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Parker Brothers


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Part Fifteen

I came downstairs and was almost tackled by Sammy.


“Did you do it? Did you?”


I gave him a grin as I tossed him my phone, “See for yourself.”


He watched the video with his mouth, one hand on the screen, the other over his crotch as he watched me fuck his older brother. I grabbed a beer and sat down on the couch. I wasn't all that surprised to find Eli on his hands and knees getting fucked by one of the guys. It looked like the girls had gone which meant the rest of the night was going to be a lot more of this.


Sammy plopped down next to me, “So can I go fuck him now?”


I took the phone from him, “What? No! Not yet.”


“Why not?” he whined, his desire to mount his older brother was tangible.


“Because this isn't broken,” I said to him holding up the phone, “That is drugged. Right now he is going to sleep on it, dream about it, let it sink in. In a little bit I'll go give him a booster shot so he is zonked out again and we'll start all over.”


“When do I get a shot at him?”


The fact he sounded like a kid while arguing to rape his own brother made me laugh, “Probably not until tomorrow, but the next part is in public. So you can watch as long as you're out of his eyeline.”




I nodded as I finished my beer, “I'm gonna bring him down here and introduce him to the guys. Which reminds me,” I raised my voice and called out, “Ease off him, I need you guys ready in about an hour.”


Chad, who had been fucking Eli nodded and a couple of the other ones moaned in disappointment.


“Trust me, you're going to be fucking tonight, just not Eli.”


Eli looked up at me, “But who's going to fuck me?”


I nudged Sammy, “When I bring John down fuck your brother, it will keep you both from being tempted.”


Sammy nodded but I could tell he wanted more, a lot more.


I leaned over, “You wanna watch the whole video?” I asked, passing my phone over.


He grabbed it and started the video from the start as I went and found some food.


About an hour later I went back up to my room and found him still asleep. Man he was massive. All toned muscle, just a beefy fucking stud. Even soft his cock was obscene, just laying there like a slumbering python, ready to strike. If he had any charisma he would have been a fucking model, but like most guys that looked like this all he counted on his his muscles and never found the reason to gain a personality.


Which is what made Sammy so dangerous.


That kid could just stand on a street corner with no shirt on and people would throw money at him, the fact he was charming and funny and smart...well he was basically the devil as a teenager. I prepared another 50 cc and injected John, who barely stirred from the prick. I undid his cuffs, prepped him for what came next and then moved onto the bed with him.


What Sammy didn't understand was that this part wasn't about control or power. This stage was all about conditioning. In this drugged state John wasn't going to remember much of what happened, not consciously. What I needed to do was set up a pattern a repetition that was going to be ingrained into him on a subconscious level. I already set up the start, now I needed to reinforce it.


I leaned in and kissed him and was rewarded with him kissing me back. This went on for a while, our tongues fighting in his mouth as he moaned under me. He had no idea who he was kissing but with the drugs in his system he didn't care. All he knew was that it felt good and he wanted more.


And I was going to give him more.


I pulled back, his mouth still looking for mine, “Thirsty?” I asked.


His eyes opened when he heard a guy's voice. You could see he was freaked out but too stoned to actually do anything about it. He nodded and I reached over and grabbed a bottle of water. He downed the bottle in one gulp, I had taken enough THC in my life to know how bad cottonmouth was after a serious dose. Once he was done he wiped his mouth and handed me the bottle back.


I tossed it to the ground and moved into kiss him again. He pulled back slightly, which was expected, after all, he aware enough to know that he wasn't into guys. I smiled and grabbed his nipples, which cause him to moan in response, his eyes closed as he relished the sensation. On that much THC just feeling the carpet with your hands could turn you on, having an erogenous zone like your nipples played with was like hot wiring your dick. I made sure not to twist them too hard, just enough to turn him on.


“You like that?”


He nodded aimlessly, no longer paying any attention to his surroundings.


That meant the X I had slipped into his water was taking effect too.


I leaned in and kissed him again, this time there was no hesitation, no pause, he just started to make out with me like we were in the back seat of his truck in a drive in. His cock started to get hard, which was what I had been waiting for. I needed to keep this stud on the edge of horniness along with being just fucked up enough not to care how was making him hard.


I sat up, “Hey you hungry?”


He looked up at me confused of why the kissing had stopped.


“You want some food?”


He smiled and nodded, man he was wasted.


I stood up and held my hand out, “Let's go find some pizza.”


He took my hand and stumbled to his feet, dear god he was huge. If he fell there was no way I could stop this wall of muscle from going over. I put his arm around my shoulder and helped him out of my room. Either he hadn't noticed or didn't care he was buck naked cause he didn't hesitate when I walked him downstairs into the living room, where the guys were still playing COD on the TV.


“Hey guys, you remember John right?”


They looked over and gave him a nod, I saw more than one of them look his naked body up and down in hunger, knowing he was about to be served up.


“Here John,” I said plopping him on the huge over sized couch, “Let's me find us some food.”


He gave me a wobbly thumbs up and a dopey smile.


God this was going to be good.


I threw a couple of slices on a plate and walked them over to him. He was staring down at his own crotch confused.


“Where are my clothes?” he asked with a chuckle.


“You took them off,”I answered making him take the plate, “Remember, you had your condition?”


He took the plate and looked up baffled, “Condition?”


I leaned closer and whispered, “Your itchy ass?”


His eyes got wide and he looked around nervously.


“Don't worry man, the guys are cool, they've had it too.”


He seemed unconvinced but started eating the pizza.


I walked away and pretended to watch the game, when in fact my eyes never left John. I reached into my pocket and turned the vibrator I had put back in his ass on. It was at the lowest level but the effect was immediate.


John froze in place, his eyes wide. He began to shake his head as he put the plate down. He was talking to himself and I let him stew there for awhile. I turned it up a notch and he let out a noise, I looked over at him, “You ok bud?”


He shook his head in a panic and gestured for me to come over there.


I took my time, relishing the fear on his face as I walked up to him, “What's up?”


He whispered, “It's happening again!”


“What is?”


He looked around and then said, “My ass, it's happening again!!”


“Uh oh,” I said, feigning concern, “That's not good.”


“No....” he whined, his drugged out brain not able to process what was happening.


I turned it up another notch and he let out a small groan as he tried to cross his legs.


He was getting hard.


“Shit, is it bad?”


He nodded, his eyes wide.


“Want me to help again?”


He looked around in panic at the guys, “Not here...”


I looked back at them, “Them? Dude, don't sweat it man, They're bros, we've all been there.”


“Let's go back to your room,” he pleaded.


“Nonsense,” I said looking over to the guys, “Hey guys, tell John it's normal to have an itchy asshole.”


Josh looked over, “Shit man, happens all the time, ain't no thing.”


Chad piped in, “Yeah man, don't stress it. It happening now?”


John looked at me, begging me to take him upstairs but I just looked at him, “Come on man, you can trust them. Seriously, they can help.”


“Help?” he asked out loud.


Chad got up, “Yeah man, we always help each other out. It's a bro thing.”


John watched as Chad walked over to him, he was wearing a pair of faded jean shorts with the top button undone, his shaved pubes sticking out of the zipper. From the bulge to the side it was obvious, Chad was not lacking in the cock department. He wasn't a Parker, but then who was.


“How bad is it?” he said, kneeling down on the couch next to John.


“I-it's...it's ok...”


I turned it up again and John jumped and fought back a whimper.


“Ok man, ok,” Chad said quickly, “You need something to distract you.”


John was just sitting there, his hips twitching as he unconsciously tried to get more than just a little plastic tube up his ass.


“Here,” Chad said urgently.


John looked over to him and saw Chad's cock was out.


“Here, hurry!”


John didn't move, confused to how Chad's dick and his ass had anything in common.


I cranked it up another notch and John closed his eyes and moaned, and Chad shoved his cock into the jock's mouth. As soon as Chad's dick slipped past John's lips I turned it down a notch. When John tried to push Chad off of him I cranked it back up and he froze.


“Trust me man, it helps,” Chad assured him.


John slipped another inch of the cock into his mouth and I turned the vibrator down a click. Another inch and another click, until John had the whole dick in his mouth.


“Work it man,” Chad told him, “Focus on it.”


John didn't do anything so I turned it back up and quickly John began servicing Chad's cock in earnest. It was a hell of a site to see John Parker work another guy's cock for all he was worth. Chad moved closer until his pubes were hitting John's nose and the bigger man was choking on cock. The other guys had abandoned the game and were waking towards the couch, like wild animals smelling a fresh kill.


Paul got on the other side of John and pulled his cock out as well. I turned the vibrator up and John began to panic. I nodded at Paul who said, “Here dude, try mine.”


John didn't even hesitate as he slipped Chad's cock out of his mouth and swallowed Paul's in a gulp. “Yeah, use your tongue more,” he commanded and from the smile in his face, John had complied.


Josh got down on his knees and was eye level with John's massive pole, which was quivering from all the sensations coming from John's formerly virgin ass.


Josh didn't say a word, he just went to servicing John's cock as he had Sammy's. I knew Josh liked to be controlled but I had no idea what a size queen he was. Between Josh's mouth and the vibrator, John was in a state of sexual bliss. He slurped on the two cocks, taking turns between the guys like a champ as John did his level best to take as much of that monster as he could.


It was a hell of a sight.


I watched for a good ten minutes, making sure that John was good and horned and that all the drugs in his system were working before moving to the real phase.


I turned up the vibrator again and John practically screamed around Chad's cock as his hips came off the couch.


“Still bad?” I asked.


John spat out Chad's cock and nodded, “Soooo bad.....”


“You want me to help?”


He nodded slowly.


“Move Josh,” I said as I knelt down.


Josh scrambled out of the way, his hard cock bobbing in front of him.


“Lemme see what I can do, keep him distracted guys.”


Chad grabbed John's head and turned it back to his cock. John meekly opened his mouth and allowed Chad to start mouthfucking him willingly.


I licked the underside of John's balls and moved lower towards his hungry hole. I pulled his legs forward and pushed him up some so I had better access, this allowed Chad to actually stand up over John's face and feed the alpha jock his entire length in one dip. John choked at first but Chad held his head still, forcing the bigger guy to take his whole length at once.


I began to lick around John's ass, eliciting moans from him. His tiny, little jock hole winked at me, begging me in morse code to shove my cock into it and never stop pounding it. I pulled the vibrator out in one movement, which caused John to moan again, I quickly replaced it with two fingers. I jammed them up his ass, my fingertips looking for this already overworked prostate. His whole ass clenched when I brushed over it and I smiled as he let me know I'd struck gold again.


I began to jam them in and out, abusing his boy button for almost a minute straight with no relief. His cock was swollen and leaking precum like it was a busted faucet. His moans had become screams had become pleas until finally he spit the cock out of his mouth and bellowed, “FUCK MAKE IT STOP!”


I stopped fingerfucking him and locked eyes with him, “You want me to try to scratch it like earlier?”


He seemed embarrassed for a moment.


Chad leaned in close to him, “It's cool man, we've all been there. We're bros...we'll help you out.”


John looked at Chad and you could see the gratitude in his face.


“You want us to help?” he asked and John nodded. Chad leaned in and kissed him as John responded passionately.


I pulled my shorts off and coated my cock in lube, “Ok John, here we go.”


He broke free of the kiss and looked down at me.


“Grab your knees and pull them back,” I said, knowing this would be the make of break moment.


Slowly, this fucking linebacker jock reached down, grabbed the back of his knees and pulled them back, exposing his weeping little hole, all but begging me to fuck him.


I pressed my cockhead to his hole, “Someone distract him.”


Paul waved his dick in front of John and damned if he didn't open his mouth like a good little slut.


I pushed into him as Paul grabbed the back of his head and pushed him down on his cock.


It was happening, me and the guys had the hottest football player at A&M on our couch, servicing us like he was a fucking common whore. He held his legs apart as I began to really slam into him, making this little piggy squeal every time I bottomed out in him. I wasn't gentle and I wasn't slow, I hit this motherfucker as hard as I could, rearranging his guts with my cock without a hint of mercy. Abut seven slams into it he pulled away and let out a loud, “OH FUCK!!!” as I hit him again and again.


Chad grabbed a hunk of his hair and said, “Get back to work cunt.”


John's mouth was already open as Chad pushed it down on his dick.


I leaned in, making sure he felt every, single inch of my thick cock up in him, working his ass, teaching it what he wanted, what he needed. He walked in this house a fucking alpha jock, pussy magnet, and he was going to walk out our personal cum slut. I fucked him until my cock was getting raw and looked at Chad, “You ready?”


He smiled and pulled his cock out of John's mouth, “Lay on our back,” he ordered, pushing John down onto the couch.


John laid back his legs up. Chad moved between them, “I like to look at my bitches when they get fucked.”


He crammed his cock into John's hole and John let out a long moan as Chad began to work him.


“Get this cunt to shut up,” he ordered and Paul moved over towards John's head and just held his cock out.


Like a trained pet, John leaned over and took the cock into his mouth and began to service him as if he was born to. It was fucking hot to watch the guys work him over like this. I looked over by the kitchen and Sammy and Eli were there, both of them furiously stroking their cocks as they watched their older brother get gang banged.


Chad had John almost folded in half as he kept pistoning in and out of John's abused hole. John's cock had not gotten soft, if anything it looked closer to popping than it had earlier. It's massive head was an angry purple and there were streams of precum traveling down it's veiny length.


“Let's rotate out,” I said and Chad pulled his cock out.


John actually looked distressed as his hole was suddenly empty.


Paul got up, “Get on the floor,” he snapped.


John fell off the couch and the guys moved him up to all fours.


Paul wasted no time mounting the stud, knocking the breath out of John as he began to thrust into him with wild abandonment. Josh moved over to the front and once again, all he had to do was present his cock and John willingly began to suck on it, no instruction needed.


This was hot, but I wanted more.


“Keep him busy,” I said to Josh. He nodded and grabbed both sides of John's head, making him service every inch of his cock.


I grabbed Sammy's hand, “Come on.”


He went along with me as I pulled him over towards Paul, “He's going to play through.”


Paul reluctantly slid his cock out of John's ass, eliciting another moan of disappointment from John.


“No talking, no sounds,” I said grabbing Sammy's massive tool and lining it up to his brother's now wrecked hole.


Sammy nodded as I pressed his head into his older brother, both of them letting out a throaty moan.


John had been fucked well, but none of the cock's were even close to his little brother's. Sammy pressed forward, his fucking monster stretching his brother's hole further than it had ever been. John's mouth fell of of Josh's cock as he started to pant. Sammy just kept pushing in, not slowing a bit.


“Fuck...oh fuck....JESUS!!” John wailed, “Your cock....fuck....fuckfuckfuck....”


Sammy pushed thee last inches of his cock into his older brother and John collapsed to his elbows. He could no longer hold himself up as Sammy began to rock his cock back and forth into him, Every time Sammy's pubes slapped his older brother's ass John let out a grunt and a small whimper after. I had expected Sammy to just pound his brother to death but instead he was slowly milking his cock in and out of John's ass, making the older boy feel every single inch.


One the sixth stroke in John jerked and let out a whine and Sammy stopped.


He slowly backed up and again John reacted.


An evil grin spread across the high schooler's face as he realized exactly where his older brother's boybutton was.


Now Sammy began to push harder, adjusting his hips each time so that his fucking massive cockhead punched John's prostate dead on. The first few times John's head flew back, the sounds coming from him were part pain and part pleasure. But as Sammy began to really unload John's sounds changed from arrghhh to oohhhh....to finally....more.


Sammy smile and began to fuck his brother harder as John began to push back.


“Harder...fuck...harder....” John begged.


Sammy grabbed his brother's hips and began to really grudge fuck him. John held on for dear life as his little brother's cock took him from pain to discomfort to absolute bliss in a matter of minutes. John propped himself up to his hands again so he could push back harder onto Sammy's cock. The sweat flying from his face as he begged his little brother to fuck him harder.


“More...more....fuck me harder....harder...” he pleaded.


If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it. I had broken alpha studs before, stripped of them of their bravado and left them a begging, sniveling mess of a slut. I had completely shattered their egos and made them serve me before. I had done all of that and more.


But I had never taken a fucking alpha top like John and made him a power bottom, screaming for more and more cock at the top of his lungs. John didn't know where he was, who was around him, nothing. All he knew was his little brother's fat, nine and half inches up his ass and the fact he never wanted it to end.


But of course it had to.


John began to pant he was close and Sammy doubled down on his thrusts, making John let out a cry as he realized he was never in control of this fuck. He had never been a part of this with Sammy, instead he realized he was nothing more than a hole to this huge cock and he was seconds away from being a cumdump for whoever had been fucking him.


As John shot load after load over his tight abs, part of him realized, from now on that was exactly how he wanted it.


John groaned as he came everywhere, he collapsed onto the floor, his breath ragged and uneven.


Sammy pulled out and moved to John's face. I tried to stop him but he put his hands over John's eyes and pulled his head back, making his mouth open.

And he groaned as he shot his load into his older brother's mouth, making John eat every drop of cum that came from his elephant cock. I was surprised as anyone to see John's tongue dart out to catch every drop he could feel, even pausing to lick his own lips to get more of his little brother's cum.


Sammy let go of his head and John collapsed into the carpet, already passed out.


He looked up and saw all of us stroking our own cocks, each one of us close to blowing our load over what we had just seen.


Sammy looked at me and winked, and my cock exploded, images of him riding his older brother etched into my brain like after images f looking at the sun.


That was this kid was like, looking at the sun too long.


And I was slowly going blind.

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Part Sixteen


John woke up the next morning, bound in cuffs.


He stirred slowly, making an audible groan as he moved his head.


“Hurts right” I asked, sitting at the bedside.


He slowly looked over at me with half open eyes. He went to move and found his arms were bound. “What's the fuck?” he croaked.


“Here,” I said taking the cap off a water, “You won't be able to talk with that cottonmouth.”


I put the bottle up to his lips while he just glared at me.


“You can drink or sit there, I don't give a fuck.”


He wrapped his lips around the bottle and drank the entire contents in one long gulp. I tossed the bottle away and sat back down.


“Why am I tied up?” he asked.


“Because we need to talk and I don't trust you not to talk with your hands.”


He struggled with the cuffs, “Why what happened last night?”


“You know what happened.”


He locked eyes with me, “No, I really don't.”


“Really?” I said pulling my phone out, “You sure about that?”


He watched as I plowed him the first time, him grunting and begging the whole time. His face got pale and his mouth hung open as he stared at the impossible. “You raped me?”


“See there is that word again, rape,” I said as I loaded the next video up, “Rape implies non consensual, and this is anything but.”


I showed him on all fours as he begged Sammy to fuck him. I made sure he couldn't tell who was fucking him, but the sounds of him begging for more were loud and clear. Again he just watched in shock/horror/fascination. He wasn't looking away, which is a good sign unto itself.


“See John, that's you,” I pointed to the screen, “And that's you shooting your load from getting fucked like a bitch.”


“No...” he said softly, trying to convince himself that the video was a fake.


I moved over to the bed, making sure the video was right in his face. He could have stopped watching at anytime by closing his eyes, but he didn't. Instead he was locked onto him getting fucked like his life depended on it.


“It's not your fault dude,” I said calmly, “I mean what can you do about an itchy ass?”


His eyes darted to me as a moment of recognition passed through his mind.


“Right? You know it's true right?” I said, moving my other hand between his legs.


“Don't,” he warned.


“But why John? Look at the video...you like it. You want it.”


“N-no...you drugged me.”


“You were wasted sure, but you're not now. And your ass is itching all the same.”


He looked back at the phone and then back to me.


“It's no big deal man, just give in to what you want.”


“I don't want this!” he cried.


“Then why is your cock hard?” I said grabbing his fucking beast of a cock by the base.


He let out a moan as he looked down at his judas dick.


“You're turned on man, it's ok.”


He shook his head while I stroked him slowly, the drop of precum pooling at the head while he tried to will it to stop. “Come on John, remember how good it felt?” I let go of the phone and slipped my other hand under him.


“Please don't...” he whimpered, the sound of him begging for more cock filling the room.


“But why John,” my finger touched his hole, “Why deny yourself this?”


“Not a fag...” he tried to reason as I pressed slowly into him.


“No, you're a not a fag. You just like getting fucked, there's a big difference.”


My finger slid easily up his ass, he tried to clench it shut but his little brother had stretched him so much that it didn't stop me from digging deeper and deeper.


“Stop...don't...” he intoned, his head thrashing from side to side as I got further into him.


“But your cock, it's even harder now...” I made sure to jerk him a couple of times to prove it. “Just say you want it John.”


His eyes were closed and he had already started sweating.


“Just relax...” I said sweetly.


“I don't want....”


And I passed over his prostate.


“Ugghhhhh...” he groaned as his willpower deserted him.


“What's that John?” I asked, rubbing back and forth over his spot, “Your ass itchy John? Your ass itchy again?”


He was trying to hold on for dear life, he really was. But the truth of the matter was that his prostate was being over stimulated, he was being triggered into flashbacks by asking about the itchy ass and he was remembering what it felt like to be fucked. Of course most of that was the drugs, but he still felt it and was remembering it.


“Just relax John...accept it...”


He shook his head again as I started to just straight on assault his ass. He was jerking up and down like he was being exposed to an electrical wire, his cock was burping precum everywhere, betraying how turned on he was right now.


“Come on John, let go. Just accept it...” I slipped another finger into him, “Your ass is just too itchy...”


With two fingers I could apply so much more force, making his open his mouth in a silent scream as I stopped moving over his boybutton and just started to stab at it. His hips were off the bed as he simultaneously tried to get away from my hand and slam himself down on it harder.


“Come on John, admit it.”


He still said nothing, but his abs were covered in cock snot.


So I slipped my fingers out in one quick motion, “Ok, never mind.”


His eyes flew open and he looked up at me, in a full blown panic, but his mouth unable to let him speak.


“What? Fine John, I'll leave you alone.”


He looked down at his dripping cock and then focused on my phone again, and the image of him begging to be fucked harder and harder.


“Ok.” he said in a small voice.




“Ok, do it,” he said.


“Do what?”


“Get me off!” he roared.


And now for the last part of our lesson.


I jumped up on the bed and grabbed his throat, making his eyes bug out in shock.


“Listen your fucking pussy boy. You want to get fucked then you ask for it like any other slut. You ain't no fucking alpha jock, you're a bottom bitch who needs to be fucked. So the quicker you understand that the better.”


I Let go of him so he could take a breath and grabbed the dildo off the nightstand. I shoved it up into him and turned it on full blast. A squeal came out of his mouth as I grabbed his cock again.


“You get it bitch? You aren't in control here, I am. You get that?”


He nodded, sweat flying off of him.


“What was that?”


“Yes, I got it!”


“Yes what?”


He looked up at me, trying to look upset so I stroked him harder, breaking his concentration.


“Yes what?”


“Yes sir,” he finally blurted out, “Yes sir I understand.”


“You got an itchy ass cunt?”


'Yes sir!”


“You want me to take care of it?”


“Please sir, please...” he started to ramble, his instincts of last night kicking in.


I grabbed my blindfold and slipped it over his eyes, “Fine, get ready to be fucked.”


I slipped the dildo out and opened my door.


Sammy walked in, monster cock bobbing in front of him as he climbed onto the bed.


Without a word he pressed his hard to his older brother's tight, little jock hole and waited.


“Yes sir...that's it...please sir...” John begged, feeling himself mere moments away from relief.


Sammy moved his hips forward slightly, shoving his oversized mushroom head past John's sphincter. John let out a hiss as it popped in, Sammy just stood still, letting him adjust to his girth.


“Fuck...jesus fuck...you're too big...”


Sammy pushed a couple of inches in and John's head slammed side to side as he tried to maintain his composure.


“FUCK! You're so fucking big......your cock.....jesus....”


Sammy pushed another couple inches in and his older brother bore down on the pain. John didn't know it, but he was getting used to getting fucked. Sammy was about halfway in and he paused again, letting his brother adjust.


“Fuckfuckfuck,..” John panted, “Shit...so fucking big...”


“You like that cock stretching your hole,” Sammy asked in a deep voice, disguising his own.


John nodded, “Yes sir...so fucking full...”


“You want more?” he asked, holding his hips still.


Out of nowhere John raised his hips and shoved another couple of inches into his ass, “Fuck em sir...I can take the pain.”


The look of lust and power on Sammy's face was insane and I actually felt my own cock react.


John felt his little brother shove the rest of his cock into him, both of them grunting from the sensation. Once bottomed out Sammy held still, letting his jock bother adjust to this cock, and giving him one last moment of rest.


“You ready?” he asked.


“Yes sir,” John answered, eagerly.


Sammy slowly slid the length of his cock out, “Ask me.”


“Fuck me sir.”


“Beg me.”


“Please fuck me sir.”




“Please god sir give me your fucking cock!”


Sammy answered by shoving his entire length in at once, causing John's head to fly back and for him to let out a groan that could probably be heard across the street. The youngest Parker wasted no time in laying assault to his oldest brother's ass. Sammy's cock stretched John's hole to it's limit, his own cock stood straight up as he got fucked, with each shove another bead of precum was released.


John gasped as Sammy took his brother's legs and spread them wishbone style, allowing him even deeper entry into that ass.


“FUCCKKKK!!!” John screamed as Sammy doubled his efforts, not just fucking but completely destroying his brother's ass. Taking what was a virgin, straight jock hole last night and turning it into a swollen, weeping hole full of cum. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck...” John panted as Sammy would not let up. His perfect as was a blur as he pounded all nine plus inches harder and harder into his brother.


Sammy let go of John's legs and was rewarded by John wrapping them around his wait and pulling him closer as John pushed back onto his little brother's cock. It was hotter than nay porn I had ever seen, the toned, hung, high school jock plowing the built, football stud mercilessly. The fact that John was straight and Sammy was his brother just made it all that more hot.


Now it was time to teach that to John.


I moved over towards John's head and gave Sammy the signal to slow down. He stopped jackhammering John and started long, leisurely pushes into him.


“No!” John whined, pulling Sammy into him with his legs again, “Harder...harder...:


“How bad you want this cock?” I asked him.


“So bad...please sir...I'm close...your cock is getting me so close...”


A lot of people think that straight men are all the same. They think once someone has realized they are straight that it's the end of the discussion. That if they fuck enough girls, eat enough pussy, then that is just the way it is. The truth of the matter is, men, all men, have a preference and that preference can change. Sometimes naturally, sometimes by an accidental encounter, sometimes by medication, but in the end it's all just a preference. The key to overcoming that is to make the guy feel more pleasure than he ever had before. There is a limit on how much a man can resist their sexual urges before they just snap. They preference, common sense, all of it, it is just foreplay to the actual sexual drive that lies beneath us all. In the last 24 hours John had been given pleasure like he had never felt it before, and he was holding on to his masculinity and heterosexuality for dear life. But the drugs, the conditioning, the fact that Sammy's cock can make sex trans formative, all of it together had driven John to this moment, the edge of abandonment and desire.


I was about to push him over.


“Beg him to fuck you,”


“PLEASE FUCK ME SIR!” John screamed.






I looked at Sammy, “You heard him, fuck him.”


Sammy began to fuck him for real, Not for strength, not for domination, but for sex, for actual sexual pleasure. As he pushed into his brother's hole he made sure to angle his thrust to completely smash his prostate, bring John full seconds of absolute pleasure like he had never imagined. He made sure to press down as he pulled out, dragging his entire girth along John's tight hole, touching him in places he never knew he had. He fucked him good, he fucked him steady, he was fucking him to cum.


“Oh god...fuck yeah...fuck...fuck...” John cried out, his entire mind gone, only sex remained.


I watched his cock, the way it bobbed, the precum that dripped down his shaft, the way it lurched in the air every time Sammy hit his spot. I watched and waited...


And then I moved.


“Thank him for fucking you so good,” I said.


“Thank you sir...thank you...your cock....god your cock...thank you sir, thank you...”

And I pulled off the blindfold.


Sammy paused and John looked up to see his little brother between his legs, felt his cock swell in him and the fact that the last few minutes he had been begging him to fuck him sank into John's mind. His eyes were wide as the pieces fell in his mind...


Sammy had a wicked grin on his face and said, “You're welcome...” and pushed into him.


John cock's exploded untouched. A geyser of fucking cum erupted between them as John's ass clenched around his little brother's cock and the last dregs of his resistance vanished.


“Sammy! OH Sammy!!” he screamed as he came, he pulled at the cuffs again as he came and came and came.


“You like that john?” Sammy said, fucking him as he came, “You like my fucking cock?”


“Oh god your cock...your fucking cock...” John wailed as another load shot over his lips, his tongue darting out to catch as much as he can.


“You're my cunt now John...this cock owns you...”


John was just nodding, “You own me Sammy..you own me...”


I undid the cuffs and his arms fell to his side as Sammy pulled out and climbed up to straddle his big brother's chest.


“Take me load, open that mouth.”


John grabbed his little brother's perfect ass and steadied him as he opened his mouth and waited for his reward like a good cum slut does.


Sammy unloaded into him, John chocking as his mouth filled up with his brother's spunk. He tried to swallow it all bit dribbles slipped out down his cheek as he struggled to contain the load. Sammy leaned down and kissed him, John sharing his brother's load with him as he embraced him and kissed him back.


I let my cock free and came, watching them kiss like that, I had done it, I had corrupted the Parker Brothers.

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Great writing ! I agree with your statement

There is a limit on how much a man can resist their sexual urges before they just snap. They preference, common sense, all of it, it is just foreplay to theactual sexual drive that lies beneath us all. In the last 24 hours John had been given pleasure like he had never felt it before, and he was holding on to his masculinity and heterosexuality for dear life. But the drugs, the conditioning, the fact that Sammy's cock can make sex trans formative, all of it together had driven John to this moment, the edge of abandonment and desire.

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Well @Dubconforlife... thanks for many things... 

For your story at first, well written, easy to be read, even by a foreign reader like me, and with a good rhythm (I suppose that in real life everything would have been slower... more resistance, second thoughts, regrets and revenge’s feelings but subsequently a more boring never ending story).

 Thanks for what I suppose to be a final chapter ... oh, please, don’t misunderstand me I simply love the stories with a begin and a end, that made the story complete (of course then Parker Brothers will be always welcome but in another story).

 Finally, at last but not least, thanks for the description of what I think to be the real domination... Dominate someone only by force or heavy drugs is IMHO to easy to do, everyone would be able to do it, instead the real domination is more subtitle, you have to be able to induce someone to recognise its own real nature and to desire to be part of your  projects.

 It’s a pleasure you have found this site.

Edited by Fistcumslut
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