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Author’s Notes:

This is a completely fictional story involving infidelity, relationship corruption, and poz worship and fucking along with some light supernatural imagination.   Any connection to the real world is merely coincidental and nothing is modeled after any real life event.

This story will take time to build.  This first chapter attempts to set a ground stage for the remaining story and therefore contains no sex.  There is a bit of buildup towards to the end to leave you on a cliffhanger.  My expectation based upon my thought process for how this will play out is that for the most part, this will be the most mundane of the chapters, and the rest will be filled with much more of the things we would like to read, although the truest goal here is to continue to layer the tension so that each chapter has the appropriate impact. 





Brandon and Tyler had been together for three years at this point.  Both 22, they still had a lot of life ahead of them, but were madly in love with each other.  They had moved in a year earlier into a small, somewhat run-down apartment on the bad side of town.  But at least it was theirs.  Plus, they needed money to keep themselves looking good.  Brandon was 5’7” 125 lbs, brown eyes, brown hair swung across the side of his face, slightly emo in nature, but a bit more modernized in its stylizing.  His body was a perfect twink body in all aspects.  Both him and Tyler were obsessive about being smooth.  While they didn’t have a lot of hair on their bodies, they found they felt more attractive waxing themselves to perfection each day.  Tyler wasn’t much different than Brandon in the looks department.  He was himself, hot as hell, with an even tinier skinnier body at only 5’5” and 103 lbs.  He was obsessive and meticulous about his diet, his workout, and had somehow, someway, decided that 103 lbs was the magic number.  It helped accentuate his hip bones just right, kept his thighs at the perfect measurements, made his extremely tight clothes hang on his body just the way he wanted.  He was blonde, with a very similar haircut to Brandon, except his hair was more textured and highlighted and toned which really helped the focus on his incredibly deep blue eyes. 

Both boys had no tattoos, but they wanted them eventually, should they ever have the money.  Brandon had a PA on his decently large 8 inch dick.  It wasn’t and exceptionally thick dick, but it was a good size.  Brandon also had his nipples pierced – rings – for that matter.   Tyler was more decked out for sure, each ear had three piercings – the lobe, and then two more going up the side on both sides.  His nipples were pierced, and he preferred the balls to the rings, his belly button as well, but with a fairly hefty diamond that an ex had bought him, along with his taint being pierced. He practically came when he get the taint pierced.   Tyler sported a smaller 6 inch dick, and while not tiny, dictated he bottomed more than topped.

From a looks perspective, these were the stereotypical twinks to the tee.  They had extremely tight little bodies, even hotter asses, looked good in everything, or nothing at all, and were obsessed with their looks.  However, they had a softer side than most.  Overtly friendly, decent, kind, non-judgmental of most guys, it was easy for anyone they met to be surprised be their down-to-earth nature and likability. 

They were madly in love.  They had already moved from the wild sex phase of the first few years of the relationship to a more mundane “husband phase”, even though they were only planning on getting married eventually.  At this point, neither had proposed to the other, but that didn’t matter.  They knew, with every fiber of their being, who they belonged to, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.  Monogamy was key in the relationship, and pure utter devotion was the way that they lived.  They were at each other’s side most times, but even wen not, they constantly texted or called each other to check in, because they cared, they LOVED, not because they distrusted.

Sex wasn’t the main part of the relationship like it used to be.  It happened a few times weekly.  Brandon had a decent sex drive, Tyler had a sex drive that couldn’t even be measured.  But the sex was good if not vanilla in nature, and Tyler never minded Brandon’s lovemaking.  Its not as if the both of them had ever had rough sex or been a little loose before they met, but it was almost like they began to embody the traditional relationship in its monogamy and expectations especially after they moved in.  Spontaneity was definitely not something that Brandon exceled at, but Tyler didn’t hold it against him.  He was so madly in love with him that he certainly could practically overlook any tiny fault.

Brandon worked in a shipped and logistics company in a very manual labor position, and while he had worked there for a few years and finally got on the day shift, since it was a 24 hour operation, there were times, due to staffing, that he had to work late.  The unfortunate situation this particular Saturday was that a couple that they knew, Aaron and Adam, (which Brandon and Tyler called collectively, DoubleA) were going out to the local gay club and wanted Brandon and Tyler to come along that night.  Nothing particularly crazy, something Brandon and Tyler had done with other friends and couples, but not the DoubleA boys.   Adam and Aaaron were a little different.  Not scary or concerning per se, but they had an open relationship and always marketed it as such.  Now, they always drew a line of respect to Brandon and Tyler and never came across pushy, but they still tended to always market how good it felt.  Brandon would always scoff at their musings and statements once he was alone again with Tyler and Tyler would overall agree, although he couldn’t deny that he at least could see the hotness in what they were doing, even if he really had no interest.

“Ya sure you really can’t change your schedule for Saturday babe?” Tyler whined,

“Ugh I fucking know.  I never have to fucking work Saturdays and of course its this one when we have a little something to do!  I so want to make every many jealous of us dancing and making out on the dance floor like fiends so they can see what they don’t have!” Brandon commiserated back.

“Well you do know,” Tyler began, “they probably will end up finding a guy or two to hook up with, and then they will be off to their place or a motel or something, so I cannot imagine I am going to be there till 2AM or anything…”

“Oh babe, “Brandon interjected,” I don’t care at all.  You shake your ass out there, get a little tipsy, have fun.  Its not a huge deal for you to be there by yourself.  I want you to have fun.  I just want to have fun with you is all”.

“I know, I know.  It will be fun, Ill just miss you.  Sucks to have fun when you are working.  But oh well, Im going to look hot and if anyone tries to hit on me I’ll tell them they are too late!” Tyler laughed as Brandon joined in on the laughter.


Saturday rolled around and Brandon went to work on the late shift around 8PM.  Tyler arrived looking hot, in his tightest jeans and shirt, and he’d even made sure to lay out on the top of their apartment building to get a really good tan.  The club they were going to was pretty tame.  Standard fare and a mix of twinks, daddies, and everything in between.  No special theme was on that night, just loud music, strobing lights, hot guys, and plenty of alcohol.  Tyler kissed bother Aaron and Adam on the cheeks when he arrived, almost immediately swinging his hips to the music. After grabbing a few drinks and chatting at some of the tables, the boys were out on the dance floor, swinging around like they hadn’t a care in the world.

Many tracks later, after the crowd had augmented greatly, the club was hot, the sweat was pouring down, the music pulsed in everyone’s bones, Tyler looked over to see Adam in the arms of another twink, tongues down each other’s throats, totally mesmerized with each other.  Aaron on the other hand was grinding up against a pretty hot beefy daddy and who had one hand on his neck and the other straight down his pants.  Tyler could barely see it but Aaron had a tattoo on his hip, exposed by the mans hand pushing down his pants.  Tyler couldn’t read what it said, but he did find hip tattoos attractive and made a mental note to ask at one point.  Nonetheless his friends looked to be pretty drunk and pretty in lust with their new boys, and Tyler figured he should grab some water as he was soaked in sweat from the dance floor.

As Tyler floated over to the bar he eyed some boys that looked his age at a table not too far from the bar.  Twinks of course, sipping on whatever their drink of choice was.  However, these were different.  As Tyler got closer he did a double take.  They couldn’t be THAT good looking.  Then he looked again, and was stunned.  He turned away but had to look back.  He felt embarrassed from the constant head swinging back to look at them and then immediately away in shame.   The club was filled with some incredibly hot guys, from twinks to maybe even some pretty senior guys, many that Tyler could absolutely see as porn models if they wanted to be.  But again, for the fourth time, he looked over at the time and these boys, they were different.  Really different.  Still twinks, but….perfect.  Perfect.  They were all perfect.  The entire situation weirded Tyler out.  Perfection is nothing something anyone can see in this world, so how could he actually know what perfection was?  But yet, everything in him was screaming that those were the most beautiful twinks on the face of the earth.  What the fuck was going through his head.

Tyler turned away again, staying focused, and asked the bartender for some water.  As he turned around to find a table, (and preferably a table on the other side of the bar away from the weird nexus of the universe of perfect boys with unbelievably perfect features), one of the perfect boys stood right in front of him.  Right in front of him.  The boys lips were only an inch or so from Tyler’s. 

“Hello,” the stranger said in a fairly monotone and mundane voice.

Tyler, in the heat of the moment, after spinning around and having a boy practically in his pants had dropped his water, shattering the glass on the ground, and getting a fair amount of water all of his already extremely tight shirt.  As those few seconds of mayhem subsided he looked up at this boy and he saw the eyes.  These didn’t even seem to be human eyes.  Were they contacts? They looked like animal eyes.  Like a cat maybe?  Stunning for sure and Tyler had seen they made weird contacts like this, and maybe this boy was just weird, but yet, he felt the eyes were beautiful. Mesmerizing even.  He froze again for another few seconds, adding to the absolute awkwardness of the situation.  His mouth became dry in and instant, as if he was standing in front of a god. He gradually opened his mouth to say something, yet nothing came out.

Again the stranger, in the same voice, mundanely stated “My friends and I would appreciate your company at our table.”

My friends and I would appreciate your company at our table?  Who the fuck talks like this Tyler said, his temporary focus broken as he tried to wrestle with the tone in the voice and the oddness in the sentence structure but immediately was pulled back into staring into this boys eyes.  The boy could have kissed him right there and Tyler would have been unable to stop it.

The boy did not kiss him though. “Looks like you spilled some water on yourself,” the stranger plainly said, reaching out and touching Tyler’s shirt at his chest.  The stranger didn’t try and grope him, it was simply a gentle touch to determine how soaked Tyler was.  The moment the tip of the stranger’s finger touched Tyler he felt these titanic waves of energy convulsing through him.  It was like horniness amplified.  In his head the music muted itself down to a drone, the lights around everything but this boy dimmed to practically nothing and he continued to feel wave after wave of insane bliss shooting through his body like an earthquake.  In reality this all happened in a matter of five seconds or so, but to Tyler it felt like he stood there for an hour basking in the bliss of a simple touch.

A text came through from Brandon at that point, which broke the mania going through Tyler’s head and he grabbed his phone, taking his eye off stranger boy for a moment. 

The text was Brandon saying hi and that he loved him.  Tyler texted Brandon back that he loved him too, and missed him, and that everything was going fine.  Tyler glanced back over the dance floor to see Adam shirtless being groped and groping the boy he was with, along with a crowd encircling them, and he couldn’t even see Aaron and the daddy anymore.  Again he pointed his eyes forward and was mesmerized again.

“Please come sit with us.  You interest us and we would love to get to know you,” the stranger beckoned.

At least this time the boy spoke in normal English.  

“Yeah, uh, ok I have some time right now, my friends are, um, tied up at the moment anyway,” Tyler replied.

He followed the boy back to his table and took a seat amongst the 5 others sitting there.  All the boys ranged in hair colors, but their body types were unequivocally perfect twink bodies, from head to toe.  Tyler was beginning to realize he wasn’t just seeing things.  The craziness of it all was that, yes, they all had the crazy cat eyes.  They were all mesmerizing, but the initial stranger boy sat down next to Tyler and placed his arm around his shoulders.

“My name is Jax,” he said gently.

“Uh Jax,” Tyler stumbled as he started to pull Jax’s hand off his should on impulse, “I have a boyf….”

“Oh SHIT Tyler,” a shirtless Adam exclaimed as he strolled past the table with his new boytoy on his arm, “The first time you’re out without Brandon and you’re already looking to cheat on him. Fucking hot yo!”

Jax looked up at Adam with a somewhat disgruntled look and pulled his hand off Tyler’s shoulder without any additional help from Tyler. Adam continued to walk away with his boy, even though Tyler reached out trying to stop him.  He couldn’t let Adam talk to Brandon and tell him he saw even the slightest hint of cheating.  Especially when he was the innocent victim here!  Tyler started to jolt out of his seat when his eyes caught Jax and the mesmerizing began again.

“So your name is Tyler,” Jax surmised from Adam’s outburst, “and you have a boyfriend.  I believe that was what you were trying to say before your friend decided to butt in is that right?”

“Yeah that’s right,” Tyler blurted back.  Regardless of his focus on Jax, it wasn’t as if he was under a spell.  He had some sarcasm to his tone, and irritation as well. “And I didn’t come here to cheat on the best man in the world that’s for sure.  So please do not touch me, we have a committed monogamous relationship that’s better than anyone else out there!”

Jax nodded, slowly.  You could see the wheels were turning in his head.  This boy, for not being more than 22 or 23 years old, was acting like some old wise man.  It was intriguing, although batshit fucking weird to Tyler.  Jax stood up without any explanation and walked a few steps, finding Adam, and then with more energy than he had displayed the last few minutes with Tyler, grabbed Adams arm and marched him back to the table.  After setting Adam in front of Tyler, Jax calmly sat down, his composure completely intact.

“Adam is it?”, Jax poked, “I believe we have a misunderstanding here.  Your friend, Tyler, spilled his drink at the bar.  I believe, based on my observations here, that he came here with you yet you deserted him for….that,” Jax pointed to the boytoy on Adam’s arm, “….and then you unfortunately walked by when I was doing something inappropriate to Tyler, not the other way around.  My apologies, because Tyler loves his boyfriend, and we as a wonderful group of friends searching for another wonderful friend, respect and cherish his monogamy.  It was a simple accident and it shall not happen again.  Please understand, this is a misunderstanding.”

“Yeah whatever dude,” Adam slurred in his drunken state, “Ya know I know this Tyler well, I knew saying he was cheating on Brandon would just set him off, this boy would never ever EVER cheat on Brandon.  Hes fucking gold.  Now I gotta go though crazy cat boy, me and this bitch are going to fuck like rabbits.”

Adam scurried off and Tyler was now left impressed by how genuinely Jax tried to correct his error.  Weird guy? Yes.  Decent? Absolutely.  He didn’t have to do that.  He somehow noticed that Tyler was really upset by Adam’s poking and he made it right.  He really made it right.  Ok, there may be some new friends here, possibly.  Then Tyler’s eyes connected with Jax again and the tractor beam was locked.

“We’ve been here for several hours and find this place to be stereotypical and dull,” Jax stated, matter of fact as usual.  “There is another club attached to this club that we would prefer to spend time in, and would love for you to join us, only if you want.”

“What other club are you talking about?” Tyler questioned.  This entire building is just one big gay club, its not in a strip mall or anything else, so what could he be talking about?

“Its not a well known or accessible place.  Only for people in the know,” Jax responded, calmly of course.

“Oh well hey I mean I’m all for people doing their own thing, but I don’t do drugs guys,” Tyler started to get up but it was if Jax’s stare gained intensity and Tyler began to hang on baited breath for the next statement.

“We do not do drugs,” Jax stated plainly, very plainly, as if it was absolute verifiable fact.  In fact, Tyler had never heard anyone make a statement that was so absolutely believable in his life. Jax continued, “This is simply a much more chill environment away from the trashy pop music where we can possibly get to know you as a friend.  Not a lover, just a friend. Not a lover, just a friend.

Not a lover, just a friend, repeated in Tylers mind like an echo.  He nodded, his mouth didn’t work for whatever reason.  His friends had abandoned him for their same ol slutty ways, and he was somehow enthralled with cat boy here and didn’t have any problem proceeding.

The boys all got up and proceeded to walk towards the back of the club towards the bathrooms, snaking their way through the crowd, catching looks from everyone there.  Once at the bathrooms they took a right down a hallway to a door marked “Basement – Employees Only”.

Jax pulled out a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. 

“Oh you’re an employee here?” Tyler asked

Jax turned his head around to look at Tyler, locking eyes once again, “Sometimes a little bit of smoke and mirros is necessary to prevent the world from destroying a thing that you love.”  He turned back around, proceeded to open the doors, which led to a very deep spiraling metal staircase.  Every step down was loud and clanking from every one of their steps.  The light at the top of the deep column going into the ground was a normal yellowy light but towards the bottom of the stairs the lights were a deep red. 

At the bottom of the circular stairs there was a single, steel riveted door.  Hardly contrasted letters to the dark metal barely stated a word on the door, assuming it to be the word of the club.  With the red light, and the other boys’ heads in the way it was hard to read.  Tyler couldn’t make out what it said.  Again, Jax produced another key from his pocket, this one looked like an old Victorian key, inserted it into the key hold, and with a large creak of unoiled hinges the big heavy door pulled open.  Jax held the door as he ushered the boys inside.  Tyler felt uncomfortable at this point. This felt like a dungeon, but he could hear the thumps of music playing from in the door, and some chatting take place down a long smoky hallway laying on the other side of the gateway, and his eyes caught Jax’s again which somehow communicated to him to proceed, and against his inner judgment, he took the steps through the door and followed the boys down the hallway.  

As Tyler got far enough from the entrance, Jax motioned to two figures who were cowering, quiet as can be, under the stairs.  Adam and his boy crawled out from shadows.

“Your performance was acceptable,” Jax said dryly.

“Well thanks so you going to pay us now?” Adam snapped back, drunk, horny, and caressing his boy. 

Jax nodded slowly, as if in deep contemplation. “I believe I told you a thousand that is correct?”

Adam, chomping at the bit and almost salivating jumped, “Yeah man that’s what you said, I’m glad to do it.  But what about this beautiful boy here too?  He had to walk with me to play your little game, I think he should get a thousand as well.”

Jax looked irritated, but produced the cash right then. A thousand for both of the boys, in incredibly crisp bills. 

“Aw man, thanks this is great.  Now you don’t be too harsh on Tyler or nothing, hes a good guy, better than Aaron and I,” Adam laughed, holding himself up against his new boy, who was snickering as well.

“Now this is what is going to happen,” Jax began, as he quickly turned around to eye Tylers tiny ass getting further down the hallway. “You and your boy….”

Adam interrupted, “are going to go fuck like crazy right now…”

Jax grabbed Adam, his pulled ripping Adam from his boy, his hands caressing and groping Adam, his mouth connected with Adam’s, and Adam felt the shockwaves.  Massive lustful waves of pure pleasure pulsed through him like craxzy.  How Jax touched him was unlike he’d ever felt, how he kissed him was nothing like Aaron, how he smelled, how mysterious he was, everything came bubbling up in Adam and it felt like bliss.  Adam’s boy stared in amazement, grabbing his own dick and touching himself, until Jax pushed Adam off him and stared into his eyes.

“I am done with you at this time.  Now you listen to me and execute my orders.  You will walk to the top of these stairs and out the front door.  You will not look for you boyfriend.  When you leave the club, and you will do it immediately after I give these instructions, you will see a black Lincoln Town Car out front.  Open the back door and get in it.  It will take you home.  Tell the driver your address once you get in the car.  You will not touch each other in the car.  You will put your shirt back on.  Once you arrive at home, you will lead this boy into the bed that you share with your lover.  I know you two have an open relationship.  Open relationships are built on trust and honesty.  This is neither of those things.  You will then strip and throw that boy on the bed.  Put out as many pictures of you and your lover surrounding the bed as possible.  You will defile that bedroom and your bed with this boy.  Boy, you will enter Adam raw, as many times as you want, but no less than five, and flood him with your DNA.  Adam you will take him no questions asked.  You will beg for more.  You will stare at the pictures of you and your lover and realize how much better this boy is, how much better it feels in your bed, and how much bliss it is not to tell your man.  Give in to the destruction of your petty relationship and give your ass bareback to this boy, like you know you want to.  Your man will not be home until the morning, I’ve made those arrangements.  By the morning you will be confused, questioning, and begging for this boy to meet you again to cheat on your man.  And you will do it.  I won’t even order that much, you just will.   This will be gratifying to me.”

With that, Jax, knowing that time was short to catch up with Tyler and the crew, caressed Adams hand for a moment, pulling Aaron’s promise ring off his finger in one quick motion.  Adam immediately looked stunned and was about to speak.

“Not a word from you Adam,” Jax said forcefully, “you will not need this anymore.”

Jax placed the ring in his pocket and turned away from a stunned Adam and his boy. As they watched the creaky metal door close in front of them, they saw the words of the club, the words that Tyler couldn’t see.



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Wanted to get the second chapter out quickly to ensure I didn't leave anyone hanging with the "build up story".  I am committed to working on this quite heavily, but I cannot promise 2 long chapters in less than 24 hours every day. 🙂




Tyler walked slowly down the long smokey hallway following the remaining boys.  To his right and left there were arched alcoves containing rich leather sofas and tables, almost like a cozy restaurant.  The air was filled with smoke, whether it be cigarette smoke or weed, they all mixed together into as sweet and intoxicating aroma.  The smell of the all the exceptionally rich leather furniture wafted into his nostrils.  The hallway seemed to go on forever, as Tyler glanced back to see Jax closing the door behind him.  It did not occur to him to think as to why Jax was so far behind.  He just felt that he wanted him close again.


Another text from Brandon hit at that point.  “You know you’re the greatest thing in the world right?” Brandon’s text said.  The momentary spell broken, Tyler responded back to him, “No YOU ARE!”, just as Jax appeared next to him, his perfection almost radiated in this dark atmosphere.  He gave a soft smile as his eyes locked again with Tyler. 

“Keeping up with your man?” Jax inquired.

“Yes yes, He’s stuck at work while I’m out having fun,” Tyler sighed.

“A pity,” Jax stated plainly, “I’d like to see some pictures of him.  I’m sure he’s beautiful.”

“For sure!” Tyler perked up, “I have all of our photos organized in an album on my phone!”

Jax looked content as the hallway finally opened up into a larger open area.  The music, was very different and unnerving than what was playing in the club.  This was club music, but it was dark. All minor tones, it sounded devilish, industrial, evil, and manic.  It had a trance feeling to it, not the genre, but the mental affects.  The boys lead Jax to a set of very plush leather couches near a small tended bar.  Tyler then noticed the bartender, wearing a hood and a shiny almost porcelain-looking mask.  He was not a twink, he had a hot hairy dad bod, and was only wearing a pair of low rise trunks around his thick waist. 

“Whatever you’d like to drink is yours,” Jax stated.

“Oh, um, I’m good I think,” Tyler responded. 

“The boys are going to get more comfortable here,” Jax muttered.  Almost on queue the boys started to slowly unbutton their shirts in somewhat flowing their bodies with the dark tempos beating throughout the club. 

“Hey, wait, I told you I’m not here for sex!” Tyler snapped.

Jax’s gaze hit Tyler in his soul. “Tyler, sweetie. The boys want to get comfortable.  I’m sure you can appreciate their perfect bodies.  But I never said you should be touching them.  They enjoy showing their perfection, and its hot in here.”  Tyler felt himself sink into the seat even more as his eyes caught the most beautiful bodies he’d ever seen.

The clothes coming off definitely aroused Tyler.  He had a magnificent twink body but every single line and curve, the texture of the skin, the proportions of each of these boys, was madness, it was magnificent.  Even the act of just seeing them strip, slowly, with purpose, as their eyes darted back and forth to look at each other, peeking glimpses from him quickly to gauge his approval, was erotic to say the least.  Jax also was unbuttoning his shirt.  Tyler found it impossible to determine if anyone there had a more perfect body than the other, but Jax just left his shirt open, slowing pulling off his incredibly skinny jeans, revealing his perfectly smooth legs, just like the other boys.  All of the boys were wearing the tiniest briefs he’d ever seen, in bright colors.  Pink and yellow and seafoam, all adorned their hot bodies on their briefs, and Jax’s were baby blue. 

“There’s nothing wrong with appreciating the exceptional beauty of our bodies Tyler,” Jax stated.  I love seeing my friends as their clothes fall off, its their natural state of beauty.”

Tyler gulped.  His hands were sweaty, this psychotic trance music felt like it was pumping his blood through his body.  Every thump seemed to hit his soul.  He felt uncomfortable, trying to stop his mouth from hanging wide open being surrounded by such immense beauty. 

“So lets see those pictures,” Jax inquired.

Tyler handed Jax his phone, opened to the gallery with him and Brandon.  Hundreds of pictures of the two of them flooded the gallery, pictures of them looking hot out on whatever excursion they were on, pictures of them kissing, some shirtless pictures as well.  All G rated stuff overall.   Tyler watched Jax’s eyes dart back and forth, his hand swiping through the listings, occasionally stopping to open a picture, enlarging it.  Tyler noticed on him and his friends, the massive cocks sitting in their femboy briefs.  Jax’s was growing, ever so slightly.

“Hot couple,” Jax stated in his mundane voice.  “And you’ve been together long?”

“Yes, four years.  We are going to get married”

“That’s beautiful,” Jax muttered.  “And you live close by?”

“Not really.  We live in the Concorde Apartment tower across town,” Tyler reluctantly said.

“Oh,” Jax paused.  “Not a safe place.  Pretty trashy from my experience.” Jax’s eye developed a twinkle. 

“Well we both have some shit low paying jobs and it was all we could afford,” Tyler somewhat barked back.  The music was overwhelming him, the scent from the boys, the growing cocks, his heart thumping, his hands sweating, all of it was consuming him.

Jax smiled, slowing brushing his hand against his massive dick, just once. 

“Your boyfriend is quite the model,” Jax murmured, his head adjusting back and forth as he was intricately looking at the pictures on Tyler’s phone. “Sorry it aroused me a bit.”

Jax handed Tyler back his phone as Tyler looked a little startled.  Why was he surrounded by perfectly naked twinks and the head one, or whatever he was, was now throwing inklings about liking his boyfriend?  Why did Tyler’s dick jump ever so slightly hearing that?  Even the guilt of hearing another boy give his boy a compliment was massive.

“Uh, so what exactly is this place?” Tyler tried to change the subject.

“Did you not like my compliment towards your boy Tyler?” Jax was unphased by the feeble attempt to change the subject.

“Yes it was fine.  He’s incredible hot and I enjoy being the love of his life,” Tyler again snipped back.  “But what is this place?”

Jax relented, “Its simply a club Tyler.  It’s the club.  There are very few rules here.  It speaks to our souls.”

Tyler looked around and could start to see dozens of silhouettes of again, the most perfect twink bodies, slowly walking through the heavy smoke.  In the larger area they were sitting, with the light rays refracting against the smoke, he could see some enveloped in each others arms, their mouths locked tightly.  Another silhouette looked as if a boy was worshipping another, his head slowly working its way down his torso.  The music was pounding within him.  The dark tones were arousing him.  Tyler felt his dick jump slightly again trying not to stare too long to give Jax any reason to question him.

“So it’s a sex club?” Tyler meekly questioned.

“Its whatever you want it to be,” Jax said in the most sultry tone he had presented yet.

Tyler jumped for a second as the boys next to him had moved to their hands slowly caressing each other.  They weren’t on top of each other, they were just lustfully touching, their hands somewhat intertwining, their eyes locked to their partner.

“Uh, um, this is all cool and everything, but I think I’m going to go,” Tyler stated.  He was getting way too uncomfortable at this point.  The erotic nature of everything was pouring into him.  He jolted out of his seat and started to walk down the hallway again towards the door.

Jax grabbed his arm, not in a forceful way, but only to get his attention.

“That door you entered through is one way only my dear,” Jax said.  “There are no handles or mechanism to leave from that door.”  Jax smiled, in a slightly deviant manner. 

Tyler froze.  Was he stuck? What as about to happen? Jax had jumped up from his chair as well and was standing face to face with Tyler.

“Don’t look so scared Tyler,” Jax plainly stated.  He pointed across the room to another door-shaped archway.  That there is the way out.  It leads right out to the back parking lot. 

The back parking lot? They just walked at least three floors down into the earth.  Tyler didn’t believe it for a second.  And Jax could sense it.

Jax motioned to one of the boys on the couch, who were not even phased by the minor distraction of Tyler beginning to freak out.  The boys had become more engrossed in each other, their lips were on each other bodies, their tongues gently tasting each other’s perfect skin.  One of them, a dark haired one with green eyes, stopped, and got up, strutting his unbelievable body across the room to the “exit” door.  With no key or special mechanism, he turned the handle and opened the door.  The yellow light from the parking lot flooded into the larger sitting room that they were in. Tyler could see the cars parked outside and recognized the buildings surrounding the building. 

Tyler was so confused.  What realm of confusion was he in.  His heart continued to pump with the demonic techno, the silhouettes were acting much more lustful and erratic, and turning back to look at Jax, he felt scared.  His eyes met Jax’s again, the strongest most emotional and evocative connection yet.

“Tyler, you may leave, at any time.” Jax said coyly.  “There is the door.  You are not held here.” Jax was inches from Tyler’s mouth, almost mimicking the moments earlier that night were.  Jax inched even closer and Tyler could feel Jax lifting his arm, as he hadn’t let go, towards Jax’s body.  Being so close to each other already, it only took a minute blink of an eye before Tyler’s hand was on Jax’s thin boney hip bone. Shockwaves shot through Tyler, immense pulses of unbelievable and indescribable pleasure vibrated through him.  The music intensified, the pounding took hold of him.  For a moment his gaze broke with Jax because his eyes rolled into the back of his head.  The clouds in his head were monstrous.  He couldn’t think whatsoever. 

Regaining his composure for a brief moment he realized Jax’s lips were practically brushing his, and all the boys had surrounded him.

“But I hope you don’t”, Jax said bluntly.  His lips connected with Tyler’s.  Tyler shook, the shockwaves he felt prior were nothing.  He felt helpless, but his hand moved around to Jax’s back as an attempt to pull him closer, if only for a second.  The pleasure he was feeling was unbelievable, and Jax was barely kissing him.  Sweat was pouring down Tyler’s face, he was shaking.  He was able to regain composure and pushed Jax back.

“I said I was taken!” Tyler howled at Jax.  He could feel the hands of the boys beginning to touch him, yet he offered them no objection the way he offered Jax. 

Again Jax’s stare hit him at his core. “There is the door.  You are not held here.” Jax stated bluntly again.  And he waited.  His finger outstretched towards the door.  His stare deep into Tyler. 

“There is the door.  You are not held here,” Jax repeated.

Tyler couldn’t move.  He felt hands on his hips, one had slipped up his shirt and was touching his skin. The boys were fixated upon him.  His body was soaked in sweet.  His heart was slamming into his chest.

“There is the door.  You are not held here,” Jax repeated.

Tyler felt himself falling towards Jax.  His lips moving towards Jax again. Jax broke the moment with a  more forceful repeat.

“THERE is the door.  You are not held here,” Jax said forcefully.  Tyler paused.  He looked back at the door, now shut. He felt being groped with so much lust he couldn’t believe the sensations. 

“Give in,” each of the boys was whispering in the lightest sultry voices in his ear as they rotated their hands upon him and their mouths between each other as Tyler was locked in a gaze with Jax. 

“Make your decision Tyler,” Jax stated plainly again.  His voice didn’t seem to waver minus him raising it the third time he told Tyler about the door.  He was ridiculously calm.  “This is your choice.  That is the most beautiful part of this experience.  You aren’t forced.  Fall into it Tyler, or don’t, but I will not waste my time.”

Tyler’s lips smashed in Jax.  Hard.  Their bodies collided with force.  Tyler felt his shirt being unbuttoned, hands caressing new parts of his body.  The boys were doing their part to slowly and erotically strip him down.  He felt his phone being pulled from his pocket and his jeans fell to his tiny ankles.  Kisses and tongues were felt on his neck and the small of his back.  Tyler’s dick was now pulsing, pressed up against the massive rod that Jax had protruding from his body.  Tyler pushed Jax’s unbuttoned shirt off his body, leaving him there in his underwear.  His hands moved up and down the most beautiful body he’d ever touched. 

“Fuck yeah,” Jax let out in a very different tone than he had presented before.  His voice was deviant, dark, sultry.  His tongue was exploring every part of Tyler’s mouth. 

“Love me,” Jax said in an even darker tone.  Tylers hands were everywhere on Jax, he couldn’t stop feeling every inch of him.  “Tell me to stop Tyler”, Jax taunted.

Tyler had no response.  He couldn’t tell him to stop.  He didn’t want him to stop. He felt Jax gently playing with his nipple piercings.  The shockwaves of lust were still pulsing, so hard it felt like physical tremors throughout him.

Jax moaned his name, “Tyler”, with more emotion than Jax had displayed yet.

The boys had grabbed his phone and were looking through the pictures of Brandon.  Their underwear was slipping off, their massive cocks disproportionate to their tiny bodies, rock hard as they looked over Brandon’s shirtless pictures. 

“He has a new text from Brandon,” one of them called.

Tyler paused for a moment, desperate to want to respond to Brandon, whatever he had said.  But then he locked eyes again with Jax.

“Let the boys be your voice,” that deviant tone flooded out from Jax’s mouth.

Again in a trance, Tyler just nodded and plunged his tongue back into Jax’s mouth.  Jax’s hands were soaked in Tyler’s sweat.  Both their bodies were shaking.

“I hope you are having a wonderful time baby!” the text from Brandon said.  The boy with the pure white hair and the pink cat eyes, began typing a response.  The devious look on his face made the other boys surrounding him snicker in an evil manner.

“Baby, I’m having a great time, but its nothing without you.  All these beautiful hot guys but no one compares to my Brandon! Gawd you are tuly the best boy in the world and every moment I am away from you I know my love continues to grow deeper for you.  I could truly never love anyone besides you!”  The response was typed, the message was sent.  The white haired twink looked up to see Brandon’s boyfriend with his head pulled back as Jax licked down the side of his neck.  His 6 inch dick was leaking pre cum on to the floor.  The silhouettes had emerged from the smoke, another 20 or so boys, now groping both the lovers as they transcended time and space.

Tyler didn’t know who he was anymore.  He had never felt so much lust in pleasure.   He felt Jax walking him backward slowly until his little ass hit wet felt to be a table.   Jax started to push Tyler back to lie on the table.  Tyler again gained a minute amount of composure for a brief second, but succumbed only a moment later.  The boys gently guides him gently on to the table.

Jax’s massive 12 inch dick was now touching Tylers hold.  It was sweaty, and Jax’s dick was soaked in pre cum. 

“Tell me to stop Tyler,” Jax said again.  Jax knew it was time to begin to weave the corruption into the lust.  “Tell me if Brandon makes you feel like this.”

Tyler said nothing, his eyes couldn’t be seen.  His asshole was so wet with the sweat and Jax’s precum.  Of course he had waxed every part of his body, he was incredibly smooth.  The devil music continued to shake his core.  Even the droplets of sweat on his body seemed to pulse with this dark techno.

“Love me Tyler,” Jax said again.

Again no reaction.  Tyler was in a trance.

Another text came through and a few of the boys circled around to see what it said.  Snickering and devious laughter ensure between them all caressing and kissing each other.

“Love me Tyler,” Jax said again.

Tyler could only moan. He felt the massive head of Jax’s dick begin to press into his ass.  Tyler again gained composure.  Looking up at Jax, he exasperatedly said, “Are you using a condom?”

The darkness enveloped Jax, his smile devious, his mood content, “Baby, none of us use condoms ever.  We share our DNA as is our mission to do.  Mine will be swirling in you soon enough.  I will be a part of you.  Forever. And soon, more of me will be in you than Brandon, and he will fade away.”  Jax paused as his head pushed further into Tyler.  “Fade away,” he repeated.  Further progress into Tylers sweet smooth hole. “Tell me to stop and I will.”

A mix of intense pleasure overwhelmed Tyler, tears started to stream from his face.  The white hair twink came up to him, showing what was arguably the hottest picture of Brandon on Tyler’s phone. Right in Tyler’s face.  “Look at him,” the white haired twink said.

Tyler didn’t respond.  He was too wrapped up in bliss. The white haired twink grabbed his head roughly by his hair pulling his eyes to look at his phone.  “Look at the love of your life.  Look at what you are doing. Love the deception Tyler.  Love it with all your heart,” the white hair twink began kissing Tyler as Jax pushed hard and deep in one motion all the way into Tyler. Jax’s smooth crotch caressed Tyler’s ass as he was as deep as possible. 

The white haired twink wasn’t making out with Tyler gently like Jax was.  It was animalistic, tongues flinging into each other’s mouths, lust emulating from their bodies.  The boys were still touching Tyler’s smooth body up and down.

Tyler yelped when Jax bottomed out inside his ass.  The pain was intense, but the pleasure was extreme.

Jax was transforming in front of Tyler.  Instead of the mundane, monotone boy that he had met, he was soaked in sweat himself, breathing heavily, losing his own composing.  The lust was all consuming. 

Jax locked eyes with Tyler again.  Tyler was under his control.  “I will now fuck you in a manner that you have never been fucked before,” Jax stated plainly, but it was obviously he was filled with fire.  His dick slid to the edge of Tyler’s hold and then with a massive amount of energy thrust and slammed deep into Tyler, stopping once he bottomed out again.  It was an earthquake within Tyler.  His bones shook with the insane force that Jax had slammed into him.  He felt reverberations throughout his body over and over again.

The eyes locked again. “Call me Brandon,” Jax said to him.

This broke Tyler’s bliss for a moment, and he looked deeply into Jax.

“I said fucking call me Brandon you fucking cheating slut,” Jax ordered.

Again the dick pulled to the edge of Tyler’s ass and another explosive slam back into him.

“Fucking say it Tyler!”

The boys were surrounding Tyler’s head tightly, many of them begin to make out with him as wildly as the white hair twink had, and many had their lips right next to Tyler’s ears.  Tyler heard so many seductive whispers from their mouths.

“Cheat on him.”

(another pull out of Jax’s dick and a slam back into him)

“Love your infidelity towards him.”

(another pull out of Jax’s dick and a slam back into him)

“Enjoy the lies”

(another pull out of Jax’s dick and a slam back into him)

“You are descending into darkness.”

(an even more explosive slam)

“You’ll never want to leave this life.”

(with even more power)

“Think of how disappointed he would be in you.”

“Oh Brandon!!!” Tyler screamed.  And his scream reverberated throughout the entire dungeon club.

“Yessssssssss, fucking say it!” Jax’s voice dripped in lust

Kissing Jax like a wild boy, he exclaimed, “I love you Brandon”

An even stronger slam deep into him.  It felt like his bones were going to break with the tremors shooting through his body. 

“I am your FUCKING BRANDON!!!!” Jax roared.  And another massive slam into Tyler’s ass.  His ass had opened up significantly, he felt loose, and that turned Jax on even more.

“Your infidelity is beautiful,” Jax kissed him. 

Jax stopped the slow pulling out and pile driving into Tyler and his thrust became rhythmic to the dark music playing.  The music was maniacal, it created so much lust inside Tyler.  He was pulling Jax as deep as he could.

“Fuck me Brandon!  Please cum inside me!” Tyler screamed again.

“Oh baby, you beautiful fucking piece of trash”, Jax continued to pound. 

The boys were all over each other now.  Sucking and fucking was erupting around Tyler.  It was a glorification of unprotected sex, lust and bliss.

“I am your FUCKING BRANDON!!!” Jax was roaring like a manic. Dripping sweat, he picked up his pace even more.   Tylers hole was extremely loose, barely holding Jax’s big dick, which turned Jax on even more.  “Give me your fucking heart!!!” Jax screamed.

Tyler was soaked, stomach covered in precum.  Other boys were dripping sweat on him.  Jax was dripping sweat on him.  He tasted its saltiness between making out with Jax.

“Oh Brandon you make me feel like no one else!!!” Tyler cried.

Jax began shaking violently.  Throwing his head back he roared and Tyler felt the massive loads of Jax’s cum flooding him.  Cum frothed off Jax’s massive dick. 

“You are my Brandon!!!!!!!” Tyler screamed.

Tyler’s chest heaved in lust and ecstasy.  He longed to become one with Jax.  Jax orgasm continued, pumping extreme amounts of thick cum deep inside Tyler.

Jax caught his breath and pulled out of Tyler.  Gargantuan amounts of gobs of cum leaked from Tyler’s hole and the boys raced to get under it and drink it all.  They were pushing shoving as cum fell into their mouths and they made out with it. 

Jax walked around to Tylers mouth, as he was still heaving and trying to catch his breath. 

“Taste your sin and infidelity on my cock.  Clean your cheating ass and my cum from the new love of your life’s cock.”

Tyler tasted it all, gagging profusely but like an addict trying to shove every bit of that salty dick into his mouth.  He felt the boys worshipping his puckered loose hole as he worshipped the dick that made him cheat.  Tyler’s dick began pulsing and shooting cum loads all over the place, as other boys raced to swallow the cum and make out with it.

“Now boys, what do have, about 20 of you?” Jax inquired. “Its 12:30 and this boy needs to be home by 3AM.  Breed the fuck out of him now and send this lying cheating sack of infidelity back to his so called love of his life on time!” The roar of Jax’s command resounded throughout the entire room.

The white hair twink pushed through everyone and slid into Tyler’s sloppy hole.  Even more gobs of cum flowed out of him,

Tyler looked up at the room, his eyes meeting Jax’s. 

What horrors had he committed?

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White hair had blasted into fucking Tyler’s ass like a psycho at this point.  Where Jax was trying to create some measure of dark lovemaking, White hair was just blitzing Tyler’s ass like a fiend. There was no mercy, and these huge cocks on all these twinks were just going to open him up to the extreme.

“Cmon you fucking faggy faggy faggot take this big fucking dick”, White hair pounded mercilessly, running his hands up and down Tyler, pulling his head up to kiss him, then slamming him back down on the table. “Oh shit you sure are a fucking dirty bitch!”

Jax leaned over to Tyler and kissed him deeply. Tyler’s body was flailing wildly and completely, and Jax was surprised at how well Tyler was taking it as a champ. 

“This is only the tip of the iceberg my love”, Jax cooed.

Moans were all that were heard from Tyler.  His chest heaved heavily, his body covered in his own cum stains. 

“Fucking Jax cmon I’m tearing this bitch up like the goddamn trash he is”, White hair groaned.

Jax shot White hair a look of a pure hatred, “Watch yourself Bastion!”, he yelled.

So Bastion was White hair’s name.  The thought entered Tyler’s head and then was gone in a fleeting moment as further brutality was brought upon him by Bastion.

“Oh Bastion!” Tyler moaned, which only turned Bastion into a higher level of maniac that was just losing his mind on Tyler’s perfect twink ass.  Another boy came up behind Bastion, turning his head back, deeply making out with him, and then sliding into Bastion with no lube and no effort. The new boy fucking Bastion had a more guttural voice. 

“Fuck this is such a nasty slut hole you have Bastion!” he groaned.

“Shut the fuck up whore boy you love my fucking nasty hole  You know its been seeded by a horrific amount of nasty fucks! Tell me you love it! Tell me you love it!

Each thrust new boy pumped into Bastion ricocheted into Tyler.  Tyler was in the clouds at this point.  Bliss was an understatement, it felt like he understood the world, his purpose, his life, all in an instant. Of course he was then transported back to the present with another boy egging him on about cheating on Brandon.

“Oh shit look at this hot boy of yours that loves you so much!” the boy held Tyler’s phone in front of him, “You nasty fucking cheating whore.  How easily you fucking broke for our perfect bodies and massive dicks.  You have to be the weakest piece of shit I’ve ever met!!”

The boys were laughing maniacally, and Tyler gazed at Jax to see his own reaction.  Sadly, Jax was laughing as well, but Tyler felt comfort in Jax appearing to oversee the operation.  Was this gorgeous skinny twink the leader of the rest of these gorgeous skinny twinks?

Tyler yelled in pain as Bastion went has hard and crazy yet.  He had pulled the other boy out of his loose hole so he could get maximum leverage on pulling completely out and ramming back into to Tyler.  Unlike Jax, this wasn’t a slow thrust that shook his every being, waiting for the reverberations to quiet before pulling out and going again.  No, these we wild full insane thrusts quickly in and out of Tyler.  Cum was still dripping from Jax’s unfathomably large load and Tyler could feel it running down the back of his ass and could hear the commotion under him has boys fought for the recycled loads.

Bastion pulled his face up to Tyler screaming at the top of his lungs, “get on the ground with me now and ride my fucking massive cock like garbage you are whore!!!” Grabbing Tylers neck he snapped him up off the table, slamming him to the ground.  Bastion rolled on to his back still scream, “Get on it! Get on it! Get on it fucking now! You don’t waste my fucking time you psycho!”

Tyler obliged, sliding right down on to Bastion’s dick, the sound of his soaked ass squealing as he plunged himself up and down as the boys encircled him again, touching him, kissing him, and whispering utter filth in his ears.  Tyler looked like he had gotten out of the shower, he glistened in the smokey light of the room.  He watched Jax pacing around the group, like a shepherd watching his sheep, a sadistic yet gratifying grin on his mouth.  For the first time, Tyler saw Jax’s back.  Between his shoulder blades, in bold lettering he saw it.  Tattooed for all to see “HOMEWRECKER”.  Extreme guilt shook Tyler to his very being, but Bastion was not going to let him slow down.

“FUCK. YOUR. CHEATING. ASS. ON. MY. RAW. DICK. NOW!” Again, the screaming was like something from a horror film.  Tyler came again without even thinking, someone gently licking his lips as he stared at the mark on the boy he was falling in love with.  So perfect, yet he was fucked up.  Tyler ran the gamut in his head of every emotion and every memory of his beautiful Brandon to the massive amount of guilt that he was having in this moment. 

“Every fucking thrust into you I want to hear the name of the boyfriend you are mercilessly cheating on you fucking trash!” the psycho Bastion screamed.

Tyler had no other thought but to oblige, at first whispering Brandon’s name but as Bastion egged him on more and more, it went from a whisper to him screaming on every thrust.

“What a goddamn animal you are you filthy twink!!” Bastion roared with pleasure.

Tyler continued screaming Brandon’s name and it felt like Bastions dick grew another inch.  He wasn’t just touching Tyler’s prostrate, he was pounding it into oblivion.  Tyler’s head was spinning, the music still pulsing through him.  His dick was covered in his own cheating boy juices and yet another massive load shot up in the air without him touching himself at all. 

Bastion roared louder that a tornado, and pulled out of Tyler slamming into him with the fury of hellfire, their eyes met, the stars aligned, their mouths gaped open and Bastion threw Tyler on his back when what felt like a garden hose unleashed inside him. Cum was spraying so deeply in him, sloshing and slamming his prostate.  He kept crying out Brandon’s name.  Bastion was laughing maniacally, out of control, and his whole body was convulsing from the orgasm he was having.  The rest of the boys were holding him up and inside Tyler, who’s hole was so loose now it was like a fountain dripping cum everywhere. 

“Oh baby,” Bastion exclaimed, his voice much more soft and loving, “you are one amazing devil boy!”.  He kissed Tyler with all his might, sending shivers all down Tyler’s spine. 

The rest of the boys began to fight for Tyler’s hole, and the night progressed.  Bastion was certainly the wildest, he would watch for sometime and then jump back in just to blow another big load into Tyler.  He’d push the boys fucking him off just to get back inside.  He was certainly the wild one of the bunch, yet none of the boys were tame.  Filth just poured from their mouths at every turn, the fucking was extremely high energy and Tyler was experiencing the pinnacle of pleasure, at least that’s how he felt inside.  A river of cum poured out of Tyler every time another boy pulled out. 

Bastion was loving up on Jax as the last few boys were dumping their loads into Tyler’s unfaithful hole. 

They were making out as Bastion asked Jax, “Do you think there’s anything left of his soul?”

Jax laughed, kissing Bastion like it was their wedding night, such a gross display of lust and affection.  “Baby”, Jax said to Bastion, “There’s plenty left, you know that.  And this is truly nothing compared to the next weeks and months upcoming!” The continued kissing like animals, lust visually apparent between them.  “You know there are many more harbingers my deep love!”

Harbingers? Tyler heard that word.  He also heard that this wasn’t the end. The last boy had finally finished with him and the crowd wish disbursing to other couches, rooms, alcoves to continue making love to each other. 

Tyler was laying on the floor, a gigantic river of cum pouring out his hole pooling on to the ground.

Bastion pulled away from Jax and ran over to Tyler, the mania clear in his eyes, “Bastion!” Jax cried, but he knew it was in vain. 

Bastion grabbed Tyler’s sticky hair, pulling him off as his back.  He mashed his tongue into Tyler hard, Tyler reacting accordingly, his hands attempting to grab on to Bastion’s perfect body, not only to grope, but for support.  Getting Tyler sitting upright the psycho came out of Bastion.

“You see that fucking lake of cum from the most gorgeous twink sluts on the planet just pooling there on the floor?” Bastion, again was yelling.

Tyler’s eyes were only half opened, he was exhausted.  He was in a perpetual state of enormous pleasure.  Getting on his hands and knees, he began to glide his tongue on the floor, eating all the cum in sight. 

Jax walked up around Bastion, putting his arm around his tiny waist.  The just continued to admire Tyler’s debauchery as he cleaned the dirty floor with his tongue. 

Bastion eventually retreated back into the shadows, leaving Jax and Tyler alone on the couch.  Tyler got dressed, not saying anything, tears streaming down his face. 

Jax kissed Tyler deeply, and Tyler reacted as if he was kissing Brandon, which was how deeply they connected. 

Jax took Tyler’s hand and walked him towards the exit door.  Tyler had said nothing.  It was 2:00AM and Jax opened the outer door that somehow magically opened into the parking lot.  Not many cars remained, but Tyler, through his teary eyes, saw his rusty old Toyota Corolla sitting in the lot.

Without saying anything to Jax, Tyler began to stumble towards his vehicle.  The cool night air hit is skin like a knife, but a welcome one, cooling him greatly.  Tyler didn’t look back at Jax. He got into his car, sunk into the seat, and began to sob profusely.

Several minutes of sobbing, and then confusion as to why his dick was still uncontrollably rock hard, and how he felt like he didn’t even have a hole anymore, a face appeared at his driver’s side window. Jax.

Tyler unlocked the car door, and Jax slipped in through the passenger side, and gently placed his hand on Tyler’s skinny thigh.  They sent in silence for a bit as Tyler sniffled.  Tyler scrolled through his phone and was astonished at the amount of texts that went back and forth between Brandon and the boys pretending to be Tyler.  If Brandon had any doubts, those boys had fortified literally everything for him, not to say that Tyler thought Brandon would have any doubts, at least not at this point.

“So, are you mine now?” Jax asked Tyler.

Tyler was just shaking his head back and forth, disgusted with himself.  He said nothing.

“How truly guilty do you feel at this point?” Jax asked Tyler.

“Unbelievably guilty”

“Good”, Jax said matter of factly. Tyler shot him a look of hatred which Jax shot right back at him, causing Tyler to cower a bit.  “This had to happen in this manner for you to learn the power of guilt on your sex drive and your deviancy.  So how are you are right now?  It feels right doesn’t it.  You have to get past the part that feels wrong, but then you realize that hiding underneath it, its pure bliss.”

Jax caressed Tyler’s extremely hard dick.  “See, deep down, you know I am right for you.  You loved cheating on him unprotected.”

Tyler sighed, he turned to say something but he met Jax’s lips with the same intensity that Jax had kissed Bastion.  Lust again poured through Tyler’s veins, his dick beginning to precum again. Jax moaned as his hand slid into Tyler’s tight undies and felt his love juice pouring out of his dick.

Slowing Jax began to edge Tyler.  Tyler moaned.  He moaned harder, he wanted to tell Jax to stop but he couldn’t.

“Oh Jax”, he softly cooed.

Jax immediately changed his persona and backhanded Tyler across the face. 

“Call me by HIS name!” Jax demanded.

“Oh Brandon!” Tyler just responded.  There was no fighting this.

Jax continued to kiss Tyler’s neck while he edged Tyler’s dick.  Tyler just moaned Brandon’s name over and over, his dick fully lubed by his own cum in Jax’s had. 

“Will you continue this journey with me?” Jac inquired as he started to speed up stroking Tyler’s dick.  “I love you you know.”

Tyler just moaned in ecstasy at this point, useless and broken, he signed, “I will continue with you baby.”

Jax now moaned heavily. “Understand, you can always say no, but once you say no, that’s it forever.  We will never force you to do anything, but once a no is given, it all ends forever.” Jax twirled his tongue on Tyler’s neck, who’s dick began to pulse heavily.

In as sultry a voice as possible, Jax whispered in his ear, “Cum for me baby.  Brandon is nothing. I am everything.  You will learn to love what you have created.”

Tyler screamed and his dick exploded in his jeans, covering Jax’s hand.  Slowly, Jax retracted his hand from Tyler’s pants, and Tyler appropriately ate his own load.  Before swallowing, Jax pressed against Tyler’s lips and began swapping the cum between their mouths.

“You’re in deep Tyler,” Jax said, “very deep.”  It only gets more maniacal from here.  Tyler’s dick was still hard.  Pulsing.  He longed for Jax to be inside him again, or to be Bastion’s fuck doll, and yet he longed to be back in Brandon’s arms, with everything normal, not being the hellion that he had become in a matter of hours.

Jax smiled at the confusion on Tyler’s face.  He know what Tyler was experiencing.  He opened the door to leave the car.

“Better get home to your boyfriend now my love.” Jax was back to speaking plainly and mundanely. “Do not look for me, we will be connected very soon.”

“Tyler looked annoyed, still with a hard cock pressing against his jeans. “What do you mean not look for you? I just fucking told you I loved you.”

“Just live your life.” Jax closed the door and strut way. 

The silhouette of Bastion stood in the doorway that they exited from, waiting for Jax.  Tyler watched the light reduce to a sliver, then disappear, as Jax reentered the club. 

Back in the club the boys all stared at Jax as he reemerged from the outdoors.  The most wicked smile filled his face.  He took a turn down another hallway and down some stairs.  The boys he brushed against as walking by them, touched him, with admiration, lust, jealously, and love.  Down more hallways, these made of brick, deep in the ground, around many more corners, he approached a door.  The door had the moniker stamped on it of “Harbinger of Change and Infidelity.”  He turned the key in the door, and then he disappeared from the hall.

Brandon came home to finding Tyler in bed, fast asleep.  It must have been a very dance-filled night at the club.



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Posted (edited)

Wow ! Incredible writing. One of the most arousing read I've had here. Thank you, really.

And thanks for the load, it was a huge one 😉

(Edit : and that was before I even saw the 3rd chapter was already published ! I'm saving this one for tomorrow. Not sure you can top chapter 2, but I have no doubt it's gonna be real good)

Edited by negparis
  • Like 1
9 hours ago, negparis said:

Wow ! Incredible writing. One of the most arousing read I've had here. Thank you, really.

And thanks for the load, it was a huge one 😉

(Edit : and that was before I even saw the 3rd chapter was already published ! I'm saving this one for tomorrow. Not sure you can top chapter 2, but I have no doubt it's gonna be real good)

You'll have to tell me if I topped chapter 2 😁

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