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Project 2025

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Thankfully we've millennia of data on human behavior to consider.  

Humanity seems to have our cycles as well.  The USA has survived some challenges; seemingly every year or so has it's big human/social impact thing.  Some years like 1968 might have seriously skewed that average.  🙂 

Historically we've climbed out of our national challenges; often replacing one challenge with another.  And it seems we are as a species capable of learning from history to attenuate the depth of future social strife.  Perhaps we focus too much on one thing and thus fail to observe deviations of our trajectory.  

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Part of the power and effectiveness behind 'the big lie' approach is people often  question and doubt their self before they question and doubt those they emotionally accept as authorities.  To me, the number of people who were part of Trumps inner circle confirming that the emperor truly has no covering, is particularly damning.  i don't think such expose' will help the cult members, but hopefully will awaken the intelligent, thinking segment. There are many who supported Trump first time around who realized at some point that he's really as crazy as he appears... but then there are others  who are intelligent supporters  who know full well who and how he is and hope to be among those pulling the puppet strings. 

i think that's particularly tricky for them, like trying to co-opt a nuclear warhead with booby traps... i can't help seeing similarities between Hitler and Trump. To me, both are loose cannon sociopath, paranoid personalities who didn't/don't hesitate to eliminate their staff if they do not feel their undying loyalty and agreement.

The power brokers who would exploit Trump have to always maintain a straight face in front of a dancing, naked emperor, can't drop their guard for one second. 

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"Donald Trump insisting that he has no connection to Project 2025 sounds like your angry old uncle showing up hungry for Thanksgiving dinner while proclaiming that he has nothing to do with the family as he prepares to eat.

Sure, he probably didn't lift a finger to help prepare the meal. That doesn't mean Trump won't pile his plate high with it if he wins a second term as president in November.

Trump has a strong motivation to put as much distance as he can between his campaign and the controversy swirling around Project 2025, a 922-page government policy wish list from the hard-right Heritage Foundation. A new poll shows swing voters seriously dislike the plan. And they don't believe Trump when he claims "I have nothing to do" with it.

Trump repeated that claim during Tuesday's debate after Vice President Kamala Harris went on the attack, calling Project 2025 "a detailed and dangerous plan" that Trump "intends on implementing if he were elected again."

Trump tried to cast Project 2025 as full of "some ideas, I guess, some good, some bad," while also claiming "I haven't read it. I don't want to read it."

That part rang true. Does anyone believe Trump would read 922 pages of policy? He'd use it, sure. But read it? No chance."

[think before following links] https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-claims-nothing-project-2025-080237915.html?.tsrc=daily_mail&segment_id=DY_VTO&ncid=crm_19908-1202929-20240916-0&bt_user_id=rBJM3ZURyQwvApYd%2FmpqIi7K56W3Q7Mjpn2I9aJGGuPVP4s%2FH7rVKsUyGY3dFVG4&bt_ts=1726489442418

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1 hour ago, hntnhole said:

That part may be true .....

After all, it's been decades since he was forced to read the "Dick and Jane" series in 1st grade.  

Not to mention that his  mind got that ponderous tome wrong   and he recalls, to this day, that it was "Dick in Jane." 

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