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Everything posted by topblkmale

  1. rape tourism with the Africans no less ☑️🤔 Yeah, no. I can't. ✋🏾
  2. I agree. Don't shit where you live or work. It rarely ends well.
  3. Find a top with a decent sized penis who is willing to train you. Don't wing it! Otherwise you will pick up bad cocksucking habits that will stay with you the rest of your cocksucking life. I have experienced MANY guys who have been sucking dick for decades and don't know what they're doing and some too old to be retrained correctly.
  4. Half of Twitter is porn so if EM starts charging, there will be no content engagement. I only use Twitter to view porn. But I have noticed I am bombarded with politics, random news and EM tweets. Its impossible to filter out the political news nonsense to get to the porn. Add to that, I see most of the porn content creators are now retweeting DNC and other democrat items of interest to gays and other minority communities instead of posting new porn. 🤔
  5. Novel idea. ☑️ Not EVERYONE should be on Twitter. If that's the case, delete account, uninstall app. Fixed./r
  6. From a top's perspective this is not a good way to get sucked. While yes, it is a nice dominant position, the angle of the tongue and throat are way off. The top has to contort himself. Most dicks don't curve in two directions which this position requires.
  7. I think 'anon' in this context means no real names or other personal information other than what the other person looks like.
  8. Sounds like the guy wanted to see what you look like before he proceeded to breed you. Weird,
  9. Watching WWF wresting as a kid. Hulk Hogan but especially Jimmy 'Superfly' Snuka gave me raging hard-ons. Then at age 15 I discovered cruisy toilets at the department stores. One had a glory hole.
  10. Could you tell us your age? That would help add some context to this being your first bathhouse experience. Myself, I went to my first bathhouse at 19 years old in Harlem, New York. I remember my age because I would also go to the clubs of early 90s NYC but was not old enough to legally drink. I would wear my underage wristband to the bathhouse and take it off when I got inside.
  11. Definitely a huge turn on. Swollen ass lips means a bottom is experienced and can take the entire length of my dick with no problem. The best feeling is when those swollen lips touch my ball sack and 'milk' the base of my shaft. Standard bottoms can't do all that and just bottom out.
  12. For some strange reason, I can never find a co-worker sexually attractive. I work in the financial-tech industry and usually the guys are below average looks with anti-social smug personalities leading boring bland lives with ugly wives and their kids in the suburbs. Out gay guys are a no-no. I hope the closeted ones don't find me on Grindr.
  13. There is just WAY too much to unpack in this thread which has nothing to do with treating the infection.
  14. Agreed. If you are coming into LGA then the Faire Theater is just down 92nd Street. You can bus, Uber or cab there very easily. Its 5 to 7 minutes away. Cost is $15. They have small lockers available if you need to store a backpack. They open around 10 AM and close at midnight weekdays, 3 AM on weekends. McDs and BK within walking distance if you get hungry.
  15. I'll pass on any cocksucker involving my dick in any kind of force, pressure, or teeth being applied to this work of art.
  16. BBC - be careful with it. ☑️😊
  17. I've seen lots of gay amateur porn where the guy getting sucked is on his phone. Usually younger guys as it may be socially acceptable now.
  18. The Faire in an old-fashioned (think 1970s - 1980s) porno theater in Astoria, Queens, NYC. Very multi-cultural, ethnic crowd with guys from all over the tri-state. It also attracts lots of trans and men who like them. Multiple theaters, play areas and booths with a very social theater lobby seating area for random chit chat.
  19. I'm always amazed in 2022 America when I am approached by a non-black man who claims they've never been with a black guy before, always fantasized and now want to try. Be it online or in-person cruising. Most times I think these individuals are just trolling me for a specific reaction on my part - my excitement of being their first (which I am NOT interested in) 😝
  20. Don't care who owns Twitter or their politics. I'm not leaving unless they take down the porno.
  21. Media (legacy mainstream and social) lost interest in it. I searched #monkeypox on Twitter yesterday and its just memes now.
  22. Why would the bolded items need to be discussed with a child under 10 years of age? Genuinely curious. Seems pedo to me but I could be wrong. I'm including the complete text below for more context: (1) SEXUALLY-ORIENTED MATERIAL.—The term ‘‘sexually-oriented material’’ means any depiction, description, or simulation of sexual activity, any lewd or lascivious depiction or description of human genitals, or any topic involving gender identity, gender dysphoria, transgenderism, sexual orientation, or related subjects.
  23. Sometimes getting tested just makes you feel like your doing the right thing. So you can go do it again. ☑️👍🏾
  24. I find a4a now has filled the Craigslist void for married guys who have no place but are looking for action. Problem with Grindr is that you have to leave your local area to get GOOD hits. Otherwise the first four rows are the same guys you've never been interested in.
  25. As a black American, I have never experienced racism from gays in Mexico, Central or South America. Now I HAVE received negative energy in bars and bathhouses in Latin America for being perceived as an English-speaking foreigner. Many seem disappointed I'm not Colombian, Panamanian, Cuban or Dominican. For them its cultural difference. And I agree with them.
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