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I could barely breathe beneath the thrusting old man as he worked his cock in me. Simon fed me poppers and I was lost in a swirl of lust and fear and excitement. I could feel the cock in me swell and harden and the thrusts becoming more brutal and urgent. Simon sensed it too and caressed my face. "He wants you to cum up him, David." "He...he..does?" Gasped David. "That's right isn't it, Ian? You want his dirty cum up you?" I could only gasp and keep sucking Simon's cock, giving myself up to it. I knew what would happen, knew they were going to poz me and yet...and yet... Taking my silence for acquiescence, David began to gasp with pleasure then he gave a great cry of release. His cock throbbed in me as he shot his dirty load up me and then sagged on top of me, his heart pounding against my back. "There, " whispered Simon. "Just relax. It's in you now. His cum is up inside you doing its job. Let it take for a minute, then I'm going to fuck you. Doesn't that feel better?" He raised my head and smiled at me. I looked into his eyes and nodded. "Thank you" I whispered .....50 points
Chapter 1 I hadn’t been home in years, ever since my mom remarried. It’s not that I didn’t like her new husband, he treated her great. It’s just that we never really clicked. I was already older when they got married so I really didn’t have a relationship with them. Mom had been trying for years to get me to come home and I’d managed to avoid it until this year. It was my grandpa's 80th birthday and mom wouldn't take no for an answer. Unfortunately, the train ride went much faster than I would’ve liked and before I knew it we were pulling into the station. I could see mom on the platform, excitedly waving trying to grab my attention. I inwardly groaned, grabbed my bag and got off the train. It was really hard not to get caught up in her excitement. Maybe a part of me was glad I’d come home. On the drive back to the house I could tell she was anxious about something. “Mom, what’s going on? You seem really nervous.“ “Umm, well you see there’s been a little bit of a change since we last spoke.“ Now I was starting to get nervous. “Your aunt and uncle and cousin decided to come out at the last minute, so this means we have a little bit of a tight squeeze at the house.“ “Mom, not a problem I’ll get a hotel room.“ “Like hell you will. You will absolutely be staying at the house,“ then she rapidly said “ you’re just gonna have to share a room with Max. “Yeah no Mom, I love you, but that’s not gonna happen.“ “Chad, don’t start with me. This is going to be a great weekend and I don’t want any of your shit. You are sharing a room with Max and will be a good sport. End of discussion. Besides, it will be good for both of you to finally get to know each other. He told me he’s tried to reach out to you a couple times but can never seem to get a hold of you.“ Fuck this is gonna be a miserable week. Okay let me back up a second. Max is my stepbrother. I've spent about a total of 5 hours around him since the first time when our parents got married and that was it. I really don't know much about him except for what my mom occasionally shares. I do know he's 10 years older than me, divorced and actually lives in the same city as me but we never hang out. He has tried to get to know me, but I'm like what's the point. To be honest with you I'm not even sure if I'd recognize him if we passed each other on the street. "Sorry mom, why is Max even here? It's not even his grandpa." Mom turned and gave me a disgusted look. "Chad, I raised you better than this. He's family and...well, he's been struggling a bit since his divorce, so he's been staying with us for the past week." Okay I'm an ass, I admit it. "Sorry mom, I didn't know. I'll behave." We arrived at the house and I grabbed my bag, took a deep breath and followed mom into the house. My stepdad was in the kitchen and gave me a big hug. As we were making small talk, I noticed someone standing in the kitchen doorway. I think my eyes just about bugged out of my head. Standing there was Max and damn did he look good! Okay the last few years had been really good to him. Last time I saw him he was really skinny and kind of nerdy looking. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I just wasn’t expecting such a change. If I had to guess, I’d say he was over 6’ to my 5’5” and had about 50 pounds of muscle on me. He had his red hair cut really short and his beard tightly trimmed. He was wearing a white T-shirt that had to be at least one size too small. I swear I could see one of his nipples was pierced, and it looked like there were tattoos on his upper arms I made the mistake of looking down and saw his shorts, which also appeared to be a size too small but damn, they looked good on him. “Chad, honey are you OK?“ Mom asked “I’m, I’m, I’m sorry, what mom?“ “I asked if you’re OK honey Robert asked you a question.“ “Oh I’m sorry, I must be more tired than I thought.“ “Oh it’s nothing, I was just asking if you remembered Max.“ Max had a big grin on his face, like he knew I’d been checking him out. He took that as his queue and came over and gave me a big hug. Fuck he smelled good. Shit, I can feel myself starting to chub up so I try to end the hug, but before I could get him to let go, he squeezed my ass. He grinned and winked at me and grabbed my bag from me. “Looks like we’re gonna be roomies for a few days. Can’t wait to get to know you better“ he said as he starts walking off towards the bedroom. I give my mom a stepdad a smile and follow after him. Once I enter the room, I’m in for another shock. There’s only one bed. “Your mom was worried about us sharing a bed, but I assured her we’re both grown men and we’d be more than fine. In fact, I think this is going to be a very positive experience for you." He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “isn’t that right chaser boy.“ Oh, fuck, I was screwed!49 points
My ex texted me: Happy Birthday! We haven't talked in a while. How is your special day? Going pretty good. But you know I don't go all out for my birthdays. Not really sure how to celebrate. So glad you remembered. Thanks! We should get together soon and catch up. Yes we should. I would like that. Fast forward just over a week to the next Thursday…..And another text from my ex. So, were you serious about wanting to get together? Yes I am. What do you have in mind? So we made plans to meet for dinner. And the drinks flowed. I was feeling good and buzzed. And I am sure he was too. Since he lives about an hour away, I didn't want him to drive. And since the bedroom was definitely NOT the reason we broke up, I offered to let him stay over so he wouldn't drive drunk. Once we got to my place, we started kissing. And one thing lead to another, we wound up in bed. Naked of course. He is on top of me and pulls back to look me intently. He says: I frequently have this fantasy where I hold you down and rape you. I am taken aback by how blunt he is, but I think it's hot. I say: Well, I would need 2 things. One, I would want to fight back so it feels real. And two, you can't stop and ask if everything is ok. He smiles. Me: And I would like it if you were extremely verbal and rough. Even if I get hurt. It will be just more to remember it by tomorrow. He grabs a handful of my hair and pulls my head back. I get out a tiny scream before he covers my mouth with his and pushes his tongue inside. I guess it's on! We had more rough, hot, kinky sex that night than all of the kinky sex we had over our 5 year relationship combined. He called me names. Horrible names. Forced himself on me, and inside me. He dragged me to the shower and pissed on me before taking me back to the bed, still dripping. Floors, sheets, and bed be damned. I didn't care at all. I was horny and he was pushing every button I had. Some I didn't even know I had. And then the breeding - talk and action - began. He told me he was going to breed me, knock me up, get me pregnant, give me his babies. I was loving it. I knew he was poz but undetectable. Even so, the verbal onslaught was hot. I don't know how, but it was over an hour later when he said he was going cum. He was pounding my hole. It hurt. But it was all I wanted and asked for. And so much more. He literally roared: I'm cumming! I was certain my neighbors would hear that. And when he pushed in that last time balls deep, I screamed too. I knew I would be getting looks from my neighbors. But who cares! I could feel him swelling and then shoot shot after shot of cum deep in my ass. His cum convulsions were much more intense than anything I had experienced with him in the past. And I laid there and took it all in. The pain, the pleasure, the sweat. And most of all, his load. When he finally finished cumming, he pulled out and laid beside me. We were both breathing heavy. It took a few minutes to calm out breathing and heart rates. He finally broke the silence and said: I have a confession to make. I recently changed insurance and they are making me jump through hoops to get my meds. I ran out over 3 weeks ago. Good thing you are on PrEP. Me: Well, I have a confession of my own. I had to stop PrEP for a few weeks for some other lab tests. As we lay there mulling over our confessions, I noticed I was rock hard and turned on. I reached over to feel his dick and he was hard too. His dick was literally pulsing with his heartbeat. I sat up on my knees and straddled him. I reached back and lined up his dick with my hole and sat down. Me: Let's make sure I get pregnant with your poz babies. Another round of hot, kinky, and poz focused sex kept us up for another 2 hours. I had never known him to cum so many times in a single session. I was overflowing with his cum. Every time he came, my hole got slicker. And every thrust splashed cum everywhere. About 3 weeks later, I felt like I got hit with a truck. The fever, chills, aches all came together to tell me that I was definitely converting. He came over and actually convinced me to have sex again. I would have never thought that fuck-flu sex would be anything I would want. But it was hot. And he shot 2 loads in my ass. I couldn't get enough. Couple of weeks later, I arranged for him to go with me to get tested. We waited in the clinic for the test results. And then we were called back into a room for my results. Of course, I was poz. After the nurse told me the results and we talked a little while, he left us alone in the room to gather my thoughts. As he was leaving, he said: Take as long as you want. As soon as the door clicked closed, I kissed my ex and put his hand on my crotch. He could feel the hard on through my pants. In almost an instant, our pants were around our knees and I was getting fucked - bare of course - right there in the exam room in the clinic. Mid fuck, the door opened and in walked the nurse. He smiled and said: KY is in that drawer, but here is some better lube. He handed my ex the bottle of lube and then reached over and locked the door. He pulled down his pants, exposing his rather large dick dripping with precum. He said: I.could tell by your expressions that you were turned on by your results. I was hoping to join in. I am poz, no meds. My ex pulled out of me and turned my ass towards the nurse. Then said: I am sure he would love your load too. I lost count how many loads I took at the STI clinic. But when they were done, I pulled up my pants and immediately felt them get wet from cum leaking out. I walked out of the clinic with a bulge in front and a wet spot in back. And a smile on my face. As we passed the nurse in the lobby, he said: See you next week for your follow-up. He clearly planned on fucking me again. And I planned on letting him.49 points
Jack was given his flyers to hand out. He was nineteen, skinny, with sandy hair and light brown eyes. He skin could be described as basic white. He really was just a dude that didn't stand out. He was gay. He never did anything wild. Only had one boyfriend and that was it. In college now, he was looking for friends, and more. It was a very small college. The only gay organization was run by a student who made everything the group did about promoting safe sex. Today, they were going to go into the local gay bars and hand out flyers. Jack was.not very comfortable doing this. He did not have a problem with the message, he only did safe stuff. However, doing all this made him nervous. He was only nineteen and was only allowed into the clubs because it was still early, around five p.m. and the club owner just wanted them to get done and leave. Jack did not talk to anyone at first. He just walked around his area, put the flyers on empty booths and tables and offered them to anyone already there. Then he met Kevin and Greg. Kevin and Greg were both having a beer after work. They were older gentlemen who were the opposite of what the flyers said they should do. When Jack offered them the flyer, Greg stopped him and asked Jack to.join them for a minute. "Why are you doing this?" Greg asked, no Palace intended, just curious for the reasons. "I believe in it." He responded. Jack suddenly felt him mouth get dry. He was struggling to find his voice. He was very attracted to these.men. There was something about them he could.not figure out. Oh, they were both great looking. Both were athletic and clearly went to the gym often. That wasn't it. There was something else. "Do you mind if we ask some personal questions?" Kevin asked. "I don't mind, I guess." Jack shyly answered. "Have you ever had sex raw?" Jack admitted that he never had. All his sexual encounters were with condoms. He admitted,why he was saying so much to these guys was beyond his understanding. He opened up about how every time he gave or received a blown job protection was worn. He said that was drilled into him since he came out as gay. The couple told.him that it was so sad about that. "My friend, they are lying to.you. We know from personal experience that raw sex is so much better. Neither oral or anal. Skin on skin is how it is meant to be. It fels.so much better.' Need told him. " Maybe, but what about HIV?" "What about it? We both have it. We have gifted it to many guys." They went on about past.experiences and how much men loved what they offered. Jack was suddenly being called to leave. Apparently, the group overstayed their welcome. Jack said goodbye. They said that they were going to be here a couple of more hours. Jack thanked them for their time. He left with the group. At the campus meeting place, everyone was talking about how annoying people were. Jack did.not feel like sharing. He made an excuse to leave.and started walking back to.his .dorm. He was unsure why at first but, he walked past.his dorm and off campus. He wandered a bit until he found himself in front of the club he was at earlier. The bartender recognized him and wanted him to leave. Jack quickly said he thinks he dropped his keys at a.booth where he was chatting with two guys. He would be there just long enough to look and then leave. When Kevin and Greg saw him approaching, they met him and suggested they leave, since he was not 21 yet. Jack walked with the couple to their car. Jack was told to get into the back seat. He did as told. He was shocked to see Greg also get into the back. As Kevin drove away, Greg grabbed the back of Jack's head and kissed him hard. It was the most passionate kiss he ever had. Then Greg unbelief Jack's pants. Greg gave him his first blow job sights condom. "Oh fuck." Back softly said. Kevin smiled and said, "It is so much better, right?" All.Jack could do was give a nod. It didn't take long for Jack to cum. He shot his load into Greg's mouth. When he had taken all of the load, he gave Kevin a quick kiss and then kissed Jack again. As Greg shoved his tongue into Jack's mouth, he tasted cum for the first time. He loved it. A few minutes later, they were at the couple's home. The three started a strong make out session. Getting naked while doing so. Jack was both excited and scared about what was happening. He was experiencing something brand new for himself. The fact that these two men were HIV positive should have scared him off. Instead, he got more excited thinking about it. "Jack, you sucked Greg, I think you should return the favor now." Kevin suggested. Jack got on hon knees and took Greg' hard dick in his mouth. It was the biggest dick.he had ever sucked. A good seven inches. Kevin was even bigger. Greg was tasting another man's cock for the first. This was the first time he gave a man a real a blow job. All his previous experiences were pathetic in comparison. He loved the taste, the feel, the scent of it all. He knew he needed to work on his skills. Right now, he was.enjoying it all. Soon Greg was saying, "yeah, suck my toxic dick. Yeah, I M going to cum in your mouth. I am going to give your mouth my Poz cum. Yeah, I am cumming, I am cumming. my toxic cum is in your mouth. Swallow it. Swallow.my HIV load." Jack did as he was told. This was the greatest moment of his life. Kevin, as hard as he has ever seen a man, was asking if he was ready for the next experience. Jack knew what was next and he was ready for it. End of part one. Part two is coming soon. Let me know what you think so far.47 points
Part 2 My other friends leave in other cities... Since my bestie is out of town, Dad was the only person left in town I could reach out to. A few words about Andrews, my dad : he is quite the ladies would dream about I expect, tall, athletic, smart... well ladies actually men as he is openly gay... I never knew my mom. she left him, and me along, when she found him with another man in bed a few days after I was born... and he was always supportive, during childhood and college, helping me to do the right choices...not influencing me but rather asking the right questions about my feelings, what I wanted to do for a living later... So kind of good. Though, I am not fully at ease while talking about sex with him... I always felt awkward about it... I arrive in front of his house, and as told, just enter and I yell ""Dad, I am in"... As I say this, I see him coming out of the corridor leading the night part, with just a towel around the waist, still not fully dry from the shower: - "Hey Son! sorry I lost the track of time with a twink that stayed overnight, so I am just out of the shower" he bluntly said. - "Well, no worries, I hope I am not intruding". - "No, I kicked him out 10 minutes ago, well settle in the guest room, while I get dressed and then we can talk about what you want to do while you are here" I just nodded as approval and disappeared from the entrance and just drop my suitcase in the guest room and just crashed on the bed... And it all came down to me a once and started to cry in the pillow... "Hey Jay, what happened", Dad said as appearing in the door frame. Unable to speak for now, I turn my back to him... "Okay... I leave you alone here, I am in the kitchen preparing lunch when you want. No pressure" Even in these situation, he seems understandable and empathic... I try to get my shit together. As I look at the alarm clock, it is now almost noon... Time flies I guess. I hear some metal noises coming from the kitchen, and smells. I get out of the room, eyes still red, and get to the kitchen : "How may I help ?" I asked my father. "Please, set the table, then you open that bottle of wine and serve two glasses of wine. That should be ready in a minute". I execute silently what I am being told and just sit on the chair waiting for the food, when he comes with it : "here we go, some simple pasta with red pesto." He serves me and him and asked "So do you want to talk about it?" "That tastes good Dad". I replied... ignoring the question... I am not ready I expect... I empty my wine in one go. "This also tastes good by the way!" "Well sure it does, but easy on it... well ..." he paused "you can stay as long as you want, you know, you are always welcome here, and when you are ready to share with me your burden, know that I will be here!" "Thanks dad... but right know, I think I just need to enjoy the meal and get some rest... I am a bit jetlag from my business trip... and other stuff" "Alright... as you wish. I will moan the lawn and then get a swim I think..." Alright. as I finished my plate I got up and went to sleep... In the afternoon, I heard the mower while resting.... then some splashes... well swimming that could be relaxing with what happened... But I not have my swimsuits... As I go out in the garden, I see my dad swimming. "Hey Dad, can I borrow one of your swimsuit, I have none with me ?" "Sure you can, or you do like me and just swim naked" and then I realize that he was indeed fully naked... It has been a long time I think... Last time was a furtive moment between the bathroom and his bed room... "Come on don't be shy!" I started to strip shyly "Alright"and hiding my scrotch behind my hands, I get into the water.. "God that feels good. I think that is what I needed". "Is that so ? "he asked with a intriguing smile on his face "Yes... you have no idea what happened..." I replied seriously "Well I might have an idea according to what you said so far and your attitude, but please enlighten me" he said encouragingly. "Well I discovered Maria was cheating on me" I said looking down... expecting some answer but no, just a hum hum, like he is expecting more... "I run into them this morning fucking in our bed while I wanted to surprise here by being home earlier than expected". "Oh... that explain the shock then" "not only... she kind of begged him to breed her, to knock her up, he and his fucking scorpion dick. just did." I answered angrily... "Sorpion dick you say ?" "not the part I would have catch but yes he had a scorpion tattoo on his penis"... "Alright Son, are you aware of what that means" ? "well she wants to a child with him!!" I expect "Hum, well this could be something else.... Is it a kind of scorpion like this ? " he asked as he emerged from water to have his torso outside and pointing to his chest where I noticed for the first time my Dad has tattoos. "Yes, definitely looks similar, but you are not a scorpio, Dad" "Well I am, but not astrologically speaking... I am HIV positive, and this tattoo implies that when I penetrate, my dick is like a stink" my dad said without any restraint. I am completely in disbelief, my dad announces he is HIV positive... "wait what ? and how would you know that would mean the same thing here ?" "Well, the tattoos, the words used are likely to some chasing / gifting situation, Son. As per my situation, well do not worry about. I am fine." "Fuck. fuck fuck" was all I could say. "Does that mean that Maria could also be ? and so am I then ?" "that could be a possibility, indeed. For maria, it even seems she wanted it..." "But could this be even possible to desire this ?" "Well Son, this is the mystery, but trust me a lot do and sometimes more than you think, and the closer you are to fuck with a positive person, the more likely you are to sooner or later desire to be positive as well. Trust me on that. That twink that stayed overnight is an example... he knew I was positive, that I do not use condom and that I will gift him with my seed and he came for that. Seems Maria discovered something in her desires... you could not satisfy" I stayed in disbelief with what my own father just said... Not only I learn he is HIV positive, but he seems to share it with fuck buddies... I look at him as he gets out of water and sit on the edge of the pool and I gasp... I can see a second tattoo : a biohazard one on his belly, just above his dick... and what a dick... I thought mu boss one I catch a glimpse on this morning was big.. but this one.... how can it be possible ... it is about 6 to 7 inch flacid and there is a kind of piercing on the cockhead... ... to be continued...46 points
We stayed like that for a few minutes until David's cock softened and my arse expelled it wetly. He pushed himself off me, gave my bottom a friendly slap and said "Goin' for a shower, see yer later." Then he left. "My turn." Said Simon. "Get on your knees and bend over." I turned away from him, knelt and raised my bottom . He reached under me and felt my cock and balls. "Hmm, " He said. "Gone soft have we? Turned you into a cumdump have we?" It was true, my focus was on my hole which still throbbed from having been bred. "Time for my cum." He breathed "I wonder whose baby you'll carry?" He knelt up behind me, steadied my hips with his hands and then pushed his cock into me. I gasped as its head opened me up and then the shaft slid deliciously up me until he was deep inside. He began to fuck me as footsteps came down the stairs. I saw a small, tattooed man in his 60's grin at us as he reached the bottom of the stairs. He paused and watched me being fucked, stroking a heavy cock surrounded by a metal cock ring and with a glinting prince albert in its head. I was gasping with pleasure as he produced some poppers and offered them to me. "Poppers matey?" He whispered. I took a hit from the proferred bottle and sagged with lust as Simon screwed me. The other man watched and wanked himself as Simon pulled back to show his bare cock in me. "Nice," said the old guy. "Bareback, eh?" I saw him make a positive sign with his fingers and raise his eyebrows and Simon said "Oh yes. Breeding him good." The man touched Simon's cock where it entered me then raised my face and kissed me, driving his tongue into my mouth. He pulled back and whispered "Dirty bastard. Can I fuck you next? Give you some more dirty cum?" I smiled and kissed him back., knowing it was too late now. My fun afternoon had turned serious and I was probably already pregnant. "Yes please" I said as Simon grunted like a pig and shuddered as he emptied his balls into me.46 points
Chapter 2 "Ummm, what did you say?" "You heard me, chaser boy." He had a wicked grin on his face as he grabbed my crotch and gave it a hard squeeze. I was rock hard. "How, how, umm how do you know about that?" I stuttered. "You forget we live in the same city. I've seen your profile on all those nasty sites. I've messaged you a couple times and you even set up a meet but then you must have gotten cold feet because your profile suddenly disappeared or," he paused and started to frown, "did you block me, boy? That was very rude to leave me with blue balls." I gulpped. He was still right in front of me. His hand now on my right ass. "Ummm, but you were married. Why, why would you be on those sites," I stammered. He started chuckling . "Oh boy, your Aunt Lisa and I had an arrangement. She could fuck all the women she wanted and I could breed all the guys I wanted and everyone would stop nagging us about settling down." "But...but your straight." "Oh Chad, I assure you there is nothing straight about me." He nipped at my ear and squeezed my ass hard. I let out a small moan. "Yeah you like that don't you boy?" "Oh fuck!" "Shhhh, you don't want our parents to hear you now, do you? I knew you'd be a noisy one and we haven't even started the main event yet. I can tell I'm going to have to gag you." I was so fucked. "What... I mean, what was your screen name?" "Toxicpole," he whispered in my ear. His hand was now down the back of my shorts getting very close to my quivering hole. Fuck this was bad. I remembered that profile. Hot guy, hairy chest with a big cock and those tattoos. He didn't have a face pic, not that I would have recognized him anyway. We'd chatted for a couple of weeks. Him slowly wearing me down trying to letting him knock me up. I'd even agreed to meet up but then of course I shot my load, came to my senses and quickly blocked him. I know I'm dick. Getting pozzed was just a fantasy...right? "Imagine my surprise when I saw my little stepbrother on those nasty hookup sites looking for poz cum. I always figured you'd be a safe only bottom pussy, but actively looking for toxic tops to breed your sweet ass, that was a pleasant surprise. Made me very hard imagining my toxic dick breeding your fertile boy pussy. Then you had to go and ghost me." "No, no I don't want to be poz. It's just a fantasy. I know I shouldn't have lead you on. I'm really sorry." His finger was now circling my pucker and I was moaning even louder. "Those may be the words coming out of your mouth but your cock seems to disagree." I looked down and he was right. My little cock was rock hard. Not only was I hard but a nice size wet spot was already starting to form on my shorts. "Don't worry, we have all weekend for you to get better acquainted with my thick, toxic pole." Just then there was a knock on the door followed by mom sticking her head in the room. "You boys going to be okay in here?" Max had detached himself from my back and was sitting on the bed as if he hadn't just been just teasing my hole with his fingers. "We're great, just getting to know each other," Max said with a big grin on his face. "Oh good. I'm sorry about the bed. Are you sure you boys will be okay sharing?" "We'll be fine, right Chad?" He winked at me. The smug bastard actually winked. He was enjoying my discomfort way too much! "It's fine mom. Really it's okay." She looked relieved. "Oh good. Dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes." She smiled and closed the door. "Mmmm, 30 minutes, more than enough time to test out that pretty mouth of yours. He spread his legs wide and grabbed his crotch. I could see the head of his cock peeking out the leg of his shorts. Next thing I knew I had dropped down between his legs and was licking my lips. "Yeah I knew you wanted this, you're practically salivating like a pig in heat." "No, no I can't do this, it's wrong." I said while unbuttoning his shorts to free his cock. He started laughing. "You have no willpower boy. You know you need this and I promise this will just be the beginning. I'm going to make sure your fantasy becomes a reality. Now suck," he said placing his hand on the back of my head, guiding me to his leaking poz dick. I knew this was wrong. Every fiber of my being was telling me to run but I couldn't move. What the fuck was wrong with me! The minute my tongue touched the head of his cock and I tasted his precum I was as good as gone. I opened my mouth and started to work his dick like my life depended on it. I guess I should mention at this point that I love sucking cock. Can't get enough. I love getting the reward of a mouth full of delicious cum. "Fuck you look good between my legs." Mmmm, he moaned, "yeah you're a good little cock sucker aren't you." His moans made me suck even harder. I managed to get over half his dick down my throat when he pushed me off. I let out a whimper. I looked up and him, begging with my eyes. "Please Max, let me swallow your load. Please." "You have a very talented mouth, boy, but this first load isn't going anywhere but up that neg hole of yours. I haven't cum in seven days and I'm sure as hell not going to waste it down your throat." I whimpered, "please sir, I'm so horny. I need to taste your cum." "Damn boy! You need to learn who's in charge here. Now pull yourself together. I just heard your mom call us into dinner." He was right I had totally lost control of myself. He pulled me up and gave me a deep kiss. "Patience boy, I'll be taking your poz cherry soon enough." That's exactly what I was afraid of.45 points
Even now I'm not really sure what came over me - but this is the story of what happened. My name is Paul, and at the time this story begins, I was 27 years old and very happily married to Ryan. Ryan was the same age as me, and we had been together for six years, and married for four. I can honestly say I had never been happier - I had never cheated on Ryan and I could never imagine wanting anyone but him. We were definitely made for each other - though a bit different temperamentally, we had the same values and we enjoyed the same things. We enjoyed being together and I can honestly say I had never loved anyone the way I loved Ryan. I loved his sense of humour, his integrity and, of course, his sexy body. Ryan was smaller than me but quite muscular, with dark hair, a cheeky smile and an arse that made my cock hard every time I looked at it! I also admired him. Ryan was a nurse and loved his job - he loved helping people and I knew his smile often made as much difference to his patients as his care did. He also cared passionately about sexual health and worked three hours a week as a volunteer nurse at a sexual health clinic. I was a consultant in the tech team of a large IT company and, while I earned a lot more money than Ryan, I couldn't help being aware that his job was by far the more valuable. Ryan and I met through friends a year or two after I finished university. I liked him straight away and we started seeing each other. The first time we went out we went for an Italian meal and a drink and then we went back to my flat and fucked. I couldn't wait to get Ryan's pants down and I was really hoping he would want me to fuck him. He did - and although he explained that he never did it without a condom, we had a truly great fuck and I enjoyed every single minute of it. We started seeing each other regularly and after six months we moved in together. We talked about safe sex and Ryan explained how important it was to him and I was happy to fall in with his wishes. My record on safe sex was, on the whole, quite good - though not of course anything like as good as Ryan's. I had mostly played safe, but now and then if a fit lad offered me his arse and wanted me to go in bare, I did. On the whole, I enjoyed fucking without a condom more - but I was careful most of the time. I was mostly a top - I would say I was a top about 90% of the time - but now and then I liked to take it up the arse. I especially enjoyed taking it on my back with my legs in the air - I'm not sure why, but there's something really horny about lifting my legs and letting some fit guy bang my arse. I must admit, I did sometimes take it up the arse without a condom too. Of course I knew it was risky, but I didn't mind taking a chance now and then, and somehow that added to the excitement. I remember once about a year or so before I met Ryan, I was at a civil partnership ceremony and got talking to a couple who were at the same table as me. We got on well and I was getting definite vibes that they might be up for a threesome. After the meal, we took a walk in the woods behind the hotel where the celebration was taking place. I had had a few drinks by this time, and was very much in a bottom mood. I ended up going down on them both and a short time later I was leaning up against a tree, pants and smart trousers at my ankles as first one then the other fucked me hard up the arse. None of us had condoms so we just went bare and I took both their loads up me. A few months before I met Ryan, I was assigned a three month project working with an external consultant. The other guy was a really handsome black guy called Akim. Akim was the same age as me but a bit more experienced and he led on the project. I liked Akim, and we got on well, but I didn't think we would have much in common. He was quite sporty and told me he was a devout Christian. He also had a girlfriend whom he talked about quite a lot. However, he wasn't bothered when I told him I was gay and the project got off the ground on schedule. I also found Akim really attractive and could not help noticing the sizeable bulge that always seemed to be visible at the front of his suit trousers. I tried hard not to look at it, but I was fairly sure that Akim had noticed my attention wandering to the front of his trousers one night when we were working late together. A little later on, he told me he had noticed me looking at the front of his trousers and, much to my surprise, asked me if I would like to see what he had inside them. A short time later, Akim had unzipped his trousers and pulled his pants down to his knees and I was sucking on one of the biggest cocks I had ever had in my mouth. I sucked him for a while and then he told me that he would love to fuck me. We didn't have any condoms or any lube - and I knew I could never take a cock that big up my arse without lube, so we contented ourselves with me sucking his cock until he came in my mouth. The next time we worked late alone, I let Akim fuck me. He had said he would bring everything we needed but, although he produced some lube, I was surprised to find that he hadn't brought any condoms. I wasn't really that bothered though and, to tell the truth, the thought of taking his big cock up my arse without a condom was really turning me on. I sucked him for while and then I bent over my desk, my pants and trousers pulled down below my bum and my shirt pushed up my back as Akim fucked me bareback and shot what felt like a huge load right up my arse. After that, we fucked regularly, mostly with me bent over the desk, but a couple of times I pulled off my shoes, trousers and pants and laid back on the desk in just my shirt and socks, my legs in the air as Akim fucked me and shot another big load up me. I enjoyed all these encounters very much but, like I said, most of the time I was content to be a top. This suited Ryan very well - he loved to be fucked, but was not so keen on topping. For the first months we were together we used condoms and then we decided to get tested and hopefully stop using them. Our test results came back negative and, on the night of our first anniversary, I fucked Ryan for the first time without a condom. I can't tell you how good it felt - I had always loved fucking Ryan and tonight his hole felt so much tighter around my dick as I pushed it up his arse and began to fuck. Ryan was in his favourite position - on his back with his legs over my shoulders - and we didn't hold back. That night I dumped two loads right up him and in the morning I added a third. After that, we stopped using condoms. We were very happy and after a few years we managed to buy a small house together. It was in a small village outside the town (that was all we could afford) but we really loved it. When we had been there a few years, our lovely neighbour sold her house and moved out. The house bordered on to ours at an angle and I was hoping we would get good neighbours in her place. She told us she had sold the house to a gay couple, one of whom was a solicitor. She wasn't sure what the other one did. A few weeks later, they moved in and after a day or so they came over to introduce themselves. Peter was the solicitor, a small, blond, serious looking guy and the other guy was called Aidan. Aidan was a stocky, dark haired Irish guy and I have to admit I found him quite attractive. After they had settled in they invited us over for dinner one Saturday evening. They were good company and we had a very enjoyable time. I couldn't help noticing that Aidan had a really fit arse. I should explain, I am a bit of an arse guy - I think the arse is definitely my favourite part of a guy - and I love nothing more than pulling a guy's arse cheeks apart and sticking my tongue right into his hole. Ryan's arse was quite smooth, with just a few hairs around his hole, but I guessed that Aidan's was probably quite hairy - judging by the time he dropped a fork and bent down to pick it up, giving me a really good view of the top of his pants and the crack of his arse. As I said, they were both good company and, although Peter talked of his work quite a bit, I wasn't really sure what Aidan did. Once or twice during the evening, I thought I caught Aidan glancing at me, and there was something in his glance that made me feel a bit horny. That night I fucked Ryan hard up the arse and came almost immediately. We had both had a few drinks and we fell asleep quite quickly, but a few hours later I woke up with a raging hard on. I nudged Ryan awake and told him I was feeling really horny. He kissed me and then knelt up on the bed. I slipped my cock up him easily (he still had my first load in him) and fucked him again until I dumped a second load up him. The following Saturday evening, we invited Peter and Aidan to dinner with us. The conversation turned to work and I asked Aidan what he did. He told me that we wasn't working at the moment as he had been quite ill for a while. I asked if he was feeling better now and he said he was. Then he told us that he was HIV positive and, due to complications, had been unable to take meds so was currently unmedicated. I was really surprised by his honesty and even more so when Peter added that he was negative so they always had to use condoms. A short time later, the subject was changed, but for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about what Aidan had told us. When we had finished the meal, Ryan poured some more drinks and I cleared the table and took the dishes through to the kitchen. Aidan said he would give me a hand and joined me in the kitchen. He smiled at me and said he hoped he hadn't embarrassed us by talking about his HIV. I said no, of course not, and added that it must be hard always having to use condoms. "Ah well," said Aidan, "It would be," he lowered his voice, "if I always used them!" "Oh," I said confused, "I thought Peter said you always use condoms." "I do always use condoms," said Aidan and then, lowering his voice he added "when I'm with Peter!" He winked at me and, just for a moment, rested his hand on my arse. I could feel myself blushing and I hoped that Aidan wouldn't notice the fact that my dick was suddenly getting hard in my pants. A short time later we were safely back out with Ryan and Peter and we had a few more drinks. I was sure I could feel Aidan looking at me from time to time and I tried hard not to look back at him. When we got home, Ryan asked me if I was alright and said I had seemed a bit distracted as the evening went on. I assured him I was fine and that night in bed, we fucked. We were both horny, and enjoyed a great fuck. Ryan ran his hand down my arse crack as I fucked him and then, as he sometimes did, he pushed his finger against my arsehole. He pushed his finger in to my hole as I fucked him and a short time later I came right up his arse. The next morning, Ryan was working and I had a lie in. I woke up with a hard on and began to play with myself. I wondered what Aidan had meant the night before when he said that he always used condoms with Peter. I guessed that he meant he sometimes fucked with other guys and did not use condoms, despite being HIV positive and not on meds. I was wanking now as I imagined what Aidan's cock would look like - I imagined it would be big and hairy. I took hold of my cock and began to really wank myself as I imagined Aidan pulling off his trousers and pants and squatting over me so that I could push my tongue up his hairy arse. As I said earlier, I'm mostly a top, but I liked to be fucked now and then and Ryan was really not into topping so I hadn't been fucked for a long time. Ryan pushing his finger up my arse had really turned me on and now I began to wonder what it would be like to be fucked by Aidan. I was wanking harder now, as I imagined spreading my legs so that Aidan could fuck me. Then I thought he might want to fuck me without a condom even though he was HIV positive and not on meds and somehow this thought turned me on even more. Just as I imagined Aidan pushing his bare cock into my arse, I shot my load all over myself. A couple of months went by. We socialised with Peter and Aidan now and then and a few times I saw Aidan working in the garden - their garden joined ours at an angle so I had a perfect view. Sometimes I would watch Aidan discreetly as he worked in the garden - he still wasn't working at that point - and I loved seeing him bend over and show his arse crack. I was wanking all the time now when Ryan was at work - I hadn't masturbated so much since I was a teenager - and if I'm being honest, most of the time I was thinking about Aidan One time I was watching Aidan doing some work in the garden out of our bedroom window. He was wearing shorts and a black top and I had a great view of his hairy arms and legs. I caught sight of his arse crack a couple of times and began to play with my cock. I was fairly sure he didn't know I was watching as he stepped up to the wall and pulled out his dick. Almost immediately he began to piss hard against the wall, standing back from the wall spraying his piss up and down. I watched fascinated as he finished pissing and, instead of putting his dick back in his shorts, he began to play with it. He was hard now and began to play with his cock - it was just as I had imagined - big and hairy. I pushed my hand into my pants and began to play with my cock as I watched Aidan wanking. I was still confident he didn't know I was watching and a few minutes later I could tell he was getting close. Aidan wanked his cock a few more times and then turned and looked straight at me as he wanked a huge load of cum out in front of himself. That was too much for me and I shot my load into the front of my pants. Then Aidan winked at me and went back into the house. I didn't know what to think - I had been caught watching Aidan - I don't think I had ever felt so mortified, but I also don't think I had ever felt so turned on - my cock was rock hard, even though I had just shot a load. I suddenly thought of something and opened the bottom drawer of Ryan's chest. I wondered if what I was looking for would still be there, but under some pairs of pants, I found it. It was a large rubber dildo - thick and about seven inches long. It was Ryan's from when he was single and we had kept it to use for fun. I had used it on Ryan quite a few times and once or twice he had used it on me, although we hadn't played with it for a while. I pulled off my pants, trousers and socks and bent over the bed. I rubbed some lube on my hole and then pushed the dildo gently against my arsehole. I hadn't been fucked for a long time and it hurt going in to my arse but I really wanted it - I needed to be fucked! I pushed the dildo slowly right up my arse and began to fuck myself with it. I remembered bending over the desk for Akim, the IT guy, and tried to think of him. I also tried hard to think of Ryan, and imagine it was him standing behind me, but my thoughts kept turning to Aidan. I fucked myself for a while, and then I pulled the cock out my arse, laid back on the bed, and raised my legs. I pushed the dildo back up my arse. This was how I wanted Aidan to fuck me - on my back with my legs in the air - and I didn't want him to use a condom. I wanted him to push his bare cock up my arse and fuck me. I was fucking myself really hard now as I thought how much I wanted Aidan to cum in me. I knew that would probably mean he would give me HIV, but just at that moment I wanted him to give it to me. I wanted that big, hairy cock to cum in my arse and get me pregnant. I wanted him to give me a baby! As I thought this I shot one of the biggest loads of my life all over myself. I had finally admitted to myself that I wanted Aidan to knock me up - I wanted him to poz my cunt! But I knew I would never do it. Would I?44 points
Simon scooted back along the bench until his back was against the wall. His face was in shadow but I could see his eyes shining in the gloom. He indicated his cock which rose against his thin belly and spread his legs. "Come and suck it," He said. I moved over on my belly, got between his legs and held his cock. I dipped my head and began to lick the head which was slimey with pre cum. "Nice," He breathed and produced some poppers. I heard him take a sniff, then the bottle was pressed to my nose. I inhaled and sagged with lust as the chemical swept through me. I felt David's boney fingers spreading my buttocks, probe my arsehole and smear lube into it. Simon held my head, stroking my hair as I sucked his cock and fondled his balls. Then I felt David's heavy body move on to my back and his arms went under my armpits. His cock was pressed between my buttocks, probing me as he stuck his tongue in my ear. I heard a moan and realised it was me. What was I doing? I knew it was wrong, yet it felt so exciting. "Fuck him, David " whispered Simon. "You know he wants it." David shifted his hips and suddenly his cock slid into me in a glorious, slippery rush. I was impaled on the cold PVC bench, unable to move as his heavy body began to move in rippling thrusts and his cock slid deliciously in and out. "There we go, "Whispered Simon. "He's in you now. Doesn't it feel good to take his nasty cock?"...40 points
Simon pulled out and I felt hot sperm trickle over my balls. He scooped it up with his finger and stuck it in me, then got off the bench. "All yours," he said to the old man. "See you later." He climbed the steps and disappeared. As he went, I saw the biohazard sign on his left buttock and shuddered with fear and loathing, but the old man took a snort of poppers and stuck them under my nose. I sniffed and felt the fear wash away to be replaced with luxurious sexual feeling. "Come on," he said. "Lets go and put you in the sling." He helped me off the bench, smearing the cum leaking from my hole over my bottom. We went around the screen wall into the fetid darkness. After a few moments, my questing hand felt a chain and then a leather seat. He helped me lie back into it, raised my legs and put my feet in the stirrups. I couldn't see him in the darkness. "My..my name's Ian." I said, feeling nervous and needing to make some kind of connection with him. After all, I was about to take his toxic seed. "Yeah? So what." He grunted. With that, I felt his cock probe me, the metal prince Albert cool and hard in the tip. He pushed harder and opened me up. "Oh yeah!" He gasped and then his cock slid right up inside until his belly was against my balls. " Don't...don't ...oof...care who you are. "He grunted. "Just a pig taking my poz cum...ahhh " Suddenly, I saw a flickering light and heard someone coming. A man round the screen carrying a torch and a bucket. He was one of the guys behend the counter upstairs. He flicked the light over us and said "Just cleaning up. Don't mind me. Seen it all before." I was embarrassed but the old man continued to fuck me as the guy picked up a couple of used condoms and put them in the bucket. He came over and watched us for a moment, noticing the bare cock fucking me in the light from his torch. "Sleazy fucker, eh?" He took out one of the condoms. I could see the tip was filled with yellowy cum. He pointed at the old man's cock and raised an eyebrow. The old man grinned and nodded and pulled his cock out half way. To my horror and disgust, he tipped the condom and poured the contents over the man's cock then laughed as it was shoved back into me. "Nice one!" He said, taking the bottle of poppers and making me sniff. I sagged in lust. Had I just had spunk from a dirty condom put in me? What was I doing! But I felt soooo filthy. "Open up." He said, producing the other condom. I didn't know what he meant until he turned my head, squeezed my mouth open and poured the content into it. "Ahh! ..What...ooh no! I gasped and gurgled as the cold sperm filled my mouth. More poppers and my mind gave way. I was just a pig and that was my fate. ""Swallow" He breathed and I could only do as I was told, closing my lips and swallowing as the old man grunted with pleasure and I felt his cock harden and throb as he came in me. "There you go!" Laughed the man with the torch. "Back to work!" He left and we were plunged into darkness. I Felt the cock slide out of me and the old man left without a word. I hung there in the darkness, naked, covered in cum, ashamed and yet calm. I had taken three poz loads and swallowed spunk from a condom. I felt used but the shame gave way to acceptance and I had finally become the pig I belonged.. " "I37 points
@DNG999 Glad you are enjoying it so far. Thanks for the comment! @nymidtowneast I aim to please here and I'm really glad you enjoy my stories! Writing is fun... and reading is what guys? Fundamental. 😛 @pozpopperpig Yeah, he is really gonna be taught a good hard long lesson... @KinkyTallBottom I think secretly we all would. I like getting descriptive on these stories, building the scene. I'm glad you appreciate the work. @cman54 Right? Where's all our perverted dirty bears looking to teach us a lesson??? @MattQueen1 Who knows? I don't have that necessarily in the plans right now... but if this story doesn't bite me with a writers block... who knows what a sequel might hold... @nolatallguy Hopefully this next chapter does a little more than just getting you hard and leaking? @PozBearWI As always, thanks for your kind words and comments. I'm glad you're enjoying it. @Leeds33 Hopefully I can keep up with your expectations 🙂 @Corknegboi Well, now the wait is over! @plisken Well, all it takes is two eggs, some butter, a cup full of sugar.... wait a second.... wrong recipe. My bad. @Medwaym Glad you're enjoying it! Hope the next chapter is even hotter for you! @HornyForPozSeed Don't tell anyone, but I got the idea from a really hot porn I saw... figured it was something you never see here and had to add it... @hikerbiker26 Thanks! I'm glad your enjoying it! @GrayWolfBln Thanks for the comment! Glad you like it! @barefuck09 Sorry for the wait, but now you can! @HappyPozBoy Yeah, it's kind of my specialty I guess. Glad you enjoy it! So, once again it's time for another update. I really appreciate all the feedback and comments everyone has posted. I'm going to try and stick to a weekly update if I can, work permitting. This chapter was an interesting one to write, and took some brainstorming with a few people (you know who you are) to get right. I hope everyone enjoys it. And don't hesitate to comment and post suggestions. I actively try to read all the comments, and if the idea is hot, I try to include it in the story, so don't hesitate to make a suggestion. Anyways, enjoy! ------- Lesson Three: Expanding Your Horizons It’s only been four hours now, I thought to myself, looking over yet again at the clock on my bedside table. Sleep was still eluding me even after everything I had done. I laid in my bed tossing and turning, my mind going over and over again on the events that had transpired. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever seen myself doing this. And yet, the evidence of it was clear with the ache in my ass and cock. Unable to stand it anymore, I slowly let my hand drift down to my semi hard cock and played the events through my mind yet again. ——— I watched as Mike pulled his cigar out of his mouth, grinning at me as his cock head pressed against my hole. Slowly, he let a long line of drool drip out of his mouth, letting it pool on top of his cock head. “Fuck your hole looks so fucking hot with my dick pressed against it,” Mike growled appreciatively, slowly pushing his meat against and around my hole, slowly smearing his cigar smoke laden spit around it, “I can’t wait until I finally get to breach that tight boy ass and breed you nice and deep.” I let out a shuddering breath as I felt tip occasionally catch on my opening, threatening to breach me. I couldn’t tell if it was anticipation, or excitement, or fear, or a mixture of the three as I felt the tip threaten to sink deep in me. “We are going to make you our bitch,” Greg said, coming back up next to me, slowly stroking his hard cock, precum glistening on the tip, “You want us to blast your insides with our potent baby gravy, don’t you?” “Yes sir,” I said shakily, licking my lips, and tasting the remains of the cigar and my cum on them, “I want you to flood my insides please.” “Such a fucking polite pig,” Mike said, grinning down at me, “You’re gonna beg for our dirty load from here on out, aren’t you? Let our loads soak into you and get you nice and pregnant?” “Can’t fucking wait to knock our bitch boy up good,” Greg said, grabbing his cock and smacking it firmly against my left side of my face. Something about the way they were saying these things made me take a pause, feeling like I was missing something crucial. The thought was suddenly lost on me, however, as I suddenly felt Mike start to press his cock harder and harder against my hole. “Once I break this hole open, boy, there is no going back,” Mike said firmly, his attention now on shoving his large dick into my ass, “You fucking ready?” I nodded, bracing myself as I felt even more pressure build as Mike pushed his dick harder and harder. Suddenly, I felt my hole give way. I let out a loud pained moan as I felt Mike’s cock slowly slide deep into my guts. “Fuuuuuuck yeah,” Mike groaned appreciatively, nodding and smiling around his cigar as his cock continued to bury itself in my no longer virgin hole, “Nice tight boyhole, Greg.” “Yeah, babe,” Greg replied, reaching down and giving my semi-hard dick a few rough tugs, “The dumb slut here seems to be enjoying you stretching his ass out.” I couldn’t deny that even with the pain of my formerly tight ass being stretched out, I was turned on. I muttered out a few curses as I felt each inch worming inside me. Both of them smiled at each other before pulling their cigars out of their mouths, leaning over me and locking lips as they started making out. I watched as they laughed while swapping smoke, when finally I felt Mike’s hairy groin pressed hard against my ass with one firm slam. Breaking apart, I watched as Mike leaned back, pressing his full weight against my ass, as Greg leaned over me and looked down at the scene of Mike firmly seating himself inside me. Standing back up, Greg turned to me and smiled. “Fuck, boy,” he said, taking a puff on the cigar before blowing out a cloud of smoke in my face, “How’s that bare cock feel deep in your pussy?” “God… It’s so deep,” I groaned, as Mike slowly pulled slightly out before he slammed back in again. “So fucking warm and tight,” Mike said, slowly moving his cock in and out as my ass slowly became accustomed to the large slab of meat working in and out, “Feels like its trying to suck a load out of me.” On each deep stroke inward, I felt a wave of pleasure bloom in my stomach, somewhat aware that he was slowly brushing against my prostate. “Holy…. Shit….” I gasped, letting my head fall back as he continued his slow assault, “That… feels amazing.” “Yeah, that’s my good cumslut,” Mike laughed, enjoying the show I was apparently putting on as he worked himself in and out of my hole, “Last fucking chance boy before I show how a real man fucks. You want me to pull out? Or do you want Daddy to fucking breed you and flood you with his DNA?” Bottoming out in my hole, I felt him flex his cock. I groaned at the sensation. “Hmmm, what’s it going to be?” he asked, pulling almost all the way out before slamming hard in my ass. “Oh god… breed me sir. Fill me up with your thick load,” I moaned, my mind lost in a sex-fueled haze, “I want you to fill me up until it’s dripping out of my ruined hole.” “Feed the slut some poppers,” Mike growled, as he slowly pulled his dick out until the head of his cock sat at the entrance of my hole, “He’s gonna need it.” Greg grinned, nodding as he pulled out his bottle of poppers, opening them before handing them to me. “Go ahead and hold on to those, pig,” Greg said before he reached down and started pulling the suction cups off my tits, “Huff them as much as you want. Get yourself fucking stupid on them. You’re going to need them tonight.” I nodded, taking several hard sniffs in each nostril, feeling myself relax as the chemicals went to work. Satisfied, Mike slammed into my ass as hard as he could, causing the chains of the sling to rattle. I let out a loud groan, enjoying the sensation as he pulled back, preparing for what would likely be hard onslaught on my hole. I gasped as Greg suddenly pulled each suction cup off instantly, my now free nipples throbbing in the cool air of the room. Instantly, Greg began to pinch and pull on them, both now swollen. I let out a pained gasp, as Greg began to work them, surprised at the pleasurable pain. Suddenly, I felt Mike start to slam my hole. My eyes rolled back in my head, as the poppers took hold and Mike began to slam my ass hard and fast with reckless abandonment. The sounds of skin smacking against skin filled the basement, as Mike slammed into my hole, over and over, quickly turning my ass into a quivering blob go flesh. I continued to huff on the poppers, letting my mind melt with the sensation of my ass getting fucked hard, as both of my nipples were worked on by Greg. Occasionally, Mike would grab my dick and balls, using them as leverage to pull me down harder onto his rock hard cock. Eventually, I felt his rhythm start to stutter occasionally, the occasional growl coming from him as my now loose and sloppy as clung to his dick on each outward stroke. “Fucking destroying this hole boy,” he said, slowing down for a minute as he caught his breath, “You fucking like my dirty bear cock in your pig hole? Like feeling me leak my tainted smoker cum in there and working it nice and deep in you? Tell Dad how much you love it.” “Fuck… I want your cock in me,” I groaned, my mind floating in a poppers induced haze, “I want to feel you rearrange my guts before you flood me with your sperm.” “That’s my good boy,” he growled around the cigar, before pulling it out and spitting in my face, “Nothing but a dumb jock aren’t you, a fucking receptacle for real men to dump their load into, aren’t you” “Yes sir,” I moaned, feeling his spit slowly drip off my face, “Thank you sir.” “You gonna let us fucking nut in that hole, aren’t you boy,” he growled, an evil grin spreading across his face, “Gonna let my husband shoot his dirty load in you too? Let us shove a nice fat plug up that virgin boy cunt and let our loads soak in there?” I could only nod, my mind lost in the haze of poppers as it slowly registered what he said, not properly processing the words. “Fuck yeah,” he said, picking up pace suddenly, slamming hard and fast in my ass in less and less smooth motions, “You fucking want it? Fucking want my dirty jizz? Let us turn you into the perfect smoking dumb jock cumdump you know you need to be?” “Oh…. Fuck, please…” I moaned, enjoying the ride as I felt his cock swelling larger in my ass, “Please give me your cum.” “Fucking take my dirty poz smoker load,” he yelled suddenly, as I felt my ass suddenly get slicker as his dick began to shoot deep in my ass, as he pulled my ass tightly against his groin, “Take all this bug and nicotine filled jizz, you stupid fucking jock slut.” Suddenly it clicked in my head, just making it through my mind as his words as I felt his cock pulsing deeply, driving me over the edge as I shot my second load for the night all over my chest and stomach. “Fuck yeah man, shoot out that neg load and make room for our bugs in those balls,” Greg said, rubbing his hand in my cum before moving his fingers to my mouth. Still coming down from the haze of the poppers and my release, I accepted them and sucked my load off his meaty fingers, watching as he then fed himself and Mike the rest, as Mike slowly twitched inside my ass. After a few silent moments, Mike finally pulled out with a slight wince. “Fucking feels like I shot a gallon of cum in there,” he said out loud, laughing shakily. I sat there for a second as the gravity of the situation finally set in. “Hey…. Um….” I said quietly, my voice sounding small even to me, “You guy are… poz?” Greg and Mike looked at each other again, confused. “Yeah, buddy,” Mike said, perplexed, “I thought that was kinda obvious with the tattoos and the dirty talk.” Mike gestured at the large matching biohazard signs on their abs, driving the point further home. “You’re joking, right? This is like earlier with the cross, right,” I asked, laughing uncomfortably for a moment. Their silence told me that it was not a joke. I sat there for several seconds in silence, before Greg spoke. “I mean, it’s no big deal,” he said, “Aren’t all you college guys on PrEP nowadays?” I sat in silence again as they looked at each other again, looking up them for a second before looking away, tight-lipped. “Oooh shit…” Mike said, realizing that I was not in fact on it, “Look man, we didn’t know. Fuck… Um… You can always go get on some meds.” I still sat in silence as my mind worked through the problem, as both of them stood watching me. I wasn’t sure what I felt at first. Here I was, having what had to be the most mind blowing sex I’d ever had with these guys. I’d not even once thought about their status. They asked mine. I never asked for a condom. They told me several times they didn’t use them. I could have been been smart and gotten on PrEP. This was literally my fault too. One could even argue mainly my fault. I thought back to all the things they said, piecing the words together and drawing the context of them into my thought process. “Um, I’m guessing you guys aren’t undetectable, right?” I said slowly, my mind still processing everything. “No, uh… sorry, man… the guys we get with usually are on PrEP, or positive themselves. We’re pretty healthy still, and don’t really like the side effects,” Mike said, as Greg nodded in agreement, “We just assumed you were on meds too. Look… we really are sorry man. We can pay for you to go to the clinic to get PEP if you…” “It’s ok,” I said suddenly, interrupting them. I don’t really know why. For some weird, fucked up reason a large part of me was surprisingly ok with the situation. I knew that with modern medicine, it wasn’t a death sentence anymore. After feeling what it was like bareback, I knew it would only be a matter of time before I tried this again. And something about the danger of now knowing I was playing with proverbial fire flipped some sort of switch in me. I somehow was turned on. “I mean, we totally can, man. We didn’t mean to…” Greg said, visibly unsure with what to say. Why the fuck was I turned on? I just couldn’t put my finger on it. I loved the verbal abuse, feeling them verbally and physically degrade my hot jock body as gave I to the dark and perverted nature of it just seemed to turn me on at some primal level. Something about the risk of it all was hitting all the buttons for me. All the people I had slept with had always been a one time thing, every time them saying I was kind of boring in bed. Too vanilla. Too average. Too unwillingly to be adventurous. I had even told myself that I needed to get out of my box. And, well, this was DEFINITELY going outside the box. So, why not? Why not explore this side of me? “I’m seriously ok with it,” I said, surprised at how calm I sounded, “It was hot sex, and I should have asked.” Both of them continued to stare at me in silence. “Look, I really enjoyed it…. Like holy fucking shit is it good… and well…” I said, shrugging as I looked up at them in the sling, “I’m not going to lie. There is something kinda hot about it. Not knowing if the next fuck I get from you guys is the one. I have a few days to get on medicine if I change my mind, right?” Greg nodded silently. “And, you guys happy, right? Healthy, successful, all of that, other than being positive,” I asked to nobody in particular. “Yeah, we are…” Mike said, trailing off silently. “Well, I want to keep going guys,” I said, looking down and seeing that my cock was once again hard having made my decision for me, “You can still breed my hole if you want. I’m game if you are…” "Uh… Babe… he’s rock hard again…” Mike said, nudging Greg and gesturing at my now hard cock standing at full mast. “Huh that’s… surprising. I mean, if your sure?” Greg said, a look of pleasant surprise on his face. “I’ve got time to make up my mind, don’t I,” I said, licking my lips as I looked at Greg’s still hard cock, before looking at both of them with a mischievous grin, “And we do have a bit of a business arrangement here, don’t we? I aim for 100% satisfaction with my customers.” “Holy shit,” Mike laughed, reaching down and pinching one of my nipples, “Babe, we seriously hit the fucking jackpot with this perverted pig.” Letting out a surprised laugh, Greg walked up to my ass, sticking a finger in it and feeling the load inside it. “Last chance man,” he said, smiling as he put his cigar in his mouth in the corner of his jaw, “No going back after I get in there.” “Fucking breed my neg jock ass with your poz smoker load,” I said, grinning as I began to play with my cock. Saying it out loud made me feel dirty in the best way. With one solid push, Greg was suddenly balls deep inside me. “Oh fuck yeah, you weren’t lying Mike,” Greg moaned, his head tipping back with his eyes closed in sheer bliss, “This is some fucking prime jock pussy.” I groaned, feeling as Greg immediately began to fuck my ass hard, feeling as Greg’s bigger balls slapped hard against my ass with each hard slam, his longer and thinner cock gliding easily in my cum filled guts. Turning my head, I grabbed Mike’s cock in my hand before shoving it in my mouth. “Oh shit…” Mike groaned around his cigar, puffing out a huge cloud of thick smoke as he took his hand and held the back of my head, “Yeah, boy. Taste your hole on my dick….” I sat there, hungrily sucking on Mike’s dick, tasting my ass juices and his cum on it, as Greg plowed my ass as hard as he could. The room was now filled with a moderate haze of cigar smoke as each man fucked one of my holes. Eventually, Mike pulled me off his dick and pulling his cigar out of his mouth, spit yet again in my face. “Fucking like that, don’t you,” Mike asked, slowly stroking his cock in front of my face. I nodded in silence, catching my breath after the hard throat fucking he gave me. Immediately, felt a hard sharp smack on my ass from Greg. “He fucking asked you a question, pig,” Greg growled, as he went back to fucking my ass as hard as he could. “Yes sir,” I groaned, feeling my ass stinging against after the earlier beating, “Thank you sir.” Grabbing my mouth, Mike forced it open as he pulled my head back by my hair. “Open up bitch,” he said, leaning in and bringing his face a bit closer to mine, “Open that sexy fucking mouth.” I held my mouth open as Mike spit in my mouth, before forcing my mouth shut. “Fucking take that spit,” he growled, lightly smacking the side of my face, his other hand still tightly grabbing me by the hair, “You fucking take every bit of Daddy’s fluids.” “Thank you Daddy,” I moaned, before quickly swallowing his gifted spit. “Fuck yeah, might have to get him to take some other fluids next time,” Greg moaned, his movements also now getting a tiny bit less fluid, “You want us to make you into the perfect little sex slave?” “Fuck yes, sir,” I moaned, not really getting what he meant, but loving every second of his verbal assault. “Yeah, gonna get you addicted to smoking, and let us shape you into the perfect sex pig,” he continued, his movements getting even jerkier, “You want us to help turn you into our perfect fucking boy?” “Oh shit, fuck… yes,” I groaned as Mike started pinching one of my nipples while roughly jacking me off. “Yeah, bring several friends over to sample this perfect hole,” he growled, taking hard, long strokes as he talked, “Maybe give you some piercings and a few tatts, have you grow that hair and beard out. You’d look so fucking hot smoking with a beard while we pull a train on you…” I sat there for a second, imaging exactly that, liking the idea of it. I imagined myself with facial hair on my normally smooth face, hair longer and slicked back under a baseball cap, a cigar in my mouth as a line of faceless men lined up waiting to fuck me. The idea made my hole tighten up. “Fuck, I’m gonna fucking nut,” he groaned, picking up his pace suddenly, “Tell me where you want this poz load, bitch.” “Oh fuck, please breed me, give me your poz load in my ass. Please fill me up and give it to me,” I moaned, feeling as my own load threatened to shoot out. Suddenly, I felt Mike tightly grip the base of my cock and balls, squeezing them tightly and stopping my impending climax in its tracks. “No more coming until we tell you, boy,” Mike sneered, evilly chuckling as I let out a confused whimper. “Here it comes, slut,” Greg yelled, as his cock finally began to squirt inside me, spewing its own venom to the load already inside me, “Take. My. Fucking. Bug. Cum.” Mike suddenly pulled his cigar out of his mouth and put it in mine, before leaning over me and taking Greg’s cigar out of his mouth, taking a long pull on it before locking lips with him. Greg’s dick jerked occasionally for several minutes inside my ass as the two made out, only breaking apart for Mike to take a quick pull on the cigar before locking lips again. I absent mindedly puffed on Mike’s cigar in my mouth as I watched, turned on at the sight in front of me. Finally, Mike broke away, walking over to his clothes before pulling out his cellphone from his pants. “Stay in him for a second, babe,” Mike said, before walking over to the wall and grabbing a large, shiny black butt plug. Walking back over, he turned on the camera on his phone, and waited as Greg pulled his dick out. Suddenly, Mike snapped a picture of me, the light of the flash blinding me momentarily. “Fuck yeah, thats a hot look,” he said as I felt their cum slowly start to drip out of my hole. Walking up the rest of the way up, he shoved the plug into my ass, causing me to wince slightly as it popped into place. He took one more picture before finally taking the cigar out of my mouth, and both of them helped me out of the sling. It took a few minutes as I slowly got my bearings, grabbing onto one of the chains to steady myself. “So, what did you think?” Mike asked, bending down and grabbing my clothes and handing them to me. “Huh?” I said, in a slight daze. “He want’s to know if you enjoyed everything,” Greg added, also reaching down and grabbing his pants. “Oh, yeah,” I said smiling, “Everything was fucking hot.” “Do like the idea of what Greg said there? You want to go all in? Let us teach you a few things this summer?” Mike asked, puling on his pants and shirt. I stood there for a second before nodding. “Yeah, if its as hot as what just happened, I’m all in,” I said, taking a step awkwardly, as I felt the plug in my ass shift slightly. “What do you say to at least once a week coming over to play?” Greg asked, grabbing the poppers and moving them to the fridge. “We can try something new with you each week. We’ll pay to get you a piercing and a tattoo or two. If you want, we can also have you come over to Mike’s birthday in August. Make you the center of a gang bang? We’d still pay you, but like we said, in exchange, you can’t say no.” The idea of it immediately made me hard, that with the feeling of butt plug pressing occasionally against my prostate as I took a few steps. “I mean, yeah. I really do want to try it. And I do have to admit, the money is great,” I said, slightly uncomfortable as I walked over to them. “Good, since we’re being such a good client, we want you to make us your exclusive employer,” Mike said. I felt bad for a second, knowing that it would suck since I liked some of my older clients. However, I knew of a few former classmate who would jump at the opportunity for some good cash. I nodded as he continued. “Also, we need some sort of commitment from you,” he said, before grinning at me, “Its’ looking like it’s time for your first test on becoming a cumdump.” I looked at him quizzically, curious what he meant after everything we had just done. “Oh, I like where your mind is going babe,” Greg said, smiling at me as he crossed his arms over his chest. Confused, I looked at both of them expectantly. ——— Feeling my load coating my chest and stomach, I slowly scooped it up with a finger, sucking it clean on each swipe. The feeling of the plug in my ass still hadn’t abated, rubbing over my well abused prostate. “You are gonna prove how committed you are to this and to us,” Mike had said, as the both of them grinned at each other. “You’re going to leave that plug up your ass all night and keep those loads deep inside you,” Greg added, “You’ll come over tomorrow morning at 8am sharp. If that plug isn’t in your ass, or if the remains of our loads aren’t still in there, we’ll end everything. We will still pay you for tonight’s fun, but thats it. We worked hard to give you those loads, and we don’t want them going to waste.” I had agreed to it in a heartbeat, but now, after several hours of not being able to sleep, I was beginning to regret my sudden acceptance of the rules. The sensation of the loads in my ass swirling around the plug as it rubbed my prostate constantly was driving me insane. I let out a huff, annoyed as I felt myself start to get hard again, now starting to get truly painful as I could only come some many times before it became literally achingly uncomfortable. Rolling partially onto my stomach, I struggled to find a comfortable spot and hoped I would get some sleep soon.35 points
Cody ‘Hiv positive.’ Cody read. Who the hell did I stick my dick in with hiv? He asked himself silently while ignoring his doctor. Cody was 6 months away from his twenty first birthday, a typical 5ft 5 in, in shape, with light brown shaggy hair, and blindlingy bright blue eyes. Cody started to think about it, he had been a man whore since getting his own place, and then there was all the anonymous park sex. His sex life was over. He sighed to himself. He took his lecture from his doctor and went to the pharmacy to get his meds, and went home.two to three months with no unprotected sex , He took his meds then went to his room. He meant to type poz in the browser search bar but typed it into into a porn search accidently. “What is this?” He asked tapping on a video, titled , pozzing a twink. It was a video a a man in his late thirties with a biohazard tattoo fucking a twink, with the twink begging for a poz load. Cody adjusted him self, sub concioounsly, hearing this twink beg for poz cum was hot in ways cody never thought of before. He watched as the top ‘pozzed’ the bottom, filling him with ’toxic’ cum. He almost came to that video, but got on sniffises instead. He posted an ad, ‘ poz top twink for neg.’ and went back to his videos. He forgot about his ad getting lost in a couple of longer videos, when he came back he had a couple of messages. Two from bots, and one from a profile name subdaddy. Codys cock throbbed, he loved daddies. he opened the five minute old message. Cody loved to be in the ass of an daddy, he needed to try pozzing one. It was a standard wats up message, cody answered back not much As it turned out daddy was looking for a poz load, and Cody volunteered his for daddy. Cody drove to daddy’s hotel room. The door was propped open, so he entered the room, it was lit, and daddy was laying on the bed naked, ass up stomach down. Cody was rock hard, his nine inch cock, dripping precum. He set his phone on his mini tripod on a chair close to the bed dropped his shorts, and ate daddy out. Daddy moananed as he drove his toung deep into daddys thigh pink clean hole. Cody had watched an hour of pozzing porn, and knew exactly what he wanted to do. He knew that a lubless spit fuck, would increase the odds of infection. So would fucking his cum into this bitch as daddy, and so would cuming twice luckly he could do both. Aftwer daddy was thoughly wet he crawled on top of daddy, guided His hot poz cock into daddies hole, laying down on daddy. “Oh fuck daddy your so tight.” He groaned. “Your so big!” Daddy moanded. Once inside daddy he thrust all the way in hard, ensuring daddy was fertile, daddy crid out. “Take it you nasty pig.” Cody grunted, pulling out and sliding back in not quite as hard, he had to make sure daddy was fertile. Codys rock hard large poz cock felt so good in the tight little daddy hole, he started to fuck in to a rhythm., and he took daddies hands from his sides and slide them above his head and pinned them there with one arm. Cody wasnt going to let this man go, not until he was leaking with his poz cum. Cody had never been so driven to cum in a partner before, it was hot. He had barely just begun but he was already so close to shooting his load Deep in the ass of daddy. So close to making daddy his little bitch. “Fucking poz me.” Daddy moaned. With that Coddy couldn’t control himself, the virus deep inside him had to get out and his cock started to throbb, on a thrust out, and by the time he was thrusting in he was shooting his first rope of toxic cum pushing it in deep to daddies guts. Relaeasing not only thousands of sperm but tens of shounsdas of hiv viurses “Fucking take that poz load you fucking whore.” He grunted letting his cock throb deep in daddies guts, un able to control his primal instinct of slIding out ever so slightly, letting his cock pulse and then pushing in, repeating for each rope of thick cum he shot. Daddy moaned with each rope, as his ass got filled with toxic cum. Cody embarrsed for cumming so quickly, started to fuck his load hard in and out of daddy, at first he gorand out because he was so sensitive, but he had to make sure th at daddy, didn’t get out of this bed, a negative man. It wasny long before daddies ass was leaking cum, and making quifing noises, it wasn’t too much longer before, cody, fucked another load into daddy, this time not stoping.. Cody wanted daddy to feel the moment he was converented, to fucking remember that a twenty year old gave him hiv. Now he wanted to fucking give that virus every chance to stick around in daddy, so he just fucked his load in. “Fucking take another one of my poz loads!” He grunted giving daddy a second poz lod. He didntt stop. Hhe increased his rythmy to just below breeding speed, and leaned down into daddies ear and wshipred. “I fucking poozzed a man almost twice my age, you nasty little cumdump.” Sweat started to roll down his fore head, and he started to smell his own secent, as sweat started to cover his whole body. “I just pozzed you hard, and soon I’m going to walk out of this room, and leave you here a nasty fuck…ing.” Cody started to slow down, the climax of his third orgasam was always so strong. His cock throbbed, and his body spasamed and he thurst hard invonetarly into daddy, and pumped a nother thick 4 rope load of cum. Cody got up , grabbed his phone, showed all three of his poz loads, ozzing out, pink. He smirked and pushed some of his cum back in daddy, scratching daddies hole with his nail, and left with out saying a word.33 points
My friend Steve had I went to a bachelor party for a friend of his(gay couple), I haven't seen Steve in awhile because I am married with children and he's not so having a chance to hangout and have a few beers sounded good to me plus my wife and kids were visiting her parents for the weekend. I knew who the bachelor party was for his name was Keith and his soon to be husband's name was Paul I had met them about a half of dozen times and they seemed to be cool people so when Steve asked me if I would go with him because he really didn't want to go by himself and if he wanted to leave I would be his excuse. Steve said that there wasn't going to be a lot of people there they were going to be having a bigger party next weekend. I knew that Steve was gay and that he had sex with a lot of guys that is how he had met Keith and Paul and he also worked with Keith, Steve is 54 years old 5'10 175-180 lbs and was good looking. Keith is in his mid 40's 6'1 220 and had a solid build, Paul was in his mid 40's as well 5'10 about 175 and he had a solid build to. The couple times that I had gone to their house they were very friendly and they had a nice place. It was a Friday night when Steve came and picked me up around 7 pm. As we were driving his boss must have called him at least 3 times before we got to Keith's place and when he hung up on the 3rd call he told me that they were having problems at his job and he hopes that the problem gets fixed because he wasn't going to sit on his phone all night. When we got to Keith's and pulled into the driveway it was around 7:30 and I didn't see any cars besides Keith's and Paul's car and 1 other car, I just figured that we were early maybe a few more people will come later. When we entered Keith's house him and Paul welcomed us, anytime that I had met or hungout with them they seemed to be more of a somewhat upper class people they always wore nice clothes, so when I had seen them Keith was wearing a T-shirt and a loose thin pair of shorts and Paul had just sweat pants on and they were kinda tight and it wasn't like you couldn't see the massive bulge he had. I never had any type of sexual feelings towards other guys I love my wife but like I said it wasn't that hard and see that he had a massive bulge. When we got into the living room Keith asked if we wanted anything to drink Steve said that he was driving so he wasn't going to have many drinks but he wanted to shot and a beer, Keith asked me and I told him that I wanted the same as Steve did. When I went to sit down I had to sit on the small 3 person couch because the recliner had some clothes on it and Steve had grabbed the other recliner so when I sat down Paul was already sitting down on the other end of the couch. When Keith came back in the living room he had a tray in his hand and started handing out the shots and beers he gave Steve his first and then he put the tray down on the table in front of the couch that I was on and I went to lean back so Keith could make his way around the table so he could sit down next to Paul but he said that I was ok where I was sitting. So leaned back up and when I did Keith had just turned towards me to hand me the shot and beer and when he had turned towards me his cock was inches from my face. His shorts were loose and very thin that I could see the head of his cock in his shorts and it looked like he had a fat head. I went to drink my shot but Steve put his shot glass up and said to the soon married couple and we all toasted then Keith said who wants another we all said sure. When Keith left the room Steve's phone had rang and when he looked at his phone he looked at me and got up and said he'll be right back I had a feeling that it was his boss. While Keith was getting our 2nd shot and Steve was on the phone Paul and I were talking and when Keith came back into the living room he asked where Steve was and I told them about the ride here and that they were having some kind of problem at his job and I had congratulated them on their upcoming wedding, then Keith said to me as he was handing me the shot glass so besides bringing yourself did you bring us anything or are you going to be our present and then he looked over at Paul with a huge smile and then Paul looked at me and said so are you going to be our present and they started laughing and said they were kidding. Even though they were laughing and said they were only joking from the look that Keith had gave Paul it didn't look like they were kidding but I just thought maybe they were kidding so the 3 of us were talking waiting for Steve to come back and when he did about 10 minutes later. When he came back I had my head on the back of the couch and I started feeling really warm and I was having trouble focusing everything around me was very hazy and I barely heard Keith and Steve talking even though they were in the same room they sounded like they were in a different room,I heard bits and pieces of the conversation so when I heard Steve say that it shouldn't take to long and if could I wait here until he comes back because he was going in a different direction so he really didn't want to drive me home and drive back this way so I remember mumbling and slurring my words but I ended up saying ok. Keith said to Paul why don't you walk Steve out and I will get the food ready for later on Paul said ok but with a confused look. When Paul and Steve were gone I tried to pull myself up so I wasn't leaning on the back of the couch but I was having so much trouble focusing that I couldn't then I felt something warm next to my ear and I heard Keith say are you ok and then he put his hand under my chin and turned my head towards him and when he did I felt his mouth over mine and it felt like my lungs were expanding as I could feel him blow into my mouth and then he stuck his tongue in my mouth and I didn't know what to do he had his weight on me and I couldn't pull myself up so I just let him kiss me. When he had pulled his mouth off mine I watched him put a glass pipe up to his mouth and lit it and the pipe started to fill up with clear smoke and then he took a huge hit off it then he leaned into me again and did the samething but this time my lungs expanded more and I could feel the smoke in my lungs and the more it was in my lungs and his mouth over mine I started to kiss him back, then I started to moan as I felt Kevin's hand going up my shirt and he started to use his fingers to rub and slightly tug on my nipple(having very sensitive nipples) I almost lost it as both of our tongues were now deep in each other's mouths. I never thought or imagine myself making out with another guy but here I was. When he pulled his mouth away he was still rubbing and slightly tugging my nipple then he whispered in my ear so can me,Dan and our roommate enjoy the present you brought us as I felt my hand lifting up and towards my right side and then he said and we can show you just how much we appreciate your gift as he put my hand up this shorts and when he did I just froze as he had put my hand on his very soft but huge thick cock. He had his hand over mine and he started to move our hands on his cock and said how does my huge thick cock feel in your hand then he said just imagine how 2 more that's just as big or even bigger and thicker than mine is then I let out a loud moan as he started to suck and bite right behind my ear(one of my hot spots). When Paul came back to the living room Keith was sitting up on the couch and I was laying my head was on the back of the couch and was having trouble focusing. I remember hearing Paul saying to Keith you must have put to much in his shots, Keith said no he didn't(pointing to me) it just hit him harder than he thought it would. Then Keith said it all worked out didn't it we didn't have to wait all night until Steve left he's gone now and he going to be gone for a couple hours just to drive to his job and back it's going to be at least 2 hours up and back and who knows what the problem at his job is it he could be quick or it's going to take him sometime to take care of it. Paul said to Keith I told Steve to call us when he finds out what the problem is then he said well at least we get to use him for a couple hours if not more, Keith said let's just hope that Nick gets home before Steve gets back if he even does come back but until Nick comes home we get to use him. I remember Paul putting something in my mouth then he told me to take a sip as he put the shot glass up to my mouth so I drank it. Then Keith said to me so tonight your going to be doing a lot of 1st like your 1st slam your 1st time with a guy or should I say 1st time with guys and 1st time having a cock down your throat and in that hole of yours. By now I was really feeling the g and I was feeling really horny I just started to mumble I don't even remember what I had mumbled. Then Keith stood in front of me and pulled me up in a sitting position and he pulled my shirt up and over my head and threw my shirt towards the recliner and then he leaned me back on the couch and then he lifted up my left leg and took my sneaker off then he pulled my pants down past my waist and my left leg out of my pants and did the same to my right leg. I remember the back of my head was on the back of the couch but when Keith pulled my pants down he had pulled me down more on the couch so I was laying halfway on the couch and my lower half of my body was just hanging off the couch. Paul had put the pipe up to my mouth and lite it as he told me to inhale and hold it until he tells me to exhale I had inhaled and I felt the smoke in my lungs when Paul took the pipe away I had inhaled a good amount and I was holding it in until he said exhale. I was holding it for about 30 seconds and was just about to exhale when he said ok and I just exhaled excepting a lot of smoke to come out but very little came out. Then they took their turn and when Paul took his turn and handed Keith the pipe Dan started to kiss me while filling up my lungs. I don't know how long they kept taking turns kissing me and filling up my lungs but I was so high and horny and I felt like I was floating in the air. My eyes were rolling in the back of my head and I couldn't keep them open. When I was able to open them and was able to focus I saw Keith standing in front of me and I thought that my eyes and mind was playing a trick on me because what I saw hanging down between his legs was this soft but huge thick cock with a fat mushroom head he had to be a good 12-14" and just as thick as a beer can and when Keith seen me looking at it he said wait till it gets nice and hard but I have to help so it does get nice and hard as he climbed up on the couch and moved in closer until my head was between his legs and he closed his legs until his knees were on the sides of my head. The way I was on the couch the back of my head was halfway on the back of the couch and halfway on the couch cushion so I was looking up and he had his fat mushroom head pointing straight down almost touching my nose. Then I felt my legs being lifted up and pushed back then I heard Paul say let's just see what this virgin hole looks like, he lifted my legs and pushed them back I could feel the cool breeze and it was blowing on the exposed virgin hole as he said oh yeah that is definitely a virgin hole. I couldn't see where Paul was but I imagine that he was standing at the end of the couch and he was between my legs because Keith was in my way then I my body jerked as I felt something cool and wet on and in my hole realizing that he was putting lube or something on and in my hole. Then I felt something start going in my hole it only went a couple inches but I felt it then the inside of my hole started to burn a little bit and when I felt I my hips slowly started to move around because of the burning sensation I was feeling. I remember asking them why does my asshole feel like it's burning and Paul saying don't worry it will go away. As my hips slowly started to move around Paul said oh yeah does that burning feel good and then I started to moan as I felt something in my hole start to slowly move around as it was moving back and forth as well as twisting and turning and could feel my hole slowly stretching. When I started to feel something moving around in my hole and started to moan Paul said do you like feeling my 2 fingers playing in your hole and then I lifted my head off the couch and let out a loud moan and when my head lifted up as Paul started to move his 2 fingers a little faster. I didn't see or realize that Keith had already started to bend his knees down so he can get the fat mushroom in my mouth so when my head lifted up he already had started to push it in mouth and he pushed it right past my lips and in my mouth. Once Keith got his fat mushroom head in my mouth the back of my head was back on the couch and he started to move up and down I could feel his cock start to get hard as his cock was moving back and forth in my mouth. He had a fat mushroom head that it was almost full in my mouth. As Keith felt the head of his cock in my mouth and he was moving back and forth he started moaning and saying oh yeah open that mouth and throat of yours then I felt his hands go on the sides of my head and he started to move my head up and down and when he was doing that I started to gag as I felt his mushroom head start to go a little deeper in my mouth. As much as I was telling myself to have them stop my mind and body was saying something else and it felt like I had no control over this situation because my mind and body was starting to enjoy it even though I was gagging and my tight hole had 2 fingers in it. When I started to moan Keith had moved back and his slightly semi hard cock came out of my mouth, then he leaned over to the end table and opened a small brown bottle and picked up a rag and turned the brown bottle upside down over the rag. Then he took the rag and covered my nose with it. When I breathed in my head started to spin and I felt hot. When Keith removed the rag he put his hands back on the sides of my head and started to move it up and down a little faster than he did the last time. I could feel the fat mushroom head in my mouth and I thought I was going to start gagging again but when I didn't and the head of his cock was a little deeper. As Keith was moving my head up and down on his cock I started to feel it getting bigger and thicker in my mouth and then I gasp when my hips jerked up really fast and out as I felt Paul moving his fingers deeper. Just as quick my hips jerk up and out and Paul's 2 fingers went deeper they came down just as fast and when they did I gasped again but this time I had took a big gasp as Paul's 2 fingers went deeper and he started to move them back and forth faster. When I gasped it hard Keith was moving my head up and he was pushing down I had sucked in the fat mushroom head of his now huge thick cock and then gagged and he just held my head in place as he had about 4" in my mouth. I remember thinking that there was no way I was going to take anymore than he already had in my mouth because even though his cock was completely hard his cock was already filling my mouth up and I had started gagging and choking again Keith moved back just a little and put the rag back on my nose and held it there as he started pushing the fat mushroom head in my mouth as I felt it going towards the back of my throat. I remember trying to move my hands up so I could push him back and when Keith felt my hands pushing him back with my hands on his legs he moved his body closer to the back of the couch and pulled my head up and I gagged and choked as I felt the head of his cock pushing up against the back of my throat. Then my legs and hips started to shake as I felt Paul's 2 fingers rubbing against my(found out later) prostate and as he was It felt like I had started to piss out of my hole as I started to have my first of many assgasim and as I was Paul's 2 fingers were going back and forth and as I was having an assgasim he had put a 3rd finger in and when he did he was twisting and turning them when he pushed them in and I grabbed my legs. The last thing I remember was I was gagging and choking my Keith's fat mushroom head as he was pushing up against the back of my throat and Paul's fingers were twisting and turning in my hole before everything went black. Part 2 coming soon. I hope that you have enjoyed the story so far. If you are let me know I have a couple others I can tell you about after I finish this one32 points
Part 7 What the fuck was I doing... 30 hours back, I was coming hour to cheer my fiancée at home, as a healthy playing-safe straight guy... and now here I was lying on my bed, my sore cum-leaking ass and me looking up to my dad while he makes sure I cleans his softening cock... Hell... "Son, you're such a mess looking from here" dad says as he finally withdraw his soft cock from my mouth... After a pause, during his caresses my cheeks he suggested we get a shower. "Well it seems it is more than necessary." "Follow me, shower in my room will be accommodating for two" and as I frown "ho come on, considering what we have done we can shower together, plus I will help you clean." I let my self guided to my father bedroom and in his shower, which was indeed much bigger than the one in the guest room. We enter it, and dad turned the tap and the hot water start pouring, relaxing our muscles as we are facing each other. Then I felt my Dad pushing on my shoulders... I resist a bit, as I do not understand what he wants. "Get on your knees Jay, there is something else you need to discover" he said, pushing me down. I did as ordered "Open your mouth, now would you ?". Not knowing what to expect, I again execute myself. He pushed his mushroom in my mouth and, while I have the impression that his cock was stiffening, he started releasing "I need to pee Son... I drank to much coffee while you were still asleep this morning, do not spill it!"... Fuck he was emptying his bladder down my throat... As I tried to back my mouth from this he put both his hands behind my neck and pushed his cock deeper down my throat, leaving no other choice than swallowing his pee... "Ho god that feels good" dad says, looking down at me with a smirk. "God you look so good on your knees, your lips wrapped on my cock... that makes me to breed you again, Son" he said, while going on... how much more was comming in ?? and fuck his cock was stiffening... he finally finished, released my head and I gasped for air, and he helped me getting up. "You did good, and looking at your hard cock, you evne enjoyed it" "That is insane... I do not understand how this can turn me on... I mean that is gross..." "Come on Son, what is turning on is being submitted I think" he replied turning me so I face the wall putting my hands on the shower wall, and without any warning, he started inserted his pole in me again "Isn't it Son ? Don't you like being used by me ?" "Fuck, that hurts..." was the only reply I could give, as this second invasion was rough in my sore ass... but while strying to be more at ease, I just impaled myself even more. "Yes it does but you are not even seeking to espace now, you see, I told you, that you would crave for it" he said as he starts to rock his hips in and out, each thrust going deeper. He was not even caring about me now... but to be honest, my complaints were mxed with pleasure moaning... He was just pistonning me and then I ust started feeling his balls slapping agains my ass... God he was already the way in... he goes on with his thrust, as I am nearing climax, again - how is it even possible... "Fuck Dad, I will come" "Yeah just do, I am also close to paint your inside again" The verbal fuck and associated images through over the edge as I came, again witout touching myself, though not much cum is shoot I have the impression the orgasm last long. My orgasm seems to make Dad cum, as with a final brutal thrust, he burried his mamoth further than before, and grunting, release his seed. "God Son, your hole feels so good... let me keep impregnating my seeds in your guts" He finally said as he kept me pinned to the wall, still rocking his hips, gently this time... "Fuck I have the impression my hole is burning... Dad" "Yeah your ass is sore, and my piercing helped on that... but do not worry it will pass away" he added while withdrawing from my guts... as I look down, I could some red streaks running with water down my legs and the shower tray... "Fuck Dad you wounded me, I am bleeding" I panicked "Shh, it is okay, it looks impressive, but it is okay, I will take care of you." and true to his words he started to wash my back. As we get out of the shower, he bent me over and applied some lotion that appeased my burning sensation. As we get out of the bathroom in my fathers room, I just remember I have no more clothes. "Dad, about getting out for lunch, well I would have loved that but remember that you ruined my last clean clothes..." I said jocking. "Oh yeah I forgot. Well either we order something and stay naked, but mind your tight ass, or I lend you some clothes" "Well, I think I want to be sure to give my ass a break, some lunch outside is fine by me" I replied with a smile. My father turns his back on me browsing through is stuff. "Would that do ?" as he hand me over a jockstrap, a tight short and t-shirt "I guess... thanks" We both get dressed ad get out of the house. We got into dad's car. "Alright, let us go to one my fav place to have lunch on a Sunday!" We arrived to a fancy place with a nice terrasse. We got a table, and it seems dad was a known customer, as several waiters were calling him by first name. As we sat to our table, I notice at an opposite side of the terrasse familar faces... "Sorry Dad, I need to go the toilet" I said, as I get up, went to the table and geeted "Hi Maria, hi Mike! I hope you enjoy your lunch..." with that I paused a bit, seeing them with their decomposed face and left to the toilet. Soon after Mike comes in. "Hi Jay, euh listen, so sorry to say this, but this just happend between Maria and I" "Ho it just happened ? and the fact you were going to pozed up as well 'just happened' ?" I replied abruptly, whiile starting peeing. "Because, when you fucked her and look me in the eyes yesterday saying this , that does not seem to be 'just happenin'..." "Well this was just role play actually" he said as he came at the urinal next to mine. "Wait what ? role play ? But that scorpio on your dick ?" "Oh you saw that ? this was some tempory ink tats, see by yourself, I do have any more" and he turned to me showing me his dick with indeed no ink on it... Fuck everything that happened in 24 hours si so fucked up... I am lost. "Listen Jay, I am sorry that I palyed with you when your surprised us yersterday, but Maria is the one who hooked me up at first, complaining that you were traveling too much. I proposed her to have a drink to discuss it and one thing lead to another." he just started his monologue peeing in the urinal, while I replay in me head everything that happened and how I gave up to my Dad because of that fucker next to me... I finished peeing, looked down on my cock and Mike's. I do not know what possessed me, but I dropped to my knee, and forced him to face me and just swallowed his cock. He was astonished by what happened, and yet abandonning himself to the blowjob I was giving him. Yet he took hold of my head with hos hands and facefucked me relentlessly. "Fuck Jay, I did not know that side of you... you are the same slut as your girlfriend or ex one" he said, and within a few seconds, he released down my throat his load. He withdraw, pack it in his pant and before leaving "well thanks I suppose. See you later or when you are back from holidays at work then!" he said winking at me. I rose to my feet and went back to our table. "Well you took your time... I was about to get you there" he said with smile... and nodding to the opposite side of the terrasse "and sorry about that but it appears that your ex is there as well". "I know, I greeted them... and I just emptied my boss balls as an apetizer" I said calmly. Dad looked at me surprised and start laughing "Okay, whoa, did I turned you into a cock-craving slut ? Well shall we order lunch ?" He ordered, ate our lunch while two waiters were eyeing both Dad and I, until when time for desert came, one asked "So Andrews, would you fancy and your boy fancy some desert ?" Dad looked amused at the waiter and looked at me, then back at him "Well Jim, I think we would fancy some desert yes. I am sure my boy here , as you called him, would take some cream on cherry" "Oh interesting, well, Paul and I will show you the way so you can choose your treat, please follow me ..." "Jay, my bos's name is Jay" "alright, Jay come with me". Strange to have two waiters for deserts, but okay, I raised to my feets and followed him. Strangely we went into a "Private" section, where the other waiter, Paul I suppose, was. "Hey Paul, Andrews tells us that Jay here would fancy some cream." "Interesting" Paul said, as they both started to unbuckling their belts and showing me their cocks and with that they made me kneel and make me suck them. "You have already started to what I see" I heard, when Dad entered the room, as he himself drop his short and started stroking his cock. "Well yes, that boy of your seems eager" "It apepars to me as well, that is some epiphany for him as well I think. He admitted earlier he suck one of your other customer cock in the toilets earlier!" They were talking about me like I was not in the room, while I was sucking their cocks. Then Jim, who had a cock about the same length than me, but much bigger, drop my short and felt my ass. "oh Andrews, you seeded him already" "Of course I did... but do not mind me, just breed his cunt as well". Jim did not wait a second and went behind me raise my ass, and shove it in one forced thrust... My scream was muffled my Paul cock in my mouth, while dad was looking at me and saying "God, you look good boy taken on both side. You will love being used, you'll see". Jim fucked me good but nt long before he just screamed at me while I feel his cock spurting a huge amount of cum in me. "God that is a good ass, Paul your turn to flood him". They switched places, as Paul dicks biggers than Jim but as not as big as Dad, rammed balls-deep in me while Jim made me cleaning off this cock. "Oh yeah, you're righ Jim, he has a good arse!" Paul said. All of this under Dad satisfied and patronizing lookand "Boy, don't panick, but Paul here suffers from hyperspermia, so he will literraly flood your guts". I could not say anything, but anyway, I do not really realize what he was saying as yet here I was having two cock of strangers both ways in me... Dad commented "and also they are both negative... I do want to take the risk you convert" and after a long pause "from someone else than me". This seems to push Paul over the edge as he intensified his rhythm and with one final thrust burried himself and I could feel him cumming while he was panting. I add the impression that I was being dilated from insde by his cum that I could feel spurting from his cock... That lasted for about one minute... Paul still locked in me and then saying "Owh that felt good... a good way to end the service and relax". As he withdrew, a huge amount of cum leaked out of my hole. Dad comes near and put a butt plug in me. "Now keep that seed in you! and please suck me off" he said as he pushed his cock in my mouth. This time I blew him alone, deepthroating him as I could, lookng up at him and seeing him in bliss, and as excited to be bred my strangers earlier, blew another load down my throat. He packed his dick back in his short, ordered me to pull up my clothes. He paid the restaurant and thanked the waiters and we left. Sitting in the car, I could feel the buttplug in me sending some waves of pleasure. "Well Son, you seem to crave for man's dick now... you do not even consider men statuses..." he said while driving "Let me just say that you completely fucked me up Dad... and considering what happened, for now, all that matters is pleasure" I answered, leaving him wondering what happened in the restaurant so I am in such a mood. -- to be continued.32 points
Part 6 Coming down from the bliss of the best blowjob I was ever given, I realized what he meant. "But Dad, you cannot take me. I mean, we already have taken this too far…" I said, while dad was still at my cock, licking my balls, as if whatever I was saying was non-sens. "Dad are you even listening to what I am saying ?" "Yes I do Jay. But did I not give you quite a lot of pleasure directly or indirectly since you've arrived yesterday ? I mean, you admitted to have jerked off - several times even - to me pounding and pozzing that twink, you touched my cock this Morning at breakfast, you sucked my dick once, you let me facefuck you a moment ago, and all that time you were rock hard… Come on Son! You crave for it!" "No but I mean, we cannot besides being family, sorry Dad but you would likely infect me… " I said without wanting to hurt him "Well, infection could be a consequence indeed… but I would also say that would be a liberation. You could just fuck whoever you want, whenever, on meds or not up to you…" and adding after a pause "and you actually already have swallowed two toxic loads as a reminder… likelihood is much lower that way, but still…" "But then why did you let this happen ? Do you want me to get sick ?" "Well I want to distract you and free you from that bitch" he replied and Added with a smirk "and you still care about her, well if you convert, you can Always get back to her and 'Kock her up' for good, ahah!" with that he returned to licking my balls and Moving between my legs… Damn that felt good in a way… "you see you like me lick your balls Don't you ?" he said as I tried to move my hips up so he has a better access. Annoyed by his answer pushed his head on my balls so just shut the fuck up. He reacts by going fiercly on my balls, and I feel myself already getting hard… fuck how horny could I be… I see my dad's eyes looking at me with so much lust in his eyes. He goes licking by balls and is trying to go lower. He grabs the back of my thighs and pull them up to raise my ass up, which surprise me… as I am about to complain, I feel his tongue on my hole… Fuck that felt strange, good but strange… I mean I like when Maria fingered me when she sucked me, but this is beyond that. I moan as Dad works his tongue on my pucker. He gets his face up looking at me while a push his thumb in me "So are you sure Son, we should stop here ?" I moan in response "because if it definitely seems to be that you are enjoying this…" as he moves his thumb in and out, but I cannot help myself moaning as single answer, biting my lips… He withdraw his thumbs and spit a huge amount of salive on my hole, then makes sure to move it all in with his fingers. Littler my little I can feel him opening me with his fingers… I am still moaning, eyes closes, when I feel Dad raising between my legs, putting more pressure on my ankles to move my ass up. I open my eyes and I see him pointing his dick, fuck it even looks like a sting from here, to my hole. "No Dad wait, please! I beg. "Son, see how much you enjoyed my fingers, you will love this. You will even beg for it" "But you are way to big and positive…" "Big yes, but you ass will accommodate, as for the positive part, we discussed about it… but if you want I will not cum in your ass…" with that he push his piercing on my hole and starts pushing. I feel the cockhead stretching my hole… "Fuck that burns… I have the impression that your piercing is ripping me apart…" "Shhh, just push on me as if you were on the toilets. You will accommodate". I do as I am being told, until I scream as I feel a massive bit sliding into me "Shh that is okay. The head has entered, along with a bit… now comes the main event, I will push in little by little until you can feel my balls on your back". "Wait there is more to come?" "Oh yes Son, just look by yourself" he said as he push my ankles towards me to raise my ass… allowing me to see that Nothing is in me except the head… how many to go more… 10 inches ? "Shh, do not be afraid… I will be gentle - at first - until your beg for it" with that he resumes his thrust slowly while I am wincing with pain and fear… At some point he pauses… allowing me to adjust to the feelings of the size and scratching… "Is this it finally ?" "Euh ? ah no… halfway darling! halfway! I know I have quite a piece… but trust me, you will ask for more during the coming days!" and that said he resumed slowly. After about 5 minutes, he pauses again. I just felt split in half… "Alright, almost there son, next thrust might be a bit painful though but it is needed" and as warned, he just gave one final brutal thrust to push the 2 remaining inches while I could let a noise go as I was so in pain. He stayed that way, caressing my dick which went soft, stroking it. After a few minutes of attention, my cock stiffens and despite my sore hole due the girth and length in me, it seems the worst is over… Dad notice this and then starts withdrawing a bit and push back it, slapping his balls on my back, his eyes locked in mine. He goes on like this, every time doing longer strokes. Every time being a bit more powerful than the previous. "Are you alright Son ?" he asked as he almost withdraw totally, keeping only the head. "hmm, hmm" was my only reply, biting my lips, and then in one powerful thrust he just rams all his sting in me. My eyes widened by the shock of the move, the pain it triggers but also the jolt of pleasures sent by rubbing the prostate I suppose… "Fuck… " "You liked that, hum ? You want more fucking ?" he asked still looking at me with a mischievous smile. "Yes please"? "Please what ?" "Please fuck me more Dad ? "Hehe, you see, I told you would beg for my dick!" and then he started pistonning me with powerful thrust, each move causes pain and pleasures, but god I was Under the impression I will cum again without touching myself… I did not even though that was possible… "Do you like that son ?" "Yes, please go on Dad, I think you gonna make me cum…" "I bet I will !" he replied and then adding while keeping fucking the brain out of me "You know son that I am lubing your intestines with my potent precum now. Since I started thrusting into you, you already have my positive precum coating your insides. And you felt the piercing doing some work as well… So honestly, at your place I would just accept to be fully bred" "Wait what ? but you said you would withdraw" I manage to say between my moaning "I can withdraw Jay, I am just saying that from where I stand that would not change any thing in your 'chances', except to feel how to good to be filled in with cum!" as he continues pistonning me. I said Nothing, looking him in the eyes, accepting my fate… and the bliss growing in me every time he thrusts back in, until one last one "Oh fuck I am cumming" I yelled, my ass clamping dad's cock with every rope of cum that erupted from my cock... "Whoa the hell that is the best orgasm I had" I cried while Dad says "I will cum Son". In the bliss, I just closed my eyes and he rammed in one go as I felt he cock pulsating and erupting in me as he grunts. "Fuck I feel you filling me with your jizz" I commented "And does that feel ? You like me loading you me up ?" He asked with an evil grin. Despite his orgasm, he goes on ramming in me. "I think I do like that" I admitted, confused. "Well good because I have another one coming your way, hold tight Son!" he continues his frenetic movements for 5 minutes, and with another thrust, grunt and unload in me, before adding, panting "Oh fuck Son... I think I knock you up!" He withdraw slowly from my sore ass, until a "plop" is made when he is cock is completely out... I feel some cum leaking out of my hole and I look at Dad's meat and cannot help asking : "Why is it that reddish ?" "Oh this is our mixed flid. My precum, my cum and your blood but do not freak out, this is normal for your first time" he said calmy and reassuring and adding softly "and due to my piercing as well to be fair" Before I could react to I was said, Dad went on top of me, straddle me and put his dick on my lips "now open up Son, a good boy cleans the mess he has made" and without let me the time to protest he pushes his softening dick in my mouth. I taste my ass juice, the iron taste of blood and dad's cum. I looked up at him on top of me, seeing his satisfied look, while again being again in that submissive position. Well I was definetely not expecting that turns of even when seeking shelter here...30 points
Part 4 I had a trouble night, waking up several times with dreams I cannot remember, but it appears that I woke up late in the morning with a wet-dream, my body soaked with sticky cum, on top of the dried one of yesterday... It appears I did not even wen under the bed sheets to sleep... fortunately otherwise they would also be soaked in cum... and still I have a morningwood. I decided do add a layer on top of what is already on me and grab my dick and stroke it... while doing so I cannot help myself remembering last night noises behind the wall, and my dad breeding that dude... that got me over the edge pretty quickly and I shot my load all over my belly and chest... God that felt good. At the same time, I hear knock on the door... "One sec'" fuck, I took the towel and do my best to wipe most of the cum I had on my and put it around my waist. I open the door and see Dad with only a loose and short shorts "Hi Son! I hope you had a restful night..." he started "ow it appears you also had some pleasure apparently" touching my face where I had dried cum then my torso where some fresh one was not wiped... took it on his fingers and tasted it "oops sorry, got carried away... boy of last night did not stay overnight and I cannot have a protein shot from the tap... oh come on Jay, don't be that stucked!" I was just here not able to say a word with what just happened... "Hi Dad, I know for your fuck of yesterday, I think I heard most of it and you sending him home..." I replied, more abruptly than I actually wanted... "Ow, sorry about that, I always forget how thin walls are... well anyway, it seems you also enjoyed yourself..." he sayed winking at me. "So would you share breakfast with your old man?" "Well let me have a shower first and I will join you yes". "alright son!, I dressed the table by the pool" with that he left me. I took my shower making sure I have no trace of cum on me. As I want to dress up, I notice that I have no more clean underwear in my luggage just some short on and a tank top i use for sport... well so be it. I put that on and go outside to meet Dad on the terrasse by the pool. The table was there, with pastries, fresh orange juice... well I had the impression to be at the hotel. Just when I was about to settle by the table, I was splashed from behind... "Fuck..." "Ow come on Son, that is just watter!" dad said laughing as he resumed his swimming... Still naked to what I notice. "Well it is just that I have no clean or dry clothes to wear now..." "Well just be naked then. I will put our stuff in the washing machine later today" I looked at my dad swimming breaststroke in the pool... well whatever.. I removed my short and top and put it on the chair back so they start drying and sit naked on the chair starting to serve me juice. As dad reached the end of the pool, he lifted his boy outside, the effort underlining his muscles... well for a man above fifty, he is quite in the shape... He turned then to me to walk to the table, and well shaped on this side as well, without mentionning... again...his dong oscillating. "Thank you for serving the juice Son!" he said as he grabs he glass and drinks it still up while my face is in front of his scrotch... "Admiring the view, huh ?" "Well, difficult to look elsewhere, as you seemed to stopped purposedly in from of me..." I said with a shy smile on my face. "May I ask a question ?" "Well sure, shoot!" he said as he sit on the chair next to me. "So I understood yesterday the guy litterally begged you for "gifting" him - that is word you used yesterday right while explaining ? - was it a kind of role play ?" "Oh you heard it all then!" he replied laughing "... well no I do not think that was roleplay... Well not from me, and he said he was negative not on Prep... so... he left with a highly possibility to convert." "well it is beyond my understanding..." I started, hesitating to continue... "But ?" "But that the sounds of last nights excited me... Well I think that is mainly because I was quite horny and did not have a fuck for several weeks now... but still" "But still it seems you are thinking about it, is that it ? "yeah... how do you know ?" "Well, first you had quite a load of cum this morning, so I think you thought about it more than once during the night, and it seems, this conversation is also arousing you a bit to what I see" as he nodded to my scotch with a grin "Fuck Dad! stop looking there, that is embarrassing" "Saying the guy who cannot stop staring at his old man penis when he walks by the pool ?" he replied embarrassing me even more, before adding "Do not be shy, if you want to see it, assume it! As I said, I usually wander naked at home, enjoy yourself!" These words aroused me more, though I do not understand why... it is my dad we are talking about. He grabbed his cock, and stirs it up "See ?!?" amused by my embarrassment "Fuck Dad, why are you playing with me, like this ? I mean, I came here because I was upset Maria cheated on me with my own boss, the very same that sent me abroad for ta business trip. then you explained to me that she looked to be 'pozzed' by revealing to me you are yourself positive and happy to share it with others... " I shouted. "Shh Jay! Calm down!" he started "I am 'just playing' with you. I wanted to distract you from Maria and your boss - which I hope I succeed to do". he said and after some pause added "and I want you to know it is not the end. I want you to know that some have desires that could be beyond our understanding at first, but that they should be judged as long as it is between consenting people" I starred at him... thinking about what he said, what happened the day before before replying "and so for you, walking fully naked around me and having quite verbal sex the next door to your son's is way to make me understand ?" "Well first I do not walk naked around you, I walked naked in my house, as per my sex activity, let just say I killed two birds with one stone. I very enjoyed myself, while distracting you. Admit it! Despite you towel this morning, you were still covered in cum when you open the door" he said with a grin... I was ashamed of the situation... Indeed he distracted me, indeed I came several time... what was happening to me... I turned my face to him, he look me deep in his eyes with a confident look... Catch by the sun reflection from his dick piercing, I lowed my gaze on his dick... "Well it seems that I am distracting you again... if you want to have a closer look, do not be shy!" he joked. My arousal took power over my mind and I stood up and I kneel between my Dad legs to have a closer look. My eyes alternating from dad eyes to his piercing. "Did it hurt" ? I asked. Somehow surprised, yet pleased by the initiative, Dad smiled. "Wow Son, it hurt a bit the few first days, but now, well it brings me lot of pleasure..." "what about the guy you have sex with ?" "Well, it varies, some enjoy it and it bring them jolts of pleasure... for other it seems more painful. You see this two balls on it ? Well if you touch them you will see they do not have the same texture, having different effect" my mind was completely lost... My dad just invited me to touch his cockhead piercing ? I raised my hands and fingers and fondle the two metal balls noticing that one was pretty smooth while the other one was sharply grooved. While realising that, I hear dad sigh as my fingers were also caressing his cockhead... In a matter of few seconds, it seems it went all mast, brushing my chin and starting leaking precum.... Dad open his eyes and looked at me, still kneeled in front of him. "Well what do I now with that ?" he asked with a grin. "Hm sorry, I did not mean to excite you...you invited me to scout for curiosity" "But you did... I told you to assume Jay! while I look at your own boner, I think you enjoy where you are now, aren't you ?" as I was about to reply, he took his cock in one hand, the back of my head in another one, and a I was opening to say something to object, he stuffed his cockhead in my mouth. "Now, assume your curiosity Son." I wanted this to stop but he was firmly maintaining by head on his dick, but at the same time, I felt my dick getting harder.. what the fuck was happening. I tasted the salty precum oozing from his piss slit. As I was not moving, he started to rock his hips up and down, sliding one or two inches or his cock in my mouth... I was actually sucking my Dad... this is fucking insane... but it seems my body would not move and is enjoying it while my brain is being completely bypassed... "You enjoy this, don't you, Son ?" he asked while I could not answer beside some muffled noise... "I was not expecting things evolving this way but I enjoy the view from here" he said, still rocking in and out his cock in mouth, while I raised my eyes to his and see the lust on his face. He kept going on like this, and at some point he added some pressure on the back of my head, forcing me to have more inches in my mouth... how could that be possible... that monster cannot go full length in me... He accelerated the rhythm and by doing so I felt more and more hi piercing hitting my palate. As his breathing accelerated, I started tasting more precum but also a bit of iron in my mouth... What is that new taste ? Without a second to think more about it, he push his cock up in mouth maintaining me firmly down on it while I feel his cock pulsating and erupting in my mouth, ropes after ropes of his cum. I am surprised by the taste, which is actually enjoyable. "Protein shake from the tap! Swallow it all, Son!" he ordered and jock forcing me to look him in the eyes while I still have his cock in my mouth. "Ho god, what an expected treat." He let go of me and I surprised my self licking his cockhead and swirling around the piercing with my tongue before releasing it and sitting. "Fuck Dad, what did you do..." "Nothing... you are the one who knelt in front of me. Well for a first time, that was quite good, Son." he claimed. Well I knelt indeed and touched him.. "First and last time!" "I do not think so, Son. Once you started tasting cock, you cannot get over it!" ... to continued30 points
Part 3 I could not believe what I just heard nor what I see... until I hear my name "Jay ?!? Jay ?!? are you alright ?" Dad asked with a semi-concerned, semi-amused look... "euh yeah sorry... but I mean that are quite revelations..." I said, alternating between my dads face and his impressive enhanced manhood... "Revelations ? which ones ? That I am HIV positive ? the possible explanations about what you see and heard this morning ..." he replied before adding with a pause and smile "or is the revelation my body ?" ...Wtf was he saying ? i though to myself, but in the meantime, I was kind of lost my composure as I kind of realize that I cannot get my eyes out of his pierced-dick. "euh sorry Dad, I think that is the first time I see you naked, and well, you are well endowed... and this is weird to have a piercing there... so I would say that that would the three of them..." I admitted Dad chuckled... "well that is the effect of every gay guy around me while I am naked..." he added, and then he stood up on the edge of the pool. I kept my eyes on him as he raises his body, his pendulous dong in front of his low-hanging balls... wait did he just gay guys ? I am not gay... and yet again I hear my name... "Jay ? wouhou Jay ? are you hypnotized by the pendulum or what ?" my dad joked... "It is getting late... I will start preparing dinner. And if want to talk, ask any question, feel free to do so. I will answer as clearly as I can! "heu okay... let me help you then". I replied, dad entering the house naked, letting the towel he used to dry himself on the bench. I get out of the pool and grab a towel, noticing my semi-erect cock.. fuck... what is that ? Is it thinking about Maria getting fucked ? that cannot be seeing my father dong... and with the last thought I feel it stirring up more... nah that cannot be as I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed to the house. As I entered the house, I notice dad was already preparing the meal. He apparently stayed naked, as I could see his bare back and pieces of his balls and dong between his legs, while he has just an apron on... He calls me in, as I about to reply that I will get dressed first, he just comment that there is no need to be shy... he usually wanders naked in the house, so I can the same... Well I am not sure if I am comfortable with that though, so I decide to stay as I am, naked with my towel around the waist. We prepare dinner, silently, which is a bit awkward. As we are bout to finish I set the table and sit. Dad finishes the cooking and comes up with dressed plates. He serves wine again and break the silence with a genuine smile : "So Son, enjoy dinner ! my previous offer remains on the table as well ". "Well, about you status, I mean are you ok ? I expect with meds everything is fine now, right ?" "Kind of you to care about your old man health! Well, I only take them when I feel I need when situation is going out of control, which can happen now and then, but besides this no I am off meds, first because the undesired effects of these and it feels like I am tied to an invisible post." I feel speechless hearing that at first as I heard Dad speaking casually and eating... "But is it not dangerous ? I mean, this is s good for you... and others... I mean you mentioned earlier that you have encounters with guys, so if you are not on meds, you would give it to them, right ? Is it not a bit insane ? sorry for my words Dad but I cannot grasp the idea..." I finally add, while my dad seems to readjust himself under the table... "Well... good to hear that you are caring for your old man's health, but I am tested regularly, and we decide with my doctor when it is required to go back on meds. But then when I am not,, yes, I give it to others. But as I told you in the pool, some men are actually coming to me to get it... they want it, they beg for it... so rather than saying it is insane, I would prefer to hear that you do not understand... Actually, let me tell you how I got positive in the first place" while I hear replying, I feel uncomfortable as I judged him, but feel eager to learn more about my father's life, which appears I do not know that well... "So about twenty years ago - yes that is a long time ago - I met a guy I fell in love with. Fact is I was pretty monogamous back then and though that was the same for him... but once he fell sick pretty bad. Result came back that he got HIV and I did not - was quite lucky though... We went back on using condoms because we did not want me to catch it... but god that was so disappointing not feeling the skin on skin, to feel him filling me - oh come on Son, do not be such a prude and looked at me that way, I bet you also loved breeding Maria! - so we actually planed to get me positive so we would be free from these constraints. We fucked bare like crazy every where every time we could. A month later, I was tested positive, as I saw sick as I never was... but he took care of me" I was under some sock which hearing Dad story... "wow.. and who was this guy ? I mean I never met him... ? I asked curious. "Oh well, he is doing well, but he parted away six month later... but we still fuck each other from time to time, just the two of user or with others - you know the more the merrier!" "Well you are quite blunt about that... and since then you fucked others without condoms ?" I surprise myself by looking for more details... I do not know where this discussion would lead... "Well yes I fucked bare since then indeed, and shared my gift with whoever wanted it..." he replied as we finished our plates... "You become quite curious all of sudden... sorry I have nothing for desert for tonight, but we can go do some shopping tomorrow" he said. At that moment the door bell rang "Oh, sorry? I think I forgot to cancel an 'appointment'..." he said winking at me. "Okay, well let me talk to the guy at the door... " he started before I interrupted him, seeing an opportunity to stop this conversation for now. "No no Dad. I came unannounced. Do not cancel everything for me. I will just go on my room and watch some movie while you do your thing..." I said. He was surprised, tried to argue but I stayed firm on position. I cleared out the table while I can hear him opening the door and chatting to a guy there. As I passed by to go the guest room, Dad was making out with him already... fuck this guy seems to be about my age... and my Dad was having a raging boner tenting the apron... It looked even more impressive than earlier by swimming pool... I sneaked out to my room by saying to my Dad, "well enjoy, I will rest in my room". While I closed the door, I heard the guy saying to my dad that we could have a threesome... but the more astonishing was Dad replying that it would have be up to me to decide and that his son in the right mood to do so now... what the fuck was that answer... Normal one would have been obfuscated because I am his son... I crashed on the bed, the towel still around the table while I started to hear muffled noised from my dad's room. And I could not stop thinking about the morning situation, me being almost naked here and the display of my dad's manhood during the afternoon and by stiffening cock by then... The more I think about it the more I hear the sound from the next room. "oh god, please fuck me with your pole!" I hear the guy begging, and Dad replying "Sure I will! I will breed your cunt!" and I heard some kind of scream "fuck you're big... " "Yeah, that is just the tip, here comes my full length" and the guy to scream... Fuck I was having a boner like I never had... I was excited hearing my dad fucking that dude about my age in the next room... I opened the towel to free my dick, and I could see string of precum from cockhead to the towel... fuck that was a long time ago I was that excited. "God please fuck me..." I hear the man begging while some sounds of heavy thrusting and moaning came across the wall... "Yeah I will breed you good!" "Yeah ? please fill me up!" "You know what is coming with it right ?" "Yes I do" "Beg for it then" I was mesmerized but what I was hearing... that was insane and at the same time I could be feel my cock throbbing "Yeah please poz me!" I hear the guy begging, while with a grunt I heard dad "Year take my poz seed boy!", at the same moment I realized he probably cum in the guy, I come all over me, ropes after ropes on my chest, some landing on my face... fuck this never happened before... "I hope your son was sleeping" "Yeah sure he was... if not well maybe he enjoyed the noise - who knows" I heard dad replying "now, get dressed and out but if you want a recharge you know where to find me!" with that I heard the door of my dad room then the house one and the house suddenly felt quiet, while I rest there in the afterglow of my solo-orgasm, enable to move and slowly drifting into sleep, my cum drying on me.30 points
I got to know Matthew several years ago when I was up in Scotland for a friend's birthday lunch. A group of us met in a restaurant in the centre of Glasgow and I was sitting next to Matthew who was a dark haired nerdy looking guy with glasses in his late 20s. I got on very well with Matthew - he was good company and I thought he was really good looking in a nerdy kind of way (that's a look I really go for) and I also couldn't help noticing that he had a really fit arse, which really filled out his smart trousers. Matthew's partner was working and was not able to be at the meal and Matthew and I found we had a lot in common. After a few drinks, our conversation became more like flirting and, when the party broke up, Matthew came back to my hotel with me. Almost as soon as we got into my room, my pants were down and my cock was in Matthew's mouth. He sucked me really well and then we changed places and I began to suck his cock. We sucked each other for a while and then he knelt up on the bed and I pulled his cheeks apart and pushed my tongue right up his fit, hairy arse. We kissed, sucked and rimmed each other until I came in his mouth and then he came in mine. Matthew had told me that he had never fucked with anyone other than his partner, and they had only gone bareback after they had been together for a while and had both been tested. I told him I totally respected that, much as I would have loved to fuck him! Matthew and I became friends and when I was up in Scotland and his partner was working, we would meet for lunch and then go back to my hotel room for some fun. One time after we had sucked each other off we were lying in bed together and Matthew asked me if I ever fucked without a condom. I admitted I did and he asked me to tell him a bit about what I had done. I told him about a few of the times I had fucked and been fucked bareback and his cock got hard again. I took it in my mouth and began to suck it and before long he shot a second load into my mouth. Matthew and I would catch up by phone while his partner was at work and sometimes our conversation turned to sex and Matthew would tell me how his boyfriend had fucked him and I would share some of my experiences with him. He especially liked hearing about my bareback experiences and once admitted to me that he sometimes had a wank after he had spoken to me as he thought about some of the things I had told him. One time we were talking about sex and I was telling Matthew about an experience I had in Berlin when I had three Afghan guys in my hotel room and they all took turns fucking me bareback. One of the guys was in his late 30s, one in his 20s and the younger lad was about 18 or 19. I had told Matthew how they all presented their big, thick cocks and I sucked them one after the other and how the older guy had bent over and told me to lick his hairy arse. Matthew was breathing heavily as I described how they took turns on my arse and how each of them squirted a load up me, with the older guy adding a second load before they all left. I could hear unmistakeable sounds coming from Matthew's end of the phone and I asked him "Are you doing what I think you're doing?" "Yes!" he gasped "Have you got your pants down?" "Yes," moaned Matthew, "I'm having a wank! Tell me more!" I told him how the youngest guy had discreetly slipped me his number and had come to my hotel when I contacted him the following day because he wanted me to fuck him but didn't want to do it in front of the other guys. I told Matthew all about how the young lad had sucked my cock and how I had licked his hairy arse and then pushed my cock up him, and how he had one of the tightest arses I had ever fucked. As I described how I had fucked him and then squirted my load up his arse, Matthew groaned, "Oh God, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" It was all very horny, and a couple of months later Matthew told me he was coming down to London for a work related course and asked if he could stay with me for a couple of nights. Of course I said yes, and the night he arrived we had a meal together and then sucked each other off before sleeping together. On the Friday morning he went off to his course and we arranged to meet in central London when his course was finished. Matthew had asked me a few times about the Vault, a cruising bar in central London I quite often visited and had asked me about it again the previous night. I asked him if he wanted me to take him there after his course on the Friday and he hesitated. I could tell he really wanted to go but was nervous and I said he could let me know the next day. If he decided not to go to the Vault we could just go for something to eat and Matthew said he was happy with that. I wondered what he would do and I was not really surprised when he called me in the afternoon and said he wanted to visit the Vault. We met in the centre of London and made our way to the bar and a little later we had checked in our bags and got a drink. I could see that Matthew was nervous but also that he was really excited and after we had our first drink, we set off to explore the bar. When we entered the room with the barrels, the first thing we saw was a fit, slim young lad in work boots and work trousers that were splashed with plaster and paint. He was bent over being fucked by an older guy in a smart shirt and trousers and Matthew watched wide-eyed as they fucked. "Fuck!" he breathed, "Do you think he's wearing a condom?" I said I had no idea but thought it quite likely that he wasn't. We watched them fuck until the smartly dressed guy thrust his cock up the builder lad's arse and held it there and when he finished unloading up the builder lad's arse and pulled out I saw the excitement in Matthew's eyes as he saw the suited guy had not been wearing a condom. Matthew had told me that one of his fantasies was to get some anonymous action at the gloryholes and so we made our way to the gloryhole cabins. Matthew had asked me if I would go with him and of course I said yes. I had thought that he just meant to accompany him as far as the cabins but when after a while one of the end cubicles became vacant, Matthew went in and motioned to me to follow him and soon we were in the cubicle together. The next cubicle was also now empty but a short time later someone entered it and shut the door. I waited a moment and then bent down and looked through the hole. The guy in the next cabin was a good looking young guy with long hair tied back in a ponytail, who looked like a student and had been standing next to us outside the cabins. As I looked through the hole, he grinned at me and moved his mouth towards the hole. I wasted no time in pulling my trousers and pants down and pushing my now hard cock through the hole into the guy's sucking mouth. I heard Matthew muttering "Oh fuck!" as he watched me getting my cock sucked. The student guy sucked me really well and after a while I pulled my cock out his mouth and motioned to Matthew to take my place. He hesitated, but only for a moment and then he unzipped his smart work trousers and pulled them down along with his pants and pushed his cock through the hole. I watched Matthew getting sucked for a while and then I guessed he was getting too close, as he pulled his cock back through the hole and I took his place again. The student guy sucked me for a while and then stopped. I was expecting him to push his cock through the hole but instead he turned round and pushed his arse against the hole. I felt his arse and he found his hole was already lubed, so I moved forward, stroked my cock a few times and then pushed it slowly right up his arse and began to fuck him. "Oh God!" breathed Matthew, "I can't believe he's letting you do that!" I enjoyed every minute of fucking the student guy and before long I was getting really close and after another ten or twelve thrusts I shot my load right up the student guy's arse. When I had finished cumming, I pulled out and motioned to Matthew to take my place. He shook his head but I wanked his cock a few times and then pulled it towards the hole. Matthew hesitated, "I can't," he muttered, "I really can't - I'm not on Prep or anything" Matthew hesitated for another moment, and then he moved forward and pushed his cock through the hole, closed his eyes, and began to fuck. I was really turned on watching Matthew fuck bareback and soon I had my hand on his arse as he fucked the student lad. I could see that Matthew was getting close now and a few moments later he closed his eyes and pushed hard up the guy's arse. When Matthew had finished and pulled out, the student guy pulled up his pants and left the cubicle. Nothing happened for a few minutes and then someone came into the next cubicle and shut the door. Matthew and I looked at each other as a few seconds later, a big, thick, black cock came through the hole. Matthew had once told me that he had never been with a black guy so I was not surprised when he bent over and took the cock into his mouth. I began to play with Matthew's arse again and this time I rubbed some lube into his hole and pushed my finger up his hole as he sucked the black guy. It was all very horny, but I was not expecting what happened next. Matthew stood up, turned round, took hold of the guy's cock and backed his arse onto it! He groaned as the guy began to fuck him and then he bent forward, a look of both agony and ecstasy on his face as the guy began to really fuck him. Matthew bent further forward and I had a great view of the black guy's big bare cock thrusting up Matthew's arse. Matthew was being fucked really hard now and judging by the sounds coming from the next cubicle, the black guy was cumming heavily up his unprotected arse. After a minute or two, the fucking started again, and it was only when Matthew bent forward again that I realised he was now being fucked by a second guy - a white guy with a nice long, thick cock. Matthew was moaning and playing with himself as the second guy fucked him and then noisily added his load to the black guy's. I was certainly seeing a side of Matthew I never thought I would see - even more so when he pulled off the cock that had just fucked him and bent over the little shelf at the back of the cubicle - pushing his arse up and looking over his shoulder. I didn't waste any time - I was up Matthew in a few seconds and I enjoyed every minute of fucking his fit, hairy arse - especially as I knew that before today he had only ever been fucked by his boyfriend. I fucked him hard and fast and before long I squirted what felt like a massive load up Matthew's arse. When we left the Vault, we went for a meal and then we went back home. Almost as soon as he was in the door, Matthew's pants were down and he was bent over as I fucked him again and pumped another load up him. We showered and then slept together. The next morning Matthew was a bit quiet and he barely said anything as I drove him to the station. I hoped he wasn't regretting what he had done the day before. I wondered very much if his raunchy bareback experiences would be a one off and if he would go back to being faithful and playing safe. He didn't!29 points
It’s 6pm, I have no plans, and I’m off for the next 3 days. In a good slut fashion, I message a dom top daddy that I’ve known for a while. He’s around mid 40s, and is as kinky as one could imagine. There’s something so hot about the way he blows clouds….whether it's the way he holds the pipe, letting me know that he’s a professional at blowing clouds or how quickly he turns into a beast as soon as the T enters his system. This is the same daddy that is mentioned in my first story “After 4 years I finally decided to be a TINA PIG AGAIN”. It’s 8pm and I arrive at his place. When I enter I take off my clothes and head to the room where he’s waiting for me with his big cloudy dick ready to be serviced. I’m wearing a black jock-strap which makes my ass look plump — with me I have a backpack that has all my essentials. It includes poppers, lube, pantyhose, fishnets, dildos, and much more. I begin to suck his big cock while he hits the pipe, I savor his cock slowly, inch by inch. I’m not just sucking his cock, I’m making love to it and he’s loving every second of it. I hop in the shower and prep myself. If I’m being honest, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to party, the thought of it was so hot, but for a brief second I was unsure. I come out of the shower and he’s sitting upwards with his cock rock hard and hitting the pipe. “Now it’s my turn to get spun” I say jokingly, but at this point, I’m unsure if I’m joking or not. He pulls out a tiny bag that is filled with shards of T and at this point, I know what’s going to happen. He hands me two small shards of T and I bend over and slide them deep inside my ass. The burning feeling is almost instantaneous, followed by the throbbing sensation of my hole. I’m on all fours with my chest low to the bed allowing gravity to work its magic and push the shards deeper in me. Within 20 min, my hands become sweaty and my feet and body begin to tingle. It’s hard to explain to those who’ve never had a booty bump or partied, what a strong and powerful feeling takes over your body. I could feel my hole loosening up and getting wet on its own. I can feel every inch of my body become aroused and stimulated. My mind begins to wander into lustfulness and I start to think about the kinkiest fantasies that have been buried in the back of my mind, waiting for this exact moment to reveal themselves. I hit the poppers and let the intense head-high take over and I focus on worshipping that big dick that lies in front of me. I’m instructed to just use my mouth and tongue and take my time caressing that cock with my mouth. I begin to tell him how amazing his cock is, how honored it feels to be pleasing him. The drug is working its magic and the craving of cock in my ass grows stronger. For a brief moment, I wonder how high I’d have to get fisted, but It’s not at the top of my list right now. I grab the luge and apply a generous amount on the tip of my fingers and slide them deep inside my hole. I glide my dildo in me, taking deep breaths to help me open up more and tada, it’s deep in me and fuck it feels amazing. There’s so many different feelings that I’m experiencing all at once: the obvious high of meth, the poppers making my body hot, and the dildo pressing against my G spot. As the night progresses, I feel more and more euphoric and I continue to make love to his dick. I will say, Tina makes me very jittery and makes me move around a lot. I’ll let you imagine what else happened as the night carried on, but fast forward it’s 2am and I have switched over from cocksucker to a masseur. He gets on his stomach and places a big pillow underneath him, allowing his ass to lift air. Fuck, he has such a nice fat ass and I burry my face in there and make love to his hole, it tastes delicious. We sniff poppers at the same time and both feel the amazing rush take over, I can see his body relaxing and sinking into the bed. After a while of eating his ass and sucking his cock from the back, he lays down flat and I begin to massage his body. First his feet, followed by his thighs, and then his upper body. Occasionally, I suck his cock while rubbing his body and I think that shows him that even though I have a slutty side, I am also tender and gentle. Despite him not breeding my throbbing hole, It felt good knowing that I was pleasuring his body by making love to every inch of him. It’s now 3:25 am and we are both still very high, but it’s time for me to go. He asks where I’m going next and I tell him I’m going to the bathhouse to see how many raw loads I can take. Before walking out the door, he hands me a small piece of toilet paper and inside are several shards of T, he tells me to be a good slut and get on all fours the entire night. I get to the bathhouse at 4:00am and it doesn’t look too busy. There’s a few cars parked outside so I know that there’s definitely some horny guys inside. Interesting enough, I’ve always enjoyed going to the bathhouse late at night. I feel that even though it’s not as crowded, there’s always some kinky guys waiting around the corner. I sit in my car for a minute and start thinking if I should be regretting all of this. I gotta stop doing this shit, I’m my own enemy My own downfall But I am also whore at heart, especially when I’m spun. After Tina enters my hole and nestles itself in there I enter into a cationic state of sheer excitement. Every part of my body tingles beyond control — like earth's tectonic plates do when they meet face to face. My hole is burning, but not in the way that hurts, at least not yet. More like a lustful, stimulated way. I begin the pendulum of choice Good vs. Bad - Right vs. Wrong. I once again ask myself if this is really what I want, if I want to surrender myself to meth and let guys see how nasty I can be. I can see a guy staring at me as he sits in his car next to me and I’m trying not to act weird, but when you just had shards of T up your ass…it's kinda hard. I look away, but I can still feel him staring at me. I hear the car door slam and through the corner of my eye, I see him walk up to my window. I’m so fucking high and it’s so obvious (maybe not) I look around to see if no one else is watching or if there’s no security and without hesitation, I open my door and bend over. “Fuck yea you dirty slut I can tell you’re spun asf, I saw your ad on sniffies” he says. I remember that before leaving my friend's house, I posted an ad on sniffies saying I was spun and would be at the bathhouse taking raw loads. He pounds my loose hole for about 10 min in the parking lot, slapping my ass and calling me a good high slut. The thrill of getting caught is so hot, I could care less; however, he says we should go inside. We go inside and I pay for a room so that way if someone wants privacy we can use my room. I go into my room and place my belongings inside the locker and then head to the showers. As I’m rinsing off, I see several guys pass by and look at me…maybe they know I’m high and know I’ll offer my hole to anyone. After the shower, I dry off and put on my jockstrap and head to my room to grab my poppers and lube. I’m so horny oh my god, I can’t control the thoughts of getting my hole destroyed. I grab my stuff and walk to the back of the bathhouse which is a big open area for communal play. I lube my hole up and sniff some poppers and I get on all fours. Within minutes, I can feel a big dick entering my hole “fuck yea, breee me please” I beg and he pounds away. I see another guy standing behind him awaiting his turn to pound my sleazy hole, then another guy and another. There’s maybe about 10 dudes around me watching in awe as I take dick after dick, waiting patiently to churn my sloppy hole. I don’t care who’s fucking me, I don’t even bother looking back, I just know that I want my hole wrecked by every guy in here. It’s now around 7am and I’ve been getting fucked non-stop, cock after cock have entered my hole. Some guys have pounded me slow and steady, while others have used me like a rag. I have gotten fucked inside my room, in the theater room, the sauna, the glory-hole, I’ve offered my cummy methed up hole to anyone. I rinse off again and join a group of guys in the hot tub, i'm almost positive that they’ve each fucked me and know I’m a spun slut. It’s so awkward because I can literally feel them staring at me and I try not to make eye contact. However, the urge for cock grows more and more. I get out of the hot tub and dry myself — putting on my jockstrap slowly so they can see my ass. I walk away and take a glance at them and walk into another dark room that’s adjacent to the hot tub. There’s an older man in there with a 8 inch cock, I know he parties because he looks spun like I do. I hit the poppers real deep and get on all fours and begin to worship his cock. I hear the water splashing and footsteps approaching, and I know my hole is about to be wrecked once again. There’s nothing on my mind but worshipping the big cock that’s in front of me and making sure my back is arched as much as possible, providing easy access for any raw dick. It's now around 3pm, I’ve been here for almost 11 hours and I’m still not ready to go. I have accepted that I’m a Tina loving whore and that my purpose is to get spun and offer my hole to anyone. I head to the showers to rinse off again, then to my room where I grab the shards of T and put another 2 pieces deep in my hole. I’ll let you imagine what happened after that. I hope you enjoyed reading this story about another real and epic experience of me transforming into a slutty party whore.29 points
This is my first try at erotica, and I know my grammar is shit. let me know what you think of this! I looked at the phone again, while pulling out a few clothing options. The message was simple - "I'm down with getting high, and hooking up - no discrimination here" from a profile of a furry, buff torso. I was intrigued. My experience with drugs was central to pot but meth and Molly were on the fringe. I had popped ecstasy once, snorted Molly, and meth wasn't something I was keen on. Yet. I always kept a bottle of poppers on me, and I certainly loved getting fucked while popperbating with my partner, but the side effects weren't great. A month prior to this text, I had a messy, embarrassing and odd experience with a guy near my house after trying to slam MDMA. I had ugly blotches on my skin, and my fear of needles was renewed; My skin couldn't take the slam, and without any kind of rush, the sex was uncomfortable fever dream. The first text was harmless, and in response to me showing interest in his profile on Grindr. "You look really cute, want to meet up and smoke up?" His profile was brief. Dominant top, and the thumbs up emoji next to a leaf. Under that, was a rocket emoji. The pics however, got me hard in seconds. His body was lean, but he had broad shoulders. His expansive, muscled chest was covered in a dense mat of grey and black fur,, which continued down to his underwear, which was stretched out entirely. I couldn't make out the size of his cock, but the bulge told me enough; he was hung, and hairy. I slipped a few fingers into my underwear and rubbed myself, working myself to lust over him. Work had been hectic, so I pinged him back "sure" to which he replied back. "How comfortable are you with a three way?" in honesty, I wasn't comfortable with them, but he was furry, older and his bulge looked enticing, so I shrugged and texted him back. "I haven't really hooked up with a lot of people to try out a threesome, but I'm passive and I always allow someone dominant to take the lead" I was biting down on my lip, my foot tapping away. "Don't worry, we won't do anything you aren't comfortable with, and better yet, you can speak to the other guy if you have any worries" he sent over a number and a name, and waited for me to text him back. At this point, I wanted him, I wanted pot, and I wanted sex. "I'll ping him, alright. By the way, I'm not fit, like you. A bit husky, in fact. I could send a few pictures, but they're all nudes. let me know if you'd like to see them?" "Sure" While I waited for his consent, I texted the other guy who responded almost Immediately, asking for my nudes and pictures. He sent his, and he was beautiful. His body was smooth, but muscled and cut, skin dark and his cock was uncut and lightly veined. I wanted both of them in me. I sent the same couple of pics over to the furry daddy, and sat at the edge of my bed, waiting for their replies. I'm not built all buff and muscled, but I'm on the huskier side and in my early twenties. I have curves where one could have rock hard muscles, and my body was slightly voluptuous when I undressed. Whenever I messaged men who looked like these two, I felt my insecurity build up, but I dismissed the thought. "You look amazing. Let me show you what daddy looks like naked, boy" I felt a shiver run down my spine, to the tip of my cock. It was massive; ten inches hard, with a veins all over, thick and surrounded by neat, dense pubic hair. I had to feel him in me. His balls were massive, draping the underneath of the his hard cock and at the base, he wore a thick stainless steel cock ring. I was completely hard now, and my pants were on the floor. My shirt was pulled up, my legs spread open and a finger rolling a nipple. Fuck, I needed him. "You really are hot! When can I come over to your place?" I wasn't ready to call him daddy yet, but it was on the tip of my tongue. "Freshen up, and come over in an hour, let me get ready as well. I'll keep the door unlocked for you" He dropped a pin a few other details of his hotel and told me to walk right in. the next few seconds were a blur. I picked up my poppers, a fresh pair of shorts, a shirt and bolted to the bathroom to prep myself. It took me a good hour to trim the short hairs on my body, leaving me smooth all over, and a few minutes in that to douche my hole. I slipped a few fingers in, and my hole relaxed. I grinned to myself; I was ready. I spritzed myself with some mild perfume and deodorant, slipped a few condoms, lube and a joint into my travel kit and paused at the front door. I slipped off my shorts, chucked my underwear into the laundry bin and slipped the shorts back on. NOW I was ready. I hailed a cab, and as I hopped on, sent him a text "On my way, see you soon!" To which he responded with a thumbs up. As I made my way there, I kept flipping back to the pictures, looking at his naked body. I was hard again, and my hole throbbed. The hotel wasn't hard to find, and after crossing the lobby, I leapfrogged up the stairs to his floor. My eyes wandered around the corridor, looking for his room number and I zeroed in on the last door. I took a deep breath, and knocked. A voice from inside yelled out to me enter. His voice was deep, and it cracked, indicating his age. I slipped in, my heart hammering in my ribcage. The room itself was alright - two beds, a couple of bags on the floor and by a study, mellow artwork on the walls. My eyes roved around the room searching for something more, some identifier of this man. Hi voice boomed out again "I'm just taking a quick shower, why don't you smoke some pot? I've left a joint near the TV for you. I'll be out in a minute." I found the joint and lit it, sitting at on the edge of the twin bed, ash tray next to me. The pot was alright, but mine was better. I put it out an pulled mine out and lit it, taking a deep drag and exhaling a plume of smoke upwards. The bathroom door opened up, and he emerged in a haze of steam and pot vapour. his face was covered in a thick, large beard, and he had shaved his head. He was taller than me, and he looked a bit older, but nothing deceptive. His cock was soft, but it pushed his underwear to its limits, a few tufts of hair poking out form the sides. "Hi" he said, wiping himself down, smiling at me. I was in a daze, and I smiled back. "Hi" His hand stretched out and he patted my cheek and grinned. "You really are cute. Exactly like your pics" I blushed. "I mean, you're hotter than the pics. I love older men, particularly hairy bald daddies like you" I blushed harder, after calling him daddy. I never got used to it. He laughed, deep and with timbre and pulled me up for a soft, quick kiss. "I'm so happy you're here. the other guy wasn't very keen, so he backed out. It's just you and me today, so we can take our time" he took the joint from me and took a long drag, exhaling the smoke past my opened lips, his tongue dabbing them and flicking back in. I smiled, my eyes half lidded. "I preferred it if it were just us, either way." I kissed him back and placed a hand on his chest, feeling it rise. As he deepened the kiss, his large hand wrapped around the back of my head. The kiss was urgent, and I felt his beard brush over my face. I whimpered softly, my lust for him overriding my senses. He broke the kiss slowly, the tips of tongues tapping each other and he gently pushed me down on the bed. "Let me get dressed, and let's grab some dinner. Works for you?" I was mildly stoned by now and a smile erupted over my lips, and I nodded, dazed. He slipped on a T shirt, and pulled up a pair of shorts, but my eyes were on that bulge and how it pushed up as he slid into the shorts. "I know you want it, but be patient, we have the entire night and the day tomorrow." he was watching me, and behind the grin, his eyes were dark and filled with hunger. He wanted me as well. "I don't eat much when I bottom, but I don't mind grabbing a juice or something else" He nodded and picked up the hotel phone, ordering a few things while he kept his eyes on me and a hand on his bulge, rolling a thumb over it. Order completed, he placed the phone back and pulled the study chair to face me, plucking the joint from my hands and taking a drag. "What do you do?" I lit the other joint and looked back at him. "I'm an architect, but I've just begun working. What about you?" His eyebrow raised with appreciation. "That's pretty cool. I'm a life coach, but I run a small textile firm as well. I'm down in town for a small conference, where I have a talk." I nodded, and took a short drag, exhaling upwards. "So are you ready to get high today?" he asked, his eyes watching me closely, as he blew out a plume of smoke. I nodded, meekly. I was blushing like a virgin. His grin was back and his hand ran along my thigh as he leaned in. "I will fuck you so hard today, it will be worth it." I was hard as a rock now, biting down on my bottom lip and staring at him with desire in my eyes. He grabbed the joint from me and put them both out and stood up exhaling deeply. I watched him as he opened up his luggage and pulled out a few stoppered jars and a small plastic bottle of some homeopathic medication. "It's not medicine, if that's what you were thinking. When I fly, I just stuff a few chunks of meth in here so that nobody could figure it out, and it's worked so far." He proceeded to open the bottle and pull out a fluff of cotton and shook it, showing me what lay inside. "Have you tried meth? I keep at least five to six grams on me at all times, and the stuff I have is pure." I shook my head. "I've just begun exploring MDMA, but after the last time I tried it, I've been avoiding it." His eyes glimmered with a fraction of disappointment, but he shook it away and smiled. "Well, I do have some ecstasy and MDMA. How about we try that?" I wasn't averse to it, so I told him it was fine. He pulled out a small kit from his bag and took out a few packets. One had crushed powder like shards, and the other was brown, and sticky looking. The third had a few bluish pills, and he took one of them out of the packet, placing it on a small mirror. He crushed the blue pill with a credit card and smushed it until four lines remained. "Care to do a few lines with me?" he had me kneel down before him, with his legs on either side. The heat was palpable here. At this point, my skin was hot and my throat dry. I leaned back into his open legs and looked up, and he passed a short straw into my hands. He had taken two hits already, and his cock was hard and pressing into my back. I gulped and bent over, snorting the two lines. It burned for a few seconds, but he assured me, that was the right reaction. Hi voice was husky and low now and he took my hand and placed it over his expanding bulge. "Feel me, boy. I'm so hard for you right now." my hands felt the tightness of his his shorts as his cock throbbed in my hands, and in that moment, all I could feel was his need for me. He turned my head upwards to him and asked me a question in a softer tone, while he kept my hand on his bulge. "Fuck dinner. Have you slammed before?" "No. Not well, maybe." My mind was blank as he arose, while I lay kneeling and he unbuttoned his shorts. "Inhale me, boy". I tentatively held on to his thighs and pressed my lips into the arching bulge, inhaling the scent of the soap, mild sweat, and intoxicating precum. "Let me slam you, boy" I pulled back. "Well, it's just that I have sensitive skin, so when anyone jabs me in the forearm my skin bruises easily." "I don't need to slam you there." He pulled me up and slid a hand into my shorts, worming his palm between my ass cheeks. I exhaled as his fingers found my hole and he rolled his index over it, all the while kissing my neck. The ecstasy was working, as I opened up my body to him and his index slipped inside my cunt. He exhaled, a light growl in his voice. "Trust me, boy. I won't harm you at all. Let me do this for you, just trust me." A moan escaped my lips as he pushed my hand into his underwear and pushed his turgid cock into my hand. "I want you, and you want me. Let's just let go and have nothing holding us back." He peppered urgent, hot kisses along my neck and arched his buttock upwards, sliding his ten inch cock, wet with precum, through my palm. I gasped softly as he pushed another finger into my cunt and biting my lip, eyes lidded, I nodded my assent. Growling, he pulled my face to his and kissed me, his fingers gently slipping out of my hole. We backed away from each other, faces flushed and in heat. I glanced to my side, where a full wall mirror reflected my sluttiness. My lips were moist, my hair disheveled, and my eyes were hungry. I could trust him. I think I really could. "Sit." he commanded, pulling up a pillow and motioning before him. I gave him my hand and sat down, and he pulled out a strap and two large syringes. Both were filled up. "You might be new to this, but your body can tolerate a higher dose. Don't worry, I've done this enough times to know." "How much?" I enquired as he tightened the strap around the base of the wrist and pulled up the syringe with a light brown, clear liquid. "Don't worry. I would typically start you out with eight units, but given we have today and tomorrow, I'm giving you twelve." he scrutinised the needle and tapped it, raising it to the light. "I need to make sure there are no bubbles, so you won't be harmed. Just remember, I won't do anything top harm you." he smiled at me and caressed my face. "Clench your fist a few times for me, lightly" I gave him a shaky smile in return and continued to observe him. He ran his long fingers along the ridges around my knuckles and after a few second, located a vein. "This area of the hand is tricky, given the nerves here. The effect is the same, though." He pulled out an alcohol swab and rubbed it along the area and looked up at me. "Alright now. This will pinch for a second, but do exactly as I say." I nodded again. He pushed the tip of syringe into my skin along the enlarged vein, hands steady. A small puff of blood appeared at near the point within the liquid and he whispered, "Slowly, open the strap." breathing heavily, I did as he asked, the strap falling away on the pillow. He pulled the plunger a bit, and blood poured into the syringe. "Good work." and pushed it in, slowly. I felt no pain, just mild discomfort. it felt like cold water had been poured into my hand as he depressed the plunger to the base. He pulled another alcohol pad and placed it over the injection point and looked up at, pulling it out. "Hold down on this spot, gently, and raise your arm." The last time I tried this out, I felt nothing, and had no idea what was coming. A cough escaped my lips and I felt something warm, hot and different. My skin exploded into a million sensations as a cold and warm blanket surrounded my brain. My cock and cunt throbbed and I felt lust, and empathy, and as I locked eyes with him, complete hunger for this absolute daddy before me. "You alright?" he asked, predatory eyes locked in on my convulsions. I gasped out a few words but I was otherwise incoherent. He smiled again and walked to the bathroom, switching off the bedroom light, bathing the room in a soft amber glow. "Get comfortable boy. I'm going to slam and join you." I moaned and nodded, getting on the bed and peeling off my clothes. I arched my back on the bed, running fingers along the length of my body tweaking and pulling at my cock, pinching down on a nipple. The moment the air touched my skin, I felt liquid explode out of my soft cock, sticky and clear. I had an orgasm, and another. My mind was exploding, and so was my body. In the light of the washroom, I watch him slide the needle into his forearm and plunge down the stopper, his head kicking back. This daddy, an example of raw, animal masculinity was going to fuck me. His head snapped back and he looked at me, lips open. In the background, light tantric music played, elevating our desire for each other. He took off his shirt and watching my eyes, slid off his shorts, letting his large, uncut cock slap against his torso, leaving a trail of clear sticky fluid. Naked, he was glorious. In a deep, thick voice he commanded me. "Lie backwards, and drop your head on the edge." I slid over to him and did as he asked, awaiting for our skin to connect. His cock up close was drooling precum and it smelled musky and sweaty. Without a need for words, he slid his massive cock into my mouth, pushing past my tongue, the tip searching for my gullet. "Relax you body, my boy" he growled, holding my hands and intertwining our fingers, as his cock reach the back of my throat and after mild resistance, pushed back into me entirely. This elicited a deep, rumbling moan from him as he exhaled slowly, arching his buttocks into my face, slowly, until the base of his cock ring clinked against my teeth. Saliva filled my mouth and smeared my lips, as he began deepthroating me, groaning as he enjoyed my throat. He massive balls slapped my face and his dense pubes chafed my lips, but I was in bliss, and I wanted more. He might have sensed my need because he slowly pulled out, relishing the heat and wetness of my mouth and looked down at me, pupils dilated and face flush with animal lust. "I need to fuck you, boy. I want us to be connected." He rolled me over and pulled my legs to the corner of the bed , pulling me up. I was in a world of my own, and the anticipation of his cock against my cunt was filling me up to the brim. He rummaged around and dabbed some lubricant on my cunt, his fingers dancing around the hole. Slowly, in a tight voice, "Open up you hole, boy. I'm going to fuck you now." I exhaled, a hot explosion of air from me as my palm pulled my cheeks open, leaving my pussy open. He was massive. But after the slam, I was relaxed. His thick cockhead eased past the lips of my hole open and his gasped as the tip of cock slowly slid in. "Now I need for you to trust me, baby. Open up to me entirely, and you will enjoy this more than you ever could." My eyes had rolled back up, and my back was arched, with the bottom of his palm on the base of my back. Slowly, gently, he pushed in further, his bare, naked cock slipping past my hole and slowly pressing into the opening of my sigmoid. he leaned in, his furry chest and body drizzling a light amount of sweat on my back. "Open up, baby. Let me in." I gasped and relaxed my muscles, and he slid in, he thick pubic hair brushing my hole. We were frozen there, connected as ours nerves ignited. We were linked on a deep, primal way. No protection. No qualms. Just a man and another man conjoined. He slid out a bit, and back, stretching me out, my hole moist and wide. "I can feel all of you, hot, wet and bare around me baby. My cock is so deep inside you, and I love it." he pulled out further and began moving faster, rubbing his swollen glans along a point in my hole. I was only a mess of moans and gasps, but now, I cried out, gasping in sharp, short breaths as he slid his slimy cockhead over my prostate. "How does feel, boy? my cock on your prostate?" he grasped my arms and locked them behind my back and began moving fasted, droplets of sweat peppering my back as he slid in an out of my pussy, filling the room with wet, squelching sounds as we fucked like animals. I felt droplets and then a stream of thick, viscous liquid splatter from my hardening cock as orgasm over orgasm rolled over me, my prostate sending me into a trance.29 points
@negchaserlooking Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 @kitpig You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed it! @CRKLTHRWLF I try 🙂 @nymidtowneast Isn't he? @pozpopperpig Maybe. Who knows just how far it goes? 😛 @plisken Summer education, at its finest. @billy88666 Sounds fun. Who knows what he's going to taught....? @Medwaym Heh... good. 🙂 @KinkyTallBottom I think we all are. 😉 @CigarManLondon Glad you're enjoying the story so far. Who knows what firsts Riley might encounter...? @HappyPozBoy Oh, he will be. There is a lesson plan in the works. 😉 @GrayWolfBln I mean, there is definitely a chance that's where he goes. Fun picture btw. 😉 Anyways, time for another update. Had a lot of fun writing this. Kind of worried it's slow in a few spots, but I promise, it's worthwhile. As always, feel free to post any suggestions, I read them and comment on every single one. Enjoy! -------- Lesson 4: The Science of Rapid Skill Acquisition I woke up, blearily turning over and looking at the clock, brightly displaying 7:15 in its soft neon blue glow. Grateful to see the I hadn’t overslept despite the difficult night sleeping with the plug firmly planted inside my ass, I turned over with a sigh. Once again, my cock was rock hard, due to the ever present plug in my ass stabbing my prostate with every movement. Slowly sitting up, I let out a slight groan as the hard silicone slide against my throughly pummeled ass walls. Gingerly, I walked over to my dirty laundry bin before finally deciding on a mostly clean, but well worn pair of grey sweatpants, hissing as I felt the plug slide around some more as I bent over and pulled the pants on. I let out a slight jump as I heard a knock at the bedroom door. “Hey bro, awake yet?” I heard my brother, Ryan, call out from behind the door, “I got work in about 45 mins, so I’m gonna head out. Bathroom is all yours.” I stood for a second, trying to remember why he was home before finally remembering how mom and dad said he would be back in town this summer himself for some internship at some design firm. Ryan was about 2 years older than me, already a senior in college. A lot of people swore we were twins as we both looked extremely similar, with the only real difference being I was slightly shorter than him, and the mole on his left cheek. Nothing like our older sister, who lived downtown with her new fiancé in some fancy high-rise. “Did you hear me,” he called out, breaking me out of my my train of thought. “Oh, um…” I said, dumbly, my mind still not fully awake, “Thanks Ryan. Still waking up, sorry. Hey, is there any coffee left?” “Yeah man, Dad and Mom left already for work and left a list of things to do,” he said, as he slowly began to walk down the stairs loudly, “I’ll take the trash out, if you can get the other stuff done. I’m heading out now so I can get in early.” Ever the suck-up, I snickered to myself. It had been that way ever since high school, where I’d been the more popular kid and making friends with everyone while not caring as much on grades, he was the one who was loved by all the teachers, graduated near the top of the class, and was ever the responsible, if not a little stuck up one. Hearing the front door slam shut followed by the muted sound of the trash bin being pulled to the curb, I slowly hobbled into the hallway before making my way to the bathroom, grateful I wouldn’t have to explain why I was walking so strangely. I turned on the shower, and slowly stepped under the warm spray as I let my mind drift to last night. My mind drifted under the warm spray of water as I thought about each of the men taking turns on my hole, begging them to flood my hole with their toxic loads while I smoked their cigars. I was still surprised at myself at how ok I was with it, knowing that any fuck from the two could be the one to convert me. Slowly, my hand drifted to my ass, blocked by the large plug lodged firmly inside. Slowly I began to tug on it, feeling as my ass refused to let go as the large bulbous part. I could feel the remains of their poz loads swirl around inside me, being worked into my ass walls with each release of the plug. Slowly, I felt myself slowly get worked up to point of wanting to cum. Finally, I stopped, not wanting to shoot yet another load yet, a part of me curious as to what was in store for me this morning for having completed their task. Quickly I soaped myself down, rinsed off and stepped out the shower, and reached for the towel. Annoyed I discovered that once again, my older brother had taken the last towel in the bathroom. Shivering slightly, I quickly stepped out into the cool air of the hallway, shivering slightly as I cooled off quickly. As I walked, a trail of water dripped off me. I tensed up suddenly when I heard a slam of the front door. “Hey Riley,” I heard my brother yell, quickly making his way upstairs, “I forgot my messenger bag, do you see it anywhere up there?” Shit shit shit…. I thought to myself in a panic, quickly grabbing a towel out of the linen closet and wrapping myself in it. Just in time as well, as the second I wrapped myself in the towel, Ryan came from around the corner in the hallway, looking around in a rush. “Oh, hey,” I said, my voice tight as I felt my hole tighten up around the plug in my panic, “You, uh, left me without a towel again, you dick.” Not paying any attention, he went storming into his room as I quickly made my way back to the bathroom, limping slightly at the feeling of the plug slamming into my ass with each step, somehow plunging even deeper into my help. Ryan quickly came back out of his room in a rush, triumphantly holding up his bag. “Yeah, sorry man, I forgot in my rush to get ready,” he said, pulling the bag across his shoulder, before stopping and staring at me for a moment. I stopped suddenly, looking at him, feeling the cold water drip off me and pool onto the floor. “You ok there, you’re walking kind of funny,” he asked, a look of concern on his face. “Oh, uh, yeah, I’m fine…” I said, quickly forcing myself to come up with a lie on the spot, “Just slipped a little in the tub and tweaked my back a little bit. I’ll be fine in a few minutes.” Apparently satisfied with the story, he rushed around me, before storming back down the stairs. “Gotta be more careful, “ he called out behind him, “Don’t forget the list. Oh! And mom and dad are taking us and new love couple out to dinner tonight. Rachel will blow a gasket if your late. Be ready by 6.” “Will do,” I gritted out, as I stood there for a second, before finally hearing the door slam shut again. I let out a relieved sigh, before walking back into the bathroom. Looking down, I saw the white jock, now with a small slightly off-white yellow spot forming on the front, most likely from me leaking cum in it all night. Remembering that they wanted me to wear it all summer and to not wash it, I pulled it back on, feeling the slightly crisp feeling of the dried cum scrape across my sensitive cock head. Picking up my phone on the sink, I let out a quick curse under my breath, realizing who close it already was to 8am. Quickly, I dried off the rest of the way, tossing the towel over the shower curtain rod, and rushed into my room, before haphazardly pulling on a white tank top and pair of cut off sweatpants from high school, before sliding my feet into an old pair of flip flops. Grabbing my keys and my phone, I rushed out the door quickly checking the door was locked before walking as fast as I could to Mike and Greg’s house. ——— Finally stepping up their front door, I rang the doorbell, inwardly regretting having rushed all the way over, my ass now throbbing around the plug that had been bouncing around in my hole in my haste. Suddenly the door, opened, with Greg meeting me at the door. “Two minutes to spare, boy,” he grinned, looking down at his watch, “Mike and I thought maybe you got cold feet.” Catching my breath, I just shook my head, feeling as sweat slowly dripped down the side of my face. The struggle really had been real, feeling the plug slamming my prostate repeatedly with each rushed step. The first few had literally caused me to nearly stumble and fall. Apparently, even with the plug up my ass all night was not enough to get me used to it. Following Greg into the basement, I saw Mike standing near the sling. Wearing a buttoned up shirt and pair of dress slacks, the juxtaposition of of his hard, pierced meat sticking out of unzipped pants was a sight to behold. “Got to leave soon, babe,” he said, slowly tugging on his quickly hardening meat, “Let’s get him up there in the sling and see if the pig followed his instructions.” “Oh trust me, I’m sure he did,” Greg chuckled, pulling my pants down immediately, revealing the now slightly soiled white jock and my exposed ass, the base of the plug sticking firmly out, “Fucker here nearly toppled over when he hopped down his front step. Felt that plug dig deep in there, didn’t you, pig?” I could only groan as Greg playfully jiggled the plug in my ass, the tip jabbing my bruised and abused prostate. I dumbly followed as Greg now grabbed my tank top and pulled me over to the sling before pushing me back towards it. Unable to do it myself, I felt as Greg helped me into the sling as Mike walked up to my ass. Mike then pulled out a large pipe and odd looking lighter from his pants pocket before bringing the pipe up to his mouth and flicked the lighter to life, bring the flame to the bowl and began puffing the pipe to life. As I watched the scene, Greg expertly placed each of my feet into the rests. Satisfied that the pipe was lit, Mike kneeled down next to my hole, letting out several puffs of the pipe before inhaling the pipe, letting the smoke shoot out of his nose as he exhaled Firmly, he grabbed onto the base, before starting to tug gently on it. “Let’s see how good of a pig Riley here was,” he said, increasing the amount he pulled on the plug, “Pig, I want you to bear down like you’re taking a shit. I want to see if were a good boy and kept our gifts safe up there.” I nodded, more than ready to finally get the plug out of my ass. I grunted a little as I slowly felt the plug work out of my hole, Greg suddenly was at Mike’s side, now with a lit cigar in his mouth and a second unlit one sticking out of the pocket of his t-shirt, also kneeling as they both watched the plug slowly get worked out of my ass, and with a final audible plop, the plug came out. Instantly, I could feel the cold air inside my gaping hole as Mike held up the plug in triumph. I looked and saw the massive plug in his hand, glistening with what had to be my ass juices and the remains of their loads. “Fucking look at that gaping hole,” Greg said appreciatively, suddenly dipping a few fingers in, running them around the perimeter of the ring of my open ass, “Give us a little push. We want to see your hole bloom and drool out some of our toxic load.” I complied, bearing down harder as I felt my ass open a little more as I felt a wetness began to slide down my tailbone before dripping off on the floor. “Shit yeah,” Mike growled, suddenly standing up, slowly working his free hand on his now extremely hard cock, “Good job boy, leaving our toxic loads up there to knock your vigrin jock butt up.” Suddenly, Mike sank balls deep into my ass, easily bottoming out in my now well stretched hole, causing me only to gasp in surprise. Quickly he began to fuck me hard and fast. “Gotta get to work,” he said, he muttered, puffing away on his pipe as he slammed repeatedly in my ass, “I’ll drop quick morning load up that juicy jock hole and then Greg is gonna have some fun with you.” I nodded, curious as to what Greg might have in store for me as relaxed back and enjoyed the sensation of Mike expertly slamming my hole, smoking the pipe in his mouth. Each thrust knocked my breath out. I laid there in silence, listening to the grunts coming from Mike, as well as the sound of skin slapping. I could feel his large cock slamming hard and deep inside me as I watched the bear of a man tower over me destroying my hole, smoke billowing out of his pipe. I began to squeeze my hole with each thrust, enjoying the feeling and seeing Mike smile and nod. “Fuck,” Mike groaned, his head tipping back as he picked up his pace, “I’m getting fucking close. Tell Daddy where you want his dirty bear cum at.” “Fucking breed me Daddy,” I groaned, loosing myself in the scene as his cock begin to swell a little in my now stretched out ass, “Flood my ass with your toxic cum and make me your son, sir!” Suddenly, felt Mike slam as hard as he could into my ass, his cock buried deep as I felt his cock jerk hard, shooting volley after volley of HIV positive cum deep into my unprotected ass. Our eyes locked and Mike growled, nodding at me while starting intensely at me. “Take my toxic DNA, boy,” he groaned puffing hard on the pipe as he continued shooting deep in my ass, “Take every fucking drop of daddy’s superior jizz.” Finally, with a shudder, Mike pulled out of my ass, before walking over to my head. “Fuck I needed that. Clean Daddy’s cock so he can go to work, boy,” he said, shaking is slimy cock at me expectantly. I immediately started to suck and lick his cock clean, turned on at the dirty talk and feeling of his cum slowly dripping out of my destroyed ass. Satisfied it was clean enough, Mike pulled away, stowing away his cock and walking up to Greg. “Have fun, babe,” he said, smiling after locking lips with Greg, and with that, went rushing up the stairs. “See you tonight babe,” Greg called back, before walking over to my ass and slowly rubbing my balls through the jock, now soaked with my precum. We sat there for a few minutes as Greg slowly worked his cock with his hand and his other hand continued to rub my balls through the jock. Finally, Greg broke the silence. “Fuck you are so hot,” he said, pulling out the unlit cigar from his pocket. “Thanks,” I replied, unable to come up with anything better as he slowly rubbed one end of the cigar around on my jock, quickly getting the tip wet. “Guess it’s my turn now,” he said, grinning evilly at me. “Um… yeah. So, what are wanting to do?” I asked, watching as he slowly moved the jock the the side, before putting the cigar along side my dick and slowly started to stroke both. “Hmm,” Greg pondered aloud, “Good question. What DO I want to do, seeing as I have a hot young bug chasing slut in a sling before me?” I only could look at him quizzically, unsure where he was going with his thoughts. “I think I want to see you smoke a nice fat cigar like this one all on your own,” he said, suddenly holding up the cigar, now covered in my precum, “Show you all the fine pleasures of smoke sex today, and watch you feed those virgin lungs. That sound like fun, pig?” Suddenly, I felt Greg begin to fuck the end of the cigar into my cum dripping ass. I felt my cock get even harder, as it clearly liked the idea of even more sleazy sex. I smiled and nodded in approval. Pulling the cigar out of my ass, Greg leaned over me and stuck the cigar in my mouth, the flavor of Mike’s poz cum, my ass juices, and cigar tobacco mixing together on my taste buds. “First things first, I’m gonna teach you how to light up a cigar, pig,” Greg said, pulling out a lighter and setting it on my chest, “Go ahead and start sucking on that gar and light that fucker up.” I groaned around the cigar as I felt Greg slowly start to work several fingers into my ass, feeling as his nails occasionally caught on the tender flesh of my ass. Shakily, I fumbled a few times with the lighter before finally getting it lit. Grabbing my hand, Greg moved it to the tip of the cigar, before nodding at me. “Go ahead and start puffing, and with your free hand, start rotating it in your mouth,” he said, as he began to work a third finger into my sloppy ass as I follow this instructions, “Yeah, just light that. Get it evenly lit, and relax that sweet hole while Daddy Greg fingers Daddy Mike’s load into those soft pink guts. Help work our DNA into you and change you into our perfect son.” After a few tries, I finally got it well lit, puffing repeatedly as I had seen them both do the night before. Suddenly, Greg shoved a fourth finger into my hole, causing me to suck in a sudden breath of thick cigar smoke. I coughed hard, my lungs fighting the sudden assault of thick cigar smoke. I pulled the cigar out of my mouth as smoke escaped my throat in a large cloud with my hard coughing. “Fuck yeah, boy,” Greg growled, as he slowly began to work the four fingers around inside me, stretching them apart and scrapping his nails on the sides, “Daddy loves watching your lungs get fed cigar smoke for the first time. I’ll give you some nice poppers and fuck you nice and hard if you let me teach you to smoke like a real man.” Suddenly, he worked several fingers and began to press and rub on my prostate, causing my mind to melt as the sudden wave of pleasure and pain shook me to my core. “Oh shit… oh fuck…” I groaned, feel like I was either going to piss or shoot a massive load, “Any…. Anything for you Daddy.” Suddenly, he pulled out a bottle of poppers from his pocket and unceremoniously set them in the center of my chest. “You know what to do son,” Greg replied, pausing his manipulations on my prostate as I rushed to open the bottle, and began huffing on the poppers hard and fast. After several hits on the bottle, Greg seemed satisfied and took the bottle from me, taking a few deep hits himself. “Time to show Daddy how much you love smoking cigars, boy,” he growled, closing the poppers and setting them back on my chest, before pulling his fingers out of my ass, spitting on them and shoving them back in, “Suck that cigar smoke down and become like your Daddies.” I drew hard on the cigar, sucking hard on the fat cigar in my mouth and feeling as the thick acrid smoke flowed into my lungs, flooding them with pure cigar smoke. “Hold that smoke in boy, let it soak into those pink lungs boy,” Greg growled, grabbing onto my balls and squeezing them tightly as he dug his fingernails into my ass, “Don’t fucking cough it out. Fight the urge boy.” I held the smoke in, wincing as I felt his nails dig deeper into the tender walls of my ass, until finally Greg gave me a slight nod. I let out my breath, watching as the thick cloud of smoke billowed out of my nose and mouth. Following his lead, I took several more deep hauls on the cigar, breathing in when he dug his nails in, breathing out with his nods. Eventually, I began to start smoking the cigar hard and long on my own, as he fucked his fingers into me, his thumb slamming against the bottom of my balls, pressed hard against my taint. “Fuck yeah boy, now your smoking like a real man,” he grinned, following suit and easily sucking the cigar smoke deep into his own lungs, “You’re making Daddy very happy. Fucking wish I could really open your sweet hole up, but Daddy Mike wants to be here when we do that.” Suddenly, Greg pulled his fingers out of my hold, with a loud plop. Holding them up, he showed me the slight pink tinge coating his fingers before casually wiping his hand off on each ass check. “Yeah, you’re ready for daddy to fucking breed you now, pig,” he said, and without warning, slammed his hard cock deep inside me, “Don’t stop smoking that cigar, pig, or Daddy won’t give you any of his nasty cum.” I laid back and relaxed, letting Greg go to town on my ass as I focused on smoking the cigar down, occasionally stopping to huff some more poppers, before going right back to smoking the cigar again. Slowly, the cigar started to get shorter and shorter. I inwardly felt proud of myself, knowing I was giving Greg pleasure in seeing me smoke, as well as knowing I was doing something so trashy and twisted. “Fuck, you fucking ready pig,” Greg groaned, sweat pouring down his face as his strokes got shorter and faster, “Convince daddy on why you deserve his cum.” “Fuck dad, I want your cum in me so bad,” I groaned around the cigar, smoke pouring freely out of my mouth, “I want you to knock me up and turn me into your perfect boy. Let your DNA change me. Please, sir, please make me into your poz cumdump!” “FUCK,” he yelled, “I’m gonna shoot,. This might be the load that changes you forever. Tell daddy where to shoot it!” “Breed me, I want it!” I yelled, feeling my balls begin to boil as my cock threatened to erupt as well, “Shoot it in me so I can get pregnant!” Suddenly, Greg let out an incoherent yell, as he slammed as hard and fast in my ass as he could, my ass dripping with each shot as his load slowly began to squirt out around the sides of his dick. Just as quickly, my cock finally hit the point of no return and I felt as my first shot landed squarely in the center of my face, as I drew hard and long on the cigar, enjoying the rush of my ejaculation and the cigar smoke permeating my lungs. We both continued to shoot while smoking, unable to speak as both our cocks jerked hard. After about a minute, I finally felt my cock start to deflate, as with a whence, Greg pulled his dick out of my hole. “Fuck that was good!” Greg grinned, wiping his dick off with his fingers before wiping them on my hole, “Stay there for a second.” Unable to do anything except bonelessly lay there, I saw a flash light up the basement momentarily followed by the clicking sound of a camera. “Heh, Mike is going to be so jealous when I tell him I got you to smoke your first cigar on your own,” Greg chuckled to himself, typing something on his phone before I head the iconic whooshing sound as the message went on its way, “Told him he should have called in sick and joined in the fun.” I only nodded as Greg pulled out the cigar from my mouth, and dropped the now spent butt on the ground, before making out with me. We made out like that for a few minutes before we finally broke apart, and Greg helped me out of the sling. “Let’s hower, then you’ll need to head out,” he said, as I slowly got my legs, “Not that I wouldn’t love knocking your sexy ass up all day, but I got work and errands to run.” “Sure.” I said, with a sigh, definitely ready to clean up. ——— If I thought their kitchen was a work of art, the master bathroom clearly put it to shame. The massive bathroom took up what I vaguely remembered to be Mrs. Mercer’s eldest daughters room, having stayed there one night with my older brother and sister a decade ago when she watched us while our parents went out of town for some work thing. One side of the room was blocked off with a wall of floor to ceiling glass, effectively sectioning off the massive jacuzzi-sized bathtub and two massive showers, with a long bench between the two areas. I watched as Greg got both showers going, turning his attention to a fancy digital display on each showing the temperature of the water with several buttons I could only guess the function of neatly to the side. Finally, with a touch of one of the buttons, both of the shower heads turned on with a powerful spray, quickly filling the room with steam. Greg quickly undressed outside the room, and gestured I do the same. We each stood under one of the shower heads, and I let out a happy moan as the water pelted the muscles in my neck and back. “One of Mike’s must-haves,” Greg chuckled, before grabbing a bottle of soap and working up a lather, it’s spicy smell filling the room, “I got a pool, and he gets his toys. Though, I have to admit its a nice toy.” “Yeah, this shower is amazing,” I groaned, slicking back my hair under the water. “So, why didn’t you tell Mike and I you have a twin,” Greg asked nonchalantly, before handing the bottle of expensive smelling body soap over to me, “Twins are pretty hot sometimes.” “Oh… um…. No…” I said, stammering slightly, “I’m the youngest kid actually. Thats my older brother Ryan. He’s like two years older than me. And uh… that would be pretty weird. Hah…” “Oh, you both look so similar,” Greg continued, working the lather around his body before stepping back into the spray, “We thought maybe you chickened out when we saw him leave. We both were glad when you came out the front door.” “Yeah, I actually hear that a lot,” I said, now scrubbing my body and sneaking a quick feel of my loose ass, “He and I are nothing alike though. He’s in town for the summer for an internship.” “Hmmm, any other siblings?” Greg asked absently, now working towards shampooing his hair. “Just an older sister. We actually have a dinner tonight, so… I won’t umm….” I said, trying to think how I should word what I was thinking, “I won’t be free tonight.” “Oh, no worries, bud,” Greg chuckled, “I think Mike and I both have plans until next week. Not that we don’t enjoy destroying your sexy fucking hole. And breeding it nice and deep with our dirty loads.” I blushed slightly, my hole twinging as I felt a small bit of cum leak out. “Also, we’re still drawing up some ideas on what we want to show you each week,” Greg continued, leisurely rinsing the soap out of his hair. “I…. That’s cool,” I said, feeling suddenly shy and unsure for no reason, “Is there really that much to learn?” “Heh, you have no fucking idea boy. We’ve literally only scratched the surface,” Greg chuckled, before reaching over towards the digital panel, “Ready for me to shut this off?” I nodded, and suddenly, at the press of a button, the water shut off. We dried off mostly in silence, with Greg occasionally asking a few minor questions, like what my plans were. Finally, dressed back in my clothes, Greg walked me back to the front door. Suddenly, he turned around and ran back to the basement. “Wait here, I got something for you as well as some homework,” he yelled out to me as he went down the stairs. Inwardly I groaned, hoping that I wasn’t going to have to put that freaking plug back in. I was already tired, still had a ton of chores to do, and the dinner tonight. I would NOT be able to function with that monster back inside my guts. Thankfully, Greg arrived back with a basic looking linen bag. I looked inside and saw a large cigar box, a lighter, and cigar cutter. Also, there was a blank envelope filled with something. I looked up at Greg, unsure what he wanted. “Mike and I want that entire box smoked by next week,” Greg said, grinning, “We expect you to take a picture or video of you smoking them each time you light up. We’ll be sending you a group text later showing how hot you looked today as encouragement.” I nodded, surprised and unsure what to say. “Good boy,” Greg said, before leaning down and kissing me deeply, working his tongue deep in my mouth. “Complete that homework for us and we’ll let you come back over for your next lesson,” Greg chuckled, before opening the door and gently shoving me out the door, shutting it firmly behind me. Looking back down into the back, I let out an exasperated chuckle before walking back over to my house. Just what in the actual fuck did I get myself into? I thought to myself as I quickly made my way through the now stifling heat. Looking up in the sky, I estimated that it was likely around noon. Quickly enough, I was at my door, and after a bit of quick work, unlocked the door and shut the heat out behind me. Reaching into my bag, I pulled out the envelope before pulling out a small wad of cash. At first, I was kind of disappointed, thinking that Greg and Mike had pulled a fast one on me, until I noticed the denomination of the bills. “Jesus… eight hundred?” I said out loud in shock. I counted it three more times, holding them up to the light and confirming each one to be real and genuine. This was more than I made in a month. Hell, it was almost what I made in a summer. Begrudgingly, I looked at the bag. Even if the sex wasn’t mind blowing, the money was beyond worth it. “Looks like I’m going to have some homework to do…” I said with a sigh, feeling my dick rising in my jock.29 points
Greg excused himself for a minute and Kevin strokes Jack's hair. Greg came back with some bottles of water and with some small brown bottles. Jack knew they were poppers, he never used them before. "Drink up, we got a long night ahead of us." Greg insisted. Jack did as he was told. He knew that he would be doing whatever these two men told him, at least, for tonight. Jack look at these two men, really looked. They were in great shape. They were more attractive then any men he had seen before. It wasn't just physical. There was something about the two that drew Jack to them. He realized that it was the HIV. His body ease longing for the gift they had. He knew that this was in response to him denying the pleasure of raw sex. He needed it, and now he was drawn to the men who could give it to him best. He knew that HIV was his future. Still looking, he noticed they both had a couple of matching tattoos. A small scorpion and a biohazard symbol. As he finished the water, Jack decided he could not wait any longer, he was begging one of them to pop his cherry and fill him. Kevin got really hard at this. He finished his water,.grabbed Jack's ankles and pulled him to the edge of the bed. Greg grabbed a lube bottle from somewhere and put some on his finger. Jack felt it like through his asshole. He moaned in pleasure at this. It was the best feeling ever. Greg had a sharp nail and was cutting his insides. " No more than absolutely necessary. " Kevin reminded Greg. Greg removed his finger, got onto the bed with Jack. He gave him a kiss and held the poppers bottle under his nose. "Take a big hit. Jack did as told. As he hit, his mind became fuzzy and his body felt hot. He was feeling the high of the poppers when he also felt a sudden mix of pleasure and pain. Kevin had forced his dick into Jack's hole. It was not a slow and deliberate process. Nope, Kevin decided.to just fuck the boy hard. Greg felt every inch of his hard thick dick thrusting inside him. Kevin was.balls deep inside Jack. The more and more he got fucked, the more and more he was.enjoying it. Between the popper.hits, and his ass opening up and accepting what was happening, the more.he wanted. "You like that boy, you like my Poz dick fucking your little tight boy pussy. You like my corrupting and pozzing you?" "Yes" Jack.screamed. "Fill me with your poz.dick. Give me your toxic seed. Make me just like you." Kevin decided that he would give.the.boy what he wanted. "Here it comes.you little slut. Your first HIV load. I'm cumming. Jack shot his own load at the same time he felt Kevin's Poz cum deep shot deep inside his ass. Jack.was heaven. He took a hit of poppers to really enjoy the experience. Kevin was still going. "I got one more load.before I need to stop." he said. Jack didn't complain. He was enjoying the experience. Raw sex was what he longed for. When Kevin was finished, Greg took his turn and filled Jack as well. "We need to get more strains in you." Jack lost count of how many times these two filled him up. He knew that he was going to get HIV. The two did have to stop for a while to get some sleep. After a few hours, Jack awoke to find he was alone. He heard the two down the hall from the bedroom. He got up used the bathroom, and joined them in what turned out to be the kitchen. They had a big breakfast prepared for them. After last night, they needed the protein and water. They enjoyed eating the meal and talked for a bit. They asked if he was sure that he wanted their gifts. They even offered to take him.to a clinic to get treated with prep, if he wasn't already on it. He told them no. HIV was what he needed. It was what was missing from his life. Kevin and Greg were happy to hear that. They even offered to let him top them. After all, his dick was as big ad theirs and he was going to need to spread his strain around. Jack had to sadly decline. He had classes in a few hours and had to go back to the dorm to get ready. They took him back, shared a.kiss in front of the door. He said that he would be back that night. Throughout the day, everyone said that there was something different about him. He seemed bigger, more confident. He was. He even told the flyers guy that he was wrong. That he had bareback sex and it was real fucking. Over the next few days Jack was at his new friends house every night. He caught the fuck flu and they took care of him while he recovered. He got tested and confirmed hi wad now HIV Positive. They celebrated by getting Jack tattoos that matched theirs. Jack was now ready to start his own journey with his HIV.29 points
I pulled into the car park of the sauna, switched off the engine and sighed as I viewed the big two story building. Here I was again, knowing I shouldn’t, knowing the risks and yet enable to resist the urge, the need to degrade myself. I was absent from work because it was wednesday afternoon on no towels day, which meant the sauna would be full of naked men. It also meant that the men who were there at this time would likely be older, sleazier and more likely to carry the bug. There was something about naked day which attracted men who were, shall we say, uninhibited. I rang the bell and was buzzed in. The bored guy at the desk took my money and said “no towels today. If you need one you have to come and ask. OK?” I nodded, feeling the viagra I had taken earlier beginning to kick in. “Also, there’s no free condoms only sachets of lube. Condoms have got too expensive to give away.” I nodded again, feeling the excitement at what that meant by the stiffness in my pants. I took the key and walked down a short corridor to the area with a lot of wooden lockers. There were a couple of men there. One was quite tall, naked as he closed his locker and sporting a large, dangling cock with a cockring around its base. He sauntered out without acknowledging me. The other was an old, smooth skinned man chubby man with a pink face. He could have been anyone’s grandad, probably was. Now, naked, he put one fat leg up onto a low bench in the changing room and rubbed lube into his arsehole. Then he smiled at me and I watched his flabby buttocks disappearing round the doorway and wondered how long before he got what he wanted between them. I stripped off and put my clothes in the locker. My cock rose stiffly against my belly as I stood there naked and ready for what was to come. The building was on two levels with play areas above and a pool with a small cafe on the ground level. But there was a third level. A basement. Dark, smelly, hot and the haunt of men who wanted only sex, nearly always bareback, and almost totally anonymous. I walked out totally naked, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. Beyond the changing room was an open area with a wide staircase going up to the next level. A couple of nude men came down laughing together and went into the coffee area behind me. Beyond the stairs was a door. The door to the basement. Each time I came, I told myself I wouldn’t go into the basement. I would be more careful, more choosy what I did and who with. Despite everything, I was still negative and I should stop being stupid before my luck ran out. And yet…. I went through the door. Beyond was a small corridor with narrow stairs leading down. The lower area was pitch black. I hesitated at the top, then felt my control going. I’m so weak, I thought, reaching down to my key on elastic around my ankle and the couple of sachets of lube held there. I took one, tore it open, then smeared the lube between my bum cheeks. Taking a deep breath, I headed down the staircase. At the bottom, the dim light from above revealed some padded benches along the wall and and a screen wall on the other. I made my way forward, hand sliding along the screen wall as it got darker. Then I felt the entrance and stepped into complete darkness. It was damp and hot in the space. I stopped as I heard movement ahead of me where from previous experience I knew there was a padded bench at the rear. Movement, gasping and grunting which made me shiver with excitement. I moved forward slowly, questing with my hand. Suddenly, I bumped into someone, sweaty naked flesh against mine. “Sorry” I whispered. They just grunted as I moved on until my hands encountered the PVCcovered bench and the bodies engaged on it. There was someone bending forward and my hands swept over a big, flabby body thrusting against them from behind. Tits with thick rings wobbled on the guys chest as he fucked the other man and I felt his heavy, sweating backside moving in and out. My hand got between them, pushed down and felt the heavy cock moving in the greasy arsehole. He was barebacking him. As I discovered this, the guy was carrying out his own exploration. His hand slid down my back, over my buttocks and a thick finger pushed into my hole. He grunted softly, sliding his finger in and out. I gasped, but could not resist pushing back to meet it. His hand withdrew, slid up my back and pushed me firmly forward and down until I felt the bench beneath my chest. I couldn’t see anything, but I felt him get behind me, steady my hips and then his heavy cock was sliding up me. I gasped with pleasure and pain as he sank into me. A hand came round my face with a bottle. I sniffed at the poppers and felt myself give way, opening up to his thrusts. “Oh christ” I thought “I want this soo bad.” Someone got onto the bench. The man I’d bumped into? His cock probed my face and I turned sideways and began to suck the slimey shaft. I felt the other man lever himself off the bench and leave as the big man in me began to thrust more urgently in my arse. No words had been exchanged. No connection made, just a bare cock up inside me which was about to spurt without regard to the consequences. “Yeah!” He whispered. “Gonna cum!” I pushed back. He took it for my acceptance and pushed deeply into me. He grunted, his cock swelled and throbbed and I knew I was being bred with his sperm as he orgasmed.. At the same time, the guy in my mouth squirted sperm across my tongue which I swallowed eagerly. I was lost. They both pulled out of me. The guy got off the bench and left. The big guy pulled his cock out of my arse and slapped it. “Cheers.” He whispered. “Now you’re fucked.” Then he padded off into the darkness leaving me gasping and sobbing with pleasure. I had done it again. Despite my best intentions, I had bred in the dark like an animal.28 points
I sat on the bench with the old man and reached for his cock. It was firm and greasy to the touch. He grunted and pushed my head forward and down until the mushroom head slid between my lips. The tip was wet and salty and the shaft was slippery and hot. From the corner of my eye I saw the guy shove his cock hard up my friend's arse and cry out as he came in him. I came up for air as he got off the supine body, a drool of sperm leaking from his puffy hole. The man got up and left without a word. Simon - I remembered his name now - came and sat the other side of me. His long thin cock was half hard against his thigh as he reached for my erection and began to rub it gently in his fist. "'ain't seen you in a while, " He said ."Ian isn't it?" I nodded as his friend David nuzzled my face, turning my head and planting his lips on mine. His tongue explored my mouth and I began to squirm with excitement. "You poz yet?" Whispered Simon in my ear. I escaped David's kiss and shook my head as the breath caught in my chest with excitement. "David is poz like me. Did you like sucking his poz cock?"" Simon's hand reached under my balls and his finger probed the wetness in my arsehole. "Hmmm. Seems like you have been a naughty boy already though!" This was getting heavy. I knew the risks of fucking with strangers in this place, but here I was playing with two men I actually knew were poz. The sensation was on another level - excitement mixed with fear. Wanting to walk away and be sensible and wanting to give into them and to the darkness in my mind. I was panting with emotion. He took my hand and put it on his thickening cock. "I remember our little chat last time. You wouldn't play, but I could see it turned you on. The thought of getting pregnant with my cum, eh?" I should go. I thought. I really should. But I didn't move. David produced some poppers. The small space filled with aroma when he took off the cap. He sniffed it, then offered me the bottle. I hesitated, then took a sniff. "Oh, wow!" I said as the poppers swept through me and I felt the liquid lust in my veins and my control going.....28 points
Part 8 Dad drove us home, well to his house. In silent. Once arrived, I went to my assigned room and shut the door leaving him awkwardly struggling with what he thought I was feeling. I sit on my bed, feeling the plug being pushed up my mattress, awakening me some desire again... lost in the thought of this fucked up weekend ending with me lusting for man's meat and juice... All of that mostly because of my twisted Dad... Should I resent him for what he have done ? For planting the seed in my mind that this would free me ? For actually plating his seed deep in my guts ? I should resent him for that... I mean he even let two strangers breed me as lunch for desert... but I cannot... Was it thankfulness I was feeling ? Speaking of the devil, I heard knocks on the door... "May I come in ?" "Yes" "I asked this time, and I am dressed. So do you want to discuss what happened at the restaurant ? it seems that whatever happened with your boss in the toilets triggered some turmoil..." "That is the least to say, Dad... My boss is not poz and all I saw yesterday was roleplay. So yes she cheated on me with him but yet all was a fantasy" "oh... Oh I see... Well I am sorry son... this would have brought us closer... I was able to disclose you I was myself positive" I looked at him puzzled... Does he even realize it is only this ?!? "and we have become more intimate. You discover part of your body that could give you pleasure like you never expected. You discover facets of you craving for different desires, primal ones. There is no point regretting what you saw yesterday, what you have experienced since then. First because it is too late, but more importantly because you need to be true to yourself : you fucking enjoyed yourself. Did you not ?" I lay there reflecting, feeling lectured... but also reassured maybe. "Saying no would be lying." I admitted. "Though, I struggle to understand how the full straight jock I was 48 hours ago could fancy such twisted things you made me do... I mean, I just have the impression when I replay the whole situation that you are the one who tricked me, that you made me your fleshlight" I see dad think about my statements, accusation even, and it does not seem to anger him. "You would not be my son, I admit I would plead guilty right away! I converted a few neg guys that way. Thinking about it could make me hard right now... But you are my son. And things did not developed that way... you have to admit it". He replied assertively, maintaining eye contact, and his reference to he pozzing neg guys made me look at his scrotch, furtively, or so I thought. "Listen Son, I am sorry. What happened does me you could turn positive... you can always take PEP, which would highly reduce the risk... I will take an appointment tomorrow with my doctor so you can check this out with him". I looked at him, and I seemed relieved that he is taking of me. I went to hug him and just sighed in his chest. Being held in his arms this way felt secure and in some way his scents triggers some arousal in me which I tried to hide. Either he did not notice it or faint to. After a while I unfold my arms and just say "Thank you. I think I need to meet the doctor" "Alright. I will arrange this fist thing in the morning". The rest of the day went on quietly, as we settled in the garden near the pool. He was reading, while I was browsing content on phone... Well actually looked for information about the risks, to be sure to ask every single question to the doc the next day... The next morning, I woke up hearing dad on the phone, and to my understanding he was according to meet the doctor. As he hang up, he knocked on the door and I yawned as just said "Yes". "Hi Son, I hope you slept well. Everything alright ?" "Yes, thanks. It seems I had a restful night. I has been a long time, though I felt some pain in my ass... but well I would discuss this with the doctor" "Yes about that, appointment is in one hour. So you have 45min to get ready and I will drive you there. I took some days off to be sure everything is going okay." "Thanks Dad, let me properly wake up and prepare and I will be there". I hung out a bit more in bed, before showering and getting. As I notice I forgot to was my laundry, I decide to wear yesterday clothes... not that I have much choices... Dad drove me the local clinic, we sat in the waiting room, while I hear my name called. I raised to my feet and went to the exam room. A very handsome man in his fifties was sitting on a chair, looking at his computer. As he saw me, he greeted me "Hi, I am Doctor Gabel. First time we meet, Jay Marsch, is it ?" "Hi, Yes Doctor." "Okay, I see you are the son of Andrews Marsch, who called for you saying this was an emergency. So explain what is happening to me." "Indeed... well I am not sure how to say this... " hesitating wht to say and not to say "Jay, no need to be ashamed or fear anything... I see plently of men and women here with things that would seems awkward to anyone... So feel free to speak. no judgement" he said seing my reluctancy to develop. "Okay... well I had unprotected sex with a man who is HIV positive, and I would like to see how I could get PEP". "I see" he simply replied raising an eybrow "Were you top or bottom ?Are you usually barebacking ?" "heu, bottom I guess, and yes I used to with my girlfried, who appeared to be cheating on me" "Owh okay. You are bisexual then ?" "Well, I have never done a thing with a man before this weekend." "Okay. Since this have been you first time, I might need to have a look at you. WOuld you mind getting undress and lay on your back on the eximanation table ? "Sure". I started to get undress until being in the jock Dad lent me "You can keep that on, Jay" he said with a smile. I climbed on the table an laid on my back, as I saw the doctor apprroaching - noticing a bulge in his pants. "Alright Jay, please raise your hips and your legs so I can see your anus. I might need probe at least one finger inside before inserting a speculum to check. Any pains there since you get fucked ?" I did what I was told. He lubed his fingers and inserted it. My felt my sore ass reacting and clenching on it. The doc goes on, inserting a second finger. My body was reacting to the intrusion, and I started to get a boner. "Okay Jay, no neeed to be ashamed of your reaction. It is totally normal. I will now insert the speculum, that will feel quite cold but that would allow me to see inside if there is any bleeding." "Okay doctor, but I think there was bleeding... I mean the man's penis was pinkish once he withdrew from me" "Okay, let me confim this" with that he starting to insert the metallic tool, which felt cold. Once inside he opened it, and feeling opened, he inserted a finger which I felt was caressing my guts. "Okay Jay what I see here is a bit messy. Besides traces of cum, there are indeed nice scratching marks and they seem to go far" I started to worry about that description "well he was pretty hung, like 11 inches and a piercing sharply drooved." "Interesting. I know some guys that could match that description" wait was doc gay ? "And were you able that the stud was positive before in came in you ?" "Yes I was" I admitted. "So if I sum up, you are a straight man who was fucked raw by a very hung man, who has a piercing designed to scratch your insides, a man who is HIV positive and you let cum him in you. Am I correct ?" he asked. Laid on the table I could only see the astonishment and smile on his face between my legs, and all the time having a finger rubbing my inside "Well said like this, if seems completly crazy... but yes" "Ok Jay, so let me ask you more questions. It seems that having things down you ass is exciting you. And so is telling me what happened. You jock is being soaked by you dick as we speak. You let a positive man gift you. Did you enjoy the moment ? Do you think you would do it again ?" "I did enjoy that yes, but wait you said gift ? How is that a gift ? "Ow this is the word poz man use when they share their semen to neg guys usually. And we consider this has a gift because it set free of the fear of catching it. And for some men, it is also an attraction. Were you attracted to that cock ?" What the fuck was happening... where this consultation was going. And did he just said 'we' when talking about poz men ? and yet i hear myself replying "Yes" to the doctor. "I come back in one minute Jay" the doctor said leaving the room and me exposed on the table. "Okay Jay, I am back and I asked your father to join me". What the fuck was this doctor. "Andrews" the doc calls my dad by his fist name as well ?? "Have a look at his guts." Dad did bent an check through the speculum my guts. "You fucked him good, Andrews" the doc said, before adding "Jay, you can take PEP, that would work, but before this, I would like you to consider this." with that he opened his flyer and revealed a 9-inch cock. He withdraw the speculum and put his dick at my entrance looking me in the eyes. "I can feel your ass pushing on me Jay. Do you want me to go further ?" I was again losing control over my cock which has been drooling precum since the first finger intrusion... i just sighed and nodded. With that the doc just slided in, inches after inches until I feel his balls against my ass. "You feel these balls ? They have a huge load for you Jay. Now be a good son and suck your old man cock while I breed you". Dad was already stroking his cock, leaking with precum as he came near and directed my head to his mushroom. The doc started to go back and forth. "Yeah suck that dick Jay. You know your father is the one who converted me. In a way is a kind of father to me." he said. "Fuck your ass is good. I will not last long Andrews" "Well breed his cunt Mark, I will fed him his breakfast" Dad said, in my disbelief. The doc just rushed in and out and just shout "Oh fuck, take my seed boy!" as I feel him filling me. A few seconds later was cumming down my throat, petting me. As they both got their dick back in their pant, I recovered slowly from the fuck "Well Jay this was an interesting encounter. You can get dressed as well. Here is your prescription. Up to you to decide to take it or not. But please take an appointment to have a checkup in one month" he said, winking at my dad, and handing me the drug list.27 points
Hey ya'll! This is a fictionalized version of a story I posted on a different site that is a true story. The only fictional part of this story is just the guy's status and the Part 2 Bait. Otherwise, enjoy the story of me finally taking my dream Cock. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I remember the first time I saw him. I was 18 and it was my first time in an adult book store. I was checking out the theater in the back and he was working the desk. He stood at probably 6'3 above my 5'9 and probably 40 years my senior. He was thin as I looked up at him and felt myself getting hard despite myself. I was still exploring my sexuality but I knew in that moment that I had a thing for Older guys. Not just a few years. Daddies. Grandpas. I paid my fee and he smiled at me as I hastily rushed to the back. I sat in the theater and pulled out my now hard cock and started stroking it as I watched the gay porn on screen. It was only a few moments later that I heard someone say 'You Suck?' from over my shoulder. As I turned to say 'Huh?' a meaty hand found my head and shortly after I was forced onto a short, rubber covered cock with my open mouth. The roughness and suddenness took me by surprise and thats all it took for this guy. Four pumps in and the condom swelled in my mouth and he pulled his cock free and pulled up his pants and left. I was trying to figure out what just happened as my brain caught up with my body and I looked down at my wet, slowly deflating cock. Looks like we both nutted quick. Nervously I tried to clean up but it was useless but I remembered the bathroom right across from the theater so I checked the hallway was empty then darted across, not thinking of the clear view the front desk had of my bare bubble butt as I did. I tried my best to clean up but just ended up soaking my shorts so I tried to dry off as best as possible. As I emerged from the bathroom I locked eyes with the Old guy at the desk and he just smiled at me and winked. I felt my cock getting hard and I was embarrassed enough as it is, so I sprinted out to my car and took off. About a year or so of experimentation with Craigslist, I finally found myself back at the store and as I walked in to my delight and horror, the old man was there at the desk. The smile he gave me was wide and the way his eyes locked with me said he recognized me. The last time I came in during a quiet midafternoon but today was different. Today was 'Gay' day and it was late in the evening and a lot busier. I nervously hustled into the back as his voice followed me with a 'Welcome Back.' I could feel his eyes on my ass as I entered the theater and was immediately hit with the smell of cum and sex and sweat as I saw men lining the walls jerking various sized cocks. There were several guys eagerly sucking or bouncing on the various cocks and so I found a seat off in the corner and slowly prepared myself. I decided to strip down completely as I saw several naked guys and I didn't want to cum all over my shorts again. A few guys quickly surrounded me and I found myself getting throat punched by a huge black cock. Hands wandered my body until fingers found my ass and I panicked. I was still a virgin and wasn't sure I wanted to bottom. I had myself convinced I was a total top who just liked sucking cock. Upon my protests, guys quickly moved away towards the guys more willing to let them fuck. I sucked a few cocks but I quickly realized I was just the appetizer there while they waited for one of the holes to open for the main course. I was a bit dejected but I had told myself I wanted to get at least one load of cum before I left. I waited and waited and slowly the sounds around me slowed and the cocks stopped coming and I was all alone. I sighed and decided to just jerk off to the porn and leave once I came. As I was stroking myself I heard the door open and a light appeared. "Store's Closed" He said as he started walking closer. God he was so tall as I looked at the light now illuminating my naked body. "Oh I'm Sorry, I'll go!" I said as I bent over to scramble for my clothes and then I heard a jingle above me. "I didn't say you had to go." I swore the voice came from the large cockhead pointed directly at me as I looked back up. He had to be about 9 in, decently thick, covered with swelled up veins that pulsed with a virality you don't expect for someone his age. My jaw dropped instinctually and he slowly slid his cock deep into my throat, past my gag reflex, and despite my throat trying to force him out, he just slid in until his balls rested on my chin. As he slowly pulled out I gasped for air, but instead of pulling away I filled my throat with his cock again as soon as my lungs were filled again. Over and over his balls slapped against my chin as I stared up at his wrinkled old face. Why did I find him so hot? Even before I found out he was so big, I would've probably submitted anyway. After a few minutes I felt him pull me up and bend me over in front of the screen where a twink was getting railed by an older man. I looked up at what would be my fate and was worried. "Condom Please!" I blurted out. That's not what I meant to say? I meant to say 'No, I'm not a bottom' but that just came out instead. I'll try again. "Please be gentle, I'm a virgin." WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?! I just heard him grumble something as I heard the tearing of the condom wrapper. I felt his lubed fingers probing at my hole and then he was fingering me. I won't act like I enjoyed it. I didn't at the time. He was being kind of rough with me and I still wasn't used to the sensation. Soon though his fingers withdrew and I felt the rubbery condom tip pushing against me. I tried to relax but as his thick head pushed in more I screamed out and pulled away. "I can't. I'm sorry." I said, falling to my knees. "You're too big. I'm too tight." "It's the condom. Wanna try without?" I shook my head and he sighed. "Blue balls again I guess." As he pulled the condom off I felt a great shame and I plunged forward and took him into my throat and a I used his cock to face fuck me until he grabbed my hair and plunged into my throat, releasing a torrent off cum down my throat. There it was. What I had come for. He was gentle and patient afterwards and gave me time to fix myself up before he escorted me out. We shared platitudes about it being fun and doing it again but I was nervous. I got what I wanted but still felt unsatisfied and that scared me. It scared me enough I avoided really doing much other then getting my own dick sucked or occasionally stopping at a glory hole. I didn't go back to the store though. Not until about 7 years later. I was in my mid 20's and I found myself back at that video store. The other one I went to regularly had gotten raided by the cops and so I found myself here. I walked in and didn't realize I was holding my breath until I released it in disappointment at seeing the man behind the counter. Some young dude. Of course hes not here. It's been years he's probably retired by now. I paid my fee, went back but after hours of waiting with only 1 homeless guy asking me to pay him for a shot at his ass, I left dejected. I had intended to go in looking for any cock I could but I left realizing I secretly just wanted 1. A few more years passed and as my 30th birthday came, I couldn't help thinking about the guy. I had tried bottoming a few times now with a few other guys and while most ended poorly, one ended with me learning the magic of Poppers for a bottom and I rode that cock like it was a rodeo bull. It made me want to try again but with the cock I had been having dreams/nightmares about for years. I tried the store a few times for a month but never saw the other guy. I wasn't sure if he didn't work there anymore or I just had bad luck missing him on my days off. Then one night I sat surfing Sniffies after being told about it by a fuck buddy. I found the blip for the store and I had an Idea. I asked if anyone knew the tall old guy who worked there. I explained I wasn't sure if he was still working there but I was always attracted to him and wanted to see if anyone knew him. It was a long shot, and ultimately it didn't turn up much but a lot of other guys agreeing with me until finally someone responded with 'He still works there. Not sure the days though.' It was enough for me and I quickly flipped over to the google page for the store and punched the call button. "Hello, thank you for calling Books N Movies for Adults." "Hi, sorry to bother you but I am back in town for a visit and I remember there used to be a guy there who gave me great recommendations on the newest films. Was wondering if he still worked there and if so what days?" I described him and apologized for not knowing his name. The guy on the line almost seemed overeager to tell me 'No problem, he is actually working tomorrow night, check back then I am sure he would love to hear from an old customer.' I thanked him and hung up and jerked off to the thought of his huge cock. The next day arrived and I was eagerly awaiting the opening time before I snatched up the phone and called. His raspy voice was noticeable immediately but I tried to play it cool and made the same inquiry as I had the night before, with a little emphasis on Recommendation, hoping he would get the euphemism. The smile in his voice said he did as he said he had hoped to see me again one day. I asked if it was okay if I came by for a recommendation around closing time and he said that would be perfect. As 11pm crept closer I found myself at the door of the shop. The parking lot was mostly dead but as I opened the door I saw another man at the counter talking with the man I had dreamt of for over a decade. Nervously not wanting to get him in trouble, I wandered the store but every time I met his eyes I could tell... He recognized me. "IS there anything I can help you with?" I nervously looked up as they both smiled at me. "Uh yes I was here for those recommendations?" "Ah yes. It's already playing in the back if you want to head in. Did you need anything else before I close the till?" I purchased some lube and poppers in preparation and then shuffled back, both men smiling knowingly after me. I found myself in the familiar theater and I stripped down and prepared myself. The wait felt like forever but soon I heard the door open and close and as he walked down the aisle he found me bent over right in front of the screen like he had me last time. This time he stripped completely as he stepped toward me, cock hard and pointing like a deadly weapon at me face. My jaw dropped and I slowly slid it deep into my throat as I looked up into his eyes. "I knew you would be back eventually" He said as he thrust his cockhead past my tonsils and began to rape my throat. I gagged and choked but he kept slowly plunging it in and out. For 15 minutes I gave the most sensual blowjob of my life. Alternating between fucking my throat with his cock and licking and kissing his body. His stomach, his thighs, his nipples. I was never this intimate with men, but here I was worshipping this man until finally he grabbed my hair and pulled me for a kiss. "You're gonna take my cock tonight." He said, breaking the kiss. "Yes I will sir." There was no resistance at all in my mind this time. "No condom. My Raw cock inside you." I repeated the words after him, practically begging as I added on the 'Daddy' at the end. I hit the poppers as I felt his cockhead pushing past my ring and groaned as he forcefully, but slowly, pushed his cock into me. My mind flashed blank and I soon just found myself bouncing back and forth as I was being pounded against the stage under the screen. This time, I looked up and saw the twink getting railed and thought 'He wishes he was me right now.' As I stared at the screen he grabbed my throat and pulled me up as he slammed into me. I felt his cock pulsing and he whispered. "You like that Slut? You like Daddy's huge cock in you? I wondered when you would be back. Part of me knew you would." I figured he was done as he held me close to him for a minute, whispering dirty taunts into my ear. I felt him start to pull out and almost wept that it was over but I didn't have time as my face was slammed back forward as he bent me over again and proceeded to pound into me again. Harder and faster then before. How the hell did this guy have so much stamina?! I hit the poppers again to ease the strain a bit and soon found myself screaming as he lifted me from the ground and began assaulting my ass brutally. "Yes Fuck! Yes! Rape me! Kill me with that huge cock! Oh my fucking god!" It was in that moment I was happy for the place I was being bred at because anywhere else would have resulted in a noise complaint for sure. The assault lasted about 5 minutes until he unceremoniously pulled out with a PLOP! and dropped me to the ground. As I looked back, he shoved his cock into my mouth. "Suck me. I need a break." I did the only thing I could do and obliged this God of a man as he wiped sweat from his brow. I couldn't believe this guy hadn't cum yet and his cock was still rock hard. I hoped I could go like that when I am his age. After a few minutes of head, he lifted me up and laid me on my back on the stage. This time as he looked into my eyes, he slammed his cock into my hole. I had tightened back up a bit and so it hurt but also it felt amazing as his cock slammed my prostate on the first plunge. I clung to him as we both worked together, him pounding into me as I bounced on him to the best of my ability. I was in heaven and I didn't want to come back. Soon enough though, his pace increased and he began to growl in my ear. In my position hugging his chest, I could feel what I hadn't up until now. The heavy stream of cum pouring from my cock that was now pooling up on my stomach as he let out a roar and slammed into me three final times before holding his pulsating cock deep inside me. "That's right you fucking whore. Take that Poz cum inside you. Feel me fill you up with my Toxic seed!" My eyes widened hearing the words as my cock convulsed even more as I emptied my balls all over our connected bodies. We sat there making out as his cock slowly softened and slid out of me. I felt a dollop of cum ooze out of me as my ass instinctually closed up like it had a mind of its own and that mind was set on savoring every drop. "Oh jesus. Oh Fuck. I can- I can't believe I just let you shoot a load up my ass! I've wanted that for so long! Wait did you say Poz?" I am sure I looked like a love drunk whore as I looked up at him before my eyes got wide at his reply. "Three." He smirked, pulling his pants on. "I'm sorry?" I asked, not understanding at first. "Three Loads. I shot three poz loads inside you. You were so tight and it was like your ass was milking my cock the whole time. Only reason I went soft at this point is I think I'm out of cum." I blinked up at him as I reached back and felt just how sloppy and wet my hole was. Without thinking, I swirled as much of the cum as I could together... And then plunged my finger back in, ensuring it all stayed there. "Thank you..." He just grinned at me as he pulled on his shirt. "Hurry up and clean yourself up. I still gotta finish closing shop." I quickly got dressed, keeping my ass tight to keep his cum in, and soon found myself in the front of the store again, nervously smiling at him. While I was worried about the revelation of his status, I have never had sex with a man that was so hot and intimate. In that moment I resigned myself to what I was now. "So any chance you might brew up another load for me tonight? Maybe we can go to your place?" I looked at him hopefully. "Can't. I'm Married." He said as he unlocked the door for me. "But I'm sure once I smooth things over with him, he will want to breed you too." He smiled at me as he closed the door behind me and I rushed off to my car, load settling into me and a grin on my face.27 points
To say my boyfriend was not best pleased about me suddenly having to go to Athens is putting it mildly. Two whole weeks, straddling the weekend we were already supposed to be going to his cousin’s wedding in Ireland. There was no way I could get out of it given the importance of this job for my company, and with the wedding on the Friday when I now knew I would have to be presenting the work to the Greek communications minister himself, any hopes of me being able to jet over to Cork for that part at least were dashed. My boyfriend was also not going to be able to join me in Athens at all, given the commitments in Ireland over the long weekend and his own work pressures outside of that. Still, he was decidedly pissed off with me, and I left under something of a cloud for the late night flight from Heathrow. I had been put up in an OK apartment over a restaurant, with a small balcony off the bedroom over a back alley. I got there in the early hours and just crashed out in bed, and had then struggled through the first day of client meetings on only a few hours sleep. Fortunately I had been able to get back to the apartment not too late for a sleep, after which I realised I was ravenous having had little food all day. I just went downstairs to eat, figuring I would sort myself out properly with some provisions from a supermarket at some point. The restaurant was fine, but it was the waiter who got my attention. I am pretty tall at 6’2”, but he had at least another two inches over me. He was massively muscular, with a shaved head and jet black facial hair. Tattoos covered his arms and neck, and he was adorned with huge silver chains around his wrists and neck, along with massively thick silver hoop earrings. But, on top of the striking appearance, it was the way that he looked at me that got my heart pounding. From when he was taking my order and making me feel very small and meek, to the number of times I caught him leering in my direction, I felt like I was an item of prey being singled out by a predator. It was disconcerting but massively exhilarating. My boyfriend was such a submissive bottom in the bedroom that I had let that side of myself lie dormant for the four years we had been together, but with this Athenian stud boring into me with his gaze, my pulse was racing with excitement. After I had finished and paid, I decided that I would see if there was a supermarket still open somewhere to get in stuff for breakfast, so first headed for the small single toilet at the back of the restaurant rather than bothering to go back upstairs to use the bathroom. However, when I emerged the waiter was standing by the open back door out into the alley, just lighting up a cigarette. He glanced in my direction and then offered me one, which I found myself accepting even though I had quit several years ago. He gestured for me to step out into the alley, and then the door closed behind us. I got a little light headed from the first couple of puffs of the cigarette, which must have shown as the waiter was smirking at me. I felt myself go red under his gaze, which got a laugh out of him. “Come” he said, lightly pushing me up the alley a little. He then steered me into a sort of fenced-off pen for large bins, completely out of sight of everything else. I could feel myself shaking, and took a few more deep puffs of the cigarette to try to calm down. I did not know what this was, but the danger was evident and yet I was doing nothing to get myself out of it. “I want fuck you” the waiter said in broken English. “Show me your bottom.” A sensible man would have fled, but something about this situation had got me fired up. Back when I had been more versatile I had enjoyed tops taking control, and in this moment the years of suppressing that side of me were over. With barely a second thought, I turned around, undid my jeans, and pushed them and my boxer briefs down. With a gentle push on my back from the waiter, I bent forward and rested my arms on one of the bins. With my heart pounding and my breath ragged, I felt his fingers touching my hole, and then the unmistakable wet softness of his tongue making contact. I moaned as he gave me my first rim job in years, any doubts or guilt about cheating on my boyfriend were somehow silenced. The waiter’s tongue was replaced with his fingers, this time pushing in a bit. I relaxed to let him in, my hole at least having had some workout over the years from the dildo I used when I was jerking off alone. However, when the waiter pressed his cock against me I immediately knew this was going to be something else altogether as, despite not having seen it yet, I could tell it was huge. Still, I pushed out and tried to relax as best I could, allowing him to gain entry and then slowly, thrillingly, push himself entirely into me. Only once I felt his body pressed against his buttocks did I breathe out, and then took slow gulps of air as I tried to adjust to the mammoth member buried in me. He waited for a minute or two, and then began to slowly pull out and push back in. I could not help but moan in pleasure as he began to fuck, so totally turned on by the depravity of being taken in a back alley by a man I did not know. The fact that he was in me raw only added to the exhilaration. He fucked me pretty hard, and soon accelerated to a ridiculous pace as he neared orgasm. Then, with a roar (the first utterance he had made since telling me to show him my arse), he slammed in and held in place as his dick throbbed inside me. I was being bred in a back alley, and it was fucking awesome. Then, without any ado, he withdrew and I heard him pulling up his own trousers. I reached down for my own jeans and pulled them up, before turning round to see him lighting up another two cigarettes. He handed one to me, and then took a deep puff of his own one. “You stay above?” he asked, pointing up at the apartments on top of the restaurant. “Yes” I croaked. “For two weeks.” “OK” he said. “I fuck you here every night then.” This was not a suggestion or request, that much I could tell, so I just nodded. He then took a couple more deep puffs of his cigarette, flicked the butt out into the alley, and then turned and walked out of the bin pen. I heard the back door of the restaurant slam shut a moment later. I just stood there in a daze, feeling his cum dripping out of me, and smoked the cigarette he had given me. Then I stubbed it out on the side of one of the bins, dropped the butt inside the metal container, and slowly made my way out of the pen and round to my apartment. There was no supermarket visit.26 points
Sitting in the lounge at the airport I finally started thinking through all that had happened, and what would be coming next. There was no way I had not been infected, so that was definitely ahead of me. There was also no way I was going back to being a top, so infection aside, things were probably heading for a kaboom with my boyfriend. I felt excited by the first one, and strangely unemotional about the second. I didn’t much fancy thinking about the conversation to come though, so I took out my phone and started to have a look around for some options. Sure enough, Etsy and eBay between them offered me what I needed, so before I boarded I had taken the first steps in changing up my look a little with orders for some seriously huge silver chains. I also took the plunge and bought a carton of cigarettes at the duty free, deciding that I was going to be free in all senses. Deciding not to delay things, I just blurted it all out to my boyfriend when I got home, and I suppose it made things easier that he chose to grab some of his stuff and leave rather than ordering me out. I was paying the lion’s share of the mortgage, but still might have expected to be the one out on the street given what I had done. I also chose to confide in a friend to give my side of the story before things got out, and then set about preparing for what was to come by buying in various medicines. Sure enough, two days later I woke up feeling like death, and endured a week of flu as I converted. A quick visit to a clinic once I was better confirmed the result. Things did of course fall apart on several fronts. The work done in Athens garnered me a promotion and pay rise so I could afford the mortgage on my own, but my ex-boyfriend saw to the end of a lot of our mutual friendships from my side at least. My own friends were mostly either absent or annoyingly ‘concerned’ about me, but in time it settled down so that I was left with a smaller social group of those who either could not care less or were perhaps themselves a bit more drawn to the kinkier side of life. I decided to stay off meds for a while, enjoying my freedom and offering my gift to others who sought it. Then, about a year later, as I was about to go to bed one night I was startled by a rapping on the door. When I opened it my ex was standing there, with a strange expression on his face. Without speaking I motioned him inside, and he made a beeline for the drinks cabinet and poured himself a whisky. I just stood and watched him as he downed the glass and then poured another. “I need you to poz me” he eventually said. “You do?” I asked. “Yes” he replied. “I need you to poz me, and make me yours again.” I stared at him for a moment, a little unsure what to do, but also feeling something inside that surprised me. I missed him and wanted him back, I realised, but I knew things had changed. “I’m versatile, I need more than one cock to satisfy me, and that’s not going to change” I said. “I know” he replied. “I can be verse, and we can be open.” “We can?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. “Yes” he said. “I think I need to be fucked by other guys too, but I want us to be a thing again.” “A thing?” I asked. “I love you” he said. “I fucking hated you for cheating on me and getting yourself infected, but I think I understand now because I need it too.” “Are you sure?” I asked. “Yes” he said. “I want to be free, like you.” And so it was that, not too long after, I pushed my unmedicated poz cock between my boyfriend’s perky ebony buttcheeks and slid inside him. A couple of hours later I made him prove his versatility by fucking me, before I added a second load to his hole. The next night I made him prove his willingness to share and be shared, as we headed to Hampstead Heath and took everything that came our way. Over the course of the weeks it took to finally gift him, he never wavered and we instead fell right back in love with the true versions of one another. He cried happy tears when his test result came back, and I could not help but join in too. This was never the happy ending I had expected, but it’s funny how these things work out. The waiter had freed not only me but eventually the man it turned out I loved too, and we are now happier than we ever were before. Indeed, I am planning to propose and make it official, and have booked us tickets to Athens so that I can do it there. It just so happens I have managed to rent the same apartment I had before, and the waiter is looking forward to seeing me again and meeting my man. It’s going to be a fab and life-changing holiday, and I cannot wait…26 points
Dragon’s Fire Dimitrios Argyros stood against the wall of the crowded bar. He was a very tall man—6’8” and built like a bodybuilder. He was wearing tight black jeans which showed off the thick tube of uncut cock that snaked down his right leg and highlighted his big muscle ass. His tight long-sleeve cashmere rippled with muscle and his shiny Rolex hinted at his vast wealth. With the shirt on, his close-cropped hair, dark brown eyes, and handsome angular face looked clean cut. But the shirt concealed the tattooed measuring tape that ran from just past his wrist to his shoulder on his larger, right side. Across the other side was a dragon, whose tail wrapped around his left arm, each scale a precise 1/4 inch marker and the fire from its mouth rippled across his muscular back. Above his hard belly button he sported a toxic waste sign and on his huge leftpec, worked into the dragons back, was a pentagram. Dimitri was a member of the local chapter of the Brotherhood of the Dark Lord. While many chapters worshiped the Dark One solely through hedonistic pleasure, Dimitri and his brother subscribed to an older, more pure version of the Dark Word: the Lord required pleasure and pain to be fully satisfied. It was a world of rigidly defined roles, for Dimitri and his Brothers, there was no give-and-take. Instead, there were top men and bottom men, and bottom men were invariably younger and smaller than top men. And Dimitri had seen the results of their faithful service, as dozens of times over the last 25 years in the middle of a sacred sex ritual, he’d seen his own enormous cock expand in size, plundering the depths of some young male cunt deep and wider. He’d watched his own fists—and that of his brothers— expand and grow large knobby growths as they destroyed yet another boypussy. And Dimitri had seen his own tattoos come alive, and his cock get supernaturally hot with the breath of the dragon, as he spewed toxic seed. So, yes, Dimitri believed that it was his birthright, and one ordained by a god, to own, control, convert, fist, and fuck young men. Dozens of men in the bar tried to get his attention—or least those unaware of his very dark reputation—men of all sizes and shapes. But Dimitri had eyes for only one young man—a boy really, all of 18–in the place. Dimitri was on the hunt, as his previous boy had aged out of Dimitri’s demographic at the ripe age of 25. His new target—Timmy Peters—was a slight waif, 5’5” and barely 100 pounds. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. He had good muscle definition and gorgeous abs—Dimitri’s investigators determined skateboarding was his primary athletic pursuit, and so the boys core was tight as a drum—but his chest was slight. Dimitri had refused to look at any of the naked shots his men had gathered—he wanted to save that pleasure for this very evening, as he initiated the boy into his new life of service to Dimitri’s 14 inch pussy destroyer. But he’d seen the boy shirtless, Timmy’s perfect twink body a contrast to his unusually shapely, almost womanly ass, the top of the twin perfect globes visible in the back of his low slung skater shorts. In contrast to his previous conquests of 30 years, who had almost all been blondes or redheads, Timmy had jet black hair and eyes as dark as Dimitri’s own. But unlike Dimitri, the boy’s skin glowed white and Dimitri couldn’t wait to see how it turned bright red under his new masters brutal palms. Dimitri’s cock stirred and swelled in anticipation of the years of pleasure ahead. The thought of what Timmy wanted or desired never crossed the Greek muscle stud’s mind. Dimitri knew that he was a divinely ordained predator, one equipped with a vastly superior cock and body, his seed anointed with a toxic gift, blessed by the Dark Lord with vast wealth. And so when Dimitri divined that a boy was his, he was never wrong. Dimitri smiled across the room at the little dark-haired cherub. Timmy looked vaguely shocked that a muscle stud would show him any interest, and so he smiled shyly back. Dimitri walked over and stood next to the boy, raising his beer bottle in greeting, “I am Dimitri”. Timmy shivered slightly at the deep voice and mysterious, vaguely European accent, but he smiled and said, “My name is Timmy. Pleased to meet you sir.” Dimitri felt his cock stiffen and the fire-breath of the dragon tattoo on his back got warm at the word sir—confirming yet again this boy was his. They made small talk, and Dimitri pretended to be interested when he “learned” the boy was in the city for art school that Fall. That wasn’t going to happen—boys in service to the Brotherhood spent too much time spun out with both their holes stuffed to attend school or hold any other job. Dimitri started dancing with the boy, and soon confirmed what his investigators had uncovered—Timmy had serious daddy issues and loved muscle—and for his part, Dimitri though the boys body and ass were even more perfect than he could imagine. He gave the boy an X and then Dimitri started fingering the boys fuzzy hole, and when the lights went dim, he slipped a big rock of crystal in the tight little pucker. Dimitri used his much larger mouth to swallow Timmy’s cry at the burn, and soon enough Timmy little hole was lapping and pulsing around Dimitri’s big digits. After about 30 minutes, Timmy was very horned up and so Dimitri said, “Come home and let me fuck your brains out.” Timmy nodded,“ Yes, sir.” Dimitri said, “I demand total obedience, you will take what I give you.” Timmy looked scared but Dimitri could see in the little dark eyes that the boy already knew he was meant to be nothing but a pussy hole, and he just said, “Please daddy, I need your big cock. “ In the limo on the way to his penthouse, Dimitri stripped the clothes off Timmy within seconds. He stuffed another rock of crystal in the boys hole and the boy begged to be fucked. But Dimitri didn’t fuck boys who’d not been freshly shaved and douched—he looked forward to humiliating Timmy as he cleaned him out—so he set the boy to work on his big cock. Timmy was a natural cocksucker, but it took months of practice for anyone to learn to take the entire 14 inches of beer bottle thick meat, so Dimitri contented himself with choking the boy, shoving the boys mouth down on the endless tube of his cock, using the little mouth hole like a fleshlight as Timmy wretched and sputtered. As they approached his highrise, Dimitri had the boy clean up all the spittle and mouth juice from his cock and the car seat. Arriving at his series of 15 private parking spots he stepped out of his pants—his driver would bring them up—and carried the small boy in his arms, biting and nipping at the boys small perfect tits, into his private elevator. Reaching his penthouse, Dimitri carried the boy into his big bathroom and put him on his knees on a plush rug. “Chest flat on the floor, arch your back, and spread those cheeks,” Dimitri said, growling with pleasure at the sight of the boys pink hole. Dimitri filled a series three enema bags with water, and dropped a rock of crystal into each. He speared the boy’s cunt and filled his guts. As he expected, the first one was relatively clean and he delighted at how embarrassed Timmy got when the second bag came out dirty as his inner spinchter was drained. Finally, the third bag came out pretty clean. Now, Dimitri took a bag he’d hidden in the linen closet bursting at the seams with chempiss collected over the last week from all the members of the brotherhood. The boy was already high, and as the chempiss tingled his guts he began to moan. The moans turned to groans as the huge bag deflated and stretched his pussy. Finally, he begged Dimitri to stop. Dimitri grinned and started spanking the beautiful white ass, causing the boys insides to flex and finally the contents of the bag were buried deep in the little cunt. Dimitri snapped a small buttplug in, and giving the boy hits of poppers he sat on the toilet and began to train the boys throat. First he taught the boy how to pleasure his cockhead and long dragging foreskin, probably the first uncut tool the boy had seen. Soon enough the boy was able to take about 8 inches of cock, but he was covered in sweat as the piss—heavy in Tina, ecstasy, and coke, and probably laced with other drugs too—began to be absorbed. Mindful the boy was only a beginner, he let the boy seek relief after about 25 minutes. Now the boy was truly wired and he groaned and pushed back on the nozzle as Dimitri used the sure shot to hose him out. Dimitri was getting eager to fuck the boy—and the boy was clearly eager from his own submissive desires accented by all the drugs—and so Dimitri made short work of shaving the boy. He shaved every hair from his little hole, the tiny dust of a treasure trail, and the boys balls. The boy started to resist when Dimitri began to shave his pubes, but a hard slap of command to his boy nuts ended that resistance. Dimitri removed the tight white tshirt he’s kept on a climbed in the shower. The boy was eager to help him soap up, thrilling as his height and huge muscles. Dimitri made him kiss and trace the outlines of his toxic waste symbol. With his tongue. When the boy asked him what it meant, Dimitri smiled and said, “It means when I am done seeding your hole you will carry part of me in you forever.” Timmy looked puzzled then shrugged and leaned forward and mouthed the big cock. Satisfied there were no unsavory ass juices or shaving cream lingering on either of their bodies Dimitri tenderly dried the boy, passionately making out with him. He carried the little twink into one of his big bedrooms with mirrors all around the room and covering the ceiling. He kept the boy in his arms as he went around lighting dozens of candles and turning the lights on low. He positioned the boy on all fours, making sure the boys back arch was perfect. He spanked the little hard melons of his ass until the boy’s skin was flaming red and he was bucking back up and begging for cock. Dimitri squirted laced lube deep into the boy and slicked up his big cock and pushed the huge head of his fuckstick in. Timmy cried out but did not break position. “Let me stretch that hole,” Dimitri growled, and shoved in another inch. The boy screamed and tried to fall onto the bed to get away, but Dimitri held him in place. Dimitri let the boy adjust and soon, knowing it was his place in the world to take cock, Timmy relaxed and pushed back. Dimitri began a slow leisurely fuck, his 14 incha sinking deeper and deeper, until when he got about eight inchs in he began to hit the boys second ring. Dimitri purposefully kept the fuck from pushing inside, and instead began delivering little squirts of chempiss right at the boy’s inner door. Once he was confident that the little whores hole was open and an easy fuck, he pulled back and rammed his cock through the second hole in one hard push. Timmy screamed and collapsed on the bed, Dimitri stayed on top of him and began to brutally ram his cock deep in the boy. Timmy’s face in the mirror showed real fear with an undercurrent of lust as Dimitri raped him deep. Soon, though, the hole opened more and the lust and desire for anal destruction began to overwhelm the bottom slut. Dimitri pulled out and flipped the boy, and threw his legs on his shoulders. As he’d expected, he’d torn the boy’s second hole, and his cock was pink, Dimitri grinned, knowing this would just give the drugs and his toxic seed easier purchase. “You will never not cry out when I do this, even after I’ve fucked you every day for years,” Dimitri said darkly, as he lined up his huge cock and speared the boy again. As promised Timmy cried out and his body spasmed as Dimitri’s 14 inches pounded deep inside him. Dimitri pounded the boy for a good fourty-five minutes, using extreme control to prolong this first fuck of the virgin hole. He pounded the boy in every position, making the boy cry out every time his huge cock rammed in deep. Finally, Dimitri could feel the fire build in his balls. He flipped the boy on his back, and made Timmy hold his legs wide so he could pile-drive into the boys sweet pussy. “Beg me for my toxic seed, boy, beg,” he commanded. His eyes black saucers of lust Timmy commenced begging. When the first squirt of seed spilled out of his huge plundering tool, Dimitri roared, and went crazy. As he did so, he felt the dragon tattoo stir and every candle and light in the room went dark. He felt the dark breath of his deity, and his cock grew by several inches in length and girth. Timmy screamed at the sudden big stretch as Dimitri kept pounding. He felt his cock grow hot, and Timmy started screaming “Burning hot seed, daddy, oh fuck, oh fuck so hot, feels so good.” Dimitri looked in the mirror and could see the shadow of a dragon behind him, he pentagram woven into the tattoo on his chest turned from black to glowing red. Dimitri came for several minutes, so much so that the supernatural seed overflowed out of the boy. He didn’t not stop fucking the boy—this visit by the dragon had only happened in ritual settings before and he had no idea how it was happening now—but all he knew was he needed to posses the boys ass. He knew that his cock would stay enlarged for at least another fuck, but once he came again it would go from giant to its merely huge normal size. Little Timmy was gone to the world, begging “Deeper daddy, more cum, please fuck me.” Dimitri grinned—the supernatural seed the men of the Brotherhood produced apparently burned like a hot poker—one boy had said twice as bad a burn as entire gram of Tina— but then it was ravenously addictive. The boy already belonged to him, and so Dimitri sought to enjoy him, using his enhanced cock to fuck the boy mercilessly. He pushed the boy hard, pile driving into the warm cunt, white seed squishing out as he turned and changed angles. He scooped it up and fed it other boy, who drank it down like sweet nectar. The drugs and seed and made the boy wild, and he just begged for the fucking to continue. And while he cried out in agony with ever deep fuck, he kept his legs wide and begged for more. It was all Dimitri could do not to just pull out and bury his arm to the elbow. And all the other times he’d produced the sacred sperm, he had. But those were boy he’d already been fucking and fisting for weeks, offering their holes to the Dark Lord on the evening of their fuck flu and it’s yearly anniversary, celebrating when they became a full part of the Brotherhood. But this tonight had happened on the first time he’d even been inside the boy, and so he kept that urge for another time. Dimitri fucked the boy for another solid hour, ravishing him in every position around the room. Both men were drenched in sweat, and as Dimitri spanked the perfect white ass, sweat flew in the room. Finally they ended up on the bed, the boy legs arched over his ears, Timmy urging, “Use my hole, daddy give me your toxic seed, come in me again, I need your load daddy.” And so Dimitri came again—a mind-blowingly good orgasm, but without supernatural fireworks. As his body settled down, Dimitri kept his big cock buried to the root and added a potent load of chempiss to the human and supernatural seed in the boys guts. He slapped Timmy’s ass hard—“Keep that in your pussy, pretty boy,” he commanded—and got up to grab a medium sized plug which he shoved into Timmy’s hole. Timmy screeched and spasmed but the toy lodged itself into his guts. Dimitri lay down on the bed, and set Timmy to work cleaning his big tool, showing him, how to use the popper bottle. Dimitri reached into his bedside table and pulled out his preloaded pipe and drew a few big clouds, calling Timmy up and showing him how to shotgun. He then sent Timmy down to his crotch again, instructing him to “Teach yourself to deep throat, just like you see in porn.” Turning on some low, fuck-me-beat music, Dimitri picked up his phone and texted his best buddy, Dr. Conrad Morris, who happened to be the the very doctor little Timmy had gone to see when he moved to the city two weeks ago. “Little Timmy met the dragon. WTF? Call me.” Within seconds his phone rang, when he picked up Conrad said urgently, “Seriously? Like the whole experience? Big cock, gnarly fists, and burning cum?” Dimitri spoke quietly “No hands but the rest.” “Fuck,” Conrad said, “That’s means he’s probably bonded to you.” “We don’t know—the bonding has always been after the ceremony,” Dimitri said, keeping his voice low. Conrad paused and then he said thoughtfully, “So thinking about this logically either the boy has a magic pussy that will bring out all our beasts or it’s something about him and you.” Dimitri spoke softly, “I have a great idea about how we can find out.” Dimitri could almost hear Conrad’s wolfish smile, “Over in a jiffy,”.26 points
Part 9 "Fuck Dad, what happened ? s he really a doctor " I asked doubtfully smiling while exiting the clinic... tasting dad load and feeling my sore humid ass. "Yes he is really my doc. He has been following me for years now" he replied. As for what happened... well let us discuss this at home". We got in the car and arrived 10 minutes later at home. We settled in the kitchen to grab a coffee, silently. "Dad... I actually enjoyed what happened" I started, seeing Dad's startled face "I mean, I cannot deny the waves of pleasure every time dicks rub my prostate. I did not knew we could cum that way and that was so intense..." Dad remained silent, looking at me, sipping his coffee. "It is likely I take the PEP, but I cannot foresee a situation where I would not look for this sort of bliss again." "Is that so ?" he finally said, with a grin "Well yes" I blushed "Well PEP is for post exposure Son. If you want to go on taking dicks, you have similar drugs you could take for pre-exposure... because Son, not all guys will tell you if they are poz not, detectable or not... So you are down to three patch : using condoms, using PrEP or just going wild" "Well, I expect you were more on that latter side yourself, no ?" "Son, PrEP did not exist when I was pozzed. But I enjoyed so much raw sex and condoms were turning me down so it was a gamble at some point. Now whatever you decide to do, I will be here to support you the way you want me to" "I bet you do" I laughed, patting his leg, expecting him to think he would fuck me as a supporting way... "What ?" he laughed himself "Supporting me, huh ? I was imaginating what that could be that's all!" I replied with a smile. "I see... well, this can be the kind of support I can give if it is the one you want" he simply said chuckling. "But I was more referring to be there to listen, provide recommendations..." "I know Dad! I was jus joking... somehow" "Somehow ?" I stay silent, gazing at him "How somehow Son ?" I raised to my feet before kneeling in from of him, looking at him in the eyes, while opening his fly, get out his dong and start sucking him to make him hard. "Is that so Son ? Fuck, for a straight boy, you became quite quickly a cock-whore!" he said while petting my head while I please him and his stiffening cock. "You already has one load that hole this morning. I would like to deposit this one in the other ones" He said "plus you are already lubed up with Mark dirty seed!" I just nodded in approval while starting deepthroating him as his cock was going fullmast. "To your feet son" he helped me to get to et up, while moving my shorts down exposing my bare ass in his jock. He made bend over the kitchn counter. I felt his hand wander around my hole "So creamy... You are becoming a cumdump Son, be careful what you wish for" he added, before aiming his pierced dick at my hole and penetrating me. Despite the doc load as lube, Dad size was still hurting me. "you heard what Mark said, my piercing is ruining you inside and you feel it, don't you... with both our cum, if you do go on PEP, you will be pozzed son." "I know Dad.... I know... Everything in its own time!" I said, just starting to feel the wave of pleasures slowly replacing the pain "For now, just fuck me... make me cum like you did yesterday!" "Oh slutty boy" was he replied before becoming more talkative "You like your Dad cock heu ? "Yes I do!" I said as he was driving me crazy with each thrust sending waves "Are you sure you want another poz load in you Son ? "Yeah, I am! Fuck Dad, I feel your cock when patting my stomach, that feels amazing" "Yeah you like that ?" his dirty talk just fucking turned me on... lust took complete control over me "I am gonna seed you Son!" His dick massaging my prostate and his talk pushed over the edge and I shot my load in the jock, already soaked "Fuck Dad I am cumming" "Yeah ? Good, I about to. Are you sure you want it ?" "Yes" "Yes what ?" "Yes, pleas fill me with your seed!" "Son you are becoming such a slut." he said as he goes on nearing his climax "Beg for it! Beg for my poz cum!" "Please Dad, breed me with you poz cum!" "As you desire!" In a final thrust I could feel Dad's cock throbbing deep inside. After a few seconds, he withdrew and made me kneel in front of him "Clean that boy". I did as told, tasting a bit of iron again with our mix fluid... "Good Son... but you better get the PEP! Or you will definitely get poz !" he said. AS I let go of his softening cock, I rose to my feet again. "You are right Dad... But how would you go on ?" "What do you mean ?" "Well as I said before, I cannot foresee a future without prostatic orgasm... nor cock like yours" "That is sweet of you... but if that is what you now want I would then recommend to go on PrEP. Then I could fuck you..." I pause unsure how to say what is coming to him... "Dad, before visiting the doc, I read a lot about that... and that fucking turned me on... And I read that you call the man that converted you your father... Well since I read that I cannot stopping about you beconing a second time my father." Dad was looking at me in disbelief. Though he was the one who introduced me to raw rough gay sex, he could not believe what I said... "You are becoming quite a chaser Son. Are you sure you are aware off hte consequences ? I mean, being poz comes with a price. You will be sick as shit when you sero-convert, you would have regular checkups to monitor ou rviral load, you would have to on meds to not alter your life-span..." "Yeah I read all of that. and because I am your son, you already saif you would support me the way I want." "Are you really really sure, Jay ? because this cannot be undone!" "I am not sure, but I cannot get away from you. It seems your tattoos act like a magnet to me now..." Without adding a word , Dad mades me face the counter and bent me over... and he rammed his cock which was full erect again "Alright Son, then so be it" I gasped by the sudden and surprised turn of event, but still growing excited. He starts fucking me with long slow strokes this times and he said "Here are some rules then : You will share my bed si I can fuck you every time I want to. You will stay with me as long as you want, but you cannot leave before you convert. You cannot be fucked by other men before then. Once you convert, we get you on meds. Agreed ?" "Yes Dad!" "I was not expecting this when you called Saturday morning, Son, but god, I love your ass!" "And I lot your cock" once that said, he made his assault more rough "Is that all ? Beg for it!" "Please fuck me" I replied, as I also was full mast, my dick swirling in my cum and precum in the jock. "I will seed you son! I will impregnate your deep guts with my toxic load! "Yeah, you will ?" "Yes! Fuck your ass is sucking out my cock... I will already shoot." "Please, Dad, give to me!" "Yeah ? He it comes Son. Take it deep" and in a last brutal movement I could feel him planting his seed deep inside my guts. "Now Son, your conversion journey continues then!" he said panting, as I was in ecstasy of the feeling... Expecting what could be a full week with him, after just this single weekend!26 points
I manouvered myself out of the sling and stood in the darkness. I was sweaty and my hole was so loose I couldn't stop a drool of cum slide out and down my leg. What had I done? I shivered even though the basement was hot and smelly. No one else was around so I went upstairs blinking into the light. There were showers off to one side so I went into the coffee area to ask for a towel . The guy who'd seen me in the basement gave me a nice smile and a wink as he gave me the towel which made me feel better. I cleaned myself off and went out into the sauna again. Somehow, the contrast between my clean body and the dirty cum in my rectum made me feel relaxed. I realised something was happening to me, and I was turning into someone different, dare I say pregnant, knocked up. And I liked it. I went upstairs. It was pretty gloomy. In one area were some cubicles. In one of them, I saw a small, young man lying on his side, eyes closed being fucked by someone lying behind him. As I moved round, I was shocked to see it was David, the fat old poz guy from downstairs. His arm was around the lad's waist wanking his cock into time with his thrusts. He saw me, grinned and pulled back so I could see his bare cock entering the smooth, pale bottom. Then he licked his lips and indicated I should suck the lad's stiff cock. I knelt on the mattress and the young man opened his eyes. "Hi," I breathed and dipped my head. The old man guided the smooth cock into my mouth and began thrusting more urgently into the pert backside.. The youth groaned and lay there in sexual ecstasy. David was thrusting urgently now and with a shock, I knew he was going to poz this bottom. Suddenly, the cock in my mouth swelled and stiffened. The young man said " OH!" and shot spunk over my tongue. At the same time, Davis shuddered and said "Cumming! Take it!" and I knew he was spurting his poz cum into the young man's rectum. After a few moments, I released his cock and David pulled out of his arse. He lay there panting and sweaty as David stroked his face and chest. "Thanks!" He whispered and got heavily off the couch. I followed him out, leaving the young man sprawled in the cubicle. "You ok?" He asked me. I nodded. "No regrets about taking our poz cum?" I smiled and shook my head. " No regrets" The young man got up and left the cubicle. I could see cum glistening between his buttocks as he walked off. David saw me looking and shrugged. "If he didn't want to get pregnant, he shouldn't have let me go in bare."26 points
Asher was away at college on his eighteenth birthday. After Skyping with his parents and catching a bite to eat with his friends at the food hall, he was on his brand new sniffies account. There were tons of guys online, a lot who wanted to talk a big talk, but no one was willing to host for Asher, or they ghosted him… He sat rock hard snd a bit desperate in his dorm room when he got a message from an anonymous profile. He tapped the profile, there was no picture, but Breeder was listed on position. ‘hey nice ass.’ The anomouys guy messaged referencing Ashers profile pic.. ‘Thanks.’ Asher Messaged back. ‘ whats a breeer.’ ‘Come over and I will show you.’ The guy messaged sending some pictures, the guy was hot, and had a large cock. He was kind of older, which Asher thought was hot. Asher sent back a few more of him naked, and of his smaller cock. ‘come over and lets fuck.’ Asher agreed and headed over to the guys place. It was a small house on the older side of town. The guy greeted him and let him in. He was only wearing his robe. He let it slid to the floor. “Get on your knees, and lets see what you got.” The man ordered. This was not what he was excepting, but daddy was so much hotter in person, he got on his knees and put the mans, at least nine in cock in his mouth. Right at his eye level the man had a tattoo, one of the hazard symbols. “Take more in your mouth and suck harder.” The man ordered looking down at Asher pulling his head towards his pelvious. Asher almost gaged, but took as much as the mans cock, as he pulled into Asher mouth. Asher adjusted himself. “Don’t touch yourself.” The man barked. Despite, the man being, hostile, aggrisve, and very domintate, Asher was very turned on, by it all. The man finally let Asher’s hair go. Asher wipped the slobber away from his mouth. “Whats that tattoo mean?” Asher asked. Asher asked assuming it had meaning by it’s placement. “Pull your pants down.” The man ordered, asher did, and the man turned him around. The man put the head off his cock, against ashers hole and pushed in teasing him. Asher moaned out. The man slowly strocked asher until he was about ready to cum which really didn’t take long, then he squeezed ashers head hard, and stopped him from cumming. He did this five times, By the time the man was done, his hole was so teased, and he was so horny he wanted the man to slide into him, right now, no condom. Ahser was starting to figure out what a Breeder was. “Do you want me to fuck you?” The man asked, asher nodded his head. “good, the tattoo means that I have Hiv.” He said bending asher over his couch, sliding in him. Asher’s heart pounded, the man had hiv? He moaned as the man enterted him. “Don’t don’t cum in me.” Asher moand out half hearted ly, he was so horny that deep down, he’d probably let the man cum in him if he wasn’t careful. “Ok.” The man wishpered, sliding deeper into Asher’s tight virgin hole. The man slowly opened ashers hole, and contiunted to bring asher to the edge of cumming and ruining it, the man knew Asher was as good as pozzed, that almost caused the man to do it right then and there, but first to get consent, which wasn’t far away now. “Please sir let me cum.” Asher begged his hole body trembling under the man. “I think you know what it’s going to take for me to let you cum.” The man said coldy, Asher looked at him confused. “I want to cum in you.” The man smirked at asher. Asher gulped. “Ok as long as you let me cum.” Asher whined. The man slid out of asher, and moved him to the couch. He laid asher on his belly, and laid on top of him, sliding in him fast enough to make Asher cry out. “You’re a nasty, little cumdump arnt you.” The man said as he started to slam into asher. “Yes sir.” Asher said as his heart started to race again, the pleasure was beyond anything he had ever thought possible. He gladly moanded as the man slid in and out of him. “Do you want me to poz you?” The man grunted. “Yea poz me.” Asher moaned, not quite sure what that meant. The man slammed into Asher harder, and harder. “Ohh fuck here it comes you worthless whore.” The man slid in to asher and his dick started to throb. “Your going to cum in me!” Asher exclaimed as the pussling got harder, accomaned by wet feeling in his ass. He moaned out, with each pump of the cock. Ashers cock was trobbing now, realzing that Pozzing meant to give him Hiv. “Ohh fuck your giving me hiv.” Aher moaned as he started to cum all over the mans couch, his little cock tobbing against his torsoe. “Such a good little worttles whore you are.” The man said as he started to fuck asher again. The man grunted fucking his cum in and out of Asher’s fertile hole. “Oh I bet your so fertile.” The man grunted. “Fertile?” Asher asked, his heart pounding again, his cock getting hard again at the use of a term that could only apply to a woman. “As in I ripped you open, and now, I’m fucking my toxic Viral load into hard. The man grunted as he fucked another load into the newly pozzed bottom. He slid out, took the boys number, texted him, and sent him on his way. Texting his poz friends, getting them ready to breed a new ass.25 points
Simon's hand slid over my bottom and his finger probed my hole as I fucked David. It was smeared with lube and slid into me easily, making me gasp as he finger fucked me as I thrust. It felt amazing to have a finger in me at the same time as I fucked. Suddenly. the finger withdrew. I felt Simon's body against my back and his cock starting to push into me. I paused and let him in, and then we both began to thrust, him into me and me into David. The sensation was wonderful and it wasn't long before it tipped me over the edge. "Cumming!" I gasped and shot a heavy load into David's upraised bottom, ecstatically fierce as Simon's cock probed my prostate. My arse muscles tightened in orgasm and Simon growled "Oh yeah...uuuh...cumming!" and shot his second poz load into my throbbing rectum. We hung there in release for a second, me sandwiched helplessly with my cock in David and impaled on Simon's cock, two arse holes filled with cum. Then Simon slid out of me, slapped my bottom and laughed and we broke apart. I slid out of David's bottom and he stood up and stretched. "Thanks, mate" He said, then he and Simon went off and left me panting and eager for more..24 points
Well... chapter was ready yesterday, but I discovered the limit for the newbie in the number of posts ... Part 5 Stunned by what happened, I get up and go to my room and lay on the bed. I cannot stop thinking about what what I have done… what we have done… And still without thinking about it, I grab my cock, and start stroking it, as I am still rock hard from the blowjob I gave to my father. I am just rewinding the situation and how Dad oriented the distraction that led me on my knees swallowing his jizz. And then it hit be… I fucking swallowed a hiv positive load… this pushed over and I came, again several powerful rope landed on my chin… Fuck I would not think I could have that many powerful orgasms in such a short time… As I was gathering my thought, Dad appeared in the door frame: "Hey son, I wanted to check on you, making sure you are ok wi… "he started until he realized I just came over myself again "… oh it appears you are !" he finished with a grin entering the room. "Fuck Dad, could you not Knock on the door ?" "But I did Son! likely you were so tuned on that you did not hear it, and looking at the mess you have made, well I would not hold it against you" he replied promptly, while sit on the edge of the bed, his cock stiffening again. "Jay, did you enjoy the breakfast by the pool ?" he asked I was in a complete cognitive dissonance, struggling with my reasons screaming that he is my dad, and hiv positive on one side… but fuck that was hot and I cannot deny I enjoyed it and how easily my lust could take control… I gazed at him, thinking how to answer to his question, noticing he has quite a boner again. "I guess I did… despite everything…" "Despite what ? That I am your dad ? That I am poz ? That you cannot handle such a big dick ?" "Despite all of that yes…" I admitted, seeing him smiling at that confession and climbing on the bed, straddling me and sitting on my cum-covered body, so his dick was just inched away from my mouth… "What are you doing ???" I asked, lust and fear fighting in my head. "Well I thought you could train how to handle this tool. I know you want ask the question but are hesitating because that you freak you out. So my penis is about 11 inches long and 7 inched in girth. You already have you mouth over it, so you know how that last part feels. For the length, well that will be more difficult." I just froze hearing that. He was right this is freaking me out… How could any one take that… whether in mouth or ass without being torn… As I was thinking, Dad came closer and made his cockhead and piercing resting on my chin. "You know you want it Son" and again, as I was about to answer this assumption, he slid his cockhead, slowly but steadily in my mouth. Here I was again with my dad's cock in my mouth, but this time situation was more submissive that an hour earlier where I could away get up and go away… : I was sitting on the bed, Dad straddling me and pinning my head to the wall with his dick… What the fuck happened to me… Before I could think further Dad started again to rock his hips forward pushing slowly his cock in my mouth. "Open wide Jay, Watch your teeth but open wide you will see how good it is to submit to man's cock!" I try to do as I am told, but as he pushes forward, my gag reflex get in the way…He get out a bit. "DO not worry that is normal, the harder part to get the head past your throat, then will be okay" with that he resumed this going deeper, withdrawing when I start gagging… and then back at it. After 30minutes, my jaw starts to ached being so wide opened… I tried to look in my father's eyes… and what a view from below… I do not know how I look like from his point of view, but that should be quite a mess… "You are doing alright Jay. I can see you wetting eyes, yes it is a lot to take in, and likely to hurt your jaw now, but that will be easier next time. Just a little more and you would have taken it all". That said he pushed in one go the last inch in my mouth until my nose was crashed into his abs, and his balls hit my chin. "You have such a nice throat Jay! Just a few more minutes and I release" he said… With that he started to withdraw and go in my mouth and throat… Wait he was actually Fucking my mouth… shit, I could feel his length and girth with each stroke. While I tried to keep the position, my dad took my hand and press it against my throat "You feel this?" he asked. I nodded with my eyes "well this my cock and my piecing… yes it is going that far!" I widened my eyes in shock while I feel the cockhead is expanding in my throat and I have issues to breath "Yeah Son, I am shooting that protein load directly in your stomach this time" as a last thrust he kept me pinned to the wall, letting me feel his balls pulsating his load down my throat. He carefully withdraws and let it me catch a big breath… "Fuck Dad, that was too much… " "Nah you did good Son", he then go lower on me, until he had my cock in front of is mouth. "Now let me show you what a man mouth can really do. That cheating bitch of yours could not that." "No wait.. Daaaaad" as soon as he swallowed by modest cock (6 by 3 inches), I was in Heaven… and it seems Dad was giving me the full treatment, going all the way down… With that and the 30 minutes of facefucking he gave me, I just blew my load deep in his throat as well. He goes on making sure to swallow every drop that cames out leaving me out of breath. "You taste good son. So did Maria already give you this ?" "No definitely not…" "You see, I told you cock is better, as we know better how to please ourselves" "Well maybe, but for now, you are mainly pleasuring yourself , no ?" "What ? Are you telling that you are not all turned on by what I did ?" "Well yes, but I mean… you seems to be in control" "Well you seems to like to be controlled son" After some time, I had to admit : "Touché..." "And wait until you feel a man's cock ramming and breeding you, that is even more exciting" he just put that on so easily… Is he intending to fuck me ? I mean he only fuck raw, is positive and not on meds… he admitted it himself…24 points
Part 1 Intro and beginning Nico has been Tony's slave for years, they had met when Nico was still married to his wife at a party of mutual friends. Nico was 24 y at that time and had already become a father at a young age as he had a son of 5 y, Tony was 30 at that time. They had gotten talking that night and Tony who is a dominant bear and pozz master had immediately fallen under the spell of Nico's appearance and wanted to transform him into his pozz live-in slave. Tony who radiated all male dominance had many loose contacts but did not yet have a permanent resident slave and Nico looked just perfect. Only he was straight and was married. But that didn't stop Tony from taking his chance anyway. After the first contact at the party, he made sure they became close friends with no more. Once the bond was established and his wife also accepted him as her husband's friend, Tony could begin his plan to transform Nico. He invited Nico to a boys' weekend at his weekend house in the woods. Nico, of course, didn't say no to that. Who would say no to a men's weekend without women. But that weekend turned Nico's life completely upside down, because Tony had serious plans for Nico. The first night Tony still put his feelers out Nico who was unaware of Tony's intentions and Tony realized that Nico needed a bigger push to be transformed. The second night Tony hit his target, in a subtle way he drugged Nico, allowing him to begin Nico's transformation that night, that night was also the first night Nico had received a cock both in his mouth and in his ass. After that weekend Nico was completely confused because all that had happened on the men's weekend he had not expected at all and he was completely in knots with himself. He broke off contact with Tony and tried to put the weekend out of his mind, but to no avail. The event had changed him and had awakened something in him and after a few weeks Nico contacted Tony again. Tony had given Nico some time to process everything, but was waiting for Nico to contact him back. Because he knew Nico would come back to him for more. Nico met with Tony and told him he didn't know what was going on with him since that weekend. He could no longer have sex with his wife without thinking about Tony and how it felt to feel his cock in his ass. Tony knew he had Nico where he wanted him. Tony told him that he wanted to help him with his feelings and that he wanted him to bring out his true nature. Although Nico was apprehensive about this, he agreed to explore his feelings further. Tony taught him the pleasures of male love and of submissive life as a slave. He also introduced him to Miss Tina, G, K It wasn't long before he was completely upside down with Tony and he was addicted to cock, cum and Miss Tina. Tony then presented him with a choice, either stop what they were doing, or Nico divorced his wife, and he came to live with him as his slave. Tony would have complete control over him, and Tony would then also make him Pozz as he should be at his new status as a full-fledged slut and slave. Nico needed some time to reflect because it was it would be a very drastic change in his life. It was not only leaving his wife and child but also becoming pozz. Tony gave Nico some time to sort everything out and make his choice and Tony decided that he didn't want to see Nico until he made his decision. Nico was once again in a knot with himself and for the first few days did not know what to do. Things were also going downhill at home because his wife also felt that something was wrong and that something had changed in their relationship. Nico longed more and more for Tony. He wanted to be with him, to be able to serve him and to be indulged by his heavenly cock. One evening when the little one was in his bed, Nico sat down next to his wife and confessed everything, telling of all that had happened with Tony and how he longed for Tony. He also said that he had filed for divorce and that he was going to live with Tony. That same evening Nico left for Tony and when he got there he showed him the divorce papers and told him that he had chosen him and that he wanted to give his life to him and become his pozz slave. Tony let him in and turned Nico into a real slave, he shaved Nico completely, caged his cock, and infected him with his toxic seed that very night. For Tony had specifically stopped his medication and had become contagious again so that he could engage his future slave. Nico's life looked completely different. Before, he could go wherever he wanted. But since his decision, that had completely changed. Now he was only allowed to do what his master told him to do. He was allowed to go to work, run errands and come home. If he wanted to do other things he needed Tony's permission to do so. Nico had no trouble accepting his new life and felt good in his new role. Regularly they went out and Nico was lent to Tony's masters friends, or gang bang sessions were held at home with Nico offering his pussy to the group. When Nico's divorce was finalized, he saw his wife and child again for the first time. His wife was shocked to see him because Nico was completely transformed. It was a different man standing in front of her. Custody was completely for his ex-wife and Nico had to pay her child support every month until his son turned 18 y. That was also the last time Nico saw both his wife and his son. Because Nico was now fully absorbed in his new life. So this story is not about Nico's transformation because we could be very brief about that. The story starts 14 y later. Nico heard the doorbell, although he was not expecting anyone he went to the door and looked to see who was ringing. He looked somewhat surprised and also somewhat intrigued when he saw in front of his door the back of a young man carrying a suitcase. The boy turned around and Nico's eyes began to twinkle when he saw the handsome young apparition. N: can I help you young man. Dylan: hello dad Nick's mouth fell open, he hadn't expected this at all. N: uh, Dylan D: yes dad it's me. Can I come live here for a while mom threw me out. Nick was completely floored. That handsome figure in his doorway was none other than his son whom he had not seen for 14 years. It had to be him because you could see the similarities to both his mother and him. N: Euh, yes come in for a moment son. T: Who is that honey. N: My son. Nico took Dylan into the living room, Dylan sat down at the table and Nico came and sat across from him. N: Man you have grown up big time. A grin appeared on Dylan's face. D: Yeah little boys grow up dad Nico couldn't take his eyes off his handsome son. Deep down he was proud that he had brought such a handsome young man into the world. N: tell me what happened that your mother threw you out. D: to make a long story short, things hadn't been going well between us for a long time, and the arrival of her new boyfriend didn't do much good to that. Two days ago we had a fight and then she threw me out. N: ok, and how did you end up here. D: I had seen your address on one of the bank statements once when you were still paying child support. N: ok I get it and you thought I'll go check with my father to see if I can crash there for a while. D: something like that yeah. N: do you have a plan? Are you going to work already, or are you still going to study. D: I don't really have a plan no. I'm not going to continue studying. If you can help me get a job, I won't say no to that. But right now I mainly need a roof over my head. N: I don't know if I will be able to help you son. I don't know if you know my situation, but this is not my home. I live here but I am not alone and I don't know if my partner will be ok with this. N: honey can you come over here for a moment. Tony who had been sitting in the kitchen listening to the conversation between father and son entered the living room. Dylan did hear from his mother that his father had left her for a man. Because when she talked about his father, she always talked about sissy or fag or brown-noser. Still, Dylan was startled by the Tony's appearance. Dylan always had an image of an effeminate man before him that his father had left for. But Tony was completely the opposite. Tony was a head taller than himself, hugely muscular, had a shaved head and looked dominant. Not the type you would expect him to be gay, let alone laugh with. Should you run into him in a dark alley you would rather hope he didn't knock you around. Dylan gulped for a moment after getting a good look at Tony. Tony came up behind Nico and put his hands on Nico's shoulders. The way Tony took hold of his father's shoulders was a little odd to Dylan. It was like Tony was above his father and his father was subordinate to him. T: tell me. N: this is my son Dylan and he is looking for a place to live for a while because he was thrown out by my ex. T: and he wants to come and live here I suppose. Dylan started blushing and nodded. N: yeah that's actually the question. Tony looked at Dylan for a moment and already saw the possibilities but didn't let his hand look into . T: you know your father and I are gay and I fuck your father in his pussy almost daily. Dylan was startled by the harsh way Tony spoke and he nodded. T: do you have a problem with that boy. D: no T: didn't you learn any manners from your mother boy. Surely I won't have to re-educate you like I once did with your father. Nico sat somewhat uncomfortably shifting in his chair. Although he and Tony actually had a good normal relationship he was still Tony's sub and was used to Tony's dominant side, it still made him feel weird to have to share this with his son. D: sorry, no sir. T: So you won't have a problem with hearing your father moan when I fuck him or seeing or hearing us doing it. Because your dad worships my dirty cock NIco although looking a little uncomfortable still closed his eyes and bit his lip in horniness at hearing the word cock. D: no sir. T: and you're not going to hold back because your son lives here bitch. Nico turned red in his face as the big word was out. Nico hesitated for a moment. T: well, do you have to think about that for so long. N: sorry sir, no sir I won't hold back. T: well then. Then I see no reason why your son can't come and live here for a while. T: if you help out in the household and don't lie here lounging all day then you can stay here until you can stand on your own two feet. D: thank you sir. I'll make sure I don't cause any trouble. T: it is to be hoped. Dylan felt a huge burden fall off his shoulders, but also had a strange feeling about the whole situation. Although he was still a virgin himself, he had watched enough porn to know that his father was Tony's sub and could already get a good idea of what the two of them were doing. N: May I show him his room honey. T: You may. Give him the room next to the toilet. Nico looked strangely at Tony for a moment and then nodded. N: come Dylan follow me then I'll show you where you can sleep. Nico took Dylan to his room and then left Dylan alone so he could unpack his clothes. N: when you are ready and have calmed down for a while you just have to come to the kitchen ok. D: ok thank you Nico sent a message to the nr he still had from his ex hoping she still had the same nr to let them know their son was with them. Almost immediately he got a message back that it was good to know he was with him. Nico was actually looking forward to getting to know his son better because he hadn't seen him for years he didn't really know anything about his son. Dylan came downstairs and sat down with his father. The first moments were a little awkward but after a few hours they both felt like it had never been any different. After all, Nico was his father and the blood bond made everything go very naturally. For the first few days Dylan did hear when Tony fucked his father. But somewhere he realized that this was not everything and that they were probably still holding back so as not to scare him directly. Dylan slept at the end of the hallway, the room just off the toilet, and across from his room there was another room, but it was locked. He had an inkling, but did not ask himself further questions of what was in the room. As the first week drew to a close and Dylan was already feeling right at home, Tony mentioned at the table in the evening that a group of men would be coming this weekend to have a sex party. T: so you have 3 options, 1 you make sure you're not here then you shouldn't have to face it. 2 you stay here and you stay in your room, you don't care and we leave each other alone or 3 you stay here and you join in. The choice is yours. Dylan was startled for a moment and didn't know what to do. It was already 1 thing to live with his father and his master and hear them busy sometimes but a group of men who would come here for a weekend to fuck, he didn't know if he was ready for that yet. But what choice did he have, he had no money to spend the weekend somewhere else nor did he have a car he could get away with or friends he could visit. So he was doomed to stay in his room for the weekend. D: since I have no money or can go away I will stay in my room if you don't mind. T: it's up to you, I've warned you. Things will be brisk and we are not going to hold back because you are here. Got it. And if you feel like coming along and offering your ass you are certainly welcome. Dylan was still impressed by Tony's tough talk and dominance. But he nodded affirmatively. He was also startled by the last thing Tony told him, to offer his ass. That was the last thing on his mind. It was one thing to live with his gay father and stepfather and hear them busy but getting his own ass fucked, never. By noon the next day the bell rang. Both his father and Tony were nowhere to be seen, so Dylan opened the door. Dylan was startled when he saw the two men standing there, one had a leather suit on and the other was half naked and had a harness on, around his neck was a collar to which a chain was attached and when Dylan looked a little lower he saw that the submissive of the two only had a jockstrap on. Dylan had to swallow for a moment. D: come on in Tony and my dad will be here right away. Master 1: Your dad, said the unknown master. I didn't know Tony's slave had a son. The man inspected Dylan with his eyes and when he stepped inside he squeezed Dylan's shoulder. M: You're welcome to join us. Will you join us later Dylan replied as fast as he could. D: no, I'm not joining. I'm living here temporarily until I can stand on my own two feet. M: that's very unfortunate. I would have liked to fuck your cunt open otherwise. Dylan turned red in his face and had to swallow again. Tony came out of the living room and that was the signal for Dylan to disappear. Dylan went to his room locked the door, took out his headphones and started watching some series on the laptop his father had given him. This weekend couldn't be over soon enough he thought to himself. After a few episodes, Dylan took off his headphones for a moment to hear if the party had started and he couldn't believe his ears. He heard the sound of flesh slapping against each other, the sound of someone getting chatter, moans, lots of moans. The moans came from everywhere and there had to be at least 10 people busy with each other. He also heard someone shouting blow nice clouds, slam him and also heard someone shouting take my dirty babies slut. Dylan put the head phone back on as fast as he could and tried to forget all he had heard, but he couldn't. The sound haunted his mind and intrigued him. Although he had a slight distaste for what his father was doing, yet there was something inside him that wanted to know what was going on outside. At first he tried to suppress it but after a few hours he could no longer suppress his curiosity. Again he took off his headphones and turned them off. He heard nothing or at least almost nothing. Would the party be over already he thought. Dylan carefully opened his door. The room door in front of him was also open and his mouth fell open. It was a fully furnished room and in the room there were 3 men. One was lying tied up in a sling his ass looked red and there was something black in his ass. Another was lying tied over a couch and a machine was pushing a dildo up his ass the whole time and another was hanging from a crotch and was full of clothespins. All 3 men were blindfolded and had a ball in their mouths and they were definitely under the influence of drugs because all they did was moan lightly. She didn't even notice that Dylan had carefully entered the room. There was a pungent smell in the room that Dylan couldn't bring home, because he had never had sex before, he couldn't know that this was the typical smell that sex brings, although he was a little in shock from what he had just seen, yet somewhere the smell excited him. Dylan heard that the others were in the living room and chatting. As quickly as he could, he went first to the bathroom and then carefully made his way to the kitchen, hoping no one would hear him. When he got to the kitchen no one was there and he could now clearly hear the others busy in the living room. He heard 5 different voices. But surely there had to have been other people there because he heard someone shouting, suck bitch and swallow my dirty load. Dylan could not believe his ears and quickly took something to drink and wanted to go back to his room, but at that moment his father came into the kitchen. Dylan was startled because his father was completely naked, outside of a suit of armor and his penis cage. Dylan had not seen his father like this before. He was obviously also under the influence of drugs because his eyes were wide open and he had a hazy look. D: sorry dad, I will go back to my room soon. Nico winked at his son, he looked at his sons crotch and bit his lower lip. N: it looks like your cock wants to be sucked too. Dylan looked a little funny at his father because he didn't immediately know what he meant and then looked down and noticed that his dick had been causing a serious tent in his boxer shorts the whole time. Dylan was embarrassed and hurried back to his room and locked the door again. Not much later, he heard the men coming into the playroom again to begin the next session. Dylan noticed that his cock was starting to get stiff again. Although he was still shocked, yet for some reason it had to excite him. Again he heard the men say terms like blow clouds and give him a slam. Dylan could no longer contain himself and searched the Internet for what the terms meant. It wasn't long before he knew what the terms meant and what drugs they were using. Again, Dylan was in shock, but for some reason he still felt something welling up deep inside. Dylan tried to sleep and repress the thoughts he was having. It didn't work at first but after more than an hour of turning and turning in his bed, he did find sleep. When he woke up at noon the next day it was completely quiet in the house. Would everyone be gone he wondered. He came out of his room and the playroom was closed again, his father and Tony's room was also closed and when he came into the living room he saw the devastation the others had left behind. There were bottles of getorade everywhere, small bags of grit from crystals, there were some used syringes and pipes lying around and Dylan had to watch that he didn't walk into piss or semen spots. After first recovering from the deguttering, he began cleaning up. After an hour of cleaning up, Tony came in who was still visibly recovering from the hot night. Without thinking about it, he put his hand on the head of Dylan who was bent over and mopping the floor. T: Good boy He squeezed his shoulders and gave him a kiss on the back. Dylan was startled by Tony's touch and kiss, and somewhere, for the first time, he felt something strange happening in his stomach, something he couldn't place at that moment and wasn't paying attention to yet. The days passed, and since the party, the gloves were now completely off as far as sex between Tony and Dylan's father was concerned. They were no longer holding back at all and Dylan no longer only heard them engaged at various times he had seen them engaged. Not that Dylan was peeking but one night their bedroom door was open and Dylan passed their room, looked in and he saw Tony fucking his father's ass firmly. Dylan was no longer shocked, it was actually his new normal and he was also beginning to be more and more impressed with Tony's masculine and muscular body. Tony was fairly hairy, was nicely muscled and had a fair number of tattoos on his body. His father, on the other hand, was completely clean-shaven and also had a large tattoo on his lower back but Dylan couldn't really tell what it was exactly. After 2 weeks Dylan was completely settled into his father's household he knew his chores, and he and Tony began to build a good relationship as well. Dylan saw the Friday night packing a valise and asked what was going on. N: Tony has promised a master friend that I will come to serve him this weekend. So you will be here alone with Tony this weekend. Dylan didn't look surprised anymore, because he had already seen that other men were coming by to serve Tony with them. D: ah ok, have fun. I'll manage with Tony. His father left and Dylan was left alone with Tony. In the evening after they ate dinner, Dylan and Tony sat together in the couch. Tony poured him a beer and also took one for Dylan. T: Here boy, do me a favor and have a drink with me so I don't have to drink alone. Dylan had never drunk before, but didn't want to disappoint Tony and accepted the beer. They clinked their bottles together and Dylan took his first sip of the beer. It didn't taste so bad, he thought. The evening progressed and so did the number of beers they both had in. After the fourth beer, Dylan began to feel it fairly well. Tony came back from the kitchen and gave Dylan his fifth pint. D: I think this will be my last one because I am starting to feel it pretty well. T: I think I better stop after this too because after my fifth beer I always start to feel the need for sex and since your father isn't here I don't have a pussy to pump my load into. Dylan again felt that strange itch rising in his belly and as he was already starting to get a little tipsy, his barriers and inhibitions began to disappear a little. D: does my dad have a nice pussy to fuck. Tony began to laugh. T: do I have to talk to you about your father's pussy boy. Dylan turned red. D: sorry, that was not the intention. T: be careful what you ask boy before you know it I will be horny as hell and ram my cock into your cunt. Dylan didn't respond and looked shyly at the ground. Tony caught Dylan's eye and saw that something had changed in the boy. No way, he thought. Tony stood up, went to the cabinet and took out a pipe and filled it with crystals. T: I'm going to blow some clouds boy. D: No problem, it's your house, I'm just a guest here. T: That's right kid. Tony lit the lighter and started melting the crystals, he sucked in the fumes, held it in for a moment and then blew a fat white cloud into the room. Tony saw that Dylan was watching with fascination. T: hmmm that feels nice. Nothing like a little Tina to relax nicely. Tony lit the lighter again and blew another nice cloud. Again he saw Dylan watching what he was doing. T: is there something boy. D: no sir, sorry to look but it's fascinating. T: is that so. Do you want to try it maybe. D: I don't know. I don't smoke and have no experience with drugs. T: there's nothing to it you know. It will calm you down, you'll get into a buzz you'll get a little more active and who knows you might like the experience you get from it. Dylan's inhibitions had subsided as reasonable because of the beers and the idea of trying this did excite him a bit. D: yeah maybe, maybe I should give it a try. Tony felt the devil in him coming to the surface. Could he dump his load into a cunt tonight after all and maybe create a new slave. T: come sit next to me boy and I'll teach you how to blow your first cloud. Dylan stood up feeling the effect the alcohol was already having on his body and sat down next to Tony. Tony handed him the pipe and put his hand on Dylan's leg. Dylan looked at Tony with his glassy eyes T: place the pipe against your lips, I will melt the crystals and when enough fumes are formed you may then suck it up and keep it inside as long as possible. Tony saw that Dylan was trying to listen to what he was saying. T: I will tell you when to suck up and when to blow out okay. D: ok Tony started melting the crystals and when enough fumes were formed he gave the signal to Dylan. T: yeah now suck it up boy. Slow and deep inhale. Tony saw that Dylan was following his instructions well T: good boy. You are a natural and now keep it in. T: feel the warmth coming over you. Dylan nodded. Tony counted to 10 T: now you can blow out Dylan blew the fumes back out of his lungs and watched as a thick white cloud came out of his mouth. T: and boy that felt nice, didn't it. Dylan felt a little tingle in his body and he got a little warmer. D: yeah it does feel nice yeah. T: let's blow another one. From 3 clouds you will start to feel the effect. Dylan nodded again. Tony lit the lighter again and started melting the crystals again. Dylan again followed Tony's instructions and blew his second and third cloud into the room. Dylan felt how his head began to spin more how he got warmer and how he also became more excited. Tony's hand by now had also moved more upward toward Dylan's crotch and he was holding him tighter as well. T: fuck boy, you really are a natural. T: do you like it, do you want to blow another cloud. Dylan's inhibitions disappeared like snow in the sun and the tickle in his belly had multiplied with every cloud he blew as well. Although he didn't really know why or what it meant he suddenly felt a huge attraction to Tony. He looked deep into Tony's eyes with a naughty and slightly longing look. Tony had seen it immediately, but held back for a moment. D: yeah I think so. T: will you be able to do it yourself? I'm going to get something to drink first. D: I think so, will you bring something soda for me. No more beer for me. T: that's fine boy, you blow some clouds. I'll go get something to drink. Dylan took the lighter and started melting the crystals. Tony got up and went to the kitchen where he prepared a bottle of getorade for Dylan. As Tony added the dose of G to the bottle he felt his cock stiffen in his pants. For he knew that tonight he was going to create a new slave and probably a pozz slave too because he had stopped his medication for several weeks because a pozzing party was scheduled in a few weeks. The sound of the lighter turning back on in the living room made Tony increasingly horny and he already took off his T-shirt and then went back to the living room. There he saw that Dylan was just blowing out his cloud. T: hmmm that looks great boy. Here drink some of this and you'll feel a little better. Dylan took the bottle and took a good gulp of it, he was already fairly flying and saw that Tony was no longer wearing a T-shirt. T: Do you mind that I took off my T-shirt. I had gotten way too hot from the booze. D: no way, I actually got very hot too T: take off your T-shirt too. We are men among men here. Dylan took off his shirt and his eyes were already fairly spinning in his head and couldn't take his eyes off Tony's naked torso. D: You have such a beautiful body, did you know that. T: thank you boy. T: just drink your bottle empty that you stay hydrated. Dylan drank the bottle and couldn't take his eyes off Tony's naked chest. T: would you like to feel my chest. Dylan's eyes began to twinkle. D: may I. T: sure, I'm your stepfather. Dylan put his hands on Tony's firm pecs. D: fuck man, you muscles are like a block of concrete. Tony started grinning. T: years of training boy. Would you like to have muscles like that too. Dylan looked into Tony's eyes again D: yeah actually I do yeah. T: then I will personally train you until you also have muscles like mine. Tony took the pipe again and placed it against his lips and blew a cloud into the room. Then he signaled to Dylan if he wanted another puff. Dylan took the pipe and took another deep draw of the Tina into his lungs. T: good boy. T: want to try something new boy. Dylan's inhibitions were almost completely gone and without thinking about it he said yes T: do you know what a shotgun is. D: no T: I suck from the pipe and then I place my lips on yours and blow the cloud into your mouth. Dylan felt his whole body tingle and with a shy look he nodded to Tony. D: ok Tony took the pipe back, melted the kirstallen and sucked the fumes. Then he took hold of Dylan's head and gently placed his lips on Dylan's. Dylan got even warmer inside when he felt Tony's lips on his. When he felt Tony blow he sucked the smoke into his lungs. He felt his head start to spin even more and didn't immediately realize that Tony had put his tongue in his mouth and started kissing him. The kiss was very short, but long enough to completely release the desire in Dylan. Dylan blew the cloud into the room. T: sorry boy, I know you are not into men but you are way too hot and I just got way too horny. D: it is not a big deal, it was nice. Tony took hold of Dylan's head and looked deep into his eyes. T: do you want more boy, I certainly wouldn't mind because you make me extremely horny. You have been making me horny since you came in here. Dylan closed his eyes and bit his lower lip, he was already flying so high and the intoxication he was in got an extra layer because the G was already starting to do its job too. D: oh yeah, I want more. I can't stop it anymore. T: good boy. Tony took Dylan's head even tighter and pushed his lips back on Dylan's and began kissing him more firmly. Dylan felt himself slipping completely under the influence of this dominant male who was kissing him. Dylan started moaning lightly, Tony started fondling Dylan's body and stopped kissing him and started licking and nibbling his nipples. Dylan didn't know what was happening to him. This was completely new to him and he wanted to make Tony stop but Tony's dominant side came out, he pushed Dylan down in the seat and took a firm hold of his arms so he couldn't do anything. T: You are mine boy. Do as I say and I'll teach you what pleasure is. D: oh yeah, oh fuck yeah. Dylan was completely ecstatic. Tony was licking him all over his body and occasionally he would come back up and kiss him. Tony was now coming up with his chest hanging over Dylan's face. T: lick my nipples boy. Let me enjoy your tongue and mouth too. The sweaty man smell penetrated Dylan's nose and gave him an extra boost of horniness he had never experienced before. With his hands, he began caressing Tony's muscular body, and he opened his mouth and began licking his nipples. He rubbed Tony's various tattoos and looked at the different symbols that prided themselves on his body. D: such beautiful tattoos sir. T: I know boy and if you do your best I can make sure you might earn one like these too. Tony got out of the seat and came to stand in front of Dylan. Tony pulled Dylan straight so that he too was out of the seat. Dylan felt for the first time the full effect of the chems coursing through his body. Tony held him tightly because otherwise Dylan would have just fallen over and started kissing him again. T: fuck boy you make me so fucking horny. T: do you want me to stop or d: no don't stop. T: If you want to go on, then I won't be able to hold back anymore and I guess I won't be able to stop and you'll have to do what I say. Understood. Because you make me way too horny. D: yeah I understand. Tony took Dylan's hands and put them on his crotch so Dylan would feel his stiff big fat pole. T: you're sure huh, because this is what you do to me. This cock will want to squirt a load and it won't happen by looking at it. Dylan looked at Tony with a naughty horny longing and timid look. D: yeah I'm sure. I will do anything you ask and command me. Do to me as you do to my Daddy. I am completely yours. T: good boy. Tony started kissing him again and then pushed him to his knees. Tony took hold of Dylan's head and pushed his face against his fly. T: feel how horny you make me boy. Tony's swollen and stiff fat cock pushed against his face and Dylan didn't know what hit him. Because deep inside he wanted to smell, feel and taste that cock. D: hmmm yeah. I want to feel it. T: talking with two words boy. If you want to serve me you will have to address me with dignity, understood. Dylan was already fully under Tony's influence, and had already fully accepted him as his superior. D: hmmm, sorry sir. May I feel your cock sir. T: that's better boy. Just open my pants and release my cock so you can feel and admire it. Dylan undid the button of the jeans and carefully pulled them down. Tony had no underwear on so his fat and big cock jumped directly into Dylan's face. Dylan heaved a sigh of admiration as the cock slapped against his face. Full of wonder he looked at the cock, he had seen several cocks in the showers of the sports club, but had never seen such a big and fat one that was also stiff. After admiring the cock for a moment he looked at Tony to hear what he could do. T: take hold of it with your hands boy and just feel what power is in my cock. Dylan took hold of him and was shocked at the thickness of Tony's cock. Because when he held it he noticed that his fingers did not touch the palm of his hand and there was still at least 1.5 inches of slack. D: oh fuck sir, your dick is so fucking big. Tony grinned. T: would you like to taste all this brute power boy. Dylan nodded. T: good boy. Then open your mouth and let my glans slide into your mouth. Dylan moved closer with his face to Tony's cock and opened his mouth. His lips touched Tony's glans and for the first time he tasted what a cock tasted like. Dylan closed his eyes and let out a slight moan. T: That's it boy. Let that glans slide into your mouth. Dylan let the glans slide into his mouth and when it touched his tongue he tasted for the first time the pre-cum leaking from Tony's cock. Again Dylan let out a moan of pleasure. Dylan had a full taste and let the cock slide deeper into his mouth and over his tongue until his mouth was completely filled. T: hmmmm yeah, that's it boy. Worship my cock just like your daddy. Tony still quietly took hold of Dylan's head and stroked him through his hair. Tony wasn't allowed to get too rough just yet or he might cause the boy to freeze. Tony let the boy enjoy cock in his mouth for a moment and let him play with it as he pleased. Tony noticed that the boy had absolutely no technique or experience, but he would teach him that. After letting Dylan play with his cock for a while he straightened him out, pulled him close to him and kissed him. T: Not bad boy for a first time. Do you like my fat cock in your mouth boy. Dylan nodded T: I don't hear you boy. D: yes sir. I never thought this would be so tasty. T: hmmmm, I like to hear that boy. I'll teach you a lot more so you can enjoy cock even more. Would you like that boy D: hmmm yeah D: I don't know what's wrong with me, but I feel so turned on sir. I would like to touch your body all the time. I think I feel horny sir and don't know what to do with it. Tony looked Dylan straight in the eyes and saw how his pupils had widened and how his eyes were spinning in his eye sockets. T: I do know what we can do about that. Follow me boy. T: first we are going to take a shower together that we are clean. Dylan followed Tony to the bathroom and there they took off all their clothes. Tony turned on the shower and to Dylan's great surprise his own cock was completely limp and shriveled. Tony saw Dylan's reaction T: it doesn't matter that your dick is limp boy. That just confirms that you are a true bottom slave. Should your cock be stiff after using Miss Tina your cock would still be hard and stiff just like mine. True bottom sluts have a soft cock because they don't need it. All the pleasure will be in your pussy for you boy and you do want to have pleasure in your pussy huh boy. Dylan looked at Tony with glassy eyes and licked his lips wet and nodded affirmatively. Tony looked at Dylan and inspected his naked body. He saw that there was some hair on Dylan's chest and ass and that his cock was also well provided with pubic hair. T: now I don't feel like doing this right now but later I will clean you up a bit so you will look a little more posh for me boy. Dylan let out a moan Tony took hold of Dylan and pulled him under the hot water of the shower where he began kissing and licking him back. Tony put his hands on Dylan's virgin ass and squeezed his butt cheeks firmly. T: hmmmmm, I've been looking at this ass for weeks and now I finally get to squeeze it. Dylan let out a moan of pleasure and licked Tony's neck. T: do you like it boy. Do you like it when I touch your ass. D: yes sir. T: are you going to offer your virgin ass to me boy later. T: and let your virgin ass be filled with my cock and cum. Dylan looked at Tony bit his lower lip and nodded and moaned as Tony pulled the jaws of his ass open and stroked his finger along his virgin sphincter. D: hmmm yeah. I want you to be my first sir. T: good boy. Look at my cock how it's getting even harder from you. You make me horny as hell boy. Tony took the soap and sensually soaped Dylan. Then he licked every place he had soaped and washed off. Tony now soaped Dylan's cock and when it was rinsed off he took it his mouth for a moment, Dylan closed his eyes and for the first time enjoyed a warm mouth around his cock, although it also remained limp. Still, it was a unique experience for Dylan. Then Tony came back upright he pushed Dylan against the wall and kissed him passionately. He turned Dylan around and pushed him face down against the wall. T: spread your legs boy. Dylan did as asked and Tony took soap in his hands and first soaped his ass and then he slid his hands to his sphincter and gently soaped that too. Tony watched as Dylan enjoyed the first touch that his future pussy received. Nothing as beautiful and horny as a virgin experiencing for the first time the sensation his pussy can offer him thought Tony. Tony saw that the boy was changed by this moment and would never want to be anything but a hole to be fucked. As the soap washed off his sphincter Tony went through his knees and gently pulled the jaws of Dylan's ass open and buried his face in it and began licking Dylan's sphincter. Dylan didn't know what was happening to him and started moaning loudly with pleasure and enjoying every moment that Tony's tongue was licking his pussy. D: holy shit, this is heavenly sir. T: I know boy. But I need to rinse your ass first before we can continue. T: stay put I take my enema. Tony took his enema that was always ready filled with a potent dose of chempiss and a bucket. T: don't be scared boy, I will inject this and you keep this in you until I say you can push it out, got it. Dylan nodded and he felt his a thin rod being pushed into his ass and a liquid being injected into his ass. Dylan closed his eyes and listened to what Tony told him to do. After holding up the fluid for a moment and getting a little warmer inside again, Tony told him he could let it come out. Tony held the bucket under Dylan's ass and he let the fluid squirt out of his ass. Tony repeated this several more times until the fluid was completely clear coming out of Dylan's ass. T: That's it boy. Tony took the soap again and soaped Dylan's ass again. Dylan began to fly higher and higher, enjoying every touch he received. Tony turned off the water took a towel and dried off his future bitch. Dylan struggled to stay upright and stay off Tony. He had gotten so horny and was no longer in control of himself. Dylan got down on his knees and wanted to start sucking Tony's cock. He opened his mouth and let the swollen but sagging cock slide into his mouth and began to bob his head up and down like a real slut in need of a load of cum. T: Look at that. Already a cock worshipping bitch. You make me so fucking horny boy. I will transform that ass of yours tonight into a blooming pussy that many bitches would envy. D: but he's so delicious step-daddy. T: oh fuck boy, yes call me step daddy. That makes me extremely horny. T: But we're not going to stay here boy. You can come with me to the playroom. I can train you properly there. Tony straightened Dylan and took his hand and pulled him along to the playroom. Tony opened the room and pushed Dylan inside. Although he had already looked inside the room before, he was once again impressed both by the size and by what was inside. Tony took some things and rejoined Dylan. T: First I'll put some gear on you boy. So I can train you properly later. T: you still want to serve me and be my slave, don't you boy. Dylan was completely floating, for the first time in his life he could think of nothing but sex and other dirty thoughts and he looked at Tony with longing eyes, and in his belly he felt itching all over. He moved his head closer to Tony and sought Tony's with his lips. When he found them he began to kiss him passionately. T: Then I may conclude that it is a yes. Dylan felt a leather strap being put around his neck and also around his wrists and ankles. Tony pulled him along to the crotch and clicked his wrists and ankles to it. He came up beside him and whispered in his ear. T: You are mine now boy. You came into this room as a virgin boy but you will not leave it until your cunt is trained, filled with toxic cum and you are a cock worshiping slave. Dylan began breathing heavier and moaning because of what Tony whispered in his ear. All he could think about now was Tony's cock and how he loved to serve him. T: That's what you want anyway huh boy. To become like your daddy, a dirty pozz slave who will do anything for me and have his cunt fucked by whoever and whenever I want it. Again Dylan moaned and he bit his lower lip as he could no longer control his feelings and desires. He did hear everything Tony him and could still process it all but the desires were taking over more and more. He did hear that his father was pozz and now he also knew what those symbols were on Tony's chest. But he didn't care about any of it. He had to and would worship that cock of the man in front of him. T: I want to hear you say it boy. D: hmmmm, yeah, fuck yeah. Please train me so I can become a good slave for you step daddy T: that's the perfect answer boy. Hmmmmmmmm T: first I'll give you some real nipples boy so I can play with them nicely. Tony sucked, licked and bit Dylan's nipples hard. Dylan let out a loud cry from both pain, excitement and pleasure. Tony took two nipple clamps and placed them on the Dylan's soft boy nipples. He also took a piece of rope and tied off Dylan's balls with it and hung a bottle of water from it. Dylan felt the pain of the clamps and the tugging on his balls through the bottle of water and moaned softly in pain. Tony took a flogger and first stroked the strings along Dylan's skin. Dylan did not know that this could produce such a sensation and began to moan softly. The moaning stopped as Tony began to quietly whip even more. Although the strokes of the whip did not hurt, yet Dylan was startled with each stroke causing the bottle of water to start rocking and pulling more on his balls. This not only provided a pain stimulus but also a kind of pleasure sensation Dylan had never experienced before. T: You dirty boy. Tony spat in Dylan's face and then licked it back off. It wound Dylan up every time and he kept trying to find Tony's mouth so he could kiss him. T: no boy. I decide what happens here, and if you don't listen and do what I say. Then you will experience pain instead of pleasure. He slapped a little harder so Dylan would realize who was in charge. Dylan was a good pupil and after Tony again called him a dirty boy and spat and licked him, Dylan did nothing. T: hmmm, you're already starting to get it kid. You are beginning to understand that your desires and needs are secondary to mine. With you I will have a lot of fun, I can feel it. After Tony had worked Dylan with the flogger for a while, he took off the nipple clamps and also loosened the knot around his balls and released Dylan from the crotch. Dylan immediately got down on his knees to regain his strength. Tony stood in front of he and the smell of Tony's cock hit his nose and his horniness forced him to suck that cock. Dylan opened his mouth and licked at Tony's swollen glans. Tony felt Dylan's warm mouth and pulled his cock away and slapped Dylan. T: did I say you could touch my cock boy. Dylan shook his head. Tony gave him another slap to the head. T: I don't hear you slave. D: no step daddy. T: you will have to learn to control yourself boy and especially listen to what you can, cannot and should do. D: sorry sir, I will listen. T: sit on all fours boy. Dylan did what was asked of him and he felt Tony slapping his ass with the flogger. Tony alternated hitting with the flogger with hitting with the flat of his hand. With each slap, Dylan let out a small cry of pain and, oddly, pleasure. When Dylan's ass had received enough slaps and was looking nice and red Tony sat down behind Dylan's ass and pulled the jaws of his ass open and began to lick back at Dylan's sphincter. Dylan immediately began to moan with pleasure and sagged through his arms, raising his ass a little more. Tony forgave him this mistake, after all it was still only the first time for this boy and he still had a lot to learn. Tony took some lube and two beautiful crystals. Dylan felt how a cold liquid was put on his sphincter and how Tony's thick fingers began to push against his sphincter. Dylan felt the pressure building against his sphincter and he moaned as his sphincter opened and let Tony's finger inside. The finger than Tony slid all the way in and then back out before disappearing all the way in his ass again. After a few times Dylan felt how something was changing in his ass. It started to get all warm and even feel burning. D: hmmm stop step daddy, my ass is starting to burn. I'm in such pain step-daddy. Tony started grinning because he knew these were just the crystals melting and instead of stopping he pushed a second finger into Dylan's ass. Dylan began to moan even louder. D: Fuck, it's burning sir. T: stop whining boy. That burning feeling is your cunt preparing itself. Get used to it because you will feel that feeling regularly in your life if you want to become my slave. Dylan bit his teeth and felt the burning sensation begin to ebb away. The burning sensation gave way to a desire in his ass to be filled and he began to sweat even more and got even hotter again. His head began to spin more violently again and when he noticed that Tony's fingers had disappeared from his ass for a moment he got a huge empty feeling inside that he had never experienced before. His ass was empty and he could not handle that empty feeling. The empty feeling had to stop and that could only happen if his ass was filled with something. Dylan began to moan, whimper and shake his ass hoping something would happen so the empty feeling would stop. T: you see boy your cunt was preparing. Your cunt already probably can't do it without something in it. Isn't it boy. D: no step daddy. There must be something in my cunt, it feels so empty sir. T: is that so boy. Does your ass need to be filled. D: yes step daddy T: and I have to do that? D: yes please, I can't stand it like this anymore. T: what good does it do me that your cunt is filled boy. What do I get in return. D: I'll do anything step daddy, really anything. T: open your mouth boy and suck my dick first, then I can think how to thank me when I fill your ass with something. Dylan opened his mouth and sucked the thick soft cock inside and started sucking it gently. T: hmmm yeah, that's nice huh boy, sucking step daddy's cock. Your technique will have to be refined but you'll learn. But I see you like masters cock. T: will you thank step-daddy if he will stuff your ass. Dylan looked at Tony with slutty eyes and nodded. T: good boy. I will fill youre mouth with my piss boy and you have to swallow everything neatly understood. If you do I will fill that empty feeling in your pussy. Is that good boy. Although Dylan was flying high, still he didn't know if he could do this, but the empty feeling in his ass had to be filled and he had no other choice. Dylan nodded. T: good boy. T: since it's your first time, I'll piss slowly so you have time enough to swallow it all nicely. T: isn't that sweet of me boy. Dylan opened his mouth. D: thank you step daddy. T: now put those lips around step-daddy's cock nicely and let that golden nectar run down to your belly. Dylan gently pressed his lips around Tony's half hard cock and felt the first stream of piss running into his mouth. Dylan felt his heart pounding more firmly and closed his eyes. The first thing he thought was that the taste wasn't so bad. It was a warm and slightly bitter taste, and without giving it further thought, he let the warm nectar run down his throat. He had thought he would gag but as a miracle he did . He felt Tony take his head firmly and push his cock deeper into his mouth. T: That's it boy. Drink nicely from stepdaddy's cock. You're a natural. Even your father couldn't do this the first time without gagging. Dylan felt jet after jet running down his throat, and for some reason it thrilled him immensely to have Tony's piss squirted into his mouth and running straight to his stomach. Dylan even started sucking Tony's cock while it was pissing. That only made Tony even hornier and he pushed his cock as far as he could into Dylan's mouth. T: Such a good boy. I will spoil your pussy later boy. You more than deserve it. Dylan felt himself growing from Tony's encouraging words. When he felt Tony finish pissing he also felt Tony withdraw his cock from his mouth. T: sit on all fours on the bed boy. Tony took some dildos and some buttplugs. He also took a quick look at the clock and saw that by now they had been going for almost 3 h since Dylan had gotten his dose of G. He put the stuff next to Dylan and he saw how entranced Dylan looked at the toys. T: hands off boy. I'm going to get something ready for you first. Dylan watched as Tony took a bottle of getorade and added a liquid from another bottle. Dylan felt that he was starting to think more clearly again and although he was still firmly under the influence of the booty bump, he nevertheless put on his naughty shoes. D: what is that step daddy. T: you noticed that boy, that I added something to the drink. Dylan nodded. T: that's to get you nice and horny and to let your submissive side come out boy. The drugs aren't going to make you do anything you don't want to do yourself. It only enhances your feelings , and you liked it just now isn't it. Dylan nodded. T: do you want to feel so nice and horny and slutty again boy. Dylan nodded again. T: Good boy. Here drink the G then, you will soon feel like the slave and slut you were before. We have to make sure you stay nice to fly. Don't we, boy? Dylan took the bottle in full awareness of what he was going to drink and do and drank it empty and nodded again. D: yes step daddy, I'll do anything for you. Ever since I heard you busy at the party a longing for you has awakened that could not be stilled and now I know what it is. I really want to serve you like my dad. I also want to become like him, your slave and give my life to you. Tony took the bottle and kissed Dylan. T: Then we will make you a real slave boy, then you can serve me forever just like your father. Tony gave Dylan the pipe as well. T: blow 3 more nice clouds for me boy, you will need it when I start to stretch open your pussy. Because that G will only take effect in about 20 min. Dylan took the pipe and started melting the crystals. He felt his ass being smeared back with lube and he blew his first cloud at that moment. T: good boy keep those clouds coming. Go ahead and start flying back. Dylan blew his second and third cloud, he again felt the effect of the extra layer of tina shooting through his body and dropped his head on the bed. Tony took a bottle of poppers and placed an inhaler on it and handed it to Dylan. T: sniff this a few times boy. It will help you when I start to stretch your cunt. T: put the inhaler in your nose and sniff in each nostril but as long as you can and as much as you want. Dylan stuck the inhaler in his nose and sniffed the poppers and felt the warm glow come over his body, he felt his heart begin to beat faster and his ass felt the need to be filled even more. At that moment he felt how a cold dildo pushed against his sphincter and how his sphincter opened to let the dildo slide inside. Dylan sighed very deeply and let out a loud moan of pleasure. Although this was just the beginning and was only the thinnest dildo in Tony's collection, Dylan felt his pussy being filled and a satisfied feeling came over him. D: hmmmmmmmm fuck yeah, this is so nice step daddy. T: hmmm, your pussy looks so delicious boy. I can't wait to jam my fat cock in it. D: do it step daddy, I want to feel your fat cock in my pussy. T: not so fast boy, your cunt would rip open if I ram my cock in you now. Tony pulled the dildo out of Dylan's cunt and showed him the thickness of the dildo next to that of his own cock. T: you see boy, my cock is 3 times thicker than the dildo that has now been in your cunt. T: But no worries boy, I love to stretch virgin pussies open so they can be fucked by my fat cock. T: Before you realize it, you will be riding my fat cock. Dylan bit his lower lip and groaned as he felt the next dildo being pushed into his pussy. Again he sniffed the poppers a few times and the pain he had at first from the thicker dildo disappeared and gave way to pleasure. He noticed that by pushing his ass back a little that the dildo slid in more smoothly and he got much more pleasure that way. Tony played with the dildo in Dylan's newly formed pussy. T: hmmmm such a hungry pussy you have boy. Shall I take another thicker one and open up your pussy a little further. The G began to kick back in and Dylan felt the slutty effects in his mind's body come to the surface. His eyes began to turn more in his head again and he got the blissful feeling about him again. D: hmmmmm yeah, stretch it open step daddy. I want to be able to feel your fat cock inside me. T: hmmm you horny slut. I can't wait to be able to squirt my first load in your pussy. Tony took another thicker dildo and also played with it in Dylan's pussy for a while after which he took another thicker one and saw that it too disappeared smoothly into Dylan's cunt. Tony saw that by now the tight pussy had already become a slightly gaping hole and after Dylan had gotten used to the tentatively thickest dildo of the set Tony took an even thicker butt plug. T: sniff the poppers boy, I'm going to shove a plug in your cunt and this one will hurt for a while, because it will also stay in your cunt for a while so it can stretch open nicely. Dylan sniffed the poppers, Tony took another crystal and already pushed it into Dylan's gaping pussy and took the inflatable butt plug, smeared it with lube and gently pushed it in. He felt some resistance from Dylan's sphincter at first, and he heard how Dylan started moaning again that his pussy was on fire and that it was way too thick. But it wasn't long before the plug slid past the sphincter and was in place. Tony first gave a few more squeezes on the pump of the plug so that it inflated a little in Dylan's pussy and then he turned the boy onto his back and lay on top of him. T: hmmmm, is it nice boy. Do you like it when I play with your pussy and get it ready for my cock. The bootybump hit Dylan and he was flying back fiercer. D: fuck yeah step daddy, I feel so hot and dirty and want you to use me so bad. Tony started kissing and licking him back and Dylan let out moan after moan of pleasure. After they made love for a while, Tony pulled Dylan straight and first gave two more squeezes on the pump of the butt plug. Dylan felt his pussy being pulled open from the inside. Dylan struggled for a moment to stay upright but Tony took hold of his hand and pulled him back into the bathroom. D: what are we going to do step daddy. T: while I stretch your pussy open a little, we have a little time to clean you up a little so you will look a little more like a slave boy. T: you want that don't you huh boy look like my slave. D: yes step daddy. Tony took the trimmer and first shaved away the hair on Dylan's chest and butt and then his pubic hair. Again he gave two squeezes on the pump of the plug and then he also trimmed the hair on Dylan's head. T: that looks better already boy. Dylan was pushed under the shower again and had to get on his knees first. T: fuck boy, you look so nice and horny. T: open your mouth that I can piss your mouth. Dylan opened his mouth and immediately felt a warm jet of piss spray onto his face and into his mouth. It wound Dylan up tremendously and with his hands he rubbed the piss that did not run into his mouth all over his face in and body. D: hmmmmmm this is delicious step daddy. This so fucking delicious. T: I know boy. I knew you would be a dirty piss drinking slut. After the last drop was sprayed on Dylan's face Tony pulled him back straight pushed him against the wall and licked his face which was soaked with his piss and then stuck his tongue in Dylan's mouth and kissed him. Tony took a razor and some shaving cream. T: just hold still boy so I don't cut you. Because I like my slaves completely smooth. Tony began to shave away the short-trimmed hair completely and Dylan saw that he had become completely hairless. His cock, balls and ass were also set completely smooth. Tony first gave a few more squeezes on the pump of the plug, Dylan again felt how his cunt was pulled open further and how warm water suddenly ran down his body. Tony pushed him against the wall and started kissing and licking him all over his body again. T: those nipples of yours I will get a little bigger later so I can play with them nicely. Tony squeezed Dylan's ass and then gave a few firm pats on it. Because I like my slaves completely smooth. Tony began shaving the short-trimmed hair all the way and Dylan saw that he had become completely hairless. His cock, balls and ass were also set completely smooth. Tony first gave a few more squeezes on the pump of the plug, Dylan again felt how his cunt was pulled open further and how warm water suddenly ran down his body. Tony pushed him against the wall and started kissing and licking him all over his body again. T: those nipples of yours I will get a little bigger later so I can play with them nicely. Tony squeezed Dylan's ass and then gave a few firm pats on it. T: hmmmmm I like my asses nice and red boy that makes me feel nice and horny. Tony turned off the water and dried Dylan off. He gave a few more squeezes on the pump and then took two nipple pumps, he placed them on Dylan's nipples and sucked them vaccum so that his nipples no longer remained flat but that teats formed. T: that looks so delicious boy. I would like to bite into those tasty nipples of yours already. Dylan felt the pressure being put on his nipples but the numbing effect of the chems did not make it painful but made him feel horny. Tony also took a penis cage and showed it to Dylan. T: This one goes around your dick boy. I don't want you playing with your dick in an unguarded moment. From now on you are mine and I decide when your dick can be played with. Got it. D: yes step daddy. My cock and ass are completely yours. Dylan felt Tony put the cage around his cock and put a lock on it. Tony then pulled Dylan into the playroom and put him in front of the mirror and stood behind him. T: Take a good look at yourself boy. You almost look like a real slave already. Dylan looked at himself and saw how in a short time he had transformed from a boy to slave in the making. He rubbed his clean-shaven body and tapped his fingers against the nipple pumps. He looked at his caged cock and took a moment to hold it. It didn't make him feel weird that his cock was caged, it just made him even more turned on. He felt Tony give a few more slaps against his ass and began to lick and bite his neck. Again, he felt the pressure on his nipples being increased and his pussy being pulled open some more. He looked up and saw a clock hanging. Dylan was startled because the last dose of G was already back on its last legs he began to think a little clearer again. T: what's up boy, why are you startled. D: is it 5 o'clock step dad already, shouldn't we be in bed for a long time. When Dylan had taken his first pull of the pipe it was 8 o'clock in the evening and now they had been going for 9 hours and he had had no sense of time at all. Tony started laughing T: time goes fast boy when you're having fun. But you should not be afraid you are not going to bed for a long time. You won't really be able to sleep until your father comes back and has seen your transformation. Dylan was turned around and Tony kissed him again, looked deep into his eyes and saw that the boy could already go back to using a new dose of chems. He took out another bottle of getorade and put another dose of G in it and handed the bottle to Dylan with a devilish grin on his face. D: is it time to let me fly again step daddy? T: yes boy, drink up nicely you're getting nice and willing again. Dylan drank out the bottle. D: may I blow a few clouds too step daddy. Tony started grinning. T: you'd like that for sure isn't it boy. But you may not blow any clouds for a while. I have something much better in store for you. T: first we are going to take those nipple pumps off you and see if your nipples are already nicely swollen and I can play with them. Tony let the pressure off the nipple pumps and took them off. Dylan's nipples were nicely swollen, sensitive and there were like little teats on his nipples. Tony got all wild when he saw the swollen nipples and took the nipples in his mouth and started nibbling on them. Dylan went absolutely crazy from the sensation going through his body. T: holy shit boy, your nipples are really delicious. By the time I'm all done with you they will be much bigger your nipples and they will be permanently so nice and thick. You will have to hide them from me or every time I see you I will want to eat you. Tony put Dylan in the middle of the room, attached his wrists to a chain hanging from the ceiling and played with his nipples. He placed clamps on them again and teased him with the flogger. He blew the plug to maximum and Dylan felt his once again being pulled open further. T: fuck boy. You have a nice horny body. He gave a few pats on Dylan's ass and saw that he came back nice and red. He took the clamps off the nipples and Dylan curled his toes in pain. Tony took the nipples into his mouth and licked and sucked firmly on them. Dylan was completely ecstatic with the feeling that came over him. Tony came up next to his ear and whispered. T: do you want to feel step daddy's cock in your pussy boy. Do you think you will be able to handle my fat cock in your pussy. Dylan started moaning with pleasure at the thought alone and whispered. D: oh fuck yes. Fuck me step daddy I long so hard to feel your cock in my pussy. T: shall step daddy give you another hand and give you something so your pussy can definitely handle it boy or are you going to do it without anything. D: hmmmmm give me whatever you want and make me as horny and willing as you want as long as you are sure my cunt can get your fat cock inside. Tony licked in Dylan's ear and whispered again T: I'm going to give you a fat slam boy. I will then inject the Tina right into your veins. You will be shot to the stars and your pussy will suck my cock inside afterwards. Do you want that boy your pussy to suck my cock inside. Dylan was completely ecstatic, he moaned with pleasure and desire and nodded. D: slam me, do what you want with me. Tony gave one last pat on Dylan's ass and then untied him and pushed him onto the bed. His first time may still be loving he thought. Later I'll put him in the sling and stretch his cunt open further. Dylan lay on his back on the bed and felt the plug being deflated. Tony let him sit for a while longer and put a rubber band around Dylan's biceps. T: stay still boy. Tony rubbed his arm with an alcohol swipe and he looked for a nice thick vein. Dylan watched as Tony stuck a needle in his arm and his blood mixed with the liquid in the syringe, and Dylan watched as the needle was inserted into his arm. T: look me in the eyes boy. I love watching a virgin boy turn into a real hungry slut for the first time. Dylan looked into Tony's eyes, Tony pushed in the plunger of the syringe and the Tina disappeared into Dylan's arm. Tony undid the rubber band and watched as Dylan's eyes opened wide the moment the slam hit. Dylan began to cough violently and cried out with desire. He was now wiggling completely uncontrollably on the bed. His hands went all over his body which felt electrically charged. He was completely out of it and felt like the horniest slave on the planet. He felt the plug slide out of his ass and Tony pouring lube all over his pussy and the tip of his glans pressing against his sphincter. At that moment the poppers were pushed under his nose and he sniffed the horny fumes. Dylan opened his eyes and looked straight at Tony. He sniffed the poppers first and then tossed them next to him on the bed. He felt Tony trying to work his glans's way in, but still encountering a little resistance from his sphincter. T: relax boy, let my fat big cock do its job and penetrate your pussy nicely. Your pussy is ready boy. I can feel it. Tony saw the longing and hungry look on Dylan's face and it drove him wild. Carefully he gave a little more force against the sphincter and then something magical happened. The sphincter opened and Dylan felt the glans drill its way in. Dylan began to moan heavily. He felt his cunt being pulled open even further and both pain and pleasure werehed over him. Dylan's mouth was fully opened and he was breathing heavily and deeply, letting out moan after moan. T: hmmmmmm fuck yes boy, let my cock slide inside your virgin pussy. Dylan felt inch after inch as Tony's fat cock slid into his pussy, getting hotter and hotter. Tony took his time and let the boy get used to his fat cock and then suddenly Dylan felt the balls Tony was slapping against his ass. Tony put a pillow under Dylan's ass and while his cock was completely inside Dylan's pussy he came down on him. He licked back into Dylan's ear and whispered. T: hmmmmm your pussy feels blissful boy. Do you like having step daddy's bare cock all the way inside your pussy boy. Dylan couldn't say anything because he was completely ecstatic because of all the emotions and sensations now going through his body. He could only moan with pleasure. Tony licked him for a moment and kissed him. D: you are so big step daddy I can feel your cock all the way into my belly. Tony laughed for a moment. D: fuck me step daddy, your cock feels good in my pussy. Spray your cum in my pussy and then let me drink it because I want to feel and taste it. T: you dirty boy. T: I am pozz boy and I have stopped my medication for a while. If I inject my load into your pussy you can be pozz too. Do you want that boy. Become my pozz boy. You would make me proud if I can become your pozz daddy. D: oh yes step daddy, become my pozz daddy then we will be connected forever. T: hmmmmmmm you fucking horny slave. I am going to fill your pussy with unmedicated virus until you are fully charged and pregnant with the virus and become pozz. Tony felt that Dylan's pussy had become ready to start thrusting and he began to lightly thrust into Dylan's pussy. Dylan's mouth fell back open and he began to moan again. D: hmmm yes pozz daddy, fuck my hole. Fuck my hole harder and fill it up with your virus and get me pregnant. T: I'm not going to be able to last long this first time boy. You are making me way too horny. But no fear boy, I have many more loads in my balls for you today. That pussy of yours will be glowing with my virus before you can go to sleep. Tony began to thrust more firmly into Dylan's cunt and Dylan was left with only the sensation of pleasure. The pain was completely gone and he felt Tony's cock begin to contract and he heard Tony begin to breathe heavier. T: fuck boy here comes your first load of virus. Aaaaaaaaaahh Dylan felt Tony's cock spurt string after string into his cunt. Tony fell down on Dylan for a moment while his cock was still in Dylan's filled pussy. Dylan felt the cock stay stiff in his filled pussy. He took hold of Tony's head for the first time himself and kissed him. D: this was fucking blissful pozz daddy. I want a lot more of this. You totally woke me up and that I am a true bottom that needs to be fucked. D: fuck me again pozz daddy. My pussy wants more. Tony laughed. T: you young slave. Always hungry for more. Give me five minutes and I'll fuck your cunt for a second time. Tony's cock fell out of Dylan's cunt and Tony turned on his back. T: lick my cock clean boy and taste the cum and virus that is going to get you pregnant. Dylan crawled on top of Tony and sat down in a 69 position and began to lick Tony's seed-covered cock clean. It was the first time Dylan tasted a man's seed and It was the first time Dylan tasted a man's seed and It certainly tasted like more. Tony lay under Dylan's gaping pussy and watched as his seed began to spill out. He let the seed run onto his face and after Dylan had licked his cock clean, he also licked his face which was covered in seed clean. After he was licked clean he took a butt plug and pushed it into Dylan's gaping pussy. T: We have to keep your pussy nice and open for later he boy. Otherwise we can start all over again.23 points
Asher sat in his last class of the day, horny again, unable to get the moment the guy from last night came inside him. He craved the Warm wet throbbing feeling of the man cumiing inside him. Even the fact that the guy had pozzed him. Made Asher throb. ‘You horny?”’ the man messaged just about as class was getting out. “Of course lol.” Asher texted back. ‘My place now!” There was a pause. “I have a surprise for you.” Asher was excited and was at the mans house in less than twenty minutes. “That’s not bad boy.” The man said by way of greeting. “Thank you, sir.:” Asher smiled as he walked in. Asher started to strip. “Not yet boy, and call me daddy.” He stopped asher. Asher hesitated only slightly as he got in the man’s car, but the man quietly took Asher to a ran down part of town. “This is a bath house.” The man said. “You belong in a place like this.” Asher was a bit confused there were places you could go to take a bath? Like in ancient rome? As the man paid for them to get in, asher soon realized this was nothing like a bath house from rome… this was a place for public sex. Asher stripped down when ordered and put his clothes in a locker, he covered him self. “Some guys like smaller dudes, espically the guys your gonna meet.” Daddy smirked at a now bright red asher. Asher had never felt so embarred, he was naked around other men, not only that they were staring at him like he was a piece of meat; He followed daddy, to a little room with miorrs on the wall with to guys fucking. Asher just watched as the two men grunted and groaned. Asher even subconcionsuly started to play with himself, until he noticed a smirk from daddy. The top grunted, and the pair left. Daddy put asher on his knees and elbows. Asher watched in the mirror as he was mounted like a bitch. He grunted, as daddy slid into him kinda hard. “Ohh daddy.” Asher moaned. Daddy chuckled. “Take My poz Dick, you little poz bitch.” Daddy grunted loudly enough for most people to hear him. “Daddy.” Asher moaned sounding extra helpless hoping daddy would stop, and not notice how embarrsed he was. Daddy pulled Ashers head back. “You’re a poz whore now, get used to how I treat you, you derserve no better.” He whispered in Ashers ear. Asher held his head down, as daddy fucked, his poz ass. Daddy was right he was too ‘toxic’ for most neg guys now, even on meds. If toxic meant what he thought he did. He moaned out involuntarily as daddy pushed in deep and hard, hitting a spot in him he could only call special. Why did being a whore feel so good? “I am a whore daddy!” Asher shouted loud enough for everyone to hear, still unable to raise his head in shame. What would his parents think? “No you’re a worthless whore!” Daddy corrected by pulling ashers head back. Asher hung his head as soon as daddy let his hair go. “Im a worthless wore!”Asher shouted. “Whoes worlthes whore, are you?: daddy askes. “Yours!” Asher answered back. Soon all asher could do was moan, as daddy really let his ass have hit. He was going to get an as full of hiv, of poz cum. He watched dads legs as the pushed addys pelvis in and out of asher. Dady grunted and panted and slammed in hard, and gave asher that warm wet, and pusleating feeling he so craved. Asher moaned out, his cock trobbed, and shot a rope of cum in his face, and he let the rest hit is worthless wore face. Daddy slid out, and to Ashers horror another man mounted him. Asher raised his head, but the man slid inside him before he could object. Asher moaned out, the man grabbed ashered shoulder and pulled him back, forcing his head up. Asher looked around and the line of guys who wanted to beinside of him, his cock got hard again. The kind of chubby stranger sped up, like dady did when he was going to cum. He smalled in and out of asher grunting, hold asher down, which made ashers cock throb. “That’s two poz loads for you bitch.” The man said sliding out. Six more men, bread sher, some more than once, daddy three times. All of them poz. Daddy put a larg butt plug up ashers leaky ass, and the two went back to Daddies house. It was late, and Asher knew he wasny going to make it to class. But that is what Daddy wanted. Daddy had found his young house boy, and pozzed him, the last thing he wanted for asher was to learn independent thinking.23 points
--- Setting up the scene --- Mike was eighteen years old. Tall, Fit, not that athletic boy, Mike has a bit of complex with his body compared to his mates. He just accepted he was gay, however he was still a virgin. Living a remote farm in the countryside, it was not easy to get to know gay person to identify to nor to meet one. He has just finished highschool in he city nearby, however, in new that at then of the holidays, he would be at 7 hours drive from his parents in at the university. Yet, there were still two months before that to occupy. So he registered on a regular gay dating app. He met Chris online. Chris was 23 years old, just graduated from Uni and was looking for a job, but for now was also enjoying time off at his parents in the city while looking for a job. They agreed to meet in the city to have a drink. Mike was thrilled and excited to meet Chris. He drove to the city and went to the bar. There was Chris, and even before speaking to him Mike was under his charm. They chat and kind of get along. Al of this being pretty new for Mike, he did not take any initiative. Chris joked about it and just starting kissing him. Mike was lost in all new sensations to him. Chris figured out that all of this was new to his date, and decided to take things slow. They stayed in the bar making out. When the bar was closing, they parted on Chris initiative. Mike drove back home in such a bliss and the impression of falling in love with that one guy he met. This sole evening decided Mike to come out to his parent. Which he did the day after. It went better than expected, and when agreeing to meet Chris again, his dad even made a remark to "go out covered"... They met again, and despite Mike enthusiasm, things seems a bit different. "Sorry Mike, you are a nice guy, but I am not sure I can last our relationship..." Chris said. This felt like a dagger stroke to Mike... "You are going away to study, I found a job several hours drive from here in another region. I am not that much into long distance stories man." "I am happy you found a job Chris, that is great", trying to be cheerful about this... "But we could still try no ? I mean I could drive to visit you or take the train..." "That is sweet of you, but there is something else... My ex contacted me saying me he had an STD and that I should get tested my self. That drove me a bit mad, because he kind of acknowledge that he cheated on my that bastard... but this made me not want to engage into any thing for now." Mike was silent, eyes reddening. "Oh Mike, I am sorry, I mean that is only the second time we meet." "I know. I am sorry. I got carried away and I cannot expect things of you..." mike replied... "Can we at least stay in touch ?" "Well we can try yes, we will see how this goes on" Chris said without wanting to turn him down any further... Chris took his job in the other region, while Mike went studying. Mike was not that entreprising at uni and he did not meet other gay guys. There he was hit on by one student, and they dated and he lost his virginity to him. However after several weeks, Mike ended it as he cannot escape the memory of the kisses with Chris. A year later, the same situation appeared with another student. Though it lasted longer, Mike also ended the relationship. In the meantime, Mike chatted online with Chris, but not much were exchanged. 2 years after they first met, Mike sent a long message to Chris which could be read as a love letter. Mike admitted that could not stop about Chris, how good he felt with him, while he was aware it was a bit awkward as they hardly knew each other. Chris was quite surprised by this long message, and though he ignored some of the previous messages of Mike, he thought than he may enjoy some quality time with him, but give something he could remember him as well. Chris answered him that Mike should come over for a weekend. Mike was thrilled and as they agreed on a date, Mike organized to travel there. What Mike did not know though was that Chris was HIV positive since the test he was suggested to make. Unfortunately his health insurance does not pay of the entire meds, so he do not take them all the year, and in particular not at this time of the year. --- The first night --- As the Friday arrives, Mike jumped into the train to get to Chris. He arrived at the station and as he lay a foot on the platform notice Chris waiting for him. He smiled at him and walked to him. Chris did not really change : Tall, Athletic and still very attractive. As he reached him, Chris just make out with Mike, who was surprised by doing this in public. "Welcome Mike, that is so good to see you again!" "Hi Chris. Thank you for the warm welcome!" Mike replied smiling. "Okay, let's go to my place, I leave nearby" Chris took Mike luggage and they walked to Chris flat. THey climbed the stairs, entered the flat, Chris pinned Mike to the wall and make out with him. Mike replied and give it back caressing Chris back and head. Chris stopped and said winking : "We have all weekend for that. Are you thirsty ? I will prepare dinner" "Water is fine thanks. Ow by the way, I brought something from where I come - a specialty. You will se it is very sweet and tasty". Chris handed over a glass of water to Mike, who drank it bottoms up. "Oh nice of you for this gift. Well I have one for you as well" Chris replied with a lust smile. He took Mike by the han let him to his bedroom. He pushed him so he lays on the bed, while he unbuttoned Mike's jean, revealing his trunks. Chris push all that down and just swallow Mike's cock which was already fullmast. "oh fuck... " was all Mike could say, as he was never sucked that way... Chris worked the cock wonderfully, and with his hands removed completely Mike's pant and trunks. He then place himself between Mike's leg and pull him on the edge on the bed so Chris could kneel on the floor. "Fuck Chris this is so good..." "Yeah sou like that ?" "Yeah, I will not last long I think!" Hearing this Chris just go on harder on mike's cock as he wanted to collect his jizz. "Chris, attention I am cumming…" but Chris hold position and collected Mike's cum in his mouth. As Mike unloaded his last drop, Chris continue sucking him and slowly raised Mike leg until he has his mouth in front of his pucker. He release some of the Mike's cum on it and worked inside with a finger. And he did this with all the cum allowing to lube well Mike's hole for the next step. "How do you like this now Mike ? Do you like to have your own cum in you ?" Chris asked as with one hand he unbuttoned his pant to release his cock and with the other crawl on to the bed to kiss Mike. "Yes, I did... I mean I am still hard" "I can se this" Chris replied as he has raised Mike's legs on his shoulder and put his cockhead on Mike's hole. Chris ease his cock up and down and Mike's crack making it more greasy with his precum. "Fuck Chris that feels so good..." "Yeah you like my dick rubbing your hole like this ? Do you want it to rub your prostate now ?" "I would love that... you have condoms ?" Chris always keep a condom box with only one left, usually undersized. Keeping the position, Chris reach out to the bedside table and grab the condom, remove the wrap and unroll it on his cock. "Sure... Fuck that is the last one... well I have to buy new ones tomorrow right" he said winking at Mike. "Okay Mike, are you okay to accept my cock now ?" Chris said with a lustful smile ? "Yeah please shove it deep!" Chris did as told and thrust his long dick in Mike tender hole inch avec inch. All the time Chris was maintaining eye contact with Mike, until he was balls deep. "Wow Mike you took it like a champ. You did have some lovers back at uni ?" "Some, but there were not as big as you are" "Well maybe you excitation opens the way" with that Chris withdraw almost completely leaving only the head rapidly, and doing so the condom wrapped a bit. Chris rammed slowly in Mike back and repeated the situation several times until the condom was only left on the cockhead. "Are you okay babe ? Can I go faster and rougher now ?" Chris asked, as his planned was going well "hmm hmm" Mike replied, moaning. Chris accelerated the pace and pistoning and within a few thrusts felt the condom was not on anymore but somewhere in Mike's hole. Chris strokes were rubbing Mike's prostate. "Fuck Chris I am about to cum again" "Abandon yourself Mick, I am about to!" Mike cummed hard, ropes flying from his raised ass directly to his face and t-shirt. Chris felt Mike's ass tightening on his cock. This through over the edge as well and he erupted deep in Mike's guts. "God that was good. I hope you enjoy my gift to you Mike" Chris said "Well thank you Chris. I would love more such gifts with you. though it has to wait tomorrow now" Mike replied. Chris well understood the message but it was time for his next move. He withdrew revealing his bare cock, still rock hard, and shouted in faint surprise "Fuck Mike, the condom is gone... I think I just shot my load deep in you... sorry mate" Mike was anxious... "Fuck man, what should I do ?" "I can try to catch it my fingers if you want" "Yeah please do" Mike begged. Chris kneeled between Mike's legs and started fingering him browsing for the condom. "Man I can feel my seed, but not the rubber" Chris said benefiting of the situation to massage his seed in Mike's guts. "I am sorry... Mike. I propose you try to push it on the bathroom I will prepare dinner then". he added trying to relax Mike. Mike agreed and went to the bathroom. Chris packed his cock back in his pant and went dress the table and prepare the dinner. Mike came in with his pant back but shirtless. "I managed to push it out, along with a lot of cum of yours. I hope everything will be good" Chris looked up at Mike and whistle, "I have seen the bottom but not the top. Nice body Mike. I am sorry again for this. Well I usually cum a lot, so it is likely you still have some on you. But do not worry I get regularly tested!" Mike smiled genuinely, reassured my Chris. "Well that things that could happened right... Thank you for you having me over and for the dinner". They cheerfully ate dinner and drank beers. As they finished and clear the table, Chris, horny as ever, said "So Mike, shall we get back on the bed ?" "Why not" "Hide you enthusiasm babe!" Chris joked "Well I would love to feel you inside me, but as there is no rubber left..." "I am sure we can manage something Mike, come with me!" Chris stripped mike naked and ordered him to lay on his stomach and spread his legs. Chris got naked, only keeping his wifebeater hiding some details, and lay on top of Mike, pressing his raging cock on his bare cheeks. "Mike just feel the heat of our bodies, relax. I make you feel good." Chris lowered his body and started rimming Mike. The later just started moaning with Chris tongue assault's. Chris goes on and on going deeper with his tongue, tasting his cum left mixed with Mike's fluids. As Mick is moaning loading begging for more, Chris went up turning Mike's head and kissing him, while with another hand led his bare cock to Mike's hole. Chris rocked his hips back and forth to have his cock sliding against Mike's hole. "Fuck Chris, that feels good..." "It does to me too babe!" Chris replied applying more pressure on his hips. Mike body reacted to look for more, adjusting his angle so that Chris' cock would not slide anymore against it. At some point, with a bit pressure Chris entered Mike "Ow god, you ass feels good!" "Fuck you are bare... you are bare..." "Yes, I am, but I accidentally was before as well Mike" Chris whispered to reassure him "Ho please don't stop" Chris was not to be told twice as he went deeper firmly balls deep. "Do you like it this way ?" "Yes, that feels good" Chris began to thrust in and out harder, building his orgasm, ensuring that Mike was so pleased in was in oblivion of the situation. "Mike, I am close to cum" "Hm hm" was the only response Chris got "I am about to shoot a second load deep in you mate" still rocking his hips, feeling his balls tightening. "Hm hm god I am cucking to" Mike yelled, as he contracted his ass on Chris' cock and soaking the bed sheets. Chris buried himself and shot his seed deep in Mike's ass. Once post-climax senses came back, Mike remembered he has just taken another load deep. Yet he enjoyed the feeling. Chris took hold of Mike waist and roll on his side, they were spooning, Chris still rock hard in Mike's cunt. Chris started to move in and out again. "Fuck... this was good Chris" Mike said, who cannot doubt of anything. "Yeah it was... You make me so Horny Mike! I need to breed you once more boy!" "Fuck you are insatiable" Mike said turning his head and smiling at me. "You ass is just sucking out of cock every milk my balls can produce mate! It seems you will leave full of it!" I said, while feeling climax nearing quickly this time. "Can I cum in you again Mike ?" "Yeah please do" Mike said... Chris gave a few more strokes before grunting "Oh fuck, take my seed deep man!". After a few minutes, the both drifted into sleep.23 points
For the next three nights, I had the waiter in my bed. Maybe sleeping right above his place of work was convenient, or maybe he just liked fucking me senseless and then going to sleep still buried in my cummy hole. Either way, he was now a regular visitor, and despite the fact I was knowingly taking poz loads from him, I did not resist. Truth be told, something had awoken in me, and I had basically come to terms with the fact that being a top for so long in my relationship had kind of broken me. When I got home, whether my boyfriend stuck around or not, I was going to be poz and I was going to be getting fucked regularly. I came home one afternoon to a note that had been pushed through the door. “I bring someone tonight” it read. I felt my stomach flutter, and decided I needed to focus on being both rested as well as able to enjoy whatever was going to be happening to the fullest. I got on the phone and pushed back an appointment the next day so that I could start late morning, and then showered before lying down. After sleeping for quite a while, somehow used to this semi-nocturnal life I was living, I set about getting myself cleaned out before showering again. I then lubed up, pressed in my dildo, then went and sat out on the balcony to smoke and have a drink. I was undeniably nervous, but also really excited for what would be my first ever threeway. It was around 1am when the buzzer went, and as per the new norm I used the buttons to unlock the building door and then opened my own front door so the waiter could just come in. Moments later he strode into the apartment, but it was the man behind who got my attention this time. He was shorter and older than both of us, but looked pretty muscular. Where the waiter had opted for what I thought were massive chains round his neck and wrists, this other guy was operating on a whole other level. I was surprised he could stand up straight with the size of the piece round his neck. He saw me looking at him, and gave me a wink and a grin. “Hello” he said. “I am here to fuck you.” “OK” was all I could utter in response. “Naked” the waiter barked at me, and I quickly pulled down my shorts and removed my T-shirt in response. “Your bedroom?” the other man asked. I pointed, and then followed him as he made his way in, the waiter right behind me. As I reached the bed I felt a familiar hand on my back, and taking the sign I got up onto the mattress on all fours. The dildo had somehow stayed in place, but it was whipped out of me and in no time the waiter was buried deep inside me again. He got into a firm rhythm straight away, and I just took the fuck while looking up at the other man who was, in turn, watching me. After a few minutes, the other man removed his T-shirt, and I could immediately see that the bare skin of his arms was misleading as his torso was covered in ink. It was an elaborate design involving a cobra wrapped around a huge biohazard symbol centred on his navel. The cobra’s body disappeared round one side of the torso, and perhaps sensing my interest, the man turned around to reveal the design continuing onto his back, with the serpent’s tail evolving into a scorpion’s sting. Like the waiter currently fucking me, this other man wore his tattoos as a statement of intent. After he had shown me his back, the man turned back around, got up onto the bed on his knees, and presented his huge and presumably toxic cock to me to suck. I happily swallowed it down as my body was rocked back and forth by the waiter’s thrusts, and my first spit-roast began. It felt so amazingly right, and I knew then that it was going to be something I sought out a lot more in future. I loved sucking cock and at least got to do that a lot with my boyfriend, but doing it while a massive raw cock reamed out my other end was pure heaven. The waiter eventually blew yet another of his loads in me and withdrew, and the two men swapped positions. I licked and sucked the waiter’s cock to get it clean, doing my best to distract myself as I was stretched even wider by the other man pushing into me. He gave me a moment to adjust before he began to pound me, and this time I could not help but moan around the waiter’s cock as I was fucked. It was intense and a lot to take, but I loved it at the same time and was a little disappointed when he suddenly sped up and blew inside me. After disengaging and notionally throwing on some clothes, we all went out to the small balcony to smoke. The two men spoke in Greek as though I wasn’t there, but gave me some attention again once the cigarettes were finished. I was ushered inside and this time put on my back on the bed. The waiter lifted my legs up, slid into me, and then bent toward so his face was quite close to mine. It was only when he started slightly grimacing that I realised what was happening: the other man was pushing into the waiter’s hole, starting off a chain fuck. “He poz me” panted the waiter. I knew this must have meant that the man who had fucked me earlier was the one who had converted the waiter, who before this point I had assumed was a total top. It was so fucking hot, and as much as I was loving looking up at him making faces as the thrusting began, I knew I had to get to see this happen properly at some point tonight. That opportunity came after a few minutes when the other man sped up a bit, and everything going out of sync caused the waiter’s cock to slip out of me. Before he could re-insert, I pushed myself backwards and rolled away, standing up and turning around to watch. It was so amazing to see that giant of a man bent over and taking the huge cock, his massive neck chain swaying like crazy as he was rocked back and forth. I knew I had to get to fuck him as well, so I went and stood right beside the two of them. The other man maybe sensed what I wanted, and withdrew from the waiter. In a flash I slid in between them and pushed my erect cock into the waiter’s muscular arse. I did a few rapid thrusts before I felt a hand on my back, so I leaned forward and tried to relax as the other man inched his massive cock into my hole. Wow. Being in the middle was definitely something I liked, whether I was on all fours being spit-roasted or taking the ‘versatile’ position in a fuck-chain. Topping the waiter was also a serious rush, especially as it turned out he was a very eager bottom. He was so fucking manly and dominant, but now my neg cock was inside him and he was loving it. I reached down and grabbed his colossal neck chain, gripping it in my hand and pulling it back like the reins on a horse. He seemed to love that, and began pounding himself back against me so that I only had to stand still while he fucked himself on my cock while the other man barrelled slightly vertically into me from behind. This was fucking awesome, but it also took me over the edge far too quickly and I found myself roaring out as I blew inside the waiter. I slumped forward onto his back, and then we both rocked back and forth as the other man gradually worked himself up to orgasm and exploded inside me for a second time that night. All night went on like this. The waiter and I regularly traded places, and on one occasion we were both on all fours next to each other, eyes locked in contact as the other man alternated between us. All of their loads went up my rear end, but I added a couple more of mine into the waiter’s needy hole. I could not believe the transformation in him I had witnessed just because of the other guy’s presence, but it never stopped being a massive turn-on for me. He seemed to know that, but was also quite relaxed about showing me his versatile side. I guess we were pretty similar in that way, and I was also starting to get quite into the idea of investing in some massive chains of my own when I got home given how much I liked the look on the two of them. Whether I ended up covered in poz-themed tattoos was another matter, but perhaps once I inevitably converted I would get into that. Morning came all too soon, and with a final couple of loads delivered into my gaping hole, the two men left. I was utterly fucked out and fell asleep within moments of them leaving, before I then had to get up and go back to being a professional for the rest of the day. That night the waiter was back, and we returned to normal business with him topping me all night and adding a couple more of his poz loads to the collection I was already building inside of me.22 points
For the next two nights I basically repeated that first day, eating in the restaurant in the evening, going to the toilet after paying, and then ending up bent over in the bin pen with the hunky waiter’s raw cock up my arse. On the fourth day, however, I unexpectedly got back to the apartment in the afternoon as the client had to go away to review some work before I could do anything else, and I found myself out on the small balcony off my bedroom lighting up a cigarette. The waiter’s bad influence, along with the sudden freedom I was feeling, had got me back into smoking again while I was free of my boyfriend’s disapproving nagging. While out there the waiter and another staff member appeared below, also stepping out for a cigarette, and he eventually looked up and noticed me. He did not react until the kitchen hand went back inside, at which point he gestured for me to come down. I hurried through the apartment and down the stairs, and when I got into the alley the waiter was standing beside a different door that led down some steps into a basement. I headed in and down into the darkness, and then he must have flipped a switch as a dim bulb came on that barely illuminated a storage area full of boxes, chairs, tables and other restaurant paraphernalia. I turned to look at him as he reached the bottom of the stairs himself, and he pointed to a pile of boxes at the side. I made my way over, and without any need to be told, dropped my shorts and underwear. He gave my hole a quick poke with his fingers before I felt the familiar push of his cock, and shortly afterwards I was being fucked hard once again. He took his time a bit more than the alleyway ruttings though, so by the time he blew in me I felt truly fucked out. Once up in the alley again he lit up a couple of cigarettes and passed me one as per normal. “I come upstairs tonight” he said. “I stay.” Again, this was not a question but a statement, and as usual I just nodded at him. I showed him the address on my phone so he knew which apartment bell to ring, and then he smoked the last of his cigarette, headed for the main back door to the restaurant, and was gone. My nerves really took hold later that night, as I realised I was going to have this man in the apartment all night, and he was basically still a complete stranger. I decided to get my laptop and other valuables hidden away just in case, and then spent a bit of time with the dildo getting myself primed. He hadn’t seemed at all bothered on any of the encounters thus far, but I still decided to detach the shower head as a means of cleaning myself out a bit. It was nearly 2am when the buzzer sounded in the apartment, and I pressed what looked like the correct buttons on the keypad to unlock the front door. A moment later he tapped on the apartment door, and I let him in. He was carrying two half-empty bottles of red wine that I guessed some restaurant patrons hadn’t finished, so I grabbed a couple of glasses from the kitchen and led him through the bedroom to the balcony. We stood out there having some of the wine and smoking a cigarette, neither of us saying a word. His eyes were on me the whole time, something I still found exhilarating even after nearly a week of taking his loads downstairs. Then he gulped down the last of the glass of wine and went back into the bedroom, so I did the same. I pulled the balcony door closed and drew the curtain, before switching on a bedside lamp. “Naked” he said, and I hurriedly pulled down my shorts and removed my T-shirt. Then he unbuttoned the tight, dark blue shirt that he and the other waiters all wore as their outfit, and my world turned upside down. Only part of the epic tattoo designs on his skin had ever been visible to me, but with his body now on full display, I could see that he had inked onto himself what I can only describe as a manifesto. Scorpions on the sides of his torso, thorny rose stems winding everywhere, and on both his upper arms and above his crotch were huge biohazard symbols. “You like” he said, smiling at me. I just gulped in response. “You are neg?” he asked. I nodded, staring back at the tattoo above his balls. “You take prep?” he continued. I paused, before shaking my head. I then looked up at his face, to see his smile had taken on an evil glint. “Then I poz you tonight” he said, very matter-of-factly. “Get on bed.” Obviously I should have ended things there. I should have got him out of the apartment, and then started finding some way to get hold of a course of PEP. I should have engaged my brain. But no, that is of course not what happened. Despite the now overt risk to my health, I found myself climbing onto the bed and getting on all fours. Mere moments later I was bearing down as this toxic stud pushed his raw cock into me for the umpteenth time, willingly giving myself over to my fate. It was a firm and steady fuck, with the waiter taking his time as he had done down in the basement. He eventually pushed me forward, keeping his cock planted inside me as he got me flat on the bed with him lying on my back. It was so gloriously submissive that it almost felt right that he would be leaving part of himself in me forever. Pressed down hard on the bed, feeling him almost consume me as his cock barrelled away deep inside me, a wave of something almost euphoric wash over me. I was his to use, however he wanted, and I would be a different man by the time I went home. That night there were only occasional moments when his cock wasn’t buried in me. Loo and cigarette breaks, or the odd change in position. He took me in every way imaginable, though the hottest was in missionary when we had not broken eye contact once as he fucked me senseless and then filled me with another poz load. We were even able to have some bouts of sleep with his cock still inside me, broken each time by him waking and then starting to fuck me again. It was late morning when we finally stepped out onto the balcony in the sunshine to have a final cigarette, the waiter now dressed again and me just in briefs and a T-shirt. My hole was sore, gaping, and leaking the last of the loads he had planted in there, but I didn’t care. The bedding would all be going in the washing machine soon anyway, so I would also be able to deal with the growing wet patch in the back of my underwear. “When you leave?” he asked, blowing out smoke. “Not for another week” I replied. “That is good” he said, nodding but looking up at the sky. “I bring someone here.” “OK” I said, though not entirely sure what he meant. “Next week” he said. “But I come back tonight.” Nothing more was said, and he was soon gone. Rather later than planned I got myself showered and dressed, figured out the apartment’s washing machine to get the bedding and my dirty clothes in for a cycle, and then logged on to my laptop. Later in the day I went to the client’s office to deal with some clarification questions in person so they could hopefully get their review of the report and proposal completed, and then I was back at the apartment at leisure again. I slept in the evening, and at around 1.30am was awake and lubed for when the waiter returned. We both had less energy than the previous night, and I needed to get up at a sensible hour this time, but we still managed to fuck three times before he left the next day.22 points
As the sun was shining through the shutters, Chris woke up with a raging boner, feeling Mike still asleep, bare ass against him. He check the clock... 10:00 AM. Well it is the weekend no need to rush. Chris run his fingers on Mike's crack, feeling it a bit moisture... Likely due to his cum. Chris brought his dick against Mike's hole and rub it while caressing Mike's body. Mike was reacting but not yet wakening. Chris started to push in, while maintaining Mike's body pressed against his, and kissing his back. Mike's tender hole gave in to pressure and Chris pushed slowly but firmly deep until he is balls deep. Mike woke feeling the intrusion.. "What are you doing ?" "Hey sunshine, you were teasing my dick with your sweet cunt" starting to withdraw slowly "Was I ? must have been a dream" "Maybe, but you were moaning. Do you want me to stop ?" Chris asked pushing all it back in, making Mike moaning. "Owh... Do you have a condom on ?" enquired turning his head to Chris, feeling his morningwoor leaking with excitement. "Euh no still not. Remembered we used last one yesterday ? and we have already fucked bare twice and half then ?" "Oh fuck, I have never played raw before this weekend..." "Well then it is highly likely there is no risk Mike!" Chris replied kissing Mike and ramping up the pace to fuck him Mike give the kisses back while enjoying being fucked by his lover. Maintaining the kiss, Chris roll Mike on his belly, broke the kiss "Now babe, I will give you the fuck of your life" and without waiting any longer he went wile and fucking merciless Mike's ass. Mike was surprised by how brutal he was fuck painfully... fully awake, he was wimping about the situation and wehn is about Chris to stop he felf pleasure waves irradiating compensating the pain. Chris intensified his pace as he was nearing climax, and each thrust was also bringing Mike closer. In one last thrust, Chris went deeper than ever, passing Mike's second ring, and just seed him "Fuck Mike, I am getting you pregnant!" At the same time, Mike eyes widened as he felt his second ring opened and hearing Chris words made him cum on the bedsheets again. "Fuck Chris, that was rough... it hurt but god I neer came that much." Chris was still panting "Yeah, glad you like that" "unfortunate I do not have a womb, I would carry your child" still wasted and facing the mattre, Chris on top of him "Oh but Mike, you are carrying by babies. They are swirling in you" Chris said while withdrawing noticing some streaks of blood mixed with cum on his shaft. Chris got up and helped Mike as they went showevering. Mike did not notice the red streaks, Chris did not mention it. They had a brunch and Chris proposed to go walking into the city parks, doing some site seeing. Mike accepted, what mattered was spending quality time with Chris anyway. They wandered into town, visited some city monuments and later in the day, they entered a park and rest on a bench. Chris was getting horny, remembering he already had taken and given loads behind some of this trees. As they were enjoying the sun on their face, Chris brough his arm from Mike's knee behind his back and lowered it slowly. He carefully inserted his hand in Mike's underwear and reaching his crack, inserted his middle finger deep. Mike was astonished and faced Chris and before he could object, Chris pressed his lips on his, still working his finger in. Chris broke the kiss "Man I am so horny, I could just push down your pant and bree you right here..." Mike was overwhelmed by the situation... His ex were never that sexually active... He decided to give in and himslef got his hand on Chris scrotch. "Hum getting bold Mike!" Chris teased him while he withdrawing his fingers, covered in Mike's fluid and his own cum, "Taste your hole Mike" Chris ordered. Controlled by his lust Mike did as told. "Mike, would you let me take you here ? I really need to release or at this pace, I wll stain my pant and that will be noticible in the street" Chris faintly asked. "Well okay, but maybe not here in plain sight then" Mike agreed wanting to explore more. "Follow me then, there is a spot behind these bushes". Chris led him to a remote place in the park. No one was seen, but Chris well knew it does me no one was watching. Chris bent Mike over and made him lay his hand on a tree trunk, push down his pants, release his dong and pushed almost full in Mike"s hole. "Fuck Chris, please go slow I am a bit sore" Mike complained "As you want Babe, but the slower the longer it will take for me to cum." Chris replied, without clearly stating that people could then join in "Is it not better when it last longer ? "Mike asked naively Chris just approved by ramming Mike's ass with long strokes, rubbing Mike prostate. They both enjoyed the moment but in different ways. Mike was concentrating on the senssation of being full, closed eyes. Chris was fucking the ass while paying attention to their surroundings. He accelerated the pace, and just warn Mike that he was cumming "God, Mike, here come my babies!!" and he filled in deep. Then Mike heard a branch cracking. He opened his eyes and saw a man, in his fourties who seemed a it wasted, coming nearby "Fuck Chris, there is someone". Chris still in reassured Mike. "Ah indeed, well that happens, do not worry". The man happens "that is hot dude. You just came in him right ?" Chris noded. "Would you mind if I have a go at him ? I have not had a pussy for a week now..." Chris withdraw and waved him to take his place. He went to kiss Mike to distract him and hold him. The stranger unzip his fly, releasing a nice big and long cock and just ram it in Mike's ass. Mike was struggling... he was offered by Chris, he tried to complain about the situation but Chris was maintaining the kiss, until he stopped it and ordered Mike "Just let go, enjoy the ride Babe!". Mike was again feeling the pain being replaced by the pleasure... After 5 minutes of being internally massaged, he just came over the tree trunk, squizzing the stranger cock "Fuck man, I am gonna fill your cunt!" and released deep inside Mike's hole. "Thanks man" was all he said before packing back and left Chris and Mike. "Fuck Chris, what was that?" "Well, you just took an anonymous load deep, I would say" "Fuck... this is risky... he should have used a rubber" "Well he should have you are right... but he made you cum hand-free... So you pretty enjoyed it, did you not ?" Mike was puzzled by Chris answer. It was true... He actually enjoyed that feeling... since Chris came in him he loved it... "So what do you want to do now ?" Chris asked "It is getting late. shall we have dinner in a restaurant and get back at your place... I think I like the idea of taking your cum in me" Mike said, Chris givin a lustful smile.22 points
Not sure if the ads on here helped but was a fun 48 hours in Blackpool. I went straight to the sauna when I arrived and within minutes had taken 2 loads 1 over the bench and 1 in the sling. It then went quiet so went for a massage which was fun and tasty. After another couple of hours the load count was 7. Time for a walk and a Grindr check, 3 visits to locals houses whilst on my walk made sure I kept topped up Dinner and snooze ready for a night in the hotel. I gabbed a drink and with only a hoody, joggers and jock on headed for the dark room and bend over the bench. It was quiet to start but 1 guy ventured in I heard his zip go and his cock slid in my lived up hole. I gripped him tight and he flooded my guts. “I’ll tell the others” was all he said. Over the next couple of hours 12 cocks came and dumped their loads, at one point tagteaming. like a good boy I decided time for bed so plugged my hole and fell asleep Next Morning after a massive breakfast a quick walk along the prom until the sauna opened. When I arrived there were plenty of horny guys older then me there, as I walked off to the play area I could here them discussing the bubble butt I had shown off as I walked through the lounge. It was not long before the first guy found me in the sling. “May I?” He asked “absolutely” I replied. He had a great cock and it stretched me good for the first of the morning. All the way through he was chatting just passing the time of day as though it was the most natural thing in the world. So hot! Before he came it was the important questions “is any one welcome” “do you ask any questions of them” “will you only take it raw” “are you on the pill” yes no yes no was all I responded as he said good boy he dumped his load my first of the morning. “Stay there” he said. I did as I was told. over the following 3 hours there was a constant flow of guys, I had to wipe the floor as I could t keep it all in and didn’t want anyone to slip over. Time for a coffee I was thirsty. As I sat in the lounge a guy whispered in my ear “hurry up slut I’m taking you to the shower if ur thirsty and then it’s breeding time” who was I to refuse? I lost count whilst I was in there but after 6 hours of almost constant use I needed dinner Then with my free pass back to the sauna for 4 more loads before going back to the hotel dark room. The bar and dark room was not as busy and only managed 5 loads. Then time for bed. I thought that’s it the following morning time to go home having lost count but a wild guess at 42 loads I thought a productive 48 hours. However I managed to sneak an extra load in on the way home as I pulled off the road in a good hidden layby for a pee! A horny bbc horny trucker asked if I fancied a walk in the woods, again who was I to refuse! So long story, sorry, but my last load was from a bbc trucker!22 points
@Medwaym Wouldn't be one of my stories with it, lol @nymidtowneast Who knows? Lots of characters in play in the later chapters. @PozBearWI Definitely one of several possibilities I had written down @BoYGaSM Who knows.... not me.... 😛 @LthrRaw Glad you enjoyed it. Definitely where I am going with the story. @curiousaboutbb Sorry, was busy last week and this. Just got a chance to finish the chapter. @pozpopperpig Sorry for the delay. Hope this chapter is up to par. @leatherpunk16 Yeah, I try to be as complete on my scene building and mapping out what the character is doing as I can. There will be a few twists, that can be certain. 😉 Sorry for the delay this week. Had to work extra and just got a day off today. Hope everyone enjoys! And as always, don't hesitate to make suggestions or guesses. Never know what might be correct or added to the story. 🙂 ---------------- Lesson 5: The Seed- Finding Purpose and Happiness in Life and Work Quickly, I shoved the cash quickly back into the envelope and stuffed it in my back pocket before walking into the kitchen and set the bag on the counter. Turning my attention to the box of cigars, I took it out and quickly counted how many there were. Taking in the dark brown sticks, clad in a bright red wrapper and a scorpion on the side, I did a quick bit of mental math. I would have to smoke at least 3 a day to finish them in a week. Looking over at the clock, which now proudly said 12:07, I looked around for the list left by my parents, inwardly glad there would plenty of time to get everything done, smoke the first cigar, and then get ready for the dinner tonight. I worked quickly in silence, vaguely aware at the slick damp feeling in my asscrack as two fresh poz loads slowly seeped out of the abused remains of my ass. Satisfied the dishes were loaded and running, the laundry was collected and running, and making a quick run around downstairs with the small vacuum my mom kept in the kitchen, I then sat down at the kitchen table before pulling out the first cigar. Previously, Mike and Greg had either given me their already prepared cigars, or in the case of today, an already prepared unlit one. My memory quickly went back to watching them cut and prep them the night before. Still slightly unsure, I decided to turn to the internet, hoping there would be decent instructions on how to cut it. As soon as I opened my phone, a sudden ding of a new message caused me to nearly drop it. Just as Greg had promised, it was a group text with a picture of me in the sling. Holy fuck, I thought to myself, I look so fucking hot. There on the screen was me, legs up in the air with a gaping open asshole, glossy white cum drooling out of the wrecked remains of my tight asshole, and my freshly shot load sprayed across my face and chest. The look on my face was one I had seen a few times on a porn of someone after a hard fucking; eyes slightly glazed, face flushed, and a trail of cigar smoke drifting up from the short cigar nub sticking out of my jaw. I really did looked like a freshly fucked whore on one of the BDSM sites I had checked out on a whim one night a year or two ago. Instantly, I felt my dick get harder and my asshole got a slight ache, reminding me of the fun I had just had. I eventually had to shake myself out of it as I saw the tell-tale bubble with three dots appear as Mike typed out his reply. Damn! I missed you smoking your first full cigar! Mike’s message popped up quickly, followed by, You look so fucking sexy boy! Wish I could have stayed and fed you more. Feeling myself blush slightly, I could only muster a quick thanks, before minimizing the text and going to the web, looking up quickly how to properly cut a cigar. Following the instructions to the letter, I cut the cigar, and hoping it was correct, swept the remains of the cigar’s cap into my hand, as I learned it was called. Tossing the bits of tobacco into the trash, I grabbed the lighter and stepped out the back door into my yard, shoving my phone into my pocket. “Jesus…” I groaned to myself, as the heat and humidity hit me with actual physical force, the epitome of the midwestern summer, “It’s like the ass crack of Stan today." Slowly, I trudged towards the woods lining our property line, cigar in one hand and lighter in the other. I was hoping that maybe in the shade, it would be better to smoke the cigar, knowing that if I were to try and smoke it in the sun, I’d likely melt or die of heat exhaustion. There was only some relief as I stepped into the shade, making my way deeper into the woods. Growing up, I was thankful that there was a park so close to our house, with just a 5 minute walk through the woods to reach the path. Today I was actually equally glad, though I guess for a different reason. Eventually I reached about 2/3 of the way to the park path, finally cooling off in the shade of the trees and sitting on the trunk of an old fallen tree. Thankfully it was probably a good ten degrees cooler under the trees. Sitting down, I slowly let myself catch my breath, realizing that the short walk in the humidity had actually taken my breath away somewhat. Looking at the cigar in my hand, I contemplated what to do next for a moment. Should I light the cigar first, then take a selfie, or take it while? Quickly, I decided on the former, and thinking back to what Greg had done, I lit my lighter and held the flame under the foot of the cigar. I slowly began to puff on it, rotating it between puffs. Instinctively, I felt my dick begin to harden. Satisfied I had it lit, I took it out of my mouth, looking at the end of the cigar. Thankfully, it was fully lit, with an even bright red cherry across the foot as the internet had instructed. Shoving it back in my mouth, I began to puff on it. Looking around, I took in the quiet scenery, while slowly rubbing my dick on the outside of my shorts. After a few minutes, I pulled out my phone and took a quick selfie before sending it to the group text. Horny, I pulled down my pants and began to stroke my dick, as I puffed on the large cigar in my mouth. A quick sound of a twig breaking caused me to suddenly rocket upright and look around, afraid someone had somehow came upon me while feeling myself up half naked in the woods. My heart started beating hard as I pulled the cigar out of my mouth, like a scared kid who had just had his parents walk in on him. However, I saw nothing there. No person telling me off, not even an animal. Letting out a sigh of relief, I let out a large cloud of smoke I hadn’t even been aware of sucking in. Suddenly, the sound of my phone dinging caused me to jump. Quickly, I opened the phone and looked at the screen. Fuck yeah, good to see you’re an eager smoke pig, Greg had replied, quickly followed by a grinning devil. Soon after I got a message from Mike, I want you make sure to suck that thick smoke down. Feed those lungs and make your daddies proud. Still feeling slightly jumpy for no reason, I slowly began to walk through the woods, puffing on the cigar and sucking in most of the smoke, only occasionally coughing slightly from the strong smoke. Time flew by rather quickly as I was quickly over half way done smoking the cigar. The whole time, my cock was hard and throbbing in my shorts, the feeling of the rough fabric of the jock rubbing against my cock head slowly driving me crazy. Suddenly, a somewhat wicked thought crossed my mind, and switching to my camera app, I pulled my pants and the jock back down, before posing with my cock in hand. Moving the cigar to the corner of my mouth, I eventually got the phone positioned down and took a quick video of me sucking in a large draw on the cigar, while slowly jacking my cock, before groaning out a cloud of smoke. I then sent the short clip to Greg and Mike, and walked over to a tree and leaned against it, smoking more and working my cock, occasionally spitting on my cock and using it as lube. Feeling more and more horny, reached around to my hole with a free hand and slowly began to finger myself. Eventually I looked down at my feet when I noticed the used condom. The sight surprised me at first. I had heard of rumors that guys would hook up in the woods in the park, but growing up, I’d never seen any evidence of it before. Moving it slightly with my foot, I had to admit I was impressed. Not only did it look to be a magnum, but whoever it belonged to must cum by the bucketful, as the condom looked almost more like a water balloon. My mind began to wander, imaging myself in the woods late at night bent over and taking a load from this mysterious stranger when my phone dinged again. Pulling out my fingers from my well fucked hole, I pulled the mostly smoked cigar from my mouth, and then stuck the cum coated digits into my mouth, enjoying the taste of poz cum on my tongue before looking at my messages. Hot fucking neg smoker pig. Thinking of us breeding you while you haul on that cigar? Mike asked, before a picture of his hard dick showed on my screen. Next, Greg’s message came across the screen. Can’t wait to lock that cock of yours up and make you go beg for loads from random strangers like a proper cumdump. No loads refused. Fuck that sounds hot, I replied, jerking my cock faster as I imagined exactly that. A random group of faceless men all lined up to take a turn at my hole, bent over a fallen tree as I smoked a fat cigar. In my imagination, one of the guys fucking me leaned over before growling in my ear “Fucking take my diseased load, whore,“ and then with one final slam, the guy buried himself deep in my ass and flooded it with his cum. Suddenly, I felt my balls tighten up before shooting a massive load on the ground. As I continued shooting, I felt myself drawing hard on the cigar, desperate to feed my lungs the smoke. Breathlessly, I felt my whole lower abdomen shudder as the aftershock of my ejaculation shook my body. Pulling the mostly smoked cigar out of my mouth, I dropped it on the ground before crushing it under my foot. Slowly I let myself recover, amazed at how hard and how much cum I had shot at the idea of being a whore in the park at night. Spent and feeling slightly boneless, I pulled my pants and jock back up, not bothering to wipe the remaining cum from my cock before trudging back through the woods back to my house. ——— Dinner was a boring affair as always. Mom gushing about my sister and her impending wedding plans near the end of the summer. Endless questions about caterers and flowers and the invitations. My brother, dad and fiancé heatedly talked about whatever team they were wanting to go to the Super Bowl, and other statistics, with me just agreeing in a bored tone of voice with whatever thing my dad would ask me for agreement about the college team at my school. Unfortunately, our family had a strict no cellphones at the table rule. Eventually my attention turned to the hot waiter at the other tables, my mind fantasizing about the sizable bulge in his pants. Imagining what we would do, how he’d compare to Greg and Mike, what his status might be. “Everything ok sweetheart,” my mother suddenly asked, drawing my attention away from my thoughts suddenly. “Huh?” I asked, not really registering what she had asked. “God, why can’t you act like you want to be here Riley,” my sister pouted, crossing her arms across her chest and her voice getting into that fake annoying high pitched she’d use while we were kids to get sympathy from my parents, “You just can’t stand not being the center of attention for once, can you? Just out to ruin everything of mine!” “Uh… No…,” I replied, perplexed at the sudden childish behavior coming from her, not seeing one of her tantrums for years, “What’s your problem?” “Jen, baby, he’s probably just tired from mowing those yards today,” her fiancé replied in a sickly sweet tone, apparently used to this behavior and trying to calm her down. For a second, I was going to thank him for his stepping in. And then I realized I’d forgotten his name. Erin… Erin… something with a E, I thought to myself, my mind struggling to remember it. “Yeah, sorry Jen, just tired. It was just really hot today,” I said lamely, as I mouthed a thank you as my sister turned away, pouting like a child, “What was the question?” “Marcus was just asking if you got your tux yet for the wedding next month,” my mom said with a sigh, rubbing her hand on my sister’s back trying to calm her down before she got up and stormed off, my mother following quickly behind. “Oh, um, yeah,” I said mentally kicking myself at still getting the guys name wrong, “I’ll pick it up next week. Sorry.” “No worries man, she’s just worried about everything being perfect for the wedding,” Marcus replied, shooting a warm smile at me and looking directly in my eyes, “Let me know when you get it done and I’ll make sure Jen gets the message.” I shuffled slightly in my seat, suddenly keenly aware that Marcus was actually not bad looking, and my jock was definitely rubbing on my semi hard cock again. Thankfully the check for dinner came shortly after, and one quiet car ride later, I went upstairs and changed to my preferred tank top and basketball shorts. The sun was finally down, and the temperature, although still muggy, was now decent. Looking at my phone, I was actually somewhat sad that there was still no reply after the afternoon’s events from Greg or Mike. Sighing, I pulled out my laptop and slowly started scrolling through several porn sites, making sure the volume was off as I browsed, hearing my brother’s tv from the other room through the paper thin walls. Leaning over the side of the bed, I dug through my backpack before finally finding my wireless earbuds. Putting them in and connecting them to the laptop, I slowly started skimming porn, not really finding much to interest me. I sat there for a second, frustrated, before deciding on a whim starting a search for things like poz and bug chasing. Several videos later, I felt my dick throbbing hard, and my balls ached for release. Looking over at the clock, I suddenly realized it was now 11pm, and pulling out one of the earbuds, listened for any sounds. All that met me was the muted sounds of my brother snoring in the other room, and the dull sound of waves from my parent’s white noise machine. Leaning back over the edge of the bed again, I pulled out from under the bed the lighter and one of cigars, thankfully already prepped earlier while I was still alone in the house. Quietly, I went downstairs, before slipping on a pair of old tennis shoes and making my way into the woods, thankful for the nearly full moon lighting my way. Satisfied I was out of sight from my house, I quickly got the cigar lit and started walking towards the park path, knowing that I could use the light from one of the street lamps along it for the photo. Slowly I trudged through the deeper part of the woods, using my phone’s flashlight to light the way as I quietly puffed away on the cigar, occasionally inhaling hard and enjoying seeing the large cloud of smoke coming out of me. Finally, I made it to the path, and made my way to one of the benches. Sitting down, I took a quick shot of myself, spreading my legs and puffing on the cigar before taking the picture and sending it. I sat there for a few minutes smoking in silence, waiting for a reply before finally guess that Greg and Mike had to be in bed. After a few minutes, I noticed two guys briefly make eye contact with me before suddenly walking off the path and into the dark woods. Amused, I knew immediately that this had to be where the rumors of people cruising the park and fucking in it at night came from. Curious, I wondered to myself if one of them was Mr. Big Shot, as I had nicknamed the mystery guy who had filled the condom in my mind. Slowly I let my hand drift to my crotch and occasionally rubbed it when someone came walking down the path, quickly making eye contact with me. I straightened up out of reflex, sitting properly on the bench. The man was dressed somewhat similar to me, with black hair, and a baseball cap on backwards, a slight beard on his face. Thinner than me but taller. Easily 10 years older. Stopping, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a red and white pack of cigarettes. Expertly, he flipped the pack open and bringing it to his lips before closing the box again and putting it in his pocket. Patting his pockets, he let out a muttered curse before walking up to me. “Hey man, got a light” he asked, his voice deep. I wordlessly reached into my pocket before pulling out the lighter and handed it to him. I watched as his quickly lit up and took a deep drag on the cigarette before tilting his head back and blowing out a huge cloud of smoke with a sigh. “Fuck I needed that,” he said, handing me back the lighter, “Thanks man.” “Um, sure,” I said, unsure what to say and feeling suddenly horny watching the guy hauling the smoke in, “No problem.” “Why don’t we walk together and I’ll give you a proper thank you,” he asked, looking down at the bulge in my pants as my my cock threatened to pop out of the jock. “Uh… I… sure,” I said, making it sound more like a question instead of an answer. Getting up, I followed behind the man as we suddenly took a sharp right off the path, working deeper into the woods, with only the faint light from the lamp post and the moonlight to lead the way. Unsure if this would be ok, I contemplated texting Mike and Greg to get permission, but then the fact they were likely asleep crossed my mind again. I stopped myself and thought back to the texts earlier in the day. They seemed keen to the idea of me getting fucked by strangers. But still, a part of me wanted to make sure. Thankfully, the guy didn’t leave me of a choice as he suddenly stopped and turned around, pulling my pants and jock down and giving my dick a few tugs. Hopefully they wouldn’t mind me getting a random blowjob. “Nice piece of meat there, man,” he said, and suddenly he was kneeling down on the ground, and after taking a hard drag on the cigarette, began to immediately deep throat my dick. I fought the urge to start moaning as I let the guy go to town, sucking my cock. Occasionally, he’d pull off before taking a huge draw on the cigarette before going back to sucking me hard. I stood there and tried to hold off on cumming, enjoying the feeling of his throat hugging my dick as I began to match each deep draw on the cigar with his cigarette. Slowly my free hand drifted the back of his head, gently guiding him how fast and slow I wanted him to go before finally I felt myself getting close. “Fuck, I’m getting close, man,” I groaned quietly, feeling the load building in my balls. Suddenly, he pulled off, and slowly started working my cock, delaying me. “Suck me off after,” he asked, moving his hand up and down as he took another drag off the cigarette. “Yeah man,” I groaned, wanting to feel the release of of my load. Suddenly, he dove down on my cock and started sucking it hard and fast, quickly making me shoot. His mouth was like a vacuum, sucking every last drop of my cum out and swallowing it. I could only hold the back of his head to keep him from moving as I puffed hard and fast on my cigar as I kept pumping shot after shot down his throat. Finally, he began to tap on the front of my thighs, and pulled my quickly softening cock out of his mouth. “Tasty load, guy,” he said, flicking the spent cigarette off into the dark as he stood up, “Mind if I smoke that while you suck me? That thing smells awesome.” I nodded, giving him the mostly smoked cigar and watched as he immediately started hauling on the cigar while pulling his pants down, surprisingly not wearing any underwear. I let him slowly push my head down to his cock and I began to suck it, hoping I would be able to fit the large member into my mouth. Looking up at his stomach, I noticed a few tattoos, but in the low light, I couldn’t make out much. Languidly, he began to fuck my mouth, holding both hands on my head as he took long strokes in and out of my mouth, all the while taking hard hauls on the cigar. Slowly I worked my hand up to his asshole, surprised to find it slick. “Yeah, got a several anon loads at the toilets earlier,” he chuckled, “Hope you don’t mind.” I began to finger him with first one then several fingers, slowly working his prostate as his began to take irregular stocks. “Fuck yeah man,” he growled around the cigar, his grip on my hard tightening, “Work those loads in me and swallow my swimmers all down.” I could taste the precum flowing out of his cock as I worked his prostate even more. “Fuck, here’s it comes man,” he said, suddenly pulling back and jacking his surprisingly large dick out almost all the way, leaving only the head in my mouth, “Slurp my jizz down man!” Suddenly, he was cumming, quickly flooding my mouth as I struggled to swallow the massive amount of creamy cum as it felt like an endless stream of sperm shot out. Eventually, after several mouthfuls, he sighed and pulled out, wiping his dick along the side of my face. Pulling me up, he brought me close to him before taking a deep drag on the cigar, before locking lips with me and making out. We stood there for a few minutes, the taste of each others' loads and the smoke mixing on our entwined tongues before finally he pulled back. “Thanks for the light man,” he said, grinning as he suddenly pulled his pants up and began to walk off. “Thanks… you too,” I said breathlessly, still recovering from the high of what we had just done. “Hope I can catch you around, maybe drop a load in each other,” he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the cigarettes again, this time with using my spent cigar to light it as he walked off. Quietly, I pulled my pants up and after making sure I had my phone and lighter, I made my way back through the woods. I snuck back into the house and after putting my phone back on the charger, promptly passed out on my bed.20 points
Well, my first KNOWINGLY poz loads, anyway. I'd been taking raw dick and load for about a year, but mostly from regulars or married guys I found online. But one night, I'm insanely horny and trolling for dick online. This was a few years back and I was trying to find a top on gay.com. It was late (like 1 am) and we both figure out pretty soon that we are game for a hookup. His pics are hot (he's in his 40's and has at least 8.5" of dick). It was his dick that made up my mind. I'd never had one that big and I wanted to try it! We get to the point of exchanging phone numbers when he springs it on me. "By the way, I'm poz. Is that ok?" I hesitated a long time before answering. "I'm not... But I am really horny." He asks for my number so we can talk on the phone a bit. I give it to him. His voice is all sexy and he starts talking about fucking me and making my ass feel good. I ask him if he would use a condom, but he tells me they make him limp. Then he tells me that we could fuck but he won't cum in me. He will pull out if I want-- no problem. He then says he can also stay hard after cumming and go multiple times. I gave him my address. He arrived 20 minutes later, and we were soon naked. I started sucking his cock and man was it a whopper! I truly hadn't had one this big ever. He ate my ass and sucked my cock and then pushed me onto my back. "You ready to get fucked?" he asked? I was so nervous and had butterflies in my stomach. "Yes-- but you'll go easy and pull out, right? You'll warn me before you cum??" He promised he would, then he lubed up my ass and his cock, and worked his head into my hole. He tossed a fresh bottle of poppers on my chest and told me to take a hit. I did, and the relaxing warmth rushed over me. Then he pushed all the way in, slowly. I'd taken lots of raw dick before, but never one this size. And poz. But damn if it didn't feel good! He set up a slow rhythm and got me all open and accepting of his cock. I did more poppers and was in bottom heaven. He started to pick up speed and he told me to do another good popper hit. I did as instructed and then be really started fucking me. "I'm getting real close-- where do you want me to cum?" He said as he was fucking away. I was in a wave of popper heaven and loving feeling his cock hit me so deep-- I didn't answer. "I'm getting ready to blow, man--- where you want it!" I just closed my eyes and reached up to work his nipples. "Oh Fuuuuuuuuuck!" he shouts and I can feel his raw jizz spurting inside my ass. And being the cumwhore that I was, I was in heaven. But he wasn't done. He kept fucking and I came down off my popper high and realized what had just happened. "Dude, you didn't pull out," I said. "Man, I asked but you didn't tell me to. Besides-- we BOTH know what you wanted." He fucked two more loads into me before I came and couldn't take any more pounding from that big cock. And after that fuck, he became one of my regular fuckbuddies.20 points
I suck you off and swallow most of your first load. My close-cropped beard is matted with your cum. You are starting to get hard again. We both understand what is next. When we arranged this date i my apartment, we didn’t pretend it was about anything but sex and my willingness to serve as an object for your pleasure. I lie on my back on the carpet and pull my legs up and apart. You say, “I want you to remember this, faggot,” and snap my picture with your phone. You wil text it to me later. Then your tongue finds my hole. I feel the wetness and the warmth. A moan escapes my lips. You follow with a thick finger, then a second, stretching me and sometimes scratching me on the inside. The heat increases. Now I am moaning and gasping steadily. My little dick is rock hard. “Please, sir. Please. I need your cock.” The high-pitched voice is mine. It's how I talk when I am about to bottom. I wish I didn't sound like that but I can't help myself. You take a tube of lube and rub some on your dick and into my hole. Because you are HIV positive and not on meds and I'm not on PReP, we had agreed that you would use a condom. But now, you do not offer and I don’t ask. I am afraid but too aroused to try to stop you. And I don't think you would stop anyway. You move to your knees, propping yourself on one powerful arm. You guide the tip of your cock to my hole and slide in easily. I remember when I first had anal sex this part would hurt and I would ask my top to go slowly. But there have been many men since then. You are deep inside me now. I feel your balls against my ass. I am completely full with your manhood – it seems as though your dick will come out my throat, you are so far inside me. This isn’t about me at all. You never flatter me or say I’m cute or attractive. You are a Man and you need to plant your seed in a cunt. My ass is that cunt. I start to pull on my own dick, but you push my hand away. “Faggots don’t deserve to cum,” you mutter. I grip your thick forearms instead. My hands seem dainty and girlish, with my pretty, rather effeminate rings. Your masculine strength thrills me. You are thrusting deep inside of me and pulling nearly all the way out. I hear your loud grunts and feel the mounting tension in your body. I know you are close. When I open my eyes, I see male passion on your face and – yes – contempt for me, a male who has let himself be reduced to a pussy. I feel humiliated and insignificant. And it feels right, at this moment. You erupt inside me with rapid thrusts and a deep, manly grunt. It is sound I’m incapable of making. As your thrusts subside, you pull out and rub some of your poz cum around my gaping hole, then thrust back inside me to leave the rest. I want you to kiss me, a mark of intimacy and caring, but you don't even look at me. Your poz cum will ooze from my boi-cunt all night. I will cry, too, because I let myself be used and loved it. “Thank you, sir,” I say softly, as you finally pull out. “You’ve got a lot to thank me for, faggot,” you grunt. You don’t say another word. You reach for your clothes, pull them on, and walk out. You never even asked me my name.20 points
Characters Josh--6 ft, 180 lbs, student, all around athlete (swimming, football, gymnastics) , tight body, bubble butt, 8' cock, long black straight hair that hangs over his bright green eyes and the biggest tooth paste grin this side of the Mississippi. The girls just love him and the guys want to be him. He is super straight. Mr. Jaxx-- 6'2", 210 lbs, early 40's, teacher, big muscular build ( extensive weight training), short light brown crew cut, blue piercing eyes that look right through you, and a permanent scowl/smirk that intimidates both the girls and the guys. Wild rumors abound about Mr. Jaxx, everything from being a former porn star with a giant 10 inch cock, to being known to hold students against their will and subject them to all types of unconventional experiments after school hours. His sexuality is unknown and questionable. Some complaints filed by parents in the past and then mysteriously withdrawn. Josh is a transfer student and is late for his first day of school. He finally finishes completing all the necessary paperwork in the main office and is handed his weekly schedule of classes. The first class of the day is Health and Sex Education with Mr. Jaxx. After scouring the halls for the classroom, he rushes in just as the bell rings and class ends. Mr. Jaxx gives a stern quizzical look and asks who Josh is and what does he want? Now quite red faced and almost stammering the boy explains that he is a new student and apologizes for being late to class. He simply got lost trying to find the room. Mr. Jaxx, arches his eyebrow, gives a cold condescending stare to the boy, looks him up and down and in a dismissive tone says to Josh that he does not tolerate lateness and now Josh has detention and must make up the class. Because the school will be closing at the end of the day for a Teacher's Workshop, Mr. Jaxx gives Josh a piece of paper with an address and tells him to be there at 7pm sharp. When Josh arrives at the address he is surprised to find it is in a very sketchy part of town and looks more like an abandoned warehouse than an apartment building. He rings Buzzer 2D, as written on the paper, and gains entry into the building. He knocks on the steel metal door and Mr. Jaxx opens the door wearing white baggy shorts and a black tank top. He tells Josh to come in and have a seat on the well worn thread bare sofa. He offers him something to drink and not wanting to be rude Josh says sure. Mr. Jaxx hands him a glass of juice, unbeknownst to Josh it is laced with a generous amount of G. He tells Josh they will have to improvise since they are not in the classroom and Mr. Jaxx does not have access to his teaching tools. He says he likes to begin his Health and Sex Education class by teaching the negative effects of drug abuse, particularly how it can affect decisions involving sex. He starts by showing Josh a short film which is in essence a gay porn film where the hot guys are smoking meth and after slamming, rip their clothes off and begin having animalistic sex. By now the G is starting to take effect and Josh is feeling very light headed and warm and getting slightly aroused for some strange reason. His head is spinning. He is wondering what is happening to him. Mr. Jaxx stops the film and hands Josh a blue pill and glass of juice and tells him to swallow it. With some confusion he does as he is told and then Mr. Jaxx snaps at him as says, " Lesson #1, how stupid are you? Never take a pill from a stranger. Fortunately I just gave you candy but in another setting this could be dangerous." The teacher then produces a glass pipe and a lighter. He hands the pipe to Josh, lights it and tells him to inhale when he's told to and hold it until he's told to breathe out. Josh hesitates and appears baffled but Mr. Jaxx assures him it's okay and to do what he is told, he's the student and Mr. Jaxx is the teacher. The first hit is a mild one and Mr. Jaxx explains how pure white smoke in a clear glass pipe can seem completely harmless. He has Josh repeat the procedure 5 more times, each time making him inhale more and hold it longer. The G, viagra and now the t is taking the desired effect and Josh is feeling very strange, very horny and quite unsure what is happening to him, it feels sort of good but at the same time feels very wrong if that makes any sense. Mr. Jaxx then says the next step is a lesson on what to do if you come across someone who has overdosed. He explains and demonstrates how to tie a tourniquet on the person's arm and then says you inject him with the Narcissan drug to save his life. He tells Josh in this case, they will only be using water, although any clear liquid will do and the person (err victim) will cough and that is normal. He injects Josh with a mega dose. Mr. Jaxx says it's now time to discuss anatomy and safe sex. He says since he doesn't have the classroom mannequins sp Josh will need to play the role of the dummy, err mannequin. Mr. Jaxx instructs Josh to strip and get naked. The slam pushed him over the edge between the clouds, viagra and the g he is putty in Mr. Jaxx's hands. The teacher discusses the various human body parts, such as the penis, vagina and the ass and the correct way to have intercourse. He proceeds to lube Josh's hole and shoves several fingers up his ass. The boy moans and clamps down on the fingers and lets out an audible ''no' when the teacher removes them . Mr. Jaxx asks Josh if he is gay or straight and in a loud almost defiant tone Josh says 'I'm 100 % straight. Mr. Jaxx just sneers to himself and nods. Next he says there are tests to determine whether a person is gay or straight. If you are a man you either place your penis in the vagina or the asshole. He says since Josh doesn't have a vagina he will demonstrate using Jack's hole. He says always wear protection unless you are married and want to have children. The teacher then says there are certain things you should not do and he will go down the list. First, never put a penis in your mouth. It can be quite unhealthy. As he says this he shoves his penis into Josh's mouth and tells him to start sucking it. He slaps him very hard on the side of his head and says 'no teeth'! Second, he withdraws his cock from Josh's mouth and says 'never' fuck bareback, it can be dangerous and you can get Aids and as he tells him he shoves his raw dick into Josh's well lubed hole. Third, he tells him never ever go to a stranger's apartment as you never know what can happen. He proceeds to rape Josh mercilessly depositing loads and loads of cum up his once negative and now ravaged hole. Fourth and finally he tells Josh that the whole episode is being filmed and that if the boy tells anyone he willl release the tape on the internet and send copies to his parents and other teachers. He tells Josh that he is going to be Mr. Jaxx's new private whore and anytime he wants his ass he is going to take it. He also is going to be sharing it with others and making some money off his ass. Josh has been taught a valuable lesson from his new teacher. Never be late to class again! Reply ,19 points
The next two nights were the same, but then the prospect of my imminent departure suddenly became a thing. “We go out tonight” said the waiter, as he got dressed on my penultimate morning there. “I finish early, you be ready.” Well, I was as ready as I could be when he did indeed show up that night, and I duly followed him back downstairs to a motorbike parked in the alley. I put on the spare helmet and then sat behind him holding on to his impressive torso as we took off into the Athens night. We ended up a remote part of the perimeter of the abandoned old airport, and after he parked and secured the bike we walked to an opening in the fence and climbed through. He seemed to know where he was going so I just followed him through the darkness until we reached one of the disused Olympic venues. We wandered into the structure below the stands until he was happy with a chosen spot, and then he told me to strip. I took off everything except my jockstrap, then slid my trainers back on to protect my feet. It was hard to see what I was doing, so I took his direction as he used the light from his phone to indicate a steel beam I should bend over. Within a moment of getting into position he started to push his cock into me, and I settled in for yet another poz breeding. He took his time, and I realised he was probably just stalling until some others arrived. I was right, as eventually a couple of guys turned up, followed by a few more. I guess the waiter decided there was enough of an audience, and accelerated his thrusts until he slammed in one final time and unloaded in me. Once he had come down from his high, he pulled out and someone else replaced him. I couldn’t really see who was there, as what light there was from phones was pointed at me so they were all in he gloom beyond. The second guy fucked me quite roughly, bred me, and then was replaced by a third. At this point, however, the waiter bent over next to me on the beam, and he was soon rocking back and forth as someone fucked him. He groaned slightly for a bit as he got used to it, but then as he adjusted he turned to me. “All poz” he panted. I had assumed as such, but my dick still got harder at the confirmation that I was being fucked anonymously by a crowd of poz men outdoors while trespassing. This really was a sordid way to see out my time in Athens! The waiter took a load or two, and then stood up and disappeared out of view. I stayed where I was, being taken in turn by various men and enjoying the variety of shapes and sizes of cocks that were being thrust into me. In due course another man bent over where the waiter had been and took a load, and a while after another guy did the same. Then the waiter was back, and this time stayed put as men used us side by side. Despite my initial impression of him, he did seem to actually be quite an eager bottom. It still turned me on like crazy to have him next to me getting fucked just as hard as I was, given what an expert top he was in our normal sessions. Eventually the numbers thinned out, and after two men blasted into us almost simultaneously, the festivities were over. My back and legs ached as I stood up straight for the first time in what must have been hours, and I was very glad of the water bottle and lit cigarette the waiter passed to me. Once we had both recovered a bit we used some tissues to clean up the excess cum from our arses and legs, and then started the walk back to the bike in silence. It was a bit uncomfortable sitting on the motorbike for the journey home, so I was glad when we got back. Without a word said the waiter accompanied me upstairs to the apartment, and we took a shower together before climbing into bed naked. He got into the big spoon position behind me, pushed his cock into my gaping hole, and then we drifted off to sleep. The next day was my last in Athens, and it started with a gentle fuck before the waiter disappeared off. After another shower I headed to the office for the final handover of the project to the client, and then came back to pack and start cleaning the place up a bit. The waiter showed up at the end of the night again, and we didn’t do much sleeping as he was focused on giving me as many loads as he could muster. Unlike normal I spent most of the time on my back with our eyes locked together, no words really needing to be said as this ‘project’ was also taken to its conclusion. Then, in the morning as we sipped on some coffee, the waiter wrote down his mobile number on a slip of paper and handed it to me. “You tell me when poz” he said, and I just nodded. Then he was gone.19 points
In early March last year, I drove to Burlington, Vermont for a quick overnight business trip. This was my first time there and I didn’t know much about Burlington other than it is a college town. As I drove to the downtown area, there were a lot of college students walking around the campus, which was next to the business district. Now, I am a 50 something DILF with blue eyes and a shaved head, and a body that shows my dedication to hitting the gym every day. I try to stay healthy because I recently found a year ago that I am poz. I am not sure when I got the bug, and I'm not on any meds yet, even though my viral load is through the roof. I had a reservation at the Hilton and checked in early. It was about 1:00 pm, and I had not had lunch yet, so I started to look for a place to eat. I drove into a parking garage and as I was looking for an open spot, I saw an older couple and two guys who appeared to be college students – I assumed that mom and dad were visiting their sons. As I drove past, the younger man and I locked eyes. This guy was probably 20 years old, had curly blond hair, and he was adorable. I am not usually attracted to twinks, but he was eye candy indeed. With the car finally parked, I had to find a restaurant. As I walked out of the garage, I noticed a little diner-style restaurant featuring Mexican cuisine, so I checked it out. There was a free table and I grabbed it. As I sat down, I looked up and the twink from the garage was seated with his family two tables away. Once again, our eyes locked and then he looked away. He was even more sexy close-up. During my meal, every couple of minutes, I caught the guy checking me out. Then, I did something never do. I reached into my pocket and found a slip of paper and wrote “Hilton Hotel, room 305, 8 pm”. About 15 minutes later, I noticed that the other table was getting ready to leave. As the twink stood up to put on his jacket, I got up to go to the mens room and made eye contact. As I brushed by him, I discreetly passed the slip of paper into his hand. Our eyes glanced, and then I moved past him. After lunch, I took care of business matters, and then I hit the hotel gym. At about 7:45, I left the gym without any idea if the sexy guy was going to show up, or if he trashed the note. I opened the door to my room and turned on the TV and took a shower. As I got out of the shower, I heard a light knock on the door. With just a towel wrapped around my waist, I opened the door a crack and saw the sexy twink, five minutes early. He said “Hi” as I invited him in. I introduced myself and he said his name was Dave. I told Dave to make himself comfortable and he kicked his sneakers off. He said that he was glad I gave him the note but he was very nervous. I told him to relax and put my hand up to his face and we started kissing. Dave smelled freshly showered and without cologne. He unbuttoned his shirt and then he pulled my towel off. Dave had a nicely muscled chest with a light dusting of golden hair. He looked down at my flaccid cock. "I've never seen a guy with a P.A. before. Did it hurt?" he asked. "Yeah, it hurt but just for a second. Take it in your mouth , but don't chip a tooth." I replied, smiling. I put some light pressure on his shoulders and he knelt down in front of my cock and took it in his mouth. Clearly, it wasn't the first cock he sucked. After a few minutes I lifted him up and suggested we get comfortable on the bed. He still had his jeans on, but I was naked as I lay next to him and began kissing him again, focusing on his lips, neck and ears before eventually licking his pert little nips. He was responding very favorably and I unbuttoned his jeans and said, "Let's slide these off." Dave was on his back and I pulled his jeans off. He was wearing a white Bike jockstrap, which made my already hard cock stiffen further. I was on top of him, kissing him, licking those golden hairy pits, lightly nibbling on his nips. He was quietly moaning and his ankles were resting on the backs of my thighs. Dave had a treasure trail which led down to his jockstrap and I followed it. The jockstrap was stretched tight trying to contain the his erection, which was about 7 inches, as well as a seemly hairy crotch. I breathed in the aroma of his cock through the jockstrap, and mouthed it through the material. Then, as I did with his jeans, I pulled the jockstrap off of him, freeing his beautiful cock, which slapped against his 6 pack. I licked from his perineum, to his hairy nuts and up along his cock to the tip of his cock head. Then I slowly took his cock head into my mouth and down until it was in my throat. His cock was oozing sweet precum and I couldn't resist sucking it, but I didn't want him to cum anytime soon. So, I pushed his legs up with his knees toward his chest and started to eat his beautiful ass. Dave's ass cheeks had just a peach fuzz of hair, but there was more hair in his ass crack. He gasped loudly as I started to rim him. Again, I could smell the freshness of his ass after a fresh shower -- it seems that he had prepared. "OMG, no one has ever rimmed me before. It feels better than I imagined it would." Dave said. I replied, "Really? You've never been rimmed?" He said, "No. I've only seen it on porn. As far as guys go, I've only kissed and traded blow jobs with dudes. And I fucked my old girlfriend from last year before I came out." At that moment, I knew I needed to paint the inside of this hot little guy. I told him to flip over, so he laid down flat on his stomach. I reached over to the bed side table and got a bottle of massage oil and a little brown bottle of Iron Horse. I said, "Just relax Dave. You're going to enjoy this." I poured some of the oil on his back and started to massage him. I pushed the stress of the day right out of his neck and shoulders. He cooed, "Oh that feels so fucking good!" I pour more oil onto my hands and then massaged his arms. I admired his bulging biceps and triceps. Dave knew his way around a gym like a good gay boy should. Then I poured some oil on the base of his back. I worked on his lower back, his glutes and then his legs. He was in a state of both horniness and relaxation from my labor of lust. I left the bottle of oil at the foot of the bed next to the unopened bottle of poppers for later. Then I spread his ass cheeks with my hands and dove face first into his crack. I began to deep rim him while pinning his thighs to the bed to control the vibe of the scene. He gasped as my tongue went past his first ring and started to slither in him. He said, "God, I need you to fuck me so bad!" I replied, "There's plenty of time for that." I wanted to heighten his level of sexual urgency. With him still face-down on the bed, I laid-down on top of him with my 8 incher landing lengthwise in his crack. With all the oil I used on him, we were slick against each others bodies - my chest flat on top of his back. Dave tried to maneuver his ass so that my cock would enter him, but I was in control of him and the situation and would let him do that. I began to tease his hole by putting the tip of my cock up to the hole, but not penetrating him at all, and then sliding lengthwise along his crack again. I did this for about ten minutes as my precum mixed with the oil in his ass crack. Then I flipped him on his back. I pushed his knees up to his chest and began to eat his ass again. It still seemed very tight. So I reached back and grabbled the bottle of massage oil and dribbled some in his ass with him still in missionary position. Then I put his ankles on my shoulders and I traced around his asshole with my finger, then I slowly worked my finger into him. "Keep breathing. Tell me if I hurt you and I'll stop" I told him. "I'm good. Keep going." he replied. I started to massage his prostate and he groaned. "Fuck that feels so weird and good," Dave said. I told him, "I'm going to add another finger. Keep breathing and tell me how you're feeling." I added the second digit and he tensed up, so I instructed him to breath. He relaxed and started to enjoy it. When I took my fingers out of him, his hole was gaping. It was time. I started to rub the length of my cock along his ass crack. Every so often, I touched the tip of my cock to his hole, which still gaped a bit. Then I told him to breath deep and I pushed the tip of my cock head into his hole. "Oh my god, oh my god, it really hurts," he cried. I stopped and held my cock so the head was just inside him and reached back to grab the bottle of Iron Horse. "Have you ever used poppers?" I asked. "I know what they are but no, not yet," he replied. I broke the seal of the bottle and opened it. "I'm going to hold it to your nostril. Make sure you don't let the liquid get in your nose, but breath the fumes deeply into one nostril and hold for five seconds and then do the same with the other nostril," I instructed. I moved the bottle to his nostril and he did what I said. Then I capped the bottle. Dave's head went back and his hole body seemed to relax as I pushed my cock head into him. I kept a steady push until my nuts were against his taint and I stayed still. I handed him the bottle this time and told him to do it again, which he did. "How you doing, buddy?" I asked. "Please just pound me...you feel so good," was his response. Dave's cock was rock hard and drooled precum on his abs. I picked up the pace and started pounding him. On each stroke, I withdrew so that my cock head was outside of his ring but still barely in him, then I pushed into the hilt. After a few of these, Dave held the bottle up to his nose and huffed again. I was all-out railing him and he cried out, "I think I'm going to cum!" I knew I needed to cum in him fast or the window of opportunity might close, so I pounded him so hard the bed was hitting the wall. Suddenly, I groaned and came in Dave balls-deep. He jerked his cock a few more times and his load hit his face. I bent over and licked the cum off of his adorable face and snowballed it to him. I rolled over on my back pulling him on top of me while my softening cock was still in him. He straightened out, releasing my cock and he laid down on top of me. "That was so hot," he said. I had to agree. I suggested that he get in the doggy position. I got behind him and told him to push the load out of his ass. I lapped all of it up and swallowed. "You might need an abortion after that!" I said and we both chuckled. We laid in bed for a few minutes. Then Dave said he probably needed to go because he had a lab the next morning at 7:30 am. So he got dressed and I put on a robe. I saw him to the door and gave him a parting kiss. I don't know for certain that I knocked Dave up, but I'd say it's likely. He had no way to contact me. But he probably didn't feel well about two weeks after our romp.19 points
Uninhibited, incorrigible, and insatiable men. At least 5 or more. A total disregard for safe sex. Wallowing in the primal urges that come from being a man, revelling in the freedom of uncontrolled barebacksex. Swapping partners and swapping fluids. wanting to give some of yourself to each other man, and taking some of each home with you. The delicious mix of sweat, spit, cum, and natural ass juices. Exploring each man, emotionally and physically,inside and out. Allowing time for 2 or 3 to pair off and explore, knowing that a mosh pit of all men, rutting in a pile, is coming soon. No judgement, no shame. All men trusting each other to do or try anything and everything … pushing the envelope to step out of the comfort zone, but also understanding and respecting “no.” “No” means “not that, now”; in this setting it doesn’t mean “stop” but “head in a new direction.” Accepting that something may not typically be my vibe, but watching how it turns them on, I may want to try it with them. Doesn’t have to include partying.19 points
Chapter 19 When I left Jamal´s flat hours later, they again slid a plug in my hole to keep the loads in. I winced a bit, as I was sore, but I didn´t trust my hole to close completely after the ordeal. And it did turn me on to know how many of their loads I had in me. How many they had given me. “Fuck”, I thought to myself on my way home “I really have become a slut.” Of course, the cage they had put on me stayed on. I hadn´t been able to cum from getting fucked, but Jamal said, this would be possible once I was pent up enough. Or not and then I´d just have to stay horny. Comments like these did indeed make me horny and remembering the two trips to this flat did so, too. Also the thought that I had kind of “absorbed” their cum into my body, because as I slid the plug finally out, nothing else came out. I can´t tell you how I got through the week. I was tired and horny and a mess and horny and couldn´t focus and horny and worked my way through it and horny. It dragged on forever and went by in a flash at the same time. But I had one focus that kept me going: Feeling again like last weekend. Letting out my inner pig again. Let these guys use me. Finally be the cumdump I had sometimes dreamed to be. Standing at that door again on Friday evening, which I dutifully did. I had slid in the plug that I had left their flat with, because Jamals had told me to do so to stretch my hole a bit, so taking him inside would be less of a struggle. Also I was just wearing a jock, short sports pants, a tight fitting shirt and the socks they had put on me last time. It felt crazy going to their place dressed like that and with a plug. I thought everybody would see what I was up to, would see my cage through the shorts or see me blush all the time. But that was probably just in my head, I tried to reassure myself. When I lifted my hand for thew bell, the door already buzzed and I went inside. I had thought Jamal would open it again, being half naked, but it was nobody there in the hallway. When I took off my shoes though, I saw a sheet of paper on a sideboard. “Take off your shirt and pants. Put on the wristbands and collar in this first drawer. Before that, chug the glass of juice beside it. Then come in. J.” Ohh… wow. This was getting crazier and hotter by the second! I carefully opened the drawer and saw the glass of juice half full. I was sure there was g in it and maybe something else. I chugged it and the taste spoke for my thesis of at least g. I quickly threw my shirt and pants in the drawer. Then I took out the leather bands that I already knew from last time. My fingers trembled from excitement, as I put them on and tightened them., It took me a couple of minutes closing the wristbands with one hand, but I managed. Then I went towards the door to the living room and looked at myself in a mirror while passing it. I looked good. Hot. Kinky. How I had always wanted to look. I heard a thrumming sound through the door. I knocked, but when there was no response, I realized the note had said to come in, so I did. As expected, there was music and porn playing, the light dim, various item for sex lying around. Also as I had expected, there was Jamal on the sofa, already naked, stroking his huge cock. He looked over at me and grinned that cheeky smile. “Come here sexy! I see you did as you were told…” “Hi man! Yes, sure!” I was a bit shy, but also so horny, so I went to him. He immediately cupped my caged cock in one hand and put his other hand on my ass, making sure I was also plugged. “Such a good boy! Properly caged and plugged, as you should be. And soon also high…” he smirked. He pulled me down towards him and planted his big lips on mine, while his other hand continued to play with my plug. I lost myself in the kiss for a prolonged moment. But then I heard a familiar clicking noise behind me, that startled me. But then I realized it would be the Taron working the pipe, just like the last times. I had expected him to be arounds, actually hoped for that. He was so fucking hot… When I turned around to grin at him knowingly, showing him I wasn´t the insecure version of myself anymore – I was caught off guard seeing a different guy than I had thought. While he was lighting the glas pipe I had expected and looked similar in build and shape to Taron, he definitely was not Taron. He had a buzzcut and thicker arms, wearing a leather harness like the one I did, but with red stripes framing the black. He wore black wristbands that pronounced his big forearms and his lopsided smile curled around the pipe while inhaling. His head was shaved and his middle was only covered by a stretched out trunks that my eyes shortly lingered on. Jamal laughed behind my. “Don´t just stare, Jakey! Show my friend some appreciation!” I didn´t know what exactly he wanted me to do and my first instinct told me to bold out the door. But just then, a wave of calmness and horniness hit me and I quickly lost that thought. I thought for a second what to do. I knew Jamal wanted to fuck me with guy and I knew I´d let him do just that. So I stood back up and just said “Hello Sir!”, looking at the guy finishing his draw from the pipe. He smiled at that, put the pipe down on the table and curled his finger, motioning me towards him. I knew what was coming, stepping close to him. He grabbed my hair and yanked my face towards his, looking into my eyes for a moment before yanking me further, pushing my lips an his. He exhaled the smoke into me and I was ready for it. I accepted the smoke from him and kept it in my lungs when he withdrew. “Glad to meet you like this, Jake. I´m Chase. I´ve heard good things from you. Let´s see, if they´re true, shall we?” I exhaled my hit, nodded and when the feeling of euphoria washed over me said: “Thank you Sir! I´m happy to see, if I can live up to the expectations!”19 points
I needed to fuck a freshly loaded hole so I got my buddy, Steve and Drew’s mate, Dwayne over this morning. I watched as first Steve pumped his load deep in Drew’s arse then Dwayne emptied his balls in Drew’s hole. I pressed my hard cock on Drew’s hole and pushed in. Fuck! A wave of our buddies’ hot sperm enveloped my cock and flowed over my balls. I mixed their seed and shot my own load inside Drew. My was dripping cum from his arse and never looked so fucking hot. I buried my face in his crack and ate him out.18 points
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