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Beer in hand I flopped down on the couch and reached for the television remote. It had been a long day and I was exhausted. With the apartment empty of my three roommates for once I excited to relax and just enjoy the silence for one.


I’d lived with the same guys since freshmen year of college when we’d all been assigned to the same suit. Then after college we’d all wanted to move to Chicago and so decided to get a place together. It was a good arrangement, at least we all knew we got a long and didn’t annoy the crap out of each other. People in college used to joke that we made an odd group. All three of my roommates had come out at some point freshmen year and I was like the token straight boy. We all found it funny.


That day however, my whole universe had changed.


Going to set my beer on the table I noticed a small unmarked brown bottle sitting on the coffee table. I picked it up, turning it over in my hand. It was about half full some kind of liquid. And then I did something that would have had a chemistry teacher screaming at me. I opened the bottle, held it directly under my nose and sniffed.


It smelled almost like fuel, or cleaner, maybe like rubbing alcohol. It was a scent that told you this wasn’t something you were supposed to be inhaling, and yet… as soon as that first deep pull hit me I felt a lightness come over my body. It drew me back in for another sniff. This time I held it close to one nostril and plugged the other. I inhaled deeply pulling the mysterious scent deep into my lungs.


Heat started to spread through my body. It started in my chest and radiated outward like a fire spreading across a log. I gasped. My head spun. I felt like my limbs were made of Jello but at the same time I felt full of electricity. I couldn’t help it. I took another sniff. This time I held my breath for a moment, holding the scent in my lungs before letting it out again in a gasping breath.


The heat was now like a fire. I felt sweat trickling down my back. I felt lost in the heat.


I pulled my shirt off, the fabric felt too constricting. I had to let some of the heat out. I breathed deeply a few times trying to calm myself, but I was still spinning. My heart felt like it was beating a mile a minute. I pressed my hand to my chest, as if to calm my heartrate, but felt something else entirely. Rubbing my hand across my chest felt good… better than contact with my own body had ever felt. It was almost sensual. I hesitated for a moment, and then took another long sniff from the bottle.


My hand drifted, almost of its own accord to my nipple and started to rub at the pert pink flesh. A groan escaped my mouth, and I flopped my head back against the cushions of the couch. “Holy shit,” I said outloud to the empty room as I started to toy with my nipple. I’d never really been much into my own nipples. A few girls had tried playing with them while we fucked but it had never really done much for me, and I’d always just left them alone while I masturbated. Now, however, they felt alive and electric. I twisted my own flesh feeling the heat in my chest well up as I did so. What the hell was happening, I thought, but at the same time decided I didn’t care. I kept rubbing my nipples enjoying the sensation through the haze that now filled my mine.


Slowly the warmth started to fade and desperate to feel it again I pressed the still open bottle to my nose again and inhaled twice more. I wondered somewhere in the back of my mind if this was dangerous but I didn’t care. It felt good. I ran my hands all over my body feeling little sparks of pleasure whenever my fingers touched my skin. I kneaded my hairy pecs and felt the firm muscles beneath the flesh. Sweat was starting to spring up all over my body, and I suddenly realized I was hard as a rock


I took another long drag from the bottle, and basking in the heat that it brought, unbuttoned my pants. I shimmied them off and sat on the couch in just my tented boxers. I rubbed at my cock through the fabric, a massive wet spot quickly forming as my cock started to leak precum. I lay my head back again. With one hand I played with my nipple and with the other stroked my throbbing cock through my underwear.


Eventually I couldn’t take it anymore. Without even considering that one of my roommates might come home and fine me naked and hard on the couch, I stripped off my boxers and sat down fully naked on the couch. I grabbed the bottle off the coffee table and took several long huffs from it. My head was spinning. Stars were popping in front of my eyes. My chest felt tight, and my body felt like it was on fire. I stroked my cock. Shivers ran up my spine it all felt so good. I leaned further back into the couch and rubbed myself.


My whole body was on fire. The scent of sweat joined the mysterious smell in my nostrils, which only seemed to turn me on more. I didn’t understand what had happened. When I sat down I hadn’t been horny in the least bit and now I was alight with lust.


I pulled on my balls, moaning almost uncontrollably. Precum was now flowing freely from the head of my throbbing cock. It glistened on my shaft and matted down my dense pubes. It felt like I was in heat. I couldn’t control myself. I was being led by horny compulsions.


After another big sniff of the brown bottle my hand started to drift down from my balls. At first playing across my taint causing little gasps to escape my mouth. Then, as if lead by someone else, for the first time in my life, I flicked my fingers across my hole. I’d never felt anything like it. Erotic pleasure erupted through me. I moaned and slid down the couch so my hips were tilted up and I had better access to my hole. I pressed against the tender flesh, feeling the resistance my hole gave and willing my body to give in.


I pulled my hand away from my hole only long enough to spit into my palm and take another big huff from the bottle. I rubbed my spit slicked fingers on my hole and my head spun. I had never imagined anything could feel like this. It was overwhelming. My head lolled backwards and my mouth hung open stupidly. I felt a little trickle of drool escape the side of my mouth but I didn’t care. All that I was focused on was pleasuring my hole. My dick was completely forgotten, leaking as much as ever, pressed against my treasure trail.


I never heard the door. I was too lost in my horny haze to pay attention to anything other than how good it felt to press my slick fingers against my virgin hole. I didn’t notice my roommate Alec walking up to the couch, or the shocked and terrified look on his face. I had no idea he was there until his shout of, “Jesus Christ! Matt what the hell are you doing?” broke through my mind.

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I stared up at my roommate bleary eyed without stopping what I was doing. I gave him a sloppy grin, my mind too hazy to register how weird the moment was. Alec stood there and looked at me for a long moment. I must have been a sight, slumped down on the couch, naked and glassy eyed, drooling, my cock smearing precum all over my stomach, and my fingers desperately trying to penetrate my hole for the first time.


He looked past me to the coffee table and noticed the open little brown bottle. Comprehension spread across his face, “Matt… Matt did you… did you open that little bottle?” He said, sounding concerned.


“I didn’t know what it was,” I said, my words coming out slightly slurred. “I just felt so hot. It all felt so good. Alec it all feels so good.”


“I’m gonna kill Jack. I told him not to leave those poppers laying around they’re too strong… Holy shit Matt!”


While Alec was talking I had kept rubbing my hole and just at that moment I finally managed to get one of my fingers past my ring. It sank deep into my hole. I let out a long satisfied groan. “It all just feels so good,” I moaned, and with my finger still inside my hole I reached for the bottle on the table.


For a moment it looked like Alec was going to try and stop me, but then another look came across his face. He came around the couch so he was standing in front of me now. His expression had shifted. He no longer looked confused and worried, now he looked hungry.


“Is this the first time you’ve every played with your ass Matt,” he asked in a soft low voice.


“Yes. I just felt… the heat… it led me there.”


“It feels good doesn’t it Matt? You like having a something inside your hole.”


“It all feels so good! I can’t stop.”


“That’s because you’re high on Jack’s special poppers. They make everything feel amazing, but they don’t make you do anything you didn’t want to do… at least a little.” He paused looking me up and down. “Fuck, you look hot all gooned out on poppers playing with your hole.”


“Thanks man. I feel fucking sexy.”


“You are Matt, you are.” Alec grinned. Then he said, “Do you want me to help you feel even better?”


“How?” I said desperately. The one finger in my hole felt so good I almost couldn’t imagine how someone could help me feel even better.


“Do you want me to show you?” He stepped a little closer. I felt a shift in the dynamic in the room but didn’t understand it in my blissed-out state.


“Yes!” I practically screamed.


“Good… just remember. You asked me to do this.” With that he pulled off his shirt tossing it aside. I’d seen all my roommates shirtless at one point or another in out six years living together but I’d never really thought much of it. Now in my compromised state I found myself looking at Alec in a new way. He had wide shoulders and narrow hips. His pecs were round and plump with a little patch of hair growing right in the center and trailing down his trim but not overly defined stomach till it vanished in his waistband. For the first time in my life I thought… he looks hot. Alec unzipped his pants and kicked them off before he got between my legs and knelt down in just his briefs.


“Alright,” he said, taking hold of my wrist and pulling my hand away from my hole. “One hand playing with your nips and one hand holding those poppers to your nose boy. Take a big long inhale for me and count to ten before you breathe out.” I did as he said. With the hand that had just been in my hole I started to play with my nipples switching between sides, and with the other I pressed the bottle to my nose and took a long deep sniff. My head swam. My vision closed in for a second. Heat rushed down through my body. Alec took hold my both of my thighs, and positioned me a little closed to the edge of the couch. Then while I was lost in the rush of a fresh his, started flicking his tongue around my hole.


My mind exploded with pleasure as Alec went to work on my hole. I moaned and whimpered, unable to do anything but lay there. My jaw hung loose, my mouth just open, as he ate me out. It was like nothing I had ever experience. I couldn’t believe what was happening. My hole quivered under his assault. Steadily his tongue’s flicking motions became more and more pointed, pressing directly into the center of my hole. “That’s it,” he mumbled, “Open that straight boy hole up for me.”


“Fuck! Alec. Fuck! That feels so good,” I said blearily.


“Good boy. Give in to that feeling. I’m going to make you feel so good. Take another big his for me.”


I did as he instructed and took another long hit. Closing my eyes as I held my breath letting the mysterious scent take me away.


“Fucking beautiful,” Alec said, and pushed his tongue harder against my hole. He pushed and pushed and I felt myself opening up for him. My hole bloomed around his invading tongue, slowly relaxing till it was putty in his hands. “Fucking beautiful,” he muttered again, and started rubbing his fingers around the edge of my hole.


My cock throbbed at his touch, and big globs of precum pumped from the tip adding to the trickle that was constantly leaking out. My stomach was sticky mess, all my hair matted down to my skin with smears of precum.


“You’re almost there,” Alec cooed, “Just a little more Mattie. Relax. You want me to make you feel good don’t you.”


“Yes! Please! Make me feel good.”


“Good boy. Just relax then. I’m going to make you feel good in ways you could never imagine. Another big hit for me.”


I pressed the bottle to my nose as he spit onto my hole, and smeared it around with his fingers. When I finally breathed out Alec pressed at my hole with two of his fingers. There was a brief second of resistance and then my hole just opened for them. As if by magic my virgin hole winked open and Alec’s fingers disappeared completely inside me.


“Oh fuck!” I shouted.


“Good boy. Good boy.” Alec said as he started to work his fingers in and out of me.


My head was spinning. My body was on fire. I was sweating so much that the scent just hung in the air. I couldn’t focus on anything. The crashing waves of pleasure Alec was sending through my body were completely overwhelming. I felt like I should have cum right then but I didn’t. Instead my cock just continued to throb and leak.


Alec worked my hole expertly, twisting his fingers in and out. He held two fingers from his other hand in front of my face and said, “Suck.” Obediently I opened my mouth and sucked down his fingers. Inexpertly I slobbered all over them till they were dripping with spit. Alec withdrew his fingers from my desperate mouth and started to alternate between which hand was invading my hole. He had me take another hit and when I did he pressed another finger into me, widening my hole even more. I just moaned. It was bliss. Everything that was happening felt so blissfully wonderful why would I ever give it a second thought, let alone resist. We repeated the process of me huffing deeply as he finally added his fourth finger to my hole.


Some little part of my brain couldn’t believe what was happening. I’d never imagined playing with my hole even a little and now my gay roommate had four of his fingers crammed in ass and I was loving it.


“Fuck yes,” Alec said, “You like that don’t you straight boy? You like me opening up your ass.”


“It feels so good man! Don’t fucking stop!”


“No that’s not enough Mattie,” he said, and pulled his fingers out of my now open hole. “You have to say it. Tell me what’s making you feel so good.”


“You Alec. You’re making me feel so good… your… your fingers in my ass! Fuck! Finger my hole Alec!” I practically shouted.


“Good boy.” He said, and rammed his fingers back inside me. “Your holes so open Matt. You look so fucking hot high off your mind on poppers stretched around my fingers. Fuck!”


“Your fingers feel so good inside me. I never… I never thought having something in my ass would feel this good!”


“Well,” Alec said with a wicked grin on his face. “Wanna try something even better?”




“Flip over with your chest on the back of the couch.” He instructed taking his fingers from my hole again. “Perfect, now stay right there while I go and get something I think you’ll like even more than fingers. Take a couple big hits of those poppers while you wait.”


I never thought of doing any other than what Alec instructed. If there was something that would feel even better than his fingers in my ass then I wanted to find out what it was. So I stayed bent over the back of the couch, my ass on full display and took two deep drags off of the bottle clutched in my fist.


After a moment I head Alec coming back, “Eyes forward,” he said in a commanding voice I’d never heard him use before, “You don’t need to see what’s coming, just give in to the pleasure.” I obeyed. I could hear him setting several things down on the coffee table. Then there was a new sensation. Something blunt and thick was pressing against my hole. It felt cool and slick against my nearly virginal pucker. “Deep hit off the poppers boy.” I followed his instructions, flying so high I was likely never to come down. As soon as the scent hit my body my hole relaxed and whatever Alec was pushing against my hole slid easily inside me. We both let out load deep moans.


“Holy shit, you just took that whole thing,” Alec said as he started to work the invading object in and out of my hole. “What a waste… a straight guy having such a perfect fag hole. Although,” he jammed the object roughly into my hole again causing me to whimper, “Get you high enough on poppers and apparently it doesn’t matter if your straight or not does it.”


“Fuck Alec! What did you put inside me! It feels so good. Don’t stop! Keep fu…” I stopped… a little part of my mind that was still in control knew what I had been about to say and had pumped the breaks despite how good it felt.


“Keep doing what? What did you say boy? Come on… let it out, or I’ll stop.” He slammed the object in and out of me a couple of times as if to drive his point home.


“Don’t stop…” I couldn’t say it… but I wanted to… he started to pull the object out of me, slowly and deliberately. I panicked, what if he really did stop and then the pleasure would stop! “Don’t stop fucking me!” I practically shouted.


“God damn that’s hot. High on poppers and literally begging to be fucked. Do you want to see what I’ve been fucking you with Mattie?”




He pulled the object out and held it off to the side. I looked over my shoulder startled to see a thick black dildo. I stared aghast at it. It seemed impossibly thick and several inches longer than even any dick I’d ever seen in a porno. That thing had been inside me?!


“I told you, you had an impressive hole. You took this one so easily, let’s try something a little more intense.”


“Yes please Alec! Fuck me! Please Alec! Fuck me!”


He leaned over, his hand between my shoulder bladed and his mouth right next to my ear. “Don’t worry straight boy… that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

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“Now eyes forward and get that bottle under your nose.” Alec commanded. “Take a long sniff and count to twenty before breathing out. I huffed the little bottle deeper than ever, reveling in the feeling of intoxicating warmth spreading through my body. Looking dead ahead, I counted slowly to twenty. While I was counting I heard Alec spit, and felt a big glob land on my loosened hole. As I breathed out I felt Alec pushing something new against my ass.


I pressed back into the invading object, the scent opening my hole for me. There was a tiny moment of resistance and then the thick head of whatever it was burst in side me.


“Oh fuck,” we both said almost in unison. Alec’s hands grabbed my hips, holding me in place. He pushed it deeper and deeper inside of me forcing desperate moans from my lips. I squirmed, overwhelmed with how good it felt to be opened up again.


“Fuck yes, take it all. Good boy,” Alec cooed. I felt his body press against me, his hands slid up to my shoulders and he leaned down to whisper in my ear again. “Now I’m going to really fuck you”

“It feels so good Alec. It feels so warm.”


“That’s because my raw cock is balls deep in your hole. You’ve got another man’s dick in your ass straight boy.”


Even in my blissed-out haze that felt wrong somewhere in the back of my mind. “I don’t know Alec… The toy was… it felt good… but your dick… but… oh fuck!” He flexed his cock inside of me and pushed it a little deeper.


“You asked me to fuck you,” he said in a cool, almost seductive voice. “And doesn’t your hole feel good wrapped around my hard cock. You want to feel good don’t you Mattie.”


“It feels so fucking good. Fuck!”


“Exactly. Give in to the pleasure. Take another hit and give in.”


I couldn’t think of anything how good it felt to have something inside my ass. It didn’t matter that it was another man’s cock. It felt too good to stop. I took another hit off the brown bottle and gave in.


Alec sensed my acceptance and whispered, “good boy,” before pulling his cock halfway out of my hole and then pressing it in again. I groaned. I couldn’t imagine anything feeling this good. My senses were being overloaded. I pressed myself back against his hips, trying to get him deeper inside me.


“That’s it. Give in to the poppers, let them guide you. It feels good doesn’t it? It feels good to give in.”


“Holy shit, this is so much better than the dildo. Fuck! Alec! Your cock… it… your cock feels so good inside me. You’re so fucking hard! Don’t stop! Please… please… keep… keep fucking me!”


“Don’t worry… I’m not gonna stop till your straight boy ass is full of my cum.”


He started to hammer into me then, making me scream. He grunted as he rammed his cock in and out of my now open hole. We were both covered in sweat and the room stunk of it. The sound of slapping flesh echoed off the walls.


The part of me that had tried to stop when I realized that Alec had his dick in me was reeling. My brain couldn’t really understand what was happening. I was straight, always had been, but Alec’s cock felt so good, how could I stop it. I never wanted those waves of pleasure to end. I just had to give into it, but what did that mean for me.


Instead of trying to answer that question I sniffed at the little bottle again and lost myself in the fog. I became putty in Alec’s hands letting him hammer into my hole. I pushed back into his thrusts, banging my ass against his hips. Every thrust made me grunt or moan. It was like someone else had control of my body.


Suddenly Alec pulled his whole cock from my hole, and smacked my ass hard. “Get on your back. I wanna see your eyes when I dump my load in your straight ass.”


I flipped onto my back, and almost instinctively pulled my legs up to my chest. Alec chuckled. As he moved to get between my legs I saw his cock for the first time. It was wide with a big blunt mushroom head. Probably as long as my cock, but almost twice as thick. It burst out, throbbing, from a trimmed bush, and big heavy looking balls hung below. My hole quivered at the sight.


“You like seeing the cock that took your cherry?” Alec said, his voice almost mocking.


“Its so thick… I can’t believe I can take it. How did it fit in my hole?”


“Because you’re flying high on Jack’s special poppers. They’ll open anyone up. Take a good hit, and get ready for my load. I haven’t gotten off in a couple of days. I’m going to fucking flood you.”


I sniffed Jack’s special poppers, my vision blured and my head spun. Alec sunk his cock into me in one easy move while I was still lost in the initial wave. When I could understand the world around me again he was already mercilessly hammering at my hole. I looked up into his face, contorted with animalistic hunger, and thought for the first time how hot he was. His chest glistened with sweat, matting down the hair between his pecs. His brow was knit tight with the exertion of fucking me. His lips parted slightly as he grunted with his roughest thrusts. You’re straight, that little sober voice told me, you’re doing this because it feels good not because you’re attracted to Alec. Still, there was no denying that he looked good pounding me.


“Fuck, I can’t believe I’m actually going to say this,” Alec panted, “But I’m about to breed your fucking hole Matt. I’m gonna fucking cum so deep inside side you. Fuck. Your hole feels so good.”


“Pound me! Your cock feels so good. Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!”


“Take my fucking load straight boy!” Alec roared and punched his dick into me as hard as he could. I felt something inside me give way as if he’d pushed past the ring of my hole again. His cock throbbed and pulsed buried deep inside me. He moaned and a hot flood started to spread inside me.


This is nuts, that sober voice shouted, he just came inside you; but it was drowned out by the rest of my mind which was singing with pleasure. The heat of Alec’s load seemed to expend though my whole body. Every nerve lit up like a Christmas tree. My eyes rolled back into my head and I crashed into the couch. I couldn’t move. All I could do was lay there as Alec’s cock continued to throb and pump out the last of his load.


Panting, Alec collapsed on top of me, his cock still deep inside my hole. We lay there, a sweaty mess.


“Holy shit Alec. That felt so fucking good! I can’t believe it.”


“You can’t believe it? I just bred my straight roommate…” he shook his head and started to pull out.


I wrapped my arms and legs around him, trying to keep him from taking his cock out of my hole. I was still quivering from the mind-numbing bliss that came from him pounding me and I didn’t want it to end. “Don’t,” I said in a breathy voice, “don’t pull out. I don’t want it to end. It just feels so good.”


“What the hell did I just walk in on.” Alec’s head jerked up as our roommate Toby came around the couch.

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Toby looked back and forth between the two of us wide eyed with shock. In my gooned out state I didn’t even think of moving. I kept my legs wrapped around Alec holding his slowly deflating cock inside me.


“Well,” said Alec after a moment, “Mattie here found Jack’s special poppers that he left out.”


“The ones he got from Frank?” I was confused by that. Frank was our landlord.


“Yep. And I found Matt gooning out on the couch trying to finger himself for the first time… so I offered to show him how good anal could feel. After fingering him, eating him out, fucking him with a dildo… he basically begged me to fuck him. Didn’t you Mattie? You begged me to fuck your straight boy hole?”


“Toby! It felt so fucking good! I can’t stop. Everything feels so good. I don’t want to stop! Please Alec… keep going.”


Alec laughed, “I need a few more minutes to recover.” He pulled his mostly deflated cock from my ass with a wet flop. “But if you ask nicely I bet Toby will give you another load.”


“What?!” Said Toby. “Alec you can’t be serious… he’s so fucking high. Look at him.”

“Well,” Alec said straightening up, “In my defense he was much less high when we started…and look at him. He wants it.”


“I need more Toby. If you want to… I… I want you to fuck me.”


“I don’t… I don’t know.”


“Look at him,” Alec said, putting his arm around Toby’s shoulder, “He needs it.”


I grinned at them, took a big hit of the poppers and shifted on the couch to present my upturned ass to Toby. “Everything just feels so good! I feel so fucking sexy. Fuck Alec your load feels so good inside me. Come on Toby… fuck me.” The little sober voice in my head was gone. I was gone. I was lost to the haze. Any reservations I had had went out the window when I felt Alec start to cum. It had been so overwhelmingly erotic and pleasurable that I would do just about anything to feel that again. “I want your load too!”


“See, he needs it,” said Alec unbuttoning Toby’s shirt for him. “Is this all that different than all the time you, Jack and I have fooled around? Mattie’s begging for it. Breed his straight ass. Alec took Toby’s shirt off, dropping it to the floor


“You really want me to fuck you?” Toby asked.


I looked him up and down. I took in his broad shoulders, his big protuberant nipples, the swirling chest hair, his toned abs, and the straining bugle that had formed in the front of his pants. “Yes! Fuck me Toby!”


Toby looked at Alec who nodded and then turned back to me, “The prove it straight boy. Get on your knees and get my dick out.”


I wanted to feel the euphoric bliss I’d felt as Alec came inside me again so desperately that I would have done anything. I dropped my legs and slid off the couch. On my knees in front of Toby I reached out and unbuttoned his pants while Alec watched. I pulled them off and he stepped out of them leaving my second roommate standing in front of me in straining underwear.


“I said get my dick out. If you want it. If those poppers really have made you that desperate to get fucked, take a hit a pull out my cock straight boy.”


I grabbed the poppers off the table and took a nice deep hit. After the initial wave had subsided, my vision still slightly blurry, I reached out and pulled down Toby’s briefs. What sprung up shocked me. His dick had to be almost as long as the dildo Alec had used on me and just as thick. The head was wide and already a throbbing red. His balls hung low, sprouting out from dense, unkempt pubes. I desperately wanted to feel it inside me.


“Suck it,” Toby said in a commanding voice. I looked up at him from my knees confusedly. “If you want my cock in your ass you’re going to prove it to me. You’re going to earn my load. I’m going to make you work for it. Show me you’re a straight boy desperate for raw cock.” I’d never seen this side of Toby, gruff and domineering. I looked to Alec who still stood next to Toby, his cock half hard and shiny with cum and ass juice. He gave me a little nod.


“Take a hit and swallow Toby’s cock Mattie. You know you want to feel him inside you. Think of how good that beast will feel slamming your hungry hole. Take a hit like a good goon and start sucking.”


There was no disobeying Alec. He had a power over me now. He’d shown me how good it felt to get truly fucked while high on poppers. If he said it would feel good I had to do it. I swallowed hard, took another deep hit of the poppers and opened my mouth.


Toby’s dick had a slightly salty taste, and a texture I never would have imagined. I’d sucked on a girl’s tits before, and eaten out a pussy, but a rock hard cock was different. Both hard and soft at the same time. I willed Toby’s cock further and further down my throat. I slobbered on it as girls had done with me trying to emulate their actions.


Toby groaned and put his hands on my head pulling me closer to his body. I choked a little but kept pushing. Slowly I lost myself in the popper haze and slurped down his cock without thought. It became meditative. Toby’s little grunts and groans were a reward of their own. It made me feel good to know I was making him feel good. The little sober part of me wondered if somehow these poppers had made me more susceptible to suggestion. It didn’t matter. Sucking Toby’s cock was how I got him to fuck me and that’s what I wanted. I wanted to feel the euphoric bliss of taking another cock. I wanted to feel the heat spread through me again as Toby unloaded inside me.


My cock, which had been all but forgotten once Alec started fucking me, was still painfully hard. A puddle of precum was forming on the blow between my knees as I desperately gobbled my roommate’s cock down.


“Holy shit,” Toby said, “You’re a pretty good cock sucker for a straight boy. Fuck!”


He twisted his fingers in my hair and stuffed his cock deeper down my throat. My nose was in his pubes. I couldn’t breathe for a moment. I swallowed hard. I was starting to enjoy myself. It was no longer a means to an end. There was pleasure to be found in giving pleasure. I started to suck him even harder. I bobbed my head back and forth. Thick globs of spit formed in my throat and were fucked out of the corners of my mouth. My chin was covered in it. Without really knowing when I did it I found myself gripping Toby’s furry ass cheeks drawing his cock into my mouth.


“Keep sucking me like that Matt and you’re gonna end up with my load down your throat and not in your hole. Fuck.”


I pulled off of his cock, and grinned up and him sloppily my face covered in snot and spit. “I just wanted to show you how badly I want your cock,” I said, and then took another hit of poppers.


“Fuck, Alec, look at him.”


“I know… that glazed look in his eyes every time he takes a hit. It’s so hot. I couldn’t help myself. A gooned out straight boy playing with his hole. You see it now. He’s so desperate he just sucked your cock.” Alec leaned close to Toby, his lips practically touching Toby’s ear. “Give him what he needs. Breed his hole. Fuck me load deeper into him.”


“Damn it Alec, you know I can’t resist a cummy hole. Fuck! Matt get on your back, legs in the air. No not on the couch, right there on the floor. I’m gonna fuck your hard, I want the leverage.”


I flopped backwards onto my back still clutching my poppers, and pulled my knees up. I spread my legs wide exposing my cummy hole. My dick gave a powerful throb and a river of precum oozed out as I watched Toby get down on his knees between my legs. He pulled my pelvis up so he was above me and lined up his cock.


He held the fat mushroom head against my quivering hole, “Is this what you want Matt? You want my cock inside you? You want me to breed your ass Matt? Is that what you want in your straight hole?”


“Fuck me Toby! Nothing’s every felt as good as Alec’s cock did! I need to feel that again.” I took a drag off the poppers, “Do it! I’m ready. Fuck me! Breed me! Use me!” The little sober voice heard the new addition to my vocabulary and for a moment reared its head. Use you, it repeated questioningly, straight men don’t as other men to use them, what are you doing. The voice was silenced though when Toby, still looming over me, pushed his cock downward and the head slid easily into my well lubed hole. “Yes.” I moaned, “give it to me.”


Toby slowly sank the full length of his cock into me. His thick shaft stretching me yet wider. I moaned when he eventually came to the base and his balls were resting on my ass. He looked down at me, his face a mask of lust now.


“Shit! Your hole feels so fucking good. Fuck Alec you really did breed him. Your hole is so fucking sloppy Matt. It’s perfect.” He bent forward more, putting his hands on either side of my face supporting himself over my body. He rocked his hips back pulling his cock out of my hole and then with his full body weight slammed it back inside me. I felt the same opening feeling I’d felt when Alec had bottomed out just before he came. It was like something else had opened inside me, another hole. “Yeah that’s it, let me in your second hole. I’m going to fuck you so deep,” Alec said in a low grunting voice as he slammed into me again and again, “and fill you with so much cum you’re going to me gaped and leaking when I’m done with you. Fuck.”


“His hole is amazing isn’t it,” Alec said. “A perfect cumdump fag hole waisted on this straight boy. Thank god for Jack’s special poppers.”


“No kidding. Fuck! I can’t believe this. Its wild. After all those times we joked about how hot it would be if Matt secretly was gay…”


“And now your fucking his harm hole?”

“Yeah!” Toby finally turned his attention back to me, “Take another big hit of those poppers for me boy. I wanna feel this hole gape around my cock.”


My mind was a total blank. I hadn’t even really registered they were talking about me as if I wasn’t there. I was lost in the bliss of getting fucked. As if I was in a dream I put the bottle to my nose and sniffed. Toby moaned as the heat spread through my body and I felt my hole blossom around his hammering shaft. My head crashed back onto the floor and I looked up with bleary eyes to see Alec now standing above me still naked.


His cock was almost completely hard again and a long string of precum was hanging from the tip. It made my mouth water for some reason. Not that I had seen it I couldn’t take my eyes off that long strand of precum.


“I think he wants your cock,” Toby said, catching me staring.


“You want this?” Alec asked shaking his cock at me.


I hesitated. Toby had made me suck his cock. He wouldn’t have fucked me if I didn’t. It was different to ask to suck Alec’s cock. Toby was right though. I wanted it. I wanted to taste that dangling precum. I wanted to taste the cock that had bred me. I wanted to suck Alec while Toby railed me. I took a hit of the poppers, gulped, and said “Fuck yes I do.”


“Jesus, fuck! Ok. Toby let’s get him on his knees so we can spit roast him.”


Toby pulled out of my hole and got off of me. Weakly I turned over and Toby dragged me up so I was on my hands and knees. He wasted no time in cramming his cock back in my ass. I moaned as he bottomed out inside me again, his head sliding easily past my second hole this time. Alec then got down on his knees in front of me and slapped his cock across my face. It left a big smear of precum across my cheek and lips. I lapped it up, marveling at its sweet yet salty taste.


“Open up straight boy.” I licked my lips and opened my mouth. Alec rested his cock against my lips, his precum leaking into my mouth. “Good boy,” he cooed. “Good popper pig. You’re so fucking high on poppers you’d do anything we asked. You’re so fucking hot.” As he talked he started sliding his cock in and out of my mouth, slowly fucking me.


I swallowed it as quickly as I could. I gobbled at his shaft, slathering it with spit. I lost myself in the hypnotic rhythm of the two cocks fucking me. I drifted off into my popper fueled daze. Alec and Toby could have their way with me. I wouldn’t dare stop them, everything they were doing felt too good. The pleasure overwhelmed my brain. It was like I was being rewired, shown parts of my mind that I had never known were there before. I felt sexy and wanted. I liked hearing them talk about how hot I was. It made me feel good to hear them say how good my hole felt, or my mouth.


“You like feeling my load in his hole,” Alec said, his cock stuffed down my throat.


“It feels so fucking good. Fuck Alec.”


“Fuck my sloppy seconds. Pound that load into him.” Alec bent forward over me, and I heard them making out. Neither one stopped fucking me. It sounded like a hungry breathless kiss. I just grunted and moaned as I slurped Alec’s cock.


“There’s nothing better than a cum filled hole.”

“You weren’t kidding… fuck Mattie, youre not a half bad cock sucker. Fuck! You’re gonna get a second load out of me in no time.”


“Yeah, fuck his throat. Make him swallow your load.”


“You want that Matt? You want to swallow my load?”


Between the rough pounding I was getting from Toby, and Alec’s cock filling my mouth all I could do was grunt.


“Sounds like a yes to be,” said Toby.


“Fuck yes it did.”


They weren’t wrong. Now that it had been presented as an option… I did want to swallow Alec’s load. I wanted to make him feel good. I wanted him to get off again. I also, and this was harder to admit even through my lust and the poppers, I wanted to know what it tasted like.


“Oh fuck Matt. Yeah, right there, suck me hard.” Alec groaned, holding tight to the back of my head. “Yeah! Oh shit! Fuck! Fuck! Im going to cum! Fuck! Yeah!” He held his cock just inside my mouth, the head resting on my tongue and unleashed a flood of cum. Thick ropes spurted from the throbbing head of his erection filling my mouth.


“Swallow his load Mattie. Gulp it down,” Toby encouraged.


“Oh shit!” Alec roared.


I swallowed as fast as I could, but he was cumming too hard. Some leaked out around his cock head and dribbled down from the corners of my mouth. I was shocked to find I liked the taste. I liked how hot it was in my mouth. I liked the feeling of his load sliding down my throat. I liked swallowing cum. I kept sucking as Alec’s cock stopped spasming. He shuddered and groaned, then pulled his dick out of my mouth and collapsed back onto the floor. He was panting, his dick softening again, lay thickly across his now empty balls.


“That was so fucking hot,” Toby said. “I can’t, fuck! I can’t believe Matt just swallowed your load. Fuck! I’m so close. Matt are you ready for another load? You ready for me to breed your straight boy hole?”


I swallowed the last of the cum in my mouth and licked my lips. “Fucking give it to me!” I practically shouted.


“Oh hell yes!” Toby roared. He pushed me forward so my chest was now on the floor and jack hammered into my ass. I whimpered and moaned as he ravaged me. Every thrust he made was accompanied by a wet squelching sound and the slap of flesh against flesh. “Fucking take it! Take my load. Fuck. I’m gonna fill you up!” Toby shouted, and then with one last thrust, let out a mighty roar and collapsed forward onto my back. He lay across me his full weight pressing into me and his body spasmed and twitched. His cock was throbbing inside me. I felt it swell and then release as his spunk rocketed from the tip into my guts. The heat I craved spread through me like wild fire. I felt a wave of satisfaction. I was being bred again and it felt so good.


“Thank you,” I whispered, not really even knowing I said it.


“You’re welcome Mattie.” Toby said into my ear. “Hopefully you’re still grateful when the poppers wear off.”

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Forty-five minutes later we were all sitting on the couch in varying stages of undress. Toby had pulled his pants back on but left his underwear off and hadn’t buttoned his fly, his ample bush still spilling out. Alec was sitting in just his white briefs, the outline of his still slightly plumped cock distractingly obvious. I had pulled on my shirt and my boxers, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious and exposed. Every time I moved I felt my wet tender hole. It thrilled me and scared me at the same time.


Toby pressed a glass of water into my hands, “Drink up.”


“How do you feel,” asked Alec, “now that the poppers have worn off.”


“I know that it’s a lot to take in…” Toby said a little sheepishly.


“Yeah, neither of you are exactly small.” My cheeky reply seemed to take them both off guard.


Alec stammered a little, “You’re… you’re not upset about what happened? Because look, it was… I shouldn’t have taken advantage of…”


“I’m… I’m honestly glad that you did.” I turned to face Alec. “Yeah, the poppers the let me. I don’t know what the words are. They let me let go… or took me to the right place, to like… to be willing to give in. That doesn’t mean,” I paused and took a big breath, this felt rather monuments to say, “That doesn’t mean that I didn’t want what happened. I… when you started playing with my ass it felt too good to stop. I’ve never felt anything like that. I didn’t want it to end. And while I wasn’t exactly asking you to fuck me raw and cum in my ass.” Alec blushed, “I’m glad you did. I’m glad you pushed me. I’m glad I gave in. I’ve never felt anything that felt that good! I’m not high now.” I added to Toby who was looking skeptical. “You two just opened something up inside me and showed me something about myself I’d never even imagined was there.”


“Really,” Toby said.


“Yes! I loved getting fucked by the two of you,” my words tumbling out of me almost faster than I could think. “I loved it! It felt so good. I felt so sexy, and hot. My hole feels… my hole still feels so open, and wet. It’s such a turn on.” I turned to Alec, “I even liked swallowing your load. And I would,” deep breath, “I would do it again, even without the poppers.”


“But Matt you’re straight,” Toby said.


“Maybe.. maybe I’m not as straight as I thought. Maybe I’m bi or something. I don’t know. That doesn’t matter. I can figure that out. What I do know is that two of my best friends just fucked the shit out of me and I loved it… and I’d do it all over again.” I then acted on a wild impulse and reached out for Alec’s face. I pulled him close and smashed our lips together. He hesitated for a moment and then accepted my kiss, or tongues slipping into each other’s mouths. After a moment I broke away and did the same to Toby leaving him panting and looking flustered.


“I do have one question though.” I said looking between the two of them.


“Just one,” Alec laughed.


“Did you say Jack got the poppers from Frank… like Frank the landlord?”




“Might as well tell him, he’s sitting there with both of our loads in his hole because of those damn poppers.”


“Yeah. Jack got the poppers from Frank. He mixed them up special. I don’t really know what he does but he buys regular ones from the store and then doctors them up or something. They’re way more powerful than normal poppers and tend to make people… compliant.”


“But Frank? How did Jack start getting poppers from Frank?”


“Well… um… you know how our place is so cheap?”




“It shouldn’t be. We should be paying a lot more in rent, but that first day we were looking at apartment you weren’t with us. Frank said he’d give us a deal if we all…”


“Oh for fuck say,” Toby said cutting in, “Frank gives us a break on rent because we all hook up with him.”


“All three of you have been fucking our landlord the whole time we’ve lived here?”


“Well, usually he fucks us,” Alec said with a grin.


“And Jack took his load on the floor by the door before we’d even signed the lease.”


“Holy shit! How often?”


“Jack and he fuck a lot.”

“He’s Jack’s type to a T honestly. An older guy with a cock thick as a beer can.” They both laugh.


“So if he fucks you… but you both fucked me… what does that…”


“Alec and I are both vers, though I think Alec leans more towards being a top.”


“True, and Jack is a big ol’ bottom. Though, I think he’d make and exception if you asked him. He’s got a nice cock, and he cums a lot… I think you’d enjoy it.” My hole twitched thinking about taking my last roommate’s cock. I hadn’t known I wanted that till Alec made it sound like a possibility.


“Although Jack cant keep a secret to save his life… so unless you want Frank to know you’re not as straight as you though… we should probably keep this from Jack.”


“Would Frank want to fuck me too then?” I wasn’t exactly uninterested in the idea of a beer can thick cock.


“We had to work pretty hard to convince him you were straight. He tried to make the deal all of us or nothing, but when he found out how desperate for his dick Jack was he gave in.”


“If he knew you’d just taken both of our loads he’d be demanding his rent…”


“Fuck Mattie, that turned you on didn’t it,” Alec was looking at my crotch where my dick had started to press against the fabric of my boxers.


“Well… yeah kinda. I’ve never thought of Frank in that way, but um… a beer can cock sounds… um… intriguing.”


“Fuck! That’s hot,” said Toby rubbing his own crotch.


“Is that what you want?” Alec asked leaning close to me again. His voice had taken on that same slightly commanding tone he’d had when he’d first found me playing with my hole. “You want us to get you high again and come have Frank dump his load in you?”


“All you have to do is ask,” Toby added, the tone in the room had very suddenly shifted. They were the ones in control again. The trepidation they’d felt in their post nut clarity gone.


“Here,” Alec handed me back the poppers, “take a hit.”


I paused knowing that if I sniffed the poppers even a little I would be flying and once I was flying I’d be desperate for more cock. If I sniffed them I was going to get fucked by our landlord. I looked back and forth at Alec and Toby, they were both obviously hard again. Turned on as they were I knew they wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me. I unscrewed the cap, and took a long drag.

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