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Everything posted by HoneyBuns1980

  1. I often do, but, really don't notice once I'm getting fucked. I make it pretty clear that I'm not versatile and have zero interest in getting stroked or sucked until I cum. Not every "top" will stick around after hearing that. But, for those who do, I can easily cum without any manual stimulation just from having their cock inside my butt.
  2. It's definitely more difficult for me, personally. Most likely because of personal preferences. I'm not at all attracted to nor interested in guys who identify as versatile. What that usually means is that they're into sucking cocks and getting fucked. All the things that I, an oral and anal bottom, am also into. I do not want the guy that I'm into to be into the exact same activities as I am into. Specifically, on the receiving end of those activities. Far too many times I've been lured/fooled by a "top" who innocently wants to suck my cock - presumably as foreplay - before raping my ass with his cock. But, what typically happens is he's really just scheming to get my dick in his mouth knowing full well he has no interest whatsoever in fucking me. And, what's worse, the only fucking some of these "tops" have any even remote interest in is being bent over and taking a cock themselves. Remember, I'm a bottom. They know this, yet press/force the "lemme suck yer dick" issue anyway. What the fuck IS that? News Flash, men: not EVERY guy with a dong wants HIS sucked. Seriously, it's really bad out there for those of us who are total bottoms and genuinely put-off by guys who are versatile. It's basically like being with another bottom. Not fun.
  3. A week ago. I was at home and either had the day off from work, or had free time before going in that afternoon. I was logged-in at another site when this 20y.o. white guy working nearby unexpectedly hits me up talking about how he's about to be on his lunch break and did I want to host him for a pump-and-dump? "Sure" Figuring it would lead to absolutely nothing - just like most attempted online encounters these days - I didn't expect to see him, but, I was already cleaned out and ready anyways. And, by "ready", that meant dressed in my slut uniform of a hoodie and knee-highs with the door unlocked. But, sure enough, he was at my building as he said he would be, albeit fumbling around with the entry code to the point where I had to put my clothes on and go downstairs to physically open the door for him. We hustled back upstairs to my apartment, stripped down, and got down to it. I ate his cock for a bit until he told me to give him my ass. He was pretty self-assured for a young fella, which, I liked. I couldn't believe a 20y.o. white kid was checking ME out! It just seemed weird, because it NEVER happens. There really wasn't anything too terribly memorable about him fucking me, but, I did like the way he really grabbed my hips and sank in initially. I really FELT it! He pumped away for just a few minutes before obviously unloading with a nice heavy sigh of relief. And, to his credit, he didn't pull at that moment out to admire it like they do in the videos.
  4. I was pretty randy as a kid, with boys and girls. I don’t know how I got curious about sucking a cock, but, I had already been fooling around with one of the neighbourhood boys when he and I started in one day in his bedroom. I somehow managed to convince him that we should get naked and get under the covers in his bed. While we were in there, I eventually worked my way down to his cock - we were both preteens - and put it in my mouth. He didn’t really protest. Until… It was at that moment his mother - who had been entertaining a friend in the front room - suddenly popped-in. To this day I have no idea why, but, she did. I poked my head out from underneath the covers and met her eyes with mine. She didn’t say a word. Not that I remember, anyway. I’m sure she was too shocked to get anything out from her mouth. Not even a “GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!” She just closed the door and was gone. I can’t remember what I did after that. I half-recall dipping back under the covers, but cannot say for certain. I remained friends with his family for years and nothing was ever said about it.
  5. I don’t feel comfortable having to ask. I feel it’s disrespectful to the top. Kinda like asking “is it in yet?”
  6. Condoms, pullouts and mutual oral.
  7. Yep, the bathhouse is typically where it’s at. A lot of flakiness and general weird, off-putting behaviour (tops begging bottoms to send a dick pic) online. At least at the baths you’re interacting with people face-to-face.
  8. I got bent over by a midget in a men’s room stall at Central Library in Los Angeles years ago. He might’ve had the smallest dick I’ve ever taken, but I’ll give him full marks for having the confidence to use it.
  9. You aren’t missing anything epic at BBRT. I rarely use it.
  10. I hate having to wonder if they’ve really done it. Plenty of times I’ve used my hand and swiped my butt after they’ve finished, but, I’m usually unable to tell if it’s cum or lube. Just once I’d love to feel a pulsating, throbbing cock unloading inside me!
  11. True, L.A’s a shithole. But, I do miss the Blackout Party at Midtowne. Those were golden. No pun. Where I’m at now, the bath I prefer has one every week, which totally kills the novelty factor, as does those stupid individual red lights they attach to the key set to the lockers and rooms. Nothing worse than being blinded by a red light as you’re in a GH booth watching and waiting with your mouth open in an otherwise darkened slut house.
  12. Be forewarned: bare cock is super addicting!
  13. I’m finding it difficult to go back to condoms, and, with the situations I find myself in, the subject doesn’t really come up anymore anyway.
  14. Regardless which site(s) you’re on, hooking up online is a rarity, I think. People are lazy when they’re not busy flaking. I’ve found that if you’re truly serious about satisfying urges, you’ve got to put down the phone, log-off the computer, and get out into the real world where you’re more likely than not to find some real action.
  15. If you’re a bareback bottom slut, why would you ever even allow another bottom to get anywhere near you?
  16. I go by the rule that you shouldn’t put yourself in the position of swallowing cum if you’re not actually ready to swallow cum. I would hate to disappoint a top by refusing his load in either hole if he’s got me on my knees or with my ass in the air. I would think at that point it’s pretty much expected, whether I want to or not.
  17. Need to find a hung stud with a camera!
  18. Skip the online bullshit and head straight to Slammer or Midtowne.
  19. A few nights ago I went to the park, since I hadn't been since last year, I guess. I'm lazy, and don't really like to go out, except to the baths. It's relatively close. I was off work all week but not having any luck hosting tops at home because they tend to be really fucking lazy, for some reason. Too bad for them, as I was dead fucking serious about hosting cock. I forget what night it was, but, I put on my slut uniform and headed out late one night. I got there and fiddled about online for a bit before getting out of my car and wandering into the darkness. I believe it was midnight. There were a few people milling about, but, as usual, no one was really making themselves known. Maybe they were too busy playing with their phones, I don't know. I walked around for a couple hours before going back to my car to see what was up at either of the sites I was still signed-in at. Still nothing. "What a waste", I thought. Maybe I should've gone to the baths instead. Or, a theatre or arcade. It was probably around 2am. Other than a few near-misses, there wasn't shit going on. I decided to give it one last go and posted up in a secluded area that is popular at night. Soon, I was joined by a guy blasting Hip-Hop from his phone. I fought the urge to bail - guys looking to fuck in the park don't typically advertise their presence like that at 2am - but, I was grounded by the rush of anticipation that came over me as he approached. Hoping he wasn't there looking for fags to beat up, I waited for him to make a move of some sort. Anything. He sauntered up and took a seat and asked if anything was happening. Relieved, I answered no. He then started playing straight porn on his phone. Loudly. I made small talk, but, wasn't really interested in him like that, and was still hopeful that something would happen. Soon enough, a guy with a baseball cap appeared and started rubbing his crotch after looking around to make sure everything was cool. He made sure to do it facing my direction, so, I started moving closer to him, until his cock was somehow in my mouth. I couldn't see where the first guy with the loud phone was, but, he was still there. I sucked this guy's uncut cock for a few before he jumped down and positioned himself behind me. He lifted up my coat to reveal my bare ass, and sunk in after I lubed up. I hadn't been fucked for a few weeks or more, so, I was tight initially. As usual. I grimaced and lubed-up again before giving it another go. Perfect fit this time. He really wasn't anything special, but, it was what I went there for. Only thing, though, I don't know if he came inside me or not. A couple of other guys appeared from out of nowhere as he was bending me over. I knew why they were there, and hoped they'd each take a turn after this guy was done. But, they disappeared against a tree several yards behind us. I don't know if their presence ruined the guy's erection or not, but, he pulled out shortly thereafter and left. I swiped my butt with my hand, but couldn't tell if it was wet from the lube or his load. I hate that. I flipped my coat up to reveal my ass again in hopes that it'd create a buzz (!), but, nothing happened. I could see one of the other 2 guys at the tree on his knees with something in his mouth, but, they, too both wandered off before long. I took a few more passes around the park, but, decided to pack it in when I heard a female voice amongst a few males over in an area that I had been waiting about a half-hour earlier. No idea what the fuck THEY were doing, but, once the women start yakking loudly, as this one was, that's my cue to exit, stage left. Even though I did take a cock up my ass, as desired, it still was a disappointing, time-wasting trip to the park. Not sure when I'll go again.
  20. When I was 15 during Summer break. I was in the rec room at home whilst my mom was at the other end of the house sleeping in her room. It was late and as I watched whatever chat show was on the television, I suddenly got the idea in my head to jerk-off for the first time. I used some kind of cloth - likely a blanket - and just went for it until I felt the blanket was all moist. Honest-to-God I’d never done it before then and had absolutely no idea what would happen if it was done “to completion”. Aside from the light illuminating from the idiot box, the room was dark, so, I couldn’t see what the cause of the unexpected moisture could possibly be. Again, not having ever done anything like that before, I had no clue what it was, and promptly freaked the fuck out, thinking it was blood! Remember, it was dark and I had my eyes closed before then. I cautiously and slowly cut the lights on and was genuinely perplexed by what I saw, as I’d never seen anything like that before. Long story short, I put 2+2 together and did it again the following night after my mom was asleep.
  21. I wouldn’t be offended nor flattered. I mean, you’re getting what you want and need, which is the only thing that matters to me. But, I’d be totally bummed it ended so quickly. But, it’s not as if I’d vocalize my disappointment.
  22. Last Sunday at the baths. I hadn't been there for at least a month, but, frankly, hadn't had any luck with the tops online. Too flaky and/or lazy. It just happened to be the Lights Out at my preferred bath, which happens every Sunday, where they turn out all the lights except for the strategically-placed red ones and those fucking stupid blinding laser pointer-like ones that are handed out upon check-in. Man, I REALLY hate those! I've been to other darkroom events in another city where they don't bother with those, and it's pitch fucking black! I WISH my local preferred bath had the stones to do THAT! Nonetheless, I went Sunday evening and dutifully stripped down to my slut uniform (dark hoodie, knee-high socks) and headed out after texting with another bottom at a site I'm usually on who had asked me how was the crowd. I had just gotten in and told him I'd let him know if anything came up. I didn't have to wait long. Not even 3 minutes after sending that message to the other bottom, I was waiting near the slut ramp and GH feature - not waiting for action, but, waiting for the pathway to the opposite end of the club to clear - when a guy wandered up from out of nowhere and immediately went for a handful of cheek. I was admittedly thrown for a loop because my experience and observation has been guys usually grabbling for a handful of dick more than ass. I wasn't complaining about what this guy was doing. Not at all. I was apprehensive about reaching for his dong - I was really nervous for some reason - but, he took care of that and guided my hand down there for me before suggesting we go to my room. Again, I was thrown off because guys usually want to bend you over right there and then in front of everyone. Hell, that's actually what I wanted! But, I led him back to room 311, fully beaming that everyone who was watching knew that he was taking me inside to fuck my ass. Once inside my darkened room, I asked him how he wanted me as I was still upright. I don't think he actually said anything, but, rather, he positioned me towards the mirrored wall with my ass in the air as he stood and stroked behind me. I quickly lubed up (my butt, his cock) and tried to relax. I hadn't been opened up by anyone since hosting a door-unlocked darkroom scene at home weeks ago, and, I don't really use my dildo. So, I was pretty tight initially and couldn't handle his thick cock. After getting the predictable squirming and wincing out of the way, I went for the lube again and made damn sure to get enough in and on there to make this work. I WANTED that cock! I took my position again (face down, ass up), and waited for him to do what he wanted. To my delight, he was gentle at first, which I always SO appreciate. He was really fucking big! I get so nervous about the big ones, and I don't ever want to disappoint. But, he worked it in there really well and was thrusting in-and-out with authority in no time, pausing only long enough to bend down and kiss my lower back. "AW, a sweetie pie", I thought. That went on for a few before he ordered me to turn around and face him on my back with my ass hanging off the bed. He positioned me exactly how he wanted and slipped it in. Deep. And long! Holy fucking shit, he was really giving it to me, and making that slapping noise that I love so much! I was in such sissy bliss I blurted out how much of a "real man" and "real stud" he was. I don't know how that shit comes from my mouth like that. I don't think he knew, either, as he asked me to repeat it. It probably sounded totally fucking retarded. He just kinda went, "Oh..." I didn't care, and I wanted everyone to fucking hear it. He pumped and pumped hard for a few more minutes before slowly pulling out limp. I knew what that meant, but, like a dummy I asked anyway. You know what the question was. Geez, what a dope! He didn't seem bothered by my stupid question and instead offered up enthusiastic "that's how we do it!" as he wiped off and said he'd see me later. I never did.
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