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Any LGBT+ Republican individual out here?

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  On 6/1/2024 at 10:43 PM, Guy4GuyCoSpgs said:

Hello all!

I have read all these post for a while.  It's sad that there are people who cannot accept a Republican being gay.   I am truly shocked ar some.of the comments and the reason is, yes I am gay, I am a republican, do I believe in all republican issues...I can't be man enough and say no.  But, do all gay democrats stand up for all Democrats issues...if you do...then you are not doing you job as an American citizen diving in and looking at all the issues.

I am not mad or.angry, but I am.sad by allot these comments lump.me in where I don't belong.

Time for me to.leave.


I'm a gay republican man.

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What does politics have to do with sex? Just enjoy breeding or getting bred, we're all pigs

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  On 6/1/2024 at 10:43 PM, Guy4GuyCoSpgs said:

Hello all!

I have read all these post for a while.  It's sad that there are people who cannot accept a Republican being gay.   I am truly shocked ar some.of the comments and the reason is, yes I am gay, I am a republican, do I believe in all republican issues...I can't be man enough and say no.  But, do all gay democrats stand up for all Democrats issues...if you do...then you are not doing you job as an American citizen diving in and looking at all the issues.

I am not mad or.angry, but I am.sad by allot these comments lump.me in where I don't belong.

Time for me to.leave.


Indeed, that is I believe one of the problems with parties.  They oversimplify complex issues to a single point; which often exacerbate other issues.  

The GOP was an effective balance against overly liberal agendas or spending beyond our means.  It would appear no one is minding that store anymore.  

A Trump vote (not to oversimplify to conservatives as he is not a "conservative" by any stretch) is one for ripping apart our political system to one much less stable and increasingly unpredictable.  And I know that is frustrating to some who "want it now!!".  

I am not a Biden fan although truly, he has done a hell of a lot of productive things in his political life.  Which is not to say he doesn't have his blunders.  For example, Israel.  It isn't a state of the USA.  It is an independent country; and while we sell a ton of stuff to them; often on our dime; it isn't his war.  The Israeli Trump, Netanyahu is running that show.  

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  On 6/2/2024 at 1:37 AM, pigoma said:

What does politics have to do with sex? Just enjoy breeding or getting bred, we're all pigs


While there's a limit to how much I'll discuss politics on a sex forum, politics is relevant to sex. Politics affects our sexual health and even legality of sex acts.

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  On 6/1/2024 at 10:43 PM, Guy4GuyCoSpgs said:

It's sad that there are people who cannot accept a Republican being gay


If that were the case, I wouldn't blame you one bit for feeling sad.  

The fact is, every guy is accepted here on BZ, no matter what he believes about all kinds of issues.  What isn't acceptable however, is when guys hiding behind their computer screens write angry, denigrating, even hateful screeds about other guys merely stating their viewpoints.  

It's probably true that most gay folks are politically liberal, but that doesn't mean that anyone with conservative beliefs aren't welcome here.  Our political beliefs (or any other beliefs, for that matter) are able to be discussed openly in this forum, on all manner of subjects.  The only requirement is that we treat each other with common decency, particularly when we disagree.  

So don't feel that  you're not welcome, or your input is not welcome, because it is welcome.  It's always sad when some folks simply cannot accept that other folks hold different beliefs, and throw (virtual) road apples at those they disagree with.  But, maybe those folks simply weren't taught common manners when they were little kids - or any number of admittedly more interesting excuses for poor manners.  

Hang around for a while longer, Guy4GuyCoSprings - you belong here just as much as everyone else.  

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Certainly the LGBT.... movement is political.  Of course it is; gaining rights to exist as a human is one of the core political agendas.  Casting other humans as having no right to exist exists today and throughout human history.  BUT the right to exist at least used to be common to both parties here.  Hell @topblkmale knows this first hand....  🙂  Not fretting "you've done it now" I hope...

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I would cheerfully suggest that anyone who thinks politics has nothing to do with being gay, and who doesn't want to discuss politics, stay the fuck out of a clearly labeled political discussion area.

I think snorting/injecting/smoking drugs has zero to do with being gay, for example. Shove whatever you want up your nose, light whatever chemicals you choose in a pipe and inhale to destroy your lungs and brain all day, if you want. Slip that needle full of whatever kind of poison you fancy and press that plunger - hell, hook yourself up to an IV and mainline the stuff 24/7, if that's what floats your boat. I don't care - I just don't want to be around it.

So that's why I don't go into the ChemSex forums. Maybe, just maybe, you anti-political people could do us the same favor here.

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Posted (edited)
  On 6/5/2024 at 8:51 PM, norefusal said:

you're gonna love learning about Dobbs v Jackson 😂


I always love it when people say "I'm not into politics." But you know what? Politics is ALWAYS INTO YOU.  Politics affects LITERALLY everything in our society. It always has. 

The right will not be happy until they've overturned Obergefell (the right to marry) and Lawrence v Texas (which invalidated sodomy laws) and pushed us all back in the closet or we're all dead.

Edited by Sfmike64
Fixed typo
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just gonna say this. There's nothing wrong with being conservative and gay, bit you need to understand that the party has been radicalized and the loudest members are the ones who will preach without evidence that every member of the LGBTQ+ crowd are pedophiles and freaks. More fanatical groups want the group killed. Look at the Texas' Platform, Gay people are an abomination and the Log Cabins where banned from attending the convention. These groups go unopposed by even the "good Republicans", the equivalent to looking the other way. You can be conservative but that won't save you from their vitriol.


You dont need to be friends with Democrats, but Republicans will always be your enemy.


Remember, there was a "Jews for Hitler" during WW2.

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