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Posted (edited)

This post isn't about AIDS or HIV, but it does have to do with sexual health and health decisions. If it should be posted elsewhere, I would appreciate the moderator moving it to the correct forum.

It is looking like I may have the family curse... prostate cancer. It runs in my family and I have two brothers dealing with it currently. I have just begun getting tests done, but there is significant enlargement. I had a candid conversation with my doc and with the knowledge I have from other family members I am preparing myself for some decisions.

If tests confirm cancer, removal of the prostate is a given. Shooting a load of cum will become just a memory. From the amount of enlargement, I highly suspect that both penile nerves are probably affected and would have to be removed as well. Goodbye erections or any feeling of pleasure in my cock. These scenarios appear inevitable.

I will have to wait for test results to make other decisions. One of my relatives is taking testosterone blockers as his cancer had already metastized. The drugs are creating a whole new set of issues for him. If test results show it may have already spread in my case, rather than deal with the side effects and risks of drugs, why not just talk to my doc about removing the testicles too. Let's face it, if I won't be shooting anymore what's the difference. These are all acceptable treatment options.

Now the reason for my question. First, I am almost exclusiveky a bottom. Second, I was always under-endowed. 5 - 5 1/2" hard. As I have gotten older (mid 60's) some shrinkage has occurred and Cialis or Viagra is used to assist with getting erections, but only about 4 1/2" now. Even though I am circumsized, when I am soft I am only a little over 1" and my cock head tends to retract in under my penis skin. As a result, I have to be careful when pissing that my head is sticking out, otherwise it sprays all over and runs down my ball sac. As a result, I now often sit to pee. As I do enjoy watersports, the feeling of my piss running down my ball sac feels great, but it requires extra cleaning which can be a hassle at work or in normal everyday life. My thought is, if my days of cumming, getting an erection, or even having feeling in my cock are over, and it's only use is to piss, then it is obsolete. If cancer has spread and testicle removal is a viable option to increase my long term survival, then why not talk to the doc about removing the sac and cock and giving me a urethral reroute. 

I enjoy a hard cock pounding me and shooting deep inside me. Just because my junk is no longer funtional doesn't mean I want to give up being fucked and giving others pleasure. So would going nullo decrease my chances of getting fucked at a bathhouse or ABS? Or would I be better off with an empty nut sac and useless cock? Your honest thoughts are appreciated.

Edited by davescott1125
Clarification in title
  • davescott1125 changed the title to Would you have sex with a nullo (due to cancer)?

Sorry to hear about your PC. Had a scare recently with a psa of 11.

It. Is really hard to get an urologist to surgically castrate you. They would prefer to use drugs, even though surgical castration is quicker,  cheaper and more effective and no long term requirement to put  drugs into your body.

You most definitely will not get a urologist to remove your scrotum, ( it should be a plastic surgeon anyway!) and the only way they would remove your penis is if it had cancer. There are several Drs in the USA who will perform nullo surgery as gender confirming.  Just Google gender confirming surgeons,  several now have a section for eunuchs, as well as the usual MtF and FtM. And of course, it's far cheaper to go to Mexico or Thailand  to have the surgery. 


Yeah - sorry you have to go through this journey with cancer / family history. I’m 100% bottom and think being a nullo as a perfect expression of my situation and would think a lot of tops would find that hot.

My cock is limp and worthless and my balls have atrophied due to 15+ years of being on testosterone replacement therapy. They are both worthless to me and my pleasure is serving other men and getting fucked.

I’ve also had close calls with PC (elevated PSA, MRI’s and 3 needle biopsies so far with no confirmation yet).

I do worry how anal sex will feel if the prostate is removed - realizing it isn’t really a choice if it comes to that.

Best wishes on your journey.


I'm going to express a contrarian view. Yes, *some* tops would find fucking a nullo hot (there are some people out there who are into just about anything you can think up). That doesn't mean they are numerous.

I remind people that finding a partner (whether it's just for sex, or for dating, or a long-term relationship) can be expressed by (WARNING: traumatic call-back to grade-school math!) Venn diagrams - those overlapping circles that can illustrate which characteristics (each represented by one of the circles) any particular individual has. A very picky man, for instance, may want only guys between 6'0 and 6'3", muscled, furry-chested, dark haired, blue or green eyes, mostly top, definitely hung, good job, You overlap those circles in a given area population and you might easily find there's nobody within, say, 60 miles that meets 100% of those criteria.

When you add in "turned on by nullos", you're imposing a restraint that will exclude the vast majority of men (whether that's fair or kind is another issue, but it's true). Expanding that to "guys who won't mind a nullo" will enlarge the possibles list a bit, but my guess would be that they'd still be rarities. I suspect far more men would prefer a small and mostly non-sexually-functional cock over none at all, and you have the option, of course, of having fake testicles put in (possibly not covered by insurance, but it's an option). I suspect you'd have far more success getting laid going that route than the nullo one.

I'm not suggesting you should or shouldn't pursue the surgery you're considering. I'm saying that if you're pinning your hopes on finding someone who's interested in a nullo, you should know that's going to limit your options significantly. Unfairly, perhaps. But significantly nonetheless.

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Guest hungandmean

Honestly, I don't really see it being an issue. Not to conflate the two things because they're totally different - but I know FTM Trans people who have NO issues getting dick and bottoming as much as they want.

Personally, as a top, it really wouldn't get in the way of what I was looking for. You're going to have people react in different ways - but thats life.... random hookups can lead to some awkward/funny moments.

Furthermore - there's lots of kinky people out there so you could easily lean into the whole nullo thing and I bet you might get more attention than you're used to, being over 60 (not to be a prick, but lets face it you're not the target range for most people looking for a bottom 😉 ) 


been the way  of prostate  cancer  and very seldom get hard, it has affected my hook ups . most tops want to see a hard erection on you to


Personal I don't mind nullo. You still got a mouth and a "cunt" so we still have fun.

To answer your question sadly I think keeping your junk you will catch more guys because being nullo might freak out some tops. It gives you more options.

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  On 9/17/2020 at 11:57 PM, BootmanLA said:

I'm going to express a contrarian view. Yes, *some* tops would find fucking a nullo hot (there are some people out there who are into just about anything you can think up). That doesn't mean they are numerous.

I remind people that finding a partner (whether it's just for sex, or for dating, or a long-term relationship) can be expressed by (WARNING: traumatic call-back to grade-school math!) Venn diagrams - those overlapping circles that can illustrate which characteristics (each represented by one of the circles) any particular individual has. A very picky man, for instance, may want only guys between 6'0 and 6'3", muscled, furry-chested, dark haired, blue or green eyes, mostly top, definitely hung, good job, You overlap those circles in a given area population and you might easily find there's nobody within, say, 60 miles that meets 100% of those criteria.

When you add in "turned on by nullos", you're imposing a restraint that will exclude the vast majority of men (whether that's fair or kind is another issue, but it's true). Expanding that to "guys who won't mind a nullo" will enlarge the possibles list a bit, but my guess would be that they'd still be rarities. I suspect far more men would prefer a small and mostly non-sexually-functional cock over none at all, and you have the option, of course, of having fake testicles put in (possibly not covered by insurance, but it's an option). I suspect you'd have far more success getting laid going that route than the nullo one.

I'm not suggesting you should or shouldn't pursue the surgery you're considering. I'm saying that if you're pinning your hopes on finding someone who's interested in a nullo, you should know that's going to limit your options significantly. Unfairly, perhaps. But significantly nonetheless.


When a guy gets all statistic-ey it makes my brain hard. 😉

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  On 9/22/2020 at 8:49 PM, find91 said:

Personal I don't mind nullo. You still got a mouth and a "cunt" so we still have fun.

To answer your question sadly I think keeping your junk you will catch more guys because being nullo might freak out some tops. It gives you more options.


I think there's significant merit to this point of view. I sometimes cage my cock because some men enjoy knowing my cunt is the only sex organ they need to deal with. I say sometimes because most men aren't interested in a cock they can't get to or see. I know that a caged and therefore useless dick is different to a removed one, but I think the lesson in how it narrows the fuck pool is the same for both.

I'd assert, with some confidence, that the fuck pool of men for a dickless bottom would be even smaller than for a caged one. Given my experience, I think it would significantly narrow the fuck pool and without the option of increasing it by just removing the cage. 

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i think you have lots of good input here.  i agree with those who think there will be fewer guys into nullo than not.  

One thing i didn't see mentioned is where do you live?  i think that'll make a difference. Bigger cities are going to give you more guys in general and increase the numbers of guys  potentially into nullo, just to go continue with BootmanLA's gradeschool math theme, it's a numbers game.  Chances for sex increase with numbers of guys wanting to fuck. 

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This is a tough situation. I wish you the best for getting back negative  test results.  If you do end up needing PC therapy, why not do the isotope seed implant therapy? That’s been extremely beneficial in treating and curing PC without need to remove prostate.  They stick these low level radioactive (localized) seeds inside the prostate. The radiotherapy destroys the cancerous tissue. The prostate will then return to normal size, PSA will decrease.  Keep your prostate, man. You want to continue to cum when you’re getting fucked.  Best of luck. 

Guest takingdeepanal

@davescott1125 - have you read this? [think before following links] https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/penile-implants/about/pac-20384916


  On 9/22/2020 at 9:05 PM, blackrobe said:

I think there's significant merit to this point of view. I sometimes cage my cock because some men enjoy knowing my cunt is the only sex organ they need to deal with. I say sometimes because most men aren't interested in a cock they can't get to or see. I know that a caged and therefore useless dick is different to a removed one, but I think the lesson in how it narrows the fuck pool is the same for both.

I'd assert, with some confidence, that the fuck pool of men for a dickless bottom would be even smaller than for a caged one. Given my experience, I think it would significantly narrow the fuck pool and without the option of increasing it by just removing the cage. 


I have seen and talked with tops that have freaked out at the sight of a chastity cage and sadly some tops do not understand why a bottom will not want their dick touched. The more average you appear your pool won't diminish. It a bit sad we can't just accept peoples differences

  On 9/17/2020 at 2:20 PM, davescott1125 said:

This post isn't about AIDS or HIV, but it does have to do with sexual health and health decisions. If it should be posted elsewhere, I would appreciate the moderator moving it to the correct forum.

It is looking like I may have the family curse... prostate cancer. It runs in my family and I have two brothers dealing with it currently. I have just begun getting tests done, but there is significant enlargement. I had a candid conversation with my doc and with the knowledge I have from other family members I am preparing myself for some decisions.

If tests confirm cancer, removal of the prostate is a given. Shooting a load of cum will become just a memory. From the amount of enlargement, I highly suspect that both penile nerves are probably affected and would have to be removed as well. Goodbye erections or any feeling of pleasure in my cock. These scenarios appear inevitable.

I will have to wait for test results to make other decisions. One of my relatives is taking testosterone blockers as his cancer had already metastized. The drugs are creating a whole new set of issues for him. If test results show it may have already spread in my case, rather than deal with the side effects and risks of drugs, why not just talk to my doc about removing the testicles too. Let's face it, if I won't be shooting anymore what's the difference. These are all acceptable treatment options.

Now the reason for my question. First, I am almost exclusiveky a bottom. Second, I was always under-endowed. 5 - 5 1/2" hard. As I have gotten older (mid 60's) some shrinkage has occurred and Cialis or Viagra is used to assist with getting erections, but only about 4 1/2" now. Even though I am circumsized, when I am soft I am only a little over 1" and my cock head tends to retract in under my penis skin. As a result, I have to be careful when pissing that my head is sticking out, otherwise it sprays all over and runs down my ball sac. As a result, I now often sit to pee. As I do enjoy watersports, the feeling of my piss running down my ball sac feels great, but it requires extra cleaning which can be a hassle at work or in normal everyday life. My thought is, if my days of cumming, getting an erection, or even having feeling in my cock are over, and it's only use is to piss, then it is obsolete. If cancer has spread and testicle removal is a viable option to increase my long term survival, then why not talk to the doc about removing the sac and cock and giving me a urethral reroute. 

I enjoy a hard cock pounding me and shooting deep inside me. Just because my junk is no longer funtional doesn't mean I want to give up being fucked and giving others pleasure. So would going nullo decrease my chances of getting fucked at a bathhouse or ABS? Or would I be better off with an empty nut sac and useless cock? Your honest thoughts are appreciated.


Having been through this as a partner and carer, don't jump to conclusions about the ultimate diagnosis or treatment. You'll need various imaging and biopsy results to arrive at a Gleason score (clinical staging) and if a prostatectomy is needed you'll get pathologic staging to better understand where you are. It's not uncommon for the pathologic to be different to the clinical staging. Regarding the nerves on either side of the gland, there may be no invasion of the nerve by cancer cells so don't borrow trouble and wait for the test results. 

It's far too early to know your situation yet. If you have surgery they'll tell you it can take 18 months to see what erectile function you're capable of. Viagra (oral) and Trimix (injections) are often prescribed post recovery to assist.

You're on the second page of a book and jumping to the last page without knowing the story in between. Take a breath and don't leap to any conclusions, you've got time to work through it all and see where you are.

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Guest beardedbastard

All I came to say is that I wish for good health for you. Stay strong. 

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