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Of all the fucking days to have an appointment with my ID doctor, I had unluckily scheduled myself on a day that snow was coming down like crazy.  I knew it would be even worse going home which pissed me even more.  By the time I got to his office, the snow was really piled up and the parking lot was almost empty.  I had 5 minutes to make my 4:00 appointment on time.  I hurried as fast as I could.


By the time I reached his office on the third floor, I had removed my scarf, toboggan, gloves, and winter coat.  I was about to check-in when the receptionist appeared and said that all appointments had been cancelled.  About that time, a voice in the hall began talking and telling the receptionist to leave now and forget about closing up that he would do it.  The voice I recognized as my doctor who now rounded the corner and came into the receptionist’s area.


“Don’t tell me you didn’t get the word?” he said when he saw me.  Then, to his receptionist, “Go; now.  I’ll take care of everything.”


With that, the receptionist grabbed her belongings and took off for the door.  My doctor began shutting down the office equipment as he told me to come on back and go in room one.  In a few minutes, he came in the room and settled on his stool.  We chatted about what had been happening since I had seen him last which was nothing of any medical note.  He reviewed his notes on the computer making small talk and asking what I thought were silly questions.  Then, much to my surprise and somewhat consternation he said he wanted to do a short physical exam because he had not done one in the last year.


He handed me a paper gown and told me to strip to my underwear and left the room.  He returned as I finished.  He had me to sit on the table and began a slow exam of every crevice, surface, and orifice that I had.  It was unlike his previous annual exams.  After about five minutes, he began asking questions about my current sex life.  I told him I was active.  He stopped and looked me in the eyes and asked if I practiced safer sex.  I looked at him and said that I did not and smiled.  He shook his head and went on with his exam and questions.


“Do you know your sexual partners?” he asked.


“Usually, I do not,” I said blandly.


“Yet, you allow them to discharge their semen in your rectal cavity,” he said.


“Yes,” I said.


“How can you do that knowing that is what caused you to be my patient?” he asked without a reproach in his voice.  He really wanted to know.


“Because having a dick repeatedly shoved in and out of my ass and hearing and feeling a man shooting his cum load in me is the greatest physical sensation that there is for a bottom gay man as I am,” I replied without blinking an eye.  “Despite the propaganda, condoms do not afford the same feeling.  And, from what I’ve heard tops say, it’s the same for them.”


He continued on with his exam and other questions about my sex life such as how many partners, where I met them, where did we have sex, and so on.  I realized at some point that his exam was different now.  His hands were touching me on various parts of my body.  They were innocuous but definitely not clinical either.  And, then he announced that he was almost finished, but, he wanted to do a digital exam. 


As I had stepped down from the table and began to face it, I made a swift glance at my doctor and thought I detected a tent but couldn’t be absolutely sure.  I assumed the position which allowed my gown to open in the back exposing my ass.  In my mind I was chuckling as I don’t wear underwear and he had to have already noticed that I had on a favourite jock strap of mine.  But, he said nothing.


I felt the KY Jelly being applied and finally an index finger slowly being inserted in my ass.  I suppose out of reflex I spread my feet a couple of inches further apart and bent my knees.  I felt the digit rubbing all around inside me.  It took a while but finally he began to touch my prostate.  Slowly he rubbed it in different directions.  He continued rubbing it slowly.  I could stand it no longer and let out a gentle moan as my sphincter gave a snap closed impulse.  He removed his finger but told me to stay where I was.  I was a little uncomfortable now from embarrassment as I knew that my dick had been leaking pre-cum into the pouch.


More KY was applied to my ass.  I then felt two fingers being inserted.  I knew this was not kosher but said nothing.  The two fingers slowly entered my ass and pushed on until my prostate was found.  A hand gently now rested on the small of my back as my prostate was stroked repeatedly.  Again, I moaned as my dick stiffened as it leaked more pre-cum into my pouch.  My sphincter reflexively grabbed the two fingers and tightened around them.  A light sweat had broken out all over my body.


Dr. Scholtz had been treating me now for four years.  Never had this scenario ever entered my mind.  He was my ID physician and physicians don’t get involved with their patients.  They especially don’t get involved with their HIV infected patients.  It’s just not done.  But, here we were with me bent over the exam table, and he had two fingers up my ass massaging my prostate.


I flashed back to when I had first met him.  I was struck at how handsome he was but actually more than just handsome—he was fucking hot looking.  I chastened myself for my lascivious thoughts.  But, his 6 foot 2 inches, 190 pounds, dark features, and dark hair everywhere I could see on his body struck me as really someone with whom I could turn my back on so he could have better access to my ass.  He was so damn sexy and sensual but in all these years I had held myself in check keeping everything on a professional.  Now, he had two fingers in my ass.


I moaned louder as his fingers stroked my prostate in unison.  My body shivered as my head began a slow left and right roll.  I shifted my stance as the fingers began to withdraw to the opening.  As soon as they were there, back inside me they went.  I gasped.  I felt his fingers go as far inside as they could and once more began to be withdrawn.  Ten, twelve, fifteen times Dr. Scholtz inserted and withdrew his fingers from my ass.  With each insertion, he always stroked my prostate; I always moaned.


Then, he began inserting and withdrawing his fingers faster until soon he was without a doubt finger fucking me.  This definitely was not a digital exam.  I tried holding myself still but just could not do so.  My body was so used to this feeling.  It wasn’t a dick but I was being fucked nevertheless.  Soon, he was slamming his fingers deep inside me hard and fast.  My prostate felt every insertion.


“AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed and continued screaming as my balls blasted out their contents soaking my pouch so completely that some of my cum dripped down onto the floor.  Dr. Scholtz pushed down on my back with his hand as he stroked my prostate with the two fingers on his other hand until I stopped screaming and began slowing my ejaculation.  As the last of my cum load seeped out of my piss slit, I felt the fingers being withdrawn from my ass.  When they had been completely withdrawn and the hand on the small of my back removed, I stood up and turned around facing my doctor.  His face was ashen.


I looked at his crotch and saw such a tent.  I looked back into his eyes and knelt immediately in front of him.  He moved backwards stopping only when he backed up to the counter top.  I moved with him as my hands reached out to his pants unzipping them, unbuckling his belt, unsnapping his pants, and pushed his pants and boxers downward.  He had made no effort to stop me.  His uncut dick swung upwards as his boxers cleared his dick.


Without hesitating, I opened my mouth and swallowed his uncut swollen dick.  His piss slit hit the back of my throat.  I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him tightly.  I began sucking his dick calling on all the skill and tricks of the trade that I had.  I slathered his dick with spit as I did a whirlwind job of getting his obviously hard dick even harder.  It was his turn now to moan and jerk and shiver and that is exactly what he did as my mouth and tongue gave him what I am sure was his very first blow job by a gay man—an HIV positive gay man.


In no time at all, my doctor was screaming as he held my head between his hands as his uncut 9 inches sprayed my throat with the first salvo of his cum load.  Several minutes passed as the two of us enjoyed what was happening.  He had a very sweet tasty cum.  I relished every drop and swallowed every bit.  With the last of his cum slowly oozing out of his piss slit, I began washing his dick with my tongue cleaning him as best as I could.  I slid backwards off his dick which was still slightly hard.  I made sure to clean under the foreskin.


I stood up slowly, and we looked at each other both sweat soaked.  What could be said at a time like this?  Need anything be said?  Time passed into awkward silence.




Dr. Scholtz spoke slowly and quietly as he avoided eye contact as much as possible.  “That should not have happened.  I take full responsibility.  I have many patients but ever since you came to my practice I have not been able to put you in a patient-only position.  I’m not gay, and I’m not bisexual.  I don’t know what came over me.  I am very sorry for what I did to you.”  It was obvious that he now was embarrassed and racked with guilt.


“Well, doc, now you know how I get myself into trysts without even trying.  I’ve always seen you as my physician but also I’ve seen you very clearly as one helluva hot looking man,” I responded with blunt frankness.  “I don’t regret anything that happened.  So, don’t you be.”


“You need to get dressed.  We both need to get out of here,” he said and walked to the window.  “Oh, no.  It looks like we aren’t going to go anywhere.  You get dressed.  I’ve got to make a call.  When you’re dressed, if you need to make a call, come out to the receptionist’s desk.”


Dr. S left the room, and I got dressed.  I had no one to call, but I was going to have a very slow trip back home as I now viewed how much snow had fallen as I looked out the window.  There was at least a foot and a half on the ground and still more coming down.  I went out to the receptionist’s desk hearing Dr. S say good-bye and hang up the phone.  He turned to me and told me that the city was in shut down and that the major roads were becoming impassable.  He told me he was going to walk to the Marriott about a mile away and get a room.  He suggested that I do the same and wait for the storm to end and the roads to be cleared.  I considered the suggestion and realized it was my best option.  We left immediately.


As the two of us walked inside the lobby at the Marriott, our numb limbs and faces had about reached their maximum punishment.  The warmth felt so good.  We dusted off the snow and loosened our coats.  We walked up to the front desk and asked for two rooms but were informed that with the storm everyone from the interstate and expressway had preceded us.  The only room left was a small room with a double bed.  Nothing else was available.


We looked at each other.  I could not make the call, and it took Dr. S a few seconds to turn back to the manager and tell him that was fine; we’d take it.  We registered, got the key card, and headed up to the fifth floor.


The room was small.  In fact, it really looked as if there had been a small left over space on the floor where someone came up with the idea of making just one more room.  For me, it was heaven sent.  At least I would not be curled up inside my car stuck on the expressway with no food, water, or blankets.  I didn’t know and didn’t ask what Dr. S thought of the room.  I suspected but he kept his thoughts to himself.


I felt a tension from my physician which I considered realistic.  I never approached him and tried to make everything to be as casual as possible.  We ended up going to the dining room and having supper followed by a stop at the main bar.  We each nursed a drink and talked casually as much as we could though numerous times there were awkward silences.  Dr. S looked at his watch and said he was tired and wanted to go back to the room which we did.


He called his wife and told her that he was at the Marriott and gave her the room number.  I mentally noted that he never mentioned that he was sharing the room.  We settled in and watched some programs on the TV.  At 10:30, Dr. S said he was tired and was going to bed.  I told him I was ready as well.  I slipped off my shoes and socks, then, stood up taking off my shirt and pants.  For modesty of some sort, I kept on my jock strap.  I neatly put everything on or by the chair, walked to the right side of the bed, tossed back the covers, and slipped into bed.  Dr. S began to undress slowly finally climbing into bed.  He had left on his boxers and wife beater.  We turned out the lights and settled in to sleep.


I sharply woke up but not knowing why.  I lay very still on my back and kept my breathing slow and shallow.  At long last, I felt an ever so light touch on my hip.  At first, a single finger traced down from the strap of my jock until it reached the bottom of my buttock.  On the upward trace, I felt three finger tips making the trip.  On reaching my strap once more, I felt the three finger tips follow the strap until it reached the pouch where an entire hand covered the pouch and began slowly and gently massaging the contents.


Minutes passed as the hand continued the light massage.  It took about a minute for my dick to begin to awaken to the soft massage.  When my dick began to grow, I felt a jerky movement of my bed partner moving himself closer to me while trying not to awaken me.  Still, I kept the same stance.  His presence was noted as the mattress settled downward as his body moved closer to me.  His hand soon began a more aggressive massage of my pouch.  I thought it was time to move this “handiwork” along; I began a light moaning and sighing as I moved my arms and legs.


I resettled myself on my left side.  My bed partner held still until he thought that once more I was asleep.  He then slowly moved closer settling himself so that his body was touching mine in about three places.  Once more I felt his hand on my crotch.  I let him again massage my dick for a couple of minutes before moving backwards and up against Paul who froze.  We lay there several minutes as my dick grew hard and began to leak pre-cum.


“I won’t stop you,” I finally quietly said.


We lay there quietly for less than a minute before Paul began working on my crotch once more.  He was unmerciful with his hand.  I could tell he was getting his hand soaked with my pre-cum as he began to moan a little.  His shadow now loomed above me as he tossed the covers off both of us.  He moved in between my legs and continued to maul my hard dick and balls.  Through the little light, I could see his face full of determination yet angst.  Then, he grabbed my balls and dick and held them tightly with a look of panicked delight on his face.  I let him suffer in his new wanton thoughts until I had a small streak of mercy.


“Go ahead and do what you need to do.  Go ahead and do what you have to do.  You know you can’t stop yourself; you can’t stop now because you’ve come too far.  You have to know.  You have to experience it.  It’s been eating at you for a long time.  You’ve got the chance now.  You know I won’t stop you,” I said quietly but firmly.  He hesitated; I growled, “DO IT NOW!”


Paul looked at me face-to-face.  He released my crotch as I raised my legs upward where they were caught by his hands.  He placed them on his shoulders as I raised my hips off the bed.  Paul’s underwear was shoved down to his knees releasing his mighty 9-inch uncut dick that curved upwards ever so lightly.  He pushed my knees to my chest where I held them.  He fumbled with his dick trying to line the head up with my ass hole.  He finally found the opening and began pushing.  I was determined that I was going to get fucked and never to forget it.  I clamped my sphincter tightly refusing to give way.


I could hear frustration as Paul pitifully grunted, whined, squealed, and growled as he discovered he was making no progress at shoving his hard dick in me.  Despite the darkness, I saw the savagery in his eyes when he finally looked into my eyes.  He pulled his face and body upward, hesitated only a mere second or two, then, raised his hand high.  He issued an open mouth primordial growl with his nostrils flaring as his hand raced downward slamming against my face jerking my head to the right.  His hand made an equally as fast trip back from where it started.


Paul grabbed me by my hips and slammed balls-deep into my ass ripping and tearing me in several places.  I bit my lips at all the gloriously beautiful pain.  Paul began to fuck me with such a wonderful violence the likes of which I had not felt in many years.  On and on his dick was buried full length inside me and withdrawn so that only a mere fraction of his fat dickhead was still inside me.  With each plunge inside me, I felt his two large orbs slap onto my butt.  Paul was now driven by pure lust as he had finally discovered what it felt like to fuck another man in the ass.  It was a feeling he now new and would know again.  His inner anger controlled until now burst forth with a gusto of energy.


I felt teeth sinking into my neck.  A growl of deep savagery was sounded at the same time.  I winced at the bite as my dick trembled with sheer delight of the physical pain.  My dick strained itself and doubled the flow of pre-cum.  Paul continued to deep dick my ass as he shifted into overdrive thrusting harder and faster into my ass.  He opened his mouth releasing my neck and reared his head upward looking down at me never missing a stroke.  He grabbed my hips and began pounding harder and faster still driving himself into a frenzy as sweat began to splatter everywhere around us and on me.


“FUCK ME, YOU BASTARD!  GIVE ME THAT CUM LOAD OF YOURS!” I growled and spit on his face.


“AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” he screamed throwing his head backwards as he plunged deep inside me.  I felt his dick swell and shrink a number of times as great globs of his sperm gushed through his urethra and coated my gut.  More and more of his cum entered me as I clung to him.


Paul finally pulled his deflated dick out of my ass and rolled over onto his side of the bed.  I reached down and pulled the cover back up over us saying nothing.  Paul, too, said nothing.  What more needed to be said?  I had already said it, and Paul had complied.  No one needed to be remindful.  It was what it was.  I looked at my watch.  It was quarter after one.  We both went back to sleep.




Slowly, my eyes opened.  I checked my watch:  3:07.  As I nestled myself back into comfort, I heard a deep low voice whisper, “Fuck me.”  I turned to look at Paul.  His eyes were wide open when I finally could see them.  “Fuck me, now.  Please.  Before I change my mind.”  I raised my head a little and looked to be sure.  Yes, his eyes were open; he was awake.  I turned on the bedside light and looked at Paul again who was now resting on his left elbow.


I looked at Paul closely.  I finally said, “My rules; my way; no complaints; no stopping.  If you try to stop, you will regret it.”  I let him mull over what I had said.


“Agreed,” he said as he tossed back the covers.  He quickly got up pulling off his wife beater and boxers.  He hurried to the bath room shutting the door.  I began rubbing my dick through my pouch.  I finally pulled my jockstrap off and tossed it beside the bed.  Minutes passed.  The commode was flushed as running water was heard.  More minutes passed.  At last, the water was turned off and Paul re-entered the bedroom.  His dick was rigid in anticipation.


When he began to climb on the bed, I held my hand up stopping him.  “You need to suck my dick and get it hard; that won’t take long to do.  As you suck me, get your ass as wet with spit as you can.  You’re going to need as much as possible.  It’s going to burn like Hell, and the pain is going to be like no other you’ve ever had.  But, the pain will pass within a couple of minutes and eventually become very soothing and pleasurable.  You’ll want more,” I cooed to him.  “When you think you’ve got enough spit in your ass, straddle me and lower your ass down onto my dick.  YOU will fuck yourself; I’m going to lay here.  You have total control of how much of my dick you take, when you stop taking it, and when you start taking it.  I’m not fucking you; you are fucking yourself using my dick.”


Paul knelt between my legs and began sucking my dick as he did his best to lubricate his ass with his spit.  He was so inept but made an effort.  I relished the thought of the pain he would feel which hardened my dick.  Then, removing his mouth from my dick, Paul looked at me, nodded, and scrambled to position himself astride me.  It took him several tries to get the right spot.  I maintained an enigmatic look.


He finally began to settle his virgin straight ass onto my hard pre-cum smeared dick.  Slower than a snail in a race with a lame tortoise, Paul forced his sphincter downward spearing the opening with my hard cut 7 ½ inches of meat.  After several failed attempts, he raised his body upright, grabbed my dick with his right hand, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and shoved himself downward in a big jerk.  Immediately, his eyelids flew open.  I heard the beginning of a pained cry that was shut down in four seconds and muted in his throat.  A terrified panicked look overtook the pain-racked face that I saw.


Twice more Paul made his downward jerks impaling himself further onto my dick.  Each body jerk elicited more pain and panic.  The fourth jerk found Paul fully impaled on my now very primed dick.  I saw and felt his body trembling.  I wondered if it was from fear of my status or if it was he finally understood what a bare cock in a man’s ass felt like.


Paul sat astride me with a contorted face.  His body was swaying as his hands and arms didn’t know what to do to alleviate his pain.  I flexed my dick sending more bolts of enjoyment into him.  Several minutes passed as he adjusted to the sensations.  I continued to flex my dick.  By the end of his adjustment time, Paul was swaying still but this time from the pleasure he was feeling.  He finally opened his eyes and looked down at me . . . and smiled.


He began rocking and rolling around on my dick as he felt it up inside himself.  He became almost giddy at the feeling.  Then, he placed his hands onto my nipples and began riding me very slowly.  He was in control for now.  More and more Paul began lifting himself up higher and lowering himself.  In short order, he began a much more directed slam back down onto my dick.  His pace quickened and quickened again.  He grabbed my chest and held tightly as his almost menacing eyes now focused in on mine.  His eyes demanded that I give him the final reward that he sought.  His growls were animalistic and threatening.  His urgency continued to grow as did his lust.


I timed myself so that just as Paul bottomed out, I wrestled him around on the bed until he was on his back with his knees over my shoulders and being slammed in his ass by my now fully swollen dick.  I began madly pounding his ass driving my dick in every possible direction.  Paul was shocked and stunned at how quickly I had changed our position.  He did not fully understand what was happening for several moments.  By that time, I was in total control repeatedly driving my bloated oozing dick into his hole. 


More and more I slammed into Paul’s now open and willing if not demanding ass as he moaned and groaned his approval.  His eyes were aflame with lust.  His mouth partially open seeped the excess spit that he was creating out of lust.  His body was coated with massive amounts of sweat as was mine.  His hands held onto my waist as best they could pulling me closer into him.  His nostrils flared wildly as his breathing was labored from all the exertion.


I was now fucking Paul faster and harder than I had ever fucked any man before.  I knew I was close and couldn’t figure out what was happening.  I had never fucked as hard or as fast as this.  I was a quick shooter when I fucked.  I just couldn’t get myself over the top.  Then, without warning, I smelled it.  My nose picked up the unmistaken scent of blood, and I went wild.


I slammed my dick into Paul hard grabbing a handful of his hairy chest pulling it upward to my lowering mouth where I bit down on it as I began to scream.  Paul yelped.  My dick began pumping my balls’ juices into his ass.  More and more of my cum poured into Paul who was now whining and whimpering as he realized he was now being filled with my tainted sperm.  I know not how long it took for me to finish unloading my cum load.  But, I did finally and slowly slid out of Paul’s ass.  We settled our sweaty bodies onto the bed.


Two days later, the roads were finally all cleared.  I went home and cleaned my condo.  Paul went home to his wife.  It is three years later, and I am no longer a patient at Paul’s practice.  He now makes house calls for me.  Next year, Paul is monitoring my numbers when I go off my meds.  We plan on making his first numbers.  And, even more numbers after I’m done with him.

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13 hours ago, a6uldeve84u said:

Ain'tcha ever heard of "wet snow" before?  <G>


No, but I have heard you should not eat yellow snow.

Hope we hear more about Doctor and patient.

Guest bbbearlover1

I've missed reading your stories.  I see I will enjoy catching up on what I've missed.

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