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English is not my mother tongue so please excuse my typos etc.

Part I

It was a normal day for Daniel. Boring work in the office, small talk with his co-workers during coffee break and couch and Netflix afterwards. The only thing that seemed somewhat exciting was his online activity. He had several profiles on all the gay dating websites and apps. Most of them were anonymous, showing no pictures of his face but maybe one or two of his body. After all he was proud of his muscles and liked to show them off a bit. Most of the time he only tried to get some dick pics from other users online, to wank too, or exchange some hot videos. At 25 Daniel was somewhat afraid of real sex. He came from a very catholic family and was always told, that sex without being married or even worse gay sex, would lead to STIs which would then lead to certain death. Even though growing up he realised that this was non-sense, the fear of him catching anything remained.

The few times Daniel had sex; he was very cautious of being safe. Condoms were used basically for everything, even wanking and he only got penetrated once by a friend in college. He did like it, but his friend was too annoyed of always covering up for the smallest bit of interaction so that they eventually stopped their intimate relationship.  For the last year or so Daniel didn’t meet up with anyone for sex, and even though he was horny basically all the time he only ever wanked to videos people sent him. He preferred bareback videos, they seemed forbidden and hot at the same time.  

He loved stroking his dick while he watched “Assbreeder82” fuck yet another twink. “Assbreader82” was an online user on one of the dating websites Daniel was using. One of the only ones that didn’t stop writing after they realised, that Daniel would probably never meet up for actual sex but was only hunting for more videos and pictures to wank too. Quite the opposite was the case, he called Daniel his little fan boy, and whenever he fucked another guy and filmed it, he sent it to Daniel. They had been doing this for quite a while now, and Daniel watched “Assbreeder82” fuck quite a number of guys, always bare and always cumming inside their unprotected holes. “Assbreeder82” was a daddy-type kind of guy. He was quite hairy with a well-defined torso and a beautiful cock that must have been about 19 cm long and quite wide.  He certainly always stretched the bottoms hole and a number of them complained that it was to thick. He however didn’t seem to be bothered by that and simply held poppers under their noses and told them they knew what they were getting themselves into.


While Daniel was laying on his couch, checking his messages and settling in for yet another evening at home, he got a message from “Assbreeder82”:

Hey fanboy, what are u up to tonight?

Daniel got excited, Assbreeder82 only contacted him when he got new content to watch and Daniel could really use some excitement today.

Nothing much, just chilling on my couch. Got any new vids for me ?

He didn’t have to wait long for a reply.

Not quite, but I do have something more exciting for you! Interested fanboy?

Daniel was curious what his chat partner was up to. It was unusual for him to be so mysterious, their chat was usually rather flat. Him sending him a new video and Daniel replying with praise and horniness how amazing it looked.  Nethertheless he answered.

Oh a surprise for me ? You bet I am interested coming from you.

The familiar sound of him receiving a message followed shortly after.

You’re in luck, I am fucking a twink today and would like some audience. So you will join us today. I know you do not want to get involved and I am fine with that. I respect your boundaries… at least to some extent. But unless you show up today and prove to me you are a real fanboy; you will stop getting videos from me.  You can film or just watch, that’ll be up to you but there are no clothes allowed.
Here is the address, and that is the boy I will be inseminating today. Be ready for some nice pig action, and don’t bail on fanboy or should I rather say …. Daniel-

While reading Daniel had been getting quite horny, but after reading the last sentence he was in shock. Daniel never told Assbreeder82 his real name, nor did he give up any information that would clue anyone who he was in real life. Yet this man new his firstname, and if so who knew what else.
He was in a state of excitement and horror and surely horny as fuck. He realised, that he loved the power Assbreeder82 seemed to have over him. He liked the demanding tone the message had and most importantly, he couldn’t wait to see the main character of all his wanking fantasies, fuck right in front of him. Daniel got ready. This would be an exciting day after all, he thought. Then he left his apartment.

More to cum 😃

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Part II

Fantasies are a place were lots of things are allowed – some of them should stay fantasies though

 The address Daniel was given, was not far from his apartment. He took a taxi anyway, since he was somewhat excited and didn’t trust himself with his bike. When he arrived he was standing in front of one of the newly build buildings in town, the ones that were most certainly out of his price-range and would probably never be affordable for him unless he inherited a ton of money from a rich aunt he didn’t know of.  When he entered the building, he was greeted by a concierge wearing a formal uniform in black and red, including a matching hat. A golden name tag had “Peter” written on it and was attached on a well-tailored front pocket on his uniform.  Daniel considered Peter rather attractive. He must have been only a little older than him, but his posture and this surrounding gave him a glance of elegance that Daniel was lacking even though he was wearing one of his good work shirts.

God evening sir, what brings you here tonight? How may I assist you?

The concierge said. Daniel didn’t quite know what to answer to this. Telling Peter that he came to this address because a guy from an online dating platform whom he had never seen in real life but only in videos where he fucked his semen in young unprotected asses, commanded him here to watch him have sex, didn’t seem like a good option. The concierge was already raising one of his ginger eyebrows when Daniel mumbled:

Ergh… I am here to visit a friend.

The concierge was scanning Daniel from head to toe, his eyebrow still raised. He clearly thought he was lying or at least not telling the whole truth, which was the case.

And what is the name of this friend, sir? I’d like to let him know you are here.

Daniels was sweating now, in his rush to get to the address he had gotten from “Assbreeder82” he didn’t even realise he did not know what his last name was. This was embarrassing, he didn’t know what to do. Leave, and text “Assbreeder82” what he was supposed to do? He would feel dumb doing that. Or tell the concierge that he didn’t know the name of his “friend”. He could feel Peter starring at him. Then suddenly the familiar sound of an arriving elevator distracted Peter for a moment. Daniel turned around and was heading for the door, this seemed to be the best option. Just before he opened the door though, he looked back and froze. There in the elevator that had just arrived on the ground floor stood “Assbreeder82”. He had never seen his face before, but he knew this body and the way he moved. He was wearing a black casual suit, with a white button-down shirt, that complemented his muscle-daddy body quite well. Daniel was standing there just starring at the men he had fantasised so much about. He was fascinated by him. The neatly trimmed beard that had the same black tone as his chest hair had in all the videos he saw. His dark brown eyes and most importantly that cheeky little grin that he was wearing so well. This was a man of confidence and he did not hide it, nor did he need to. Peter was just greeting “Assbreeder82” but Daniel couldn’t understand the name he was saying because he was too far away from the elevator. Still somewhat frozen, Daniel realised to late, that he got spotted:

Daniel, is that you? Where you about to leave without saying hi to an old friend – fan boy?

The way he said the nickname that he gave him sent hot and cold shivers over Daniels body. Still overwhelmed he didn’t know what to do but his body decided for him. He could feel how his feet where slowly dragging him towards the elevator, passing Peter that had a weird look on his face that seemed to be a mixture of jealousy, pity and professionalism. His feet stopped 2 meters away from “Assbreeder82”. There was a moment of silence until finally he found enough confidence to speak.

Hey thanks for picking me up. Quite a service.

Assbreeder82 took two quick steps towards Daniel, laid one muscular arm around Daniel’s shoulder and ushered him into the elevator, while Peter was still watching disapprovingly from his counter. The elevator doors were closing and Assbreeder82 selected the 12th floor, his one arm still resting on Daniels shoulder.   Daniel could smell his cologne that had a woody smoky touch to it, mixed with a hint of his scent. He could not believe that he was standing in an elevator alone with this man and he was surprised that he even came here. He usually was not doing things like this. “Its just like watching porn” he told himself.  As if Assbreeder82 could read his thoughts he said:

You seem nervous Daniel. Don’t be, like I said I respect your boundaries, you are only here to watch and film … unless you decide otherwise. But if I respect your rules, you’ll have to respect mine. Once we arrive in my apartment you are to strip down all your clothes. While I play with the little twink that is already waiting for us, you are only allowed to watch, film or commend if you wish so. Should you touch me while I am playing with my toy our agreement ends and you’re mine to do with as I please. Understood?  

Before Daniel could think too much about this the elevator doors opened and Assbreeder82 led him to the door of his apartment. He had arrived in the lions cave and though he was only here to watch, he felt like he was about to do something very kinky and forbidden…

More to cum

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Sorry for the delay.

Part III – A decision to make

The dark wooden door to Assbreeder82’s apartment opened, and Daniel entered a well-designed flat that showed taste and money without being to bold or extravagant.  For a moment he stood in the hallway not moving a muscle, taking in all the impressions he could visually see. The apartment was designed mainly around nice pieces of wood, paired with steel and leather.  He thought about the usual visitors to this flat. Business partners, friends, family, did any of them suspect Assbreeder82 to be kinky and perverted? He doubted it, this was a perfect front and he seemed to live quite a perfect life at least from what one could see.  What would they say if they knew that he sent videos of himself fucking younger guys bareback?  A voice snapped him out of his thoughts:

Hey fanboy, stop starring and come join me for a drink, will you?

Assbreeder82 was already in the larger entrance hall. He’d thrown his suit jacket over one of the larger leather sofas, that stood around an open fireplace in the wall. He grinned as he poured two glasses auf Whiskey, watching Daniel from afar like a cat watching the mouse he was about to play with. There was nothing evil about this look, but a glimpse of excitement and anticipation. Daniel hurried to get rid of his own coat and stepped into the entrance hall himself and getting closer to Assbreeder82, smelling yet again his cologne. He took his glass of Whiskey and looked around.

Cheers, to an exciting night – Assbreeder82 said. Daniel raised his glass and emptied it in one sip.

Assbreeder82 chuckled while only nipping on his Whiskey. – Well someone is trying to get his courage back.

Daniel decided that that was exactly what he should do. The last few minutes, he let himself be intimidated by this beautiful man, this building and this flat, but he was here to have some fun. He decided that he deserved it. Assbreeder82 wanted him here, he kept in touch the last few months, even though Daniel had been a tease in the beginning, so he could allow himself to relax a little.  With a little more courage in his voice he asked:  

Can I have another one of this expensive courage enhancer or would that cost me extra?

It’s included in the service, my dear Daniel. Help yourself. Assbreeder82 said pointing at the little Liquor table next to the fireplace and sitting himself down.
The courage Daniel thought to have regained faded a little, once he realised Assbreeder82 had yet again used his real name. Nevertheless, he went over to the table and poured himself another drink. He raised his glass, seeing an opportunity to evening the playground and said:

Let’s drink to an unusual online acquaintance. Since you seem to know so much about me though, I’d like to know a little about you. Lets maybe start with a real name?  

Assbreeder82 chuckled yet again, downing his own whiskey now:

How conservative of you Daniel, that you want to know the name of the person you are about to have sex with or watch it at least. But fine, lets make a deal I’ll tell you my name if you let me eat your ass? No harm in that right? The risk for my little safe fanboy would be super low and since I am not yet playing with the little twink in the bathroom our other agreement is not yet in place.

Daniel hesitated, he only came here to watch, and he wanted to stay out of the action to be safe. The problem was he liked being rimmed, a lot actually and he was quite sure he’d told Assbreeder82 that during one of their online chats. He was conflicted, he really wanted to gain some power here and it felt like the real name of Assbreeder82 was the first step to be in a better position, but then again he’d seen so many videos where the man who now wanted to rim him had done that to the boys he was about to fuck, getting them all wet for his big veiny cock.

Daniel was still thinking, when Assbreeder82 simply stood up moved over to him until he was standing right in front of him and leaned forward until his face was directly next to his ear.
Calmly he said:

Let me makte the decision for you, since we don’t have all day. My name is Mike. Mike the person who now gets to eat your ass until you moan like a little pussy fan boy. Now get naked and let me see that ass!

Daniel stood there, shocked and aroused. His hard penis was pressing at his tight trousers and wanted to be released. He’d been dominated in a way he’d never experienced, and he hated it and also loved it so much. Assbreeder82 … Mike was still standing right where he stood when he told him the decision had been made for him and was now watching him intensely, basically telling him with his eyes to start undressing. And that’s what Daniel did. He downed his second whiskey and opened slowly one button after another his work shirt. He made a real show out of it, looking Mike in his eyes. Yes he liked being dominated but he would not be totally intimidated. He wanted to enjoy this, not thinking about the consequences for a moment. Keeping in mind that this was quite safe and nothing bad would happen. When he was only in his white trunks, he started touching his body and his pecs. He was not a muscle god like Assbreeder82 was, but he had a well-defined body. He looked fit and healthy and, in this moment, he just wanted to feel himself. Finally, he pulled down his trunks freeing his 17 cm dick that was already leaking precum and started touching his penis.

Stop – Mike said licking his lips Don’t touch yourself fanboy keep your excitement for later. Now honor our deal and show me that ass.

He waved towards the couch signalizing Daniel to bend forward, which he did. He felt the cold leather on his skin, felt the heat of the fireplace and then his ass cheeks were spread, and Mike started to eat his pink nearly unfucked ass. He sucked, he chewed and he tonguefucked the boy. Daniel was in heaven he had never felt something like this, it was like Mike sucked all his will all his sorrows out of him and left him feeling only horny and reduced to beeing flash. He moaned, he wanted to touch his cock but the strong hands of Assbreeder82 hold him down and didn’t allow him to. Daniel closed his eyes and so he did not notice the twink standing in the bathroom door, filming the whole scene while Assbreeder82 was holding one thumb up.

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On 5/15/2020 at 6:47 AM, Voyeur94 said:

Daniel closed his eyes and so he did not notice the twink standing in the bathroom door, filming the whole scene while Assbreeder82 was holding one thumb up.


#Voyeeur94 GREAT START .......but don't let us hang too long to get into action ... 


I bet everybody here agrees with me ... 

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