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Evil confessions


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Moderator's Note: Asking for no one to be judgmental is fine. Breaking the rules of the forum is not. Make sure you keep your confessions within the limits of allowable discussion. 

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Illegal and "fucked up" don't qualify as "evil" in my book. Immoral does (by definition). However, as I see it, morality (as opposed to ethics) is personal and situational. That's precisely why I think legislating morality is a seriously bad idea.

I've done quite a few illegal and fucked up things, and even a few that were pushing the boundaries of my own morals. I've never done anything I would construe as "evil".

The illegal stuff I won't mention here (even though the statute of limitations has probably expired).

Fucked up... well, there was the time I was in the sex club and pointed the guy who insisted on a condom to my bottle of mineral oil when he was looking for lube. And the time I pissed all over a guy in the middle of a college classroom (after hours). And way way way too many instances of public sex in parks, restrooms, an elevator, a graveyard... Did I mention the time I got thrown out of Sears?



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Hmm... Illegal? 

there was a lot of underage shenanigans. there came a point when I decided I didn't want to be passive or a victim anymore. I began to be a predator in my own right. 

I was a whore for a long time Most storiesci can't disclose here.

Even now there are things its best I not admit to in a public forum. 

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On 2/24/2023 at 7:59 AM, tallslenderguy said:

i'd put the "evil" in single quotes, to designate perception vs reality. Coming from a strict, conservative religious background, a lot of us were conditioned to feel 'evil' from just fucking or being attracted to another male.  That said, all my "evil" fantasies are from a receiving perspective. i have a decided part of me that is deeply aroused and captivated by edgy stuff like being groomed. i had an online thing with a Top who sent me a breast pump and asked me to pump my breasts for 10 minutes a day so i would have "titties."  He admitted that had He been closer by (it was a long distance internet connection), that He would have found a way to slip me hormones so those tits would produce hormones. i hedge at the reality of that, dangerous if one doesn't know what they are doing, but the idea really turned me on.

Mind fuck that is subtle, affectionate, but under the radar exercise of power is a turn on to me, from a receiving standpoint. 

Did you ever experience any breast growth?  How did the pump feel?

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13 hours ago, Likesitall699 said:

Did you ever experience any breast growth?  How did the pump feel?

the effect was more shaping than enlarging and it didn't last... though i imagine it would if i kept doing it? idk, probably not unlike other pumping. It gave me little titties when i was doing it. The feeling for me was unremarkable, but im not all that oriented to me chest, for me it was more of mind fuck thing that He liked and wanted me that way.

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  • 1 year later...
On 2/23/2023 at 4:41 PM, rock-cock-jock said:

No judgy comments here pls


Have you ever done anything immoral, illegal or fucked up just to satisfy your twisted sexual urges?


I've done quite a few - I've  stealthed guys as both top and btm by tampering/piercing/removing condoms, messed with sleeping/passed out friends and family, jizzed in drinks/snacks before serving, spied on friends jerking off, spied on guys in cubicles,  stole used undies to sniff and jerk later on, exploited a hot str8 broke coke addict's depndency problems for sex, used the pretext of a bj to slip gloryhole cocks into my ass, catfished a coworker to come to my gloryhole, groped cock in crowd at a club/subway, tricked guys into thinking a 'boy toy' with a hole in it is a safe alternatiive to condoms and got guys drunk/high for sex

That's hot. How do you trick gloryhole cock into anal? Wouldn't they pull out?

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I once jacked off and came on a GFs crucifix necklace. Didn't bother my conscience one damned bit. And when I was a little kid I once broke something and blamed it on my little brother. He got a spanking for it. I felt really bad over that evil deed, watching him cry while knowing it was my fault was heart breaking. But sexual stuff? Never felt bad about any of that.

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I’ve been adventurous. I don’t do drugs. If there is coke, heroin…I’ll leave. 

I've done Publix sex. I done it out in public park. People present. 
I gotten more freakier in public rest room. I was full on naked. The top banging me open in the restroom. 

that’s it. 

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alone in the balcony of a church where i hoped the rev could not see me.  the embarrassing one: i was hired as a night watchman at our high school.  i was along 98% of the time. so i was, as my father so charmingly put it 'playing with myself,' when one of the janitorial staff walked in. he handled it well and did NOT put it in the day book, where we were supposed to note any odd occurrences. 


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