nymidtowneast Posted December 6, 2019 Author Report Posted December 6, 2019 Chapter 4 One of the perks of my job was that I can work from home a couple times a week with no issues from my boss. I don’t do it very often but Friday, this worked out perfect. It would allow me to get work done, make it to the gym at lunch and allow plenty of time for me to clean out before I headed to my appointment. I was strangely nervous excited all day. At around one I headed over to my gym, which conveniently was right around the corner, to burn off some of my pent up energy. It was pretty quiet for the middle of the day but I did notice a few hot older guys and few others who looked to be on their lunch breaks as well. Now when I’m at the gym I usually don’t pay attention to anyone else. I’m there to work out so I try not to get distracted by watching others. But fuck it, today, I couldn’t stop watching the guys wondering if they were gay and if so, did they fuck raw. After about 20 minutes I figured this was a lost cause so I packed it up and headed home. I didn’t get much work done in the afternoon; I just couldn’t concentrate. My mind kept going back to all those deliciously nasty stories about guys actively seeking toxic loads. As I was cleaning out I kept playing with hole thinking how good that raw cock felt. Since I was working from home I’d planned on just wearing shorts and a T-shirt. My big dilemma was do I wear boxer-briefs, a jock, or go commando. Fuck it I was wearing my jock. I loved the way it framed my tight ass. It was finally 5:30 as I walked into Dr. Manning’s office. Matty looked up from his computer and at first had a confused look on his face which quickly turned into a huge grin. “Holy shit Scott I almost didn’t recognize you. Damn you look good enough to eat.” I smiled back feeling a little self-conscious. “Come here sexy give Matty a kiss.” He leaned over his desk and laid a nice wet one on my lips. “Now go have a seat in the waiting room and quit distracting me.” I gave him a quick smile and went to take a seat. There was one other guy already there and he’d been watching the exchange between Matty and me. He winked at me and said “damn Matty why didn’t I get a kiss?” “Oh stop it Chad. You know I only kiss my favorites.” “Oh that hurts.” “Truth usually does.” He grinned and stuck his tongue out at the hunk apparently known as Chad. Chad turned his attention to me with a huge smile. “Love your tats. Where’d you have them done?” “Tat City on 3rd.” “Nice. Max?” “Yep.” “He’s done all of mine too.” “Excellent. I love his work. I’ve been going to him for years.” Okay so I know you want to know what Chad looks like...about my height, extremely toned, tanned, muscular, brown eyes, goatee. I’d say he was probably in his 40s. He was wearing a tank top and shorts. His tank showed off his amazing ink on his shoulders and upper arms. There is nothing hotter than a guy with tats. At least in my opinion. So basically my walking wet dream. I sat down next him and we started discussing tats. He’d just gotten a new one a couple weeks before. “I’ve been thinking about getting another one, I just can’t make up my mind. What’d you get?” He grinned, grabbed the strap of his tank top and pulled it down past his pierced nipple to reveal a big bio haz sign on his pec. “Holy fuck that’s hot!” Before I even knew what I was doing I reached out to trace his tat with my fingers. “Mmm he did great work, right?” “Oh fuck. Sorry man.” I said as I pulled my hand back. “No problem. I love it when a guy admires my ink.” He winked and licked his lips. “You need to get one. You’d be floored how much ass I’ve gotten since I got it.” “Really? I’d have thought it would scare guys away.” “No way, it’s a fucking magnet for those chasers. Let’s the neg boys know what’s on the table.” “I never would have thought it would be but fuck it’s sexy as hell.” “Do it man you won’t be disappointed.” “Uhh yeah I’m not poz.” “Damn, sorry. I just assumed.” “No problem.” He grabbed my hand and placed it back on his tat. “Who knows, play your cards right and you may just earn your own bio haz.” Fuck me! I was starting to get hard. He glanced down and noticed my shorts getting a little tighter and started smirking. “See fucking magnet.” At that exact moment I heard Chris clear his throat behind me. “Umm hope I’m not interrupting boys. Scotty you’re up. Chad honey, sit tight. We’ll be ready for your help shortly.” He has smiling from ear to fucking ear and I was just getting harder. “Take your time. I’m in no hurry. My whole evening is wide open.” He winked at me. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you soon, Scotty.” Oh dear god please someone shoot me now. I got up and followed Chris; my dick leading the way. I started to cover it up but Chad brushed my hand away. “A hard dick is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Let everyone know you’re horny and need to fuck. Isn’t that right Chris?” “Damn you boys keep this up I’m going to rip Scotty’s shorts off and start breeding him right here in the waiting room.” “Now Chris, remember what the doc said, no fucking in the waiting room.” Matty called out. “You’d have to do that in the break room.” Yep full on rock hard now. Chad just bust out laughing and Matty had a very smug look on his face. This appointment was not going how I imagined. Then again maybe it was going exactly as it should. Chris lead me to the exam room and had me hop up on the table. “You should just take off your shirt, it will make taking your blood pressure easier.” He managed to say with a completely straight face. “Umm okay. That’s a new one.” “Can’t blame a boy for trying.” He was trying really hard not to laugh. “Well let’s see how that blood pressure is especially with all that blood down there in your crotch.” He finished up and took the cuff off. “Looks really good. Why don’t you take your clothes off and the doc will be into see you in a few.” “Um I’m sorry all my clothes? I’m just doing a blood pressure check. Are you joking again?” “I never joke about getting naked. It says in your chart he wants to do a prostate exam. So he’ll want you naked for that.” He could see I wasn’t convinced. “Trust me it will be a positive experience Scotty. If you’d like I can go get you a gown to put on, but we’ve found most of our patients prefer to be naked.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “Trust me Scotty all of us here have nothing but your best interests at heart. Besides you’ve got a hot body; you need to show that fucker off. Oh yeah and I love your new shaven look.” He winked and left the room closing the door behind him. Okay, here goes nothing. I took my shirt off and stood up and was unbuttoning my shorts when the door opened and the doc walked in. “Scott, great to see you again. Thanks for coming in so late on a Friday.” He walked right up to me and gave me a big hug. “Have a seat and let’s see what’s going on with your blood pressure.” I kept my shorts on but they were still unbuttoned so you could easily see my jock. He looked at my chart and said “damn your BP looks great. Cutting back your dosage seems to be working. We’ll keep it as is for now then check it again in a few months. Now how are you doing with everything else? How was your month?” “Well doc, umm it was kind of weird.” I proceeded to tell him a bit of what had happened. When I was done he asked, “So the guy came in you, did you enjoy it or did it make you feel guilty?” “I loved it. I didn’t feel guilty until the next day.” “Interesting, so you were okay that night?” “Well,” I blushed and looked away from him. “I kinda went home and fingered myself. I ended up eating most of the load.” “Well Damn! That’s excellent. Did you discuss status?” “No, that’s why I think I’m a bit stressed. He told me after he shot his load that he hoped I enjoyed his gift. I know that may not mean anything but some of those stories I’ve been reading inferred that gift could mean a poz load so I’ve been a little worried.” “That’s perfectly understandable. Other than the stress how have you been feeling? Any flu or cold like symptoms?” “Nope I’ve felt fine.” “Did he cum in you just the once?” “Yes, just once.” “Have you had sex with anyone else since him?” “No.” “How does the thought that you might have taken a poz load make you feel?” “A little nervous.” “Interesting. You say that but your penis is hard and you appear to be leaking quite a bit in your jock there.” “Well damn!” “Okay Scott, here’s what I purpose. We do a rapid HIV test to check your status. If it comes back positive we’ll talk and make a game plan. If it comes back negative we’ll see what we can do to fix that. That sound good to you?” “Umm yeah okay.” Wait what did he just say? “Great. Take those shorts off, but you can leave the jock on. We won’t be needing your cock today so you can keep him covered.” He winked at me. “I’m just going to step out and grab a few things then we can get started.” Fuck! Me! 58 18 3
domesir Posted December 6, 2019 Report Posted December 6, 2019 Love his story - I am leaking big time now....ready to blow a load or two myself...more please
barebackrnb Posted December 6, 2019 Report Posted December 6, 2019 Damn! The last chapter has me hard and wishing I was Scotty....😘 More please! 1
sse4me Posted December 6, 2019 Report Posted December 6, 2019 Dang, I need to change doctors! I'd love a doc who, if my HIV test was negative, would "see what we can do to fix that." 1
oinker Posted December 6, 2019 Report Posted December 6, 2019 This is a office I would like to visit often . eagerly awaiting the dr to exam Scott 1
nymidtowneast Posted December 7, 2019 Author Report Posted December 7, 2019 Chapter 5 I sat on the exam table in just my jock. One thought kept running through my mind...I know what my next tattoo’s going to be! Without even realizing what I was doing I stuck a finger in my mouth, then leaned back on the table, brought one leg up and started fingering my hole. My eyes were closed and was I moaning. I was up to two fingers, lost in my own world so I didn’t notice the doc had returned. “Damn Scotty, I have to say I never imagined you’d progress so quickly but fuck look at you go. Tell me, what do you want?” “Poz cum sir. I need poz cum!”” “Good man. Is that the first time you’ve admitted it out loud?” “Yes,” I said starting to blush again.” “Don’t be embarrassed. You’ve finally realized what’s been missing from your life. You should be proud of yourself. Now let’s do this test so we can get you knocked up.” “Doc I was thinking. We don’t really need to do it since it’s going to happen anyway.” “Well, good point, but to be honest with you, I’m a little selfish and want to know for myself. You see, I want your family here to be the ones that convert your ass not some random hookup.” “Fuck me! When you put it that way I totally agree.” “Oh believe me son you will be fucked and fucked hard tonight.” He quickly administered the test then said “ Okay I really do want to check your prostate before we start so why don’t you standup at the end of the table and lean over.” Before I could move there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” doc responded. The door opened and Chad stuck his head in. “Hey doc, Chris told me you wanted me in here with you guys. Umm looks like I arrived just in time,” he said licking his lips. “Hi Chad, come on in. You two are my last patients of the day so I hope you don’t mind if we double up a bit so I can give you both some good quality attention. I know it’s unorthodox but I think it’ll be good for you both of you.” “Works for me.” Chad was grinning from ear to ear. “Should I get naked too?” He didn’t wait for an answer just stripped down. Chris entered the room carrying his equipment to take some blood. “Prefect everyone’s here. Okay, Chad you take Scotty’s place on the exam table and Chris you go over there to take his vitals and draw blood. And Scotty you come over here on the other side of Chad and bend over him so I can examine your ass. Feel free to suck on Chad’s cock; it’s rather tasty.” Okay seriously I felt like I had entered the fucking twilight zone. This didn’t happen to normal people. Good thing I was becoming a twisted fucker then. Doc was right. Chad’s precum was delicious! I was in my own world sucking away when I felt doc’s fingers start to probe my ass. Oh fuck that felt good. I was moaning around Chad’s cock when someone pulled me away. I looked up and they were all staring at me with my face covered in slobber and precum and they started to laugh. “Damn boy I thought you were going to suck my balls through my cock. You’re one horny motherfucker. You keep sucking me like that and I’m going to cum and this load needs to go deep in your ass.” “Not to mention you have Chad wiggling around like a mad man and I’m trying to take his blood without hurting him.” “Sorry guys.” I said sheepishly. All the while Dr. Manning kept moving his fingers around inside me. “Well your prostate looks good. Chris you about done with Chad?” “Yep all good here. You need me for anything else?” “No, I just have a few questions for Chad then we’ll meet in the break room.” Just then we heard a big huff and turned to see Matty standing in the doorway. “You guys promised you wouldn’t start without me.” “Matty we’re just finishing up here. No one’s fucked our boy yet but we’re getting very close. Give us ten minutes and we’ll meet you in the playroom.” Playroom, seriously?? Matty was pouting again but turned and left the room. Dr. Manning sighed, “damn that boy is sexy as fuck when he pouts. We better hurry this up before he really gets mad at us. Okay Chad, you okay answering a few questions in front of Scotty?” “Of course. We’re practically family. Scott why don’t you suck my balls while the doc and I chat.” I dove for his balls immediately. “Chad, how you feeling? I see your viral load is the highest it’s ever been.” “I feel fine doc. My specialist really wants me to start meds but I’m still not sure.” “Well you know I’ll support you in whatever you decide and remember you can always go off them again.” “Thanks doc. Maybe after we knock this slut up I’ll consider it, but for now I’m really enjoying spreading my gift.” “Well Scotty, I think it’s time to see what the test showed. You ready?” “Is it strange I really want it to be neg so you guys can poz me?” Doc chuckled. “Not at all I Know I hope that.” He took a look at the test and got a big grin on his face. “Alright then, let’s get this neg boy knocked up.” The two of them lead me out of the exam room and down the hall to the employee break room, which apparently doubled as their play room. I walked in and my jaw hit the floor. There was a sling set up in the middle of the room. A fuck bench off the side and a table filled with dildos and butt plugs. Nothing like the break room at my office. Chris was standing by the sling naked, stroking his cock. Matty was next to him but he was still wearing some very tight boxer briefs that looked to be hiding one hell of a package. “Guys why don’t you help our guest of honor get in the sling why I finally get out of these clothes.” Before I knew it I was secured in place ready for the breeding to begin. Dr. Manning had a nice 7” cock which looked pretty thick. He was rock hard and I noticed he had a big bio haz tat just above his cock. “You ready son to join our family?” “YES please fuck me I am so damn horny!! Knock my fucking neg ass up,” I screamed. That’s all it took. Doc shoved his dick inside me in one go. Thank god he loosened me up earlier or I would have been in a world of hurt. He started fucking me and the pain soon turned to pleasure. I looked around me and the the other guys were all surrounding me each of them jacking off, all except Matty who still had his undies on. “No turning back now. You ready for my load?” “Yes! Give it to me.” He plowed into me balls deep and I felt his cock start to shoot rope after rope of cum. I clamped down hard on his dick. “Fuck yeah, milk my cock. Get every drop of toxic cum.” He pulled out of me and Chris quickly took his place. Doc walked around to the front of the sling and shoved his cock down my throat. “Clean me off Scotty.” Delicious! Chris picked up his speed and pretty soon he was adding his toxic load to the docs. Then Chad stepped up to take his turn. I was in heaven. Who knew sex could be this good. I had a cock in both ends and couldn’t get enough. I could feel Chad starting to load me up. Damn it felt like he was shooting a gallon of cum in me. I could feel down dripping down my legs. “That’s a 5 day load there for you.” Everyone had fucked me except for Matty and he was still wearing his underwear, WTF? “How you doing Scotty? You need a break,” asked doc. “More, please I need more.” “Good man. We have a surprise for you. Matty has a new piercing and he’s been saving it for a special occasion. Guess what? That would be you Scotty.” Matty had an evil grin on his face as he slowly pulled down his boxer briefs. Out popped the biggest cock I’ve ever seen on such a small guy. It had to be over 9” and as thick as a beer can. Matty was only about 5’6” and real skinny plus he had his pubes trimmed short which made it look even bigger. But what scared me the most was the wicked PA piercing he had. It looked like a wheel with spokes, sharp spokes. “My turn. I’ve been waiting for a month for this moment. You ready for your life to change forever Scotty?” 61 14 4 3
pozpopperpig Posted December 7, 2019 Report Posted December 7, 2019 Holy fuck! What a hot conversion!
bootedrbrboi4poz Posted December 7, 2019 Report Posted December 7, 2019 This has to be one of the best pieces of fiction I've read on here. Welcum to the family, eh Scotty? 1
rublthlad Posted December 7, 2019 Report Posted December 7, 2019 3 hours ago, bootedrbrboi4poz said: This has to be one of the best pieces of fiction I've read on here totally agree with this, brilliant , hope there will be more 1
RawUK Posted December 7, 2019 Report Posted December 7, 2019 5 hours ago, bootedrbrboi4poz said: This has to be one of the best pieces of fiction I've read on here. Welcum to the family, eh Scotty? 2 hours ago, rublthlad said: totally agree with this, brilliant , hope there will be more Have to totally agree too, love good medical porn and this story is really hitting the right notes. Really hope there will be more and Scotty starts to help knock up new willing patients. Think Chad should also go along with Scotty to hold his hand when Scotty gets his biohazard tattoo done, they would make a lovely couple.
nymidtowneast Posted December 7, 2019 Author Report Posted December 7, 2019 Chapter 6 Matty moved in between my legs all the while stroking his cock. “The moment you walked into the office a month ago I knew I was going to end up breeding your cunt. I just didn’t realize I was going to get to help poz your neg ass too. Doc here hasn’t let me cum in two weeks so you can imagine I’m feeling a little crazy right about now.” I couldn’t take my eyes off his huge cock with that dangerous looking PA. I started to panic a bit and tried to get out of the sling but I was restrained tightly and couldn’t move. Chad and Chris were on either side of with doc at my head. They all reached out and put their hands on me to help calm me down. “Shhh,” doc whispered in my ear. “Just relax this has to happen, but I promise you after a few minutes you’ll be begging for Matty’s load.” Matty started speaking again, if possible the look on his face was even more wicked looking than before. “And it would be very rude not to give little old Matty a turn after the others have already had their shot. Right Scotty?” Fuck he was right. “I’m sorry Matty. I just wasn’t expecting you to be hung like a fucking horse.” I gulped then continued, “please fuck me. I need your cum too.” “Much better.” He started rubbing the head of his cock on my not so tight hole, adding his precum to the mix. “You know I think it’s funny, when I first saw you I thought ‘fuck I bet he’s a power top’ but turns out the small queeny guy is the power top and you’re just another bottom cum whore waiting to learn his true place in the world.” With that he shoved his pierced cock deep inside my ass. Holy shit I’d never seen this side of Matty. Gone was the sweet kid and in his place was a fucking animal. Damn it was scary but hot as fuck. I let out a scream but Chris shoved his dick in my mouth to distract me from the pain. Doc was rubbing my head while Chad was playing with my nipples. Doc said, “open up Scotty, it’ll start to feel amazing in a minute. We just needed to make sure your insides were probably prepared to accept all of our toxic seed and give our babies a fertile place to latch onto. I thought Matty deserved the honor since he missed being with you in the exam room.” “Thank you Matty,” I screamed as his cock started to feel amazing. “Bred my cunt, fucking knock me up!” “Fuck I’m not going to last long you’ve got me so horned up.” With that I could feel his dick start to spasm and fill my ass even fuller than it already was. After a few minutes he pulled out and quickly took his piercing out and placed it on my chest then returned his cock to my well used hole. “Okay I think you’re sufficiently prepped. I don’t want to do too much damage. Oh and I’m good for at least one more load before I’m done with you.” He winked at me. It looked like sweet Matty was back. I noticed the piercing on my chest and it was covered in dark pink cum. Yep no question about it there was no way I was leaving here neg. I had never felt so alive before in all my life. I lost track of how long Matty fucked me but soon he was delivering his second load of the night. As soon as he pulled out doc moved right in. “Sorry boy, I know you need a break after Matty but watching him use you like that made me so horny I just needed inside you again. Trust me it won’t take long for me to shoot my load.” While doc fucked I tried to clean Matty’s cock off the best I could. It had shrunk a bit so I was able to get most of it down my throat. With my bodily fluids mixed with everyone’s cum, it was fucking delicious. “I’m proud of you Scotty. You’ve currently got six toxic loads of cum deep inside you. Chris, hand me one of those plugs from the table. I’m about to shoot then will give our new boy a much deserved break.” After a few minutes they all helped me out of the sling. I looked at the clock and realized we’d been at it for well over two hours. No wonder my legs felt like jelly as I tried to get up. I noticed for the first time that behind the sling was futon that had been pulled out and covered in black sheets. They laid me down in the middle and Matty instantly climbed in and snuggled next to me. He whispered in my ear, “hope I didn’t hurt you too much. I get a little carried away sometimes when I haven’t had sex in so long, especially when I know I’m fucking a neg hole.” “It was amazing Matty! Thanks for sharing your gift.” Chris laid down on the other side of me and doc and Chad both sat at the end of the futon. I’d never felt so safe. “Hey doc can I ask you a question?” “Of course Scotty.” “I understand the three of you, but Chad, was that just a happy accident his being here today?” Dr. Manning started chuckling. “Well that’s an interesting story. You see Chad here was the first patient that I had the honor of telling they were HIV positive. This was years ago and Chad didn’t react very well to the news.” Now Chad was chuckling. “That’s an understatement. I was a fucking wreck. Thought my life was over. Doc hugged me and let me bawl all over him but pretty soon I could feel him getting aroused and I was like what the fuck!” “Hey who knew I’d have that reaction but it was hot. I calmed Chad down and started to explain to him that he had been given an amazing gift and it was his duty to share it with others.” Chad took over the story. “As you can imagine I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. A medical doctor was telling me it was not only ‘cool’ that I was poz but it was my responsibility to share it. I mean fucked up right?” We all started laughing at that. “But then doc took my hand and placed it on my own dick and I realized I was rock hard. Well fuck! So he leaned in my ear and asked me if I wanted to give him a recharge.” “That was also the day I realized I hadn’t been doing my duty to the community,” doc said. “Since I was undetectable at the time, I realized I had dropped the ball, so Chads getting knocked up helped me make the decision to stop meds. I mean what kind of doctor would I be if I didn’t do what I preached.” This whole time Chad had been playing with the plug in my ass. Matty and Chris were rubbing my chest and tweaking my nipples. I was starting to moan like a bitch in heat. “Hmmm looks like he’s ready for round two boys.” Chad yanked the plug out and dove into my ass eating me out. Oh fuck I went crazy. After a few minutes he climbed on top of me and fed me a mouth load of cum, then we proceeded to make out. The rest of the night was kind of a blur. I ended up with 15 loads buried deep in my guts with a slightly bigger butt plug sealing every drop inside. It was early morning by the time we wrapped things up. As we were leaving doc explained the next steps. “Okay you’re going to become hornier than ever. We’ve unlocked your true nature tonight but you are not to let anyone else fuck you until you’re officially a member of the family.” I got kind of got a nervous look on my face. Weeks without sex yea that would never work now. He noticed my panicked look and said, “sorry I should’ve been more clear. Only the four of us are allowed to fuck you. “Here’s what you’re going to do. All of our numbers are in your phone so anytime you get the itch all you have to do is call one of us or better yet just walk into the office during business hours. One of the three of us will always make sure we’re available to give you what you need. And Chad has a flexible schedule so he can help out too. Then every Friday night we’ll expect you back here for another session. At this rate you’ll be in the family in no time.” I looked at Chad and the others and they were all shaking their heads in agreement. “I promise you we’ll keep you drowning in cum and once that test comes back poz we’ll have a big surprise for you. Now go home and get some rest. Keep that plug in as long as can to give our swimmers ample time to be absorbed into your DNA.” With that doc gave me a passionate kiss and we all headed out. 41 8 3 4
RawUK Posted December 7, 2019 Report Posted December 7, 2019 Another great chapter. Love that Matty has a pa - fucking hot!
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