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If it was up to you to set a new age of consent, what would the age be and why?

What age of consent would you choose?  

1,801 members have voted

  1. 1. What age of consent would you choose?

    • No age of consent - just stiffen penalties for rape if victim is under 18
    • 12
    • 13
    • 14
    • 15
    • 16
    • 17
    • Keep it at 18

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It's 16 in the UK and I think it's a good age.

Germany has a staggered age of consent law:

Everything under 14 is strictly illegal.

14-16 year olds can have sex with other adolescents and young adults, as long as those are under 21. Above 21, it's illegal (but not always punishable). Parents still have to press charges or a state attorney has to decide that the case is of general interest for it to go to court.

16-18: Sex is generally legal, but there is a catalogue of restrictions. E.g. 17 year-olds cannot work as prostitutes (prostitution being otherwise legal in Germany). Employers, teachers, coaches and other persons of authority cannot have sex with students, apprentices etc.. You also cannot take advantage of a teenager's problems, like offering a place to crash in exchange for sex.

18+: No restrictions.

I certainly don't want to press the "Europe is so enlightened theme", but I do think the German law is exemplary in that it is a very sane and workable compromise between the different interests. Teenagers are not being punished for having sex with each other, while predatory behaviour can be prosecuted.

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Germany has a staggered age of consent law:

Everything under 14 is strictly illegal.

14-16 year olds can have sex with other adolescents and young adults, as long as those are under 21. Above 21, it's illegal (but not always punishable). Parents still have to press charges or a state attorney has to decide that the case is of general interest for it to go to court.

16-18: Sex is generally legal, but there is a catalogue of restrictions. E.g. 17 year-olds cannot work as prostitutes (prostitution being otherwise legal in Germany). Employers, teachers, coaches and other persons of authority cannot have sex with students, apprentices etc.. You also cannot take advantage of a teenager's problems, like offering a place to crash in exchange for sex.

18+: No restrictions.

I certainly don't want to press the "Europe is so enlightened theme", but I do think the German law is exemplary in that it is a very sane and workable compromise between the different interests. Teenagers are not being punished for having sex with each other, while predatory behaviour can be prosecuted.

IMHO, that sounds about right... Though I picked the "no age of consent, just increased penalties for rape if the victim is a minor" option in the poll. Personally I think a lot of places the age of consent laws are pretty fucked up and Germany's sounds pretty well balanced.

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I guess it'd would be too difficult to write a law that didn't have a cut-and-dry age of consent. How would you gauge maturity level objectively. Eighteen is a pretty arbitrary number. Before the industrial revolution, most girls were considered ready for marriage after their first "flowering" and nobody paid much attention to the age of a boy. What standard should we use? Your prefrontal cortex, the seat of your complex decision making skills and possibly also of your personality, doesn't stop maturing until around age 25. Should we set that as the consent age?

Puberty now sets in 1-2 years earlier in girls AND boys than it was generally accepted a few decades ago. By 16 most everyone is fully matured sexually. I would think that's a reasonable cut-off for age of consent and is practiced in many countries and in some US states.

That said, I know this forum is concerned a lot with things like bug chasing, etc. Is a 16-year-old boy capable of making an informed decision to expose himself to HIV? Is a 16-year-old girl capable of weighing the consequences of getting pregnant? Who knows...

Guest faggot hole

i started having sex when i was 12, and it was wonderful. i was taught how to take cock skillfully and most important -- that this was what i was intended to be and that i needed to accept being a fag, relish my role and strive to be the best i possible could be. i've lived my life in accordance with those maxims and it's been wonderful. i wasa lucky, i had the proper guidance (a loving father) and i think in that situation, it is never too young

It's 16 in the UK and I think it's a good age.

16 in Canada too (with close in age exemptions down to 14, similar to Germany), but I think it's too high. It was 14 across the board here until 2008.


I say 13, they are reaching puberty earlier, due to growth hormones in milk etc. I wanted to have sex with older men when I was that age, Why criminalize if they consent is involved, and they have done the initiated the flirting


Germany has a staggered age of consent law:

Everything under 14 is strictly illegal.

14-16 year olds can have sex with other adolescents and young adults' date=' as long as those are under 21. Above 21, it's illegal (but not always punishable). Parents still have to press charges or a state attorney has to decide that the case is of general interest for it to go to court.

16-18: Sex is generally legal, but there is a catalogue of restrictions. E.g. 17 year-olds cannot work as prostitutes (prostitution being otherwise legal in Germany). Employers, teachers, coaches and other persons of authority cannot have sex with students, apprentices etc.. You also cannot take advantage of a teenager's problems, like offering a place to crash in exchange for sex.

18+: No restrictions.

I certainly don't want to press the "Europe is so enlightened theme", but I do think the German law is exemplary in that it is a very sane and workable compromise between the different interests. Teenagers are not being punished for having sex with each other, while predatory behaviour can be prosecuted.[/quote']

The Germans have pretty sensible laws about things like this. I like how enlightened it is.

The issue is that some people are into "daddies" from an early age. You're asking some of them to wait a long time to even begin experimentation... It's a tricky thing though...

That is irrelevant. I myself have always been into older men. In my teen years, as I was discovering my sexuality, my attraction had always been for older men. I attended an all boys high school and even then, none of my peers I found attractive. I was lusting for my male teachers than my classmates.

As I look back (now 31), I am amazed how much I know today that I did not know then. When you are 14, 15, 16, your hormone may be raging and you're physical body is changing to that of a man but your MIND is still one of a kid. It's amazing to me how much I know today and if I knew what I know now, I would have made different decisions in my teen years.

A 14, 15 or 16 year old may have the desire for sex but they are in no way equipped to understand the consequences and the responsibility of it involved. Teenagers can not and are not in a position to handle or make adult decisions. At such age, you still need lots of guidance as you do not know diddly squat. It is also an age when an older person can easily take advantage of your youth and your lack of knowledge.

I have a cousin who is 15 and she thinks she is an adult and knows everything. I keep telling her, you have no idea what you do not know. More importantly, I remind her that she has plenty of time to be an adult and very little time to enjoy being a kid. While she's a teen, just enjoy the time. You can be an adult and make grown decisions later.


The Irony of living in the modern age is that like so many other things that have changed, you have an age of consent. As you go back in time, the age at which boys and girls had sex becomes irrevelant. Hell, even as short a time ago as 1960, it was still considered normal in some places for dad to take his son to a whorehouse, when he hit puberty to learn to be a man. as civilization ages, it gets too wound up in protecting children from the "evils" of the world around them, instead of preparing them to confront those "evils" and make up their own minds on how to live.

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My opinion may not be politically correct, but I would go for different age of consents for boys and girls because boys are hornier at a younger age than girls.

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