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  • Gender
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    HVL POZ pig looking for recharges. Off meds for several years. No limits. AIDS and STD loads welcome. Dirty and BDSM. Piss, scat and marks welcome. Fucking destroy me. Former profile name has been "KillMeWithAIDS"... Still true, but don't want to get banned.
  • Looking For
    Tops that want to drop a load. Vers pigs to exchange strains and bugs with. AIDS and STDs.

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  1. I might be able to help here…. Contact me on. T.  BreederDaddy99 👹

  2. Incredibly hot! I bet Des will get horny for that ass again when he gets to know the diagnosis.
  3. Craving full blown AIDS fuckers and loads too! Fill me and breed me with your strains!

    1. DiseasedDumpster


      Me too!!!  The nastier the load dumped inside of me the better. 

      I can’t ever get enough full blown strains 

  4. Would love to exchange strains with you I’m I have HIV and now I’m full blown AIDS I’ve never been on meds I’m a strain chaser and a former bug chaser 

    1. pozboy


      you;'re SOO near 14 out of 14,which we all aim for!


    2. NeedToxicRecharges


      YES! Let's share our unmedicated bugs and become more toxic.

  5. where are you am a full blown AIDS pig uk



      Boston, I need to take on 5 or 6 homeless to feed my pussy.

  6. Hot profile 

    1. NeedToxicRecharges


      Thank you! Yours is so hot too, would love to swap strains. ☣️☣️☣️

  7. Thanks for the upvote

    1. NeedToxicRecharges


      My pleasure. Very well deserved! 

  8. Love to recharge you man.  Also lookin for recharging tops myself every once in a while.

    1. NeedToxicRecharges


      Hmm, anytime. My cunt is always open for new strains and STDs. 

    2. barefucker44


      Good deal fucker, toxic poz top here lookin to gift

  9. Well, I prefer spit when I want to enjoy the fuck as a bottom or better if the top wants me to enjoy the fuck. But being fucked dry actually suits me better, because then I often realize that the top really wants to destroy my cunt. I had a guy who fucked me from time to time, who still wiped my cunt dry before he fucked me. Also had quite a big cock. That hurt like hell every time and bled quite a bit. Perfect for a faggot like me.
  10. Either push it out and eat it or (especially when it's poz cum) rub it in with a toothbrush and close the hole with a plug.
  11. Oh fuck, your profile makes me horny...

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