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Chapter 1 – She Set It All Up

Ethan sat on the couch nervous. His girlfriend had brought him to her "special friend" that made amateur porn. She had convinced Ethan to come make a porn video. He knew her special friend was code for dealer and Ethan was ready to start hanging in the clouds with his girl. Jake, the special friend walked up to Ethan.

J: Hey man, I heard your girl wants you to be in one of our little videos?

E: Hell yeah, been thinking about it all week. Anna said not to worry, that you'd help us out with some favors to calm the nerves.

J: Oh yes, it's all part of the deal. You're gonna love my shit. Here try it out.

Jake pulls out a prepacked pipe and lighter and hands them to Ethan.

J: Go ahead and finish that off and I’ll go find Anna.

Ethan lit up the pipe and started to blow his own cloud city. Hit after hit. He was never one to keep a slow steady pace with his T. He was feeling good. He felt like he was the luckiest man alive. He had just turned 18 and thought he was the shit right now. He was getting high for free, was gonna be able to fuck his girlfriend, and get paid. Anna had really sold him on the idea. He took another huge hit and thought to himself the huge bowl was neverending.

J: Hey Ethan, Anna is gonna be a bit. She is in the girls room getting herself ready. Here, you must be thirsty.

Jake hands Ethan a bottle of Gatorade and he proceeds to gulp about half the bottle. Jake gestures to Ethan to hand over the pipe. Jakes refills the pipe with a huge shard and takes 2 hits before passing it back to Ethan. He starts hitting the pipe again. Ethan loved the chemical taste of the shit this guy was packing with. Ethan couldn’t help himself and just hit and hit until the bowl was finished.

J: Ethan, I feel awkward asking this, you know, dude to dude. But did you two follow all the instructions Anna gave you? Even the weird ones?

E: Yeah, even the weird one. Anna said she didn’t wanna do any butt stuff and would only due it if I cleaned out too. Something about knowing how it feels. 2 enemas later and we agreed anal was back on the table. Plus she said we should be really clean incase you wanted any close ups from behind. I don’t know why you’d have to get that close to my ass but Anna says its for the close up shots.

Ethan smiles up at Jake and shows off his glazed over grey eyes. Jake tells himself he is almost ready and smiles back at Ethan.

J: Good, yes that is an awkward one but really important. Oh and I have these for you for inspiration. Nothing worse than a dead dick in front of the camera.

Jake hands Ethan some pills. Some he recognizes and some he does not. Ethan downs them without giving it a second thought.

J: It gets pretty hot in here sometimes. Please make yourself comfortable while we wait. Take your shirt off and get comfy. Enjoy the vibe of my place. We can always film the beginning sequence later.

Ethan zones in enough to realize there is a girl, maybe 2, moaning from the other room. He kicks off his shoes and removes his button up shirt and throws them on the side of the couch. Sitting back down on the couch, he starts rubbing his growing dick. Jake disappears again and Ethan is left alone and chugs down the rest of his (g) drink. He slowly sinks into the couch and starts to space out. He hears to moaning in the background and is now rubbing the full length of his dick in his jeans. His vision goes dimmer and dimmer. He barely makes out a figure coming up to him and pulling his tank shirt over his head before he blacks out.



Chapter 2 – Passed out prize

Anna pokes her head in the play room and sees Jake already has Ethan in his swing. Anna thought, just on time like always. She walks over and asks if he needed help with the cameras but Jake says everything is already set up and rolling. She helps Jake pull Ethans jeans off. There Ethan just laid there in nothing but his boxers.

A: Should I do the honors?

J: Oh no, I got this.

Jake uses his fingers to open the gap in Ethan’s boxers and rips them apart at the inseam. As he bunches up the rags of underwear, he looks down at his naked twink prize. Everything about the boy was making his dick grow. Jake hands Anna her a roll of bills and a sizable baggie filled with T.

J: Ok girl, go ahead and get spun and fuck your real man in the other room.  The boy is mine.

Anna leaves the room and Jake disrobes revealing his toned body and his 8 inch fuck stick standing straight out. He spends some time to transform his passed out would-be man into the fuck boy he would become. He took a razor and shaved off what little body hair Ethan had at 18 years. Shaved away was the dusting of hair on his legs, underarms, the light patch on his chest between his nipples, his laughable happy trail, and small bush around Ethan’s hard dick.

He admires his work, his smooth fuck boy with white as snow body with no tan lines. It was like the boy never played in the sun. Jake licked his lips in anticipation. He zeroed in Ethan’s foreskin and reached down to rub it, just at the tip. He jerked Ethan off a few strokes to get him firm. Jake pulled out a ruler and measured the play thing. The fuck boy was packing a thick 5.5 inch uncut dick. He was so hard that his dick was straight up reaching for his belly button. Already he had a small wet spot where his tip pressed against his tummy. His precum glistened in the light.

Jake looked down at his fuck boy and thought he looked like a little angel. He chuckled knowing he’d be a little whore demon soon enough. He just needed to help wake the fuck boy up. Jake brabbed Ethan’s legs and places them in the stirrups properly and then the arms tied to the swing. He moved between Ethan’s legs grabbed a cam and showed a close up of his virgin hole. So relaxed, so unattended. Jake licked his finger and put it against his opening. Rotating motion from his finger helped the opening pucker then relax. Unable to take it any longer, Jake held the cam as he inched his face closer to the rose bud. He sticks out his tongue and licks the forbidden hole. It quivers and then relaxes, the tongue slides in a bit. Repeat, slides in further, until finally he is eating Ethan out.

The hole is relaxed a bit now. Jake grabs his special lube prespiked with T. Not wanting to get ahead of himself, Jake puts some of the lube on the fuck hole and pushes it in with his pinky. Ethan lets out a meek sound. He opens a baggie and picks a small shard and places it against his hole and pushed in with the lubed pinky. More meeks sounds Jake leaves his pinky in and can feel Ethan’s body squeazing slightly. Once it stops, he pulls his pinky out and wipes it on his snow white ass cheek.

Jake pulls out a selection of dildos and picks the thinnest one. It’s about the thickness of a regular sharpy. He replaces it with another thin dildo, this one the size of a thick sharpy marker. He works the boy hole open until the dildo he is using is the size Ethan’s own dick; leaving it in his ass for now.

Ethan was starting to show sign of slight movement and waking. Jake stands goes to Ethan’s side. He kneels down and kisses the boy lightly; flicking the lips with his tongue. The breathing gets heavier. Jake grabs Ethan by the hair and whispers in his ear

J: Come on. Wake up fuck boy. Your future awaits you.

Jake releases Ethan’s hair and goes down to suck on Ethans dime sized nipple. He moves on to the further nipple and lightly nibbles on it while reaching down to the boy’s leaking head. With some on his thumb, he steps back and rubs the precum on Ethan’s lips and then kisses him again. Again, reaching between the boys legs, this time he lightly plays with his balls and continuous to make out.



Chapter 3 – Wakey Wakey

Ethan is starting to come to. He is instinctually starting to kiss back. Ethan is coming to but the more he comes to, the more his head is spinning. He is on sensory overload and horny as hell. Nothing is making sense why is he laying down? Well, kinda laying own but not quite. Why can he feel a breeze on his chest?

Before Ethan can come out of his fog, Jake pulls out a loaded pipe and torch and holds it up to Ethan’s mouth and instructs him to breath in the clouds while he holds it for him. Ethan just breaths in and blows out clouds. Breaths in and blows out clouds. Soon a whole bowl is torched and it was the good shit. Ethan is in heaven. The chem taste was driving his mouth wild and he clatters his teeth.

J: Nothing but the good stuff for my star of the night.

Ethan tries to look around him and focus but his eyes are finding it hard to focus.

E: Where is Anna? I don’t see her here.

J: Oh she was here. She left us because you couldn’t get it up. She was quite distraught. But that’s okay. We agreed to go with plan B.

Jake once again bends down to a dime sized nipple and flicks it with his tongue and then engulfs it in his mouth. Ethan moans and closes his eyes. When he opens them he starts to gain a bit of focus.

E: What the fuck is going on here?

Ethan tries to move his arms but finds they are tied to the sling. He tries to move his left leg and then his right. Both tied to the sling.

J: We had to go with a different plan since you couldn’t get it up for the girl. But that’s okay, you seem to really like plan B.

Jake touches the boys belly button and slowly runs his finger from belly button to where his pubes used to be, along this hard shaft and finally his balls and taint. He then pulls the dildo that had been in his ass out a bit and then pushes it in. Ethan yelps with the realization that he had something up his ass, feeling it for the first time. The boy tries to break free of his sling but to no avail.

E: please stop! Please take it out! I’m not gay! I’m not gay!

J: Yeah, me neither. I just like to have a little fun sometimes. And it looks like you do too.

Jake reaches down and squeezes the boys hard dick. He releases it and it smacks below his belly button. This confuses Ethan. Why was he hard? Why was he naked? Why was he missing his pubes and other body hair? Before the boy could vocalize any questions out loud, Jake goes down to the boys dick and takes it all the way in his mouth. The boy is in shock. He was sure he wanted out of this situation but he was making his dick feel soooo good. A man. A man was making him feel good.

It's at this time that Ethan hears moans coming from the walls. They were there before but he couldn’t make out what they were until now.

E: What…? Who …?

That is all he can get out before Jake interrupts.

J: On that is your girlfriend. She is getting with a bulldozer right now. Since you weren’t man enough to bone her. Not man enough…but that’s okay, you are boy bitch enough for me. That’s why you are so smooth. You’re not worthy of looking like a man naked. And that hard little dick is proof that you are just a boy.

Ethan looked down at his tied up body. He was smoothed out like before puberty. He was right, Ethan said to himself that he was a boy.

J: That’s okay fuck boy, I can get you to out moan that bitch.

He kneels down between the boys legs and pulls out the dildo. Ethan sighs as it pops out. The man steps up and starts to eat his boy hole. Ethan throws his head back and lets out a loud bitch moan. He eats the boy hole for what feels like forever until Jake stops and says “break time”.

Jake leaves the room and brings back a bottle of water and assists his captive to drink from the bottle. Jake goes and reloads the pipe and takes a big hit and then another. He walks up to the boy and offers. Like a good chem whore, the boy says yes without thinking. Jake pulls out the torch again and lights the bowl for the boy. The biggest cloud of the night so far escapes the boys lungs. He is urged to take another by Jake and another the same size blows out.

J: Okay this time take the hit and hold it. Blow it out when I say, okay?

Jake lights it and the boy breaths it in. Jake walks up to the boys head and lines his dick up with his mouth.

J: Open up and blow that on me. Do it fag!

The boys obeys and as soon as he opens his mouth, the man pushes half his dick in his mouth, blowing the smoke on the man’s dick.

J: Again!

The boy obeys and takes the hit and then takes the dick in his mouth and blows out. Jake reaches down and jerks the boys off while he is blowing the cloud out. The boy is lost in the good feeling and closes his mouth around the dick. He starts his first blowjob. Jake is able to work most but not all of his 8 inches in the boys mouth. He fucks that and slobber is going all over the boys mouth and face.

J: See, you’re a natural cock sucker. Now, lets see if you like it up your ass.

Jake goes back between the boys legs. He lubes up the same dildo and pushes it back in his ass.

E: Noooo, not that. Please stop! I’m not gay! It’s too big!

J: (Laughs obnoxiously) Are you fucking serious? That thing is the size of your tiny cock. That thing couldn’t get any girl off. Lucky for you, you are a boy. And boys have a special button in their ass that they love to get rubbed against. Lucky for you, your tiny dick will still reach your button. We just need to help it out. It will be the best orgasm you have ever had. You want that right? I can help you with that if you stop being a fucking bitch and let me work.

E: I… want…so horny. … I’m not gay. Please … cum…

J: That’s all I needed to hear.



Chapter 4 – A Better Idea

The man pulls out the dildo from the boy’s ass and dips it in a baggy of crushed T powder. He lubes up the hole with his finger and then pushes the dildo back in. Ethan’s ass is warm and he doesn’t know what to do. He begins to worry but is calmed by his new Man rubbing his balls.

J: See, that feels better now, right?

E: Yeah, not that bad.

The boy starts to moan as his captor pushes and pulls the dildo in and out. When he thinks he is used to it, he replaces the toy with a slightly bigger toy. Again with the dust and again with the light burning. Again with the moaning.

Finally the moment the Man was working the boy up to. He pulls out the toy with a pop. The boy moans disappointedly.

J: Don’t worry. I’m just gonna refill the pipe. Oh wait, I have a better idea. Just for you baby.

Jake grabs something and stands between the boy’s legs. He pulls out a good sized shard (0.4g or 0.5g) from his bag and pushes it in the boy with his finger. It gets pushed as far in with his finger as he could get before the boys clenched down on the finger.

J: Don’t be suck a tease. You can take this.

He waves his hard cock around just too low for the boy to see. Jake laughs to himself as he steps up and lines his dick up with the boy hole. He spits down 3 times and lubes his head and shaft.

J: Okay, I’m gonna use the toy again to push the stuff further in. Look at me. Look into my eyes.

The boy looked back with glazed over eyes. They were like mirrors that he saw himself in. Jake smiled as his dick touched the hole. The boy still had no idea.The man waited for the boy to stop clenching and relax. The second he felt the hole relax, he pushed himself into the virgin hole. The boy screamed and bucked. The boy felt like his ass was on fire and he was being impaled on a pike.

The Man just grabbed his boy by the hips and pulled him onto his dick until all 8 inches slide in. He was balls deep in the boy. The once virgin boy. The had already placed his ripped boxers along the sling and reached for them. He shoved them into the boys mouth.

J: You feel that? Stop crying and answer me. Can you feel that whole thing in you boy?

Ethan mumbled with the boxers in his mouth. Tears running down his cheeks. He nodded his head.

J: You like that dick in you huh boy? That real man dick.

Ethan just stared, not getting what he was saying. Until a moment of clarity. He had said dick, not toy. The boy’s eyes grew wider (as if that were possible) and bulged. He mumbled incoherently and nodded his head from side to side. His eyes pleaded with his captor but they were met with a bellowing laugh. Jake pulled his dick almost entirely out and then slammed it back into the smooth twink. He did this 3 times before slowing down and giving the poor boy the slow fuck he needed for his first time.

In no time at all, the fuck boy was moaning just as loud as his forgotten girlfriend in the background. Everytime Jakes big dick ran against his special button, the boy’s dick would bounce up and down. The boy was allowed to spit out his saliva drenched undies and was having his mouth tongued down while getting plowed.

The man pulled out and walked around to the other side of the boy. He released the arm restraints and the boy immediately started to orally serve his host. The Man grew impatient and walked back around to the boy’s hole and started slow fucking him again. With his arms free now, the boy was able to jerk off during this ecstasy and shot his load. It landed on his face and lips. He instinctually licked up all he could from his lips and hand.

This was what the Man was waiting for. With the first shot fired, he goes back to piston fucking the boy. After a few minutes, the boy says he has to cum again. They look down at the boys soft dick and watch as cum drizzles from his foreskin. A puddle of cum layed where his pubes used to be.The Man keeps power driving his meat for another minute before slamming his balls into the boy and shooting ropes of cum inside his ass.

The man points out the cams around the boy. They look right into one. The boy tears up with the realization of what he just did.

J: See, the cams love you. My new fuck boy.

Jake slaps the boys creamy white ass and laughs obnoxiously again. 

J: If you think that was fun, Just wait for your first slam.


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It's developing into a great horny story which I'm so enjoying. Bring it on as you're a natural author!

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On 3/9/2024 at 3:24 AM, cumfillthishole said:

Chapter 1 – She Set It All Up

Ethan sat on the couch nervous. His girlfriend had brought him to her "special friend" that made amateur porn. She had convinced Ethan to come make a porn video. He knew her special friend was code for dealer and Ethan was ready to start hanging in the clouds with his girl. Jake, the special friend walked up to Ethan.

J: Hey man, I heard your girl wants you to be in one of our little videos?

E: Hell yeah, been thinking about it all week. Anna said not to worry, that you'd help us out with some favors to calm the nerves.

J: Oh yes, it's all part of the deal. You're gonna love my shit. Here try it out.

Jake pulls out a prepacked pipe and lighter and hands them to Ethan.

J: Go ahead and finish that off and I’ll go find Anna.

Ethan lit up the pipe and started to blow his own cloud city. Hit after hit. He was never one to keep a slow steady pace with his T. He was feeling good. He felt like he was the luckiest man alive. He had just turned 18 and thought he was the shit right now. He was getting high for free, was gonna be able to fuck his girlfriend, and get paid. Anna had really sold him on the idea. He took another huge hit and thought to himself the huge bowl was neverending.

J: Hey Ethan, Anna is gonna be a bit. She is in the girls room getting herself ready. Here, you must be thirsty.

Jake hands Ethan a bottle of Gatorade and he proceeds to gulp about half the bottle. Jake gestures to Ethan to hand over the pipe. Jakes refills the pipe with a huge shard and takes 2 hits before passing it back to Ethan. He starts hitting the pipe again. Ethan loved the chemical taste of the shit this guy was packing with. Ethan couldn’t help himself and just hit and hit until the bowl was finished.

J: Ethan, I feel awkward asking this, you know, dude to dude. But did you two follow all the instructions Anna gave you? Even the weird ones?

E: Yeah, even the weird one. Anna said she didn’t wanna do any butt stuff and would only due it if I cleaned out too. Something about knowing how it feels. 2 enemas later and we agreed anal was back on the table. Plus she said we should be really clean incase you wanted any close ups from behind. I don’t know why you’d have to get that close to my ass but Anna says its for the close up shots.

Ethan smiles up at Jake and shows off his glazed over grey eyes. Jake tells himself he is almost ready and smiles back at Ethan.

J: Good, yes that is an awkward one but really important. Oh and I have these for you for inspiration. Nothing worse than a dead dick in front of the camera.

Jake hands Ethan some pills. Some he recognizes and some he does not. Ethan downs them without giving it a second thought.

J: It gets pretty hot in here sometimes. Please make yourself comfortable while we wait. Take your shirt off and get comfy. Enjoy the vibe of my place. We can always film the beginning sequence later.

Ethan zones in enough to realize there is a girl, maybe 2, moaning from the other room. He kicks off his shoes and removes his button up shirt and throws them on the side of the couch. Sitting back down on the couch, he starts rubbing his growing dick. Jake disappears again and Ethan is left alone and chugs down the rest of his (g) drink. He slowly sinks into the couch and starts to space out. He hears to moaning in the background and is now rubbing the full length of his dick in his jeans. His vision goes dimmer and dimmer. He barely makes out a figure coming up to him and pulling his tank shirt over his head before he blacks out.



Chapter 2 – Passed out prize

Anna pokes her head in the play room and sees Jake already has Ethan in his swing. Anna thought, just on time like always. She walks over and asks if he needed help with the cameras but Jake says everything is already set up and rolling. She helps Jake pull Ethans jeans off. There Ethan just laid there in nothing but his boxers.

A: Should I do the honors?

J: Oh no, I got this.

Jake uses his fingers to open the gap in Ethan’s boxers and rips them apart at the inseam. As he bunches up the rags of underwear, he looks down at his naked twink prize. Everything about the boy was making his dick grow. Jake hands Anna her a roll of bills and a sizable baggie filled with T.

J: Ok girl, go ahead and get spun and fuck your real man in the other room.  The boy is mine.

Anna leaves the room and Jake disrobes revealing his toned body and his 8 inch fuck stick standing straight out. He spends some time to transform his passed out would-be man into the fuck boy he would become. He took a razor and shaved off what little body hair Ethan had at 18 years. Shaved away was the dusting of hair on his legs, underarms, the light patch on his chest between his nipples, his laughable happy trail, and small bush around Ethan’s hard dick.

He admires his work, his smooth fuck boy with white as snow body with no tan lines. It was like the boy never played in the sun. Jake licked his lips in anticipation. He zeroed in Ethan’s foreskin and reached down to rub it, just at the tip. He jerked Ethan off a few strokes to get him firm. Jake pulled out a ruler and measured the play thing. The fuck boy was packing a thick 5.5 inch uncut dick. He was so hard that his dick was straight up reaching for his belly button. Already he had a small wet spot where his tip pressed against his tummy. His precum glistened in the light.

Jake looked down at his fuck boy and thought he looked like a little angel. He chuckled knowing he’d be a little whore demon soon enough. He just needed to help wake the fuck boy up. Jake brabbed Ethan’s legs and places them in the stirrups properly and then the arms tied to the swing. He moved between Ethan’s legs grabbed a cam and showed a close up of his virgin hole. So relaxed, so unattended. Jake licked his finger and put it against his opening. Rotating motion from his finger helped the opening pucker then relax. Unable to take it any longer, Jake held the cam as he inched his face closer to the rose bud. He sticks out his tongue and licks the forbidden hole. It quivers and then relaxes, the tongue slides in a bit. Repeat, slides in further, until finally he is eating Ethan out.

The hole is relaxed a bit now. Jake grabs his special lube prespiked with T. Not wanting to get ahead of himself, Jake puts some of the lube on the fuck hole and pushes it in with his pinky. Ethan lets out a meek sound. He opens a baggie and picks a small shard and places it against his hole and pushed in with the lubed pinky. More meeks sounds Jake leaves his pinky in and can feel Ethan’s body squeazing slightly. Once it stops, he pulls his pinky out and wipes it on his snow white ass cheek.

Jake pulls out a selection of dildos and picks the thinnest one. It’s about the thickness of a regular sharpy. He replaces it with another thin dildo, this one the size of a thick sharpy marker. He works the boy hole open until the dildo he is using is the size Ethan’s own dick; leaving it in his ass for now.

Ethan was starting to show sign of slight movement and waking. Jake stands goes to Ethan’s side. He kneels down and kisses the boy lightly; flicking the lips with his tongue. The breathing gets heavier. Jake grabs Ethan by the hair and whispers in his ear

J: Come on. Wake up fuck boy. Your future awaits you.

Jake releases Ethan’s hair and goes down to suck on Ethans dime sized nipple. He moves on to the further nipple and lightly nibbles on it while reaching down to the boy’s leaking head. With some on his thumb, he steps back and rubs the precum on Ethan’s lips and then kisses him again. Again, reaching between the boys legs, this time he lightly plays with his balls and continuous to make out.



Chapter 3 – Wakey Wakey

Ethan is starting to come to. He is instinctually starting to kiss back. Ethan is coming to but the more he comes to, the more his head is spinning. He is on sensory overload and horny as hell. Nothing is making sense why is he laying down? Well, kinda laying own but not quite. Why can he feel a breeze on his chest?

Before Ethan can come out of his fog, Jake pulls out a loaded pipe and torch and holds it up to Ethan’s mouth and instructs him to breath in the clouds while he holds it for him. Ethan just breaths in and blows out clouds. Breaths in and blows out clouds. Soon a whole bowl is torched and it was the good shit. Ethan is in heaven. The chem taste was driving his mouth wild and he clatters his teeth.

J: Nothing but the good stuff for my star of the night.

Ethan tries to look around him and focus but his eyes are finding it hard to focus.

E: Where is Anna? I don’t see her here.

J: Oh she was here. She left us because you couldn’t get it up. She was quite distraught. But that’s okay. We agreed to go with plan B.

Jake once again bends down to a dime sized nipple and flicks it with his tongue and then engulfs it in his mouth. Ethan moans and closes his eyes. When he opens them he starts to gain a bit of focus.

E: What the fuck is going on here?

Ethan tries to move his arms but finds they are tied to the sling. He tries to move his left leg and then his right. Both tied to the sling.

J: We had to go with a different plan since you couldn’t get it up for the girl. But that’s okay, you seem to really like plan B.

Jake touches the boys belly button and slowly runs his finger from belly button to where his pubes used to be, along this hard shaft and finally his balls and taint. He then pulls the dildo that had been in his ass out a bit and then pushes it in. Ethan yelps with the realization that he had something up his ass, feeling it for the first time. The boy tries to break free of his sling but to no avail.

E: please stop! Please take it out! I’m not gay! I’m not gay!

J: Yeah, me neither. I just like to have a little fun sometimes. And it looks like you do too.

Jake reaches down and squeezes the boys hard dick. He releases it and it smacks below his belly button. This confuses Ethan. Why was he hard? Why was he naked? Why was he missing his pubes and other body hair? Before the boy could vocalize any questions out loud, Jake goes down to the boys dick and takes it all the way in his mouth. The boy is in shock. He was sure he wanted out of this situation but he was making his dick feel soooo good. A man. A man was making him feel good.

It's at this time that Ethan hears moans coming from the walls. They were there before but he couldn’t make out what they were until now.

E: What…? Who …?

That is all he can get out before Jake interrupts.

J: On that is your girlfriend. She is getting with a bulldozer right now. Since you weren’t man enough to bone her. Not man enough…but that’s okay, you are boy bitch enough for me. That’s why you are so smooth. You’re not worthy of looking like a man naked. And that hard little dick is proof that you are just a boy.

Ethan looked down at his tied up body. He was smoothed out like before puberty. He was right, Ethan said to himself that he was a boy.

J: That’s okay fuck boy, I can get you to out moan that bitch.

He kneels down between the boys legs and pulls out the dildo. Ethan sighs as it pops out. The man steps up and starts to eat his boy hole. Ethan throws his head back and lets out a loud bitch moan. He eats the boy hole for what feels like forever until Jake stops and says “break time”.

Jake leaves the room and brings back a bottle of water and assists his captive to drink from the bottle. Jake goes and reloads the pipe and takes a big hit and then another. He walks up to the boy and offers. Like a good chem whore, the boy says yes without thinking. Jake pulls out the torch again and lights the bowl for the boy. The biggest cloud of the night so far escapes the boys lungs. He is urged to take another by Jake and another the same size blows out.

J: Okay this time take the hit and hold it. Blow it out when I say, okay?

Jake lights it and the boy breaths it in. Jake walks up to the boys head and lines his dick up with his mouth.

J: Open up and blow that on me. Do it fag!

The boys obeys and as soon as he opens his mouth, the man pushes half his dick in his mouth, blowing the smoke on the man’s dick.

J: Again!

The boy obeys and takes the hit and then takes the dick in his mouth and blows out. Jake reaches down and jerks the boys off while he is blowing the cloud out. The boy is lost in the good feeling and closes his mouth around the dick. He starts his first blowjob. Jake is able to work most but not all of his 8 inches in the boys mouth. He fucks that and slobber is going all over the boys mouth and face.

J: See, you’re a natural cock sucker. Now, lets see if you like it up your ass.

Jake goes back between the boys legs. He lubes up the same dildo and pushes it back in his ass.

E: Noooo, not that. Please stop! I’m not gay! It’s too big!

J: (Laughs obnoxiously) Are you fucking serious? That thing is the size of your tiny cock. That thing couldn’t get any girl off. Lucky for you, you are a boy. And boys have a special button in their ass that they love to get rubbed against. Lucky for you, your tiny dick will still reach your button. We just need to help it out. It will be the best orgasm you have ever had. You want that right? I can help you with that if you stop being a fucking bitch and let me work.

E: I… want…so horny. … I’m not gay. Please … cum…

J: That’s all I needed to hear.



Chapter 4 – A Better Idea

The man pulls out the dildo from the boy’s ass and dips it in a baggy of crushed T powder. He lubes up the hole with his finger and then pushes the dildo back in. Ethan’s ass is warm and he doesn’t know what to do. He begins to worry but is calmed by his new Man rubbing his balls.

J: See, that feels better now, right?

E: Yeah, not that bad.

The boy starts to moan as his captor pushes and pulls the dildo in and out. When he thinks he is used to it, he replaces the toy with a slightly bigger toy. Again with the dust and again with the light burning. Again with the moaning.

Finally the moment the Man was working the boy up to. He pulls out the toy with a pop. The boy moans disappointedly.

J: Don’t worry. I’m just gonna refill the pipe. Oh wait, I have a better idea. Just for you baby.

Jake grabs something and stands between the boy’s legs. He pulls out a good sized shard (0.4g or 0.5g) from his bag and pushes it in the boy with his finger. It gets pushed as far in with his finger as he could get before the boys clenched down on the finger.

J: Don’t be suck a tease. You can take this.

He waves his hard cock around just too low for the boy to see. Jake laughs to himself as he steps up and lines his dick up with the boy hole. He spits down 3 times and lubes his head and shaft.

J: Okay, I’m gonna use the toy again to push the stuff further in. Look at me. Look into my eyes.

The boy looked back with glazed over eyes. They were like mirrors that he saw himself in. Jake smiled as his dick touched the hole. The boy still had no idea.The man waited for the boy to stop clenching and relax. The second he felt the hole relax, he pushed himself into the virgin hole. The boy screamed and bucked. The boy felt like his ass was on fire and he was being impaled on a pike.

The Man just grabbed his boy by the hips and pulled him onto his dick until all 8 inches slide in. He was balls deep in the boy. The once virgin boy. The had already placed his ripped boxers along the sling and reached for them. He shoved them into the boys mouth.

J: You feel that? Stop crying and answer me. Can you feel that whole thing in you boy?

Ethan mumbled with the boxers in his mouth. Tears running down his cheeks. He nodded his head.

J: You like that dick in you huh boy? That real man dick.

Ethan just stared, not getting what he was saying. Until a moment of clarity. He had said dick, not toy. The boy’s eyes grew wider (as if that were possible) and bulged. He mumbled incoherently and nodded his head from side to side. His eyes pleaded with his captor but they were met with a bellowing laugh. Jake pulled his dick almost entirely out and then slammed it back into the smooth twink. He did this 3 times before slowing down and giving the poor boy the slow fuck he needed for his first time.

In no time at all, the fuck boy was moaning just as loud as his forgotten girlfriend in the background. Everytime Jakes big dick ran against his special button, the boy’s dick would bounce up and down. The boy was allowed to spit out his saliva drenched undies and was having his mouth tongued down while getting plowed.

The man pulled out and walked around to the other side of the boy. He released the arm restraints and the boy immediately started to orally serve his host. The Man grew impatient and walked back around to the boy’s hole and started slow fucking him again. With his arms free now, the boy was able to jerk off during this ecstasy and shot his load. It landed on his face and lips. He instinctually licked up all he could from his lips and hand.

This was what the Man was waiting for. With the first shot fired, he goes back to piston fucking the boy. After a few minutes, the boy says he has to cum again. They look down at the boys soft dick and watch as cum drizzles from his foreskin. A puddle of cum layed where his pubes used to be.The Man keeps power driving his meat for another minute before slamming his balls into the boy and shooting ropes of cum inside his ass.

The man points out the cams around the boy. They look right into one. The boy tears up with the realization of what he just did.

J: See, the cams love you. My new fuck boy.

Jake slaps the boys creamy white ass and laughs obnoxiously again. 

J: If you think that was fun, Just wait for your first slam.


i'm totally ethan here

On 3/9/2024 at 7:26 PM, cumfillthishole said:

This is my first time writing a story like this. Please let me know if you like it.

It's hoT. If you want to send me a chapter about Anna getting what she deserves, I'd more than love to read it.

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Chapter 5 – Washing up

Jake held the boy as the boy started to shiver. Ethan tried to make sense of the gravity of knowing that he had just had sex with a man. No, he was fucked by a man. No, he was hard and shot the biggest load of the week, while he was being fucked by a man. Was he gay now? His body was in shock. He was a cummy mess. He was happy that he didn’t have anything in his ass anymore but felt so empty without one.

J: You did great boy. Cherry poppin’ videos are always the hardest for new talent. And your creamy twink body is going to be very popular. Oh dear, you look like a sweaty dirty whore. Can’t have you looking like this all night. It might scare my guests. I tell you what, how about you go take a shower and come back so we can talk.

Jake yells out for someone to come into the room. A latino guy just the same body type and height of Ethan walks in the room. This new guy has more muscle on him than Ethan. Not a twink, more of a twunk in his mid 20's. Not quite innocent looking. He’s dressed in a t-shirt and gym shorts.

J: Thanks for coming in here Miguel. This is our new friend Ethan. He is a bit sweaty from his first breakthrough performance. Would you be so kind as to help him to the shower and bring him back here? Miguel smirked and turned to Ethan.

M: Hey friend, nice to meet you. I’m Miguel and I live here with the boss man. Let me help you out of this scene.

Jake disappears from view. Miguel reaches out and unties Ethan’s legs and helps him stand up. They hobble over to a nice bathroom. They look over and see a nice big walk-in shower. Miguel leans Ethan against the wall while he walks in the shower and turns the nob on. The shower shoots on and gets Miguel a big wet. He walks back over the Ethan. Ethan is still floating high. He barely registers Miguel stripping his shirt and dropping his shorts. Miguel is kinda stripping in slow motion. He knows the shower room w loaded with a few cams. He knows the water temperature is regulated to lukewarm and just in case, all the glass of the shower was antifogged.

E: Looks like we both need a shower. Haha.

Ethan is looking Miguel up and down. Ethan was used to seeing a guy here or there naked in the gym showers and lockerroom but this was different. He was transfixed on this new guy’s body like he had never seen a man naked before. He stared at his chest, his pecks, his quarter sized nipples that looked especially pointy. He followed the chest down to the navel, and further down to his neatly trimmed hairs. This made Ethan reach down to his own area below and felt himself above his dick. Smooth. Smooth because he was a boy and this guy in front of him was obviously a man. Ethan became transfixed on Miguels dick. And just like it knew of his gaze, Miguel’s dick begins to grow and fill out. Miguel smirked and asked the boy if he liked what he was seeing.

The boy took to his new position like he was born to it. He walked over to Miguel and reached out for his growing dick.

M: Go ahead you know you want to boy. Start acting like the slut you were meant to be.

Ethan licked his lips and dropped to his knees. He grabbed the dick with his left hand and leaned forward. His mouth engulfed the brown dick. Halfway at first but it didn’t take long before he was playing with the balls with the right hand.

M: oh, fuck yeah, you love my cock in your mouth. Don’t you boy. Relax your throat baby boy.

Miguel reached down with his hands and grabbed Ethan by his head. He says to the boy to cover his teeth and begins to fuck his mouth. Not hard and fast but a gentle rhythm. He looks down and the boy and pulls his dick out.

M: you have to be careful with those teeth. Close your eyes.

**Slap** The boy was not prepared for the hand to his face. Ethan covers the slapped surface with his own hand.

E: What did I do? Did I do it wrong?

M: No sweet thing. That was just to show you what happens when you graze a dick with your teeth. Better to learn now. Oh and if you bite down on a dick, you will probably have those pretty teeth of yours pulled or punched out. No body wants that right? Like I said, good to learn now. I’m sorry to hurt you. You are so innocent looking. I’ll tell you what, you deserve an apology. Miguel sits on the closed toilet seat reaches under the vanity of the sink and pulls out a loaded pipe. He takes a hit and blows it out.

M: Come sit on my lap. I’m gonna shotgun you. Do you know what that is? Yes? Good.

Ethan is taking orders like a pro and sits on Miguel’s lap with one of his legs going across Miguels. Ethan feels Miguel’s dick against his thigh. Miguel takes a big hit and then locks lips with Ethan. Blows out. Miguel hits then Ethan blows out. After the third shotgun, Miguel pushes his 2 fingers in Ethan’s mouth, coating his digits with saliva. He reaches between the boy’s legs and pushes the slobbery fingers in the boys new fuck hole. Ethan moans and starts to rock a big on the invading fingers.

M: Good little whore. Now get in that shower and lather your body up. Clean yourself up and make yourself like new. Well, as new as you can. I’ll join you in a minute.

Ethan got up and walked right into the spraying water. He reached for the bar of soap and did as he was told. He washed up. He was just about done when Miguel walked up behind him and pushes him against the wall.

M: Put your hands against the wall and stand with your ass out a bit. Good now spread them legs. A little more. Good. Now beg for it. Beg for my big brown dick, for my sticky white cum, beg for me to impregnate you like the whore you are.

E: Fuck me! Fuck me please! I need that big latino cock in my fuckhole. Fill me with your babies! I need it!

Miguel got closer to his prey. His dick curved up a bit so it should be no problem at this angle. He smired some lube on his head and looked down at his 7.5 cut snake as it rested at the entrance to this deliciously creamy round ass attached to this boy begging for it. He slowly pushes in and continues until he bottoms out against the boy’s skin.

E: oh yes, I love this feeling of feeling full. Mmm, yeah fill me with your babies.

Miguel uses his legs to push the boy’s legs apart further; getting him in the optimal position. He then reaches down to the boy’s ear.

M: Do you want me to breed you like I bred your girlfriend? Yeah, that’s right, while you were making your video, she was making hers. I’m gonna fuck you harder than I fucked her. You are so much tighter than that loose bitch. And with that, Miguel power fucked the boy in the shower. Moans and occasional “please slow down” and “it hurts a bit” would be uttered. But Miguel did not care. He fucked him for 20 straight minutes. When he was done, he pulled out and rised himself and the boy off. He wrapped a towel around the boy and said great job on his second video of the day.

All cleaned up, Miguel walked Ethan over to the sling room but set him down on the bed instead. He said to wait here for further instructions. Miguel pointed out there was porn playing on the screen in front of them. He told him he could watch and play with himself but no cumming was allowed without permission.

Ethan was mesmorized by the video on the screen. It was a video just like he had made earlier. Only this time, it was a just legal aged black boy that was passed out and being stripped and then placed in the sling. Ethan was half hard watching the vid but dared not touch himself. Not yet.

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