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Everything posted by cockfun69

  1. I love sling porn 😛 Plus a mirror above if I'm btm 😎
  2. Sounds like German at the end from the overseer
  3. AFAIK PreP meds use part of full HIV treatment. (There was a ton of research done and trials on this.) Full HIV treatment is a combination of meds (though they may be in a single pill like Atripla.)
  4. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/twink-in-sling-fucked-raw-by-at-least-five-dudes/
  5. I tend to be one of the later guys to cum
  6. 😮 more to do with saline?
  7. Typically head south in winter but there is fun (and culture) to be had if you take lots of winter layers and prepare for snow
  8. Usually a bad idea to let work slide into the sheets though
  9. Now that's planning ahead 😄
  10. As this is BZ, condoms don't feature 😄
  11. Treasure Island has CHRISTIAN 24 COCKS IN 24 HOURS even with a porn blackbook set-up .. [think before following links] https://classics.treasureislandmedia.com/movies/christian-24-cocks-24-hours
  12. Not sure if there is a newer topic .. I'm in central London on Thurs 28th. Doesn't seem to be anything daytimes at Underground for a couple of hours before getting train back from St Pancras. Pants used to be awesome and mostly bareback. Is there anything work time in town these days?
  13. I recall a lot of research showing HepC infections from toy parties. (Likely that there was sex activity/passivity as well.) The route being HIV/HepC mucus from an infected (knowing or unknown) horny btm hole transferring with cock, fist or toys to the next holes.
  14. And one fuck & load just makes us hungrier & hornier for more
  15. I think Post Exposure (PEP) could be up to 7 days after, more effective the sooner after. I can't recall about Pre Esposure) PrEP. I never took either but from what I remember in gay mags the pill contained two components that were in a standard (but now historic) ART. Your clinic doctor should be able to explain more, though 28 days does seem somewhat long. It's interesting to find current regimens.
  16. If it's a viagra cock (hard as a rolling pin) then go easy. Some hard cocks still have flexibility/squish and then large can be ridden balls deep
  17. Forgive my ignorance but anal sex is quite common (?) for straight (active) men?
  18. More hot with a 3on1 [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/three-studs-breed-slutty-bottom/
  19. Put things down your socks. You won't be at the bar all night and your underwear likely won't stay on long. Best not to be wasted or drunk so that you can enjoy more .. and not lose cloakroom ticket or card. Obvs check in your mobile at coatcheck. I can;t see it long before you get fucked X
  20. My consultant is discussing moving me from Atripla after nearly 20 years. Options seem to be Dovato or Dolutegravir. I think I could remain as well. My cholesterol is normal as is my weight through swimming regularly. Never had bad dreams or issues eating (or fucking). Apart from Atripla being a somewhat old medication, does anyone have experience on either of these new D drugs?
  21. Tag-teaming nad looks like hotel .. but yes the guys are hot 😛
  22. You could also check a sauna though can be hit or miss with action .. and more expensive entry
  23. Think it's even busier in winter
  24. Lube does the job and helps keep your inside ass in good condition ...
  25. I did A2M at lunchtime sauna sex session in Torquay. Cleaned cum and ass off every cock that was up me which turned the next guy on to breed big time 😎 😮 😛😉
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