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I was 9. My cousin was mid teen, 15/16. he showed me a video of a woman blowing a man, that was the first actual footage of any sex I’d seen, a magazine or two prior. I remember being mesmerised, and asked for it to play again. Shortly after my cousin showed me that he was hard. That was a shock, I’d never seen an erect, mature penis until that. First that video, then my cousin, it interested me more than it should have. Later that night, I slept over on a mattress in his room. Can’t remember what brought it up but he was hard again, I asked to touch it and he let me hold & squeeze it. Soon I was over in his bed, sucking my older cousin’s cock. I remember very clearly being eager, excited, enjoying the new feelings, taste, and sensations of it. I stopped, then a while later pulled his pants down and started again. I liked it. He came almost instantly which shocked me, but I swallowed it instinctively, as best I could.

That made me see the world a little differently. Certainly I saw my cousin differently.  We ended up fucking until I was about 23.


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Just now, Willing said:

My 13 year old friend fed me after church 😵

Wayne Johnson from ga where are you now, I need more please 😵

  • 2 weeks later...

I was in Jr High - my friends brother was in HS. We were in a tent in the backyard and he taught me how to suck his cock.  It felt wrong, but seeing him cum and knowing how good it felt for him, I was totally turned on. I craved his cock and he would find ways to sneak out with me and give it to me. Sucked him off secretly until he went to college. 

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

13 or 14 of my classmates both boys and gitls met up at the old hermit's house near our neighborhood the afternoon after we got out of kindergarten class at noon. After much horsing around playing Show and Tell and Truth or Dare I reciprocated my friends kindness, who had sucked my dick that morning in the Boys room at school. Then continued on and sucked the other  boys that were at the house that afternoon. 


First time I had a dick in my mouth was 9 with a friend that we dared each other to put it in our mouths.

first proper blowjob given was when I was 12

  • Piggy 2

i was 12ish and it was with my cousin, one night he had a boner and i had the urge to touch it, it was massive for a 14 year old, well to me it was, and he didnt stop and i just played with his cock that night.  the next few times he stayed over was the same thing, i couldnt wait till another sleep over, that night the same thing but this time i started to suck his nipple with a hand job again. then the next time he stayed over i just had to try it, so this time i woke him up with his dick in my mouth and as soon as i heard his soft moan and the way his big dick was in my mouth i was hooked on cock

  • Piggy 1

I was able to self suck my cock at age 13 in a bathtub. Took a little bit but sucked own cock and tasted my hot cum. 

First cock of a guy sucked was in my  college dorm room. I was in early 20s and guy I think was in his 40s. After meet a couple of times asked if could recipate in suck him. I sucked him.


The direct answer, mid-40's.

I've found this thread fascinating. Maybe there are a few tall tales in here but I suspect most are true. I think my fascination is in how many mirror, at least in part, my own experiences. "Boys will be boys" seems to fully apply.

The earliest sexual situations I recall encountering were back when I was around 4 or 5. The first was with a neighbor boy I was sort of friends with who was three years older than me. I'll call him Duncan. I say sort of cause my parent's limited our interaction until I was older since he could be rather rough and tumble. Anyway, he (about 7/8) and I (4/5) were in my bedroom and he convinced me to join him in my closet with the door closed. It was a louvered door so it was dimly lit inside. He wanted for us to pull our penises out and rub them together saying if would do it then I could join a club he was starting and also that he would tell me a story while we rubbed them. I did it, we pulled them out and rubbed them together. The memories are very vague likely due to my young age but it made an impression in that I remember it happened.

Next, I was a little older, I think 6. It was summer time and my mother had to have some medical thing done so I was staying with a close family friends who had a boy and four girls. The son was probably 4 or 5 years older than me, so 10 or 11 to my 6. We shared his twin bed and I recall he turned on a reading light and pulled out his dick to show me. He wanted me to pull mine out but I didn't. Again, the memory is vague. He had a hairless cocks as I recall, seemed somewhat bigger than mine but I don't remember much detail.

I really had no sex drive or interest at that age. I do recall some neighborhood boys being all into watching other peeing, one time some guys peed in a paper cup then were showing it around. None of that really appealed to me. I was kind of private and shy about bodily functions.

Fast forward and I'm 11/12ish. I'm starting to pop boners all the time. Never in the locker room even though I was worried about that. At that age we did need to change clothes for gym and shower afterward. I quickly learned to keep a folder in front of me if I had to walk down the hall boned up. By age 12.5 which was summer, I had sprouts of pubes coming in and had started to play with myself in bed at night. I would play with it until a bit of clear stuff came out and I thought that was semen and that was it. Had not figure out this was precum there was a bigger reward of orgasm and ejaculation I had not yet reached. At this point Duncan and I were friends, but, another guy also three years older than me was my best friend (I'll call him Mike). I hung out pretty much daily with Mike but all three of us hung out together a lot as well. One day Mike and I figured out there were some XXX mags hidden in the house, buried in the back of a closet. We went in there when no one else was home and looked at them for a while. Both of our cocks responded, of course, tenting out our shorts nicely. Putting them back, we went to my room and he suggested we beat off. I agreed so we each did our thing. At one point I suggested we hook up wires from my train set transformer to our cocks so we tried that but didn't feel anything. While jerking we were not directly looking at each other but we saw each other's cocks and took a peek at each other here and there. I knew he had a lot of pubes as I had saw him peeing outside at some point and was amazed (I didn't have them yet when I first saw his). In short order he was showing me his hand covered in jizz, which I had never seen before. I got him tissues to wipe up. I had a little clear stuff come out, not the yellowish/whiteish thick mixture I saw on this hand. After he cleaned up he asked what I did with mine - I don't remember how I answered but there wasn't anything much to wipe up.

One evening the two of us camped out in my back yard together. After dark we settled into our sleeping bags in the tent. Maybe more like on them since it was warm out. I was horny and boned so I think I suggested we rub our cocks together. He agreed and we did. I got on top of him and we frotted (not knowing that term at the time). It didn't feel like much but it was exciting. I kept trying to put a flashlight on to see better but he made me turn it off so no one outside could see shadows of what were were doing. We ended up licking each other's dicks but not actually giving each other a BJ. The licking was very brief and didn't feel like much to me. He sort of made a face when he licked mine like he didn't like it. Then we got back in our own bags again and he said we should beat off. We did, he came again although I didn't see his output. He just cleaned up while I was still going. He moved over to take a look and I said, look there is sperm. It was precum and he made a comment about it not being sperm, that it was piss. Soon I stopped and we went to sleep.

Next up was Mike and Duncan decided to camp out in the woods behind Duncan's house. During the day I hung out with them at the camp site and they had a good setup - tent, camp fire, cooking food over the fire, etc. all out away from any houses or people. I was jealous that they hadn't included me but later on I figured out why.

The next adventure with these two was when they did invite me to camp with them, this time in a "club house" behind Duncan's. It was a small shed not that far from the house but it was relatively private since it had solid wood walls and the window were up higher so when laying on the floor nothing could be seen. Right away the discussion was sexual. Duncan had learned to burn farts so he was basically naked and kept trying to hold matches by his ass and then fart and try to light them. I don't think he every really succeeded that night. Anyway, I saw his very grown up looking private parts for the first time. At some point Duncan decided to recite the birds and the bees to me as it had been told to him by his doctor. I had heard it before but wanted to hear it from him. Eventually we ended up playing strip poker. I lost first and ended up naked with those two looking at me. I sat cross legged leaning down with my elbows on my knees trying to cover up. They made me site up and show everything with Duncan seeing my equipment for the first time and Mike getting a good look for once as well. Duncan sort of teased my small but very hard rod with just a bit of hair growing in. That didn't bother me, I knew I was still growing (and I did haha). Eventually Mike was naked and then all of us were naked, all with boners. I had seen Mike before but like Mike with me, I had more an opportunity to take a good, close look under the flashlight. Mike rubbed his some but then he was getting irritated as it was very late and he was tired. We ended up just going to sleep having just taken a close look at each other.

My last adventure that summer was just with Mike in his bedroom. No one else was home and we were in his room just hanging out. I think we had just come back from the drug store where I had bought film for my camera. He ended up with a visible boner and pulled his shorts down, laying on the bed. I took a couple pictures haha but he made me remove and destroy the film. He then suggested we suck each other off. I REALLY wanted to yet I was nervous at his house, unsure if someone came home if we would be able to avoid getting caught. I also still had never cum yet and thinking about our licking session not being that fulfilling, I didn't think the reward outweighed the risk so I declined and said that seemed "gay". 

I did that summer have a wet dream one night, and having seen Mike's cum, when it happened I knew what it was and was happy thinking that now I can make sperm like Mike. It took a while longer before I finally figured out how to make that happen consciously. One night in bed, I played with myself thinking about this girl in school I liked. I decided to imagine I was fucking her so I rolled over and started rubbing my cock against the mattress. I was pretty gentle and slow so just lightly rubbing it and it felt so good I just kept going for a long time. I started to feel funny in the pit of my stomach but kept going anyway. Then I suddenly had this sensation that something was going to come out - felt like I was going to pee but I couldn't stop it. I exploded! It blew my mind it felt so good. I had stopped rubbing and was catching my release in my hand. I grabbed a sock or some clothes nearby to try to clean up after. When I was done I felt so happy and now knew the trick! After that I started jerking off the normal way lying on my back. Rubbing against the mattress just didn't do it for me after that first time but it at least got me over the hump the first time.

Unfortunately, Mike, Duncan and I seemingly overnight had stopped hanging out with each other. Maybe it was the age difference just wasn't working anymore, maybe it was talking about sucking each other off being "gay" with Mike, I don't know. They became best friends and hanging out but I was out of the group and soon had a new best friend my own age and a new circle of guys in my grade I hung out with. I did regret not not taking Mike up on the sucking each other off offer, especially after I had figured out how to cum I wished we could give it try. I figured their sexual exploits continued through high school since they were close friends until graduating when one off to the military. Neither one ever dated or had a girlfriend in high school I knew of. One did get married later and had kids. The other never married and still live with his parent's. Have wondered if he is gay and deep in the closet.

I did put everything together regarding the camp out I was excluded from based on some things Mike told me at some point that summer. Essentially, Mike and Duncan had been fooling around together for a while. I don't know how long that was but they were 15 so it could have been for a couple years or so. Duncan had gotten Mike into his closet at some point and they had beat off together and even sucked each other at Duncan's encouragement. Excluding me from that camp out had simply been Mike not wanting me pulled into it. I was on the young side and maybe not ready for that yet. He maybe thought I would blab about the activities or at least be harmed by it if I wasn't ready for it. That camp out seemingly had been all about the two of them getting each other off and then they decided I was ready and they included me in the next one which didn't go into full on sex but was pretty sexual.

After all that activity during my 12th summer, I then went into a 10 year dry spell when I finally lost my virginity with a female. I would not be with another guy again until my mid-40's. I rapidly broke the ice then sucking, being sucked, topping, bottoming and having some fun encounters. I do look back still and think about having said yes to sucking each other off in Mike's room. How much may have turned out different - both for better and worse - by just agreeing to that one act.

I don't regret any of it, I can't change the past. It is what it is and I did what I ready for at the time. I'm having plenty of fun now so its all good.












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