desire Throbbing in my cunT righT now)

    Cum in me,

    J MeTherson

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