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The Insemination

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“Hi Mike, I’m Jason Dr X’s assistant. Very nice to meet you”

”Nice to meet you too Jason, please come in”

Mike held the door open for Jason, as he stepped inside. “This shouldn’t take too long Mike, I just need to collect a few samples and we will go over what to expect on Saturday. Assuming all the STD panels come back good. I know you said you haven’t caught anything, but we just want to make sure.”

”I completely understand” Mike replied. ”Kitchen table work okay for what we need?” He asked as he led Jason into the house. 

”Yep that works perfect!”

Mike led Jason to the kitchen and pulled a couple of chairs out. Jason removed a backpack from his shoulder and set it down while taking a seat. Mike followed in his own chair.

”Okay Mike, first thing and I hope you don’t mind. I need you to sign an NDA before we go any further. “

”What is the NDA for?” Mike asked 

“Basically states, that you won’t discuss or disclose anything we talk about today or the procedure. The Dr likes to keep this on the quiet side and does not want details to be shared in the public”

”Okay, I can completely understand that”

Jason pulled a folder from his bag and removed a document from it. He also grabbed a pen and handed them to Mike. Reading them over Mike signed and dated them, sliding them back to Jason, he put them back in the folder. 

”Okay,  now we can do the blood draws and other samples we’ll need Mike.” Jason started pulling tubes and containers out of his backpack. “So I’ll take two blood draws, a mouth swab, a urine sample, and just before I leave I’ll need a semen sample.”

”What’s the semen sample for?” Mike asked, feeling a little embarrassed. 

”Well you stated that you’ve had a vasectomy, so the Dr. just wants to make sure you are still swimmer free”. 

”Ah, yeah that makes sense”

Jason started the process of the blood draws and as he did, he started to give Mike some background on the Dr. 

“Dr. X, and yes, he is a real Doctor. He’s been a general practitioner for about 10 years now. He spent a year in Africa doing Doctors Without Borders. While there he contracted HIV. Unfortunately, his particular strain is med resistant, so he does everything he can to stay healthy. There is a whole story behind this, but it is his to share. (*hint*). The idea behind his insemination procedure started when he had a patient come in with flu symptoms. The gentleman was obviously not feeling well, but he was actually happy and asked the doctor for an HIV test. Confused the doc asked him why that made him happy. The patient went on to tell him that he had been chasing HIV for over a year and letting anyone with it have sex with him bareback. He went on to explain that he knew he sounded crazy, but he truly wanted to have this, it spoke to him on a very deep level and he felt it was the next step in his journey of life and once he had it. Somewhere down the road he would like to share it with someone else who felt the same way. To be able to pass on his DNA and keep it living.  So basically, that is where the idea for the insemination procedure started. The doc liked the idea of passing on his DNA, but he would only do it with individuals that were absolutely positive about it and were looking to further their own journey.  Like you Mike” 

While Jason has been talking about this, he had drawn my blood and swabbed my cheek. Now he asked

”Think you can give me a urine sample?”

”Sure” Mike replied. Taking the cup, he went into his bathroom and filled it up. His mind was completely racing with all the information that he had received so far. Screwing the company back on, finished up and washed his hands. He brought the cup back to Jason. 

Jason started talking again. “Okay so, here’s what to expect now Mike. We will have the results back for all the tests by Tuesday, so once they are in I will give you a call. At that time assuming everything is good, we will send over a kit that you will need to use on Friday. Do you think you can take Friday off by chance? You’ll be on the toilet a lot.” 

”Yeah, I can take Friday off. What is in the kit?”

”It’s basically a smaller version of a colon cleanse, just to make sure your completely cleaned out for the insemination. We have found it really helps because not only are you completely empty, but it also slightly irritates the lining for better reception of the semen. So on Saturday morning, I will pick you up at 8 AM. Once in the car I will ask you to put on a blindfold, this is just so we can keep the location of the office anonymous. Once in the office and in the room, the blindfold can be removed. At this point, you’ll do a little paperwork , then I’ll have you disrobe and get on the stand. I’ll prep you for the procedure. Then at 10 AM, the doctor will come in, he will explain the whole procedure, what to expect and what happens. He will perform the procedure, then after it is complete I will clean you up. You can then get dressed and I will take you home, blindfolded again. We will go over the aftercare while you are at the office also okay?”

”Yeah, that all sounds good, I’m really excited and kind of nervous too” 

“No worries Mike, any other questions you have at the moment?”

”Umm I don’t think so”

”I threw a lot of information at you, so if you think of anything, let me know. I’m really happy to answer any questions. So we’re about done here. Except for the semen sample. You ready for that?” 

”Umm yeah I guess, kinda weird doing that with you here” 

Jason laughed. “No need to be embarrassed Mike, We’re just a couple of guys. Here stand up quick.”

Mike stood up and before he could even say a word, Jason grabbed his gym shorts and pulled them down. And In the next moment he had Mikes cock in his mouth. He was taken completely off guard, but then that all went out of his head as Jason worked his cock over with his expert skills, Mikes head tilted back as a moan escaped from his lips. Jason definitely knew what he was doing. Mike was in heaven as he felt his cock going down the back of Jason’s throat, Mike knew he would cum fast if he kept that up and Jason must have read his mind because he kept the deep throating up. 

Mike looked down at Jason as he bobbed his head up and down his shaft. “I’m getting close” he mumbled. 

Jason grabbed the cup from the table, never missing a beat as he sucked Mikes cock.

”Oh god! I’m gonna cum!” Mike yelled 

Jason pulled off his cock and put the head in the specimen cup and he stroked Mikes cock. Mike let out a loud groan as the first shot of cum exploded from his head. More followed as Jason slowly milked him completely. He felt mike shudder and then released him from his grip. 

”There we go!” He said as he stood up. “See that was easy” He laughed as he looked at Mike.

Mike looked back at him. “Wow! That was amazing!”

”Holding the specimen cup up, Jason said. “This reminds me, no more for you this week. Please refrain from a sexual activities including masturbating. Doctors orders! Now I need to get going, we need this specimen fresh for examination.”

With that, Jason packed everything up in his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. “Remember, if you have any questions please get in touch with me. I’m happy to answer anything.” 

Jason started walking towards the door, and Mike followed him, still a little dazed from the head he just received. Reaching around Jason, he grabbed the door and opened it for Jason. 

”Okay, I’ll be in touch on Tuesday”

”Okay, sounds good! Thanks for everything Jason!”

Looking back, Jason smiled and winked at him. “Talk to you soon” 

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So HOT!  The phone questionaire got my cock hard and dripping.  I wish someone would compose one and use it on strangers getting them to admit to all their sexual history, fantasies and dark things they've done.  Looking forward to the next installment.

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The rest of the weekend flew by hanging out with friends and the kids. Monday was a blur with work and before Mike knew it Tuesday was here. He started the day as usual. 20 mile ride, shower, breakfast, and then off to work. The morning flew by with projects and meetings, just after lunch his phone started ringing. Looking at it he saw Jason’s number. Mikes heart started racing as he answered the phone. 


”Hi Mike! This is Jason calling from Dr. X’s Office. Is this a good time?”

”Yes, I’m just finishing up lunch.”

”Great! Well we have all the tests back and they are all good, so we can proceed with your appointment on Saturday if you’re still wanting to move forward.”

”Yes, absolutely! Thank you for letting me know”

”Anytime Mike. Okay so we are delivering the prep package to your house and it should be there this afternoon. Please follow the directions in the box.”


”Will you still be able to take Friday off?”

”I already did, I figured a three day weekend either way” Mike said laughing 

“Great! So on Saturday morning, I will pick you up at 8 AM. Then we will go to the office. Sound good?”

”Yeah that sounds great Jason. I’m looking forward to it.”

”Perfect!  I’ll see you Saturday morning Mike. Take care now and if you have any questions about the the prep package, please don’t hesitate to call”

”Thanks. Talk to you soon”

”Bye Mike”

Putting his phone down, Mikes stomach was fluttering with nerves and excitement this was happening. He was going to take his first known viral HIV load. His mind was racing the rest of the day, he could hardly concentrate on his work at all. Every time he thought about Saturday, his cock would start to swell. Finally 5 O’Clock rolled around and Mike headed home. As he pulled into his driveway he saw a box by his front door, getting out of his car he grabbed the box and headed inside. After getting settled for the evening, Mike grabbed the box and opened it. Inside he found an envelope and an enema bottle. Reading the instructions, Mike found that the bottle contained a special solution that would help cleanse as well as slightly irritate the lining of the rectum. He was to cleanse internally as normal throughout Friday and in the evening use the enema solution. 

The rest of the week seemed to drag on, Mikes mind was always wandering to Saturday and what was going to happen. He knew that physically it wouldn’t feel any different, but emotionally he wondered how he would react? Knowing that he was taking a highly viral load inside of him. His life would be altered at that point. 

After what felt like weeks, Friday finally arrived, Mike started his day as usual, 20 miles, shower. He refrained from breakfast and stuck to coffee and juice. He figured he would follow his normal routine before he planned to have an excursion at the book store or cruising spots. He spent the day relaxing and periodically cleansing and that evening he used the enema bottle from the package.  

Laying in bed that night. Mikes mind raced with thoughts of what tomorrow would be like. What exactly would happen? His cock was hard as a rock and he wanted to stroke it so bad, but he refrained as requested. He finally dosed off into a dream filled sleep with operating rooms and doctors inserting dildos and butt plugs into men’s rectums. 

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Mike was jolted out of his reflection of the past week as the vehicle came to a stop and the engine shut off.  He heard Jason speaking from the front of the car. 

”Okay Mike, we’re here. I’m Going to come around and help you out and into the office.”

”Okay” Mike replied. 

He heard the drivers door open and Jason getting out.  The door shut, a few seconds later he heard his door open. 

”Okay Mike, give me your hand. I’ll help you out and into the office.”

Mike reached out and felt Jason take his hand. He stepped out of the vehicle and felt Jason leading him along. 

”There’s a curb here Mike, so step up. There you go. Okay I’m going to open the door and then we’ll head in.”

Mike heard a key in a lock and then a door opening. He felt Jason grab his hand again and start to lead him forward. He knew he was definitely in a Dr’s office, it had that smell to it. Jason led him through a couple of turns and then they stopped. Mike heard a door close and then Jason spoke. 

”Okay Mike, we’re in the procedure room, you can remove the blindfold now.” 

Mike took the blindfold off and looked around. He was definitely in a Dr’s office, the room looked like a typical exam room, but it was bigger. Looking around he saw a counter with a sink, cabinets above. A couple of chairs. Blood pressure cuffs and other exam tools. As he turned, he expected to see an exam table, but instead he saw a weird looking bench. It had multiple flat surfaces on it covered in vinyl padding. There was a larger pad on the top and on either side there were narrower pads. As Mike puzzled over it. Jason saw his confusion and told him what it was. 

”This is the procedure table, We’ll have you kneel on these lower pads on the bench, then lay forward with your chest on the top pad and your arms on either side. We can also raise and lower the bench for optimum penetration.”

”Gotcha!” Mike replied

”Well let’s start with the usual, height, weight, blood pressure.”


Jason had Mike step over to the scale and step on it. Marked his weight then used the built in ruler to check his height. 

”Okay Mike, have a seat in a chair and I’ll get your temp and blood pressure.”

Mike sat down and Jason went through both checks and marked them down. He then opened a drawer and pulled out a binder with some paperwork in it. 

”Alright, so this is a contract we’ll need you to read through and sign. I’ll give you some time to go through it and after we will start getting you ready. Okay?”

”Sounds good, thanks Jason”

”Anytime! I’ll be back in a bit”

With that, Jason left the room. Mike opened the binder and started reading. The contract basically stated that the recipient “Mike” was here under his own free will and was aware that he was going to be inseminated with a high viral load of HIV positive semen. And that although the procedure would most likely lead to contracting HIV, it was not guaranteed. It also went on to state that the recipient would not discuss the specifics or the procedure in general with anyone outside of this office. Mike read through the rest of the contract, there was nothing he wouldn’t expect to see. On the last page there was a box for his signature and date. He filled in both and closed the binder.  Well this is it! He thought, he was about to take his first unmediated load of cum.  His cock was rock hard and leaking precum in his briefs. 

Jason came back in the room a few minutes later. 

”All finished?” He asked

”Yep, all finished and signed” 

“Great! So let’s go ahead and get started with prepping. I’m going to have you disrobe and get on the bench.”

Mike started to remove his clothing, pulling his shirt over his head, then kicking his shoes off. Next came his shorts, then socks. He left his boxer briefs for last. He could see his hard cock straining to spring free.  Jason noticed his bulge. 

”I’m glad to see you’re so excited about this Mike!” He said laughing. “Nothing to be embarrassed about, even though this is a clinical setting, it’s still erotic” 

“Yeah, I’m definitely turned on right now” Mike replied.  He hooked his thumbs in his briefs and pulled them off. Standing there naked. Jason looked him over and winked at him. 

”Very nice Mike! Okay I’m going to have you lay on the bench, go ahead and kneel on the lower pads and lay forward putting your chest on the top pad and your arms on the pads just below on the side pads. I will then adjust the pads so you’re comfortable. Okay?”

”Okay” Mike replied. He stepped over to the bench and mounted the bench as Jason explained. Jason followed him over and stepped on a pedal on the floor, Mike felt the bench start to rise up until he was about level with Jason’s chest.  He moved to the front of the bench and reached under the arm pads, he slid two L shaped bars out from under them and turned them 90 degrees. 

”You can hold on to these during the procedure so you don’t feel like you going to go flying off. Okay I’m going to have you lift yourself up so you’re just kneeling on the lower pads.”

Mike pushed himself up so he was kneeling on the bench, he heard Jason open a drawer behind him and then shut it. He walked back over and Mike saw he was holding a condom in his hand. 

”I’m going to put this on you in case you ejaculate during the procedure, we like to get a specimen before you leave.”

”What do you use it for?” Mike asked. 

”Well the Dr’s one regret is that he will not be able to father children, so he collects a specimen from all of his clients in case they decide later down the road they might want a child, we will then have a clean specimen to work with. I know you’ve had a vasectomy, but we like to keep a sample from all patients.”

”Okay” Mike replied. 

Jason put some surgical gloves on and then opened the condom wrapper. He placed the end over the head of Mikes cock and started to roll it down. Mike let out an involuntary groan as he felt it cover his length. 

”Little excited aren’t we?” Jason said laughing and winked at mike again. “Okay go ahead and lean forward again.”

Mike lay back down on the bench. He felt Jason reach under him and grab his cock to reposition it under the bench. 

”Okay Mike, now I’m going to shave around your anus so we have a completely  clean area for the procedure, just relax okay?”

”Ummm Okay?” Mike replied a little apprehensive. 

He heard the sink turn on and cabinets opening. Then things being placed on something metal. He looked back and saw Jason rolling a metal cart over with shaving cream, a razor, and a container of water.

”The shaving cream will probably feel a little cold when I apply it, so just be ready for that. I’ll let you know before I do it though okay?”


Mike turned his head back around and heard Jason squeezing water out of something then a warm cloth was gently rubbing his ass cheeks and then he felt it running over his hole. The warm cloth was removed and he could feel the cool air hitting his ass. He shivered a little, then he heard the sound of the shaving cream shooting out of the can. 

”Okay, this will feel a little cold”

Mike felt the cold cream on his ass cheeks being spread around, then he felt it being spread in his crack and over his hole. Jason stepped away and Mike heard the sink turn on as Jason rinsed his hands, then walked back over. He heard the sound of the razor swishing in the water container and then Jason started to expertly shave his ass. He made quick work of it with sure strokes and delicacy around his hole. Before mike knew it Jason was rinsing him off with the warm wash cloth again. As quick as the process was, Mike felt the experience was one of the most erotic things he’d had done in a long time. 

”Okay, all finished with that Mike, now I’m going to apply some lube and insert a small camera to look in your rectum, we want to make sure your completely clean inside.” 

He heard Jason removing just gloves and throwing them in the trash receptacle, then the sound of new ones going on. More drawers and cabinets opened, more sounds of things being placed on the cart. He heard Jason roll the cart back over and then his gloved hand on his shaved butt. 

”The lube will feel cold and so will the camera. You shouldn’t feel any discomfort though during this okay?”

”Okay” Mike said shaking his head also.

He heard the top of the lube opening and then a few seconds later the coldness of the lube on his hole. He felt Jason spread it around a little bit and then felt pressure as Jason Inserted his finger inside of him. He swirled it around a coupe times and then removed it. 

”I’m going to insert the camera now. It will only take about thirty seconds to look, just relax and breath evenly okay?”

”Yep! I’m ready”

Mike felt the coolness of a metal object on his anus, then pressure as Jason started to insert it. He felt it go past his inner sphincter and stop. He could feel it moving around inside of him as Jason looked. He then felt it retracting from him. 

”Perfect!” Jason said. “All clean and it looks like the cleansing did its job, your rectum is definitely red and irritated a little. Is it uncomfortable?”

”Honestly, no. I don’t feel anything.”


Mike felt the warm cloth on his hole again as Jason wiped the lube away. 

”Alright Mike, just lay there and relax, I’m going to clean this stuff up here and when the Dr comes in I will apply some more lubricant for the procedure and then the Doc will go over how things will happen.  Okay?”

”Yeah! Sounds good to me” 

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Laying on the bench, Mike could hear Jason putting things back in the drawers and cabinets. There was a quick double tap knock on the door and he heard it open. Turning his head he could see a man in scrubs walk in and then speak. 

”Jason, we all set?”

”Yes Dr, Mike is all prepped and ready”


Mike felt a warm hand on his back. 

”Hi Mike, I’m Dr X. It’s very nice to meet you.”

As he was talking he had moved to the front of the bench pushing a rolling stool with him. He sat down in it and mike found himself looking at the Dr for the first time. He was around his own age with brown hair streaked with grey. Blue eyes and full lips. Very handsome.

”So Mike, I see you have signed the contract, and I’m sure Jason has explained my situation to you. Are you nervous?”

”A little bit” Mike replied. 

”Do you still wish to proceed?”

”Yes I do Dr”

”Okay good! I will ask that same question two more times during the procedure. Once before I penetrate you and then again before I ejaculate. If you say yes, we will proceed and if you say no, the procedure will stop at that point. However, I must warn you. Once I begin the procedure, I will be leaking viral pre ejaculate inside of you, so at that point it will still be possible to sero convert. Do you understand that?”

”Yes I do Dr. I understand the risk” 

“Good! So here’s how this procedure will happen.”

As he was saying this he stood up and hooked his thumbs in his scrub bottoms and pulled them down a little. As he did his engorged cock sprang free. It was atleast eight inches and thick, with a mushroom head.  I could see the veins running through it. Nice heavy balls hanging below that looked full.  He turned slightly so the head was pointing directly at me. I could see pre cum leaking. Mike felt the urge to lick it up. But he refrained. As this was happening the Dr was telling him about the procedure. 

”I will ask if you wish to proceed, if you say yes. I will then penetrate you with my penis. It will be done with purpose, but not to inflict any sort of pain.”

As he was explaining this, he pulled his scrubs back up and sat down again. 

”Once I’m full penetrated, I will allow a little time for you to get adjusted to the girth and length. I will start to trust in and out of you. The thrusts will be full and deliberate to maximize the experience. It usually takes between fifteen to twenty thrusts for me to reach orgasm. Before I do I will ask you one last time if you wish to proceed. If you say yes, I will give my final thrusts. Bury myself completely inside of you and evacuate. I will remain quiet so that you get the full experience of the insemination. You should feel it happening. Once I am finished ejaculating, I will stay inside of you for a few minutes to allow all my semen to leak from me. I will the slowly remove myself from you carful to not remove any semen as I do. After that, I will clean up, Jason will clean you up and then you can get dressed. We will then go through the after care with you. Jason will then take you home. Sound good?”

”Sounds great Dr” 

“Great! Are you ready to proceed then?”

”Yes please” 

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