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If it was up to you to set a new age of consent, what would the age be and why?

What age of consent would you choose?  

1,801 members have voted

  1. 1. What age of consent would you choose?

    • No age of consent - just stiffen penalties for rape if victim is under 18
    • 12
    • 13
    • 14
    • 15
    • 16
    • 17
    • Keep it at 18

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Guest takingdeepanal

I started growing pubic hair when I was 12 - but that is too young (only The Philippines has this as the AOC). I would say 14 (it's 16 here in Australia).

Furthermore, the AOC should be GLOBAL - but access to sites should be 16 and over.

Guest BBBoyfromTN

I was having sex at 13 with buds but they were all under 18. I lived in TN where the age of consent was and still is 18 and it made it hard as fuck to find guys older than 18 to play with and it fucking sucked! I got tired of playing with the same group of guys and so I wound up doing riskier more dangerous stuff that in retrospect was pretty stupid, like cruising bathrooms and shit. I was relieved when we moved to Atlanta where the age of consent for the state was 16 but even then guys didn't want to try something if you were under 18, but it was easier to find guys who were and there were more of them. Everyone looks at this as protecting children, but honestly that's very condescending and paternalistic. Kids know what they want and have desires too. No one asks them if it stifles or frustrates them and trust me it does. In Texas the age of consent is 17 and I hear those thoughts and expressions all the time from guys under 17. There are laws on rape and child abuse on the books...enforce them! But get rid of consent. Keeping them turns a lot of kids into having twisted and weird views of sex as being unnatural, immoral, and wrong.


I placed the vote at 12, but only because that was about the age that I really began becoming aware of things and being curious. As a kid growing up in the country, we were held back from learning about such things more than the city kids it seemed. Although, also growing up on the farm, it did give some of us and earlier advantage in learning about what was taking place with certain things, but it wasn't something that was openly talked about, or to ask too many questions with explicit explanations about either.

As in that age group, our first real sex education came in school at about 12 or 13 and in a class room, and that was only after a couple of the kids got caught playing touchy body and, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours", out behind the bus barns!! lol  When it was found out by the parents that the principal and teachers had taken it upon themselves to have that class, all hell broke loose from the parents at the next school board meetings and all stops were placed on it after that. Of course all the parents that were doing the biggest on protesting were also the ones, that later on had the kids getting into trouble from the lack of knowledge on the matters, so pay back was a bitch it seemed!!

Anyway, I've always had the opinion from that early experience that once the kid becomes curious and if the parents or guardians are aware of it, it all should be explained and brought out in the open with as much information and explanation as possible to make it and the consequences all understood, and if the kid is still curious and unsatisfied, guidance in the correct direction should be freely given, as long as given with consent and without force of any kind.


I read through the first five pages, and then a sampling of the rest, with astonishment. First, Breedingzone is the last, the very, very last place anyone should consult on whether the age of consent for sexual activity should be lowered. The bias is inherent, and frankly, some of you phuks are unrepentantly pedophilic. I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit reading some of these responses.

Second, just because a young person is aware of a fact does not - repeat, does not - mean he or she has the wisdom to know what to do about it. I'm a father of two college-age kids, son and daughter. I have been presented with evidence of this every day of their lives. At 21 and 18, they are still both sexual neophytes, but neither is a virgin. And may I say, in spite of my high regard for the members here and the fact that I place myself as a whore bottom among you, that had I encountered any of you worthy gentlemen messing with my son anywhere between the ages of 12 and 18, I would have cleared out your braincase without the slightest hesitation. It's a dad thing.

Third, you nimrods, just because most of you are gay chatting away on a mostly gay site, does not mean that all these lads whose age of consent you're proposing to drop to 12 are only going to consent to other lads. And what happens when horny 12-year-old William knocks up 14-year-old Maggie during a consensual experiment? All good and legal - according to you, the kids were ready... bull. shit.  Now there's a baby in the mix, and three lives are in the blender. Because some fucker with male pattern baldness and a paunch wants to diddle with boys. Fuck you sideways.

Childhood has its place. Children need time to grow and mature, and be guided by caring adults, steered in their growth and experimentation, and protected from predators like some of you sad cases.

My Mamaw married at 14. My Papaw wasn't a lot older. It was Not A Good Thing.

This issue has to do with so very much more than sex that it's absurd to be discussing it on this forum.

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Guest descartes70817

Growing up in the UK the age of consent was 16 for boy on girl but 21 for boy in boy. Thankfully they finally decided that consent is consent and made it 16 for everyone doing anything with anyone who was old enough. Imagine being a criminal just for being attracted to other boys who were equally attracted to yourself.


very interesting  views  by all . I agree  with some of then and others not. I still think  16 is a good age  as most know  by then  what they want. 

That said i know  30 and 40 year olds that don't have a clue what they want

39 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

I read through the first five pages, and then a sampling of the rest, with astonishment. First, Breedingzone is the last, the very, very last place anyone should consult on whether the age of consent for sexual activity should be lowered. The bias is inherent, and frankly, some of you phuks are unrepentantly pedophilic. I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit reading some of these responses.

Second, just because a young person is aware of a fact does not - repeat, does not - mean he or she has the wisdom to know what to do about it. I'm a father of two college-age kids, son and daughter. I have been presented with evidence of this every day of their lives. At 21 and 18, they are still both sexual neophytes, but neither is a virgin. And may I say, in spite of my high regard for the members here and the fact that I place myself as a whore bottom among you, that had I encountered any of you worthy gentlemen messing with my son anywhere between the ages of 12 and 18, I would have cleared out your braincase without the slightest hesitation. It's a dad thing.

Third, you nimrods, just because most of you are gay chatting away on a mostly gay site, does not mean that all these lads whose age of consent you're proposing to drop to 12 are only going to consent to other lads. And what happens when horny 12-year-old William knocks up 14-year-old Maggie during a consensual experiment? All good and legal - according to you, the kids were ready... bull. shit.  Now there's a baby in the mix, and three lives are in the blender. Because some fucker with male pattern baldness and a paunch wants to diddle with boys. Fuck you sideways.

Childhood has its place. Children need time to grow and mature, and be guided by caring adults, steered in their growth and experimentation, and protected from predators like some of you sad cases.

My Mamaw married at 14. My Papaw wasn't a lot older. It was Not A Good Thing.

This issue has to do with so very much more than sex that it's absurd to be discussing it on this forum.

WORD TO THIS!!!!!! As someone who started seeking out older men at age 13 and found plenty of willing participants, I have spent years in therapy undoing a lot of the mixed wiring it caused. And I was a willing participant who thought I was in charge of my desire. But as I have become and adult I have reconcile a lot of feelings I didn't know I had about it all until much much older. Fantasies are all fine and well, but developing brains should be protected against things they don't understand they are doing to themselves. An unpopular opinion on a site like this, I know. But its the truth. I wish with all my might I could go talk to myself back then. What I was seeking wasn't what I ended up with.

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Guest alwaysready

kudos to bbbfromtn for a well-thought out commentary on the subject. read your sobering comments newbboy84 and thought them persuasive to a degree. now, eroswired: you could have presented the same very very strong case against lowering the age of consent. it would have been more powerful but for the pejorative tone you take, I can tell you are angry. but what you want(ed) to do here was make guys stop and think; that could have been done in a more positive way.


@alwaysready - Angry? I was not angry when I wrote that reply - probably because I have hung around here long enough to understand the nature of the community that has generated the conversation. But if you seek to chide me for taking a challenging tone toward the Jerry Sandusky wannabes who publicly boast of their desire for carnal relations with children - yes, children - of 12, 13, 14 - then I have nothing but disdain for your rebuke. I have no sweet words for such men. I am an absolute defender of children.

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Guest alwaysready

and I have no idea where you got the idea I was pro-pedestary. I will repeat what I started that comment with: kudos to bbbfromtn for a well-thought out commentary on the subject. read your sobering comments newbboy84 and thought them persuasive to a degree. both of them were very negative on the idea of 'too young to fuck.' 

Guest takingdeepanal
Posted (edited)
On 3/18/2018 at 6:53 AM, hotcoldgayslut said:

I started growing pubic hair when I was 12 - but that is too young (only The Philippines has this as the AOC). I would say 14 (it's 16 here in Australia).

Furthermore, the AOC should be GLOBAL - but access to sites should be 16 and over.


4 hours ago, ErosWired said:

I read through the first five pages, and then a sampling of the rest, with astonishment. First, Breedingzone is the last, the very, very last place anyone should consult on whether the age of consent for sexual activity should be lowered. The bias is inherent, and frankly, some of you phuks are unrepentantly pedophilic. I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit reading some of these responses.

Second, just because a young person is aware of a fact does not - repeat, does not - mean he or she has the wisdom to know what to do about it. I'm a father of two college-age kids, son and daughter. I have been presented with evidence of this every day of their lives. At 21 and 18, they are still both sexual neophytes, but neither is a virgin. And may I say, in spite of my high regard for the members here and the fact that I place myself as a whore bottom among you, that had I encountered any of you worthy gentlemen messing with my son anywhere between the ages of 12 and 18, I would have cleared out your braincase without the slightest hesitation. It's a dad thing.

Third, you nimrods, just because most of you are gay chatting away on a mostly gay site, does not mean that all these lads whose age of consent you're proposing to drop to 12 are only going to consent to other lads. And what happens when horny 12-year-old William knocks up 14-year-old Maggie during a consensual experiment? All good and legal - according to you, the kids were ready... bull. shit.  Now there's a baby in the mix, and three lives are in the blender. Because some fucker with male pattern baldness and a paunch wants to diddle with boys. Fuck you sideways.

Childhood has its place. Children need time to grow and mature, and be guided by caring adults, steered in their growth and experimentation, and protected from predators like some of you sad cases.

My Mamaw married at 14. My Papaw wasn't a lot older. It was Not A Good Thing.

This issue has to do with so very much more than sex that it's absurd to be discussing it on this forum.


2 hours ago, ErosWired said:

@alwaysready - Angry? I was not angry when I wrote that reply - probably because I have hung around here long enough to understand the nature of the community that has generated the conversation. But if you seek to chide me for taking a challenging tone toward the Jerry Sandusky wannabes who publicly boast of their desire for carnal relations with children - yes, children - of 12, 13, 14 - then I have nothing but disdain for your rebuke. I have no sweet words for such men. I am an absolute defender of children.

All extremely good points. I changed my choice from 14 to 16 (16 being AOC here in Australia). I would seek to make an exception - parents and those who act as in loco parentis - and then it's never.

Younger males do nothing for me sexually - and I stick to the "half-age plus seven rule" if I look at females.

I only considered the consensual sexual ramifications when submitting my answer.

My first experience with a woman was when I was 20 (and I had to pay to get it - I never even had a partner until I was 30) - and with another guy was when I was 37, so I was over the AOC when I became sexually active (apart from discovering masturbation when I was 13 after receiving anal probing as part of a medical examination when they were trying to find why I was so damn sick - eventually turned out to be  a variant of scarlet fever).

Edited by takingdeepanal

When it comes to sex, boys are much more interested and curious about sex and body than girls. I think that who the adult is makes  huge difference. I find it ridiculous when a woman teacher in her 30's gets charged with sexual abuse of minors, some 15 yr-old boy who probably loved the experience his the older woman. I don't see it as benign when a man in his 30's does the same thing with a 15 yr-old girl.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I would not have a blanket age of consent. Instead I would set the age of consent based on the situation, the gender of the adult, etc. Also the difference on ages between the adult and the child, because it's quite different to me to see an 18 yr-old guy having sex with a 15 yr-old girl than if the guy was 60. I know this will never be accepted but in my opinion it makes more sense.

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Guest MorganStar

There was a time in our not to distant hisstory that girls were being married off at 14 or so...The American praririe was filled with teen parents..

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