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About Richyrich83

  • Birthday 07/02/1983

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    South West UK
  • Interests
    BB obviously and piss fucking or piss play a must. poz breeding dirty talk is a real turn on.
    Not in as much as i once was, but here for topic content when i can.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    Down to earth, funny I love meeting new people,
  • Porn Experience
  • Looking For
    Uk guys, girls, trans, watersport buddies experienced or want to try.

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  1. I love pissing inside, yes getting hard can be an issue, but if you can its the best.
  2. Yes, watersports is a deal breaker for me, no piss no sex
  3. At least it wasn't a wasted time for you, hope your next search is a good 1
  4. Im sure there will be many participants to piss up your ass.
  5. Simple, dislike of condoms and i prefer sex to be raw and natural.
  6. How did the meet go?
  7. Condoms are a big turn off for me, its skip and next.
  8. I dont recall having any cold or flu like symtoms, until i got thrush in my oesophagus (food pipe) that was my body telling me something was up.
  9. I have encountered this also, once met a guy who wanted to try, i think 2 splashes in, he told me to stop and said "i dont want to do this". And "think ill have a bath" finished a waste of pee into the toilet changed and let myself out. He did say sorry and that pee is not for him. This is a good topic
  10. What about a shower?? Even better with a wet room.
  11. Shame London isn't on your list
  12. Sounds like both of you had a really hot time
  13. Bareback raw only fucks for me. I haven't worn a condom since my teens.
  14. Same here, it's the only way to fuck.
  15. Yes. Occasionally, I have a high pressure job and often it's time critical, it's only natural to get stressed and then not feel horny. There has been some days/nights where I can't be bothered to look at porn etc.
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