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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/13/2025 in Blog Comments
at 12 my first orgasm went in boys ass, because of all these magazines. i was a devious lil fuck. my brother was 9 yrs older than me n off to college during the week. i would sleep in his room and found a lil bit of all of these mags , straight n gay, there. my older sister got me stoned as well around that time. and you have to remember that that is when penthouse occasionally started talking occasionally about being high, either with pot or maybe extacsy. As i got older n got into fun fucking gay sex, i thought pot was it for me. then came the experiments with acid and hallucinogens and mushrooms. I start going to dancing out with my doing x. in 2004 ms T got me. i still had priorities. N limited my use. basically because of those mags, i have done fun drugs fro 12 til 68. i have seen so many people lose it all because they started slamming. I wont do it. Dont slam til the rest of your life is settled,. or know how to get help. i know too many people that destroyed their lives w slamming.2 points
I couldn't help but think of this in terms of myself, my sexual prowess and my friendships with a few people half my age. My doctor just told me, as he's done before, that it's nothing to be alarmed about, it's the aging process. This time he was talking about my vertebrae. My recent CT scan showed further spinal degeneration from the scan I had this summer. So I'm shrinking, the basis for a hideous metaphor. I was 6ft tall with a stunning body and handsome face. And God knows I made use of it. I was part of the tits and ass tyranny. This helped get the attention, the men I wanted. It helped my career. It wasn't exactly a crutch as I was always well educated, smart, witty and ambitious. Those things got me further. And I depend on these things now as I am pudgy snd shrinking. Shrinking. I prepared for this time when I wasn't the it boy and I try to prepare my younger friends. I am passing the baton. I am getting to know and like myself all over again. I immerse myself in a life of thought, of creativity, of lntellect. And I can still get laid. Thank God for small mercies. I'm glad to be something, someone other than shallow. But as my therapist said, "the loss of that power has to be duly mourned."2 points
Exactly Phillip. Guys like the current US president might have one think that firing people is a sign of an effective leader. But it isn't, never has been. What you're doing is the sign of an effective leader, teacher, mentor. Igniting skills in someone else to the point they can become the teacher is THE point. Congrats brother!2 points
2 points
I love old trolls too. I am completely healthy and std free. Recently I was in an adult theatre and I sucked off an old, unattractive, fat man. About 70 years old.I really loved it. I'm in good shape, cute , mid 40s. I have a big cock. He had a small one. I felt so slutty serving him. Other guys were watching me and looked kind of disgusted by me. As I slid back his foreskin, my tongue felt bumps all over the head of his small dick. I was a little concerned, but too horny to stop. I kept sucking his hard cock, and really liked his bumpy cock head a lot. I don't know if he had herpes or warts but I was cock drunk and couldn't stop. After about 10 minutes he moaned and shot his load in my mouth and I swallowed and suckef him clean . He zipped up guick and left. A few days later I got some painful blisters on my tongue. At first I was upset. But now it turns me on that this fat old troll probably gave me something. I can't stop thinking about it and I want to do it again.1 point
Perhaps it is that I am into my fourth quarter of life. Have been mentee and mentor. I'm happy when I've been a part of their success; even if their success is to do something else. My life lessons pertain to many aspects of living, not just what I do being part of an organizations's success. But change is inevitable, and fretting, or sadness has never been a benefit to me; and in fact when I allowed that to fester it got in the way of whatever and whomever is my focus today. If that experience made me better at todays experience, while also resulting in another's happiness all the better!1 point
1 point
Good boy. Show us ur updated face pic or at the least to me in pm like a good boy. Hot ass btw. Wish u lived in malvern and I owned that ass as I'd love to wake up to it in my face every morning ready to rim and eat out then bb top u before finding other men to share it with.1 point
1 point
@RawNYTop I started at Fordham University when I was 17, so that was when I first hit The Adonis and West World and the other Times Square ABS stores, as well as the ones on Christopher Street in the West Village. LOVED all those places - there was also the David in the W50s, the Unicorn ABS with booths on W80th and so many others... much slutty fun! "Torso" actually WAS a gay skin mag - a bit less vanilla than Playguy or Blueboy, but no way near as fun as Honcho or Drummer... my hubby was a big fan of Torso and Advocate Men - both kind of annoyed me, because there they were, supposedly porn for gay guys but they only showed soft cocks and only the gluteus maximus, never the hole or even a hint of it... didn't they think there were any Tops out there?1 point
1 point
We fucked from 8pm to 8am, exactly.... I always commit to 12 hours. I was totally satisfied at the end.1 point
1 point
Fuck yeah. When a cumdump Gs out somewhere someone can fuck it, that's usually the reason why. So they can get cumdumped by some random guys. The real whores admit to doing it on purpose and the closet whores use it as an excuse to get bred by strangers. Some Gd out whore in a bathhouse is likely trying to get wrecked1 point
A vial is 5ml and sometimes it can be 7ml. However. a usual dose is 3 to 4ml. everyone is different and every batch is different. Depending on which lab makes it and how concentrate it is. There is actually a way to calculate how potent a particular batch is, by using a clear large corning glass dish and your oven .. First Weight the content of the vial. by weight not by volmune . Then you dying out the moisture by pouring the liquid onto the dish.. stick into the oven and watch closely when the liquid is gone, there is a powder left. .Cool it down .. and then you have to scale or weight the powder. and then put the powder back into the vial and weight it again and then you look at previous number and hyrrate the poweder. Then there is a math formula which I am not going to disclose on here because most of you who will be trying above method may fuck it up and if you fuck it up and did the mis calculation using MY formula that I publish on here, and then someone dies because you are an idiot or not that bright to calculate. . WELL Guess who the fuck goes to jail and end up being the prison bitch? EXACTLY . I DONT THINK SO. Anyway. dosage are difficult to measure. because although the standard base doage is 3ml and you slowly increase up. Again depending how potent your G is... The ones that theoretically speaking if I have access to them, the dosage I will give is 3 to 4ml if the person has a empty stomach then it will be 3.5ml also depending how talll skinny fat the person his and how many fucking days they have been up on doing T which affects how much you give. Never give a whole vial all 5 ml. That is just asking for trouble. I stand 6ft3 ( 191cm) weightss 220lb., I work as a butcher and once upon a time ago was licensed as an armed body guard. .. if I took the 5ml with or without food. it will knock me the fuck out within 30 min. .. the transit time ( as in from entering your mouth to G tkes effect.. is usually 25 to 30min. If someone were to give that same vial 5ml to a guy who have eat for say 2 days and been high on T for 2 days.. assuming he probably didn't hydrate himself with electrolyte drinks like gatorate and or coconut water.. he is already very dehydrate... .. sya the boy is 5 ft 11... 35yo.. . I wll calculate he will have a 100% chance of Over Dosage . definitely passing out. AND he will has a well 78 to 85% of getting a lethal dosage especially if the idiot had been taking the following depressants such as opiates, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, gabapentinoids, thienodiazepines or alcohol. SO the lesson is DO NOT FUCK AROUND with GHB. if you don't know where it came from ASK.. and NEVER drink the entire fucking vial all at once. start at 3ml and go o.50ml up .. remember the chemical is in you body for at least 2 hrs..... sop within the first 30 to 45 min yuou can adjust and give more the dosage. Because OD gives you the nasty fucking projectile vomit and then you get this fucking headche or a hungover headache.1 point
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