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Are there other bottoms that like bare but not wanting pozzed?


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I frickin' love a raw cock up my ass and being used like a submissive hole. I get off on the *idea* of being bred and I love taking loads, but I don't want to get HIV.

Anyone who says AIDS is not longer a life-threatening illness is living under a rock, in my humble opinion. Meds don't work for everyone. Even when they do, the meds and opportunistic infections can be hell to live with. We are still losing people. I have to weigh those risks & benefits with each fuck.

I hate to be a downer, but life-long HIV-related challenges are real. As real as my desire to feel cum running outta my ass tonight.

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There's no right or wrong way to be - everyone has to be comfortable with what they do. The main thing is that we all agree that bare sex is wonderful and condoms are the bane of hot sex. It is great that more and more men are fucking raw.

Not very long ago I was in this place of fucking raw but seeking not to get poz loads. Now I am comfortable being pozzed, in fact I eagerly accept poz loads and I admit I get a special kick from this. This has been a great change in mindset for me. i enjoy sex more and get a lot more sex.

Not everybody will come to this, and that's fine, but I urge everyone to be realistic about their chances of staying neg over the longer term.

I do not generally consider my self a bugchaser, others might think I am.

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I totally understand what yurfuckhole is saying here, as I am in the same place. I am realistic however, to also know that if and when I take a load, regardless of what the giver may claim relative to their status, I am taking the chance of getting pozzed. It is a risk I have accepted as the price of the pleasure I derive from a BB encounter. Few want HIV, but it is our reality and it sucks, no matter how you view it!

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  • 3 months later...
Here's an awkward question: What EXACTLY is the stigma against being poz? 25 years ago, it was a death sentence. 15 years ago, it was a complicated regimen of pills, shots and diet to keep anyone alive for 40-50 additional years. But in the past 5-10 years, being poz has become less life-intrusive than being diabetic or having high blood pressure.

Are people so obsessed with convenience that we've all become Sally Field in a Boniva commercial? (I'm more likely to remember to take one pill a day than one pills a month!) Most of the poz guys I know are in better shape than the average neg person. Is one, two or three pills a day so difficult that a person can't handle it? (but yet they remember thirteen Italian words to order their morning coffee). Even the latest statistics show that a properly treated individual, diagnosed with HIV at the age of 20, still has a life expectancy of 70-80 years.

My apologies if this comment appears to trivialize the health care needs of people diagnosed before 1995ish. Back then, this was a seriously life-altering disease. But with today's medicine, people diagnosed with HIV are more likely to die in a car wreck, or from heart disease than from the virus.

Every time I hear the word 'poz', my mind travels back to the stigmas of 1985. That was a quarter of a century ago. We elected a PRESIDENT with polio shortly before the disease was neutralized, so why does HIV still terrify so many people in the western world when it is quite treatable?

well that is all well and fine taking pills to keep AIDS "at wiat bay, but what of those who don't have insurance or the financial means to afford the meds? what about your place of employment letting you go because of your status? I live in an "at will" state, meaning the empolyer can let me go for almost ANY reason other than constitutionaly protected rights.

you are correct in that those diagnosed with HIV live longer than their predecesors but you are still having to take meds, this is just MY ideas

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the best thing I ever found was a negative, clean, and exclusive fuck buddy. all the raw cock I can handle and none of the worry. and although the feeling of a load being pumped into my ass is King, the ability to go ass to mouth throughout a session on a bare cock is easily looking to take over the throne...

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I'd have to say I'm one. I accept that bareback is risky and I accept that I could get pozzed but I'm not gunning for it. I'm careful, ask the right questions and usually use condoms. But there is nothing to replace the erotic, hot feeling or a bare cock shooting in me. I'm probably too trusting but I believe 99 percent of the positive guys would not trick a guy into going bareback and saying their negative.

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i only barebacked in a commited relationship, after i found out i was poz, i just dont care anymore i want it raw from anyone now. but i got lucky and found me a poz master and im his slave boy and i get all the loads master gives me now. i never wanted to be poz but now that i am and have come to terms with it im doing better and i feel sorta free when it comes to sex

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That's great quantegy - it sounds like it works for you and that is wonderful.

Despite the tone of some of my comments on this site I would certainly never want anybody converting who was not ready for it. The truth is that to stick to one cock is not enough for many bottoms. We have a need to give ourselves to new men, to seek out sleazy anonymous sex. We get to the point where the risk makes it all the hotter. For us, yes, poz is our destiny. Enjoy the ride(s).

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I'll say it again that being poz realy isn't something anyone should aspire to.

You have to be able to afford to buy meds, remember to take them each day on time, deal with the descrimination from Dr's dentists etc, be on the look out for opportunistic infections, disclose your status to every new potential partner and then be ready to deal with them making you feel less than shit.

Is all this what you realy want. It all will become a reality and some more if you continue to take annon raw loads. When I became poz I certainly was not looking for it and still would not. Please guys wake up and think.

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I'll say it again that being poz realy isn't something anyone should aspire to.

Being poz is inevitable for some guys (and they're generally the type that would be on a forum like this). In fact it's inevitable for most bareback bottoms/versatiles who enjoy getting fucked by strangers - and there are a lot of guys who fit that description. In those cases I'd rather they come to terms with being poz while they're still neg than stick their head in the sand and be devastated and feel like a victim when the inevitable happens. Thing is, guys who understand that they'll become poz sometimes do aspire to it. For them it's about accepting who they are - and from that perspective it's a very good thing. All they're doing is being honest with themselves.

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