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Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
When outing people risk their lives providers IMO should accentuate services that will protect their person and property. Thus, if anyone is affected by Outing, the focus should be on increasing alternate services like filling for asylum in a safe country, some kind of police/security protection, awareness about risk reduction by limiting the amount of personal information one shares online(torso pic instead of face pic) etc., instead of reducing certain services to them which would make them feel like its not safe to be gay. If you live in a difficult neighborhood/community, one way to protect the gays is shut down the gay bar but there are alternative and better approaches as well including teaching gay patrons to look out for trouble, increasing police protection of the bar and addressing the difficult question of why homophobia exists in that community/neighborhood. Since Grindr operates all over the world it has a moral duty to protect and promote gay interests! -
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
Many gay men actually have been put to death for having gay sex, so it is a hill with a history....and worth thinking about; the principles behind the issue I raised are worth fighting for. People in the United States and the West are enjoying the fruits of freedom that Mahatma Gandhi and other Indians fought for: to not be ruled by WASP people and principles and sadly not a whole lot of them are aware of it. Gay men in the white christian West can now have sex simply because of the struggle of people from the colonized world. When Gay men from around the world esp. those from the former colonies gather at the Olympics hoping to have a chance of freedom from oppressive laws in their home countries which where put in there by the white imperial Master to being, Grindr has made it more difficult for them to be free. Imagine what it would be like if you came from a Middle Eastern country like Quarter and where hoping to have some freedom from the Morality Police of your country, only to find that GPS has been turned off where are u; it does not inspire a whole lot of confidence in you that the West is a safe place to be gay! A lot of brave gay men before us have actually been killed on that hill, simply for choosing to be gay — choosing to have gay sex instead of following the prescribed path of heterosexual marriage and children having gay sex, and I always tend to remember that. -
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
These, my friend, are Indian lands! and we are not moving anywhere...you obviously are a very opinionated person who considers yourself the last word on style and usage. I have no desire to lead or mislead, just inform; you of course are free to accept it or not. -
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
I am happy to let u know, that your suspicions are unfounded and I am not French. I am actually Indian, a real Indian i.e. from the country of India, and not what you refer to as "Indian" in U.S. English. Unfortunately even though English is better than classical languages in terms of exactness, English still suffers from the drawbacks of natural language in that one word or phrase can have many meanings . You are quite right: In the U.S and Anglosphere, choosing to be gay usually refers to the question of wether one is born gay or choose to be gay (nature vs nurture). and gay rights activists tend to base their arguments and demands for acceptance and rights under the banner of "Born this way". Since these societies generally place the Individual above society, the Individual who accepts his "true self" i.e. his nature is celebrated as being authentic and a hero, and this approach works well for the gay activists in anglo societies. However, In Eurasia, given the preeminence of religion, such a individual focused approach has limited traction. Even if someone is born gay, social conservatives argued that one could be born a serial cheater, a pervert, etc. and thus the natural argument , born this way, does not have as much saliency as in Anglo American culture and society which celebrates individualism whereas Eurasia tends to give importance to Church and society. In Eurasian cultures, the Individual who often does break societal and religious expectations - such as marrying outside of ones religion : a jew or a gypsy, or social class i.e. nobility or peasant, rich or poor , is often celebrated as the hero in such cultures and 'gay as choice', usually has a different meaning and context than the US. So while 'choosing to be gay' might sound like a slur in US English, it really is a compliment in the Eurasia: the Hero choose to marry his sweetheart/love even though society disapproves. Hope this gives you some background and context of how "choosing to be gay" could mean different things in different part of the world. While in the US, it has a negative connotation, in Eurasia that is not the case. -
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
Hardly! I believe it is time to hang a 🫵" Turn the GPS on, Grindr " sign. 👯♂️as the Olympians want to hook up easily. I sure am glad I am not in any Olympics Team, or else I most likely would not have fun for two weeks. I am sorry you feel my response is "troll", because the person who raised the question seemed to appreciate my answer. Also, I am really glad for the people who raised the question of my usage of "gay as choice" because I realized even if I meant to say something and even if i am correct(technically) , ultimately how most people read it, is something that matters quite a bit. As someone who is trying to improve his communication skills including writing, I feel that's a big one for me. If you feel this thread has reached its finality, then I would invite you to try another one I started last week. -
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
My sentence did came with a Caveat: In this sense; warning readers that i was referring to being gay as a choice, in another sense( the second one where do something with it: embrace etc.) and not the popular one; and I had referred to the sense/context in my first line about authoritarian countries and the dangers gays face in such places. I meant in 'that/this sense', as in , in such a context. I believe my usage might be a bit Archaic and not quite American, but I would be surprised if I was wrong. Having said that, I have been known to be wrong... so .... -
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
Yes, Exactly, and I thought I had clarified that through my following posts: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clarification ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subsequent Clarification and then finally again in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Superior Clarification. -
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
I must point out, you are just totally disregarding the subsequent clarification that I posted where I tried to explain that I was referring to choice in the second sense i.e. the choice involved of accepting our nature and acting upon that inclination. I was not referring to choice in the first sense i.e. wether we are gay or not. I clarified this, but somehow it is not being accepted. May I ask, why so? Subsequent clarification -
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
I wanted to add that for some reason, I notice my lines are being read as if I had said that being gay was a choice i.e. gay men just choose to be gay and can be straight if they choose, whereas what I wanted to say was that gay men in homophobic countries when they have gay sex are making the brave choice of being gay i.e. true to themselves. I am wondering if this confusion is because in US English, you would say, In this sense rather than in that sense, and thus the sentence would read: In this sense choosing to be gay, is indeed a choice and a brave choice for people who come from countries where it is illegal/dangerous etc. -
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
if you read all of what I wrote, you will see that I meant in the sense that, many conservatives see homosexuality and being gay as a choice and not "natural"... and hold that gay men who have gay sex are making a choice to be gay. I was referring to the conservative view, not my view! -
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
Are you sure: as old world skills like cruising - trying to find another gay man in society is a dying art, largely because many of us, me included, rely so much on technology and the internet (apps, websites) to cruise and have almost forgotten how to go about it without technology. Slate had an interesting article about it. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://slate.com/human-interest/2018/06/is-cruising-for-sex-in-the-age-of-grindr-still-possible.html -
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
Thank you for clarifying that, but my arguments against Grindr and your support of them remain the same. I wonder if your charitable view of Grindr is because you have the good fortune and privilege of choosing to say No to working with them. It is truly astounding that more than 50% of their staff choose to resign when ordered back to Office, even though most offices in 2023 where returning back to pre-pandemic Office routines and a lot of people wanted to get back into the office routine. I wonder what was so toxic in the Grindr office than such a high percentage of their staff revolted at the very option of actually being near each other 🙂 A company can definitely be homophobic inspite of catering to gay/bi men. For e.g. a gay bar owner in a city and time where being gay is illegal could run a gay bar but still easily be blackmailing clients, have them robbed, get them beaten up by thugs etc, or think they are "animals" and gay sex is unnatural etc. Running a company that caters to gay/bi/curious men does not automatically exclude that firm from being homophobic. Grindr def. has a history of anti gay activities that I have mentioned earlier, and the present decission to turn of GPS /Search Explore facility in the Olympics Village is another example of it. Grindr comes up with stupid decission and stupid statements by their CEOs because they are fairly conservative and believe if gay interests clash with conservative business interests, it is right that they choose the latter coz they are a "business" and not a charitable or social organization. However most businesses nowadays recognize that business practices and decisions do have an ethical dimensions. I do think that some or perhaps many in the Olympics committee wanted it, but I honestly have no way of verifying that; only a gay insider will be able to give us some more information on who insisted on this decission, Grindr or the Olympics committee. Grindr wants gay business but not the gay issues that come with it; and is more than happy to accommodate conservative, anti gay interests. They could have very easily just put up a warning, the way they do in some anti-gay Islamic countries, that warns users of potential dangers of police entrapments and scammers etc. What I fail to see is how you arrived at the conclusion that I was for advocating for Outing closeted gay athletes them, when all that I was pushing for is facilities for every male, straight identified or gay, closeted or Out, to have easy access to anonymous sex, a hook up etc, if they wish to do so. Anyone who want gay sex, or even sex for that matter, unfortunately, always runs the risk of being outed/exposed in his home country or in the Olympics village and thus is just the way of the world; I nor anybody else can change that. Of course the person can lower their risk by not putting up their face pic etc., but even in an anonymous/secretive encounter there is the slim risk of someone recording you/outing you Unfortunately in authoritarian countries, gay men who choose to have gay sex always have such dangers dangling over their head for being gay. In that sense choosing to be gay, is indeed a choice and a brave choice for people who come from countries where it is illegal/dangerous etc. However, usually people in such countries can face such dangers anytime for other reasons as well - supporting the opposite regime, holding a different religious view, etc. I hope you are not advocating that gay people in such countries should not want gay sex, have gay sex etc., or that they should go along with the dictates of their religious/societal leaders and give up being gay: because not so long ago even in the United States sodomy was illegal and could get you a jail sentence in most states, (please correct me if i am wrong), and yet now you have legal same sex marriage in the United States. Exactly, I certainly don't and neither does Grindr! Let every athlete decide if he wants to be Out or not, and do not take that option away from them. -
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
I am very surprised that someone who worked/works for Grindr would defend its policies! Back in September last year, at least 50 % of Grindr workforce QUIT over its return to office policies and forced relocation. Grindr seems to creates a fairly toxic place not just in the outside world of Olympics but also internally in its Office!! [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/dating-app-grindr-loses-nearly-half-its-staff-after-trying-to-force-a-return-to-office-1.6553414 Which is only puzzling.. as homophobia and hetro-normative structures are not just a hypothesis but a lived reality of gay people and needs to be recognized and called out wherever it shows up. Is it really that hard to conceive, within the realm of possibility, that the powers that be: foreseeing possible same-sex activity in a village filled with men athletes (and women) who are away from their straight spouses for a week or two, do not want any easy same-sex hook up technology accessible in that village space and prefer having it blocked? Thank you for filling in on the background events and context and I am so happy that TikTok and Twitter did take down this illegal content. There is always going to be content that is illegal, e.g. someone recording someone in a public bathroom, and internet companies will have to take a decision/have some kind of guidelines on how to deal with it: take it down, report it etc. However, we can't stop public posting of videos simply because someone might and someone quite likely will post illegal videos. Similarly, Grindr does not need to take the Orwellian decission of turning off geolocation and Search/Explore services altogether, and instead could do something it does in high risk(for gays) countries like Egypt for e.g. where users often see a warning before opening the app, that they could be monitored or become victims of some kind of surveillance. [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/03/24/grindr-egypt-police-fake-accounts/ The only liability that Grindr has is its own conservative mindset! After all one of its CEO was defending the sanctity of heterosexual marriage! (2018) and the present one was promoting an anti gay Virginia Governor, Glenn Youngkin, who rolled back LGBTQ rights for kids, as President. [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/nov/29/grindr-apps-president-calls-marriage-holy-matrimony-between-man-and-woman [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://time.com/6221545/grindr-ceo-george-arison-tweet-conservative-politicians/ People who come from anti-gay countries are not likely to sue Grindr for fear of being Outed. Instead if outed, they probably will have to make the choice of living openly, perhaps in a tolerant country rather than their home country where being gay is illegal, and are likely to thank their Grindr hook up in the Olympics for helping them be Free, and themselves, finally! It's high time Grindr restore all Geo-locations services including Search/Explore in the Olympic Village and let the gays have much deserved fun for all their years of athletic training and preparation. -
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
Grindr's actions have always been rather self serving with no consideration of gay interests. The rising legal cases against them including the one brought by a gay priest in the US whose data it sold to right wing anti gay religious homophobes, or the gay men in the UK whose HIV status it again sold to third party commercial companies are good examples of how 'gay-friendly' they reallyt are. Oh, and I forgot the gay marriage position of its former CEO, but i guess Grindr's anti gay history calls for another thread altogether and I am going to try to sick to the present issue. To get the facts right about this particular event: Grindr and the Olympic Village, Grind came clean about the issue only after gay athletes started complaining on Social media that they couldn’t use the “explore” function, which allows users to search for and view profiles in a specific location. Thus if any guy went on Grindr in the Olympic villages and did an explore function, he should have ordinarily been able to see at least how many gay male athletes exist in the world and thus register homosexual presence in the Olympics. By disbanding this, Grindr is effectively reducing gay visibility. “If an athlete is not out or comes from a country where being LGBTQ+ is dangerous or illegal, using Grindr can put them at risk of being outed by curious individuals who may try to identify and expose them on the app,” Grindr said in a blog post [think before following links] https://www.grindr.com/blog/grindr-and-enhanced-privacy-for-athletes-at-the-paris-olympics Claiming that guys from countries with homophobic laws need to be protected from hook-ups, laws which where put there by the white colonial masters in the first place, is very patronizing to say the least, and reeks of a total ignorance of gays outside of the United States and the gay rights movement across the globe. So many countries with anti gay laws have actively been removing anti sodomy laws from their legal statues and lot of this came about because gay men and women sought to escape from their homophobic countries and would try to live a gay life elsewhere. In the States, for e.g. a lot of your gay artists and intellectuals, such as Gore Vidal, Edward White, Gertrude Stein etc went to Paris during the Pre War Era to enjoy the freedoms that they did not enjoy back in the United States. If there is a gay athlete say from Quarter, a middle eastern Muslim country, and this is the only time in his life he gets to be outside of his country and where he can be gay, shouldn't Grindr be making life easy for him by facilitating a hook-up for him, instead of trying to prevent it? . I couldn't help but think of this inspiring gay guy, Dr Nas Mohammed, and how he managed to escape from an oppressive situation and live his authentic truth. I noticed you never commented on my main observation that Grindr did this because it didn't want to be seeing facilitating possible same-sex sexual activity in an environment where wife's of athlete's are banned and thus opportunity for same-sex sexual activity increases. I am sure it wasn't laziness on your part or any kind of intentional oversight, and I am truly interested in hearing what you have to say of it. How far can we take this protecting 'high profile users' from bad actors experiment. The next thing we will know is gay bars in Paris banning people from countries where being gay is dangerous/illegal for fear that they could become victims of a potential Outing attempt. -
Is Grindr in trouble in the English speaking world: From UK to the US, Grindr's legal troubles is rising because of its practice of putting gay lives and interests at risk for a quick buck. In the UK, Reuters reports that at least 670 people have filed a lawsuit three months ago in the London High Court over the fact that Grindr revealed their HIV Status, and the date of their last HIV test! to commercial third party data hunters; more are expected to join the lawsuit as thousands of gay men have been affected. [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.reuters.com/technology/grindr-facing-uk-lawsuit-over-alleged-data-protection-breaches-2024-04-22/ [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.globallegalpost.com/news/gateley-affiliate-austen-hays-launches-class-action-against-grindr-advised-by-cooley-1983825032 In the US, Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill, who was fired back in 2021 from his senior clerical position in the Catholic Church for being on Grindr has filed a law suit in a court in California alleging "a stunning pattern of [Grindr’s] intentional and reckless failure to protect private data of its customers." Is Grindr finally being held to account for its actions?
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
If you are a straight guy, horny as hell, with no prior experience of Grindr — An app which tell u how far the nearest booty is more likely to make you reach out for a Quickie rather than one where u go and find 100s of guys in the city: with no idea of who is close by and within 10-15 mts of a real, quick fuck! Geo location makes hookups easy and it should be up to the athletes to decide if they want to use it or not — not Grindr! Advertisers understand the importance of this principle of ease and visibility and that is why will place products near a check out line, so that the products catch shoppers' attention and they end up indulging in an impulse buy. The Olympic village may be saving the soul of a "weak man" who might fall prey to their homosexual impulse or lusts by removing his occasion/situation of sin, but why is Grindr facilitating this disservice to gay athletes? I imagine, if I where a gay Olympian I would definitely be wanting to have a good fuck the day before the big match and would be motivated by knowing I would have a good fuck after the match. I am wondering if they are doing it to avoid any kind of lawsuit by the wife of a 'straight' guy who ends up having a homosexual encounter in the gay village, the wife blaming it on the fact that family members are not allowed in the gay village, a fact confirmed by multiple news articles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cosmopolitan Technically, only athletes competing in the games are allowed to stay in the Olympic Village—but they can bring their coaches and sport specific team officials around if needed. [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a61647461/olympic-village-rules/ Only athletes, trainers and officials are allowed to room at the Village, though family members and former Olympic athletes are allowed inside with proper checks. Press and media are also barred. [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_Village -
Grindr banned in the Olympic Village in Paris (2024)
brnbk replied to brnbk's topic in LGBT Politics
Isn't the ban of geo-location controlling as well? After all, athletes have the option not to log into Grindr or app or turn of geo-location, should they choose. I am imagining if the guy is on Grindr in the Olympics!, he probably is on Grindr even when he is back in his homophobic country; and every gay man including gay athletes in homophobic countries, unfortunately, has the border and duty to fight the fight against homophobia! homophobia cannot be eliminated by doing away with a gay app or gay bar. Such a line of reasoning is circular, and seeks to blame and eliminate the victim rather than the perpetrator. Whose safety: Is Grindr really worried about the safety of gay athletes or is it more worried about the safety of its profits and intersectionality with the straight world? What I mean by that phrase is, the ability of Grindr to appear "normal" as defined by the heteronormative standards of the society in which it operates. According to multiple news sources, the Olympic village does not allow the family of athletes to stay with them, thus leaving a host of testosterones filled men with urges - cum filled balls desperate to drain it in a hole, any hole if they become desperate. Is fear of homosexual experimentation on part of the Olympians one of the main driving force behind this decision to ban GPS, as geolocation certainly makes a hook up easy: if I know how far the gay guy is, its easy to talk to him and perhaps arrange for a meeting - cum filled encounter of Olympic proportions? -
Grindr has decided to make its geolocation services unavailable in the Olympics Village, and ban it for the Olympics currently behind held in Paris. China banned Grindr from its Olympic village in 2022, and oddly Paris has bought into Grindr's claim that the decision was taken to protect gays. Do gay sportsmen need protection from Grindr hookups in the Olympic Village or are they capable of taking care of themselves and have gay fun. Is this decision homophobic? [think before following links] https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/07/23/paris-olympics-grindr-profiles/ [think before following links] https://www.outsports.com/2024/7/23/24098046/grindr-gay-olympic-village-blocked/#:~:text=“Grindr imposed the same restriction,one another while they're Yahoo : Grindr says no peeking!
Thank you for filling me in, on how the indictment/sentencing process work, as I was not sure if the complain document that we are referencing is the official "Indictment" or not. I am curious if fresh charges can be brought up by the prosecutor, if the present charges fail in court: If the judge/jury finds him not guilty of sending 300 files to various people, could the prosecutor then come up with a fresh charges of say, we have evidence that Austin exchanged illegal CSA files two years or knowingly did try to hook up with an underage guy. we are not sure what they are referring to as CSA/underage material. For e.g. it is often tough to gauge the age of a guy. For e.g. i was watching a Channel 4 documentary, where the gay porn star in question, ironically also called Austin, Austin L Young!, says he is proud of playing a little boy and no one can make him feel otherwise. One look at him made me feel uncomfortable coz i honestly feared he was in the 14 to 16 range. Turns out he is 24!! I noticed in the complaint document/Indictment, it is alleged that Austin shared files containing sexual material of a 10 yr old, the age being determined by the filename, which was in Spanish! How would Austin know that as he is most likely not a Spanish speaker? The original source of these files that where sent from Austin's Telegram a/c is also very relevant IMO. If Austin where truly a pedophille, he would have gone searching for these files, have a collection of them and he would be pretty driven by such material as that is the only thing which would give him sexual pleasure. If on the other hand, where these files sent by someone to Austin on his telegram account, which Austin later forwarded possibly to this guy twink TUSer1/FBI Employee1 coz the twink TTUser1 told him he was 18 yrs and 18 weeks old and wanting to have sex with him, — and Austin did not want to miss out on it and just provided to this man(?) twink what he wanted.— the extent of Austin's culpability can definately be questioned. If does not make sense that would a pedophille only have files on his phone and not on his computer. an SD card is the storage on ones phone and and the SD card is where Austin would have received any files from Telegram and this is probably the source of these files. Who sent him these files in the first place, is very relevant IMO. Human sexuality is complex and judging sexual behavior outside of its context leads to erroneous judgements. For e.g., Two guys could be have a good time in the park and suddenly they could become deviants/exhibitionists etc, I think the context and background of an act really make a difference to the situation, and helps determine if something is a crime. Like if two guys deliberately start having sex right in the middle of the park, during a time when there are usually lots of people around, and there are people around - it is clearly they intended to be exhibitionist. However, if two people have sex during the evening time in the bushes and the police cars come raiding with their signs to catch the 'deviants' — I personally am not convinced of their crime. I actually admire guys who stand up for their fetishes. I know for e.g. I am attracted to rougher masculine hairy older guys. I don't know why but i always have. I also have preferred anonymous sex. Let us say i live in a culture where homosexuality is [banned word], and as a porn star i film scenes in a local park. it wont take long for the authorities to claim i have defamed the park, the city, coz i shot a sexual movie - a porn movie in their park. My point is, Austin could have become a victim just because of his particular tastes for younger men and was on the watch list of some people. The day you make a political statement like the one Austin did, about black rights in America, you will become a target. : "White privilege is real. I'm fully aware of what it is and what it means....................I know I have a head start in life. I'm 6'4, 265 lbs, and I'm white. It doesn't get much easier than that." I simply am not convinced that Austin is a "pedophille".
Since Austin ran a Telegram channel linked on one of his websites with over 12,000 subscribers according to a yahoo report, it is quite premature to assume that any of the CP came from Austin and not from any of the 12,000 telegram followers of his or from that wonderful gentelmanboy TT User-1. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.yahoo.com/news/adult-film-star-austin-wolf-232316910.html I personally find it hard to believe that such a successful gay porn star can suddenly fall to such depravity and become a pedophile overnight in 4 days - March 24 to 28th, as alleged in the complain. A number of scenarios could explain the situation. TT User1 could have told Austin he was a 18.5 yr old man and got his attention, only to send him CP in a bit to trap him. Another scenario, which is very much a possibility is a disgruntled employee/rival porn star of Austin's porn business could have hacked his Telegram channel and send out CP and exchanged messages with TT User 1/FBI Employee 1. Austin could very well be the first target of Project 2025. I want to start a poll to find out how many people think Austin is guilty. The options that I propose are. 1. Austin is innocent until proven guilty. I am not convinced of the charges based on the evidence, yet. 2. things look pretty bad for Austin. Given the facts, I am convinced Austin is guilty of exchanging child porn. 3. I want to hear Austin's side of the story. 4. Other Please let me know if you want any other options .
There is often another side to an allegation/story and one should make up one's mind only after hearing both sides. Austin claims in an interview to the Instinct Magazine that the guy knew he was filming the act: It was the other guy's idea to have sex on flight, in the first place; and he had a large phone in his hand and openly recording their sexual encounter and thus had the guy's consent! Does this equal consent to post it online, I guess the jury is still out. [think before following links] https://instinctmagazine.com/exclusive-an-interview-with-austin-wolf/?utm_source=cocktailsandcocktalk.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=pubexchange Consent in real life is a complicated topic which needs a different thread altogether; but I am still trying to find out Austin's side of the story, as well, on the disturbing child porn allegations.
I want to add, that it does seem most people seem to have made up his mind that the accused, Austin Wolf IS guilty. I would recommend, waiting for more details & facts in the case to show up, before making up one's mind. For all that it is worth, here are facts of the case that seem odd to me. I noticed something from the news articles and indictment that only one SD Card was found as evidence. People who are of such a temperament( pedophilles) are usually quite driven in their (criminal) pursuit and tend to make a fair bit of mistakes, i.e. have images all over their PC, and other places where they could easily get caught as they are quite driven by this illegal pursuit — which doesn't seem to be the case with Austin. Also this one SD card was apparently found in late April, why is this making to the news 2 months later. that seems like an awful lot of time by the concerned authorities to allow the criminal to carry on with his alleged criminal tendencies. Could it be that he was/is being blackmailed by someone who planted this evidence against him for any number of reasons including, revenge, jilted lover, co-porn star rivalry, porn industry hatred etc. Since the police has been on this case for at least 2 months more, how is it that they haven't found anymore evidence. Seems odd. if this guy was truly a pedophille as is alleged, he definitely would be back trying to look for such material and would actually have a pattern of such behavior. Based on the media report from gay times, Austin received hundreds of images from a guy called 'TT User 1' who he had also met in person. Is is truly possible that someone would receive hundreds of images from someone online but not when they meet in person? Thus, does this SD card belong to Austin or this other gentleman who seems to be rather close to Austin, given that he not only knows Austin's travel plans but also where he lives, but also what is on his computer! Who is this TTUser1: a jilted lover, a crazy guy who wants to frame Austin because he cannot have him fully? What is the age of this "guy" who sent these images to Austin. Is Austin the guilty party here or this other gentleman, whom the FBI was investigating in the first place. Why are details about this other guy, TTUser1, not being released by the police since he clearly committed a crime — the real crime — by sending Austin illegal material. Anyone can send anyone illegal material, if you are online. Are the powers that be in the United States trying to "punish" a gay porn star who likes younger men, because of a mistaken belief that men(and women) become gay because they are introduced to that lifestyle (called propaganda in Russian terminology) by adults. Thus a younger individual chooses the gay lifestyle not because he wants to have gay sex but because an adult influences him into it. Is Austin facing prejudice because he is seen as a gay Influencer: someone who influences younger men into pursing the gay lifestyle/option.? Austin Wolf definitely seemed to like younger thinner men. anywhere between 18 to 22 or 25 I would say. We all have our preferences and men who prefer younger men should not be villainized. Pedophilias is one of the worst crimes that exists; however, falsely convicting an innocent man of it, is an equally heinous crime. The case against Austin Wolf should be thoroughly investigated so that no prejudice against him, is allowed to influence the verdict and truth of the case. ================================================================================================= [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.pride.com/gay-news/austin-wolfs-arrest-industry-reacts#rebelltitem5 [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/adult-film-actor-justin-heath-smith-aka-austin-wolf-charged-distribution-child [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.gaytimes.com/life/porn-star-austin-wolf-arrested-and-charged-with-distributing-child-sex-abuse-material/
I am going to offer my two cents to this lively discussion. It is very brave of anyone who chooses to participate in this discussion, as it can get heated (rough) very easily, but that is the beauty of bare discussion on very important topics. Big Pharma definitely has a reason to invent viruses. First of all they are sitting on pile loads of cash: corporates in the world are the richest they have ever been; the middle class is the poorest it has been and the poor - well as the Church can testify- the poor ye always have with you. So there are some very wealthy, bored and power hungry guys (and gals) who wish to experiment with things and have a motive to indulge in such Nazi activities. Population control (usually directed towards the poor) has always been a fantasy with certain developmental Nazis who think the world's poverty problem can be solved with population control. Oddly though, they never seem to think that abortion and contraceptives might be a much better way to achieve that goal in a few generations, rather than going around killing people in pandemics. These are the two main reasons I think man made viruses are definitely within the realm of possibility.
Man sentenced to 30 yrs for deliberately spreading HIV
brnbk replied to seaguy's topic in General Discussion
The guy is not a fiiiinee gentlemen but nonetheless Alexander Louie is a human being who deserves the benefit of doubt, and the protection of and equal treatment under law. Age of consent depends on where you live: in Brazil it's 14, in Idaho it's 18 and in Bahrain you must be 21 to have sex, if you are unmarried! If this person broke the law he deserves to be punished, but the police should not be creating incentives and trapping individuals in such experiments, which is what happened in his case. In law, entrapment has repeatedly proven to be unlawful, and it is wrong and immoral, as well. People in small towns talk, but they only talk when gay people or non whites have sex. The moral panics only occur when black men are feared to be having sex with white women — lynching in the deep south, or oriental i.e. Chinese women are having sex with white christian men — the Page Act of 1875. These towns in the United States are built over the dead bodies of native Americans - derisively referred to as Indians by the conquering Anglo Saxon race. IMO, people who lives in glass houses and whose morality is so suspect should not be throwing stones at other people. I don't believe fucking too many people in a town is a crime or wrong, and does not prove that something wrong with the individual. If anything, it just proves that the town is filled with horny folks!, oh who like to talk as well 🙂 -
Medicine is one of the most difficult professions on earth, IMO, especially if you a surgeon coz you are dealing with someone's life. In an hour someone could be here or no more. I must confess, two dicks for someone who hasn't had even one - all his life - would be a bit too much for anyone. However, I am not convinced he did not want to try it. Only when you try something do u get to know how you really feel about it. He could be straight and bored and unhappy with life and have wanted to try a gay threesome. It is definitely within the realm of possibility as I could see myself being unhappy and lonely in a location and wanting to make friends and end up with females who might end up trying to bed me. Regretting one's sexual activity is fairly common but crying several times a day over it, with those who he sinned with, seems unusual. Do you think he might feel better if he tries a threesome where he is one of the Top?
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