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My new doctor

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Chapter 1

I was coming up on the big 5-0. I’d had a pretty good year and was feeling great about myself. I was taking better care of my diet, joined a gym and actually went. I had lost some extra pounds and was looking and feeling better than ever.  In case you’re wondering, I’m 5’7” green eyes, short dark brown hair with a bit of grey starting to show, hairy chest, clean shaven and a nice toned body starting to come through. My right arm has a full sleeve of tats and my left a half sleeve. 

I always scheduled my yearly medical exam around my birthday and this year was no different. The day before my appointment I received the usual reminder phone call. 

“Hello is this Scott?”


“Hi this is Matty from Dr. Manning’s office calling to remind you about your appointment tomorrow at 5:45.”

“Umm I’m sorry did you say Dr. Manning? 

My appointment’s with Dr. Jackson.”

“Dr. Jackson is no longer at this practice. Dr. Manning is now seeing his patients. You should have received a notice several weeks ago. I apologize for any confusion.” I wasn’t very happy. I don’t know about you but once I find a good doc I’ll do anything to hold onto them. 

“Yea no I didn’t receive any notice. Where did he move to? I’d really prefer to keep seeing him.”

“Oh I’m sorry he moved out of state.”

“Fuck! Oops sorry”

Matty was chuckling on the other end of the line. “Don’t worry about it. I’d be pissed too, but you have nothing to worry about sir. I think you’ll really like Dr. Manning.”

“Well I’ll have to take your word for it. I really don’t want to find another doctor at this short notice so I guess I’ll give him a shot.”

The next day I showed up for my appointment. Right off the bat I could see the changes at the office. It had definitely been given a face lift not to mention the receptionist was hot as hell. Mid 20s, cute as fuck, goatee, piercing blue eyes. “Hi sir, I’m Matty; how can I help you?”

“Hi Matty, I’m Scott. I have a 5:30 appointment.”

“Mmm yes you do cutie. Here you go. Fill these forms out and we’ll get you going.” I felt myself starting to blush. I quickly filled out the forms and took a seat in the waiting room. 

About ten minutes later I heard my name being called. I looked up from my phone and saw the hottest nurse I’d ever seen. Over 6’ tall, hairy arms, deep blue eyes, 5 o’clock shadow, very muscular, his scrubs top was so tight you could tell his right nipple was pierced. Holy shit maybe I should have changed doctors years ago. I stood up and grabbed my stuff and started towards him. 

“Scott, hi I’m Chris, I’ll be taking care of you today.” He said as he shook my hand. “If you’ll come with me we’ll get you started.” Oh I know just where I’d like you to start!!

He lead me into an exam room and had me sit on the exam table. “Okay, just a few questions to start. I see you’re here for your yearly checkup and you were a patient of Dr. Jackson.”

“Yep, that’s correct.”

“It says in chart you’re on medication for high blood pressure.” 

“Yes, a couple years now.”

“Anything else you’re taking?”

“No, nothing else.”

“Are you in any pain today?”


“Are you sexually active?”

“Oh yeah!”

“Mm that’s good to hear. Do you play with men, women or both?”

“I’m gay, so that would be men only,” I said winking at him. Damn I could feel my pants starting to get a little tighter. 

He grinned and licked his lips then turned back to his computer to make some more notes. 

“So I don’t see anything about prep in your chart.”

“No I just use condoms.”

“Hmmm good to know. Okay let’s check your vitals.” He took my temperature and my blood pressure and damn if he didn’t run his hand up and down my arm as he took the cuff off. Fuck I was starting to get harder.  “Love your tats. They look great on you. Okay that should just about do it. The doctor will be in to see you shortly.”

“Thanks Chris! I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again soon.” What the fuck. I was turning into a teenager. 

“Oh I’m sure I’ll be back to take some fluids from you.” He grabbed my shoulder as he was heading out of the room and squeezed tight. Damn I could swear his crotch was bigger than before. 

I waited another ten minutes or so until the doc came in. Holy shit, seriously was everyone at this practice a fucking ten. 

“Hi Scott. I’m Dr. Manning thanks for coming in today. Why don’t you take your shirt off and we’ll take a look.” He did all his doctor stuff and it took every ounce of self control to keep from getting a massive hard on. Once he was done he started asking me about my sex life. 

“So I see you use condoms. What percentage of the time would you say?”


“That’s really good. Some men think safety is very important.” Okay that was odd, I thought. “Are you interested in going on prep? A lot of guys go on prep so they can play without condoms. Some of my patients even have sex without condoms and aren’t on prep. They say it’s rather freeing. So you’ve really never had sex without a condom? It’s okay this is a safe place you can talk to me freely.  No judgment here.”

I couldn’t believe what was happening. Did he really he just tell me fucking raw was fine and actually encouraged it? Okay he was definitely nothing like Dr. Jackson. 

“Umm no always played safe. But I must admit I’ve been wondering lately how it would feel to have a raw cock fuck me. I mean to have sex without condoms.” I blushed. 

“It’s okay Scott no reason to be embarrassed. We’re both gay men and you can be totally open with me. I’m here to help you. Well I have to say it’s rather impressive you’ve made it to 50 and never barebacked.” 

Seriously I think I’ve entered an alternate universe, what the fuck was happening. But damn my cock was rock hard. 

“My last boyfriend was really safety conscious so we always played safe.”

“Were you the top or bottom in the relationship?” 

“Mostly top but I much prefer to be on the bottom.” 

“Hmm yes I can totally picture you as the bottom.” WTF seriously was I dreaming.

“Well let’s see everything looks really good except I’m a little concerned about your blood pressure meds. I think I want to try you on a smaller dosage since you’ve lost some weight over the past year.” 

“That’s a good thing right?”

“Oh yeah that’s excellent. I’ll want to see you in a month to make sure everything’s on track. I’m going to send Chris back in to draw some blood then you’ll be good to go. Just make your follow up appointment with Matty before you leave. It was great meeting you Scott and I look forward to seeing you soon. Oh and if you wanted to talk to someone about barebacking with or without prep Chris is a great resource. He has first hand experience both ways.” He winked at me then walked out of the room and closed the door. 

Holy fucking shit!  Seriously what the hell kind of medical practice was this and why the hell hadn’t Dr. Jackson moved sooner!

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Fantasy - love to meet a New Gay Doctor in my neighbor hood !  Visiting on a Saturday at his office - telling me to get naked - inspecting me !  Telling me he has t check another patient - gives me a pill - getting horny - excited - he cumming back - fingering me - stretching my cunt hole - breeding me multi times - sucking his huge dick - can you imagine he is a country doctor and his wife - they are both bi - having a 3 some !   Smoking , Party and Raw fucking - any 1 been in Real time with a Doctor ?

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I wish I had a gay doctor. Wow it would be so relaxing talking with him about sex and safe sex. Having a gay doctor that was fine with guys having bare unprotected anal intercourse would be awesome!!!!

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1 minute ago, cman54 said:

I wish I had a gay doctor. Wow it would be so relaxing talking with him about sex and safe sex. Having a gay doctor that was fine with guys having bare unprotected anal intercourse would be awesome!!!!

Oh Yes !  Having me trying items like tina - doing things - strapping me down - introducing my to other gay doctors - being at his house - I do remember having physicals for sports in the doctors office - he be grabbing my dick - I be grabbing his dick - rubbing it - he slapping some lube on fucking me like a Beasts / Raw loads !

We be getting HIGH - imagining protecting me but taking Poz loads - imagining he have a patient - a homeless guy - having me sucking his dirty / filthy dick !

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Having a gay and very highly sexual doctor would be awesome. Telling me first thing once the exam room door is closed to get totally naked. Have him go for my cock and asshole first thing. While asking me how much sex I have been getting. Then even him having parties at his home where it is a bare back orgy. He would know who is poz and who is neg.  Get those guys together for breeding.

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3 minutes ago, cman54 said:

Having a gay and very highly sexual doctor would be awesome. Telling me first thing once the exam room door is closed to get totally naked. Have him go for my cock and asshole first thing. While asking me how much sex I have been getting. Then even him having parties at his home where it is a bare back orgy. He would know who is poz and who is neg.  Get those guys together for breeding.

I think the Best way meeting a Doctor would be at a Gay convention - party - finding out what he is into - patient list - having real communications - write up medicine or drugs for you but you have to have something in returns for him !

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2 minutes ago, ronnie4u said:

I think the Best way meeting a Doctor would be at a Gay convention - party - finding out what he is into - patient list - having real communications - write up medicine or drugs for you but you have to have something in returns for him !

Yes that might be a very good idea. A doctor who was very knowledgeable about being hiv poz and how to keep a guy healthy while still doing lots of converting other guys. 

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Chapter 2

I sat in the exam room with a hard cock in my pants. I had never been this horny before. I was trying to think of non-sexy thoughts to try to get my cock to go down before The nurse came back. No such luck. The one time you want a medical professional to take his time and they show up in minutes. 

Chris walked in and looked right at my crotch. “Hmmm so I guess there’s no mistaking what you thought of the good doctor.”  He had a huge grin on his face.

I tried to cover my crotch and he just grinned even wider. “Scotty that ship has sailed. No reason to be shy now.”

Fuck I turned bright red. “Besides who doesn’t love to see a hard cock. Although it looks like yours about to bust out of your pants.” He winked at me as he pulled the tray up to my side so he could take my blood. 

“Okay, so it looks like we don’t need extra blood for the prep regiment. Glad you decided to stay away from that shit. Now we’ll just have to work on getting rid of those pesky condoms next.”

Holy fucking shit I was seriously going to blow my fucking load. 

“So Scotty, doc said you might have some questions for me.”

“Umm well yeah, umm I’m, wow it’s really hot in here.”

“You’re not going to pass out on me are you? I haven’t even started taking your blood yet.” Damn that sexy smile of his. 

“No no I’m fine just a little nervous.”

“Hmmm you know I think all your blood’s gone to your dick. That’s going to make finding a good vein a bit difficult. Let’s see what we can do about that.”

Before I knew what he was doing he pushed me down on the exam table, unzipped my pants and pulled out my very hard cock. “Oh fuck what are you doing?” 

“Just relax, I’m a medical professional. I know what’s best.” He winked then swallowed my cock. Needless to say I didn’t last long. I shot the biggest load of my life. 

Oh dear God what the hell was happening to me!

It took me a few minutes to come back down to earth. “How you feeling now, Scotty?”

“Oh fuck that was just oh fuck. I can’t believe my nurse just sucked me off.”

“And it was delicious!” He said licking his lips. “Good thing I knew why you came so fast or we may have needed to have doc check out your quick release there. Now let’s get that blood drawn.”

Okay if I was dreaming DO NOT wake me up. I was still in such a post orgasmic glow that I didn’t even notice as he took my blood. 

“Okay Scotty let’s get you sitting up. You know I never asked. Hope you’re alright with me calling you Scotty.” He winked and helped me up. “Now let’s have that talk.”

“Yea so, this is by far the strangest doctors visit I’ve ever had. I mean Doc Manning basically told me barebacking was okay and even better not to go on prep and to play raw. Then my hot nurse gave me a blow job. I’m just, I mean that’s not normal...right? Oh and Scotty’s fine, I kind of like it.” I blushed as I looked at him. 

“Damn you’re cute when you blush.”

“Yea I’m almost 50. No one’s called me cute in years.”

“Well you are. Okay how about hot daddy?”

“Cute it is!” I said.

He burst out laughing. “Now I know you’re trying to process a lot, we just want you to know that we’re all committed to making this a very positive experience for you. Doc has a special way of helping patients reach their true potential.” All the while he’s talking he’s rubbing his hands up and down my thighs. So naturally I start getting hard again. It’s at that moment I realize my pants are still undone and my cock is still out in the open, leaking like crazy. 

“Now as much as I’d like to take another sample of your cum if I don’t get you to Matty to checkout he’s going to have my ass. Now while normally that wouldn’t be a bad thing he has a hot date tonight and he’ll kill me and you if we make him late.”

I quickly came to my senses and shoved my dick back in my pants. While I’m working on making myself presentable he’s busy writing something on an appointment card. “I’m giving you some homework. Before your next visit I want you to check out a website, breeding.zone. Start with the general barebacking stories. I don’t think you’re quite ready for the bug chasing ones yet.” 

I took the card and placed it in my pocket. “Thanks, I can honestly say this is not how I pictured today going, but I’m certainly not disappointed.” 

He grinned that killer smile. “Excellent! Can’t wait to see you in a month.”

We walked out to the front desk. There was no one left except for Matty. I could tell he was getting anxious. 

“Oh thank god I thought I was just about to come check on you boys.”

“Sorry Matty. Scotty had a few extra questions we needed to go over.”

“Scotty huh.” His pouty expression was so damn sexy. “So was I right?” He asked me. 

“Right? Right about what?”

“That you’d love Dr. Manning.”

“Yes, I must say he’s not at all what I expected.”

“Matty, Scott needs a followup appointment in a month.” He checked the calendar on his computer and suddenly got a huge smile on his face. 

“Can you do the 7th at 5:30? That’s a Friday.”

“Wow you guys do that late of appointments on a Friday?” 

“We do once a month for a special patient. We’ll squeeze you in right before him.” He exchanged a look with Chris and they both smiled. Okay that doesn’t make me worried or anything. 

“That sounds good. Schedule me in.”

“Okay you’re all set. We’ll see you next month.”

I headed to the elevator when Chris called out. “Now don’t forget your homework. There will be a quiz.” He winked at me as I got on the elevator. 

Man it was going to be a long month. 

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