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I stared at them in disbelief “You can’t be serious” I said though the idea already had me half hard. 


“We can be and we are” Cal said “We don’t think you realize the potential of your own idea. The reason the R Party is so successful getting people to hate people with HIV is because they ‘Other’ them”


 “It’s not us good wholesome people who have this disease it’s those other people, why should we help them?” he continued making air quotes


“What if we can change that?” Sal asked “What if we can spread it so far in the R party that they have to support AIDS research because they have to save themselves? I know you want to go after the hidden gays in the party but when they fall the Party will just out them and “Other” them right along with the rest of us. We don't need to get the gat ones. We need to get the straight ones!" 


“How would we do that?” I asked rock hard now 


“You have never been a part of the Party or seen the PARTIES they throw. You have never seen so many people stoned out of their minds so badly you could fuck them and they would not even know the next day. Three poz boys could infect hundreds in just a few years and anyone who does remember will keep quiet because you know how folks in the R party like to blame the victim” 


“You working on Dad’s campaign and being your father’s son will get your foot in the door. You being young and rich will do the rest, You will get invited to every party in the state just so they can see if they can rip you off and siphon some of that money away. We already get invited for pretty much the same reason” Cal continued 


“They invite you to try to get your Dad’s money?” I asked confused 


“It’s not Dad’s money” they said in unison “It’s ours” 


“Our grandfather did pretty much the same thing yours did” Cal said “Dad has to be very careful about using our money it has to be well invested and it has to make good returns. He invested some in his own company and he has had to take out loans to make sure that money earns us enough to justify it otherwise there will be an investigation. He’s actually breaking the rules and the lawyer who is supposed to be protecting us slipped up and let him. Dad doesn’t know we know any of this but he’s nice to us just in case we ever find out. That's why we get away with so much. We could shut him down and maybe even put him in jail if we wanted” 


“How did you find out?: I asked


“When we turned 18 we were contacted by a second lawyer Grandpa had retained without telling Dad to make sure that we  found out everything incase Dad got to the first lawyer which he did. He helped us confront the first lawyer who fessed up but claims it was a mistake. The good thing is Dad only had access to about 10% of our money so even if he looses it all it won’t hurt that much”  they explained 


“So basically you could destroy your Dad at any time?” I asked 


Sal looked pained “We would rather not openly do it ourselves so you are doing us a favor with your current plan” he said 


I nodded 


“Amy way.” Sal said “We know the party scene. We know who would be most effective to infect and we know what their distractions of choice are. Like we said we want in, The thought of giving those pompous, self righteous bastards what they deserve along with breeding some fine straight boy asses is just too good to resist” 


“So when do you want us to infect you?” I asked 


“Is tonight to soon?” Cal asked 


They followed us home and soon we were all naked in my king sized bed 


The twins had smooth bodies and… well… twin sized eight inch cocks so alike you could not tell them apart 


Sal took off his glasses which was the only way I knew which was which 


“I want to watch John fuck you each first I said and with their permission I set up the camera 


John was still very thin and obviously sick though he looked leaps and bounds better than four months ago. It was so hot to watch these two beautiful blond boys service him one sucking his cock and the other sucking those huge virus producing balls of his as he moaned “Worship that AIDS cock boys suck those balls that are full of virus to infect your pretty neg holes” 


He laid one f the twins on his back and slid on top of him while the other got on the bed on hands and knees  and John’s bony fingers rammed up his ass twisting and tearing his hole as he made out with his brother rubbing their cocks together 


After about 10 minutes of rough fingering now with four fingers in and twisting the twins switched places this time John raised the legs to his shoulders and sank that death stick directly into the abused hole while he give his brother the same finger treatment 


John began to slide in and out of the twin beneath him fucking with a steady motion and I watched whichever twin it was as his face took on a look of pure bliss. “John just might be the best top in the world” I thought “Im a lucky boy” 


“It’s time Boy” John said “Time for my nasty charged cum to change your life. Cum for me as you accept my gift of HIV”  the twin groaned and shot without touching himself, the spasming of his hole sending John over the edge, making his cock twitch and spew virus and cum deep inside the willing vessel


They lay kissing as they both caught their breath and then John pulled out, still rock hard and mouthed the other twin from behind taking his raw hole in one stroke as I took his place between the first twins legs slamming my ten inches of highly infectious meat in balls deep. I heard John whispering his evil words in his new victims ear as we both slid in and out of perfectly alike asses 


“I just gave your brother my HIV boy and now it’s your turn. My big death shaft feels so good in your pretty neg boy hole’ I’m going to take that from you, that negative status just like I took it from your brother. You will both be mine for the rest of your lives because it will be my virus raging through your veins. You were both born for no other purpose than to be living testaments to the power of my virus and my cock and I’m giving that virus to you NOW!” he growled 


That may be the only time in history four orgasms happen at the exact same instant in the same bed as We both bred our twins and our twins shot maybe their last truly neg loads. 


John and I switched places though he and the first twin just made out as I made quick work of adding my highly toxic load to his brother then we all collapsed and fell asleep walking in a tangled mass of arms and legs about noon. We fucked for the next couple days and I got some nice tapes of the twins fucking each other. All and all It was one of the best weekends of my life 


The twins were regular visitors and fuck buddies from then on even after they tested poz three months later and remain out best friends to this day. 


Dad’s story hit the papers right on time and he lost the primary in a landslide which started a long decline for him. The last I heard he was living in a trailer park down in Florida on welfare and using every public service available. He was lucky the R Party quashed the investigations into his dealings as County Commissioner but they couldn’t stop Jose and his three fellow former house staff members from taking most of dad's money and his gated community house in the sexual harassment settlement. They chose to live there much to the discomfort of the neighbors who had had no problem with them living there as servants but had big problems with them living there as neighbors. People are so funny aren’t they?


I had taken a restraining order out against dad the week after I infected him and whenever I get mail from him I burn it without reading it. 


The L party did not have a primary because they only had one candidate. A woman named Phyllis Cornwall who had been Mayor of the large city in our county for twelve years before voluntarily  tern limiting herself and helping her hand picked successor win her spot. 65% of the people in the county lived in the city and she was popular there. She stood a fair chance of winning all on her own


She had also been a frequent visitor to the house and my Grandfather I always called her Auntie Phyllis 


Al Kelper managed his own downfall through inattention with a little help from me. He had a closed door presentation looking for investments in his development company but one of the potential “Investors” was Mr. Guthrie's investigative reporter friend I slipped in by “accident”. Oops!


 All the others were hard core R Party members sitting closer to the front with avid interest 


There was a vibrant smaller “town” north of the city called Bakers Valley . It was actually an unincorporated area that had grown around a large 1950s development and was 90% minority. It had the lowest crime rate of any area of the county but you would never know that from the R Party rhetoric 


Al stood up front blinded by the light of the slide projector so he didn’t see me slip my friend in with a camera crew as they set up in the back of the room and I took my seat up front/ Al never saw me move. 


“This is Baker’s Valley, you all know it” Al said and there were a few grunts and even a racial slur or two. “I have a friend up in the Transportation Department who is handling the coming Interstate Bypass. They had two potential routes and another slide came up showing one route through the center of Baker’s Valley and another just to the west with an exit there which would raise the property values tremendously nearby 


“Now, Transportation chose the route to the West” and there were many murmurs of disappointment “BUT my friend in going to “accidentally” send the wrong plan and not discover the "mistake" till we have time to buy up all the houses in Baker’s Valley using “Expropriation” They won’t have a choice but to sell! Of course we will give them fair market value for their homes” He said with a wink and there were several snickers from around the room. "Then once the county has them all the “mistake” will be discovered and my development company and it’s investors can buy the land from the county at a bargain price! We can tear down the houses and build a new gated community and shopping areas! We get rid of the sp**ks and ni***rs , break up that voting block and make a fortune in the process!"


I heard he door shut quietly as the reporter and the camera crew left and smiled, 


Several “Investors” were so excited they wrote Al’s company checks on the spot. The lucky ones didn’t. 


Four days later all three local network stations ran a news special all playing the entirety of Al Kelper's presentation in place of the six o'clock news


The lucky ones who had not written checks were all interviewed for TV and it was funny watching them all lie and say how shocked they had been by this dubious plan however none of them could answer that one question “If you were so shocked why didn’t you go to the police?” 


There was one exception. After the presentation and noting in my mind who had written checks I quietly told Al I could no longer work for his campaign because my Uncle John was sick. He said he understood. I drove directly to the local police station and when they heard my story they called in the F.B.I. so I was covered. I didn’t mention the news crew though. How was I to know?


As I said the lucky ones didn’t write checks. They just had their political and work careers destroyed. The ones who did write checks were all arrested along with Al and most are still in prison 


A few days  later I git a call from Auntie Phyllis  “It’s always an easy win when you run unopposed” She said 


“You are welcome: I said 


The R Party has still not recovered in my county almost thirty years later, No on here trusts them. I wonder why 


The twins said the would miss their father when he got arrested but we celebrated anyway because that same day  they bot got their positive test results. We spent another weekend in a free for all “Fuck a Twin” frenzy and plotted our next moves 



Next Chapter: So many men so little time 

Let me know what you think!



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Love the introduction of the twins to the story!  I really like and hope that future chapters tell us how successful their plan to infect the R party's young and older men was/is.  (They might even rename the party to the "P" party....🤣 ) Can't wait to read more! 

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I love stories that fucks men in more than one way.  Especially hypocritical, self righteous cunts like the protagonists father.  Keep up the great work 👍 

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The parties I got invited to were eye opening to me. When you hear R Party members out there condemning this behavior or that they mean YOU can’t do them. They can and do do whatever they want. I saw every drug you can get legally and illegally, underage drinking and if some of those girls sitting on the old men’s laps were of legal age I will eat my hat


The undisputed king of the party scene among the party scene was Billy Bradwell or BB as everyone called him. 


“You sure it’s his name it stands for and not Bubble Butt?” I asked as we watched him playing volley ball on the beach 


The twins laughed from either side of me as we watched the game from lounges on the side 


BB wore tight shorts and no shirt. There did not appear to be much in the front of the shorts but with an ass like that who cared?. His hair and chest fur were golden and to me he looked like the  God of sex. 


Well at least until he opened his mouth. BB spoke with an exaggerated southern accent about his proud  Confederate heritage, his contempt for minorities, openly using racial slurs,  and  his sexist views.


I was not sure of he considered women or minorities to be human to be honest 


“Someone needs to stick a cock in his mouth and shut him up” Sal growled as BB droned on spewing his hate. In a way it was sad to see so beautiful a man corrupted and ruined at such a young age


The worst thing was that everyone seemed to hang on  his words. Especially the women 


“He’s much more vocal and brash when you are around El” Cal noted with a smirk “You would think he felt threatened or something 

BB had a problem he had never encountered before, Me. With my darker good looks and paler complexion I was the opposite of him. In a different universe we would have made a jaw dropping couple, the perfect counterpoint that just magnified each other’s masculine beauty but that universe didn’t exist though a small corner of my heart wished it could. I  had my John though and I was happy 


Anyway… I was a problem because I was just as good looking and even richer but my money was mine and not Daddy’s. I was also a problem because he could not get a reaction from me. 


He would make one of his statements of hate and end it with “Don’t you think so El” and I would smile and shrug noncommittally then walk away. I was fluent and articulate about any other subject so people knew I  was not stupid, 


The twins had warned me “He controls people by being so over the top then getting them to say they agree with him to be part of the group. One of his minions” and so I never agreed with him or disagreed either. I just shrugged 


Soon I had imitators and the less hateful and more intelligent among our peers began to separate from BB much to his irritation 


My contemplation was interrupted bt BB standing in front of us blocking the sun 


“Hey, my dad is out of town and I got my hands on some “Blue Marbles ". Some friends and I are going to get together at my house and try them tonight, want to come?” 


Blue Marbles was the name of the latest designer drug to hit the scene and you had to be careful because just a bit too much caused the euphoric high to push you into hours of immobile sleep followed by a terrible headache the next morning, or so I had been told. John. the Twins and I did not do any type of drugs 


“Sure” I said “Why not?” I guess BB was going to try being my friend, to  pull me into his sphere of influence now. Whatever.


It might give the three of us an opportunity to spread our seed and if not it would be amusing ti watch BB and his friends stoned out of their minds 


We got to the party about half an hour late deliberately and were led out behind the house where six of BB’s other friends, the ones most under his influence either out of stupidity or genuine agreement with his views, lay on mats around a bonfire with silly looks on their faces 


Only BB had waited for us. “There is the keg and here is your blue marble” he said, handing us each a small round blue pill. “I’m going to lay on my bed for this” He said popping his pill and washing it down with some beer then heading through a nearby glass double door to lay on a large bed we could see in the room. Soon his face took on a euphoric look and he  totally relaxed 


A plan came to me and I quietly sketched it in to the twins/ We went to the keg and each filled a pitcher with beer dropping out pill in and watching it dissolve then we went to each stoned boy and poured them a cup encouraging them to drink up. Soon they all drifted off to sleep. I  poured one last cup for BB and we emptied the rest onto the ground,  


“These are some of the worst goons in the state” Cal said as he toed a sleeping man at his feet 


“Our natural prey” Sal agreed and the both picked a victim, rolled him onto his stomach and slowly pulled his shorts down to reveal unprotected straight boy asses as I made my way to BB’s bed 


A glance back showed each twin sliding into those unwitting R Party asses roughly 


BB was surprisingly lucid though he still had that dreamy look on his face “Hey El” he said as I walked in and handed him the beer and he thanked me.


A groan of pleasure from one of the twins made me look out the door and when I looked back the cup was empty 


I watched BB slowly drift off laying next to him as his eyes closed. Oddly as his body relaxed his arm flipped around me and pulled me close like I was a favorite teddy bear/


I looked into his beautiful face, so innocent in sleep you would never believe the vile hatred those slightly parted lips spewed when he was awake 


I kissed those lips and pretended this was the real BB as I rolled on top of him and made out with him wishing he could respond, that he would respond if he knew what was happening. 


I pulled off his shorts and discovered that BB was a grower not a shower as a healthy, beer can thick 6 ½ inches greeted me. 


I lifted his legs to my chest and slowly slid into that gorgeous fuzzy blond ass with a groan and more ease than I expected, “The drug must really relax you” I thought as my ten inches bottomed out , BB’s big low hangers almost touching the shaft as I pulled out. I kissed his open mouth again tasting him as I pushed my tongue in 


For the next two hours I lived in that universe that did not exist. I made love to the man BB could have been instead of brutally fucking the bastard he was. I came in him four tines filling  him with my high viral load seed and in that other universe he wanted it as much as he wanted me.  


I cleaned BB up and pulled his shorts back on then kissed him on the forehead and walked back out to join the twins 


“Nice of you to join us” Cal said sarcastically “We could have used some help here and we both wanted a crack at BB” 


Somehow I knew I would not have let that happen, Tonight BB had been mine and only mine


All six guys out here showed signs of having been fucked as they lay with legs spread and moist looking holes and I knew they all had one twin or the others virus invading their blood 


“It looks like you two had your own entertainments, now give me a hand” I said bending down 


The three of us cleaned them all up and got them back into their shorts then we each lay on an empty mat and drifted off to sleep waking with the others and faking headaches to match theirs 


Two days later back at the beach BB went on and on about his party telling all sorts of lies about the silly things we had all done including the twins and I in the antics, which was fine with us as it added to our cover 


“El was the best of all!” He gloated “He kept trying to walk and falling flat on his face, didn’t you El?” 


I just smiled and shrugged noncommittally like always as BB made up more outrageous lies about what I had supposedly done while high 


A couple days later I was home alone. John was having tests run for the drug trial and the house staff had the day off when I heard the doorbell 


To my surprise it was BB. I invited him in and took him to the living room where we sat on the couch 


“So what’s up BB? If it’s about those lies about me at the party I really don’t care” I said 


He looked at the floor and said “It’s not that at all… I just… El…” in a frightened. nervous voice 


then he looked me right in the eyes and I saw tears brimming in his  “Eliot I think I love you”  he said quietly but distinctly 


I literally fell off the couch in surprise and he helped me back up not letting goof my hand as we sat back down 


“I saw what you and the twins did to the beer and the others. I even saw the twins start to fuck them. I guess I have a higher tolerance than most. I have been doing various drugs for a couple years now so it didn’t hit me as hard, When you looked away I dumped the beer into a bowl of chips on the floor. At first I was going to jump up and kick your ass as soon as you touched me but as you lay next to me I could not help putting my arm around you… and then you kissed me” that last part was said with a hint of wonder in his words and no trace of that southern drawl 


“I realized as soon as our lips touched that the reason I have been trying to pull you in and control you was that I didn't want to deal with how attractive you were to me and I figured once you were just another hanger on I would lose interest but you always just smiled and shrugged and every time I wanted you more” He explained a bit shame faced 


“Eventually I was spouting all that trash just to get you to acknowledge me but you just smiled and shrugged” He said a bit hotly “I just wanted to pay attention to me!” 


“You went about it the wrong way then” I said unable to keep the coldness out of my voice “and on some level you must believe all that shit or it would not flow so easily out of that trash mouth of yours. I could have been your best friend if didn’t think you were just saying what you really think” 


“Come on El, no one with half a brain believes that shit. It’s just what we say when we are all together to keep those who don’t have half a brain, like those six who were at my party, in line. You convince them that no matter how bad their life is that they can always kick down at others to make themselves feel better. It makes them blame the people they are kicking down at for their problems rather than looking up at what the R Party is really doing” he said 


Then he seemed to actually hear his own words “I sound just like my Dad and I promised myself when I was younger I would never sound like him. Fuck, It’s just so easy to give in and go along. It makes life so much easier. I ended up in a military school for four years because my Dad heard me say John Travolta was cute once when I was 12. They kind of beat that kind of talk into you” 


“Anyway” He pushed on “ You kissed me and you were so tender and loving that I didn’t even think of resisting. I just totally gave in to you and let you do what you wanted. I was a virgin that way and it didn’t even hurt even though you are far from small. I peeked a few times while you were in me. You had your eyes closed like you were in a different world” 


“I was pretending we were lovers and that you wanted this as much as I did” I admitted wistfully


“I did” BB whispered. 


He cleared his throat and in a soft voice continued “I saw your face, so handsome, so beautiful and I realized that I loved you. I almost reached out and touched that face but fear of rejection stopped me. You had gone to a great deal of trouble to get in me without me knowing so I figured you had other motives” 


It was my turn to blush “I was infecting you with HIV like the twins did your friends” I admitted 


“Friends” he snorted “Those guys are thugs. They are the stupidest morons in the state” 


Then what I had said sank in and he asked “Why?” in a hurt, shocked voice 


I sketched in the plan for him 


“It makes perfect sense in an evil twisted way” he said reflectively “to be perfectly honest it’s truly what guys like the six the twins dealt with deserve and I guess I did too or at least I sure behaved like I did. I also know there are effective treatments on the horizon because my dad is obsessed with killing the funding for the research into it specifically because it is effective he would prefer that gays just keep dying and taking their L Party votes to the grave with them" he said


"Did you know that’s why the R Party hates for gays to have any representation in media, movies or TV? They don’t want gay kids to know there are others out there, The R Party literally hopes they kill themselves, because they feel so different and isolated, before they turn 18 and start voting L Party and gays being seen ruins that in part. They say they are protecting children but they are really hoping some children remove themselves before voting age. The church does it for the same reason” 


I kind of knew all this but I had never heard it put in such stark terms. I heard the front door open and close and someone walking towards the living room 


“With how I was acting I honestly can’t blame you” He said still holding my hand “I still love you just as much” he continued as John walked in 


John froze and a look of acceptance and pain crossed his face 


I was holding him in less than a second 


“No, no...” I said, holding his face abd looking directly into his eyes “I love you! I am committed to you! I meant every word of my vows to you! I LOVE YOU JOHN!” 


BB sat on the couch his hand over his mouth “Oh my god I didn’t realize! I’m so sorry! I will go” and he started to rise 


“Sit your ass down and shut up!” I sad then more softly “Come sit with us John we all need to talk” 


I had told John about my time with BB including my sadness at would he could have been and John looked haunted as he sank to the couch 


“He’s so beautiful and he’s your own age. You even told me you had feelings for the man he could have been and it looks like that could have been really is” John said in a hurt voice 


“And you think he is more attractive than you?” I scoffed. 


John had been in the trial for almost a year now and every sign of illness had been erased. He had been incredibly handsome before he was sick and now he was back to being gorgeous but it was a man who at just 32 years old was in the prime of his masculinity. You could almost feel his dominant, confident aura as he stalked through the world, I would be a fool to let that go 


“I have loved you since I was twelve and through sickness and health I stuck with you, Now that you are back full strength do you think I’m letting you go?” I said firmly 


“But you have feelings for him too?: John said 


“I do” I admitted “and I would like to explore them but you will always come first in my life” 


Then I looked at BB “I can’t say I love you. Not yet anyway. Maybe someday, but I have to admit there is something there. But if I ever even think for a second you are trying to come between John and I I will toss you aside like yesterday's trash. More important than that though. If you and John can not come to love each other too I will pick him and you will be gone. Understand?” I demanded and he nodded 


Then I looked at John “All this is predicated on you allowing it, If you say no right now then I'm sorry BB, I won’t risk my relationship with John, not for anything” I said and I meant it 


John and BB looked at each other and sparks flew between them but was it jealousy or attraction? 


John moved from the couch and sat in a large comfortable black leather chair then he looked at BB with a stern gaze patting his leg and commanding “Come here Boy". In less than 10 seconds BB sat on his leg and the two were kissing passionately, Johns hand gripping that wavy golden hair holding BB’s lips to his 



Next Chapter: BB gets banged from both ends 

Let me know what you think!


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I am now expecting the unexpected from you. Didn't see the BB twist coming, but it fits into the overall story line quite well!  I believe you have captured the inner workings of some (through BB's story) of those in politics who express their dislike and even hate for members of the LGBTQ community.  The one who pops to mind is a certain senator from SC...🤣 Thanks for this installment and looking forward to the next...

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20 minutes ago, barebackrnb said:

I am now expecting the unexpected from you. Didn't see the BB twist coming, but it fits into the overall story line quite well!  I believe you have captured the inner workings of some (through BB's story) of those in politics who express their dislike and even hate for members of the LGBTQ community.  The one who pops to mind is a certain senator from SC...🤣 Thanks for this installment and looking forward to the next...

It kind of makes what El and the twins are doing preemptive self defense. Getting them before they get to gay youth 

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John pushed BB of his lap and stood “Come with me Boy” He said and BB followed like a puppy with me trailing behind looking amused 


These two were the hottest men I had ever seen in my life, by far.


It never occurred to me they would both say the same about me and I think I would be a different person if it had. Most of us never see our own attractiveness and those who do are usually total asses about it which makes them ugly in other ways 


In our bedroom John got naked and sat on the edge of the bed “Strip and kneel” he said to BB who quickly complied then leaned towards John’s almost hypnotic cock.


My cock is a little larger than John’s. It’s a smooth ten inch shaft wider than it is thick 


John’s cock had a power all it’s own with it’s twisted blue veins creating light and shadows. It always seemed to pulse with a slightly malevolent need to take a man’s hole and claim it,  breed it, own it and never let it forget the feeling of that cock possessing and filling it, 


BB was lost in the power of that cock but as his lips neared to kiss it John stopped him 


“El gave you his terms. Now hear mine. There will be no drugs in this relationship. You will enroll in a rehab tomorrow. I don’t want to hear that you can stop on your own. I have seen too many friends who said that die of overdoses, You WILL get help and you WILL live the rest of your life clean and sober. If I catch you drunk or high one time that will be the end of it” John said in firm tones


“This will be your new addiction” he said gripping his cock and balls as they shown with that dominant masculine energy that was his alone “You will worship at the shrine of my cock every day. El loves. I own, I own him and if you are going to be with us I will own you as well. Is that understood?” 


“Yes” BB said “I understand” 


“Yes Master” John corrected sharply “When we are in this room you will always address me as Master” 


“Yes Master” BB said 


“Good Boy, now you may kiss and worship my cock and if El did not manage to impregnate you with our HIV the other night we will correct that” John crooned stroking BB’s head like a dog 


I stripped kneeling  behind BB and as he bent forward to kiss and lick John’s shaft I put my hands on his hips lifting him to his hands and knees lubing up and sliding in with as much ease as the first time and groaning as BB’s inner walls caressed me and welcomed me like a well made lock welcomes it’s key 


BB was tracing every vein on John’s cock with his tongue getting to know it inch by inch. Then he went down and sucked each of John's balls onto his mouth, they were too bug to suck at the same time. Then finally he took a cock into his mouth for the first time in his life as John instructed him on the best ways to pleasure a man with his mouth 


Soon my thrusts were forcing BB further and further ont John’s cock. I suspect from the side it looked like our cocks were one solid pole that went all the way through him and that BB was just sliding back and forth on it. 


The pace picked up and finally BB got a toxic load from each end then we all jumped a little at the sound of applause 


The Twins had long ago learned that if we didn’t answer the door on this day of the week to just come on in because the house staff was off and we were probably fucking 


“I never thought I would see BB here but I have to say I am glad” Cal said 


“Yes, we need another person we are allowed to fuck besides each other” Sal agreed 


No one fucked John and only John fucked me so till now the twins options had been limited 


“You ok with that BB baby?” I asked gently 


The affection and tenderness in my voice shocked the twins and I gave them a brief run-through of the day’s discussions that also gave BB time to think 


“We are very happy to see the change in you and we don’t just mean the sexual one” Sal said 


“You were kind of an unbearable prick before” Cal agreed and I winced a little at his bluntness. For some reason the desire to protect BB rose up in me for an instant 


“Guilty as charged” BB admitted


“John and El are your men but we would love to share our bodies and our friendship with you” Cal said. It was very firmly established that the twins only felt romantic love for each other. Lust and friendship were other matters though   


BB nodded,  held out his arms and the three toppled on the bed together 


It was  BB sandwich Sal fucking him and him fucking Cal 


I noticed a look of pain on BB’s face as Sal entered him. Sal’s cock is inches shorter and thinner than mine so it was unusual 


After 10 minutes the reversed and now it wads Cal fucking BB while he fucked Sal and again there was that look of pain when Cal slid in but soon the three were moaning and a great three way orgasm followed 


Then John took BB on his back, gently easing in but again that look of momentary pain crossed BB’s face but was quickly forgotten as John’s skill as a top man took over 


When they finished BB stayed on his back and held out his arms to me. I smiled and got between his legs putting the tip of my cock at his hole intending to ease in gently as John had done but the phone rang startling me and making my knee slip sending my cock plunging balls deep into him 


John answered then hung up saying “Wrong number” 


The look on BB’s face was not pain but pure bliss amd he pulled me down for a hungry passionate kiss. We would find out over time that I almost could not hurt BB with my cock. It took real effort to cause mild discomfort even 


I was the same when John was in me and since only he fucked me I didn’y know how unusual that was 


For the rest of his life every cock BB took caused that momentary pain except mine. Some things are just meant to go together I guess 


I shot the last load of poz cum for the day and we all slept happily together 


The next day I drove BB to a local hospital and he checked himself into a six week rehab program. He never fell off the wagon again 


The five of us were inseparable. BB, the twins and I simply dropped out of the party scene for a few months and when we returned we brought John with us. He caused quite a stir with his slightly older good looks and quite frankly got tired of young ladies trying to get him alone


A new special ogre had established itself in our absence but we ignored it. BB’s old cronies tried to drag him back into their juvenile, hate filled conversations but he would just smile, shrug and wake away, He was even more popular than he was before. Go figure 


He credited me with getting him into rehab thus explaining our new close friendship, 


The others all flirted with the girls enough to cover themselves and make the other guys jealous. We generally just had a good time while we waited for our next opportunity,  I was married to a woman and no one thought it was unusual that she was attending college in another state, so I didn’t have to flirt 


The opportunities  presented themselves regularly. Sometimes it was a passed out R Party straight boy in the changing room at the beach and we would take turns breeding him while the others kept watch, Sometimes it was an older man at a party, Usually the host who would “Seduce” a younger man getting him to his bedroom or some other secretive place only to be surprised when that young man flipped him on his stomach and bred him like a bitch,  Over the course of a few months we must have pozzed thirty R Party holes 


BB had argues with his dad and they were barely talking, His Dad was a senator and was constantly trying to cut HIV research, education and drug cost assistance out of every budget that crossed his path 


BB had tested Poz a couple weeks before and one night I got a call from him about 10 pm 


I drove over to his house and he met me at the door in a robe leading me quietly up the stairs 


Senator Bradwell lay in a compromising position, an almost empty bottle of whiskey on the night stand as he was sprawled face down one leg bent and the other straight out buck assed naked 


I had seen BB in that position many tomes and from this angle it was hard to tell father from son. 


When I noticed the wet matted hair in his crack around his hole I got instantly rock hard 


“I already bred him three times but I thought you would like a crack at his ass” BB said grinning evilly 


I dropped my pants, mounted and pushed in, the man never even stirred. 


It looked like BB’s ass but it didn’t feel the same, BB’s ass felt like everything that was good about male on male sex, This ass was just a hole to breed and poz which I did four times in under an hour 


When I was done we cleaned up the sleeping senator and left him there. 


A couple weeks  later BB caused another fight with his dad who was not feeling well for some reason and moved out renting a room in my house 


A few months later his Dad stepped opposing HIV research saying he had found compassion in his heart, 


“And Virus in his blood” BB said evilly as we watched the news on the couch cuddling with John 


“I love you BB” I said for the first time ever and John smiled squeezing us both  saying “My Boys” 



Next Chapter: Mr. Poz goes to Washington 

Let me know what you think! 


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I sat in the office of the R Party state leader with BB and the twins. The man sat pompously behind his desk and eyed the four if us. His lips smacked when he talked, It was disgusting 


“I would like to commend the four of you. Your public stand against substance abuse and under age drinking is an inspiration to all of us. It also makes you and other young R Party members like you uniquely qualified to perform a task that needs doing” he said grossly 

“Every four years we hold out national convention and every time we do the idiots the states send as representatives cause issues. They get drunk and go carousing in the streets or they pass out in the convention center. That always makes it into the press and it’s a bad look. We have enough men who will stay sober enough to control the carousers this year but we need strong young men committed to sobriety to handle the ones who pass out” he continued almost slobbering


“This year  the convention is in Washington DC. There are five main hotels attached to the convention center. Each attendee will have the name of his hotel and his room number on his badge. What we want you four and several more similar young men from around the country to do is simply round up the inebriated fools and dump them back in their hotel rooms. It’s simple and the Party will owe you” He finished and wiped his mouth 


I looked at BB and the twins who looked like Christmas had come early and said “Just let me make sure I heard you right, You want us to take a bunch of guys who are passed out drunk back to their hotel rooms and leave them there?” 


“Exactly. We will pay your way there and even pay you a tidy sum to help us keep these “Billy Bobs” from making the Party look bad again this year” 


“We’ll do it” all four of us said together 


So here we were on the convention floor after the business of the day had concluded and the booze had started flowing waiting for out first victims to pass out, 


It didn’t take to long. Some of these guys were barely 18 and no one was checking IDs. The first of the lightweights were three sheets to the wind in an hour and passed out in two, 


I helped a guy I had heard earlier going on about “White rights” earlier. He was kind of cute with brown hair and a nice body. His eyes were shut as I manhandled him back to his hotel and tossed him face down on the bed. I  puled his pants down around his ankles and exposing a really pretty and totally defenseless ass, I unzipped and crawled on top of him forcing his legs apart with my kneed as I popped his cherry without mercy. He barely stirred as I quickly fucked him with ten inches of toxic viral cock breeding “Mr. Wight Rights” with my HIV filled cum, Damn that felt good. 


I pulled some baby wipes from my pocket and clean him up. Pulling his pants back up then using a black marker to put a tiny plus in the corner of his badge so the others would know he had already been serviced. I was whistling as I walked back to the convention center


Next I helped a state senator back to his room by tossing him over my shoulder and carrying him, He was a little guy with a very trim tight body who could not handle his booze I guess. He never woke up as I dropped him on his bed on his back, pulled off his shoes then his pants and bred him like a girl. 


His legs flopped next to my face  as I pounded him tearing up his tight little hole up depositing a load of charged seed deep in his guts before tugging his boxers back on and adding the plus to his badge 


This went on all night and my cock was sore as I fell into bed. Breeding  seven  different guys over five hours will do that to you and this was just the first night of five. 


BB was just as exhausted. As he curled up and laid his head on my chest he told me he got six himself I kissed him on the top of the head and pulled him closer to me, so proud of him


“We got thirteen all told one of the twins said from the other bed in a sleepy voice and we all happily drifted off as 26 R Party “Billy Bobs” had our virus invading their blood 


The other nights we had similar luck and all told we pozzed over 100 different men over five days 


The best for me was on the third day. I found The Reverend Alister Moonwall passed out in a bathroom stall. He was the leader of “The Moral Mob” a group of fanatics who used bully tactics to intimidate minorities and gays, often times raiding gay bars and beating the occupants senseless. Somehow the police never fund those responsible 


Before I helped him I pulled out a mini camera and snapped a few shots of him passed out next to the toilet then with BB’s help I got pictures of him “sucking” my cock through a glory hole. Then I got him up and to his room. Just for fun I placed the hotel room bible on his chest as I bred him like a bitch and deposited a nice gift from god in him 


I gave the pictures to my investigative reporter friend and we waited. After about five months he started a new initiative condemning gays and saying we were all going to fie of AIDS, 


The next day the headline read “Anti Gay Preacher Caught Performing Oral Sex On Other Men In Public Restroom! Rumors Say He Has HIV! 


He denied that the picture was of him and immediately got a HIV test which came back positive. His entire life was basically destroyed… Oh well 


We had a little party the next day and  waited for the next opportunity to stick it to the R Party. Literally 


Let me know what you think! 



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