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Everything posted by faggotsub

  1. I use to struggle with it. i got married the first time at 19 yo. Took her cherry...sex was ok for a while but i always wondered why i didn't like looking at pussy in the mags, only thing i fixated on was men's cocks..First three years read a lot of porn and started to read stories about men who enjoyed seeing their wives fucked by OTHER MEN...that caught my interest..then i read about what went on in rest areas so I went to one and within a few minutes a guy sat down on my bench next to me and nudged my knee and asked "Do you know what that means?" I replied yes and got up and left but i was back the next day and for a few days i watched what was going on and eventually ventured out into the woods to see there there were these guys pairing up some sucking cock and some getting fucked up the ass...after that I'd go behind a tree when I could see a man kind of following me. I'd drop my pants facing him ass out and sure enough I would feel a hand on my ass and sometimes they would push me down on my knees and put their cocks in my mouth and sometimes they would just mount me BB and put their seed in me. Hurt but my mind kept telling me to go back. I became a fixture there. I didn't care about fucking my wife anymore..I still don't think I accepted being gay...I was married to the first wife 19 years and one day we were sitting on the deck of a lake house we had built just a few years before. and she asked me what i was thinking and i replied I think we should get a divorce and she said I was thinking the same thing so we did. The emotional fall out was hard to take but I stuck with it. i started having a lot of sex from hook up ads in underground magazines in Boston, Drummer and of course the rest areas. I travelled the country a few times a year and went to the bath houses and Adult Book Stores...Then I met this woman at a convention who heard I was single and she chased the hell out of me..I resisted. I eventually told her I had had sex with lots of men and she seemed ok with that ..I fell in love with her..she was beautiful, she had her own little local TV show she had a good job and made a lot of money. So we got together but she said I needed to be tested for AIDS, it was 1994 so my sister is a Doctor and I had her test me. I was POZ saw a real doctor who told me I was going to die and that she would make sure I was never in pain till the end. Honestly it hit me like a ton of bricks. But Liz my second wife still wanted to get together and get married so thinking i wouldnt make the year 2000 we did. Sex was awful but told myself i could to this. She entered me in trials for new drugs and read everything she could about saving me. Who couldnt love someone like that? Then the cocktail came around and i responded well to the drugs. My cd4's were always 1200 or better. Liz might have had the opinion it was going to be a short marriage but it wasn't. And i wanted cock. It wasn't long before I was in the rest areas again. No one I knew thought i was gay and with the exception it's still pretty much the same. Things deteriorated I didn't like sex with her with a condom or her squirting up some HIV killing foam in her cunt every time we had sex. And the only way she could cum was from being taken care of orally and I hate the sight and smell of pussy . I'd much prefer having my tongue up some guys ass. She moved back to England and missed her terribly and flew over there on a July 4th weekend begging her to come back. THANK GOD SHE DIDN'T So now i sell my second lake house that i built with her and buy an old farm in my hometown with 60 acres of privacy and open a bed and breakfast. thinking I got privacy and guys can fuck me in my front yard if they want and im renting out the old caretakers quarters to guys having orgies every two weeks or so. This woman from my past that I worked with when i was 15 and she was 13 in he cousin's restaurant come looking for me. Shes fucking gorgeous tiny little thing..and I fall in love with her. She's a nurse and I tell her i got some things to tell her..she accepts it all...and says she thought i was HIV+ from my wasting. We date for a couple years sex is pretty good..i tell myself I can do this but my interest dwindles but we get married anyway. SHES THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. but i still need cock ...the night before we get married I suck off 3 guys in the rest area. All goes well for the first 3-4 years but sex with us dwindles and she thinks something is wrong and puts a tracking device on my truck and follows me to a rest area one night and catches me with a guys huge cock in my mouth. We separated that night after a long talk and a lot of tears. We are still married 10 years after that incident and very close but haven't lived together since. She's there when I need her and i try to be there for her for whatever she needs. I tried to get her to have sex with other men when we were together and almost got her to do it. I'm a pig so I would have loved to have eaten other mens cum out of her..She just isn't wired that way and i've cum to accept who and what I am. Which is a sub to be used by any man. I have lots of regrets but I have come to terms that i'm submissive and that the only thing that makes me happy is pleasing men. If i didn't own property I'd be some MASTER or DOM'S slave..that is if HE was the type that wants to see HIS sub used by other MEN especially POZ MEN i love the idea of a real MAN;S seed growing in me for real. i know I'm queer but also that i'm a slut. One MAN'S cock is never going to be enough. And where I am from POZ men are hard to find at least one's that aren't undetectable. I guess I was in denial most of my life..Things were different back in the 70's and gay people are still frowned upon by my generation to a large degree. Society doesn't embrace abusive relationships and don't understand that some of us WANT to be in one. The thing that puzzles me is that now that being gay IS accepted more by society is that now the gay population has all these rules about what is proper to be gay..they have all these rules..and for some of them if your not gay they way they think you should be then it's not ok. The world is so fucked up these days. I should have moved to a more populated area when I was young and lived the life i was meant to..Almost over for me..
  2. is this a rhetorical question
  3. I'll take a blue SIR i get mistaken for a TOP sometimes i HATE dealing with bottoms that think i'm gonna feed em my cock in their mouth or ass...only thing i want then to eat...IF THEY WANT TO...is my cum filled hole. when i did the rest areas guys would tell me i looked like a cop personally i think i just look like a fag and an old one at that
  4. DON'T SHAVE I like lasting impressions don't care much for beards but stubble FUCK YES
  5. Spits fine so is dry fucking which is better if im REALLY being bred.... and it's also a reminder when they are done what i am and what i am for and it always fuels me to want MORE ....its more than just the act...its the mindset it creates and reinforces..it's not over after i get the reward and it keeps me focused on the only thing i care about... my hole bleeds easy their DNA is always a direct deposit so i becum part of them.
  6. I think for at least some of us its confusing when you join what you can post and where you post it. Censorship is everywhere these days. It;s scary ive been reprimanded twice for topics i posted and i thought were embraced or at least would be tolerated by the community here without any malice. its a fine line we walk here at least in my opinion.. but some of my opinions and thoughts are better kept to myself
  7. One bottom taking multiple anon loads
  8. if you mean do i cum more than once...NO never did but im a sub i rarely jerk off and prefer to stay hungry as i serve better that way. Most i ever had was 6 on one night that put their load in my ass..all BB over a fallen tree..in a rest area one night on my way to NYC to speak at a conference. They all did mouth to ass to mouth and went home clean to their wives i suspect. The first guy that used me was sending guys in to fuck me after he was done with me...he'd come into watch from time to time. then go out and find someone else. One of the best times i ever had at a rest area... When i spoke at the conference the next day the cum was still leaking out of my hole the good old days!
  9. one of the best fucks i ever got...thought it would rip me apart but it didn't nothing like it
  10. anon blindfolded is best no choices who goes IN subs hole should be available for ANY MAN that wants to use it just moved recently to CT anyone have suggestions where to make my hole available? so far only have found 3 guys in my area
  11. im an old F hasn't been a condom in me in 40 years poz to prove it for 28 years hard to find detectable loads
  12. im smooth can feel it better that way and the wet feels better after too dripping out unless i plugged it cause its + and want to make sure it takes fresh shaving it helps that too eating it? like it smooth they usually have hair on their heads so if i want my tongue tangled in hair i can go there
  13. Back in the 80's and 90's i was in the rest areas almost every day and almost every cock i got was anon and a one timer. I was married at the time and there were a couple hot rest areas where you could go and find anything you wanted. For me it was cock. All i had to do was either go in the woods and get on my knees and suck cock or stand facing a tree with my pants down like i was taking a piss and MEN would literally just walk up and insert their cocks in my. There were days id blow 10 guys and the best fucking i ever got was over a fallen tree in the woods when 6 guys rotated on me...all mouth to ass to mouth....never had time or a place being married and i wasnt looking for a relationship just cum. There's been a handful of guys ive seen more than once over the years and id still rather have an anon hard cock in me rather than have to put up with them in a conversation when its done about what their favorite movie is...its about cock and cum...sometimes though the conversation and time is necessary if they need to fuel up with a few beers so they can piss down your throat or up my ass...those days turned me into a slut..i lost count years ago about how many men have been in me. the only time i walked away is if they started putting a rubber on and im happy to say ive been rubber free for over 40 years it ain't sex with a rubber
  14. never ask but will answer honestly if someONE asks me they know the risks
  15. testosterone makes me nuts for cock and cum its all i think about have to go off it sometimes to set my mind so i can get some work done never makes me want to fuck though...its not how im wired i learned a long time ago what i am and what i am for
  16. my favorite position is wherever the TOP or DOM places my hole(s) the way HE likes them
  17. ☣️ like it when my hole bleeds so like em big... better for a recharge too puts me at peace when its done and it hurts
  18. Time to go huntin btw your suck an AH "JUST SAYIN" LOOKS LIKE IM IN THE MAJORITY ON THAT
  19. They have you programmed right where they want you to be Eros. Your head is right where they put it..UP YOUR ASS oblivious to what's going on in the world Yes i remember the cold war but the world is much more complex that what it was then, and we didn't have an administration trying to destroy the country from within like we do with sleepy joe You have been fooled into thinking this past election as being fare it wasn't and there's plenty of proof it WASN'T. Trump wasn't a weak feeble President. He was feared and respected by the MAJORITY of the the World. 4 days after sleepy joe was elected Putin put his plan into motion to take over Ukraine..he knew he could get away with anything he wanted because sleepy joe is a wuss and has no back bone. And since you mentioned PRESIDENT TRUMP being investigated, why isn't sleepy joe and his druggie son being investigated for acts that as far as i am concerned are treason? he lied about having relationships with other countries with his kid..then he said he didnt know that his kid had and now its been proven they both did for millions of dollars,,the kids a known drug user, he tosses a guy in the trash and he's out free walking around like nothing has happened selling that no talent art ..This is just incredible..They both belong in jail. A little tax evasion don't bother me compared to what these clowns are doing to us. They keep repeating over and over about climate change every time we have a weather event ..but every time there's an event we hear...not since 1990, or not since 1960, or not since 1959 has there been a storm or event like this......mother nature is doing her thing like she always will. who are they fooling? apparently you! i bet your driving around in a hybrid SUV or some little smart car just like they tell you to...i;m gonna keep driving my gas eating chevy pick up and my 4000 lb cadillac and i hope you don't hit me head on some night when your falling asleep in the car listening to Don Lemon and if you end up in one of those self driving cars i hope your sitting in the back seat because i doubt the air bag will even go off in my truck. You asked what can we do about putin.. for one thing if we are going to sanction him..the NATO countries should stop buying oil from him and make a statement..thats where his wealth comes from If we are going to make a stupid rule and stop production here and buy it from Russia thats plain nuts. Stopping production here is what has made him wealthy to fund his assault on Ukraine to begin with. Sleepy joe thinks we are all just gonna put solar panels on our houses...along with these nicompoops like aoc sanders and this nutcase in massachuseets thats been in office for 34 years..im gonna keep my trees ...if im gonna freeze my ass off in the winter due to heating costs im sure not gonna roast in the sun all summer long these people are nuts and they got you right where they want you..i ll take being a pig any day rather than one of the sheep to be led into slaughter like they are doing now unfortunately the population of the big cities put this administration in power and all us people in the rural areas are saying WTF as we are expected to support all these people on these government hand out programs with the hard earned money we make by being employed Then there's all the illegal immigrants coming in from the open border being shipped off all over the USA..i suppose you think that's ok too The Cold WAR yah i remember the cold war...this ones a lot colder this time Road Scholar you profess yourself to be well you better find some new books to read and if not at least change the god dam channel
  20. our present administration is going to lead us strait into hell messing with a Country that has enough nuclear power to blow up the entire world The weakness of the US has set the stage for what's going to happen in Ukraine and Taiwan. How one administration could do so much damage to this country in one year is incredible, and they have 3 more years to go. We won't cut off Russia's Oil supply but they stop production here.. WTF is this madman and his administration thinking. Kerry said if we were at zero emissions it wouldn't make a difference without every other country doing the same. so what the fuck are we doing...this from a guy parking his yacht in Rhode Island to avoid paying Massachusetts taxes. How the hell do we have morons like this running our country in the first place I hope the American people are happy with what they got when they voted in these assholes. And only a couple news agencies are reporting the results of the Durham report. God save us all. Our prayers to Ukraine for in a large part what WE have caused by picking an old corrupt family to lead us. At almost 70 years old ive never seen anything like whats going on. in my entire life. Whats it going to take to stop this madness.???????????????????????
  21. i was seeing a 29 RECON DOM a few years back. HE took vids of whipping my ass (HE liked a red ass to fuck), then HIM fucking me then sucking him clean. HIS face was never shown but HE made sure mine WAS in all the vids. i thought HE was taking them just to have them. A few days later HE posted them on Tumblr HE notified me they were posted and told me that HE likes exposing poz fags and that the vids were HIS property to do with as HE pleased , HE owned them just like HE owned me. i came to realize HE was right. subs don't have choices how they are used and that they are only for the enjoyment of the DOM even if THEY get satisfaction from exposing a poz fag sluts like me. After i thought about it for a while i came to realize it might attract other DOMS that need a hole to unload in...especially if they are POZ. i don't see any of it being my choice but it does fuel me to want MORE
  22. I guess i'm a selfish sub slut bottom and poz to prove it. I haven't been fucked by anyone in 30 years or more who used a condom. nor would i let anyone fuck me with one. Being poz i'm fueled by the thought of a guys seed GROWING IN ME FOR REAL. Didnt start out that way but once i found out it made me incredibly whorny to think i get knocked up with a new strain every time i'm USED. i want a MAN who takes pleasure in putting his seed in my cunt..i like the process, before, during and after. To me it ain't sex with a condom, the guys that USE me feel the same way..skin to skin..it doesn't feel right with a condom and there's no wet hole as proof i was USED properly. What am i suppose to do, plug the crisco in my hole when they are done...my last two wives knew i was poz...and i used a condom on them out of concern for them, as far as a DOM using me? The only thing i want him concerned with is planting his seed in me. I don't think it's selfish, i think it's just about finding the right partners. my second wife was British, and thought she was the queen of England i swear, she was the laziest woman i was ever married to but the one thing she never failed to do was squirt some anti aids foam up her cunt while i was putting on my condom, my last wife well i wore one because she was the love of my life and didn't want anything to happen to her with all the responsibility she had in coming years to her kids and grandkids and i wanted to make sure she'd be around for them. i'll take my 13 inch over a wrapped dick..thank you. at least there's something to leave it when i'm done
  23. faggotsub

    Dead Man Walking

    That's one heartfelt post not only by you, Eroswired, but the post after it by b8budj. I hope his response helped you out and gave you some insight you might not have considered. I'm not smart enough to be able to express myself in the articulate way either of you have . I can only say that i am 70 years old in April and poz since 1994 and yes it has taken a toll on me, it's obvious I'm wasting to anyone who knows anything about the disease and the ramifications from it but I'm healthy, my cd4 count has always been high and hardly have ever been sick ever since I was given that death sentence before the cocktail. I've been a smoker through it all..yes dumb I know and now old but my sex drive is in tact if not more than sometimes during my youthful days..and lucky for me still seem to appeal to a certain amount of men, a lot of them these days in their 20's and 30's who like the experience and older slut like myself has and the freedom they feel they have to do things they might not with someone younger. Your obviously intelligent enough to adjust to the changes in your life just as we all do and have to in life. I liked the post but there's no denying there's a sadness in it that would make anyone sad from reading it..the years are closing in on all of us grab what your entitled to every chance you can.. I saw my mother a couple weeks before she died..i asked her how she was. She could hardly see or hear anymore, she could only walk 100 ft. but her mind was sharp. .She replied ": I've never felt better in my life, I don't know what everyone in this place is complaining about!" Talk about a positive attitude. She was 101 years old.
  24. Love being watched i use to be in the rest areas all the time till they fenced them all off and started to patrol them in Massachusetts There was one guy with a huge cock that was in there as much as i was that i ended up hooking up with over and over again that loved to get blown with an audience, guys would line up to watch and take their cocks out..he would interrupt me sucking him off and grab me by the hair and either drag me over to the next guy with his cock out and point to the guy and tell him to put his cock down my throat...he loved to see them cum in me..and so did i one night we had an audience of 6 guys that all lined up came down my throat before going home to their wives i suspect and he was always the last to cum down my throat. I got friendly with this guy and use to take him home where he would tie me to this support pipe in my old 1700's House and face fuck me and slap me around...Unfortunately he didn't and to this day doesn't like to fuck. My last wife and i only lived together part time and she sensed something wrong in our relationship. One night she put a tracking device on my truck and decided to come back to see where i was. and she pulled into the rest area and walked up to me with HIS cock in my mouth...that was 13 years ago and probably was for the best...lot easier having men here than at the rest area though i still go once in a while. i use to wonder if i'd still be hanging around rest areas and bookstores lookin for cock, so now IM OLD and i know..and every time i do find a hard cock i just hope it's got a new strain to pass on. The rest areas are kind of like the Old West around here now just remnants and a lot of old timers resistant to the changes we've been forced into..The 80's and 90's were hot you could find anything you wanted THOSE WERE THE DAYS
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