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wonder how much Religious Right is on here...

Guest hodannyboi

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Guest hodannyboi

...working to convince poz gay men to stop taking their meds?  #tinfoilhat

rawtop seems cool tho.  i think.  mostly seems very reasonable and not pushing any nonsense.

i DO think mayyyybe just maybe with all the no meds enthusiasts working hard to expand the cult, MAYBE it would be a reasonable thing to pin somewhere prominent the whole you know irreversible damage you do to yoursef during that period of letting the virus wreck your system leaving u in a shitacular regret laden lifespan shortened feels like shit bad health why was i so fucking stupid fog of derp?  just as a little dislaimer, FYI, consider this little detail, kind of thing

or am i misinformed?  doctors say i'm right, but maybe i'm wrong.  convince me if so.  i'm open minded.  even if you are part of a pack of neo-nazis trolling a bunch of ill gay men to self-expedite their end of lives. yeah

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2 hours ago, hodannyboi said:

...working to convince poz gay men to stop taking their meds?  #tinfoilhat

rawtop seems cool tho.  i think.  mostly seems very reasonable and not pushing any nonsense.

i DO think mayyyybe just maybe with all the no meds enthusiasts working hard to expand the cult, MAYBE it would be a reasonable thing to pin somewhere prominent the whole you know irreversible damage you do to yoursef during that period of letting the virus wreck your system leaving u in a shitacular regret laden lifespan shortened feels like shit bad health why was i so fucking stupid fog of derp?  just as a little dislaimer, FYI, consider this little detail, kind of thing

or am i misinformed?  doctors say i'm right, but maybe i'm wrong.  convince me if so.  i'm open minded.  even if you are part of a pack of neo-nazis trolling a bunch of ill gay men to self-expedite their end of lives. yeah

This makes sense. Some posts do read like that is one of the only logical explanations. The other being totally possessed by a Demon. Could be both in some cases. 

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Guest hodannyboi
17 hours ago, downtownswallow said:

Much of the stuff posted on here is hollow boasting, puffery and dorm-age related crap.

Yeah but college is a time for experimentation so I think I should get a pass for my pledge week antics of flushing the whole frat's med supply and mixing shredded steel wool into the wash.  How else was I supposed to convert the rest of campus?

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lol... i've wondered something similar on hook up sites with flakes. I.e., those flakes are really guys from the religious right trying to frustrate and disappoint gay guys. But then, i 'm pretty sure that's mostly paranoia on my part lmao. Having come from a background where i was subjected to "reparative therapy," i wouldn't put anything past the religious right, but i think few of them would think of doing it. Not nobility, just ignorance on their part. 

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So these people don’t mind wading through all the cock-in-ass avatars and the descriptions of male-on-male activities from kissing to triple fisting? And they encourage gay men to stop meds or PrEP by arguing that real cumdumps don’t take meds? Sounds like the kind of religious right figure that gets caught with an 18 year old hustler and a bag of t... but isn’t gay.

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Guest hodannyboi
23 hours ago, backtails said:

Sounds like the kind of religious right figure that gets caught with an 18 year old hustler and a bag of t... but isn’t gay.

Nailed it!

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Guest hodannyboi
On 2/15/2019 at 8:51 AM, tallslenderguy said:

i 'm pretty sure that's mostly paranoia on my part lmao.

Yes, possible, and the same conclusion I often reach...however doesn't answer the question of the who/why of so much flakage.  There's somebody on the other end, and there's a reason.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest FinalDL2021

I have a different take on this, I define myself as spiritual, with a strong christian base to that spirituality. I strongly feel that we are living in the end times, and I want to sow as many wild oats as I can before the end comes. I am not into hate or hurting anybody,

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Car magazines strongly suggest to young men that mufflers and billet gas pedals will get them laid. For their advertisers.

Gun magazines encourage a slightly older demographic to hang all sorts of geegaws on their AR’s. For their advertisers. 

Out Magazine pushes Gay fashions, Advocate pushes “related” political stances as our only options. Yep. Advertisers.

I appreciate BZ for advice on dealing with HIV and STD’s, and to connect with other people that have a similar “damn the torpedos full speed ahead” attitude. Nowhere else has this. It’s not advertisers, but there COULD be some fake profiles on here. Religious nuts, bathhouse owners, UN population reduction technicians.....why wouldn’t there be?

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I don’t know... It seems to me that there is an ethos here that is genuine to an extent that it becomes difficult to troll. Anyone who doesn’t indulge in the bareback lifestyle doesn’t “get” this place or its members well enough to be subversive. We tend to call bullshit out when we see it. Even the “true” stories that are plainly fictional don’t fool many.

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