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The One Guy


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Do you believe in the idea of someone's other half? Would you like to be with someone for all eternity? Or you would prefer just fucking around? When I mean be with someone, consider granted that you won't have sex with no one other than him and so will he. 

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I have been single for too long and too much of a slut to go into a monogamous relationship now. But I do would like to have a best buddy to whom I can connect with and have a relationship with. He can be a slut too. I don't care.


Living together with someone? I think not. I appreciate my private space too much.

Unless there is a gorgeous huge dicked 30s top who wants to breed me every night. I then may reconsider :-)

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I agree with Dan Savage's position on this. There is not a single person who is the 1. There are lots of guys who are 0.8, 0.75, or even 0.67 that you can round up to 1. Hopefully he is willing to do the same for you. That's how you make a couple. :)


My husband and I were monogamous for a few years when we got together. I didn't want anyone but him for a long time. Eventually, we both felt "the itch" to sleep with others, so we opened the relationship. Now we play with other together and separately.


I have a man who loves me despite my faults and who loves to watch me take cock and cum from other guys. At the baths, he will put me in the sling and line up guys to do so. I couldn't ask for much more. 


He has a big cock, too ;)

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I'm a little more traditional on this. I don't mind playing around with many people when I am single but when I am with someone I'm quite jealous. I don't want my bf to be touched or even be seen naked by anyone but me. I'm pretty dominant and I won't forget and forgive cheating. My bf belongs to me and me only and the same goes for me.

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I'm a little more traditional on this. I don't mind playing around with many people when I am single but when I am with someone I'm quite jealous. I don't want my bf to be touched or even be seen naked by anyone but me. I'm pretty dominant and I won't forget and forgive cheating. My bf belongs to me and me only and the same goes for me.

You're just getting your feet wet. I suspect you will look back at your 22 year old self at some point and smile. It's just not that serious. And once you've been with someone for a little while and the honeymoon phase is over, you'll likely revisit your stance on this. I'll never limit myself to just one cock and I don't care how good it is.  ;)

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Guest PozGoat

Evolution made humans into the pigs we are. It is in our very nature to want to fuck many different people.


Monogamy tends to go against nature.


I'm an evolutionary pig.


I see it like this..

The more cock I take, the more ass I fuck and FF, the more I am helping to progress our species.


Heed PozFather Nature, or he will make the sky go black, another ice age, to wipe all who didn't heed him, from existence.


Fuck ass, spread ur seed, or bend over and take it raw, or expect another ice age, FUCKERS!



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Guest PozGoat

On a more serious note..


I can appreciate a very close friend/FB/lover or whatever label. Would we be monogomous? Fuck no!


I'd likely be whoring his ass every weekend at the local tubs. I'd put his pigkunt in the community sling and go find every top in the joint to train-breed his pigkunt.


Beyond, that we'd be monogomous..



I could do a close relationship with a like-minded pig. We could role-play monogomy. Use it as sexual torture on each other. Use it as sub-humiliation on each other. Then, laugh at each other when we fail at monogomy and get off watching each other be the promiscuous pigs the PozFather Nature intended us to be.


Who knew monogamy can be so fucking hot?


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I was jealous too when I was in my 20s. Everyone who even dared to look at (let alone touch him) my BF at the time could count on a very dangerous look from me. You grow older and wiser.

I still like the idea of a lifetime buddy, a soul mate, but he wouldn't have exclusive sex with me, like I wouldn't either with him.

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I'm a little more traditional on this. I don't mind playing around with many people when I am single but when I am with someone I'm quite jealous. I don't want my bf to be touched or even be seen naked by anyone but me. I'm pretty dominant and I won't forget and forgive cheating. My bf belongs to me and me only and the same goes for me.

I was the same way at your age. However, as I got older, late twenties I changed. I have been in a relationship for 24 years now and it has always been open. He has his FB and I have mine. In fact I just hook up this afternoon and he knew who it was with and where. We have different tastes sexually so it works out really well.

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Monogamy is not a natural state for men. I think it can work but it takes a lot of effort.

If I were to ever have a relationship it would have to be open.

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No, I don't believe in it. My other half will want to fuck around. I believe that love shouldn't be a prison in which to trap someone, but it should give them the strength to lift their wings and fly.

Perfectly said.

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