There was this time in my life when it seemed the only guys I was finding where guys with wives or guys with gfs. Which was fine with me!! The best thing was that they would all let me fuck them raw.
At one point I had five semi regulars I was about 40- 45
1. The school teacher, married with a college son.. even fucked him on his sons bed one day.
2. The dishwasher/ assistant to chef at a restaurant, 20 with a gf ( now married and a dad( when we started, his car broke down the first time I got him when i gave him a ride home)
3.The dad I met at nude beach, married, , always had to have a little alcohol in him first, but would totally perv out verbally in bed as i did him.
4. The divorced dad who let me hit on his 17 yo son
5. The UPS guy who had gf and kid, and would let me fuck him at the motel or xxx vid store, no foreplay, just a quick cum dump.