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Evil confessions


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No judgy comments here pls


Have you ever done anything immoral, illegal or fucked up just to satisfy your twisted sexual urges?


I've done quite a few - I've  stealthed guys as both top and btm by tampering/piercing/removing condoms, messed with sleeping/passed out friends and family, jizzed in drinks/snacks before serving, spied on friends jerking off, spied on guys in cubicles,  stole used undies to sniff and jerk later on, exploited a hot str8 broke coke addict's depndency problems for sex, used the pretext of a bj to slip gloryhole cocks into my ass, catfished a coworker to come to my gloryhole, groped cock in crowd at a club/subway, tricked guys into thinking a 'boy toy' with a hole in it is a safe alternatiive to condoms and got guys drunk/high for sex

Edited by rock-cock-jock
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You preface this with ‘no judgy comments’, but you have already yourself placed a judgment on the contents by labeling them ‘evil’ in the very title, so that would seem to open the discussion up to a qualitative assessment of what’s being confessed. At the very least, the nature of the thread begs whether or not the question is being asked in order to glorify such behavior, which would seem to make it fair game for comment.

Besides which, what you’re basically saying by starting such a thread that way, is, ‘I’m going to tell you what an asshole I’ve been, but you’re not allowed to tell me I’ve been an asshole.’


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Eros you always gotta make things compicated! The purpose of my requesting no judgy comments is simply to encourage ppl to share their stories without reprisal, and if not here as a platform, then where? I don't think it's a stretch to speculate that depravity scales with all sorts of risky and deviant behaviours that would be considered evil, if not in a religious sense, at the very least, in a dungeons and dragons sense. So, I simply wanted to enable dialogue to provide shared insight with other like-minded deviants to anonymously comment about shit they've done  and their thoughts on things.  To put it blatantly, sluts do fucked up shit. That's my hypothesis, how many and how fucked up, who knows, but why not talk about it? Whether I'm gratifying these behaviours is irrelevant and the request for no judgy comments is hardly unique. Are only select topics allowed to have this privelege? This doesn't need to be a philosophical converstion, the point is for ppl to just share if they choose to, any stories that come to mind of fucked up things they may have done without people being mean and hypercritical. I know that you know full well that's all I was asking for too. geez did you have a bad day or something? and as for 'evil' in the title, you know that I'm not religious nor was it intended as judgemental word. It's just an adjective, a 😈-like desciptor, not a judgement and its meaning is completely dependent on the reader's perspective  on the relatively abstract notion of what might constitute evil in a sex context. Now the vibe's all weird and no one's gonna share ><

Edited by rock-cock-jock
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6 hours ago, rock-cock-jock said:

No judgy comments here pls


Have you ever done anything immoral, illegal or fucked up just to satisfy your twisted sexual urges?


I've done quite a few - I've  stealthed guys as both top and btm by tampering/piercing/removing condoms, messed with sleeping/passed out friends and family, jizzed in drinks/snacks before serving, spied on friends jerking off, spied on guys in cubicles,  stole used undies to sniff and jerk later on, exploited a hot str8 broke coke addict's depndency problems for sex, used the pretext of a bj to slip gloryhole cocks into my ass, catfished a coworker to come to my gloryhole, groped cock in crowd at a club/subway, tricked guys into thinking a 'boy toy' with a hole in it is a safe alternatiive to condoms and got guys drunk/high for sex

I once shared an apartment with a cute straight friend. No chance of sex with him, I’d tried lol. One time I got home from a night of playing/partying. My ass was full of strangers’ loads but I hadn’t cum yet. My flatmate was at work. He played lots of sports and there was some kit drying in the kitchen, including a jock. I took it and went to my room, stripped off and put the jock on, then jerked off in front of my full length mirror while fingering my hole. I caught my load in my hand and then - without really thinking - went back to kitchen and got one of his big pots of protein yoghurt out of the fridge. I mixed in my jizz from my hand l, then fingered out as much of the cum from my hole as I could and mixed that in too. I put his jock back on the radiator, took a sleeping pill and slept for 24 hours. When I got up, he was out at work again, but the yoghurt had been eaten.

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i'd put the "evil" in single quotes, to designate perception vs reality. Coming from a strict, conservative religious background, a lot of us were conditioned to feel 'evil' from just fucking or being attracted to another male.  That said, all my "evil" fantasies are from a receiving perspective. i have a decided part of me that is deeply aroused and captivated by edgy stuff like being groomed. i had an online thing with a Top who sent me a breast pump and asked me to pump my breasts for 10 minutes a day so i would have "titties."  He admitted that had He been closer by (it was a long distance internet connection), that He would have found a way to slip me hormones so those tits would produce hormones. i hedge at the reality of that, dangerous if one doesn't know what they are doing, but the idea really turned me on.

Mind fuck that is subtle, affectionate, but under the radar exercise of power is a turn on to me, from a receiving standpoint. 

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11 hours ago, rock-cock-jock said:

Eros you always gotta make things compicated! The purpose of my requesting no judgy comments is simply to encourage ppl to share their stories without reprisal, and if not here as a platform, then where?

Actions always have consequences, sometimes minor and sometimes not. If someone isn't prepared to be judged for what he's said, maybe he shouldn't say it.

Because free speech (as a concept, not tied to a particular legal implementation like the inapplicable-here First Amendment) necessarily means others can speak too, including judging what the first person said or wrote.

And as for "if not here, then where?" I would point out that even this site has rules, so it's not a case of "anything goes". There's a huge difference between (A) providing a site where people can discuss behavior that may be frowned upon by society at large, but which isn't harmful to anyone else and (B) providing a place for people to brag about doing truly malicious things.

Celebrate being a shit person if you want, but don't demand that no one else call you out for being a shit person. 

Edited by BootmanLA
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That's a tough one. Illegal.. well, public sex is illegal. Drug use is illegal. So technically, I think a lot of us have done those.

Immoral is a very... subjective idea. And a lot of things that would be considered 'immoral' are probably more like 'illegal'. Though I have sabotaged a few condoms my tops then wore. I've jerked off with family - some would call that immoral. I've written a few stories that explore some... [banned word] themes. Hell, if I counted every married man who's used my mouth or ass, I've committed more immorality than the Old Testament.

And who gets to decide what counts as fucked up? I would count letting a couple homeless guys fuck me in a crack house as 'fucked up'. Or making a straight buddy's car payment in exchange for a raw fuck (though I guess that's technically prostitution, so again.. illegal/immoral?) Is it fucked up to jack off all over my boss's desk at work just because I hated her fucking guts? The problem with vague questions is the terms need clear definitions - or at least ones both parties can agree upon.

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I've done a few. I'm not into underwear so I've never stolen any, I've also never left my jizz for someone to unknowingly eat or drink, took advantage of someone who was an addict or passed out, or tampered with a condom. What I have done is have sex in wildly inappropriate places (including a church sanctuary), jacked off and left my cum in numerous places that it shouldn't have been, often while watching someone who didn't know I was watching, and stealthily turned a sucking session into a fucking session (which often doesn't work and makes guys mad).

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On 2/23/2023 at 11:47 PM, rock-cock-jock said:

Eros you always gotta make things compicated! The purpose of my requesting no judgy comments is simply to encourage ppl to share their stories without reprisal, and if not here as a platform, then where?

If it’s any consolation, I make things complicated for myself in my own head 24/7.

There are lots of threads in this vein on this site, asking men to reveal the most unsavory/scandalous/raunchy/depraved you-name-it thing they’ve done. It tends to draw the fantasists and fiction writers out like a sponge sucks up water, to see who can sound like the most unrepentantly reprehensible sexual deviant. You ask, if not here as a platform, then where? Absolutely here, because this community is jaded and cynical enough about this subject matter to recognize and call out the bullshit when it hears it. It’s the fact that this community is able to entertain such a discussion and keep it on some kind of rails that makes it even possible to have a place like this without it becoming a vile cesspool, and that’s why we don’t do threads where people are only allowed to speak in proscribed ways.

I might have an opinion about the things you said you’ve done. I do, in fact. I haven’t offered it, and feel no need to.  But if guys are going to throw horseshit right in front of me on my screen, they can expect me to tell them how it smells.

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The only thing I’ve really done was jacked off into some brownie batter when I was in high school as a prank. Then baked them. My friends and I were high and they made that joke and I was like fuck it, I’m going to do it, and then did. Nobody has any idea that was in the brownies. 

I guess another thing would be stealing a friend’s used condom and drinking the cum out of it, since he didn’t know I did that 

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I have had sex with older men when I was below the age of consent, and I have been stealthed by strangers, but personally I would never have the guts to stealth somebody or to date a minor. 

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23 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

i'd put the "evil" in single quotes, to designate perception vs reality. Coming from a strict, conservative religious background, a lot of us were conditioned to feel 'evil' from just fucking or being attracted to another male.  That said, all my "evil" fantasies are from a receiving perspective. i have a decided part of me that is deeply aroused and captivated by edgy stuff like being groomed. i had an online thing with a Top who sent me a breast pump and asked me to pump my breasts for 10 minutes a day so i would have "titties."  He admitted that had He been closer by (it was a long distance internet connection), that He would have found a way to slip me hormones so those tits would produce hormones. i hedge at the reality of that, dangerous if one doesn't know what they are doing, but the idea really turned me on.

Mind fuck that is subtle, affectionate, but under the radar exercise of power is a turn on to me, from a receiving standpoint. 

i wrote the above in a hurry before having to get ready for work, just noticed a typo that left out a salient point: the Man in question wanted to "slip me hormones" so the titties He wanted me to have would get more shape, softness and produce milk, not "hormones."  

Now that i have more time, wanted to put a little more into this thread.

i think the fact that most of us are pretty different from 'the norm,'  means that most of us grew up conditioned, to some degree, to feel "dirty, sick, evil, perverted,_________."  That's where i was going with my original response.  I.e., what many have been conditioned to think of as "evil," or have emotional conditioning that makes them feel "evil," is just that: a conditioned response. 

i have more than a few fantasies that people from the culture i grew up in would take as proof that i am "evil, sick, perverted, etc.."  Though i no longer believe or accept the garbage i was conditioned with, feelings/emotions don't always follow our reasoning mind, so stuff that one may 'know' is not "evil, etc.," may still evoke feelings to the contrary. 

For instance, i have a long time fantasy of having a relationship with a Man where He slides His cock in me anytime He needs/wants, like when i am asleep. The notion there borders on objectification and not having consent. Neither of which are accurate, because it's something i want. And that's even part of the fantasy, as i wake to Him pressing His cock into me, He whispers in my ear: "take my cock, you know you need it."  To me, that 'sounds' like something a rapist says to their victim, but this is not rape because He is right and it's not force or against my will, but it is edgy since He is just 'taking' my ass without asking, and initiating when i am asleep.  Even though we both know this is not a bad or forced entry, it still has that "feeling" to it for both of us from different perspectives. He gets a feeling of freedom, power, ownership, and so do i, from an opposite perspective.  What evokes conditioned feelings of 'evil'  can be deeply affectionate and affirming of who and how we are.

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I’ve done stuff so immoral and illegal just to get guys off that I can’t even post them here, but its mostly the kinda stuff that led to me being the trashy, worthless, disposable cumdumpster that most men see me as and led to me getting this nickname that several men at the bathhouse gave me. but I also put a lot of men into situations where they would have been arrested if they got caught using my little body. I have sucked cocks and been fucked in pretty much any public place you can name and taken loads from a lot of [banned word] sources.

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On 2/26/2023 at 12:30 PM, Aidsbait said:

I’ve done stuff so immoral and illegal just to get guys off that I can’t even post them here, but its mostly the kinda stuff that led to me being the trashy, worthless, disposable cumdumpster that most men see me as and led to me getting this nickname that several men at the bathhouse gave me. but I also put a lot of men into situations where they would have been arrested if they got caught using my little body. I have sucked cocks and been fucked in pretty much any public place you can name and taken loads from a lot of [banned word] sources.

mmmm so many secrets 🙂   Love to hear about them 😉 dm anytime

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