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                                                                                                             The Birthday Gift 🎉


The crisp spring night air holds a touch of excitement that night as two young lovers walk hand in hand down a bustling sidewalk, but they hardly notice, they only have eyes for each other. To a passer-by they make a fetching couple of opposites, one is tall, the other is shorter, one has dark hair and the other strawberry blond, with the only obvious similarity being the blinding smiles plastered on their faces. 

“Where are we going?” asks the young man with strawberry blond hair. 

The young man with dark curls chuckles, his brilliant blue eyes twinkling with mischief at the question. “I told you, Seven, it’s a surprise for your birthday.” 

Seven pouts, his pink lower lip looking particularly kissable in the moment, so his lover leans over and quickly gives him a peck. 

“Don’t pout, babe, I promise, you’ll love it.” 

“I better, Liam, or you’ll be going without tonight,” Seven teases, which makes Liam’s lips disappear in a tight line. “Now who’s pouting?” 

“You are so lucky we’re in public,” Liam says with a touch of a dark seductive edge to his voice, “otherwise I’d thoroughly remind you what you’d be missing out on if you made good on that threat.” 

Seven gulps and almost instantly his cock jumps at the mere mention of their bedroom activities; his reaction only gets worse when his now half-hard cock rubs against his tight blue shorts in the process. He wants to be upset over his predicament and blame his loving boyfriend but there’s something almost palpable in the anticipation and he wants to ride this feeling out for as long as possible. 

Then he wants to ride Liam’s cock even longer. 

They cross over two more streets and cut through an alley before arriving at a nondescript building that could’ve otherwise gone unnoticed had it not been for the line of people outside and two large men standing by the entrance. Seven grips onto Liam’s hand as his boyfriend confidently walking past the entire line up to the two men by the door. He reaches into his pocket and produces two cards, which he hands to one of the men, who then opens the door. Seven can’t help but giggle at the loud groans that follow them as they head into the building. 

The door closes and the pair are instantly swallowed by loud, pulsating music, strobe lighting, and— 

“Foam!” Seven shrieks but it’s drowned out by the music and energy around them. 

Indeed, there is multi-coloured foam flooding the room, about knee-deep on most patrons but some areas it’s up to thighs and waists. Seven reaches down and scoops some up in his hands, smelling the light scent that reminds him of a specific soap brand before reaching over to throw it in Liam’s face. 

Liam sputters and spits out what got on his mouth while Seven laughs hysterically, only to be met by a face-full of foam not a second later. They look at each other for a moment before breaking down in giggles and tears at the sheer ridiculousness of the moment. Seven wipes the foam off his mouth before reaching up to kiss Liam. 

“Thank you,” he says when he pulls away, “I can’t believe you found a club that does foam parties!” 

“It took some research, but I found this place thanks to some online tips,” Liam says as he takes Seven’s hand and goes to the bar. He orders their usual – two rum and colas – and they take up two stools while they wait. “I know you’ve always wanted to go to one.” 

Seven nods. “Ever since I heard about them! Thank you so much for this, baby! Best birthday present ever! I love you!” 

“I love you, too,” says Liam with a soft smile. He can hardly believe that this amazing person is his boyfriend, his for the past several years. There’s another gift he has for Seven, it’s currently resting in his pocket, but he has a plan for that too and it’s for after their night out at the club. 

They get their drinks along with a small plate of appetizers, enjoying the moment as they watch others dance in the foam, looking completely free and happy. Seven can’t wait to join them, to be part of that feeling. His skin tingles in anticipation and he bounces in his seat to the beat of the music, hardly able to keep himself from jumping straight into the throng of people writhing and moving on the dancefloor. 

The second they finish their food, Seven grabs Liam’s hand and drags him right into the centre of the dancers, then proceeds to press his back against Liam’s chest and grind his ass into his cock with the music. Liam’s hands grip his waist, and his face sits in the crook of his neck where he peppers soft kisses into Seven’s pale skin, nipping him every few kisses until a red mark blooms. Then he licks the mark and relishes in the way Seven squirms in his grip. He doesn’t think he could get any happier than standing here with this wonderful man in his arms. 


Three songs pass with Seven firmly planted against Liam, not even a breath of space between them as they dance in the foam. Seven occasionally reaches down to get a handful of foam to play with, either smearing it on Liam’s face or his own or even their bare torsos – they lost their shirts at some point during song two, not that they care, they were cheap white t-shirts Liam bought anticipating this exact situation. Seven is definitely enjoying his birthday surprise, pleased beyond words that his boyfriend took the time to find a place that does events like these, and even happier he paid the money to get them in the club. 

Seven’s euphoric bubble is burst when Liam squeezes his hips and says, “Hey, I need to use the washroom, come with me.” 

Seven glares at him over his shoulder. “No, I’m staying right here.” 

“Babe, I don’t want to have to try and find you,” Liam insists. “Please come with me.” 

“No, this is my night and I’m not leaving this dancefloor until security has to drag me out,” Seven replies petulantly and he shoves Liam’s hands off before he disappears into the crowd of dancers. 

It’s a petty move but he doesn’t care right now, he’s annoyed and slightly tipsy and high off the energy in the room. He’ll deal with the consequences later, right now he’s focused on enjoying himself. He finds himself a free spot close to the wall and one of the speakers with a small mountain of foam completely untouched, so he claims it in his name and starts dancing like nobody’s watching. 

Unknown to Seven, someone’s watching him closely. 

The song ends and Seven takes a breath as he waits for the next one to start; Liam still hasn’t joined him, so he figures he’s either lost, still in the washroom, or ignoring him until one of them – mostly Seven – apologizes for their argument. Seven has no intentions of apologizing until the club closes so Liam will have to pout for a few more hours. He’s content with this plan, at least for now. 

A new song starts and Seven prepares to start dancing when something warm and large settles on his hips, he startles and looks down. There’s a pair of sun-kissed hands that are definitely not his or Liam’s touching him. He looks behind him and sees a bright pair of green eyes staring at him. 

“Hi,” says the man, his voice sounds like caramel over gravel and Seven shivers. The man leans closer and puts his mouth by Seven’s ear. He’s a few inches taller than him – probably taller than Liam – so it almost feels like he’s hunching over. “Mind if I dance with you?” 

Seven considers pushing the man away and going back to his own private party but the thought of this gorgeous creature dancing with him is too tempting to resist so he shakes his head. “It’s fine!” his voice barely carries over the music. 

The man pulls back and flashes him a dazzling white smile before pulling Seven flush against his clothed torso. The grey tank top brushes against Seven’s back deliciously and he groans softly, sure the other man can’t hear him over the sounds of the music and thumping base. They grind in time with the beat, new guy’s hands stay firmly on Seven’s hips even when Seven decides to be bold and rest his head on the man’s shoulder. It feels so nice to be so close to him, even if he doesn’t know who the hell this guy is, and he’ll take whatever he can get for as long as he can. 

Liam is Seven’s first and only boyfriend, they met shortly after Seven came out openly and have been inseparable ever since; and while he loves Liam, Seven laments the lost time of exploring himself and his sexuality more. Liam has been his only lover, which sounds romantic, but Seven has found himself craving something else of late. This man behind him seems to be enough to scratch that itch. 

When the music ends, Seven fully expects the man to leave and move on to another dance partner, so imagine his surprise when not only does the man not leave but his grip gets tighter and more possessive. Seven looks over and sees the man already looking at him from under his mess of beach hair – if he never learns his name, Seven will call him Beach God or BG for short. 

“You’re so fucking hot,” Beach God says in Seven’s ear, and he shivers again hearing BG’s voice, especially so close. “Are you here alone?” 

Seven shrugs. “I came with someone, but we had a fight so now I’m on my own.” 

“His loss,” BG says and Seven can hear the smile in his voice. His fingers trail up to brush at the top of Seven’s shorts, dipping beneath the waistband just enough for the callouses on his fingers to find soft skin. “Hey, I know we just shared a dance but wanna have some real fun?” 

“Maybe,” Seven says as his skin flushes from BG’s touch. In the back of his mind, he knows he should say no, say the person he’s with is his boyfriend and not some random date, but when BG’s fingers go lower and start rubbing the soft skin near his cock, his mind blanks and he moans. 

That’s all the encouragement BG seems to need. 

BG’s large hand moves from the shaved skin surrounding Seven’s soft cock, to directly over his cock, cupping it easily. He fondles Seven with gentle but determined movements as his other hand travels up Seven’s torso, stopping on his chest to tease and pinch his rosy nipples. Without the support of BG’s firm chest behind him, Seven is sure he would’ve collapsed by now, his knees are already buckling under the overwhelming sensations of BG’s hand on his cock, the delicious way he’s teasing his nipples, and the knowledge that what he’s doing with this guy is so bad but feels so good at the same time. He wonders if Liam is looking for him, but that thought is quickly chased out of his mind when BG speaks again. 

“Look at me and open your mouth.” 

Seven complies easily, turning leisurely towards BG’s face and opening his mouth as requested. BG leans in and shoves his tongue straight into Seven’s mouth, his mouth creates a tight seal around Seven’s as his tongue licks around. Seven is helpless to stop or even keep up with him, content on letting him explore his mouth like a starving man while he loses himself in the feeling of BG’s touches. 

He nearly jumps out of his skin when BG’s long middle finger brushes firmly against his entrance, which breaks their lip lock, but BG hardly seems concerned. Instead he’s far more focused on shoving his hand further into Seven’s shorts to get to his hole. 

Seven reaches down and tries to stop the wandering hand as it goes another inch deeper. “Hey, stop, you’re going to rip my shorts.” 

BG snorts as he rubs the tip of his finger against Seven’s entrance, watching with amusement as Seven’s eyes roll back in his head. He curls his fingertip just enough that it catches on the rim and pushes in slightly; Seven presses down further, hoping to get more of the thick finger inside but is disappointed when nothing more happens. 

“What a dirty slut,” BG whispers to Seven as he pulls his finger away just enough to tease the outside rim. “Thinking you can fuck yourself on my finger. You want that pretty hole filled, don’t you, baby boy?” 

“Yes,” Seven whines as he moves his hips in search of the finger that felt divine inside him. “Please give it to me, sir. Please.” 

“Such a good boy, asking so nicely,” BG says, licking a long strip from Seven’s collarbone to his lips, dipping his tongue inside Seven’s hot mouth for a brief moment before pulling away. “Fuck you taste good, baby boy.” 

“So do you,” Seven says, barely able to hold himself up at this point as he nearly leans his full weight against BG, who is now leaning against a wall. BG smirks at Seven’s blissed out expression with half-lidded eyes and swollen lips still wet with their spit. 

BG pulls both hands back and before Seven has a chance to complain, he hears a ripping sound. His eyes fly open, and he looks down to see BG ripping the side of his shorts. He reaches down to stop him from completing the tear. 

“Stop!” he says somewhat desperately. “I told you before not to do that!” 

“They’re in the way.” 

“I can take them off, just give me a chance—” 

BG overpowers Seven’s grip and finishes ripping the fabric from the top to the bottom along the seam. Seven is appalled. BG rips the other side just as easily as the first and tosses the fabric into the foam. 

“Fucker! Now how am I supposed to go home? I have nothing to wear!” 

BG shrugs. “I’ll fix that later.” 

Seven goes to protest again but he’s silenced by BG’s tongue sliding into his mouth as his hands resume their original positions, only this time his finger is able to move more freely than when trapped in Seven’s shorts and BG easily slides up to his second knuckle into Seven’s hot entrance. 

He pulls away and gives him a knowing look. “Little slut prepped himself already.” 

“Always prepared,” Seven replies with a dopey grin. It quickly disappears when BG starts moving his finger, making him moan almost loud enough to be heard over the music. He’s vaguely aware that there are people around them, and that he can feel eyes on him, but he can’t find it in him to care. If anything, it turns him on more. It isn’t long before BG adds a second finger to distract him from the gaze of the crowd around him, which stretches him wider than he’s ever felt before, and he winces slightly when BG starts to scissor. 

“Just relax, baby boy,” BG says kindly. “You’ll never take my cock if you can’t take my fingers.” 

Hearing that makes something in Seven snap and he becomes determined to take whatever BG has to give him. He forces his body to relax and soon the burn from being stretched subsides and he starts moaning shamelessly as BG teases his fingertips over his prostate, never giving enough pressure to get him off but just enough to send jolts of pleasure through his body. He’s fairly certain at this point the only reason he’s still standing is because of the fingers in his ass and BG’s solid body. When BG puts a third finger inside, the stretch hardly hurts, and he finds himself grinding down shamelessly on all of the fingers filling him to the brim. His legs give out completely when all three fingers rub on and around his prostate, hitting him from all possible angles. He vaguely feels fabric moving against his bare ass and wonders if BG is taking off his shirt. Then the fingers are removed from his hole in one swift movement, leaving him empty and clenching around nothing. 

“Patience, baby boy,” BG says as he manhandles Seven more securely into his hold. He turns him around, so they are chest to chest then lifts him by the thighs, spreading his legs as he hoists him up, before pushing him against a wall. The wall is covered in sound dampening panels, so it isn’t cold when Seven’s hot skin touches it, but it is rough. He groans slightly. 

With Seven’s legs still spread as wide as they can, BG situates himself between them, his cock now out of his own shorts. He moves Seven a bit until his hole is lined up with the tip of his leaking cock then he presses it inside. 

Seven moves enough to break away from the intruding cock and shakes his head. “No, no, this isn’t right.” He tries to move away, to free himself but BG’s hold is too tight, and escape becomes almost impossible when he pushes more weight against Seven to pin him to the wall. 

“You were so eager for my cock, baby boy, what happened?” 

“I have a boyfriend!” 

BG can’t help but chuckle. “So, you have no problem with me stripping you naked and shoving my fingers and tongue in you, but when I go to put my cock in, that’s the line? You’re such a cute idiot.” 

“Then please don’t go in raw!” 

BG pays him no mind and he moves one of Seven’s legs over his shoulder, then uses his free hand to guide his cock back to Seven’s hole and wastes no time in pushing inside, groaning slightly at the tightness and heat that envelope him. Seven is shaking in his grip as he struggles with taking the entire cock, feeling every inch as it fills him more than BG’s fingers could ever dream. He feels like he’s being split in half. 

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, BG is completely inside, and he lets out an airy sigh while Seven continues to shake as tears roll down his cheeks. BG leans down and pecks his lips softly. 

“Such a good boy, you took every inch,” he praises and Seven whimpers, whether from pain or the praise, BG doesn’t really care. “You feel so good, so nice and tight even after I prepped you. Such a good little slut.” 

Seven isn’t sure how or if he should respond, so he just nods. 

“Don’t worry, you’ll feel good soon,” BG whispers in his ear. “You’ll feel good and forget your boyfriend’s name.” He then licks some of the tears on Seven’s cheek and puts Seven’s other leg over his shoulder, folding him practically in half while his hands grip tightly to Seven’s hips. 

BG rolls his a few times before pulling out until just the tip is still inside then thrusting roughly back into Seven’s hole. He repeats the actions of grinding before pulling out and slamming in until he sets a steady rhythm of thrusting and grinding that works best for the position. He looks down and watches in mild fascination as his cock disappears into Seven and then back out. He loses himself in watching, focused on his thick ruddy cock pulling and pushing on Seven’s rosy rim, when he thrusts in, he pauses for a moment to appreciate the contrast of their skin tones, his so tan compared to Seven’s pale complexion. Then he adjusts his grip so his hands are holding onto the soft globes of Seven’s perky ass, and he spreads them as wide as he can before resuming his rough pace. He looks at Seven – who is clearly lost in the pleasure despite his protests – with eyes closed and mouth open as moans and gasps are punched out of him in time with BG’s movements. 

BG leans in and slips his tongue into Seven’s open mouth, not even bothering to try and seal their mouths together – Seven seems to be breathing exclusively through his mouth at the moment – and lets his tongue play with Seven’s almost lazily compared to how hard and fast his hips are moving. The contrast amuses him, with his tongue making love to Seven’s mouth while his cock fucks him ruthlessly; what catches him off-guard is when Seven reaches behind him and presses his head, so their mouths are together just as he lets out a high-pitched moan. BG feels hot spend trickle down Seven’s hips and onto his hands and he groans into Seven’s mouth. 

He pulls his mouth away and doubles down on his efforts to reach his own release, chasing the high as heat pools in his groin. Seven moans wantonly, his entire body buzzing from overstimulation as BG pounds harder into his hole until finally he feels something hot fill him to the brim and it’s enough to push him over the edge a second time. 

“Oh fuck!” he screams as his cock releases more ropes of thick spend, “I’m coming!” 

“Fuck,” BG gasps, giving a few weak thrusts to ride out the aftershocks from Seven’s ass constricting with his second orgasm. 

Neither man can move afterwards, their bodies still connected, both covered in fluids. 

“So perfect,” BG says before pecking Seven’s lips again. “So good.” 

Seven manages a lazy smile. He winces sharply when BG pulls his cock out. 

“It’s okay, baby boy,” BG reassures as he moves to keep Seven pinned against the wall while he takes his tank top off, which he then puts on Seven as best he can in their current position; he’s sure by the limp way Seven feels in his grip, if he put him on the ground, he’d collapse. Then he gently moves Seven’s legs down back to the ground, one hand always wrapped around his back, and finishes pulling down the tank top so everything to midthigh is covered. BG then scoops Seven up in his arms and kisses him softly again. 

“I’m taking you back to my place,” he says as he starts walking through the crowd of people still dancing, it’s somewhat less than before but still enough to keep BG from rushing out of the building. 

Despite how heavy his eyes feel, Seven is still awake enough to see people are indeed staring at them, some with jealousy, others with their cocks in hand or in someone else’s hand. He tries to smirk, but his body is too exhausted to comply. In the back of his mind, he does find it odd that some people are gaping at BG’s back, like there’s something of interest there, and maybe there is, Seven hasn’t seen it yet. Maybe it looks just as chiselled as his front and those people haven’t seen muscles sculpted by the gods before. 

“Sleepy,” Seven replies followed by a kitten like yawn. 

BG chuckles. “You sleep, baby boy, because that ass is mine when we get home.” 

Seven nods as he drifts off to sleep while BG pushes through to the exit. 

Once he’s free of the dance floor, BG notices a sulky young man at the bar who suddenly jumps up when he sees BG and immediately, he realizes this is the boyfriend. Boyfriend comes striding over with a murderous look in his eye but one quick gesture from BG to a nearby bouncer and he’s stopped before he can reach BG and his sleeping beauty. 

“But that’s my boyfriend!” Liam protests, looking helplessly between the bouncer and the man carrying his boyfriend. He then sees that Seven is asleep and wearing a grey tank top he knows he didn’t arrive in and by the size, he guesses it belongs to the man carrying him. When the man shifts Seven, he catches a glimpse under the shirt and sees Seven, is completely nude!  Now staring at his boyfriend, Liam then sees pinkish and thick fluid leaking from Seven’s ass. Liam’s heart shatters. 

“Should I throw him out, boss?” the bouncer asks, and BG shakes his head. 

“Nah, just hold him until I leave,” he replies with a smirk. BG then turns so Liam can properly see both men. “By the way, he did mention you, once.” 

Liam tries to glare at him through the tears. “Fuck you!” 

“Pretty boy already did,” BG smugly says. “Have a good night, Boyfriend.” 

BG then heads for the door, Liam is still being held back by the bouncer, and just as he readies some insult or curse, the words die in his throat when he sees BG’s back. 

Tattooed between BG’s shoulder blades is a massive, Black Scorpion. 🦂





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1 hour ago, negchaserlooking said:

Fuuuuuuuuck. Hope this not a stand alone story and we see more!

I am unsure if there will be a part 2.  I will consider it though. Often, further chapters never live up to the original.

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  • 9 months later...
On 4/27/2024 at 6:40 PM, SeaStealthBttm said:

I know it’s been a while but I’d love to know what happened next. What happened with Seven? What did BG do to him?

I think we all would like to see another part!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/24/2023 at 5:06 PM, Philatanus said:

....the words die in his throat when he sees BG’s back. 

Tattooed between BG’s shoulder blades is a massive, Black Scorpion. 🦂

@Philatanus - what a great story ... 

DELICIOUS in every aspect .... shame you didn't come back to this story to add more chapters ....


I am sure all the others here agree with me that we would love to hear more of this amazing development ... 

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