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Teasing Grindr Top Leads to Forced play


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I was horny and hungover and feeling a bit burned out from partying the night before. In total I had about 2 hours of sleep between hanging with a few friends and then getting home and trying to pass out. Every time I tried to sleep, I would end up on my phone and refreshing my Grindr screen over and over again. 

After a few more attempts to sleep, I said fuck it, got up and smoked some weed while cruising for dick. I live in an urban area but with COVID-19 and a relatively small bubble, I have not been hooking up much... or at all. The sexual frustration was getting to me. I am a late 20s guy, pretty sexually adventurous, but also really shy and often afraid to make the first move. I am 5'11, 180 lbs, 6in uc dick, and handsome, or so I am told.

My online profiles are pretty tame. I usually use two different accounts and this early morning I was logged into my slut account. Barely any information, just a picture of me in my underwear showing off a thick ass, and the title, "Looking now" with a downwards arrow. I tend to get a bit of chatter from guys but rarely do I get and solid action and I often chicken out before anything can happen. I am a bit goofy but have a dark side, especially when I party. I have lots of desires and fetishes, but rarely do I act on any of them for fear of being hurt or in catching something. Also, I am always worried that my sexual adventures could follow me publicly. Today I wasn't really sure what I was looking for, I just knew my thresholds and inhibitions seem to feel much lower than usual. 

Shortly into my Grindr refresh and toke journey I got a message from a blank profile about 5 miles away, asking me what's up, followed by a dick pic, and, "looking to play? hosting here." The dick was wet and hard, uncut, and looked like it was attached to a fairly average body and a huge set of balls. My stoner mind, hard dick, and hangover combined, making my mouth water and my ass feel tight just at the sight of the dick. I took a hit of poppers and started crafting my reply.

Me: "Hey, hot dick. Horny here. Hungover, not sure what I am looking for. Had a pretty late night"

Him: "Nice. Your ass looks nice, you like to get fucked? Hosting and alone here. You should come over."

I dont know what compelled me to write what I wrote next, but I did.

Me: "You ever like it anon?"

I often watch a lot of amateur anonymous bareback porn, with the scenes where a younger guy is blindfolded and used by a few men always making me cum. 

Him: "Fuck yeh. You want it anon? We can do it anon. I have my own place and I can blindfold you. We never have to even see each other's faces." 

My dick started to throb. I closed Grindr for a minute, feeling overwhelmed and thinking this conversation was going to get me into trouble. I switched back to some porn, took another hit of weed and a hit of poppers. As soon as the poppers and weed starting hitting I switched back to Grindr and saw a few more messages from the same guy.

"Come on over, I can fuck you, you can leave. It will be fun. Trust me"... "Hey? You interested?"... "Fuck dude, where did you go? So horny here"... "you like to party?"... "fine, you are just another cock tease. fuck it."

I had only ghosted for a few minutes but clearly he was frustrated. I zeroed in on the party comment and decided to say fuck it, I am going for it.

Me: "Yeh. I like to party. Ill come over. But I want it anon, you do what you want to me. I def like to party, Stoned here but open to all kinds. Do what you want."

He replied with his address and asked, "how long?"

I ordered an Uber.

Me: "10 minutes away, should arrive in 20. What are my instructions?"


In the 10 minutes before the uber arrived I did a quick clean out. My head was a bit light, but I could feel the stone starting to wear off so I took a shot of tequila. It was pretty early in the morning, but I knew I was going to lose my nerve. When the Uber arrived, I locked the door to my place, left a note for my roomie, and headed out. In the car I read his instructions over and over again. 

Him: "When you arrive, come in the side door off of the garage and strip down completely. I will have a bandana and a jock strap for you to put on. Leave your clothes in the garage. Once you are ready, I will come and get you and lead you into the house. Then, you follow instructions. Is that clear?" I had responded and said yes, but between the time I confirmed and getting into the uber, my nerve was starting to dissolve. The shot of tequila hadnt done much, the weed was wearing off, and I couldnt sniff poppers in the back of the uber. Suddenly, I felt afraid. I sent him a message. I was having second thoughts. 

"Im on my way over. Im getting nervous. You do this often?" No response. The uber kept driving along. Thankfully the journey was a bit slower than I anticipated. I wrote some more. "You got condoms?" No response. His profile indicated he was online, but he was either ignoring me or he was preoccupied. "Man, I am really having second thoughts. How do I know you wont hurt me?" Still no response. I sat silently in the uber and refreshed my grindr page. His profile was getting closer and closer. As we neared his place, more hot profiles starting showing. I thought, at least I could ditch him and head somewhere else if needed. I was wrestling with myself and my head, feeling my cock strain against my tight undies in my blue jeans while my rational and logical brain were telling me to go home, find another way to scratch this itch. 

I was lost in my thought when I felt the driver slow the car down and stop. We pulled over on the side of the street and in the lot next to where we were was a nice average looking home in a decent neighbourhood. The lights were seemingly off and there was no car in the driveway. The driver asked, "are you getting out?" I mumbled something, looked out the window and just as I did, rain started pouring down. "Man, I got other rides I gotta get. You want to get out here or do you need to go somewhere else?" Was I ready for this? I wasn't so sure. I was incredibly horny, but I wasn't sure the guy was even there. He hadn't responded to any of the messages and suddenly my phone vibrated. It was a message from him. It read:

Him: "get out of the car and come inside like instructed".

I looked at the uber driver, said thanks, and walked out into the rain. I was instantly soaked. The entire time I kept one hand in my pocket, holding onto my poppers. The other hand held my phone, which was thankfully waterproof. The walk from the curb to the door on the garage was only a few moments, but my clothes were completely soaked through and the wet denim was rubbing against my cock as I walked. I stood outside the door for a few moments, looked at our grindr conversation, and said to myself, fuck it, you are here now might as well go through with it. I was overcome with anticipation and I couldn't turn back now. 

I opened the door and entered the dark garage. It was quiet except for the sound of the rain. My eyes took a few moments to adjust, but over to the left hand side next to a door going into the house I saw a stool with a bottle of water, some fabric, and a note. The note read, "Take off your clothes. Put on the blindfold and the jock strap and sit on the stool." I did as I was instructed. My pants were soaked so I wasnt sure where to put the phone or my blindfold, so I held the phone in my hand and tucked the poppers into the waist band of the jock strap. The jock was tight, pulling my skin and holding my cock and walls up tight against my body. My skin was cold and wet from the rain and my nerves were feeling pretty intense. I started to shiver. 

I heard the sound of a door, possibly the one next to me. I heard some breathing. My senses were overwhelmed without being able to see. The rain sounded like it was pounding furiously against the roof. I was about to ask if everything was alright when I felt a hand grap my wrist and pull me up abruptly. Then he spoke. "Give me your phone and your poppers. Ill give them back once we are inside". I wanted to speak or object, but my body gave in. His deep voice and commanding tone gave me no room to say otherwise. He started to lead me through the door. He didnt talk and he guided me roughly, but I felt I didnt have much choice. We went down a set of carpeted stairs shortly after going through the door. It smelled like we were in a basement, not bad, but distinct. I made a few surprised sounds as he guided me around, but we didnt talk. We stopped. I felt him come around in front of me. He seemed taller, bigger, and much more of a man than me. I couldn't see him, but in my eye I kept picturing his dick and the grindr messages. It was much warmer down here than the garage, but I was still shaking. He grabbed both my wrists and held them up in front of me. He started wrapping something around my wrists. I was scared and I wasn't sure what was happening. Was he tying me up? I opened my mouth to say something and just as I did he leaned in close and I could feel his breath on my face. He spoke, "Repeat after me. 'This is going to be fun.'" I was startled, and wasn't sure what I should do. He was tying my wrists very tightly. He said it again. "I said, repeat after me. 'This is going to be fun'." I started to whisper his words back to him. He laughed with a short gruff chuckle. "Fuck yeh."

He stepped away. I wasnt sure where he was, I couldnt really tell where in a room I was. I was just standing there in my jock and now my hands were tied in front of me. I was able to move my elbows and extend a bit, but I wasn't sure what was going to come next. Suddenly I felt a rough push, shoving me forward. I couldnt catch myself and I fell forward quickly. I didnt fall far or hard, but I landed on something soft and about the size of my torso with my knees hitting the carpeted floor and my head and part of my chest falling a bit over the edge of something. It felt like he threw me over an ottoman. He spoke, "Hold these, use them as you'd like". He put a bottle in my hand, it felt like my poppers. My nerves were really getting the best of me. I wanted to ask what was happening. I felt him grab my ankles and start pulling them apart. I was prone, half tied up, and ass up over an ottoman. This was already more than I bargained for.

Me: "Hey, I think this is getting out of hand and I..." I wasnt able to say anything else. He leaned forward and shoved his fingers in my mouth. 

Him: "Shhh. You are going to love this." Somehow with his free hand I could feel him wrapping something around my ankles while his other fingers were down my throat. He switched hands and continued probing my mouth with his other hand. The hand that was just in my mouth went to my ass. It felt like he was trying to explore my throat with this hand from the inside out. I started to gag and convulse a little bit, but he kept at it. His mouth tasted funny and at times it felt like there was something in his hand as if he was trying to force me to swallow something. As he did this started poking at my hole. I could feel the left over saliva on his fingers from when he first entered my mouth. He applied a little bit of pressure and slipped inside in with his finger going straight in. I groaned. It felt good but I also was starting to feel terrified. I also couldnt speak. He fingered my mouth and my whole for a few minutes longer while I groaned before pulling out suddenly. 

I started to speak.

Me: "Hey, this is hot, but did you get my messages? You got condoms?" He laughed again in that short gruff sort of way, but didn't respond. I considered my options. I was now tied up at the feet, attached to something, not sure what, but my legs were pulled somewhat apart and my I was splayed out over this ottoman, my hands being tied too. I could operate the bottle of poppers, but otherwise, my wrists were joined and I wasn't overly mobile. 

"Look. You can fuck me, but.. I ..l ... " My brain started feeling really warm. I could feel myself grinding the ottoman slightly, my dick rubbing against the fabric of the jock and the furniture. It was feeling somewhat hard to speak. "...I... i... I really want to play safe." He chuckled again and spoke, "I can do whatever I want." I started to reply again but as I did, he interrupted. "There is something to drink in front of you. Ill be back". With that, I heard him walk away. 


I couldnt see anything, all I could do was feel my other senses. When I first got in the room I couldn't hear anything, now, seemingly alone, I could hear the rain, occasional noises from the house, and I could hear porn playing softly. I was completely over my head here, but I was also getting more and more horny. The night before my friends and I had taken some MDMA, and I have partied a fair bit, so I could tell that I was now on something. My growing horniness was alongside my lack of ability to focus on anything but my dick. I could still operate the bottle of poppers and also reach the water bottle in front of me. I took some swigs of water and took a few hit of poppers and my mind exploded. The water tasted funny and everything was becoming more difficult while my ass and dick were radiating heat. I had nothing else I could do but sniff the poppers, drink the water, and grind. 

I heard the door open and I groaned. I must have been a beautiful site, ass up, tied up, and grinding into the ottoman. The faint sounds of porn that I could hear earlier suddenly got a lot louder and music was turned on. It was a deep thumbing electronic beat, with the sounds of someone getting fucked on top of it. I couldn't hear anything else. 

I felt a hand on my ass. Then, the hand glided around my body. He was coming around to face me in the front. His hand felt like electric fire tracing a line from my ass to my head. I could barely think about anything other than cock. I was clearly very high, on some sort of MDMA mix. My ass was tingling really intensely and I couldn't measure the passing of time. As the hand reached my hand I felt a dick poke at my face. I opened my mouth and let it in. It was a nice dick, likely around 7inches. It was leaking precum already and I couldnt get enough. I groaned heavily while I started sucking. The hand became a set of hands and both wrapped around the back of my head and he started pumping in and out of my mouth with the beat of the music and said, "Fuck yeah, take that dick". I was feeling really out of it, but I could tell instantly that this was a different voice. It was slightly higher, less rough, and sounded like it belonged to someone younger. I kept sucking. As I did I felt something on my ass. A cold drizzle of liquid was poured on my ass as this new person drilled in and out of my mouth. What the fuck was happening? How am I now high on god knows what in the basement of a strangers house with lube being poured down my ass crack while another strangers dick was in my mouth? 

I felt a hand on my ass, pulling and poking the lube into my hole with a finger. There was very little resistance. The drugs and poppers made me very loose. Behind my blindfold the darkness was replaced with a cascading and ever changing series of images influenced by the sounds of the porn, what i was experienced, and the music. I felt helpless and ravenous. 

The dick pulled out of my mouth. I heard the original voice, coming from behind me, "Ive got him ready to go. You have first go". The person in front of me moved away from me and behind. I started to feel nervous again and began to speak, but it was hard to get my words together. "I... i... use... safe." I heard both of them chuckle. I went to open my mouth again but didnt get any words out before I felt a dick enter my mouth. As it did, I heard the original man. Him: "We are safe. You are safe. Shh. Dont worry. Enjoy the experience." He started pumping in and out of my mouth and I felt the other guy spread my ass cheeks apart as he placed the head of his dick at my hole. I started to mumble while the dick was in my mouth something that might have sounded like "condom" but it was barely audible. He pushed in and entered me fully. I was now high as a kit, impaled by two cocks from two strangers, tied up in a basement. 

Both men were pumping me with the sound of the music, or at least it felt that way. I was in part feeling like I was in heaven, and in another way, I was feeling like I was on a one-way ride to hell. These men could do whatever they wanted to me, I couldnt do anything about it. I didnt want to do anything about it. I couldn't tell for sure, but given the sounds of the porn in the room, the use of drugs, and the commands I was being given, I was pretty sure there were no condoms being used here this morning. I didnt have the energy to ask or protest. 

Both men were fairly silent except for the occasional groan. I felt like we had only been fucking for a few minutes, but time didn't quite make sense. I could feel their rhythm, but the loud music and the inability to move with the blindfold only allowed me to really focus on the sensations of their dicks. The cock in my mouth would push in to my throat, then pull out so just the head was inside. I could taste pearls of precum on the tip of the uncut dick and I eagerly lapped it up. The dick in my ass would go all the way in and pause and pull out slowly, then pick up the pace. I was being ridden by two men at the same time in a drugged out fantasy of my making. 

I really started to lose touch with reality and my brain felt like it was going to spin. The man in front of me, who I assumed was the man I originally talked with, was also feeding me a steady supply of poppers. The man behind me was at a steady pace, but his noises started to increase. The porn that was playing was getting more intense. I could hear a bottom groaning and whimpering at what sounded like a room of men. The sounds of the men inside me and the sounds of the men I could hear from the porn started to become indistinguishable. In my mind, behind the blindfold, I started to picture myself as the bottom in whatever porn they were playing. I was a fucktoy and nothing else. 

The guy inside my ass groaned, and I felt him put all his wait in me as he put his head behind mine and let out a growl. The man in my mouth shoved his cock deep then pulled out slightly at the same time. Suddenly, spurt after spurt of cum hit my tongue while both men growled. I felt the guy in my ass shudder and push deeper and pull out slightly and hold his dick as it spasmed in my hole. I was being filled up from both ends. I felt my mouth around the dick and I was sucking on it tightly, feeling like I should never let it go. My ass was clenched tightly around the other mans cock. I wanted it all. 

Both mean eased out of both holes, despite the vice grip my mouth and ass had on them. They both backed away from me and then I couldnt tell what was happening. All I could hear was the porn and the music. All I could feel was empty, with dribbles of cum rolling down my chin and my ass feeling very wet. I felt a hand on my back and suddenly a voice by my ear and then, he spoke. It was the original guy. "Hear, take these. We need a break. We will back shortly. Enjoy yourself till then." He shoved his hand in my mouth, pulled my head back and made me swallow. I wasnt sure what it was. Another set of hands was behind me and I felt something push at my hole. It didnt feel like a dick, it must have been a but plug. My ass tingled and burned slightly, but it felt great to be full at least. After I finished swallowing I felt something being fastened around my head and then felt something rubber being placed in my mouth. A ball gag.

Then, I was alone. The music was turned off as well. I could still hear the porn and between the sounds of someone getting railed on whatever video they were watching, I heard sounds of footsteps walking away followed by the sound of a door. 

I was alone. I heard a door open again, some distance away and the second guy, the one who surprised me yelled, "We might need a break fag, but there are others who are ready to go. We gave our address out to a few guys online with pics of your sweet hole. Get ready to be used." 


More to come. Sorry if this was too long. Was trying to include details. I love stories like this so thought I would try writing one myself. 



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