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The Decline And Fall Of Michael Christian

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Author's note:  


It's been awhile since I've posted a story... but I have been writing.  


This story is long (14 chapters and some of them fairly long themselves)... BUT it is mostly written.  I'm just going back and doing proofreading / corrections/ adjustments on the later chapters... so the story should not be abandoned unfinished.


The plan is to post one chapter a day (or so).  Hope you enjoy.  

Edited by cumluvnbottom
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Part 1:  A Seance for Halloween





“Oh come on.  What are you two afraid of?”  Viktor laughed.


Scott was scowling but Viktor found the expression almost comical on that pretty face.  But he looked to Michael for a decision.  He always did.  


Scott’s dark hair was arrayed playfully above his seductive blue-grey eyes.  His square jaw covered with stubble that was always just over a one day growth… but never a beard.  Tonight he wore a grey t-shirt with a couple buttons at the collar.  Buttons that had been carefully left unfastened allowing a tantalising glimpse of his muscular chest.  Yes. Scott was a handsome man… strange then that he had set himself firmly in Michael Christian’s orbit.


To be near Michael was to be in his shadow.  His entourage.  Looking at Michael your eyes never knew where to land.  His blond hair cascading over his forehead led you to his eyes.  Blue eyes.  Blue like a clear sky just before dusk.  Smooth kissable lips.  Cheekbones you would swear you could swing from and an angular jaw that guided your eyes down to his chest.  His body relentless perfection.  Tall, strong, tanned, toned.  But no one part overpowering the rest.  Everything in balance. He was 28 years old but was often mistaken for younger. 


And his cock.  Oh fuck yes!  His cock.  Michael had a truly impressive member.  10 inches, uncut, and thick.  A cock that Michael, a total top who wouldn’t even suck a dick, enjoyed using and using often. Michael had fucked every beautiful man who had measured up to his high standards.  Except Scott of course.  Viktor liked to tease Scott about it.  How big the cock was.  How great it felt inside his ass.   


Not that Viktor had felt it in awhile.  Viktor had given himself completely to Michael.  And Michael had used him until he grew bored then moved on.  And that, perhaps, was what had led to this night. 


Michael sighed. “Fine.  Whatever.”


“Excellent.  It is Halloween.  We must have seance!”  Viktor’s Romanian accent was strong, off putting to some, but he liked how it set him apart.  It had brought him some resentment and persecution from time to time… but it made him exotic to others.  He even played it up when it suited him.  Like now.  


He lit the three candles he had waiting on his small round coffee table. He had made the candles himself.  Just the way he had been taught.   While he was lighting the candles he carefully pricked his finger on the sewing needle he had tucked under one of the candles.  He made sure he stood in a way that the other two men could not see what he was doing and dropped a single drop of blood into the flame on each candle. Nana had always said that black magic need blood to target properly.  A precise process to obtain the precise result he wanted.  


He turned of the lights; the room fell dark except for the three candles.   He gestured for Michael and Scott to join him on the floor.  The three men each sat facing each other around the small coffee table with the three candles in the middle.  


“We must to hold hands.” Viktor said.  





Scott sighed.  He really didn’t want to hold Viktor’s hand but took it. Best just to get this over with. 


It was Halloween and Scott just wanted to get to the club:  a club where friends were waiting and - more importantly - a club that was surely already pulsing with sweaty muscular men grinding away with each other under the influence of massive amounts of alcohol.  No one would be wearing costumes, it wasn’t that kind of club.  In fact, the guys would be wearing as little as possible.  


Scott had never liked Viktor.  But then, to be fair, he never liked any of Michael’s tricks.  Viktor had caught Michael’s eye in a club six months ago and Michael had fucked him a few times.  That should have been the end of it… but Viktor had somehow managed to worm his way into their small group of friends despite Scott’s best efforts.  ‘The trick that won’t go away’ as Scott called him. 


It wasn’t that Viktor was ugly.  Far from it.  You didn’t get attention from Michael Christian by being ugly.  


A model, Viktor had the lean build of a swimmer.  His hair was just long enough to be unruly without being truly unkempt.  His lips full and wide. His face smooth — perhaps a touch androgynous — the small scattering of moles on his left cheek only emphasised the allure.   He carried himself in such a way that, when you first met him, you might think him naive.  Until you looked in his eyes.  Viktor’s eyes were not quite amber, not quite brown.  But were piercing, cold, and calculating. There was nothing innocent in those eyes. 


Scott had thought about his reaction to Viktor.  No.  It wasn’t his looks.  Scott didn’t like Viktor because he guarded their little circle of friends jealously.  Or, truth be told, he guarded Michael jealously. 


Viktor had latched on to Michael but for Michael it had only been sex.  After the novelty wore off, he had grown bored.  He had long since moved on in the seemingly endless succession of beautiful men who tumbled into his bed.  


Not that Scott had ever been one of those men.  He and Michael had never “hooked up”.  Michael always said he didn’t want to ruin their friendship.  The only glimpse of Michael’s infamous cock was sneaking glances in the showers at the gym.  





Michael hid a smile and watched Scott take Viktor’s hand reluctantly.  Part of the reason he let Viktor hang around was to watch him annoy Scott.  Michael liked Scott.  He was a great guy and probably his best friend… but it was so fun to watch Scott get frustrated.  


He knew that Scott wanted him, idealised him.  Yet he had always resisted.  Sure, Scott was a hot piece of ass.  But a hot piece of ass that wouldn’t want to be just a one night stand.  Michael really did value Scott’s friendship but he didn’t love him.  He would never be able to give Scott what he really wanted.  Fucking him would kill their friendship.  So he kept his friend close.  But always at arm’s distance.


Viktor had closed his eyes and was chanting.  “Spirits of the underworld.  Hear my voice. …”  


He continued on and on but Michael wasn’t really paying too much attention.  Nothing was happening, of course.   This kind of thing was just a bunch of superstition.  A collection of old wives tales and fairy tales used to keep children in line.  Michael had thought it might be fun (after all, it was Halloween) but he was starting to regret his decision.  


After a few minutes, Viktor opened his eyes.  “I think is better if I do in Romanian. I can do just like my Nana taught me.”  He didn’t wait for a reply.  He simply closed his eyes and resumed his chanting, this time in Romanian.  Michael listed to the unknown language rolling off Viktor’s tongue and wondered absently what he was saying.  





Viktor began the ceremony for real now.  This was, of course, not a mere seance.  But he had no intention for the other two men to know that.  


Despite having spent so much time with his Nana, watching her and learning the old ways, he was nervous.  He had never done anything like what he was about to do.  He wasn’t sure Nana would have approved.    


”Spiritele din lumea interlopa, auzi glasul meu. Deschis de văl între lumi, alaturi de noi aici.”


(Spirits of the underworld, hear my voice. Open the veil between worlds, join us here.)


“Deschideţi porţile iadului.  Trimite-mi care zboara, cunoscut ca Zburător.”


(Open the gates of hell.  Send me He Who Flies, known as Zburător.)


He continued for several minutes, rambling on.  Nothing was happening.  He was sure he was doing this right…. what was wrong? 





Michael shivered.  The room had gradually grown darker, colder.   Odd.  He hadn’t seen Viktor turn down the heat.   


He was feeling a little light headed.   He wondered if Viktor had put some sort of drug in the candles that they were breathing in as the candles burned.  He wouldn’t put it past the dumbass.


He wondered again what Viktor was droning on about.  This had long since lost its appeal.  






Viktor’s voice raised slightly.  He was pleading now.   He knew he was out of his depth but this had to work… he had studied and prepared for this night for so long.  


“Da-mi un semn ca esti aici.”


(Give me a sign that you are here.)


He felt something and his breath caught in his chest.  He had been touched between the shoulder blades by a finger.  A finger as cold as ice.  Oh fuck.  It had worked.  He wasn’t sure if he should be relieved or terrified.  Both.  


“Am fost nedreptățit.  Acest om mi- a folosit și aruncat pe mine deoparte.”


(I have been wronged.  This man has used me and then thrown me aside.)


He tilted his head slightly, almost imperceptibly, to Michael.  


“Ajutoare mă în obținerea răzbunare mea.  Luați departe ceea ce el comori mai presus de toate:  Predominanța.  Vointa.  Rezolva.”


(Aid me in my revenge.  Take away what he treasures over all: Dominance.  Will.  Resolve.)


“Celălalt mă tratează cu dispreț.  La departe ura lui și înlocuiți-l cu pofta.  Dă -mi-l.  Pentru a satisface dorințele mele.”


(The other treats me with contempt.  Take his hatred and replace it with lust.  Give him to me.  To satisfy my desires.)


He nodded slightly towards Scott. 


“Știu că există un cost.  Voi plăti costul de bunăvoie.  Vei face cum am întrebat?  Dă-mi un semn.”


(I know there is a cost.  I will pay it willingly.  Will you do as I have asked?  Give me a sign.)


Viktor felt the icy touch on his back move.  It slowly traced down his spine coming to rest just above his buttocks.  


He felt cold air on his ear, cold like death.  A whisper so quiet no one else could hear.  “Este dat.”  


(It is given.)


Viktor smiled.  “Contractul a fost făcut.”


(The contract is made.)






Scott was trying not to cough.  The smoke from these candles was getting to him.  Making his throat burn.


Viktor’s eyes were still closed but he said, in english.  “Repeat after me….The contract is made.”


Contract?  What contract?   Scott looked to Michael but his friend just shrugged.  Eager to end this nonsense,  however, they repeated the phrase.   “The contract is made.”


Scott could see that Michael was out of patience.  Excellent.  He would put a fast stop to this now and they could get to the club.  


“Ok…   we go to club now.”  Viktor smiled and was already standing up. 


Scott stood up.  “Wait. That was it?  What a fucking waste of time.”


Viktor just smiled.  “Time will tell.  Time will tell.”

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Part 2:  Halloween Encounters 





The club was packed when they arrived at 11:00 PM.    People were being turned away from the door but the bouncer let Michael walk by with a nod… and Scott and Viktor trailed in his wake.  The rest of their little group - Greg and Tommy - were waiting when they came in. 


“Didn’t think you guys were going to show!”  Greg shouted above the noise.  Greg was no real beauty but was passably handsome in a blue collar sort of way. Scott had let Greg into the group a couple years ago during a spate of gay bashings.  Always good to have someone around who looked like he could fight back.  And Greg, who worked construction, definitely fit the bill.  


“I said you three were having a threesome to get the party started.”  Tommy laughed.  


“Not fucking likely.” Scott said through gritted teeth, still annoyed at the wasted time on the seance, but no one heard him.


If you looked in a gay dictionary for the word “twink” you would see a picture of Tommy.  Tall but very thin and boyish,  Tommy couldn’t be closeted if he wanted to… so instead he wore his gayness like a banner. He and Greg had dated briefly but Scott suspected he had hoped to “trade up” to Michael.  Good luck.  He was definitely not Michael’s type at all.  


“Hey guys!” Tommy said, pulling out his phone.  “Everyone squeeze together.  Let me get a picture.”


Scott sighed and he saw Greg roll his eyes.  But no one seemed to complain.  Michael was only half paying attention, his eyes scanning the room.  Looking for his next conquest most likely.  


“I’ll send you all a copy later. “  Tommy promised.  


Greg leaned close to Michael and Scott.  “So what did keep you?”


“Don’t ask.”  Michael laughed.  “I need a fucking drink.”  He led the way to the bar and Greg bought the first round.  The first round of many.  






Thirty minutes later and Michael found himself leaning against a column fighting with a growing sense of frustration.  The music was great.  The club filled with hot, sweaty, horny men.  Men undulating to the music.  Grinding their bodies together.  He had a nice buzz from the alcohol. 


Tonight, however, something seemed… off. Different.  Somehow.  It a way he couldn’t quite put his finger on.


The crowd’s eyes seemed to slide right past him.  Even his friends had wandered off.  Greg and Tommy were all but screwing on the dance floor.  Viktor was out there as well… dancing with a different man every song.  Even Scott… poor little Scott who had followed him like a puppy since they were 15… had wandered off.  He was alone.  Alone in a crowd of gay men. This was not something that Michael was used to… or that he liked.    


And worse.  He was horny.  He wanted to find an ass to fuck.  His cock had been hard, frustratingly hard, for an hour.  He had made no real effort to hide it but the even his 10 straining inches weren’t drawing a second glance. 


“Hey.”  A voice said behind him, close enough to almost whisper in his ear but shouting to be heard over the noise.  


Michael turned around, startled.  He hadn’t noticed or heard the man come up behind him.   


Was there something familiar about his face?   Didn’t really matter though, this guy was nowhere near Michael’s league. He was older — at least in this mid to late 30’s.   His body was thin and untoned… but with a bulging belly.   His hair was mostly grey and dishevelled, his face covered with a beard, thick and unkempt.  It was his face that revolted Michael the most: gaunt, skin pale, eyes sunken.  He looked sick. He may have been a looker once but that had clearly faded. Not Michael’s type at all. 


“Fuck dude.  You shouldn’t come up behind me like that.”  Michael had to shout a bit over the music and noise.


“Sorry buddy.  You just looked lonely so I thought I could come keep you company.”


“Excuse me?” Michael wanted a fuck but this guy definitely wasn’t it. 


“Come on, baby.  I’ve got something that will put a smile on your face.”  The sickly man casually groped his himself through his too-tight jeans. “You will definitely smile when I get this inside you.”


Michael laughed in his face.  “You are barking up the wrong tree.  I don’t get fucked.  I’m a top.”


“Oh please… with an ass like that?  Your ass was clearly made for fucking.”


“Not happening.  Besides.  I don’t do pity fucks. Look at yourself, man.  You look like a fucking corpse.  I wouldn’t even let you suck my dick.”


“Well fuck you, man.  I was just trying to cheer you up.  Go home alone and whack yourself off while looking in the mirror.”  The stranger turned and disappeared into the crowd.  


Great.  Another annoyance on an already miserable night.  Michael turned back to the dance floor to see Scott approaching with a couple more drinks.  





“What was that?”  Scott asked as he approached. 


“Some asshole wanted to fuck me.  Can you believe that shit?”


Scott laughed.  “What?  Didn’t he know who you were?  Must be from out of town.  Was he at least hot?  I couldn’t really see him.”


“Not hot at all.  Looked kind of sick actually…. like some kind of AIDS victim.  It’s strange but I’m sure I’ve seen him somewhere before.”  


Scott shrugged and handed Michael a drink.  There didn’t seem to be much point in talking with all the noise. 





There were no quiet corners in this club but Viktor retreated to the most out of the way spot he could find.  He was shaking a bit.

He had seen the sickly man and watched him approach Michael.  It was clear that Michael had not recognised that face.  But Viktor had. 


This was unexpected. The truth was he hadn’t known quite what to expect when he set this in motion.  But he certainly had not expected this.


Viktor’s eyes scanned the crowd, looking for that face.  Nothing.  He needed a better vantage point to look… and to keep an eye on Michael.  He kept losing Michael in the crowd, even though the blond wasn’t moving.  It was like the eyes just slid off him.  


The club had a balcony that over looked the main dance floor.  It was a cruisy area, and an area where guys would go who wanted to fool around without leaving the club.  Viktor had sucked and been sucked off up there before.  He wasn’t interested in that tonight… but it would be the best place to keep an eye on what was going on.  He took a deep breath and pushed through the crowd.  





Midnight came.  And went. 


Michael  had tried to make eye contact with a couple really hot guys.   Nothing.  He might as well be sitting home alone.  


His cock was so hard it felt like it would break off.  He couldn’t remember being so horny.  HIs mind was filled with images of bending one of these hot guys over and burying his dick in them.  But not a single one of them was looking his way.  


Scott was nearby talking to a guy that Michael recognised as David, one of the personal trainers at the local gym in Boystown. David was tall, muscular, lean… maybe just a bit overbuilt in the chest and arms for Michael’s taste, brown hair cut very short on the sides.  They had flirted a bit but David was, like Michael, a top and it had never gone anywhere. 


Michael’s eyes settled on Scott.  His buddy did have an amazing body.  For the first time in years he considered crossing the line.  What would it be like to get balls deep in Scott’s hole?  No.  He shouldn’t… he couldn’t… fuck Scott.  But that ass was looking really inviting tonight.  


Greg and Tommy had returned from the dance floor.  They were both drunk and the atmosphere was getting the best of them.  Glen’s hands caressed Tommy’s perky ass and Tommy was cuddling up to his rough looking ex.  There was little doubt that they would be going home together tonight.  Wouldn’t be the first time, probably wouldn’t be the last.  


Of Viktor, there was no sign.  Michael could only assume he had gone home with someone.  Shit.  He had no real interest in Viktor at this point but that hot hole would feel good wrapped around his dick right now.  Hell, any hot hole would feel good.  


Michael’s eyes panned the crowd. Fuck.  Not a single pair of eyes was so much as looking his direction.


Then… eye contact!


The man smiled and raised a glass in salute.  Michael gave the barest of smiles back.  The man stood and started walking closer.  


The man was handsome — but at the same time somehow nondescript. Definitely on the wrong side of 30…. possibly approaching 40.  Even at this distance, Michael could see grey hair on the man’s temples.  On a normal night, Michael wouldn’t have given him the time of day… but this was not a normal night.   The guy did have a nice body.. and he was a hell of a lot hotter than the freak who had come up behind him earlier.   Michael toyed with the idea.  


But no.  Not with Scott, Greg, and Tommy nearby… not to mention David.  There was no way he was letting his friends see him hook up with someone below his usual standards.  He broke eye contact and looked back towards Scott.  


But Scott was otherwise occupied.  His chest was pressed tight against David.   The personal trainer’s tongue was probing into Scott’s mouth.  And Scott certainly wasn’t protesting… his eyes were closed and he had “the look”.  Michael had seen that look on a lot of bottoms - and plenty of so-called versatile guys like Scott.  It was almost always there, although they tried to hide it.  On a night like tonight - more than a few drinks, a club practically raining in sweat, testosterone, and sex - the look would come out.  Michael could almost feel Scott’s hole twitch from here.  Tommy wouldn’t be the only one getting fucked tonight.  


He looked back towards the man who had been approaching.  Gone.  Disappeared back into the crowd.  Shit.





Viktor watched the scene from the balcony.  


Couldn’t anyone else see what he could see?  The man who had stepped from shadows into a crowded bar.  A man from whom light itself seemed to bend away.  


He had seen the stranger catch Michael’s eyes.  He had seen the moment between them come.  And go.  He had seen the man take a single step back when Michael looked away.  And then he had simply been gone.  


And no one had noticed.  Other than Michael and himself, he wasn’t sure that anyone had seen the stranger. 


The lights above him flickered and the room seemed a little darker.  A chill ran down his spine.  Something was near.  Behind him.  He turned. 


Two men stood a few steps away, leaning again the wall, watching him.  Two men.  The stranger who came from and returned to shadows.  And the sick man. 


The sounds of the club seemed to go quiet.  The mass of men around him slowed.  Then stopped.  As if time itself stood still.   As if someone had hit pause on a movie.  


“Viktor Lupei.”  The stranger said.  With everything stopped, frozen, around them he spoke in a quiet voice. “You know who I am?”


“Y-yes.”   Viktor’s mouth felt very dry.  “My Nana called you Zburător.”


“I am known by many names but that is an old one.  Perhaps ‘Sebastian’ would sound better in this modern age.”  He paused a gestured towards the sickly looking man.  “And you know my companion don’t you.”


“Yes.  I recognised him earlier.”


“Good.”  Sebastian stepped up to the balcony and looked down at Michael, frozen in time like the rest of the club.  “I have set things in motion per our bargain.  Now let us agree on the payment.”


Viktor nodded.  A bead of sweat dripping down his back, making him shiver.  


“Three times I will exact a price.  Once to seal the bargain.  The second when he who treats you with contempt is at your mercy.  And the third after a heart is broken beyond hope.  Those are the terms.  Do you accept?”


“I accept.”  Viktor replied with only a moments hesitation.


“Very well.”  Sebastian said, not turning away from the balcony.  “My companion will claim the first payment, to seal our bargain, on my behalf.”


Viktor turned to the sickly man.  The grungy grey hair and beard.  The pallid skin.  The lesion, hard and brown, on his forearm.  The swollen, flabby belly.  The lips, dry and swollen, formed into a lecherous smile.  The sunken eyes now looked at him the way a hawk looks at it’s prey.  Viktor had no doubt the payment that was demanded.


“But he is sick!”


The sickly man laughed.  “That’s right boy.  I am sick.  I have AIDS.  A very resistant strain.”


“And…” Sebastian interrupted, “he will give it to you.  I will make sure it takes. That is the first price.  This is your last chance to turn back.  Do you want your vengeance or is your pride worth nothing?”


Viktor’s heart was racing.  He could feel the pounding in his ears.  He was a model for Christ’s sake.  He could have any man he wanted.  Well… almost any man.  Was revenge against one man worth this price?  He looked down from the balcony to Michael.  To that beautiful man.  Who had used him, fucked him, then discarded him like nothing.  Who had relegated him to a mere background player.


“I… I…”  Viktor stammered.  He paused.  Calmed his breathing.  “I will pay the price.”


The sickly man put a hand on a shoulder and guided him to a corner.  His lips found Viktor’s mouth.  His tongue parted Viktor’s lips and slipped inside.  The rough beard scratched at the model’s face.  His breath bitter and foul.  Viktor wanted to gag.  


The hands sliding down the Romanian’s back and cupping his ass, fondling it, squeezing it.  Their bodies pressed together.  Viktor could feel the sickly man’s cock - very long, very thick, very hard - straining in the other man’s jeans.  


The sickly man pushed Viktor back slightly.  Breaking their kiss.  “Drop your pants.”


“What… here?|


“That’s right.”  The sickly man whispered.  “Right here.  in public.”


Viktor looked around.  The crowd was still silent, unmoving, oblivious, frozen in time.  He loosed his belt and unbuttoned his jeans.  Slid them down over his thighs.  His uncut cock hung limp over his ball sack.  


“Turn around.”  The sickly man ordered.  “Oh yeah… that is a pretty ass, boy.  I’m going to enjoy wrecking it.”


A hard slap on Viktor’s butt brought a gasp.  The sickly man chuckled then roughly pushed Viktor’s shoulders forward.  Bending him over, raising his ass into position. The Romanian’s cheeks parted slightly, giving a tantalising glimpse of his hole.  A finger poked at the opening.  Impatient.  Pushing inside.  Sharp nails.   Digging. Scratching.  A second finger.  A third.  Finally the fingers slipped away.  


“Brace yourself against the wall.  Keep that position until I tell you otherwise.”


VIktor obeyed. 


The sickly man made a hacking sound in his throat and Viktor felt a gob of spit land on his hole.   “That’s your lube.”


Viktor felt the hard dick pressing against his hole.  He took a deep breath, relaxing his body.  His sphincter.  


The sickly man slammed forward without further warning.  His big head ripping through Viktor’s puckered hole.  A single unyielding thrust.  Pushing half of his shaft inside the model’s body.  


Viktor screamed. He loved getting fucked.  But not like this.  Oh fuck!  This hurt.  


The cock forced it’s way deeper.  Inch by inch.  Hard, merciless thrusts.  Stretching the hole.  Preparing it for its breeding.  Balls deep.  All the way out.  Slamming all the way back inside.  This was not making love.  Or even sex.  This was fucking.  Raw primal fucking fuelled by hate and contempt.


Viktor became aware of sounds.  Music.  Voices.  Quiet at first but growing.  Movement.  The men around him stirring.  Slow motion at first.  But then more and more normally.  Oh fuck!  Everyone would see him!


Sebastian stood next to him.  A smile on his lips.  Cruel.  Mocking. Viktor dropped his head hiding his face.  


“Shit… look at that dude getting fucked!”  He heard someone shout, as if over load music although the music still sounded faint and distant.


“That guy looks sick.  Is he wearing a condom?”


“What a fucking slut.”


“I know him!  He’s a model… I took some headshots for him.“


And then the music was back to normal… too loud to hear the voices.  A crowd was forming around them.  Hands touching him.  Fingers around his chin.  Pulling his head up to see his face. 


Phones out around him.  Snapping pictures.  Recording videos.  The crowd was surrounding them.  Making sure security couldn’t see what was going on, couldn’t stop it.  Some of the guys had pulled out their own dicks.  Stroking as they watched his breeding. 


The thrusting in his ass was speeding up.  The big cock in his hole swelling. The sick man’s hands on his hips.  He couldn’t hear the man but he was sure the man was grunting.  Swearing.  


And then he felt it.  He felt the dick in his ass spasm.  Erupt.  Flood his ass.  With cum.  With toxic cum.  It filled his hole.  The cock in his hole still hard.  Still moving.  Not done.  Thrusting again now.  Faster.  Cum dripped from Viktor’s hole, dripping down his legs. 


The sickly man was no more patient the second time. The thrusting, if anything, more insistent.  Pushing that toxic seed deeper.  Working it into the Viktor’s ass.  Into the cuts from the fingers and the tears from the first brutal fuck.  Viktor’s hole on fire.  Like all the skin inside his chute had been ripped off.  Pain radiating up his spine. 


Despite himself, the Romanian’s cock had grown hard.  Throbbing as it bounced between his thighs.  He wanted to stroke himself but had to keep both hands on the wall to keep himself supported.  His body tightening.  Clenching. His fingers clawing at the wall…


…And then his cock convulsed.  A wave of pleasure cutting across the pain.  Mingling with it.   Cum  flying from his cock as it bounced.  Slimy cum everywhere.


The convulsing model’s body was too much for the sickly man.  His fingers dug into Viktor’s hips as if trying to break them.  His cock again swelling.  Erupting.  Flooding.  Seeding.  Breeding.  


The thrusting slowed.  Stopped.  The gaunt body sank onto Viktor’s back, holding him in place. Sweat dripped from the pale, wasted chest.  Quickly coating Viktor’s back.  The smell of the man filling Viktor’s senses.  


Viktor felt fingernails caressing his butt, drawing lines up onto his back and spine.  He turned around.  Zburător - Sebastian he corrected himself - stood at his side staring intently.  Staring as if he could see through VIktor’s aching body.  As if watching something happening inside.  Or guiding it.  


Then Sebastian smiled triumphantly.  He spoke in Viktor’s ear.  He didn't shout or raise his voice but it carried even over the loud noise of the club.  “It is done.  His virus has entered your blood.  Even now it is taking hold, infecting it’s first cells, changing them to produce replicas of itself.   The first payment has been made.  It is begun, but now I have other business to attend to.”  


Then he was gone.  


The sickly man’s cock softened and slid away.  Viktor felt cum dripping from his well used hole. 

The sickly man gave him a final glance.  The face so familiar and yet so alien.  Cold.  Humourless.  Triumphant.  And then he disappeared into the crowd. 


Viktor stood.  Pulling his jeans up and fastening them.  They were damp from dripping cum and blood. He tried not to look at the crowd around him.  All watching him.  Their eyes full of contempt and pity. 


If he could have done so, Viktor would have wept.  But instead he felt nothing.  Numb.  Emotionless. Empty.

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Part 3:  Late Night






“Sorry folks…. Last call.”  The DJ called out over the speakers.  


It was 2:45 AM and the crowd had been thinning away for at least an hour  Glen and Tommy had drifted away at some point, surely back at Glen’s place fucking like rabbits.  Scott had hung out a bit longer until ‘gym guy’ pulled him away.  Scott had given Michael an apologetic look but had followed his trick.  


Viktor? He had disappeared hours ago.  


Michael downed his last drink and tried not to smash the glass on the bar.  He could not remember the last time he had been so horny.  Hours - literally hours - and his cock had not settled down.  What the fuck was going on? 


He grabbed his coat from the coat check and headed home.  He reached the park but it was late and the park seemed was so dark.  Ominous.  Maybe he should just a around? 


“Don’t be stupid.”  He muttered to himself.  “It’s cold.” 


And so he set off across the park. The cold night air was biting.  Very cold for so early in the year.  It was only October — November now he corrected himself — and the wind was icy cold.  Biting at his face and hands.  He hadn’t really dressed for this weather…. he was sure it hadn’t been like this when they left Viktor’s earlier.  He pulled his coat tight around his body.   


Despite the cold, his cock was still hard and throbbing in his jeans. Fuck.  Maybe something was wrong… should he try to get into a doctor tomorrow? 


Some animal scurried by this feet and Michael jumped.  “Fuck.”  He cursed himself.  He was being ridiculous. But he picked up the pace anyway.  


He approached the small concrete building in the middle of the park that held the park’s toilets.  The building was dark but the security lights outside came on as he approached.  He needed to get out of the cold for a minute.  Surely the building was empty at this time of night… ?


He paused … there was someone silhouetted near the door.  If this was some vagrant he didn’t want to get too close.  But no.  He could already see this was no vagrant.  He took a couple tentative steps closer.  He could just make out the man. 


He did a little double take.  It was the man from the club earlier. The “almost hot” man that Michael had started to make eyes with but who had disappeared on him.  


This man clearly recognised Michael as well.  He smiled as Michael approached.  Michael held his eyes for a moment then stepped through the door and into the men’s room. 


He breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped out the wind.  He could hear it howl outside but felt warmer in here. 


Michael stepped to the urinal and pulled out his cock.  Shit!  was this thing never going to go down?  Still hard as a rock. His foreskin was retracted. 


The door opened and closed behind him.  


The almost hot man stepped up to the urinal next to his and fished out his own cock.  They stood quietly next to each other for a moment.  

“Very impressive.”  The almost hot man whispered.  “But looks like you could use a hand… or more.”


Michael glanced his way.  This was not his scene.  Not all all.  But his cock was so hard.   He hardly noticed that he was stroking it softly.  The guy wasn’t that bad looking.  Plus… they were alone now.  No one ever needed to know.  “Yeah.”  His voice was horse after shouting over the music all night. “Fucking horny, man.”


The almost hot man reached over and gently pushed Michael’s hand away and wrapped his own fingers around the thick and bulging shaft.  A low moan escaped from Michael’s chest.  The other man started slowly stroking.  Michael’s eyes closed.  


“My name is Sebastian, but you can call me Seb.”


“Mmm hmm.”  Michael didn’t reply.  He didn’t see the point of giving his name to a trick like this.  A slut who hung out in toilets looking for cock.  One not up to Michael’s standards.  One that Michael would never hook up with again.  


The almost-hot man leaned in.  Their lips touching.  Their tongues met, Michael’s tongue darting into the other man’s mouth, the other man gentle and accepting.  The man’s mouth was sweet, his breath hot like cinnamon.  


Michael felt the man unbuckle his jeans and slide them gently down to his thighs.  The hard meat bounced out… free of the confining denim.  Desperate for satisfaction.  

The almost-hot man, Seb, broke off the kiss.  Michael opened his eyes.  The other man was smiling.  His eyes locked on Michael’s.  The almost hot man knelt down slowly.  Never losing eye contact.  Kissing Michael’s chin.  Kissing his chest through the sweaty shirt.  Down his abs.  Finally facing Michael’s hard cock.


“Yeah man.” Michael urged.  “Open up and suck that dick.”


The man slowly moved forward.  The head of Michael’s uncut dick touching his lips, then parting them.  The lips circled Michael’s cock and welcomed him in. The tongue swirled around the sensitive head.  Caressing it.  Licking the piss slit, then coiling around the glans, brushing the 

frenulum.  Back to the tip.   


This guy could suck cock!   Michael’s eyes rolled back in his head. 


Seb pulled Michael’s dick out of his mouth and rang his tongue along the underside.  He licked across the entire ballsack then gently opened his mouth and took one of the testicles into his warm cavity.  Tongue dancing around the scrotum.  Gently at first.  Then, watching Michael carefully, gradually increasing pressure.

Back to the tip of the cock.  More play with the head.  Then taking it deeper into his mouth.  Sliding down the cock. Allowing it to slide across his tongue and to the back of his mouth.  Backing off.  Sliding back down.  Backing off.  


Michael was in no mood for the teasing.  His hands found the back of Seb’s head.  On the next downstroke, he pushed deeper.  His cock slid into the stranger’s throat.  No complaint.  Michael pushed deeper.  


Inch after inch of his cock pushed into the throat.  Until his balls slapped against the stranger’s chin.  Ten inches of man meat pushed into his throat and he was taking it effortlessly.  Seb clearly had a very well controlled gag reflect.  


The man was moaning and the vibration brought extra pleasure.  Michael wasn’t sure how long this had been going on.  It felt like hours, it felt like minutes… or seconds.  


The stranger pulled off for a breath of air.  He let the cock slide from his mouth for only a second.  Then took the tip back into his mouth.  Working the slit.  Working the head.  Then letting the cock slide back across his tongue into his throat.  


Deep.  Balls deep.  Balls slapping against his chin. 


Back out. To the tip.  All the way back down.  


Michael returned his hands to the back of the stranger’s head.  He couldn’t stop himself.  


His hips thrusting.  His balls raising.  His cock swelling.  


“Here it comes.  Take it!”


Seb’s hands wrapped around Michael’s butt for support.  He pulled Michael.  All the way inside.  Crotch pressed to lips.  And held him.  Deep. 


“Oh…. fuck!  Fuck!”


Michael’s cock spasmed.  Tremors shaking his whole body.  His load firing down this almost hot man’s throat.   Volley of cum.  After Volley.  After volley.


Seb swallowed it all.  Holding Michael tight.  Not letting him move away.  


Until Michael was spent.  His face was red.  His breath ragged.  His cock softened.  His body sagging. 


At last content he had received every drop, he let Michael move away.  Michael staggered back and leaned against the sink counter.  For the first time in hours, his cock was not hard and aching. He signed with relief.


“Mmmm.”  Sec moaned.  “That was so tasty.”


“That… was.. “ Michael struggled for breath.  “… the… best… blowjob… I’ve… ever… received.”


The man raised an eyebrow and smiled.  “You flatter me.”


“No, man.  I mean it.  Fuck… I feel totally drained.”


“Pity.  Would love to feel you inside me.”   The stranger winked.  


Michael looked at the man, still crouched on the floor.  Maybe he had been wrong about the man earlier.  He couldn’t see any grey hair or wrinkles now…. couldn’t be older than his early thirties.  Maybe it was just the light.  


Michael paused, considering.  “If your ass is anything like your mouth, I would love to fuck you sometime.”  But his cock lay lifeless on his thigh.  “But not tonight.  Just don’t think I could.”  Michael zipped his jeans and fastened his belt.    


The stranger stood.  Stepped close.  His lips pressed against Michael’s.  His tongue parting Michael’s lips.  Michael returned the kiss eagerly.   Savouring the sweet taste of the man’s mouth. Not even a hint of the taste of the load he had unleashed down the man’s throat.   


At last the man stepped away.  “You never told me your name.”  




“Nice to meet you Michael.”  Seb pulled a pen from his back pocket and wrote a number on Michael’s hand. “Here’s my number.  Call me when you are ready to fuck.”


Michael’s hand wrapped around Seb, holding his ass tight.  “You bet I will.”


A final kiss and Michael staggered out of the toilet.  He took a couple steps.  And stopped.  


A man.  Standing under the closest tree.  Watching.  His eyes glued to Michael.  Michael recognised him.  The freak from earlier, the sickly looking one.  The one who had wanted to fuck him.  


The strange man grinned, knowingly, then stepped back into the shadows.  And seemed to disappear.  


Michael hurried on through the park.  Fuck.  Crazy people these days. 


Finally he opened his apartment door and threw coat in the direction of the couch.  He felt so tired.  So drained.  He staggered towards his bed.  He just needed to lay down for a minute.  He would get undressed in just a minute.  Just needed to lay down first.  Just … for … a … sec…  


And Michael Christian was fast asleep. 

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As promised, posting the next three chapters of the story tonight.  Out of town again next week (hopefully just one night that time so will need to skip a day then as well.  Apologies.  Now without further ado:  

Part 4:  A Simple Mistake?




Scott could not believe his luck tonight.  


David had been an object of lust around gym since he was hired several months ago. The twenty three year old personal trainer had immediately earned a reputation among the clientele for his hot body and big cock.  He was the one of the hottest guys around Boystown.  And, in Scott's estimation,  second only to Michael himself. 


There had been hearsay of him letting a few guys suck his cock in the steam room at the gym…  but Scott had always put that down as wishful thinking.  Scott had seen him in the showers, however, and knew that at least the rumours about his cock were not an exaggeration.  


And now?  Now they were in Scott’s apartment.  


The personal trainer was tall and towered over Scott.  His hands were clamped to Scott’s butt.  Kneading the ass that Scott had worked hard to develop and to maintain.  Their lips locked together.  They had barely made it inside the door before David had pined Scott to the wall, pressing their bodies together.  The bulge in David’s jeans very noticeable as it pressed into Scott’s stomach.


Scott pulled his lips away from David’s mouth to catch his breath.  God!  This guy was hot and his hands were everywhere.  





David took advantage of the momentary break to slip Scott’s shirt off and to unfasten Scott’s belt and jeans. Then their lips were locked together again.  


He ground his cock into the other man and smiled at the moan it elicited. David loved getting a guy hot and bothered.  Really bring out their inner slut and they will do anything you want.  And this guy was definitely there.  


The fact that he was Michael Christian’s best buddy was a huge bonus.  There was something about Michael that brought out a competitive streak in David.  And it had been there since day one.  Maybe they were too much alike.  


But he wasn’t here to make love.  He was here to fuck.  To breed.  And he would get his way.  He always did.  




Scott felt his jeans slide down his thighs.  He kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his jeans and underwear.  He stood naked in front of David but the personal trainer was still fully dressed.  


He took the personal trainer’s hand and let him to the bedroom.  The other man said nothing.  He just half smiled.  Almost a smirk.  


‘Fine.’ Scott thought. ‘Let him think I’m a slut.  I don’t care.  Just need that cock.’


Scott watched as David unbuttoned and removed his shirt.  Exposing his firm and well developed chest  


David’s hands wrapped around Scott’s head and guided him to one of the firm nipples.  Then the other.  Scott found his hand moving to David’s crotch.  Rubbing the hard cock waiting inside the jeans.    


Hands on his shoulders.  Pushing him down.  Scott dropped to his knees.  Unfastening David’s jeans. Sliding them off.  


The personal trainer’s cock strained against his underwear.  Demanding freedom.  Scott pulled them down.  Ten inches of man meat springing free and slapping him in the face.  Long.  Thick.  Hard.  For just a moment Scott wondered how this cock stacked up against Michael’s. But just for a moment.  


“Suck it.” David ordered.  

Scott opened his mouth and took the cock inside.  Hands.  On the back of his head.  Pulling him in.  Forcing the cock into his throat.  Choking him.  Trying to relax.  Deeper.  The lovely flavour.  Filling his mouth.  Salty.  


David leaned over him.  Scott felt hands sliding down his back.  Gripping his ass.  Spreading his cheeks.  Fingering his hole.  His hole spasming around the teasing finger.  Moaning.  Raising his ass up.  Letting David know he wanted it.  


Being pulled up.  Turned around.  Pushed onto the bed.  Ass in the air.  


“Condoms and lube…”  Scott gasped.  “In the nightstand.” 





David turned to the nightstand and rolled his eyes.  God these guys who insisted on a condom annoyed him.  He fumbled in the dresser drawer but he had no intention of suiting up his dick.  


This hot ass was his to breed and it would be dripping his cum by the time they were done.  





The cold and slimy lube on Scott’s hole made his pucker spasm.  A promise of pleasure to come.  


Fingers pulled away… and then the thick cock touched him.  Demanding Scott’s surrender.  Demanding entry.   


Scott’s breathing was laboured as he struggled to accept the invasion.  This cock was big. Probably the biggest he had ever taken.  And he wanted it inside. 


A wave of pain as the thick meat breached him.  The bulbous cock head passing through his sphincter.  Oh fuck!  It hurt… but it felt so good!


Staring at the mirror.  At the reflection of this muscle god pushing forward.  Pushing the dick into his ass. It was worth the pain to feel this. 


And then he noticed: The condom, still in its wrapper, on the nightstand.  


"Didn't you put on a condom?"


"Nah, babe."  David didn't even pause.  "Don't like to use 'em... My dick slides in so much easier without.""


"I don't know, maybe we should put the condom on."


Hands on his hips.  Pulling him back.  Into the fuck.  Pushing two inches deeper into him.  A moan escaped somewhere from deep in Scott’s core.  


"Don't worry so much.  I'm clean.  And, be honest, doesn't it feel better?"


And it did feel good.  And maybe David was right.  Maybe taking such a big cock would be easier bare.  And he wanted to take it.  “Yeah.” He whispered.   


David pushed forward with a little corkscrew motion.  Scott moaned again.  


“See, you like that.  Don’t you?”


“Oh fuck yeah… that feels so good.”  


“Take it, baby.  Take my cock up your tight little ass.  Been watching you at the gym.  Wanting to tap his ass for awhile.”


“It’s yours man.  Fuck me.”


And David did.  Pushing deeper.  More of the shaft sliding in.  Opening Scott’s hole. Pounding.  In and out.  Deeper.  Deeper.  Pain.  Pleasure.  The sensations indistinguishable.  He wasn’t gentle.  


Scott arching his back.  Raising his butt.  His hole.  Begging to be used.  “Of fuck… I need this.  You feel so good inside me.”


Balls deep.  Slapping against Scott’s upturned butt.  Full strokes in and out. Fingers gripping his ass tighter now.  


“Getting close….”  David moaned.  


“Me too.”  Scott’s hand found his own dick.  Stroking.  “I’m so close…”


Scott’s body tensing up.  Face red.  Biting his lip.   A tremor cascading across his body.  Eyes closed.   Savouring the sensation of the big cock stretching his hole.   


Not thinking.  Just feeling.  


Lost in the moment. An image started forming in his mind but he didn’t even notice.  A familiar face just outside his awareness.  And then he hit peak. 


“Fuck me, Viktor!  Fuck me… I’m coming!”   Scott cried.  Cum gushed, covering the blankets beneath him.  His hole spasmed around David’s cock. 





The spasming hole pushed David over the edge. His cock detonated and he pushed it deep inside.  Making sure his load was deep.  


Slowly their cocks softened, their breathing slowed.   


David slipped his cock out and gave Scott’s but a little slap. “So.. who’s Victor?”




“Yeah.. you called me Victor.”  David frowned.  He felt cheated of his moment of triumph. “Isn’t that one of your friends?  That’s a bit fucked up, man.”


“I’m not sure what you mean…” Scott stammered.  


David ignored him.  “Not used to being upstaged in bed…. especially by someone who isn’t even there.”





Viktor?  There must be some mistake, Scott told himself.  Why in the hell would he call out Viktor’s name during sex? 


David reached for his underwear.  “Anyway.  That was fun.”  


“I… um… hope we can do it again.”


David wasn’t even looking at him.  “Yeah.  Sure.  Sometime really soon.”


A few minutes later, Scott closed the door as David left.  He grabbed a towel, wiped himself, then sat on the couch.  


Well…. That had been awkward. 

Edited by cumluvnbottom
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