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Prequel to Chapter 45; *Waiting*

I lay in the sling in the darkened candle lit bathroom with the Lucifer chants ringing through my ears, Todd's pus-piss soaked Jock stuffed in my mouth, two of Todd's super charged up toxic loads deposited deep inside my rectum, restrained by my ankles and wrists, with a brand new cunT to my name. For a few minutes I lay just like that. And then, with the bathroom door still locked I was soon feeling a pair of hot hands molest me, tugging at the nipple clamp chain and rubbing me all over my helpless body. THEN ....


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7 hours ago, S6AT6A6N said:

Prequel to Chapter 45; *Waiting*

I lay in the sling in the darkened candle lit bathroom with the Lucifer chants ringing through my ears, Todd's pus-piss soaked Jock stuffed in my mouth, two of Todd's super charged up toxic loads deposited deep inside my rectum, restrai...................

I'v been kept in chastity for the past 50 days, and this......FUCK almost shot a load.  My chastity Master told me I get to cum on the 1st unless I have a wet dream.  Well almost lost my chance of a nice fuck with orgasim because of this.    Thank you for sharing and all your hard work writing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

How ironic the prequel to my next chapter as set out above is titled *Waiting*.

For those who are wanting more to this story, and have been patiently *waiting* for more, all my stories have taken to the back burner as I have got a LOT going on in my personal life. I do realise a lot of time has elapsed so maybe interest has waned. However, if you are still eager for more, give this a like so I know to continue.

I do have the next chapter almost ready to go to print, ha, and have concrete plans on how I want to develop the central character Stevie boy, and most definitely have plans for his boyfriend Lew, and the next door neighbour Ramon. ☣️

I sincerely hope everyone is keeping well in light of global events that have unfolded during the last few months, and continue to evolve on a daily basis.

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Finished writing the tail end of Chapter 45 tonight, and just whacked out Chapter 46 too ... The writing juices are back, and Stevie-boy is on his way to his ...


Welcome to the broTherhood parTy



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Chapter 45; *The return of Uncle Chad*  

... I suddenly felt something penetrate my bloodied cunT, BUT, I could not see anyone there. And whatever it was it began to fuck me with the sling swinging back and forth. I actually felt whatever it was inside of me move in and out of my gaping demon fucked poz hole, and all I could do was let out muffled grunts through Todd's soiled Jockstrap .... OUCH;

From out of nowhere I felt a sharp claw like scratch scratch me from near my left nipple right down and across to the bottom of my right rib cage. What the fuck was that!? Then I heard a voice speak softly to me in my right ear;

- Stevie, .... Steeeeevie, I am back. Uncle Chad is here. Uncle Chad is fucking you. Nothing can separate us now. We are bound by our blood bond for eternity!

This could not be, he only died this morning. Well, it was him, returned as a dark spirit, and he would fuck me or anyone else I was with if he wanted to, if the ports were open for him to enter our realm. My bloodied cunT was fucked like this for a good full hour. It hurt, but I loved it. I loved it because I was now a fully fledged poz PiG, and even though I was still at heart a Top if any other Top from now on wanted a piece of my poz ass, then, it was theirs! I also loved it because it was Uncle Chad even though he was no longer in the form of the kind man I knew briefly, and even though he was now presenting as a dark entity.

About 15 minutes into the full hour I am sure I heard faint voices from the bedroom. It sounded very much like Uncle Todd, and my boss Todd's husband, Ayan. Mere seconds after the full hour had elapsed I heard the rattling of the door knob and the door was unlocked. As it opened Uncle Chad's dark force left quicker than a blink of a eye, the light went on, and the Lucifer chant was stopped. In walked Todd, and indeed Ayan who was wearing nothing but a pair of trackie bottoms. For the first time I saw his face and huge Scorpion tatted chest at the same time. He smiled at me knowingly when he knew that I now FINALLY realised for sure that he was the ''Silent Stranger'' from Aiden's club on the night of my dancing gig. Everything was now falling into place!

- Well well well, look what we have here. That sweet little NEG English boy has been playing with fire, and has got burnt. Still English, but by Christ, certainly no longer NEG. [ Ayan said smugly ].

He continued to speak;

- I think it is time he got some of what I have to share, don't you Darling [ ... as he strapped a tourniquet to his bulging bicep ]

Uncle Todd smirked knowingly at his husband, and taking a syringe of meth he inserted the needle into his husbands arm, withdrew some blood, and then bam, I was receiving my second broTherhood shoT of the day. The silent stranger's HIV was now rushing into my system without having even ever laid a single finger on me.

The new hit of meth hit my system and I was flying so high that I was suddenly having visions of my gang-bang at Aiden's club, and was now badly craving that amount of Dick and cum inside of me that I had received during that one night. Well, careful what you wish for. Because that night in question was just the starter. Tonight was the main course! 

- That's a deep scratch you have there ...
- That wasn't on him when I left the room after Demon fucking him earlier. Must have had a visitor after I left.

Ayan picked up the kicked over wooden stool, sat on it at the foot of the sling, and proceeded to FFist me continuously for the next two hours with the final several minutes of those two hours aggressively punch FFisting me on a continual loop. No relent. My cunT was now bloodied and completely trashed, yet my welcome to the broTherhood parTy had not even started.

- Darling, let's go an eat dinner, then afterwards I'll go to the basement and commence with the ritual.

What did my boss mean by ritual? Uncle Todd & Ayan both left the bathroom, leaving me laying in the sling, restrained, lights off, with Uncle Todd's pus-piss soaked Jock still stuffed in my mouth, and my bloodied cunT leaking cum and my cunT juice. A short while later Uncle Todd returned, removed his rank jock from my mouth, released me from the restraints, and guided me as I was unsteady on my feet to the red Leather couch where I properly rested with some fresh hot bone broth I was just given, with relaxed chat.

After a decent rest and idle chat it was me that inadvertently abruptly directed the rest of the night in the direction it would be going;

- What did Ayan mean by 'ritual'?
- Well, shall we go and see, I reckon he is about now ready for YOU! C'mon PiG, finish up your broth and let's go.

I quickly finished my broth, and off we went, down the staircase to the ground floor of their grand house, and across the hallway to the door leading down to the basement. As Todd went to open the door I started to shake. I was completely naked, yet, I was high on meTh and the house was warm. My inner being had sensed imminent Dark DANGER.

He opened the door and gave me a gentle push so I had no choice but to step onto the top step.

- That's it, now go down to the bottom of the steps, walk over to the altar and lay sideways to it, between the altar and outside of the opening to the circle where the beast will be waiting for you.

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Chapter 46; *The beginning of a 9 poinT turn* 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉 ........ 💉!

I could now hear another chant bellowing from the basement speakers just like from when I was in the bathroom. However, this time the chant was to Asmodeus;

Upon reaching the bottom of the steps I could see my boss Ayan facing away from me wearing a hooded black cloak. All I could see was the shape of the cloak as it covered him.

By the broad shape I knew it was him. I immediately froze on the spot as I watched the ritual unfold. Ayan was mumbling something which I could not hear through the loud chants bouncing off the walls, ceiling and every object contained within the dark basement.

He was surrounded by a large open circle of lit black candles as he sat on a bright red reversed pentagram etched onto a black marble floor. In front of Ayan was a shoulder height altar with tall black candles burning in silver candelabras and burning incense on top of it, and leaning against it at ground level were two more goat skulls, and some small silver swords.

As he mumbled something unintelligible to my ears he was cutting his finger tips and rubbing the blood that he drew from them onto small pieces of paper which was followed by throwing the blood tainted paper into a goblet of flames. As I watched on I heard in the background the basement door shut, bolt, and be locked. I might have been high but I suddenly felt I really had to get out of there. I quickly turned around, and Uncle Todd stood there, naked, wearing his executioner hood, and moving his basement key holding wrist up and down in my direction;

- Going somewhere are we? Not so fast PiG! 

He suddenly had an angry tone in his voice and a very stern look;

- I TOLD you to lay in front of the altar. The beast does not favour disobedience. Lay on your back, legs together, and your arms by your sides facing up. Now GO!
- Yes Sir *I responded meekly*

I lay in the position I was ordered to, sideways to the altar and the entrance to the open circle that Boss Ayan was inside, in between both. I could not see his face properly because his head was slightly bowed and because of the large hood to his cloak. Todd came over holding 9 syringes full of meTh 💉, walked inside of the reversed pentagram circle, where his husband stood up, removed his cloak to reveal his massive broad Arabian physique marked by those two Scorpion tattoos on his pecs 🦂🦂.

Without a word uttered he extended his arms in front of himself where he then had two tourniquets attached, with Todd promptly drawing charged up t☣️xic blood into each and every one of the 9 shoTs of meTh, immediately turning them into broTherhood shoTs. The two tourniquets were removed then attached to my arms.

- Now keep VERY still.
- Yes Sir.

One by one I had 4 broTherhood shoTs attached to each arm. As they were inserted into my veins I had my head very slightly turned to look at my boss, who was now stood in the middle of the circle, right on top of the reversed pentagram, hands clasped behind his back, and head bowed. His HUGE unmedicated Monster donkey Dick very slightly swung like a pendulum on a Grandfather clock. It looked to be at least 90% flaccid. With 8 broTherhood shoTs of meTh and blood infected with HIV as a minimum stuck into my arms ready to be injected, a final instruction came;

- Straighten your neck, look straight towards the ceiling, and keep completely STILL.
- Yes Sir.

He placed the 9th broTherhood shoT resting on my navel, went and got a permanent red marker pen, and wrote on my chest;



And then he wrote onto my forehead;


As he wrote on me Todd began to get really verbally nasTy with me;

- Look at you, what a complete fucked up nasTy whore you are full of absolute rotten viral filth, and becoming more toxic by the minute, and wanting even more ...

... Don't worry, with these 9 broTherhood shoTs your current viral load of 274 million WILL definitely increase, and with99 parTy goers tonight ALL of whom are going to blow their fucked up filthy seed up your poz piggy guts your current viral load is going to fucking explode💀🦂☣️

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Chapter 47; *The 9 poinT turn continues*

After he had finished writing on my chest and forehead his tirade of nasTy talk abruptly stopped as he took to a sudden intense concentration. Picking up the 9th broTherhood shoT he spent some time feeling around my neck, and very slowly, in went the needle, and very slowly the plunger depressed, pushing in Ayan's virus and a hiT of meTh, straight next to my brain!

He took the needle out pressed on the puncture site, and whooo0000ssSh, I got an instant erection and as soon as I was fully hard I started shooting a bucket load of poz cum, the biggest load of my life, shooting all over my face, and into my frantically gasping and grunting mouth.

- Oh fuck YEAH, swallowing your own poz fuck juice. What a nasTy slut. Now keep STILL.

I instinctively brought my legs up with my feet on the ground and bent at the knees, then let my legs fall to the sides, then I began to whimper and kept on repeating over and over and over;

Fuck me ... Fuck me ... Fuck me ... Fuck me ... Fuck me

As I kept in repeating this two worded BEG Uncle Todd plunged in the 4 poinTs in each arm. NINE broTherhood shoTs in a few minutes, and I was now desperate for all the Dick and the highest viral loaded filthy toxic seed in the world to destroy my already highly charged toxic and bloodied battered cunT.

My meTh giver knelt between my legs and slid his spiked PA Dick loaded with Gono pus, HIV & Hep C. I had no worries about catching anything from him. Firstly I was so off of my head I did not care, and more importantly, I was infected with everything he had anyway, from type of infection right down to each specific strain and genotype! Plus Uncle Chad's aggressive CRF19 strain, and all the other bugs in between that I had caught.

I was now one serious fucked up meth'd off my head filthy bug bucket of a dirty nasTy whore!

Uncle Todd brought his Leather executioner clad sunken cheek gaunt yellow faced yellow eyed sick face up to several inches from my face, and began to spit on me several times, laughing really arrogantly.

Once his spit was added to my face of my own poz cum I had just shot over it and the99 written on my forehead he brought his body upright and began to fuck me again, but this time I must have been hallucinating as his canine teeth looked like they were growing into long fangs, and his Hep C yellow eyes turned a complete demonic glowing red. I now lost complete track of time and space so did not know how long he was fucking me for but he at one poinT stopped and ordered me to kneel with my bubble ass resting on my heels, facing the reversed pentagram circle, to look up at Ayan and not to remove my gaze from him. I did as I was told. This solid Arab stud was eerily motionless with his head still bowed and hands still clasped behind his back. 

Todd took a small silver sword that lay against the altar and pricked my finger with it, wiping the droplets of blood onto a piece of paper. As he done this he was chanting the ancient language just like he did when he was at mine when he demon fucked me. And in a small swift action he tossed the bloodied paper into the goblet of flames. As the paper began to burn all the bulbs from the dimly lit lamps blew, all the candles blew out, and the speaker system playing the Asmodeus chant cut out;

We were in an instant plunged into total silence and complete darkness!

Several seconds passed when where the once lit candles had been forming an open circle had been, a wall of flames shot up, waist up to Ayan, lighting up the entire dungeon basement. No sooner had light been restored I once again could see Ayan, a possessed Ayan!

He still had his human body, but his head had become a bulls head, complete with long horns and a gold nose ring, and brightly glowing red eyes. The Scorpions on his chest were dancing and flicking venom in my direction, and his Monster of a Dick was no longer 90% flaccid. It was fully erect, pointing towards the ceiling, and oozing a thick cream coloured substance out and over his long thick shaft.

In the background Todd was furiously masturbating, and bellowed another order to me;

- Go to him PiG. Enter the circle and kneel before your Master.

I crawled seductively towards my Arabian demon bull Ayan as I dripped heavily a salty meTh sweat, and as soon as I reached his feet, the flames that were at the opening to the circle closed around us, the circle now fully sealed, with nowhere to run and escape if I wanted to! He lifted me up like I was a feather, positioning his bull Dick at the entrance to my cunt. Rushing off of my tits on my massive meTh hit I rocked my hips and panted. I was desperate for him to be INSIDE me.

He gave a few loud bull snorts then in one firm pull down of my body he rammed deep into me causing an instant sharp winding pain to the bottom of my sternum. He was too much to take;

- Please stop. It's too much. I can't ta...

But, the demon of Asmodeus inside my bull had no time nor patience for my pathetic pleas and commenced a ferocious bull fuck assault on bloodied up gaping highly charged up cunT. It was all too much for me and I lapsed into a semi conscious state with my body going limp including my head flopped forward with my eyes rolling into the back of my head. As I with each second felt that winding pain to the bottom of my sternum I kept on having flashbacks of various events in my life with my boyfriend Lew, family, and friends, with Todd watching on as I continued to be brutally devoured;

- Fuck YEAH, destroy that poz PiG's nasTy cunT ... Stick it to the whore!

And that is the last thing I remember hearing before I completely passed out.

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Chapter 48; *Waking up at my parTy*

I do not know how long I had been passed out, but when I finally regained consciousness I found myself tied face down on a fuck bench, in a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. I was at my parTy!


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Chapter 48 continued ...

The feet to the wooden fuck bench were capped with steel and was situated inside a 15" high steel rectangular trough, so any piss or cum from my parTy would during the course of the long night collect. And with 6-6-6 party goers there was going to be an insane amount of cum and piss being produced.

Either side of the fuck bench and to the front and back of it were a set of small steps so anyone and everyone could have full access to me, whether that be fucking my mouth, cunT, or just pissing on me from splashing warm wet height. 

The trough, fuck bench, and myself were also inside a huge three sided cage (with behind me being the open entrance), with the cage being 10 foot by 10 foot. The wall of the cage that was in front of me was just one massive mirror so I could see everything going on behind me.

When I did regain consciousness not only did I discover that I was tied down, I soon learned that I had a spider gag strapped around my head, and had a steel collar with internal spikes around my neck. I soon felt a tug, and via the leash connected to this steel collar my head was brought up so I had nowhere to look but straight ahead into the wall to wall mirror, and there he was, my poz Arabian demon bull holding onto me tightly with the leash.



As he firmly pulled on the leash he fucked me with strong powerful merciless thrusts as the Asmodeus chanting that I first heard earlier in the basement bellowed out from the speakers to this abandoned warehouse. Yet now, that sternum stabbing pain I was feeling earlier had completely disappeared;

This meTh'd up p☣️z faGGot was now wide OPEN, and ready to accept absolutely anything and everything anyone had to share!

And behind us I could now see 100's of completely unmedicated highly charged up PiGs, all of whom were wearing Gas Masks as per dress code, and who were all either completely naked, or completely naked with thigh high waders. They were either looking towards me masturbating, or fucking each other, with no build up to penetration, just grabbing hold of each other and slamming in their toxic meaT with one another. It was an extreme t☣️xic frenzy.



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