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About BBBttmPete

  • Birthday 06/01/1968

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    North Yorkshire, UK
  • Interests
    Slamming & smoking T, being bred, bareback porn -straight, gay or bi
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    Originally Scottop on this site, but no longer fits the bill
  • Looking For
    Used to be 100% top, now 100% bottom. Look for tops who don't mind me getting high. All loads taken. On break from Prep

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Expert (11/14)

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  • Reacting Well Rare
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  1. I keep it in as long as possible. I want the cum to become part of me
  2. Why is the hotel management bothered? Take out the cumdumps and they will have lots of empty rooms...
  3. Me and another bottom are planning to come to Manchester to take loads sometime soon. I have stayed at Britannia some years ago, but they started checking visitors at the door in the evenings. Any suggestions?
  4. This one is so hot, and the guy posting has other videos that make me rock hard [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/load-number-7/
  5. I am in a lot of Telegram groups, but even in bareback ones I have found, there is a bit of sex in the videos, but no creampie or cumming inside ones. Does anyone know of any that celebrate creampies and actual breeding?
  6. FTMs are male and hot
  7. Not sure they would let in guys who were "high"
  8. I think the idea is that guys come at different times. Happy to host and find guys online at that moment, and as I am high for these sessions I can't really go to a venue.
  9. I set up a "party" at a hotel in London some weeks ago and 5 guys accepted the invitation to come and use me as a cumdump. One backed out on the day, and none of the others turned up. Having said that I have made some good contacts through BBRT, but just like any site, it can be hit or miss. I will be back in London in June, maybe May as well, but not sure I will use the party function.
  10. I wish my hole looked as used as that.
  11. There is a lot of spam on grindr just now, which I hate. I report and block them, but they find ways of coming back. I say exactly what I am looking for. I am not there to chat - endlessly. I just want a meet.
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