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A Brother in Trouble

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Chi4loads, PLEASE don't get caught in the quicksand of controversy, rules and high-handed suggestions. I for one (dare I say most of us?) want your mind free of considerations to let all your nasty, perverted, hotter-than-the-hinges-of-Hell imagination out in words for us to get off on. Again and again.  You've got too much talent to go off in a huff like some others have.  We all lose when that happens. On the other hand, with the 'Brother' saga alone, you've caused miles of cocks to spew countless loads and gallons of cum. THANK YOU! Think of all that slippery love cumming your way! Please keep it up!  Well, maybe I mean, me UP!

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Since my simple suggestion / concern is not liked on this story, I am taking myself out of the equation. I’m sorry I said anything. I would have been okay with a “no” from the author. I was simply commenting. I hope chi4loada continues the story however he wants. I really only asked for a warning if he went back to a storyline I thought I and others were less interested in. I am fine that asking for a warning is displeasing to everyone concerned. I thought I wasn’t the only one who didn’t like that particular storyline. It was not meant to be heated or cause one to give up writing entirely. I was only trying to explain myself. I did say that I like 99% of this story. I forgot that this particular forum is not always a place for criticism, even though I originally stated I wasn’t opposed to the storyline continuing, simply asking for a brief mention when it would be continued so I could chose to skip that chapter or skim it instead. I’m sorry that caused an uproar. I’m actually strictly opposed to censorship in fiction, as I have read things on nifty that would prove unpopular in the mainstream. 

Once again, I am sorry a simple request turned into someone delaying or putting their work on hiatus. As an author I’m used to much stricter, specific, and harsher criticism from those who don’t write and have an opinion, peers, and people I consider much better writers than I. I should have realized this is not a place for criticism, even of the gentlest variety. I did get a bit specific in my trying to explain my position in asking for a warning. All apologies. It won’t happen from now on.

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@chi4loads please come back and tell your story.  yours is some of the best writing on here.  as another writer, I know it can be hard when you get a comment from someone who didn't like a chapter you wrote, but there are many more of us who have loved this story.  Hope to see more.

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I finally completed the next chunk. Now to see if there is any interest or if its dead.   There are 5 parts which I will post before I go out of town for most of July.


Part 67 - Spring Break


Joe was sitting on the couch after class.  The TV was on showing the college basketball tournament as background noise and he was typing away on his laptop.   His two phones were sitting next to him along with a list of topics he wanted to cover in the presentation he was working on for one of his classes.   First, his escort phone buzzed alerting him to a new message.   A few minutes later his regular phone chirped on the arrival of a message.   It seemed that there was only a few minutes between messages and they kept coming.  It was ruining his concentration and he figured he should read the messages together and then put the phones in silent mode for an hour or two.

First he looked at the escort phone.   The first was from a known number.  He looked it up and it was a guy that he had met several times before, all before he got pozzed.  The guy was a young farmer in his late twenties.   Joe had helped him first by teaching him about gay sex and then coming out and then the guy lost his parents in a fire and Joe helped him through it.  It had been almost nine months since he had heard from him last.  The message simply asked “Is this Dave?”  He chuckled but appreciated that it had been a while and the guy didn’t want to blindly text someone asking for an escort appointment if the number was now someone else’s.   He replied:

        Joe: “Yes.  Are you Blaine?”

        Blaine: “yeah.  U still avail?”

        Joe: “booked for 3 weeks”

        Blaine: “damn ur popular”

        Joe: “LOL, I wish. busy with school then spring break”

        Blaine: “ok.  call when u have time”

The next message was from another previous client asking if he was free that Friday night.  He replied that he wasn’t.  He was going out with Kyle and that always took precedence.   Grabbing his regular phone he saw 4 new messages:

        Kyle: “at library with project team home at 9”

        Patrick: “need to talk soon”

        Mark: “u have plans 4 spring break?”

        Paul: “u guys are good.  both ur btms from party +”

Joe got nervous with the message from Patrick.  He hoped that the job hadn’t fallen through.  He had stopped looking for a job since he had accepted the offer from Greg. The trip to California seemed a distant memory now.  He texted back “ok, when?  good or bad?”

        He then replied back to Paul: “;)  they ok?  u tag urs 2?”

        Then to Mark: “staycation. maybe job hunting”

He set the phone down and waited to hear a reply from Patrick at least.   He typed out some more on his laptop and his phone chirped.

        Mark: “shit! what happened?”

        Joe: “dunno.  got msg from Patrick that we need to talk”

He grabbed the pipe, checked that it still had some life in it and lit it, taking a big hit.  He calmed down a bit and went back working on his presentation.  A few minutes later the phone chirped and it was a reply from Patrick - “both, now?”  Joe replied “ok. u call me.”   The phone rang and Joe answered it.

“Hi Joe.  I know you’re probably freaking out about now, but don’t worry.  We had a little issue with Greg and he’s no longer with the company.  Some of the higher-ups questioned your hiring since Greg was so big on you, but I took care of it.  He wasn’t the only one to interview you and everyone who did wants you to join.  We talked while you were out here and I know your brother.  He spoke really highly of you, but I know he’s biased.   In the end, I don’t see a problem with you starting in July as long as you graduate.  Just be aware that some important eyes will be on you the first few months”  Patrick said.

“Oh, thank god.  I had visions of having to start my job hunt all over.  I won’t ask what Greg did, but it must have been bad” Joe replied.

Patrick chuckled and continued “Uh, yeah.  On the non-work side of things, I’m now single and my knocked up ex is out of the picture.  If you hadn’t guessed, your little new years party was quite effective in giving me the bug.  I’d prefer to think that it was then, rather than Greg’s hotel get together.”

Joe chuckled.  “I hope it was the party too.  The hotel thing with him was strange and I only got a couple more odd messages from him after that while I was out there and there’s been nothing since.  The new years party was a lot more fun.  Congrats on your freedom.  I hope you find someone who treats you better.  I take it you were able to do the deed?” Joe asked.

“Hell yeah!  The stupid fuck couldn’t understand why I suddenly wanted to top all the time after I got sick” Patrick said.

“That’s fuckin’ cool.  I want to hear about it sometime” Joe replied.

“Yeah, that kind of leads to the other thing I wanted to ask you.  Are you going to be able to join us in Chicago during Memorial Day weekend?  I have a room reserved for you. We’ll cover the cost of the room, but you are responsible for getting there.  I just need you to confirm a week before, ok?” Patrick replied.

“I think so.  Can my boyfriend share my room?” asked Joe.

“Yeah, no problem.  Some guys are sharing their rooms with guys from the office and others are bringing in their partners so they will have a room to themselves.  There’s one guy I think you’ll like who wants to make it a positive weekend.  Oh, Raphi will be there too with his new magic trick” Patrick said.

“Yeah, he told me once he got the test result.  It will be fun seeing you guys again” Joe said before asking  Patrick to keep him in the loop and then goodbye.

He sent off a message to Mark “job still ok.  why did u ask about spring break?”

        Mark: “I never did spring break. saw a deal.  thought u n kyle might like it”

        Joe: “not in budget. gotta save for apt n car. CA more xpnsv than here”

        Mark: “My treat if u can get to Chicago, Dallas, Denver”

        Joe: “maybe. need to talk to kyle”

Kyle and Joe talked and decided to take Mark up on his offer.   Soon a packet showed up in the mail with all of the information - vouchers for the airport shuttle, airplane tickets and the brochure for the “LGBT-friendly” resort.  They looked through the brochure and saw it proclaim that all packages were “All-inclusive” and “Over 90% of staff speak English” along with French, German and Portuguese.  The pictures showed people swimming in pools, drinking at the pool bars, sunbathing, sailing on small catamarans, dancing in clubs, and eating at romantic dinners.  They noticed that many of the people in the pictures were same-sex couples.  “This place looks fucking awesome for a couple of homos” Kyle said.

Joe and Kyle worked hard the next few weeks making sure they wouldn’t have any classwork waiting for them when they got back.  They found out a friend of theirs was going back home for the break and lived just outside of Chicago.  They could leave their car at his parents and get dropped off at the airport. The drive to Chicago was long and boring, broken up by a few breaks in rest area bathroom stalls for some fun.   The final tally when they got to their friend Jaime’s parent’s house was 3 truckers, 2 twinks, 1 bear, 1 30-something businessman and 1 creepy older guy with only a few teeth who couldn’t bend over fast enough to have three college guys breed his hole.

They got dropped off at the airport early in the morning with Kyle’s ass full of Jaime’s newly toxic nut.   Kyle and Joe slept most of the flight and were well rested when the plane touched down in Cancun.  They made it through customs and found their shuttle bus.   It was easy to spot since there was small pride flag in the windshield.  As the bus filled up they looked around and it was all guys near their age except for two guys in their late thirties (one cub and one otter) and two butch lesbians.  Kyle looked at Joe and smiled, saying “Mark seems to have set us up good.”   All the guys were rubber necking, checking each other out when the bus driver hopped in and closed the door.  They drove to the resort which was in a secluded tropical forest right on the water.  As they pulled up, Kyle saw four flags in the courtyard - the Mexican flag, the state flag, the hotel flag and a pride flag.

Everyone piled out of the bus and grabbed their luggage and stood in line to check in.  The guys were flirting with each other while waiting to check in.   Joe and Kyle walked up and attempted to use their high school Spanish until they got hopelessly confused.   The clerk laughed with them and tried to correct some of their bigger misuses of the language.   He put their wrist bands on and then gave them their room key.  They found their room which turned out to be an ocean view suite and a large covered balcony.  The king size bed looked like a fun place and they saw the liquor dispenser on the wall.   “All inclusive, baby” Joe joked to Kyle and then kissed him deeply.   There was a knock at the door and Kyle reluctantly ended the kiss and opened it.

“Hello.  I am Javier.  I am your room steward.  I hope everything is good with your room.  You can call me if you need anything” the guy said with a slight accent before handing Kyle a card.  Joe and Kyle were mentally undressing the short, thin Mexican with a neatly trimmed beard and a bright smile. They stared just a bit too long, making it awkward and finally Kyle said  “Gracias, Javier.  Everything looks perfect.”

“Thank you.  Have a good day” Javier said and then turned and walked down the hallway.  Joe and Kyle watched the nicely formed butt disappear around the corner and then laughed at each other.  “I hope we get to tap that before we leave” said Joe.

The two unpacked their clothes and looked through the info.  They put their swim suits, tank tops and sandals on, grabbed some sunscreen and headed down to the pool.   Kyle’s tattoo was mostly covered by his shirt and Joe’s covered the scorpion but the back of his lower leg was telling everyone he passed of his status.   They walked up to the bar and said “Dos cervezas, por favor” in that uniquely American accent of high school Spanish, realizing they were better off sticking to short sentences if they spoke Spanish.   The bartender responded “Can I see your wristbands?”  They showed them to him and he then asked “Which one?” while pointing to the four beer taps.   “Modelo Negra” Joe said and Kyle responded “Corona.”  They got their beers and found two lounge chairs next to the pool.  They sat down, stripped their shirts off and slathered on the sun screen.  They laid back and enjoyed the breeze, sun and the music from the poolside DJ.   

After about twenty minutes, Joe rolled over and had Kyle help reapply sun screen to his back and did the same for Kyle.  Another fifteen minutes later and the beers were empty and the sun seemed to be getting hotter.  Joe got up and jumped in the pool and swam over to the pool bar.  He ordered two more beers and then walked through the pool back to their chairs, looking around at all the guys.  Kyle jumped in and they stood there talking at the edge of the pool for a while.   They heard some noises behind them and saw that some guys had started a water volleyball game.  It seemed to be six against four and they were trying to split a couple up to make it even.  Joe yelled over “Need two more?” and the group yelled back “Yeah.”

Joe and Kyle chugged their beers and swam over, joining the team of four.  Once the game started, Joe realized quickly that these guys were serious about playing and it got physical.  No one seemed to mind the body contact.  There were splashes from guys diving to make plays and several times he collided with another guy going for the ball.  A few times the other guy grabbed Joe while they were underwater and felt up either his ass or cock.  One time he leapt into the air and when he came down the guy next to him reached into his board shorts and grabbed his cock and squeezed it several times, winking when he felt the piercing.  He looked over a few plays later and someone had just ripped Kyle’s trunks off and was holding them up in the air.   “Kyle, get those back on. We don’t want to get thrown out on the first day!” Joe yelled half jokingly.  Kyle tackled the guy that had his trunks and slid a finger in his ass before grabbing his swimsuit and then releasing the guy.   

“That felt good” the guy said as Kyle put his trunks back on.  They finished the game and both teams called a waiter over and ordered a round of drinks.  They all stood in the corner of the pool and chatted, Joe behind Kyle with his arm around Kyle’s shoulder and chest.  The guy that had taken Kyle’s trunks came over and said “Hey, I hope you didn’t mind me pulling them off.  I kinda wanted to see what was inside.  I'm Ian, by the way.”

Kyle laughed and said  “Its a lot bigger than the finger that went into you!  Hi Ian, I’m Kyle and this is my boyfriend Joe.”

“And probably a lot more dangerous too judging by the ink…  Ah, boyfriend.  I guess you’re taken for the week” Ian said.

“He has a very long leash” Joe said and they watched Ian’s eyes light up.

“So, I… uh… like the tattoo.   Are you advertising or just like the danger that it hints at” Ian asked quietly after moving in closer.

“I’m poz, if that’s what you’re asking” Kyle said.

Ian seemed surprised at Kyle’s bluntness. “Uh, yeah.  Ive run into guys who just liked the design and others that are fans of the band and others that just attract trouble” Ian explained.

“Are you poz too?” asked Kyle.

“Nah.   Taken a bunch of charged loads but I’m still neg”  Ian said.

“If you keep taking them, it will happen eventually unless you’re on meds” Joe said.

“No, no prep.  I kinda like the risk of it all.  Nothing hotter than a guy telling you right before he cums inside you.  I love that rush” Ian said.

“Sorry, I gave away the surprise then” Kyle said with a wicked grin.

Joe decided he wanted to extend this cat and mouse game and asked  “so, is that your boyfriend that you were paired up with during the game?”

Ian chuckled “Nah, he’s just a friend.  We tried being fuckbuddies but we’re both bottoms.  Neither of us is very good at topping, but we like each other and do a lot of stuff together, just not sex.  We joke that we’re like an old married couple in a sexless marriage.”

“Where are you guys having dinner?” Joe asked.

“We’re on the cheap plan, so we get either the buffet or the big restaurant.  I see you have the primo wristbands so you can hit them all” Ian replied.

Joe chuckled “We didn’t know.  My brother got the trip for us so we don’t know what the hell he bought.”

“Be sure to use all of the perks.  You guys get sailboats, jet skis, free shuttle to the strip, and massages.  Hell, they might give you free blowjobs too!” Ian said laughing.

“With this crowd, I think everyone gets free blowjobs” Kyle said.

Joe added “Except for the lesbians.  Do you want to meet after dinner in the club?”   

“Sure.  I should probably run through the shower before dinner.  Meet at 8PM?” Ian asked.

“Sounds good.  I need a nap before dinner too” Joe said.

“Siesta, Joe.  It sounds more sophisticated” Kyle said with a laugh.

Joe and Kyle dried off and grabbed their things and went up to their room.   They started making out on the bed but were both sound asleep in minutes.  Joe and Kyle woke up and realized they had been sleeping for almost two hours.  They ran through the shower and dressed for dinner.  “Thank god I didn’t get rid of all of the preppy clothes that my parents gave me” joked Joe.  “And which fraternity house are you in?” Kyle jabbed back.  The two were laughing as they walked out the door.  Javier was walking towards them and Joe gave him a wink.  “No ring.  You think he’s straight, bi or gay” Kyle asked as they waited for the elevator.  “Hopefully gay.  He has a nice bulge and a killer ass so hopefully he’s vers too, as long as I’m dreaming” Joe replied.

They walked up to the seafood restaurant and got seated in a corner looking out at some gardens.  “An hour and a half should be long enough for us to get dinner before we meet Ian” Joe said.

“Yeah, whats the deal?  I was figuring you were going to drag him to the room and fuck his brains out but then you start asking about the guy he’s with and set up a time to go clubbing?” Kyle asked.

“I just wanted him to be eager to get fucked.  Kinda like fishing.   Tease him a bit until he’ll do anything to get us to nail him.  Sometimes the chase is as good as the conquest”  Joe explained.   They each devoured a dozen raw oysters, enjoyed a bowl of fresh seafood stew, and inhaled a full lobster while washing it down with a couple mojitos.   “This is as close to a date as we’ve gone on in a long time” Joe said as they finished up.

“Yeah.  Its kinda nice.  I hope one of the days we’re here it can be just us”  Kyle said and Joe nodded.  They got the waiter to take a picture of the two of them at the table and Joe sent it off to Mark with the comment “Thanks for the trip.  Wish you were here.”  They finished dinner and took a walk along the beach.   A couple guys were on a lounge chair, one riding the other, the waves drowning out their moans.  They passed the lesbian couple from the bus making out under a tree and then headed back to the main building.  They walked up to the club and heard music coming from inside and it seemed there was a bunch of people dancing.  They walked in and grabbed a couple drinks from the bar and looked around.

The crowd was all guys and they were mostly crowded at the center of the dance floor.  A few couples were on the edges dancing together.  Other guys were in small groups talking and thats where they spotted Ian and his friend, Kent.   Joe and Kyle walked over and greeted them.  Once they finished their drinks the four moved over to the dance floor.  By now several of the guys dancing had removed their shirts and hands were roaming everywhere.  Kyle slipped his hand down Ian’s pants and fingered the now sweaty ass.  Joe had grabbed Kent’s ass a few times but he seemed to be uninterested.   Joe moved over and started to make a few moves on a shaggy haired blond guy and danced with him for a while and then kept moving around dancing and groping several of the guys.

Joe got a tap on his shoulder from Kyle who motioned toward the door.  He assumed that Kyle and Ian were headed back to a room and nodded.   A second later, Kyle tapped him again, this time harder.  Joe looked and the hand motion was more like “come along” this time.  He smiled at the guy he was dancing with and headed towards the door.  He walked out of the club and Ian, his friend Kent and Kyle were standing there.   Joe raised his eyebrows, surprised that Ian’s friend was there based on the earlier vibes.  Kyle led the three others up to their room and once inside the four stripped their clothes off immediately.

Kent was on his knees in front of Joe in as soon as his clothes were off.  Joe was completely confused but the moment that Kent’s mouth was around his cock he didn’t care.  His tongue was magic and Joe was moaning in seconds.  Joe held his head gently and slowly fucked his mouth.  Kent didn’t seem to have any problems until the piercing went into his throat. Kent gagged a bit but soon was taking it as if nothing was there.  Joe kept face fucking Kent for several more minutes and decided he needed to feel Kent’s pussy wrapped around his cock.

Kyle was all over Ian and had him pushed to the bed.  He climbed on top and fed his cock to an eager mouth.  Ian was licking and sucking all over Kyle’s cock and balls.  Kyle tried to push deeper but unlike his friend, Ian was having a lot of problems getting the pierced dick into his throat.   Kyle jabbed his cock in deep and held it there a few seconds and started to feel Ian wretch.  He pulled back and let Ian recover and decided on a shallow blowjob after that.  Ian slobbered a lot of spit over his cock and Kyle could see even more spit running down his cheeks.  Kyle pulled out and sat down on Ian’s face and “let” him rim his ass.  Ian’s tongue seemed eager to dig into the sweaty ass and Kyle was moaning from Ian’s tongue both licking and poking into his hole.

Joe looked over at Kyle and Ian and realized he was going to have to use something other than the bed since Kyle was right in the middle of the king sized bed.  He looked around and decided the balcony offered a couple of possibilities.   He reached down and pulled Kent up to his feet and led him out there.  The warm moist air made the venue completely different than the chilled hotel room.  Once on the balcony, Joe pushed Kent to the railing.  “Grab on, its gonna be a bumpy ride” Joe joked as Kent grabbed the railing and he pushed Kent’s legs wider.  The night sky was clear and there was a gentle breeze blowing.  The sounds of crashing waves added a nice backdrop to drown out the quieter sounds the two were about to make.  Joe was on his knees, prying Kent’s butt apart and then burying his face into the crevice.

Joe hadn’t shaved since they left home and was growing his beard out.  The stubble above the fuller chinstrap beard he usually had bristled against Kent’s butt cheeks and his tongue jabbed at his pucker.  Sweat was dripping down Kent’s back and added an additional flavor to his regular scent and crotch sweat.  Joe’s tongue fucked in and out and he could feel the hole start to relax.  He pulled back and used his finger to circle the hungry ass-cunt.  He heard Kent moan and wiggle his ass.

Standing, he dragged his cock up between the crack and let the piercing rest on the hole. He leaned over Kent, his chest lightly pressing on Kent’s back.  “What do you want?” Joe whispered in his ear.

“I need your cock” Kent responded.

“What else?” Joe asked as he began humping Kent’s ass, his cock riding along the crack.

“Your cum” Kent moaned back.

“What kind of cum?” Joe asked.

“Your poz cum” Kent begged.

“You ready to get charged up, Kent?” asked Joe.

“Oh god yeah. Breed me good” Kent said while he started to rock his hips back to meet Joe’s thrusts along the crack.  Joe aimed his shaft lower and drove in hard, feeling his cock squeeze into the tight ring.  After a few more stabs, the piercing and his head were inside the tight tunnel.  Joe had been leaking precum since he first started humping Kent and now it was making the passage slick as well.  His strokes got longer until he bottomed out, his trimmed pubes pressed tightly against Kent’s ass.  Joe wrapped his arm around Kent’s neck and started thrusting his cock in and out.  He heard Kent whimper, but it didn’t seem to be from pain.  He was submitting to Joe’s cock and letting Joe use him as he wanted.

Joe felt Kent work his ass muscles around his shaft.  He wasn’t aggressive like he wanted Joe to breed him right away, but enough to be more than a human fleshlight.  Joe fucked faster and he knew anyone close could hear the grunts over the sound of the waves.  Joe reached around with his other arm and twisted Kent’s left nipple and Kent dutifully clamped down on Joe’s cock.

“You want it, Kent?” Joe asked as his arm pressed tighter on Kent’s neck.

“Breed me, Joe.  Mark my ass” Kent begged through his gasps.

The words  spurred Joe on and his thrusts got slower but more deliberate. The slaps of skin and the grunts from both guys could be heard all around.   Joe’s balls had pulled tight and his cock was throbbing.  Joe held Kent tight and gave his cock one more stab inside and unleashed a torrent of poz cum into the abused cave.  His body shook, trying to get every bug filled drop of seed inside Kent.  “Oh my fucking god, you did it!  I can feel your cum inside me” Kent yelled out.  Joe chuckled and rammed his cock in a few more times and slowly withdrew the shaft from Kent’s throbbing hole.   “Stay there a minute” Joe said as he walked inside.

Kyle watched Joe and Kent go outside and after face fucking Ian for a while and then getting rimmed, he slid down Ian’s body and pushed his legs over Kyle’s shoulders.   His cock was dripping both saliva and precum as he pressed it to the puckered opening.  He looked down at Ian and grinned.  Ian locked eyes back with him and Kyle could see the fear and excitement in his eyes.  “You want this poz dick?”  Kyle asked.  Ian nodded and Kyle pushed in a few times until the ring and his cock head popped inside. Ian let out a loud grunt, the spit and precum not being nearly enough lube for his tight chute.  Kyle waited a moment and then rocked his hips until his cock was sliding easily in and out of Ian’s neg cunt.  With each thrust, the piercings of the ladder would ripple through the outer ring of Ian’s pussy, sending shivers throughout Ian’s body.  The harder Kyle fucked the more he felt them wrecking his guts.

Kyle knew he could fuck deeper doggy style, but he liked watching the expressions on Ian’s face as he fucked him on his back.  His pounding got harder and harder and then he leaned in.  Kyle whispered “I’m not on meds, this load is going to be really toxic.”   Ian flinched and his hole gripped Kyle’s cock tighter than it had before.  Kyle moaned and felt his cock start to throb.  He began thrusting in faster as his balls prepared their potent mixture.    Kyle let out a few grunts as he slammed his cock in deep each time.  His cock began to spew his viral seed into Ian’s battered hole.   The toxic cream coated every crevice and ripple of Ian’s fuck chute, looking for any way to invade his body.  Kyle gave a couple last thrusts and laid there on top of Ian, panting.

Joe walked in just as Kyle had pumped the last spurt of venom into Ian.  He stood there a moment and grinned.    “Dude, you gotta feel this hole.  It’s like fuckin velvet.  Well, wet velvet now” Joe said and laughed.  Kyle got up, slowly pulling his still partially hard cock from Ian’s ass.   As Kyle walked toward the balcony, Joe took his place  on the bed.  He looked down at Ian and asked “Ready for more?”  Before Ian could answer, Joe’s hard shaft slid into the slick tunnel.   He could feel Ian twitch with each thrust and knew that Kyle had fucked him hard.  He slowed down and let Ian relax a bit.  Moans soon started coming out of Ian’s mouth and Joe decided to try flipping him over, so he pulled out and rolled Ian over.  While pulling up on his hips slightly, Joe firmly drove his cock back inside and rolled his hips, plunging in and out of Ian’s well worn hole.

Kyle walked out on to the balcony and saw Kent standing there, his arms splayed out on the railing and his legs spread wide on the floor.  Cum was dripping out of his hole and he told Kent “Tsk, Tsk.  You’re wasting Joe’s cum.  I’m going to have to replace it.”

“Wha…” was all that Kent could get out as Kyle jammed his cock into Kent’s pussy.  “FUCK!” was the next thing out of Kent’s mouth. Anyone on their balcony or in the gardens below heard Kent’s scream.  Kyle began fucking the still tight, cum-filled hole.  His hands were on Kent’s shoulders and his hips were swaying back and forth, driving his cock deep inside Kent’s hole.  His strokes got longer as almost the whole length of Kyle’s cock was sliding in and out.  He fucked faster and started to hear Kent cry out with each stroke and he knew Kent’s hole was feeling the wrath of his new piercings.  Kyle ratcheted up the intensity and was now pounding Kent’s ass.   When his balls started to churn again, he knew he was going to shoot soon.  He held off as long as he could and then slammed in and let his balls go.   Shot after shot if his tainted cum pumped into Kent’s wrecked hole.   Kent let out a weary “Oh fuck!” as he felt his ass getting filled with more poz cum.

Kyle backed away and his softened cock plopped out of Kent’s swollen hole.   He was waiting for Kent to turn around and hopefully suck his cock clean, but instead Kent stood, turned and walked right past him and into the room.  Kyle turned around and followed him inside and watched Kent pull his shorts on and walk out of the room, carrying his shirt and sandals and saying nothing.  He stood there a moment with his mouth open, shocked that he just got ditched like that.  Kyle shook his head and walked over to the bed, leaned in and kissed Joe.  Joe pulled Ian on to all fours and Kyle kneeled in front of Ian, who quickly started licking the cum that was dripping off of Kyle’s cock.  Joe fucked faster and Kyle followed his example, fucking Ian’s throat.  They pounded into each end until Joe gave a final shove and painted another layer of deadly cum all over Ian’s guts.

Joe pulled back and collapsed on to the bed and Kyle did the same.  Ian turned around and started to lick Joe’s cock clean of the mixture of cum, precum, and ass juice.  Ian knew he would be feeling this fuck for a few days and with the coppery taste in his mouth knew that his string of taking poz loads and staying neg might be over.  Once Joe’s cock was clean he crawled up between them on the bed and laid back.  “Where did Kent go?” Ian asked.

“I think he realized he’s not ready to be a poz pig like he thought he was” Kyle said.   

Joe let out a laugh and looked at Ian.  “I hope you are, cuz I’m looking forward to pumping a few more loads into that hot ass of yours.”

“I guess its too late to turn back now.  I couldn’t start pep until I’m back home and thats in five more days” Ian said.   The three made out and chatted for a while until they finally fell asleep.   Ian woke up in the middle of the night with Kyle’s cock pushing back into his tender hole.  He pulled his ass apart and pushed back on to the stiff cock.  He felt Kyle’s cock piston into him and used his sore muscles to milk it.   His own cock was rock hard and he guided it between Joe’s ass cheeks.   

Joe stirred and then pushed back and Ian suddenly found his cock deep inside another guy’s ass for the first time in over a year.  Kyle started pumping faster and Ian was gasping for breath.  Kyle shoved in and forced the last inch of Ian’s cock into Joe.   Kyle’s cock pulsed as several shots of poisonous cream filled Ian’s cunt.  Feeling Kyle unload inside him caused Ian to shoot.  He hadn’t cum for over a week and he was full.  Almost a dozen shots of neg cum pumped into Joe’s empty hole.  Joe moaned and wiggled his ass around Ian’s still hard cock and they all fell back asleep.


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