AznslutSF Posted February 23, 2022 Report Posted February 23, 2022 @losolent another amazing chapter! I love the way you describe and put so much life and realism into your chapters. It pulls me in and makes me feel like I was at the ball. You are truly a master at captivating your audience. Also your foreshadowing is on point, the way you describe Stephanie just made me have a premonition that Alden would become involved some how. Ohhhhh I am so excited to find out what happens after the ball, Alden and Stephanie’s date, the final meeting with the governor premier, the formal announcement and everything else! 2
seattlebbbtm Posted February 23, 2022 Report Posted February 23, 2022 The layers and detail and character develop are extraordinary 1
losolent Posted February 28, 2022 Author Report Posted February 28, 2022 Part 36 - Passage Cruising Tom carried a tray of glasses and begun stacking them neatly in the containers ready for the caterers to collect in the morning. He along with two other footmen were the only ones left as the orchestra finished packing away and were taken to their vehicles by the security team. A silence now fell around them with only the clinking of glasses being stacked. The majority of the work was now done and the ballroom started to resemble some order now. Tom offered to finish off and the senior and other junior footman thanked him and headed off, he picked up his try and went over to the last two tables to clean away. Nick was enjoying a mug of hot chocolate in the palace kitchen after seeing Alden back to his quarters, it wasn't necessary but they had been chatting away and laughing so naturally Nick walked with him until he went inside. Nick was still buzzing at how much fun the evening had been and really liked Max and their banter. He chuckled remembering how Liam discreetly got Max in to the passage way without any one noticing so he could join Alex in his quarters. Even the palace kitchen was quiet with just the duty sous chef milling around prepping for breakfast and making stolen cake ready for the festivities. The two princes loved a cherry and almond stolen that had now become a tradition for the family to enjoy Christmas day in the afternoon. Nick sat there chatting to the sous chef watching him make the marzipan then rinsed his mug and put it away. He thanked the chef and headed out of the kitchen then typed in the security number and pushed the door open to the passage way. Tom finished and all he had to do was take the tray back to the kitchen then head off to his quarters. He stood and had one last look around the ballroom and smiled knowing how lucky he was to have this job, not only that he totally loved working in the palace as there was never a dull moment. It was hard work, yet with this really nice guy Jackson running the show everything and everyone was running seamlessly. He was a little jealous of the valet Francis who was in a stead fast relationship with Jackson now, after all Jackson was the type of guy Tom would have offered himself on a plate to. No one was fooled by Tom's young age and very placid looking nature, rumours spread far and wide in his hometown gay community knew that Tom was already quite a handful when it came to sex. Something that Marty had all to well discovered when letting his guard down and letting Tom loose on him one evening, they both had a sexual love for each other and Tom knew all about riding crops. Just thinking about it would get him worked up into a frenzy, the way Marty would whip him harder and harder the closer he got to orgasming. It was the way he would drop the crop then fall on top grabbing Tom's shoulders and slamming his hips hard grinding away at his young firm arse. Tom chuckled picking up the tray and opened the little flap in the wall typing in the code and pushing the door hidden in the wall open. Closing the little flap until it sat flush in the wall he entered the passage way thinking right then left to the green mark then right again to the palace kitchen. Still fairly knew and despite all the tours he had been given of the passage way he was the one who always seemed to appear in the wrong rooms giggling away trying to retrace his steps. Tom had in fact become known as lost boy, a name that was sticking as every time he appeared in the wrong room the household staff member would look over and simply ask 'Lost boy?'. He found it funny but he wasn't the only one who did this frequently and he had started a petition with Jackson to at least colour code some of the doors so household knew if it was private or public rooms that laid beyond. Fortunately Jackson saw the light so to speak and had already got the palace kitchens and utility areas with a green mark above them. Tom was still full of beans and decided he would head down to the swimming pool for a late night swim, something he had taken to when the palace was quiet with most of the household staff in bed and he had a late shift the following day. He would often do some exercising in the gym then enjoy swimming a few laps before bedding down for the night, he found that it helped him relax after his shift as a junior royal footman. Walking along the passage way he was humming to himself swinging the tray when the passage way door below the green mark opened and in stepped Nick with his shirt open half way down. Immediately Tom went weak at the knees. Nick looked directly at him and nodded. "Is that you done for the night?" Nick asked waiting and holding the door for Tom. Tom grinned stupidly "Yeah, just putting the tray back then hitting the gym and pool". "At this time of night?" Nick asked unable to take his eyes off his secret crush. He nodded "Why not?" Tom replied, "Best time as it is quiet, no one else around" he said. Nick smiled as Tom reached the door and he looked at Nick "Thanks" Tom said walking through. His heart beating hard in his chest having stood so close to Nick for the first time and with no one else around. He walked towards the kitchen and glanced over his shoulder as the door was closing, Nick also glanced over his shoulder and their eyes met, Nick smirked and winked at him making Tom go all giggly like a girl before they both faced forward again. Tom nearly banging in to the wall and missing the entrance to the kitchen. He couldn't believe that Nick the protection officer and muscle hunk just winked and took a second look at him. Pull yourself together he told himself putting the tray back in the rack and saying good night to the duty butler who had appeared preparing a pot of coffee for the night duty household. Tom wandered back through the silent passage ways. Back in his quarters he undressed out of his footman livery and threw on some shorts and a t-shirt then headed along the corridor quietly and in to the passage way towards the stairs leading down to the basement gym and pool. He reached the stair case and stopped to see Nick casually leaning against it with his arms folded accentuating his biceps under his tight t-shirt. Tom looked down the stairs then back to Nick unable to find any words to say. He had heard rumours how the passage ways was renowned for quick love trysts but cruising in this way was new to him, Tom wasn't one for playing games and usually got straight in to it. There was a hesitant unsureness around Tom, he couldn't figure out if Nick was cruising him or just standing there. Tom flung the towel over his shoulder and Nick moved walking towards him. "I hear you frequent the stables" Nick remarked moving ever so closer to Tom. Tom smirked "I like riding" he replied thinking how dumb he was rattling those words out. Nick smiled "So you have met Marty and his riding crop I guess?" he asked. Tom could smell Nick who was now standing so close to him "I like it rough" he said softly. "Good!" Nick said grabbing Tom and pulling him close, "Then you won't complain if I...". Nick was unable to finish his sentence being pushed up against the wall with Tom assaulting him with a very aggressive kiss that even had Nick surprised and taken back. Tom ran his tongue across Nick's partly open mouth before sinking his tongue in kissing him with a very brutal savageness. Nick was completely stumped for a second as Tom leaned back, he stroked the side of Nick's face then slapped him lightly but with enough sting behind it. Nick grabbed him and pushed Tom back against the wall "Right! That's how to want to play is it?". Tom couldn't resist baiting him "Fucking wuss" he said poking Nick in the chest. Nick shook his head and grinned, he moved like lightning and had Tom's arms pinned above his head. His mouth angrily kissing Tom on the neck and biting at his chin until he found the softness of his young lips. There was no sign of any resistance from Tom as he opened his mouth letting Nick kiss him with just as much anger. Nick pulled back and looked at his open mouth then spat in it and lunched himself on to Tom kissing him hard again. Letting go of Tom's arms he pulled the footman forward and wrapped his arms around him, their movements calming as they kissed longer and longer. Finally Nick pulled back and lifted Tom over his shoulder marching off down the passage way and in to his quarters opposite Prince Alden's apartments. He put Tom down and closed the door, by the time he turned around the footman stood their naked with his eight inch cock standing proud and ready. Deliberately Nick stood there slowly undoing his buttons revealing his chest. Tom looked at it and growled lunging forward. Both of them so turned on by each other neither knew what was about to happen of when, Tom had Nick pushed up against the wall kissing, biting and licking the protection officers chest and frantically pulling the shirt off this incredible body. They were not in a mood to talk as they got down to business, aggressively touching and play punching each other. Slapping his arse cheeks and grabbing him in his hands so hard he lifted Tom off the ground who punched and kissed him with even more savageness. Deciding it was time to take over Nick lifted Tom high in the air and plonked him down on the bed. He could see the sexual tension in his eyes as he beckoned Nick on with his hands 'Come on then show me what you got!' he said teasing him. Nick grabbed the legs twisting the young body over with force and placing one hand on Tom's shoulders holding him flat on the bed he could hear then felt the spit hitting his hole then suddenly the weight of Nick crashing down on him. Tom raised his head and thrashed his legs under the weight of Nick egging him on. Searing pain shooting up through his body, he knew and felt in every fibre of his body that he had been penetrated hard, his arse burning in pain. Nick made the mistake of stopping and leaning too far over Tom who twisted his head and bit Nick's neck in his sexual anger. Nick forced his cock deep in to Tom's arse and began hammering the young body in to the mattress, all the time Tom was moaning and gasping then calling Nick out 'Is that all you got?' he rasped them moaned as Nick hammered down harder, 'Some fucking man you turned out to be!' he said slapping Nick's arms hard. Every time Tom now tried to move Nick gripped harder holding him down fucking him harder. Tom pleaded and cried for him to fuck him and he did, the fucking continued and rained down into his arse over and over with the immense power of this guy. His arse was getting sore so quickly yet enhancing the thrill of his predicament being held down at the mercy of the protection officer. Nick had never felt such a sexual rush or erotic rage that ran through his body and he focused on the job at hand, he was still astute enough to pay attention to the young footman under him and checking he was okay. His orgasm came so suddenly and quickly, he pushed his cock deep locking his hips up tight against the young arse, letting out a loud grunt and releasing a fresh quantity of seed in to the footman, through the orgasm he kept slamming his hips down and grinding away pumping every last drop of his cum in to him. Tom reached under to touch his cock that was ready to burst, he could feel the pain of each breeding contraction pulsing in his arse from the cock deep inside him, pulse after pulse releasing the seed in a never ending torrent in to his body. The brutality of the fucking meant he was a mere split second from his own orgasm, desperate as he was to fuck the guy he couldn't restrain himself and had to let it go. Nick collapsed down spearing Tom even deeper and panted heavily next to his face. Tom was panting away almost with his tongue hanging out of his mouth and satisfaction. Nick chuckled then kissed the back of his neck as a tide of sexual dominance flooded over him followed by several hard thrusts to reinforce his dominance over the footman. Tom moaned in a sublime pleasure and ran his hands over the muscular arms either side of his head. Neither spoke and the laid there for nearly an hour dozing until Nick woke and jabbed his cock waking Tom up then laughing. Finally he pulled Tom with him on this side securing his arms around the body and grinding his cock until he was hard enough to start fucking him again. Delivered with the same force and this time Tom was allowed to wallow in sexual pleasure by rubbing his cock and grinding his arse back deeper on the cock inside him. His free hand getting a tight hold on the muscular arse cheek, squeezing harder when he felt his orgasm rising, resting his head back against Nick 'Gonna cum' he moaned pushing his arse back harder on to Nick's cock. The sight, sound and actions brought Nick to orgasm at the same time, his arms held tighter around the young body yet he continued a gentle thrusting, feeling his balls tighten and delivering a second load. The sound of Tom panting, the body trembling in his arms continued pushing back on his cock and Nick happily obliged clenching his arse cheeks as he pushed as deep as he could get inside Tom. Remaining locked in their positions neither one of them wanted to make the first move to end it. Nick lovingly kissing Tom's neck whilst his fingers danced softly over the muscular thigh pressed up against his leg. Tom felt so comfortable in those arms that had a calming effect that he drifted off to sleep. Nick chuckled and closed his eyes falling asleep moments later. The sleeping protection officer had moved and his cock slipped out, one arm still remained around the body the other was lower down with his hand holding the footman's cock delicately. Tom woke and slipped away from his hold and watched the beautiful muscular body of Nick roll on to his back murmuring. He was so tempted to kiss him yet doing so would probably wake the sleeping beast demanding more sex. Tom knew when he was beaten and his arse was sore, his abdomen covered in dried cum. Silently he got off the bed and picked up his shorts and t-shirt. He stood up and turned around jumping out of his skin as Nick stood there. "Where are you going?" Nick asked quietly. "Oh fuck!" Tom said surprised "I thought you were sleeping" he replied. Nick chuckled "I was but I sensed you moving around the room" he said, "Where are you going?". "Bed" Tom replied looking at him "Man you sneak around quietly" he added. "Is my bed not good enough for you then?" Nick asked taking the clothes from Tom's hand. Tom shrugged "I thought we were done" he said, "Well I know I can't take any more fucking". Nick put the clothes on the chair "That is not an acceptable excuse to walk out on me" he said. Tom gulped wondering what the hell was going on "I wasn't walking out on you" he explained. Nick laughed and picked Tom up carrying him back to bed "Then you are staying" he said. He climbed on the bed holding Tom firmly in his arms then lowering the young lad on his back he loomed over him and slowly lowered his head rubbing his lips against Tom's then delicately and softly they kissed. Gradually Nick pulled Tom on to his side, reaching to the lamp turning it off and pulled the sheet up over them. Gently they kissed for several minutes, Nick knew what Tom's work rota was for this and was not on duty until 2pm. Tom laid there in silence with Nick pressed up close to him who had gone back to sleep, never in a million years did he think he would get to spend a night with this hunk of a man. From what he had seen in the palace he was a serious, no nonsense controlled person and that is what Tom found so fascinating about him. When he learnt that Nick was gay from Alex's select group of friends he never would have believed what was happening right now. He had fun with Marty and loved his tender aggressive side but he now had this Josh guy and seemed really taken with him, and Alex who he really wanted sex with now had Max who he was so in love with. Tom slowly opened his eyes noticing the daylight discreetly peeping through the curtains and a fully aroused cock between his arse cheeks. Nick sensed that Tom had woken up and roughly pulled him on to his back and slipped on top between his legs. Tom instantly grabbed the firm arse cheeks roughing them up making Nick chuckle before he swooped down and kissed him deep. Tom pushed him up "What time is it?" he asked looked up in to Nick's eyes. Nick kissed him on the lips "8am" he replied seeing a relieved look come over Tom. Nick knelt up against Tom's head his cock stretching out above his eyes "Sort that out!" he said. "Fucking cheek!" Tom replied tapping it with his hand. Nick slapped his cock on Tom's face "Sort it out or it goes up your arse!" he now said smirking. Tom laughed running his hand along the meaty shaft, he wasn't stupid and knew it was better to give him a blow job than taking it up his arse again so soon. Nick looked down unable to believe how expertly Tom took it in his mouth causing Nick to gasp at the sensation, he knew the lad wouldn't be able to take the whole thing down his throat but my god he knew how to use his tongue in a spine tingling erotic sensation. Nick was moaning way more than when they had sex and seemed to be so relaxed and let Tom get on with his work. Tom moaned continuously through a mouthful of cock, it was certainly the best one he had ever had in his mouth. Thick and solid but with just enough give to make it more enjoyable, he happily worked it over and caressed the balls with his hand, even those felt like the best set of balls he had played with. Nick started to make small rocking movements with his hips, he could feel his body reacting quickly and he looked down again at Tom 'Come on baby, suck the nut out of my balls' he said with an commanding tone. The words sending Tom in to a frenzy began applying pressure in sporadic moves keeping Nick guessing and unknowing when he was going to feel it again. Nick rolled his head back a big smile on his face 'Shit!" he suddenly called out. Tom felt the cock twitching rapidly in his mouth hitting the back of his throat, he applied more pressure causing Nick to moan deep in his chest, his hips thrusted forward. Tom closed his lips harder around the shaft continuing to work on it, his mouth flooding rapidly as he did what he was told and sucked the nut from his balls swallowing every last drop until Nick pulled away. He stared down at Tom for a moment then hauled him up to his knees and roughly kissed him. Tom grabbed hold of him pulling him back on the bed, his legs wrapping around Nick and his hands touching every muscle he could find on this body. He had been with guys who loved his body but there was something very different the way Tom was continually aroused by his physique, not only that but when he kissed Tom his whole body seemingly reacted in a physical way that he had never seen before. Wrapped in each other kissing for ages Tom's stomach rumbled loudly making them both laugh. "Is that you telling me your hungry?" Nick asked. Tom nodded "Yeah, forgot to eat last night was so caught up with the ball" he replied. They untangled themselves "Shall we go to the household dining room?" Nick suggested. Tom knelt up and looked at him "What together?" he asked looking shocked. Nick shrugged "Unless your afraid of being seen with me" he said getting off the bed. Tom watched him for a moment "What about your macho image?" he asked grinning at him. Nick laughed "So what if we turn up together, doesn't mean anything" he replied getting dressed. Tom looked at him like a rejected lover "I suppose" he said getting off the bed. Nick heard the tinge of disappointment and looked at him "I don't want a boyfriend" he said. "What do you mean?" Tom asked looking slightly confused, "I am not asking you be one!". "I don't want to lead you on thinking that could be on the cards" Nick said kindly. Nick sat by him "I will have sex with you but my schedule is way hectic with Prince Alden" he said. Tom nodded "I understand, anyway you are way too old for me to date!" he said sniggering. Nick laughed "Cheeky fucker!" he said kissing him, "I want to honest with you Tom that is all". "Yeah I like this, having sex but man you need to go softer when fucking me!" Tom explained. Nick glanced at him "Hang on you are the one who aggressively assaulted me!" he said standing up. Tom stood up "I know, wanted to see if you could handle me" he said then laughed. "I can handle you Tom don't worry, you are easy to manage" Nick replied getting dressed. "Right, so you think I am going to let you lose on me again like that?" Tom asked grinning. Nick laughed "You know I will and you want it just as bad" he said confidently. Tom pulled his shorts up "You reckon?" he replied then glanced at Nick with a mischievous grin. Nick walked over pushed him up against the wall grinding his cock deliberately hard against Tom and grabbing his legs lifting them around his waist suspending the poor footman against the wall then kissing him slowly until he felt Tom melting with the desired effect. Nick let go of him "Yeah you definitely want it again" he said licking his lips tasting Tom. Tom slipped down to the floor "Dam you need to stop dong that!" he said smirking. Nick smiled and ran his finger softly across Tom's face then pulled his shorts down and stood above him with his cock dangling heftily in front of Tom 'Suck me off again!' Nick demanded. Tom was still highly aroused and mouth partly opened his tongue appeared touching the head of his cock teasingly. Nick looked down 'Don't you dare tease me. Do it or I will hold you on it' he said chuckling. Nick threw his head back biting his lip not to moan too loudly as Tom got to work on it. Nick blew another load and allowed Tom to suck lovingly at his cock until his phone pinged and he pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the message. It was from his boss Scott 'Need you to go with Liam and take the phoenix to GP's mansion, 10am. Scott'. Nick replied 'Understood' then put the phone down and pulled Tom up to his feel and kissed him. "I have to work at 10am, we got an hour so hurry up if you want to eat" Nick said. Tom nodded "Married to your job" he said mocking Nick. Nick smiled "You have to be Tom, you will understand that in a couple of years" he said. "Yeah, I think I already do Nick, love it so much" Tom replied as Nick got undressed again. Tom sat there waiting for Nick to finish a quick shower and put his working suit on then they both walked down to the household dining room. Only a few staff were there and none of them thought twice about Nick walking in talking with Tom and having a quick breakfast before Nick had to leave. "Ah Tom!" Jackson said walking in, "I need to speak to you if you are finished" he advised. Tom nodded and stood "Of course sir" he said following Jackson to his office. Jackson closed the door "It is none of my business but be careful with Nick" he said. Tom looked on embarrassed "I mean don't fall in love or anything" Jackson added clarifying it. Tom nodded "I... err is it wrong?" he asked hoping he hadn't put a foot wrong. Jackson smiled "No Tom. I don't want to see you get hurt" he said kindly, "Nick is I think afraid of relationships". "Thanks, and don't worry. I know he is not looking for anything plus he is much older" Tom replied. "Anyway that is not why I wanted to see you" Jackson said disappearing in the uniform room. Tom stood there waiting and Jackson returned with four new tunics "For you" Jackson said. "I have enough tunics sir" Tom replied before he noticed one gold band at the bottom of the sleeve. Jackson smiled "I am promoting you to footman Tom. You are doing a really good job" he said. "Wow!" Tom said excitedly admiring the gold band, "Thank you sir, really thank you!". Jackson checked the time "You have 15 minutes to get dressed and accompany Max to the car". Tom looked up at him "On it" he said grabbing the tunics and running out. Quickly drying himself Tom put on his white under shirt, white knee length silk stockings and dark blue knee breeches and black shoes. Finally he picked up the dark blue tunic with gold lace strappings and buttons and put it on securing the strappings over the buttons. He looked in the mirror and the gold band on the cuff still unable to believe his promotion, as a footman he would now have a variety of other jobs instead of guarding doors, as important as it was. He marched out heading towards Prince Alexanders royal apartments full of pride and a sore arse. 8 1 2 1
Guest WelshBBCigarFuck Posted February 28, 2022 Report Posted February 28, 2022 This is a great story and one I look forward to every week. You have put a lot of effort into the characters and their development.
daddybear54 Posted February 28, 2022 Report Posted February 28, 2022 Hot as hell sex between Tom and Nick, and a good touch to have a sidelight on these characters that isn't just in terms of their relationship to Alex. Great added layer to the story! 1
bottombehr Posted February 28, 2022 Report Posted February 28, 2022 Great writing! Always eagerly looking forward to seeing future chapters! 1
billy88666 Posted February 28, 2022 Report Posted February 28, 2022 What a chapter... Nick and Tom's encounter was completely feral! It's sounds like they're a great match sexually and Tom could be just the person to melt Nick's heart if he let his defenses down. What an encounter it would be if Tom, Nick and Marty met in the stables. I've a feeling that Nick would be the indisputable Alpha and take control of more than that riding crop 🙂 2
seattlebbbtm Posted March 1, 2022 Report Posted March 1, 2022 Thank you for giving me my fix. My husband was beginning to wonder why I was so anxious 3
daddybear54 Posted March 1, 2022 Report Posted March 1, 2022 14 minutes ago, seattlebbbtm said: Thank you for giving me my fix. My husband was beginning to wonder why I was so anxious @seattlebbbtm Your comment made me laugh because it's so true. I get all wound up waiting for @losolent to post the next installment too, especially when it's a tense moment in the story! 2
Assmunch Posted March 1, 2022 Report Posted March 1, 2022 Oh man, I was really hoping Tom found his man. He’s such a sweetheart, and Nick needs to get tied down. I love the way you write, @losolent. I’m in love with this story! 5
losolent Posted March 4, 2022 Author Report Posted March 4, 2022 Part 37 - Christmas Eve In The Palace Jackson finished the briefing with the household staff, the memos along with protocol updates were sent around to all areas of the palace in preparation for today. The protocol update was in force as of midday and all those present nodded understanding as they left the meeting. Jackson had two more briefings to do for the afternoon and night shifts, he walked over to the board attaching the pictures of Princess Marie, the Duke of Victoria and the new one of Max next to Prince Alexander and other members of the royal family along with the respective protocol to be followed. Under the picture of Max it read 'Protocol Address Initial: Sir, Secondary: Sir. Protocol Formality Initial: Head bow/nod, Secondary: Head bow/nod to acknowledge'. Jackson smiled stepping back and looking at the addition, he had to admit that even he was unsure if Alex would ever have pulled this off. His eyes moved over to the picture of Alex that read underneath 'Protocol Address Initial: Your Royal Highness, Secondary: Your Highness. Protocol Formality Initial: Full bow/curtsy, Secondary: Full bow/curtsy. Valet: Artem. Protection Officer: Liam. Assistant: Artem'. He turned and walked back to his office, as most days go this was not ordinary since Jurgen announced his intention to retire in February, Jurgen held the post of Head of Royal Palace Horticulture and Grounds. He was certainly not looking forward to breaking this news to the king, if there was one thing the king enjoyed it was his walks and driving around with Jurgen discussing the grounds upkeep and the flower beds. Max laid in bed partially awake having finally got to sleep at 3am after he and Alex had finished what he could only describe as the most intense sex they had ever experienced. Alex cuddled up to him was still sleeping. It was Christmas Eve and the day he had intended on returning home, yet here he was having spent a second night in the palace with Alex. His mind wondering what he was going to do with his life now, if he was accepted by the crown that is. Max glanced over at the note instructing him to meet with governor premier of Monrovia in his mansion at 10.30am after which Liam would take him shopping quickly so he could get a few gifts. Max heard the now familiar clicking of the passage way door opening and Artem appearing with a tray just aft 9am. "Good morning your royal highness!" Artem said loudly to wake Alex up. Artem looked at Max "Good morning sir" he said bowing his head for the first time to Max. "Morning" Max replied oblivious to Artem bowing his head to him. "Wake up princess" Max said nudging Alex awake who kept slapping him to leave him alone. Alex mumbled "Don't you start calling me princess!" he said burying his head back in the pillow. Artem handed Max a coffee "You must be ready to leave at 10am sharp" he said. Max sat up "You know?" he asked glancing at the note. "Doh!" Artem replied chuckling, "Max I know everything that goes on in and around Alex's life". "Yeah I suppose" Max replied shaking Alex to wake up who slapped him again, "What do I wear?". Artem put a coffee on Alex's side of the bed then slapped his arse "Don't worry I will help". "Do that again and I will force you to have sex with me!" Alex said rolling over. Artem scoffed "I am way to hot for you to have" he replied starting to tidy up. "What is this all about Alex?" Max asked picking up the note. Alex sat up and yawned "Protocol, following the rules" he replied but looked unsure. Artem chuckled "He knows nothing Max I wouldn't ask him" he said as Alex poked his tongue out. "It will either be good or not so good news" Artem added folding up Max's clothes. "Oh!" Max said looking at the note, "Basically a yes or no to be with Alex?" he asked. Artem nodded then sat on the bed "Look if you go alone it is a thumbs down" he said quietly. "Well Liam is coming and taking me shopping after" Max said looking a little scared. "No" Artem said, "If there is a footman and 2 protection officers then it is a good sign". "Artem!" Alex said leaning up in bed, "Are you divulging protocol secrets?" he asked smiling. "What is it with you lot and secrets?" Max now asked trying to make a joke of the whole thing. Artem couldn't say too much and he already knew what the outcome was, it all sounded like a conspiracy to Max who decided not to dwell on it since Artem wouldn't say anything else. He left them telling Max he would be here at 9.30am to help him dress appropriately. His thoughts interrupted by Alex rubbing his cock along Max's leg. "Hungry Max?" Alex asked pressing it harder against his leg. Max rolled his eyes "Can you think of nothing else?" he asked looking down at Alex with a grin. Max pushed Alex on to his back "Want sausage for breakfast?" he asked slipping between his legs. Alex tried to push him off "Come on I was going to do you" he complained smiling up at him. "You haven't got time for that this morning!" Artem said coming back in to the bedroom. Alex giggled looking at the clock then up at Max "Lets do it in the shower" he suggested. "Eat then shower" Artem said handing him a bacon roll. Max chuckled "My favourite" he said ignoring Alex who sat up looking annoyed. "Bacon roll more important than me!" Alex said, "I am a fucking prince!" he laughed. Max looked at him "Act like one then!" he said grinning, "Princess" he added making Artem laugh. For the moment Max put the meeting out of his head and enjoyed these few minutes with Alex in bed eating breakfast since he was unsure. Inside he felt it was good by the way he danced with the queen and dowager queen the night before, but he just didn't know and it was making him a little anxious as well. Alex though didn't seem to bothered and carried on like normal. Max showered then walked in to the dressing room to find Artem already there sorting out a shirt and trousers for him then going through Alex's row of ties to find a suitable one that didn't have the royal coat of arms on. The time had passed so quickly and it was already 10am when Artem finished adjusting the suit jacket that Alden had leant Max since they were almost identical in build. Artem stepped back and nodded "Good" he said with Alex sat there in his bath robe. Max looked at him in the mirror "Is there anything I need to know?" he asked. Alex grinned "No, answer the questions directly that is all" he replied standing up. "It is time" Artem said nodding at Alex. Alex walked over and kissed Max "Relax and be yourself Max" he said confidently. Max nodded looking a little scared "Easy for you to say" he said nervously. They walked with Max towards the double doors when he realised he had no idea where he was suppose to go. Nick arrived just as Liam came out of his rooms and they shook hands then stopped noticing Tom was present before they saw the gold band on his cuff and went over to congratulate him. Artem opened both doors and Max saw the footman first 'Good morning sir' he said, Max looked a little perplexed at first then smiled seeing Tom standing there 'Good morning sir' Tom said as Artem pushed Max lightly to leave. He felt a massive relief noticing Liam and Nick was also accompanying him. Liam stood in front of Max "Good morning" he said smiling at Max. Nick stepped up "Good morning Max, all set" he said taking the opposite side of Max. "We will be your protection officers this morning" Liam said now they both flanked him. Nick smiled and glanced at Max "Relax!" he said quietly. He turned to look at Alex who was smiling happily as he was marched off, it was the strangest feeling running through Max being accompanied like this, a protection officer either side of him and two footmen walking in front. Max was trying to take it all in as they walked through the royal residences then out in the official palace areas some he had not seen so far, they walked towards the palace front doors, no secret passage way this time. Passing into the entrance reception hall that was large and clearly built to impress visitors with elaborate décor that told you immediately this was a palace. Reaching the front doors the footmen opened the doors where two sovereign guards stood, dressed red tunic with silver lace strappings and buttons, three silver bands adorned the cuffs, black trousers with swords held in a white leather scabbard and a red hat adorned with one silver band and the royal crest. One stood each side of the large double doors. Max glanced to his left to take in the sight of the sovereign guard noticing he even with the hat on he looked very attractive with subtle blue eyes. Cautiously the sovereign guard made eye contact and produced a tiny but noticeable smile almost putting him off following the footmen. Nick also glanced at the sovereign guard and nodded his head looking at him slightly longer than Max had done. Max followed the two footmen down the few steps who opened the car doors. It felt so bizarre for Max, everything seemed way off normal in his eyes and actually quite funny. That was until he saw the car and the royal crest on the side in gold the front of the car had two flags on the front that brought home the realness of his situation and his nerves kicked in again. Hannes and the other sovereign guard resumed their positions with only an hour to go on their shift at the front entrance. Some of the guards lived at home and others including Hannes resided in what was called Sovereign Row, a delightful group of ten modern sleek and normal sized houses that backed on to the palace to the far left as you looked towards the city. Each one had a garden at the back to afford some privacy in their down time whilst the front of the houses faced the palace, a small private road lead to the main gate for access in one direction and continuing in the other to the household entrance at the palace itself. Many of the people who lived in Sovereign Row tended to fend for themselves yet they remained entitled to dine and use the facilities within the palace. Hannes had been a sovereign guard for one year after completing military school and training. At 26 he was average age for the guards who worked at the palace and still junior since senior guards worked the gate house. Under his hat his light brown hair was short, a smattering of chest hair adorned his athletic physique that was kept in shape through his running and gym that he did usually around 6pm every day in the palace. For the most part life of a sovereign guard when off duty was quite lonely, it was almost like the household staff were too scared to talk to them. Even after he met the then footman Francis one night in a gay bar in the city, they had spent the night together in early summer last year. Since then nothing, Francis would acknowledge him but now he was a valet and dating the head of the royal household so he rarely saw him. Of course the news about Prince Alexander being gay and the arrival of his boyfriend at the palace was known to the guards, apart from that Hannes only knew of those four people in the palace who were gay. Hannes positioned himself with his back to the door watching the young man getting in to the royal car. It was Prince Alden's protection officer that Hannes had always found intriguing and quite sexy looking and that was were his eyes had moved focus to as he walked around the car. It was a morning full of weird feelings and somehow Max felt that this journey was the moment that would change the course of his life completely, it didn't go unnoticed by Nick who got in the other side whilst Liam sat beside Max. The footmen gently closed the doors and stood waiting until the car began to slowly drive away from the palace down the long road towards the gates. The gates opened and the sovereign gate guards stood to attention until the car passed through and joined the traffic on the boulevard. "Nervous?" Liam asked quietly. "I... I am not sure" Max said, "Something feels different, I can't put my finger on it" he nervously said. Liam glanced at Max and smiled "Wait until we return" he replied not giving anything away. Max felt more nervous now "Thanks, you are not helping" he replied biting his thumb. Nick sitting opposite smiled "Got your shopping list? he asked casually. "Well sort of, I have no idea who I should be buying for" Max admitted. "Don't worry the best store in the city is open until lunchtime it is on our route" Liam told him. Precisely on the dot they arrived at the governor premier's mansion, Liam was first out of the car and stood waiting for Nick to join him. Liam signalled with his hand for Max and as he stepped out, the doors to the mansion opened and the governor premier stood on the steps suited up accordingly. Max waited until Liam discreetly told him to go ahead. As he stepped forward Nick and Liam followed one step behind. Steven stepped down a few steps then addressed Max 'Good morning sir' he said warmly shaking his hand. Max returned the greeting remembering what Liam briefed him and was invited inside the governor's mansion. Max followed the governor premier in to the state formal lounge where he was invited to take a seat. He nervously watched as the governor spoke to Liam and Nick then closed them out of the meeting. Steven finally sat down "Finally I get to meet you properly having heard so much about you". "It appears I am known for some reason sir" Max replied and Steven laughed. "Right shall we get the formality side over with" Steven said opening a binder. Max sat forward "Do I get a training manual?" he asked making Steven laugh again. "Sort of" Steven replied smiling, "I will go over the official parts that you will need to agree". Max nodded "Have you been briefed on what to say and reply?" Steven asked and Max nodded again. Steven cleared his throat and started reading slowly "By order of His Majesty The King of Monrovia the Royal Chamber Council was called to discuss His Royal Highness Prince Alexander of Monrovia and Duke of Montcalm and the requested union of a relationship with yourself. By agreement of his His Majesty The King of Monrovia and the members of said council to sanction His Royal Highness Prince Alexander of Monrovia and Duke of Montcalm to enter in to a relationship with yourself on a formal basis. Declaring your intent to proceed is subject to unconditional agreement to the Crown Union and Warrant of the Monrovian Royalty Servitude. Do you Maximillian Westwood-Lymm enter this union willingly and therefore agree to be bound to them for life?". It was one thing having sex with Alex, that was the easy part. With everything that Steven had said in the first few sentences to him was a stark reminder that no matter what the destiny he would be bound for life not to talk about Alex or his family. Nervously he sat there with a dry mouth until Steven looked up at him. Max spoke clearly "I Maximillian Westwood-Lymm confirm willingness and to be bound for life". Steven made a note in the binder then continued "Subject to retaining discretion the Warrant of the Monrovian Royalty Servitude must be undertaken in order to protect the sovereign nation of Monrovia, His Royal Highness Prince Alexander and yourself, you are not permitted under royal protocol and decree 14.2.1 to divulge the nature or condition of any relationship to a royal individual nor any of the royal family of Monrovia. Decree 14.2.2 requires discretion and careful consideration to the use of social media platforms. Under no circumstances is it permitted to post anything related to members of the royal family unless implicit consent is obtained by the royal family member or palace PR. Any such posting must not reflect negatively on the royal family or Monrovia and its citizens". Steven looked up at Max, "Do you understand and agree to comply?" he asked formally. "Yes I do" Max replied trying to keep a straight face as it sounded like a marriage vow. Steven looked down and continued "As part of your integration to the royal family, His Majesty The King of Monrovia and the Royal Chamber Council are granting you diplomatic status affording you the rights associated therein. A new passport will be issued in three days under Monrovian nationality, you may retain dual nationality if so desired, however you are expected to travel on the Monrovian diplomatic passport as a Monrovian national when leaving and entering Monrovia. You will travel on the diplomatic passport when accompanying any member of the royal family". Steven looked up again at Max "Do you understand and agree to comply?" he asked. "Yes I understand and will comply" Max replied now wondering how much more there was. Steven turned the page "At the formal request of His Royal Highness Prince Alexander of Monrovia and agreement by His Majesty The King of Monrovia you are to take up residence within the Balenciaga Palace within His Royal Highness Prince Alexander's private quarters. Subject to you both remaining in this relationship or by mutual agreement you may take up residence outside of the palace grounds. Should you wish to reside outside the palace grounds His Royal Highness is not permitted to reside outside for his protection and safety. As agreed with His Majesty and Head of the Royal Household you shall, whilst residing in the palace be offered lesser royal status and from hence forth be referred to as Sir and afforded the correct protocol and courtesy relevant to your new status. Should the relationship terminate so will the status and protocol rights." Steven took a breath and looked up at Max. "Do you understand the agree to the conditions of residing at the palace?" Steven asked. Max nodded "Yes I fully understand and agree" he replied trying to remember everything being said. "Want a drink before we continue?" Steven asked pouring himself a coffee. "Coffee would be great, thank you Steven" Max replied as Steven poured and handed him a cup. Steven took a sip then put his cup down "The relationship being entered will exist with a serving member of the royal family, to this extent you are being allocated a protection officer who will serve under Prince Alexander's protection officer until his training concludes. During this time the protection officer of His Royal Highness will be availed to you if needed. You are expected to travel with a protection officer unless exceptional circumstances require this not to be the case or travelling under the non diplomatic passport. The prince's private valet and assistant is at your disposal to assist in daily life. You are to act with dignity and respect and not bring disrepute to the Sovereign Nation of Monrovia or the crown befitting your integration to the royal family. You may engage in active employment subject to agreement by His Majesty The King of Monrovia and the approval by the Governor Premier, any form of employment will be assessed to deem if appropriate befitting your status. The current status afforded you does not provide annuity from the crown or government purse". Steven turned the page in the binder "Do you understand and agree?" he asked. "Yes" Max replied taking the opportunity to gulp down some coffee. "Condition of this relationship is being presented as the companion to His Royal Highness Prince Alexander in which you will be required to attend royal engagements, accompany on overseas royal visits. The condition also extends to other serving royals in their official capacity on engagements and public duties. This condition to become effective after the relationship becomes public domain knowledge and at the request of crown or government. Should this condition of duty be reached His Majesty The King of Monrovia may if appropriate request an annuity to be placed at your disposal. If approved the annuity will be reviewed and adjusted based on your active participation in royal life. The relationship does not allow for any instigation of claims on or against the crown or monarch in the event of terminating. If such eventuality happens the royal decrees 14.2.1 and 14.2.2 remain in place indefinitely and cannot be revoked, diplomatic status will be revoked and any annuity will cease". "Do you understand and agree to this?" Steven asked looking up at Max. Max nodded "I do and yes" he replied. "Nearly there Max" Steven said smiling, "Now the very important part so listen carefully". Steven turned the page and began "Subject to this relationship progressing to a stage of formalising the reigning monarch His Majesty The King of Monrovia is to be presented with the request to formalise the union by marriage. This in turn will be presented to the Royal Chamber Council for consideration by His Majesty The King of Monrovia and His Royal Highness Prince Alexander. Should the Royal Chamber Council and His Majesty approve the request you will be granted a status to be agreed by the Royal Chamber Council and His Majesty The King of Monrovia, Her Majesty The Queen of Monrovia and Her Majesty The Dowager Queen as the sovereign crown heads. This granted status will afford you all the appropriate rights of marrying a member of the royal family, this includes title, protocol, status and engagement within and for the royal family and as a servant of the Monrovian Sovereign Nation and under the Warrant of the Monrovian Royalty Servitude. As such you would be expected to follow the same guiding principals governing the royal family. You may be asked to refrain from active employment at the Governor Premier or His Majesties request in this eventuality. The request to formalise the union between His Royal Highness Prince Alexander of Monrovia and yourself is to be presented within two calendar years of entering the approved relationship. If no request is received within the time frame the Royal Chamber Council will vote to revoke the status of the relationship and therefore rescinding any rights previously bestowed upon you. The same protocol applies to His Royal Highness Prince Alexander should the prince instigate the request to formalise the union". Steven closed the binder and looked at Max "Do you understand and agree to the demands laid out?". Max nodded "I fully understand what would happen and accept and agree" he replied. Steven picked up his cup and took a sip of coffee "Are you okay Max?" he asked. Max looked mildly bewildered "That is a lot to take in!". Steven chuckled "That is just the summary Max, here" he said handing the binder over to him. "Bedtime reading for me then!" Max responded thanking him for the binder. "I know it sounds a bit military and by the book, but that is royal life Max" Steven informed him. Max nodded "I have to marry him within two years or just request it?" he asked needing clarification. "Request within two years Max" Steven replied, "I hope we will not have to wait that long though". Max chuckled "If I had a crystal ball I could tell you" he replied. Steven sat back looking at Max "Make him happy Max that is all the king and I ask of you". Max nodded "I will" he replied, "I am scared as hell Steven, I will admit this all frightens me!". "I understand Max, between us, you do have our full support and help" Steven informed him. Max nodded again "Discretion is important Max, mostly as it will keep you both safe" Steven added. "Yes, you do not need to worry about that" Max said assuring the governor. Steven smiled "I know it is a big change moving here to Monrovia" he added. Max nodded "Yes it is. Assuming there are no objections I need to find work" he said. "We can sort that out after Christmas Max" Steven said, "There is a position available for you". "Oh!" Max asked sitting up, "Doing what?". Steven smiled "Your field of work actually. Curator of the Royal Art Collection". Max chuckled and shook his head "Did you just make that up!" he asked laughing. "Certainly not!" Steven replied laughing, "Seriously the position has been vacant for 2 years". "Right" Max said slowly thinking, "Is it enough to keep me busy?" he asked. Now Steven laughed "Of course, in the palace and the Monrovia Gallery of the Arts". Max nodded "It is not just public but also the private art collection" Steven added. "Wow! Thank you Steven" Max said genuinely then smiled, "Everything seems planned!" he laughed. Steven laughed "Well the Dowager Queen gave me a rattling on the phone this morning" he replied. "Right!" Max said smiling, "That is why she was keen to interrogate my art knowledge". Max chuckled away finding it all funny "We should conclude the formalities Max" Steven said. Steven stood "By Warrant of the Monrovian Royalty Servitude do you wish to proceed?" he asked officially. Max stood "Yes I wish His Royal Highness Prince Alexander and myself to proceed" he replied. "As of today you may enter formally in to a relationship with His Royal Highness Prince Alexander" Steven finished. It was only one sentence that he had to remember word for word, Liam had run over it over and over what to say if he was asked the question. Judging by the smile on the governor premier's face he had done it correctly. The private meeting only lasted thirty minutes. It was all very surreal for Max, the whole formality of it and the binder he was holding was striking a little fear in to him and was glad when the meeting was over. Steven accompanied Max to the front entrance "His highness and yourself must come to dinner". Max smiled "Yes I am sure Al... His Highness and I would enjoy that" he replied correcting himself. "Before his birthday party though!" Steven exclaimed. Max laughed "I guess it is going to be a big party" he remarked. Steven laughed "Oh Max! You have no idea how important this birthday is!" he replied smiling. "I am beginning to figure that out!" Max replied taking a big liking to the governor. "One more thing Max" Steven said stopping, "The king is expediting your integration to the family". Max looked a little confused "Sorry I don't get it" he replied. "He is anxious you feel comfortable. I think he understands what you mean to the prince" Steven said. Reaching the open doors Max turned to Steven "Is that it then we are allowed to date?" he asked. "Yes, it is now all official along with your status" Steven replied as they shook hands. Steven turned to face Max and bowed his head "Sir" he said and Max looked on confused. He thought it was a bit over the top but noticed the governor was serious "Thank you" he said. Max walked down the steps to the waiting royal car where Nick and Liam stood and wondered what all that was about with the governor bowing his head to him. He wasn't royalty so didn't understand why he did that. "Sir" Liam said stepping forward and bowing his head as Max looked on weirdly at him. Max noticed Nick trying to hold a straight face and stepped forward "Sir" he said bowing his head. The both stood waiting for Max to step in to the car then got in either side. Steven stood on the top step chuckling away shaking his head at the surprised look on Max's face. It was evident they need to keep a close eye on Max as he really had no clue what was about to happen to his life. Liam looked at him "You look confused Max, are you alright?" he asked. Max turned to him "Why did the governor and you both bow your heads?" he asked. "That is the new granted protocol for you" Liam replied, "Now the meeting is over it is official". "What protocol?" Max asked. Liam smiled "You will be addressed as Sir and afforded a bow of of the head" he said. "Why?" Max asked looking even more confused. "It is protocol Max, you are living in the palace with a royal" Nick replied joining in. "Until you marry Prince Alexander that is" Liam added making Max look even more confused now. "You will meet Franco later" Liam said checking his phone, "He is being briefed by Scott now". "Franco?" Max asked, "Who is he?". "He will be training with me as your protection officer" Liam said watching for his response. "Ah okay" Max said going quiet, "I remember the governor mentioning something about it". Liam chuckled "Franco is nice, a bit wild still but I think you will get on". Max looked at Liam "I guess that is it, the end of Max as I know him" he said. Liam smiled "Not at all, this is the beginning of Max, a new chapter and love in his life" he said. Max managed to smile "Is he really nice?" he asked, yet he was unsure why he even asked. Liam chuckled "You will find out soon enough!" he replied, "Right shopping, you have one hour". "Oh my god are you starting to be pushy with me?" Max asked grinning. Nick laughed "Welcome to royal life Max, tight schedules and limited time!" he added. Max smiled looking out the window "Years since I saw a white Christmas" as the car stopped. Max looked at the large department store that looked relatively quiet with a few people mingling around picking up last minute shopping. The appearance of the royal car was enough to stop pedestrians who all seem to get their phones out ready to capture the moment. Nick leaned over to Max telling him to act very casually as they won't know who you are just yet. Nick opened the car door and Max followed him out and waited for Liam, they acted like friends on a shopping trip and the crowd dispersed with some disappointment that no royalty was inside. With Liam and Nick's advice Max quickly picked up some gimmicky presents and reminding him not to buy presents for the royal household staff and security as this was all taken care of by the king and queen. Desperately he wanted to buy Alex something special and was finding it hard to resist but Liam was keeping him on track. They were back in the royal car and heading towards the palace within the hour. Reaching the gates Max watched as they rolled open and the sovereign gate guards stood to attention and with a marked difference they now bowed their heads as the car passed. It was the first time the guards had done that and the reality was really now sinking in fast for Max. There was part of him that was bricking it, another part was excited now he could officially be with Alex, the last side of him still found it embarrassing that people would have to bow their heads to him. The car pulled up to the steps of the palace main entrance where two footmen suddenly appeared rushing down to open the doors, Liam stepped out first and stood waiting for Max who exited and the footman bowed his head 'Sir, welcome back' he said. The other footman took the bags and binder and walked up to Max bowing his head 'Sir, welcome back, I will take these to the royal quarters' he said bowing his head again and leaving. Max was slowly seeing and understanding how things worked and he stood waiting for Nick to be at his other side before proceeding up the steps. The two sovereign guards stood to attention and bowed their heads as Max walked through the doors in to the palace entrance reception hall. The senior footman was walking from the private residence at the far end of the entrance reception hall towards him 'Sir' he said bowing his head, 'Their majesties and royal highnesses await your attendance for lunch. If you would be so kind and follow me'. He noticed Liam and Nick stood aside and Max walked following the footman to the end of the entrance reception hall then through the receiving room and finally in to the palaces private residencies, thankfully it was starting to look familiar. Max knew the difference between the formal and informal dining rooms, informal was were breakfast took place and formal was where lunch and dinner were served. The two footmen at the doors bowed their heads and opened both doors 'Mr Westwood-Lymm your majesties, your royal highnesses' one of them called out then stood aside for Max to enter. He looked at how the family were stood there mingling in no specific order and wondered if this was a test to see if he knew the rank and order of each member. He steered towards the king first and followed protocol, next the queen, dowager queen, crown prince, his man Alex, Princess Marie and finally her husband. "Max formerly and officially I can welcome you" the king said shaking his hand. "Welcome Max" the queen walked over and kissed him on both cheeks, "Right your seat for meals!". "Sorry?" Max asked looking at the queen guiding him over to the dining table. "This is your seat for meals Max, next to Alex" the queen said as the footmen appeared with lunch. "All the time?" Max asked needing confirmation and the queen nodded. She looked over at the family "Sit, sit, sit everyone" she said very casually. "Protocol is observed when entering and leaving the room" the king said to Max taking his seat. Max nodded "Right, so do I still call you your majesty after?" he asked. "No, after you observe initial protocol just be normal only when with family and in private" the king replied. Max nodded realising this was now his extended family "If guests are here then full protocol is observed" the king added. Max smiled "That one is easier to remember" he replied. "And you may refer to Prince Alexander as Alex in front of us now" the queen chipped in. Soup and bread was on the lunch menu today when Max found out about the Christmas party this afternoon that they all attended from 3pm until late. It was very clear and evident that the king and queen were treating Max quite differently now and talking to him as they would with their sons. With lunch over Alex took Max in to the formal lounge that was becoming Max's favourite room in the entire palace, with the large expansive windows overlooking the palace gardens blanketed by snow it afforded one of the best views. Max sat on the red velvet cushioned bench by one of the windows looking out and smiling at the snow falling lightly. Alex sat behind Max with his his legs and arms around him and his head resting on Max's shoulder. "Do we need to dress up for the party?" Max asked. "Shirt and trousers" Alex mumbled in to Max's neck, "We are official now" he said softly. Max nodded "We are and the governor is lining me up for a job" he said stroking Alex's head gently. Alex kissed his neck "Are you happy you came?" he asked as the king walked in and stood watching. Max moved his head and kissed Alex "Yes" he said, "It will take some getting use to" he added. Alex kissed him softly "I love you so much Alex" Max said almost choking up. Alex wiped the tear from Max's cheek "I love you Max, you are my prince" he said kissing him again. Watching them together oblivious to him standing there melted his heart. He always hoped his son would find love, what he saw was a strong deep hearted moment between them. There was a love there that even he couldn't figure out, yet it radiated from them and was so clearly written on their faces. If there was two people where destiny or fate played a part it was there in front of his eyes. The king walked over and sat besides them making them both jump slightly. "As you were" the king said smiling, "We are very happy for you both" he said sincerely. Alex looked at his father "Thank you for accepting Max in to our lives" he said. The king nodded "I only understood how much this meant when I came to you in London" he admitted. Max looked down "I am sorry about that, I was still in shock and unable to think straight". "If you hadn't Max I would never have known how much you meant to my son" the king replied. Alex smiled "How did you do it so quickly?" he asked, "I mean Elethera took weeks to get approval". The king shrugged "I am the king" he replied then smiled, "They do what I require". Max chuckled "Do they get locked up in the dungeons if they don't?" he asked. "Nothing as barbaric as that Max" the king replied laughing, "I may have their heads chopped off, it is much quicker!". "Now I am not so sure about being in this family!" Max remarked trying to keep a straight face. "Elethera was a different matter Alex. I was unsure about her" his father said answering him. "You were?" Alex replied, "Mother didn't like her one bit, neither did granny" he added. The king laughed "Well it didn't help matters when you called her a crown grabbing wh....". Alex interrupted him "I never did! Well maybe I did after dinner and too much wine!" he chuckled. The king smiled "You were right though Alex, you saw right through her from the start". The king stood "One day Alex you might understand why" he said looking down at them both. Alex looked up at him "What is that suppose to mean?" he asked confused by the comment. "You have something that makes you an exceptional judge of character" his father said. "He must be good if he fell in love with me" Max added smugly then laughed as Alex punched him. "Well Max I hope you are ready, Christmas really begins in one hour!". By the time Alex and Max arrived at the ballroom just after 3pm the party was in full swing. Alden and Francis were doing children's games in one corner of room. The king, queen and dowager queen were manning the bar pouring drinks for the adults. Princess Marie and her husband were doing charades with most of the adults. Other were either sat down chatting or mingling around the room watching. Marty came up behind Max with Josh in tow. "Josh!" Alex said in surprise hugging him, "You here as Marty's partner then?" he asked. Josh nodded still feeling a bit embarrassed about the whole thing "Yes, still weird though!". "Come on guys you have to see this!" Marty said grabbing Max and dragging him over to crowd. Alex laughed knowing what was going on in this part of the ballroom. The protection officers did this every year with some of the older kids giving them lessons in protection and also play wrestling with the older teenagers. Max was loving the whole party atmosphere, when Liam spotted Max he dragged him on to the mats challenging him to fight for his honour, suddenly Marty appeared standing by Max then Josh and Alex. Nick waded in and stood by Liam then their boss Scott appeared ready to do battle, not wanting to miss out Alden suddenly appeared next to Josh after taking his shirt off. This caused Josh to look at his body and giggle, Alden raised an eyebrow looking at Josh 'You are fit!' he said to Alden who winked and smiled at him. The king rushed over and stood in the middle halting it so he could take bets on who would win. Liam seeing Alden shirtless took his shirt off handing it to Polly who all of a sudden became a clothes horse as everyone did the same. Nick stood there staring Alex out and deliberately flexing his muscles making the prince laugh, more so as he saw the looks Nick was also giving Tom who stood there having been pulled in by Jackson. Suddenly Liam beckoned a dark haired young man over who took off his shirt to reveal a smooth very toned muscular body. He made eye contact with Max and smirked making the I am watching you with his fingers move. Max suddenly realised this must be the protection officer Franco that Liam told him about and dam he was hot looking just like Liam. Alex even stood staring slightly open mouth before realising where he was. It then dawned on Max that both Liam and Franco were staring at him and he knew immediately he was going down!. Jackson decided that the competition was unfair and called on several of the footman along with himself to be on the royal side. In that moment a new tradition was born in the palace as the fit muscular bodies of protection officers flew across the mats attacking the royals and household staff. Screams of laughter and giggling brought even more of the household over to watch. The king adjudicating called the losers off one by one, the royals and household numbers diminishing quickly until they changed tack ganging up on one protection officer at a time pinning him down until it was Jackson and Max left against Franco and Nick. Liam had been the first one they all set calling him pretty boy as they pinned a laughing Liam down on the mat. Jackson gave a good show with Nick but he won easily leaving just Franco, Nick and Max on the mat. The shouts for Max cheering him on but he knew there was no chance of winning as the two protection officers quickly ganged up on him. Nick grabbing his legs and Franco took his arms holding a laughing Max in the air as they paraded him around the mat. Desperately he was fighting off the tingling in his groin, the last thing he need was to get an erection in front of the royal family. 'Call it!' Nick was calling to the king who was having way too much fun loosing track of what he as suppose to be doing. Max was lowered on to the mat and pinned by both of them on the floor so quickly, he could only giggle loosing the match to boos from the spectators. Alex was sat on the floor leaning against the wall in fits of laughter with Josh. Marty stood there shaking his head disapprovingly of Max but grinning at the same time. Franco and Nick were hoisted in the air by the protection officers as they triumphantly marched around the ballroom celebrating their win. Franco walked over and helped Max to his feet. "You need to focus!" Franco said laughing, "I'm Franco. Hopefully I will be looking after you". "Max" Max replied shaking his hand, "Be nice to me I am new to this" he said. Franco chuckled "Yeah I know all all about you!" he said putting his arm around his shoulder. "Drink?" Max asked completely forgetting about Alex who was still sat on the floor. "Looks like someone stole your man" Josh said nodding over. Alex smiled "That's okay, he is to be Max's protection officer". Josh nodded "Nice, he has a body you want to lick and worship and your brother, well!" he said. "I heard that!" Marty said standing in front of Josh and Alex. Josh looked up and smiled "Stop being jealous and get us a drink!" he demanded. Marty smiled wandering off "Are you staying with Marty for Christmas?" Alex asked. Josh smiled nervously "I am taking him to my parents Christmas day. Is it to early?" he asked. Alex shrugged "Like I said when you know, you know Josh" he replied. "It is so weird" Josh said shaking his head, "Finding him, and he is so into me!" he exclaimed. Alex smiled and his arm around Josh's shoulder "He is taking me to meet his family next week". "Wow! You are both really serious then?" Alex asked seeing they were both mad about each other. Max finally found his shirt and got dressed as things returned to some normality. Franco and Max chatted for ages then with Alex and Liam before the buffet dinner. More sedate games took place as the evening wore on, the king and queen handed out presents to the children. Apart from the elegant surroundings Max would never have guessed he was partying with a royal family, they were in essence a complete contrast in private and evidently the household staff were devoted and loved working for them being completely at ease with the lack of formality. By 10pm the party was over and everyone started dispersing their separate ways, Tom said good night to Alex and Max, he looked a little envious of Josh and Marty as they walked out holding hands. Tom slipped in to the almost deserted passage way behind the ballroom and tried to remember his way back towards his quarters. Having only two glasses of champagne the entire day he was still full of beans. It didn't help when he got railroaded in to the wrestling match where Nick came straight for him after knocking Alex out of the competition. He chuckled to himself quietly as he turned the corner thinking of Nick resulting in him getting a semi erection. "Lost boy?" came a voice behind him then a chuckle, Tom knew straight away who it was. Tom turned around "Stop calling me that! Do I look lost to you?" he asked leaning against the wall casually. Nick walked with deliberate slow steps towards Tom who noticed the top three buttons on his shirt undone, by the time he looked up Nick kissed him purposefully slipping him his tongue and pushing his body up against Tom. He could feel the stiff cock in his trousers pushing against his groin and when Nick pulled back from the kiss they looked each other in the eye. Silently Tom followed Nick up to his quarters. Nick closed the door after entering the bedroom and Tom slipped out of his shirt like magic and ran his hand seductively down his chest then in to his trousers and underwear, all the time he stared confidently at Nick who smiled wanting to applaud Tom for his erotic show. Nick stood there and slowly unbuttoning his shirt until it fell away from his body. They both watched each other dropping their trousers and underwear, by now they both stood there naked except for their socks and sporting erections that looked ready to duel each other. There was something that Nick did to Tom when in his presence that he was already feeling, slowly he climbed on to the bed and laid on his back. Nick climbed on the bed and pushed Tom's legs apart with some force slipping between them, he then appeared looming over Tom and looking down in to his eyes. At this point he made no effort to take the footman, instead he waited looking at him. Tom raised his hand and slipped it behind Nick's neck pulling his head down until he could lean up and kiss him. The force of the kiss pushed his head back on the bed and his other hand moved over Nick's back, letting his fingers dance a little over his back several times before gently scratching from the neck down to the crevice where his arse began. Nick made a noise half way between a moan and groan, his cock jumped as the action seemed to ignite every nerve ending in his body. Tom's other hand retained the firm grip around the neck forcing Nick to continue kissing him as now moved his other hand back up along his spine. Teasing Nick in to a delirious state, his cock glistening from precum secreting with Tom's actions. The game went on for a ages as they teased each other, both knew it was coming and sensing that it was going to be one hell of a rough ride when it did. Across the other side of the palace in the west wing and subdued lighting in the prince's bedroom he ran his hands down the light hair adorning the chest then up and down the tattooed shoulder and arm. Straddled across Max looking down Alex was so aroused he was having a hard time resisting from touching his cock. 11 3 1
daddybear54 Posted March 4, 2022 Report Posted March 4, 2022 A very full day for Max! @losolent, you made his feelings of bewilderment at all the protocol so clear that I could feel it right along with him. Also, what a sweet moment when the king came into the lounge and was watching Alex and Max together. And finishing up by setting the stage for more sexy shenanigans with Tom and Nick, Alex and Max, Franco, & Hannes. Damn, this whole tale just keeps getting better and better. 1
negchaserlooking Posted March 4, 2022 Report Posted March 4, 2022 I had to concentrate a little bit on the protocols😂😂. 💖 3
billy88666 Posted March 4, 2022 Report Posted March 4, 2022 Hmmm.... Sounds like Franco may be another great addition to the gang. Can't wait to read about his backstory 😉 2
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